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The evolution of the abundance of galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the value of the cosmological density parameter, Ω0. Recent ASCA data are used to quantify this evolution as measured by the cluster X-ray temperature function. A χ2 minimization fit to the cumulative temperature function, as well as a maximum-likelihood estimate (which requires additional assumptions about cluster luminosities), leads to the estimate Ω0 ≈ 0.45 ± 0.25 (1σ statistical error). Various systematic uncertainties are considered, none of which significantly enhances the probability that Ω0 = 1. These conclusions hold for models with or without a cosmological constant, i.e., with Λ0 = 0 or Λ0 = 1 − Ω0. The statistical uncertainties are at least as large as any of the individual systematic errors that have been considered here, suggesting that additional temperature measurements of distant clusters will allow an improvement in this estimate. An alternative method that uses the highest redshift clusters to place an upper limit on Ω0 is also presented and tentatively applied, with the result that Ω0  1 can be ruled out at the 98 per cent confidence level. Whilst this method does not require a well-defined statistical sample of distant clusters, there are still modelling uncertainties that preclude a firmer conclusion at this time.  相似文献   

Cold collapse of a cluster composed of small identical clumps, each of which is in virial equilibrium, is considered. Since the clumps have no relative motion with respect to each other initially, the cluster collapses under its own gravity. At the first collapse of the cluster, most of the clumps are destroyed, but some survive. In order to find the condition for the clumps to survive, we made a systematic study in two-parameter space: the number of the clumps N c and the size of the clump r v . We obtained the condition N c ≫ 1 and n k  ≥ 1, where n k is related to r v and the initial radius of the cluster R ini through the relation R ini/ r v  = 2 N ( n k +5)/6c. A simple analytical argument supports the numerical result. This n k corresponds to the index of the power spectrum of the density fluctuation in the cosmological hierarchical clustering, and thus our result may suggest that in the systems smaller than 2/Ω h 2)Mpc, the first violent collapse is strong enough to sweep away all the substructures that exist before the collapse.  相似文献   

We study the distribution function (DF) of dark matter particles in haloes of mass range  1014–1015 M  . In the numerical part of this work we measure the DF for a sample of relaxed haloes formed in the simulation of a standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. The DF is expressed as a function of energy E and the absolute value of the angular momentum L , a form suitable for comparison with theoretical models. By proper scaling we obtain the results that do not depend on the virial mass of the haloes. We demonstrate that the DF can be separated into energy and angular momentum components and propose a phenomenological model of the DF in the form     . This formulation involves three parameters describing the anisotropy profile in terms of its asymptotic values (β0 and  β  ) and the scale of transition between them ( L 0). The energy part   f E ( E )  is obtained via inversion of the integral for spatial density. We provide a straightforward numerical scheme for this procedure as well as a simple analytical approximation for a typical halo formed in the simulation. The DF model is extensively compared with the simulations: using the model parameters obtained from fitting the anisotropy profile, we recover the DF from the simulation as well as the profiles of the dispersion and kurtosis of radial and tangential velocities. Finally, we show that our DF model reproduces the power-law behaviour of phase-space density   Q =ρ( r )/σ3( r )  .  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of the first galaxies at   z ≳ 10  with highly resolved numerical simulations, starting from cosmological initial conditions and taking into account all relevant primordial chemistry and cooling. A first galaxy is characterized by the onset of atomic hydrogen cooling, once the virial temperature exceeds  ≃104 K  , and its ability to retain photoheated gas. We follow the complex accretion and star formation history of a  ≃5 × 107 M  system by means of a detailed merger tree and derive an upper limit on the number of Population III (Pop III) stars formed prior to its assembly. We investigate the thermal and chemical evolution of infalling gas and find that partial ionization at temperatures  ≳104 K  catalyses the formation of  H2  and hydrogen deuteride, allowing the gas to cool to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background. Depending on the strength of radiative and chemical feedback, primordial star formation might be dominated by intermediate-mass Pop III stars formed during the assembly of the first galaxies. Accretion on to the nascent galaxy begins with hot accretion, where gas is accreted directly from the intergalactic medium and shock heated to the virial temperature, but is quickly accompanied by a phase of cold accretion, where the gas cools in filaments before flowing into the parent halo with high velocities. The latter drives supersonic turbulence at the centre of the galaxy and could lead to very efficient chemical mixing. The onset of turbulence in the first galaxies thus likely marks the transition to Pop II star formation.  相似文献   

