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In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in climate change, pasture degradation and its driving forces, and innovations in nomadic pastoralism on the Tibetan Plateau. However, little is known of indigenous strategies of adaptation to pasture degradation, which limits the effectiveness of adaptation strategies planned by local government. This paper analyzes nomads’ strategies of adaptation to pasture degradation on the basis of a field survey of three townships of Dalag County in the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. Pastures there have evidently degraded, with pastures in Wasai mainly in a state of slight or medium degradation and those in Manzhang and Jianshe in a state of medium or severe degradation. With the degradation of pasture, the grazing time is reduced, which affects the livelihoods of nomads. Although the Four-Package Project has commenced in this region, there is still severe fodder shortage in winter and spring. The traditional hay storage strategy does not work because of pasture degradation, and few nomads establish fenced and artificial pastures. Therefore, nomads have employed other strategies, such as renting pasture, providing supplementary feed, and diversifying their livelihoods. Local strategies taken by nomads can provide valuable insights into ecological restoration and livelihood improvement in the region and suggest changes to means promoted by local government. It is necessary to seek new means that combine the best aspects of nomadic pastoralism with modern stockbreeding technologies to help nomads adapt to pasture degeneration and improve their livelihoods.  相似文献   

Postsecular geographies seek to examine how place is linked with identity and how religious identities in turn can be accommodated in public space. Postsecular practices in urban contexts have been researched extensively, but they do not always fully engage with a relational approach to place‐making. This paper argues that through the place‐making practices seen at Virgin Mary statues in Dublin city, Ireland, a relational approach to examining postsecular practices and representations provides a more productive way to understand how the secular and the religious coexist in cities. The paper uses archival and contemporary data gathered from a sample of Marian statues in Dublin city to locate the relational geographies of the religious and the secular. By focussing on the ways that the statues remain uncontested within a changing urban landscape, the paper re‐examines the political significance of religious place‐making practices. It concludes that if geographies of religion in the postsecular city are to have a broader relevance to geography, they need a relational approach to place‐making.  相似文献   

This article analyzes representations of Africa found in ten introductory human geography textbooks. Recent research in communications studies cites the common tendencies of the U.S. media to represent Africa in rhetorical tropes of disaster that are ahistorical and rife with geographical abstraction and misrepresentation. The main textbooks in geography tend to avoid ahistorical and geographical simplification, yet they often repeat stereotypes and misleading media imagery concerning Africa. A broad body of works by geographers in the last decade that offers critical scholarly analysis of both African crises and African everyday life is generally underrepresented in the discipline's introductory textbooks, although some encouraging exceptions do exist to that generalization. It is suggested that geographers need to critically re‐examine the ways in which African examples are utilized to teach fundamentals of human geography.  相似文献   

This article analyzes representations of Africa found in ten introductory human geography textbooks. Recent research in communications studies cites the common tendencies of the U.S. media to represent Africa in rhetorical tropes of disaster that are ahistorical and rife with geographical abstraction and misrepresentation. The main textbooks in geography tend to avoid ahistorical and geographical simplification, yet they often repeat stereotypes and misleading media imagery concerning Africa. A broad body of works by geographers in the last decade that offers critical scholarly analysis of both African crises and African everyday life is generally underrepresented in the discipline's introductory textbooks, although some encouraging exceptions do exist to that generalization. It is suggested that geographers need to critically re-examine the ways in which African examples are utilized to teach fundamentals of human geography.  相似文献   

THE LAND use pattern of nomads appear to vary greatly in different ecologic circumstances, and are generally poorly understood. The present paper describes the pattern developed in Pars province of South Persia, involving the nomad tribes in migrations of considerable distances, and explores the ecologic and demographic implications of this pattern. It also suggests a solution to the incidental cartographic problem of showing the locations of nomadic tribesin the South Persian area. The Basseri tribe, among whom the author spent three months in the spring of 1958, will serve as example in the following treatment.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):181–189, 2009

