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This paper aims to examine how seafarers from the Pacific Republic of Kiribati cope with the experience of working with crews of different nationalities, and, further, how the exposure to different cultures during their journeys through international waters influences both their own identity as well as their perceptions of I‐Kiribati culture. Based on examples from open and semi‐structured interviews with seafarers working on German merchant ships and Japanese fishing vessels, the paper questions the application of concepts of “hybridity” in the case of these I‐Kiribati men in favour of the idea of “cultural flexibility”. It further considers to what degree seafarers strongly rooted in the clearly confined cultural values of Kiribati have adapted the values received through their training and employment by German or Japanese and Korean companies and officers. The paper adds to the framework of transnationalism by advancing the notion of emporion, in which the circular and transversal journeys of seafarers are viewed as a connecting space between land‐based areas; a space which provides a basis for an extended knowledge and understanding of different cultural outlooks as well as relations between nations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Theme towns are an often‐overlooked but significant form of tourism in rural areas. Many a small town across the United States, faced with a declining resource‐based economy, has turned to “theming” as an economic‐development strategy. In hopes of creating an alluring landscape, the built environment is radically transformed, and a variety of invented traditions are instituted. This article explores one such place‐Leavenworth, Washington‐that “went Bavarian” in the 1960s and is widely viewed as a success story. We examine four interrelated concepts that produce the symbolic economy of Leavenworth: emulation of other theme towns, authenticity, visual difference, and place marketing. After discussing each, we turn to the questions of how residents are affected by tourism and what it is like to live in Leavenworth.  相似文献   

中国自然文化遗产的价值体系及保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈耀华  刘强 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1111-1120
对自然文化遗产价值的正确认识是处理遗产地保护和利用关系的基础,也是解决遗产地"城市化、商业化、人工化"的前提。本文在梳理国内外对自然文化遗产价值的诸多认识的基础上,依据系统论观点,提出了中国自然文化遗产价值是由"本底价值、直接应用价值和间接衍生价值"构成的"价值体系"。该体系具有明显的层次性,其中本底价值是所有价值存在的基础,这决定了遗产资源必须在保护的前提下才能合理利用;该体系也有空间性,三种价值主要分别存在于遗产地范围以内、遗产地及相邻区域、遗产地范围以外的更大的区域。于是,对自然文化遗产的保护和利用要坚持三个基本原则:严格保护本底价值,确保遗产的真实性和完整性不受损害;适度利用直接应用价值,做到功能综合利用、产品综合开发、产业综合发展;大力发展间接衍生价值,充分发挥其空间结构关联效应和产业发展乘数效应,从而达到带动遗产地所在区域社会、经济发展的目的。  相似文献   

Taking the late Ottoman port and boomtown of Smyrna/Izmir as a case study, I interrogate a priori concepts of cosmopolitanism in historical studies, choosing to be “archivally cosmopolitan” by working from the ground up to interpret primary sources for what they can illuminate about social complexities in the imperial port. A view from the hinterland, well studied as the agricultural economic base of Izmir, presents an Ottoman cultural geography that embraces the city and complicates its “Europeanized” image. A mainstay of daily life—music—reflects this cultural intermixing as well as the social stratification of an entertainment world, a dimension often filtered out of maritime, progressive, Eurocentric historiographies. Recovering stories from inland urban space, I aim to contribute to a dialogue about cosmopolitanism and the extent to which its commonplace usage obscures cultural histories.  相似文献   

世界遗产预备项目“丝绸之路-海路-中国段”研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阙维民 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1678-1688
中国海上丝绸之路申遗于2016年正式启动,迄今尚无有关中国海上丝绸之路申遗专题的综合研究成果。首先建议申遗项目的中英文名称:丝绸之路-海路-中国段(Silk Road-Maritime Route in China),然后探讨“丝绸之路”申遗的国际背景(除1项“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道路网”系列跨国世界遗产外,另有8国递交9项“丝绸之路”预备项目)与“丝绸之路-海路-中国”项目的申报意义(主动性、创新性、唯一性、均衡性、政治性、世界性)。并就申报项目的遗产内容提出具体建议:遗产地从31处扩展至141处,遗产类型在文物遗产的基础上增加了聚落遗产(历史文化名镇、名村、街区)。最后提出在UNESCO世界遗产委员会建立“丝绸之路-海路”申遗专项基金。  相似文献   