Using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, we measure the mean transmitted flux in the Lyα forest for quasar sightlines that pass near a foreground quasar. We find that the trend of absorption with pixel quasar separation distance can be fitted using a simple power-law form including the usual correlation function parameters r 0 and γ, so that     . From the simulations, we find the relation between r 0 and quasar host mass, and formulate this as a way to estimate quasar host dark matter halo masses, quantifying uncertainties due to cosmological and IGM parameters, and redshift errors. With this method, we examine data for ∼9000 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5, assuming that the effect of ionizing radiation from quasars (the so-called transverse proximity effect) is unimportant (no evidence for it is seen in the data). We find that the best-fitting host halo mass for SDSS quasars with mean redshift z = 3 and absolute G -band magnitude −27.5 is  log  M /M= 12.68+0.81−0.67  . We also use the Lyman-Break Galaxy (LBG) and Lyα forest data of Adelberger et al. in a similar fashion to constrain the halo mass of LBGs to be  log10  M /M= 11.41+0.54−0.59  , a factor of ∼20 lower than the bright quasars. In addition, we study the redshift distortions of the Lyα forest around quasars, using the simulations. We use the quadrupole to monopole ratio of the quasar Lyα forest correlation function as a measure of the squashing effect. We find its dependence on halo mass difficult to measure, but find that it may be useful for constraining cosmic geometry.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

Large-scale polarization of the cosmic microwave background measured by the WMAP satellite requires a mean optical depth to Thomson scattering,  τe∼ 0.17  . The reionization of the Universe must therefore have begun at relatively high redshift. We have studied the reionization process using supercomputer simulations of a large and representative region of a universe which has cosmological parameters consistent with the WMAP results (  Ωm= 0.3, ΩΛ= 0.7, h = 0.7, Ωb= 0.04, n = 1  and  σ8= 0.9  ). Our simulations follow both the radiative transfer of ionizing photons and the formation and evolution of the galaxy population which produces them. A previously published model with ionizing photon production as expected for zero-metallicity stars distributed according to a standard stellar initial mass function (IMF) (1061 photons per unit solar mass of formed stars) and with a moderate photon escape fraction from galaxies (5 per cent), produces  τe= 0.104  , which is within 1.0 to  1.5σ  of the 'best' WMAP value. Values of up to 0.16 can be produced by taking larger escape fractions or a top-heavy IMF. The data do not require a separate populations of 'miniquasars' or of stars forming in objects with total masses below  109 M  . Reconciling such early reionization with the observed Gunn–Peterson troughs in   z > 6  quasars may be challenging. Possible resolutions of this problem are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe similarity solutions that characterize the collapse of collisional gas on to scale-free perturbations in an Einstein–de Sitter universe. We consider the effects of radiative cooling and derive self-similar solutions under the assumption that the cooling function is a power law of density and temperature, Λ( T , ρ )∝ ρ 3/2 T . We use these results to test the ability of smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) techniques to follow the collapse and accretion of shocked, rapidly cooling gas in a cosmological context. Our SPH code reproduces the analytical results very well in cases that include or exclude radiative cooling. No substantial deviations from the predicted central mass accretion rates or from the temperature, density and velocity profiles are observed in well-resolved regions inside the shock radius. This test problem lends support to the reliability of SPH techniques to model the complex process of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

In this paper we have extended the entropy-driven model of cluster evolution developed by Bower in order to be able to predict the evolution of galaxy clusters for a range of cosmological scenarios. We have applied this model to recent measurements of the evolution of the L x− T normalization and X-ray luminosity function in order to place constraints on cosmological parameters. We find that these measurements alone do not select a particular cosmological framework. An additional constraint is required on the effective slope of the power spectrum to break the degeneracy that exists between this and the background cosmology. We therefore include a theoretical calculation of the Ω0 dependence on the power spectrum, based on the cold dark matter paradigm, which infers Ω0<0.55 (0.1<Ω0<0.7 for Ω00=1), at the 95 per cent confidence level. Alternatively, an independent measurement of the slope of the power spectrum from galaxy clustering requires Ω0<0.6 (Ω0<0.65 for Ω00=1), again to 95 per cent confidence. The rate of entropy evolution is insensitive to the values of Ω0 considered, although it is sensitive to changes in the distribution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We perform a spectrophotometric analysis of galaxies at redshifts z = 4–6 in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of a Λ cold dark matter universe. Our models include radiative cooling and heating by a uniform ultraviolet (UV) background, star formation, supernova feedback, and a phenomenological model for galactic winds. Analysing a series of simulations of varying box size and particle number allows us to isolate the impact of numerical resolution on our results. Specifically, we determine the luminosity functions in B , V , R , i ' and z ' filters, and compare the results with observational surveys of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) performed with the Subaru telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope . We find that the simulated galaxies have UV colours consistent with observations and fall in the expected region of the colour–colour diagrams used by the Subaru group. The stellar masses of the most massive galaxies in our largest simulation increase their stellar mass from   M ∼ 1011 M  at z = 6 to   M ∼ 1011.7 M  at z = 3. Assuming a uniform extinction of E ( B − V ) = 0.15, we also find reasonable agreement between simulations and observations in the space density of UV bright galaxies at z = 3–6, down to the magnitude limit of each survey. For the same moderate extinction level of E ( B − V ) ∼ 0.15, the simulated luminosity functions match observational data, but have a steep faint-end slope with α∼−2.0. We discuss the implications of the steep faint-end slope found in the simulations. Our results confirm the generic conclusion from earlier numerical studies that UV bright LBGs at z ≥ 3 are the most massive galaxies with E ( B − V ) ∼ 0.15 at each epoch.  相似文献   