The paper will explore the sense of place in the Thule district, Northern Greenland, including the emotional topography by which people live. The analytical framework is the notion of a nomadic landscape, drawing from the essay on nomadology by Deleuze & Guattari (2004). The nomadic landscape is constituted by a network of spatial centres—or points of reference—from each of which an infinite spatial realm takes its beginning. The ambition is to demonstrate how, in a nomadic landscape, movement is integral to memory, sociability and experience; this is vital to the understanding of present day responses to the reduced mobility owing to changing weather and ice conditions in the Thule district.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the changing relationship between pastoral nomads and farmers, one of the recurring themes in the history of the arid Near East. In many parts of this region that history has often been characterized in terms of changing cycles of sedentary farming and pastoralism, linked respectively to notions of cultural florescence and collapse. The paper reviews the complex history of cultivation, herding, and industrial activity (copper mining and processing) that has been established for the Wadi Faynan in southern Jordan, a desertic region used today largely by Bedouin herding groups, from the Early Bronze Age to the present day. As recent studies indicate for the Negev region as a whole, it concludes that notions of simplistic cycles in nomad–sedentary relations are unhelpful: historical contingency played a far more important role than the physical landscape and the changes effected to it by climatic shifts over the past 6000 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The tendency to reduce the role of places in the formation of sociospatial identities and to emphasize the impact of sociopolitical structures on place making is growing. We argue that, under certain conditions, places may become salient sources of identity formation. In addition, we suggest viewing different types of places on a continuum from mythical “big places,” to everyday‐life places, to parochial “little places.” We further suggest a distinction between mythical and everyday‐life senses of place. Following Zali Gurevitz, who describes the characteristics of West Bank Jewish settlers' mythical sense of place, we demonstrate how Gaza settlers only partially internalized their conception of place, adopting an everyday‐life conception of thereof. Yet place became a main source of identity for Gaza settlers, who viewed their experience in the settlements as an empowering process that helped them escape their marginality and join the national elite.  相似文献   

The article is dedicated to the problems of survival and development among the aboriginal peoples of northern Russia in the context of current conditions. Data collected in the western art of the Taimyr Autonomous District allowed us to divide the non-sedentary population of this territory into three groups differentiated by overall way of life, land use and economic "calendar." These groups are: the nomadic reindeer herders of the tundra (about 250–300 people), the semi-nomadic fishermenherders of Yenisei delta (about 500), and the nomadic herders of the forest-tundra (300–350). The economy and ways of life of the three non-sedentary groups are are described. Communities whose traditional subsistence base is reindeers have entered a crucial period. In response to the pressure of the dominant society, these peoples have three ossible strategies: isolation, passive adaptation and active adaptation. Only the last strategy can preserve their culture, and create a "neoculture". Now, however, passive adaptation predominates. The mutual, bi-directional process of cultural integration needs to reinforce positive aspects of acculturation and promote active, rather than passive, adaptation. A necessary condition for this is the appearance among the Nenets of an intermediate social stratum which maintains close links to nomadic reindeer-husbandry and is simultaneously integrated into the dominant society.  相似文献   

The forest realm of the Gòòl‐War watershed of southeast Perak, Malaysia holds much socio‐cultural significance to the Semai Orang Asli communities living along these rivers. Notwithstanding its present‐day location within the Bukit Tapah Forest Reserve, the forest continues to be where Semai conceptions of history and lore are encoded in the geographical particulars of the landscape. A thriving forest‐dependent lifestyle maintains and transmits Semai place knowledge, observed in this research through people's command of ancestral place‐names. This paper provides an introduction to Semai toponymy and considers the implications of indigenous place‐names on the protection of indigenous homelands and ways of life.  相似文献   

This article draws on the case of #mysafetyselfie as an example of how social media can be used to highlight the social and spatial factors affecting women's experience with safety. In particular, I consider the ways in which media technology mediates embodied practice through an examination of the selfie as a form of relational place making. In the first section, I situate #mysafetyselfie as a node along a continuum of sociospatial work by Jay Pitter—the project's initiator—stemming from her personal and professional engagement with safety. I then draw from mobile interface theory to argue for the selfie as a practice of embodied implacement, which situates experience as contextually informed. In the next section, I conduct a close reading of three safety selfies from the project, in which safety is framed by the subject in intelligent and creative ways. I conclude by reflecting on the outcomes of #mysafetyselfie and the ethical responsibility of curating stories both offline and online.  相似文献   