以中国文化遗产为研究对象,获取1989—2019年全国文物保护单位、国家级非物质文化遗产、国家级博物馆的基础数据,从整体上探究国家级文化遗产所表现的多元一体格局及其演进,研究表明:① 中国民族文化交融化趋势明显,民族交融文化遗产份额持续上升;② 中国民族文化平等化趋势明显,国家级文化遗产已涵盖全部民族,少数民族文化遗产份额波动上升;③ 中国民族文化原真化趋势明显,各民族文化遗产的分布特征表明在各民族聚居区文化遗产原真性和完整性保护得到充分体现;④ 中国文化遗产所呈现的多元一体民族结构,受到人口、经济、政策因素的影响,其中,人口表现出十分稳定的基础性作用,经济表现出持续弱化的支持性作用,政策表现出较为明显的动力性作用。  相似文献   

评析西方城市土地利用的理论研究   总被引:46,自引:7,他引:46  
刘盛和  吴传钧  陈田 《地理研究》2001,20(1):111-119
综述了西方城市土地利用理论研究的最新进展,较深入地评析了各种研究方法与理论派系的独到功力及其局限性。并结合中国城市土地利用的研究进展,提出今后应加强城市土地利用区位经济的理论与实证研究及城市土地开发过程的政治经济分析  相似文献   

通过深度访谈和意象图分析,对土家族传统村落朝阳村的文化景观基因进行识别、挖掘和提取,发现村落景观基因由环境基因“山-水-田-寨”“上寨-中寨-下寨”十字轴线空间格局,布局基因“屋-巷-屋”“屋-坝-巷”交织的街巷肌理,建筑基因穿斗式、干栏式民居建筑形式与惜字塔、王字格及虎图腾窗花、八字朝门等土家族建筑装饰元素,以及文化基因中的惜字文化、傩堂戏、摆手舞、土家礼仪等共同组成。研究发现,由于过度的旅游开发,无序地挖山采石,导致水土污染、梯田荒废,朝阳村传统村落山水田格局、屋坝巷肌理和传统建筑元素均遭到了严重破坏。为走出困境,朝阳村借助“公众参与”理念,通过搭建“政府-村委村民-社会团体”体系,组织多方共同参与朝阳村文化景观基因保护,更好地传承与延续文化景观基因。与此同时,在整合建筑符号元素、统一街巷传统风貌、整治村落自然环境等方面取得一些可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In pursuit of its foreign‐policy goals, the administration of President George W. Bush has attempted a dramatic reshaping of the vision of the Middle East in the American mind. References to the “new” or “greater” Middle East now include countries far outside traditional concepts of the region, including those in West Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. The administration argues that this region is defined not by cultural (Arab) or religious (Islam) characteristics but by a lack of democracy; hence a grand strategy is needed to execute reform. This article examines current U.S. efforts to achieve reform in the region, the components of the ideological construction of the New Middle East, the perceived role of Iraq, Turkey's potential role as a “model” for the region, and responses from the region to current U.S.‐led reform efforts.  相似文献   