We use a high-resolution ΛCDM numerical simulation to calculate the mass function of dark matter haloes down to the scale of dwarf galaxies, back to a redshift of 15, in a  50 h −1 Mpc  volume containing 80 million particles. Our low-redshift results allow us to probe low-σ density fluctuations significantly beyond the range of previous cosmological simulations. The Sheth & Tormen mass function provides an excellent match to all of our data except for redshifts of 10 and higher, where it overpredicts halo numbers increasingly with redshift, reaching roughly 50 per cent for the  1010–1011 M  haloes sampled at redshift 15. Our results confirm previous findings that the simulated halo mass function can be described solely by the variance of the mass distribution, and thus has no explicit redshift dependence. We provide an empirical fit to our data that corrects for the overprediction of extremely rare objects by the Sheth & Tormen mass function. This overprediction has implications for studies that use the number densities of similarly rare objects as cosmological probes. For example, the number density of high-redshift  ( z ≃ 6) QSOs  , which are thought to be hosted by haloes at 5σ peaks in the fluctuation field, are likely to be overpredicted by at least a factor of 50 per cent. We test the sensitivity of our results to force accuracy, starting redshift and halo-finding algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the plausible luminosity evolution of early-type galaxies in different cosmological models by constructing a set of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) models via the choices of the star-formation rate (SFR) parameters and formation redshift z f of galaxies, with the observational constraints derived from the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST  ) morphological number counts for elliptical and S0 galaxies of the Medium Deep Survey (MDS) and the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). We find that the number counts of early-type galaxies can be explained by the pure luminosity evolution models, without invoking exotic scenarios such as merging or introducing an additional population, but the evolution should be nearly passive, with a high z f assumed. The conclusion is valid in all of the three cosmological models we adopt in this paper. We also present the redshift distributions for three bins of observed magnitudes in the F814w passband, to show the redshift at which the objects that dominate the counts at a given magnitude may be found. The predictions of the redshift distribution of 22.5 <  b j  < 24.0 are also presented for comparison with future data.  相似文献   

We use the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to study the galaxy luminosity–size  ( M – R e )  distribution. With a careful analysis of selection effects due to both detection completeness and measurement reliability, we identify bias-free regions in the   M – R e   plane for a series of volume-limited samples. By comparison to a nearby survey also having well-defined selection limits, namely the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue, we present clear evidence for evolution in surface brightness since   z ∼ 0.7  . Specifically, we demonstrate that the mean, rest-frame B -band  〈μ〉 e   for galaxies in a sample spanning 8 mag in luminosity between   M B =−22  and −14 mag increases by ∼1.0 mag arcsec−2 from   z ∼ 0.1  to 0.7. We also highlight the importance of considering surface brightness-dependent measurement biases in addition to incompleteness biases. In particular, the increasing, systematic underestimation of Kron fluxes towards low surface brightnesses may cause diffuse, yet luminous, systems to be mistaken for faint, compact objects.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution SPH simulations in a fully cosmological Λ cold dark matter context, we study the formation of a bright disc-dominated galaxy that originates from a 'wet' major merger at   z = 0.8  . The progenitors of the disc galaxy are themselves disc galaxies that formed from early major mergers between galaxies with blue colours. A substantial thin stellar disc grows rapidly following the last major merger and the present-day properties of the final remnant are typical of early-type spiral galaxies, with an i -band bulge-to-disc ratio ∼0.65, a disc scalelength of 7.2 kpc,   g − r = 0.5 mag  , an H  i linewidth ( W 20/2) of 238 km s−1 and total magnitude   i =−22.4  . The key ingredients for the formation of a dominant stellar disc component after a major merger are (i) substantial and rapid accretion of gas through cold flows followed at late times by cooling of gas from the hot phase, (ii) supernova feedback that is able to partially suppress star formation during mergers and (iii) relative fading of the spheroidal component. The gas fraction of the progenitors' discs does not exceed 25 per cent at   z < 3  , emphasizing that the continuous supply of gas from the local environment plays a major role in the regrowth of discs and in keeping the galaxies blue. The results of this simulation alleviate the problem posed for the existence of disc galaxies by the high likelihood of interactions and mergers for galaxy-sized haloes at relatively low z .  相似文献   