A comfortable night out? Alcohol, drunkenness and inclusive town centres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adam Eldridge  Marion Roberts 《Area》2008,40(3):365-374
The Licensing Act (2003) was enacted in England and Wales against the backdrop of media concern about 'binge Britain' and violent town centres avoided by 'social drinkers'. This paper responds to these concerns by asking how to create more inclusive urban centres at night. Findings from focus groups found it was not alcohol consumption or a reluctance to partake in urban life that was detracting residents. Using the notion of 'comfort', the paper instead reveals a strong desire for varied late-night experiences ranging from quiet local venues, to active streets and live venues.  相似文献   

There has recently been discussion on the framings and representations of scale, in particular ways in which scales are constructed and used in legitimizing contrasting views. In these debates, scale has been regarded as an epistemological rather than an ontological question. Moreover, scale has been seen as processual instead of regarding it as a pre-given structure. Drawing on the debates on scale framings and the processual ideas of scale, the article focuses on the temporary framings of scale related to occasional events. The interest is in the discursive framings of scale, and also in the ways in which temporary re-scalings are materialized and embodied in urban spaces. This is illustrated with material related to a European Union meeting that took place in the city of Lahti in Finland in 2006. The case demonstrates how scale-thinking occurs within the city and how an event can produce temporary framings of scale. Using newspaper articles, interviews, field notes, and photographs, the article examines which viewpoints on scale were expressed during the EU meeting, and what kinds of scalar strategies were used in legitimizing different views.  相似文献   

随着情感成为城市品牌的重要资产,非营销人员介入的意义创造过程日益受到重视,从居民的角度解读情感的空间性为城市品牌研究提供了一个新的视角。运用案例研究和半结构式访谈的方法,以广州非裔聚居现象及其意义生产为例,探讨居民情感的发生如何受到媒体和生活经历的影响,审视居民情感对城市移民品牌塑造的作用,初步剖析居民情感驱动的城市移民品牌化的运作机制。研究表明,尽管地方政府并没有利用非裔聚居现象及其文化景观构建品牌叙事,但居民基于人地情感关系,感知、想象和认同地方的意义,进而无形地塑造着广州开放、包容的城市品牌。然而,居民情感也并非连续、统一的整体,城市内部的有机发展使居民与地方产生差异化的情感互动。在媒体表征与个体生活经历的影响下,居民对非裔群体的积极和消极情感分别对城市移民品牌化起到建设性和破坏性的作用。研究呼吁关注居民自下而上的情感表达对城市品牌构建的意义,以期为城市形象管理提供现实参考。  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1557-1565
随着西方学界“日常生活”的兴起与转向,“回归生活世界”与生活本体论成为人文地理学研究的新视角。新时代背景下,中国社会主要矛盾的转化催生地理学人地关系的转变,由静止的、同质的人地关系转变为动态的、异质的人地互动关系,“人”与“地”被赋予日常生活的内涵与外延,“闲暇处才是生活”。在追求美好生活的新时代,地理学需要回答日常生活地理以及休闲具有哪些地理特征,不同主体如何通过日常生活及休闲展演人与地、人与人、人与自我的动态关系,从而建构不同空间尺度的生活实践与地方意义等问题。本专栏主要探讨日常生活及休闲中所展演的主体能动性、空间异质性以及人地互动的复杂性,涉及城市居民的生活休闲与主观幸福感、城市公共空间活力评价以及休闲方式、日常生活中的地方情感与定居意愿等内容,以期尝试用中国本土的实证来回应西方日常生活地理学的研究。期待未来的相关研究能够更加关注边缘群体的日常生活及其休闲,能够弥补城乡休闲中“乡”尺度的不足,能够全面系统地阐述日常生活与休闲在时间演变过程中的变化规律及其机制。专栏旨在推动中国情境的日常生活地理学的理论建构,在实践上以期为新时代美好生活的具体践行贡献地理智慧。  相似文献   