Religion and the expansion of religious sites throughout the built environment have a long and conflict-ridden history. This paper examines the development of three controversial religious sites in Israel that have developed in recent decades in an effort to better understand the kinds of political, social, and locational circumstances that cause some new sites to be regarded as spatially transgressive. The three sites examined here are the Mormon Center in Jerusalem, the Baha'i Gardens in Haifa, and the Church/Mosque in Nazareth. The study is based primarily on 75 structured, open interviews with stakeholders and decision-makers.The broader aim of the paper is to generate a better understanding of the concept of spatial transgression through systematic investigation based on the methodology of “framing.” This methodology provides a comprehensive vocabulary for perceptions, referred to as “frames,” and offers a detailed and systematic typology of frames based on the literature and the empirical data (grounded research) of the case studies.The main findings fall within the three aggregated super-frames identified in the research: “Process,” “Values,” and “Issues.” Of these, the Process super-frame was found to be dominant in all three cases. Comparing the different frames in the three cases enabled us to identify the factors that influenced the transgression process. It also facilitated a better understanding of the different “stories” involved and the concept of spatial transgression, which was found to exist on a scale ranging from low to high intensity. This paper also proposes a framing typology that may prove useful for understanding and mapping similar cases elsewhere.  相似文献   

“Giving voice” to participants has been an important element of qualitative feminist research projects in geography. In this article, I explore scholarship that has questioned qualitative research's reliance on voice, arguing that implicit connections between voice, authenticity, and empowerment are beginning to be unpacked, particularly by scholars engaged in anticolonial work. I draw on anticolonial scholarship to build on and extend feminist debates centered on voice and participation. Feminist attention to voice must be situated within the colonial frameworks and histories of social science research. Scholarship focused on ongoing settler colonial relationships highlights methods both for cautiously proceeding with and consciously refusing incorporating voice within qualitative research. I draw on anticolonial approaches to frame research decisions, voice, and the ethical and methodological dilemmas of its use.  相似文献   

The association between spatial patterns of retail activity and the spatial configuration of street networks was examined by means of the space syntax methodology in eight Israeli cities that represent two city types, characterized by different planning approaches and urban growth: (i) new towns, which were established according to a comprehensive city plan and modern planning concepts of “tree-like” hierarchical street networks and “neighborhood units”; (ii) older cities, where street networks and the spatial patterns of retail activity were formed incrementally during their growth. Unlike in older cities, retail activity in new towns concentrates in relatively less-accessible and intermediate locations. This is indicated by a weak correlation between retail activity and the street network’s Integration and Choice centrality measures. The comparison between Israeli cities illustrates the influence of urban growth and planning approaches on the formation of retail activity and its interaction with the structure of the street network.  相似文献   

Sustainable livelihoods approaches used in international development are applied to a vulnerable New Zealand catchment. The Waiapu Catchment has a high proportion of indigenous residents, and is one of the most remote and deprived areas in the country. Linear and centralised approaches to indigenous development have failed to bring about desired changes. We identify “capitals” (social, human/political, physical, natural, financial and cultural) present in the catchment. From this assessment, we propose capital‐based holistic approaches to bring about community‐led change. The assessment and resulting approaches can be used in other vulnerable environments around the world.  相似文献   

陈才  赵志峰 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1237-1245
关于乡村旅游体验的研究,多以“乡村性”为主题,鲜有基于“真实性”视角的深入探讨。文章基于真实性视角,采用混合研究方法,构建乡村游客真实性体验模型,并进行验证。首先,通过质化研究,构建出“真境”“真情”“真智” “真我”4个维度的概念模型;其次,采用量化研究,验证了“真境”“真情”“真智”“真我”4个维度的合理性,4个维度存在中等程度的关联性,进一步验证表明,4个维度可以收敛在二阶变量“真实性体验”上。乡村游客真实性体验模型既拓展了真实性理论的应用范围,又进一步发展了真实性理论的内涵,为指导乡村旅游实践提供了理论基础。同时,真实性也是乡村游客深层动机的核心元素之一,即可作为乡村性的一个维度,也可独立应用于乡村旅游研究之中。  相似文献   