The evolution of marginally bound supercluster-like objects in an accelerating Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) Universe is followed, by means of cosmological simulations, from the present time to an expansion factor   a = 100  . The objects are identified on the basis of the binding density criterion introduced by Dünner et al. Superclusters are identified with the ones whose mass   M > 1015  h −1 M  , the most massive one with   M ∼ 8 × 1015  h −1 M  , comparable to the Shapley supercluster. The spatial distribution of the superclusters remains essentially the same after the present epoch, reflecting the halting growth of the cosmic web as Λ gets to dominate the expansion of the Universe. The same trend can be seen in the stagnation of the development of the mass function of virialized haloes and bound objects. The situation is considerably different when looking at the internal evolution, quantified in terms of their shape, compactness and density profile, and substructure in terms of their multiplicity function. We find a continuing evolution from a wide range of triaxial shapes at   a = 1  to almost perfect spherical shapes at   a = 100  . We also find a systematic trend towards a higher concentration. Meanwhile, we see their substructure gradually disappearing, as the surrounding subclumps fall in and merge to form one coherent, virialized system.  相似文献   

A new means of incorporating radiative transfer into smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is introduced, which builds on the success of two previous methods – the polytropic cooling approximation as devised by Stamatellos et al. and flux-limited diffusion. This hybrid method preserves the strengths of its individual components, while removing the need for atmosphere matching or other boundary conditions to marry optically thick and optically thin regions. The code uses a non-trivial equation of state to calculate temperatures and opacities of SPH particles, which captures the effects of H2 dissociation, H0 ionization, He0 and He+ ionization, ice evaporation, dust sublimation, molecular absorption, bound-free and free–free transitions and electron scattering. The method is tested in several scenarios, including (i) the evolution of a  0.07 M  protoplanetary disc surrounding a  0.5 M  star; (ii) the collapse of a  1 M  protostellar cloud and (iii) the thermal relaxation of temperature fluctuations in a static homogeneous sphere.  相似文献   

We forecast the constraints on the values of  σ8, Ωm  and cluster scaling-relation parameters which we expect to obtain from the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS). We assume a flat Λ cold dark matter Universe and perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis of the evolution of the number density of galaxy clusters that takes into account a detailed simulated selection function. Comparing our current observed number of clusters shows good agreement with predictions. We determine the expected degradation of the constraints as a result of self-calibrating the luminosity–temperature relation (with scatter), including temperature measurement errors, and relying on photometric methods for the estimation of galaxy cluster redshifts. We examine the effects of systematic errors in scaling relation and measurement error assumptions. Using only  ( T , z )  self-calibration, we expect to measure Ωm to ±0.03 (and  ΩΛ  to the same accuracy assuming flatness), and σ8 to ±0.05, also constraining the normalization and slope of the luminosity–temperature relation to ±6 and ±13 per cent (at 1σ), respectively, in the process. Self-calibration fails to jointly constrain the scatter and redshift evolution of the luminosity–temperature relation significantly. Additional archival and/or follow-up data will improve on this. We do not expect measurement errors or imperfect knowledge of their distribution to degrade constraints significantly. Scaling-relation systematics can easily lead to cosmological constraints 2σ or more away from the fiducial model. Our treatment is the first exact treatment to this level of detail, and introduces a new 'smoothed ML' (Maximum Likelihood) estimate of expected constraints.  相似文献   

We study the geometry and topology of the large-scale structure traced by galaxy clusters in numerical simulations of a box of side 320 h −1 Mpc, and compare them with available data on real clusters. The simulations we use are generated by the Zel'dovich approximation, using the same methods as we have used in the first three papers in this series. We consider the following models to see if there are measurable differences in the topology and geometry of the superclustering they produce: (i) the standard cold dark matter model (SCDM); (ii) a CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 (OCDM); (iii) a CDM model with a 'tilted' power spectrum having n  = 0.7 (TCDM); (iv) a CDM model with a very low Hubble constant, h  = 0.3 (LOWH); (v) a model with mixed CDM and HDM (CHDM); (vi) a flat low-density CDM model with Ω0 = 0.2 and a non-zero cosmological Λ term (ΛCDM). We analyse these models using a variety of statistical tests based on the analysis of: (i) the Euler–Poincaré characteristic; (ii) percolation properties; (iii) the minimal spanning tree construction. Taking all these tests together we find that the best-fitting model is ΛCDM and, indeed, the others do not appear to be consistent with the data. Our results demonstrate that despite their biased and extremely sparse sampling of the cosmological density field, it is possible to use clusters to probe subtle statistical diagnostics of models, which go far beyond the low-order correlation functions usually applied to study superclustering.  相似文献   

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