尹铎  钱俊希  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2016,35(12):1517-1528
本文基于表征与非表征的研究视角,分析了以鄂尔多斯康巴什为代表的中国城市新区作为“家”的表征与实践过程。研究发现:针对康巴什新区,外部媒介与地方政府以表征手段建构了截然不同的“家”的意象。其中,BBC、Times等外媒将康巴什新区描绘成充满荒凉景观的“鬼城”和不健康的中国城市居住空间,而在地方政府的重构中,康巴什新区则充满了生态栖居必备的城市景观并成为了先进的城市文化空间。而作为“家”中的居住者,康巴什居民“家”的营建经历了从陌生到认同的渐进过程,这一过程包含了日常生活实践中的空间转换与情感边界的构建。不同行动者共同塑造了康巴什新区多元的、充满矛盾意义的“家”的空间身份。本文旨在丰富中国快速城市化背景下“家”的地理学研究视角与类型,回应“鬼城”话语对地方政府主导的城市化“无家”的质疑,亦是城市新区社会文化研究的有益拓展与补充。  相似文献   

In the context of Charlotte, North Carolina's, emergence as a “globalizing” pre‐emergent immigrant gateway, this paper focuses on a complex and multiscalar set of governmental policies and community‐development dynamics that are shaping localized response to Hispanic/Latino immigration. Specifically, we explore how these policies and dynamics play out spatially in the context of two Charlotte neighborhoods, both of which have similar historical roots and have become magnets for Latino settlement, yet display divergent contemporary place‐making paths. Our exploration reveals the ways in which contexts of receptivity and spaces of both exclusion and inclusion are created by the socio‐spatial components of public policy and the localized response to that policy at the intraurban level. Reinforcing the importance of space and place in the construction of receptivity contexts, the compared stories of Eastside and South Charlotte reveal that neighborhoods are never the product of one transformational force but of many—no matter how they may be perceived in the public imaginary.  相似文献   

将新疆维吾尔自治区16037个地名作为研究对象,利用ArcGIS10.5核密度的空间平滑分析法和数理统计方法,以多语种地名的视角,分析新疆各语种地名空间分布特征及所蕴含的文化内涵。研究发现:汉族与维吾尔族为农耕民族,因生产方式对地形、坡度的挑剔和水源的依赖等特征,新疆汉语和维吾尔语地名多分布于山前冲积平原,以天山山脉为界,天山北麓汉语地名集中分布,南麓维吾尔语地名分布密集;蒙古族与哈萨克族为游牧民族,因其换季游牧需要广阔草场等特性,蒙古语地名多分布于天山北麓以西的缓坡、低山、高平原地区,总体呈现大分散、小集中的特点。哈萨克语地名集中分布于阿尔泰山、塔尔巴哈台山及伊犁河谷的中山区。总体上,新疆多民族多语种地名的分布特征与地形海拔、坡度等地理环境条件和以此为基础的生产方式关系密切。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):380-405
This paper examines place portrayals of an inner-city neighborhood by investigating the interrelationships among the representations of the neighborhood in major mainstream newspapers, the alternative neighborhood press, and local institutions. I argue that the everyday, lived experiences of neighborhood residents are represented through a series of discourses and counter-discourses between the mainstream and local newspapers. Using newspaper articles about vice in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota, I demonstrate that the negative imagery of Frogtown in the mainstream press is contested and challenged in the local neighborhood newspaper, and by activists in the neighborhood. I conclude that while the major press has a dominant role in defining the neighborhood, locally based contestations over the place identity undermine and offer challenges to the hegemony of the popular media. Both local and dominant media discourses contribute to a neighborhood place identity. [Key words: media hegemony, newspapers, neighborhood, place representation.]  相似文献   

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