曾国军  李凌  刘博  陆汝瑞 《地理学报》2014,69(12):1871-1886
在文献梳理基础上,采用结构方程模型方法,构建基于服务质量、食物质量、环境、原真性食物、原真性环境、原真性服务、感知价值、满意度、行为意向等9 个概念的理论模型,讨论广州西贝西北菜餐厅跨地方饮食文化生产的顾客行为意向。研究发现:① 跨地方文化生产餐厅的原真性可从原真性食物、原真性环境、原真性服务三个维度进行解释。原真性饮食文化生产凸显了地方性,但被消费者认知的原真性,是一种被凸显的、符号化的、重塑的原真性,是对学术界争论的几种原真性的杂糅和融合。② 在跨地方文化生产中,原真性环境和服务比原真性食物更重要,尤其是在定位高档的跨地方饮食文化消费情境中,原真性服务对顾客满意感有显著影响,充分证明原真性服务是跨地方文化生产餐厅原真性的重要组成部分,对顾客的原真性体验产生积极影响。这是地方性饮食在跨地方饮食文化生产中的原真性重塑及融合的结果。③ 原真性服务对跨地方饮食文化的原真性重塑具有关键作用,消费者对跨地方饮食文化原真性的体验,取决于远离饮食文化源地的经营地的地方性文化特质。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of 100 years of development of specially protected natural territories of Siberia. Attention is centered on the characteristic features of territorial nature conservation which are determined by the dependence on the political, economic and managerial factors. The analysis revealed the periods of formation, decline, opposite trends and negative dynamics in the establishment of new protected natural territories. Using the history of reserve management and studies of Russia as an example, it is shown that most innovations were tested in Siberia, starting from the establishment of Russia’s first state zapovedniks and zakazniks and ending with the setting up of joint directorates of specially protected natural territories in recent years. It is pointed out that the approaches in substantiating the system of protected natural areas were characterized by fundamental differences: from the organization of “pristine benchmarks” of nature with the ideology of total non-interference, to “farm zapovedniks” for breeding valuable game animals and active maintenance of the population of rare species accompanied by measures to eliminate “harmful” species. The rivalry between the geographical and biocentric approaches is described: in the former case, the preservation of typical natural systems was dominant; in the latter case, the preservation of rare and endangered species was paramount. It is concluded that the unevenness of distribution of zapovedniks, zakazniks and national and natural parks depends on the degree of development and exploration of a relevant territory, the likelihood of a total disappearance of the most valuable areas, and on the existence of lands of indigenous ethnic groups. It is demonstrated that the process of development of the system of territorial nature conservation is governed by the administrative initiative, consideration for the characteristics of a region’s economic development and changeable institutional conditions as well as by the factors of the country’s foreign and internal policy.  相似文献   

Geographers have long debated the superiority of regional versus thematic approaches to geographical analysis and geographic education. While most acknowledge that these two approaches are complementary, the task of implementing both approaches in a single introductory course remains challenging. “Global Change, Local Places,” an Internet–based course offered at Florida State University, attempts to fuse thematic and regional approaches using methodological and pedagogical techniques that emphasize student–centered learning and Internet technologies. Results of a student survey and analysis of student assignments suggest that this format was successful. Students expressed a high level of satisfaction with course content, and, although attainment of skills and knowledge was particularly hard to measure given the structure and goals of the course, students appear to have gained country–specific knowledge as well as skills in critical analysis using thematic concepts.  相似文献   

根据《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》中有关世界遗产的定义和标准以及原真性和完整性原则,对黄河大堤与下游黄河的历史与现状、景观与科学内涵进行了初步的分析,认为黄河大堤与下游黄河可以考虑作为文化与自然双重遗产申报列入《世界遗产名录》。这是一个值得认真研究的问题。申报世界遗产如能成功,对黄河大堤与下游黄河的保护有很重大的意义。  相似文献   

以韩国仙游岛公园为对象,开展工业遗产游憩利用的评价研究,设定评价因子后进行公因子方差分析,得出工业遗产游憩利用评价的6个公因子:“空间布局规划”、“园区文化活动”、“园区环境满意度”、“公共设施与活动空间”、“设施的便利性”、“旅游资源与景观美化”,之后分析公因子评价与权重之间的关系,完成重要性-绩效分析矩阵(IPA)。通过比较各公因子的重要性和绩效,确定公因子增强的排列顺序,从而在资源有限的情况下实现最有效的配置,可为工业遗址游憩空间提供建设规划依据。  相似文献   

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