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青岛对丝藻属Antithamnion Nageli的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对丝藻属由Nageli,C.1847年建立,分布于地中海、大西洋和太平洋。已报道的约有45种。近年来Wollaston等根据藻体小枝及腺细胞等特征,将原属于对丝藻属的一些种类移至凝对丝藻属Antithamnionella中。  相似文献   

凹顶藻属(Laurencia)属于红藻门,真红藻纲,仙菜目,松节藻科,凹顶藻亚科。本属是松节藻科种类最多的少数几个属之一,目前世界上已知约85种左右,多生于热带、亚热带和温带海域。本属的种类变异很大,在分类上被认为是很困难的一个属。 本文对我国西沙群岛产的凹顶藻属进行了分类研究,除因标本数量过少或因缺乏必要的生殖器官,有待将来调查采集补充标本后再行研究外,经鉴定共有下列11种,隶于两个亚属和6个组。  相似文献   

于1963年在内蒙古自治区包头市南,黄河堤坝北岸盐碱地积水洼中采得两号标本,经光镜观察表明,该新植物为鞘毛藻科一新属——辐枝藻属。辐枝藻为分枝丝状体,由匍匐部分和直立部分组成;匍匐枝彼此贴靠形成单层细胞厚的假薄壁组织;直立枝具粗壮的主轴和细的小枝;部分小枝末端细胞具一条长的鞘毛;每个细胞具一个周生、片状的色素体,蛋白核一至多个,具一个细胞核。该藻以动孢子营无性生殖,动孢子囊位于枝或小枝顶端。此新属仅一新种,为嗜盐辐枝藻。模式标本保存于中国科学院水生生物研究所。  相似文献   

根据1957~1987年期间采自浙江和福建沿岸的仙菜科海藻标本,初步鉴定有7属14种。分两次报道,首先报道其中的5屑7种:复羽多孢藻Pleonosporiumvenustissimum、日本对丝藻Antithamnionnipponicum和卡洛绢丝藻Callithamnioncallophyllidicola为我国首次较全面描述和绘图记录;赫勒对丝藻Antithamnionhubbsii为浙、闽海域首次报道;而如下三个种纵胞藻Centrocerasclavulatum、日本凋毛藻Griffithsiajaponica和对公藻Antithammioncruciatum在浙、闽海区早有报道。  相似文献   

我们在对我国西沙群岛海藻的研究过程中,发现有两号标本,根据其形态构造,其地位应属于真红藻纲红皮藻目节荚藻科的腹枝藻属(Gastroclonium)或腔炼藻属(Coeloseira)。腹枝藻属是 Ktzing 在1843年建立的。本属的主要特征为藻体具一中实的主干,上生中空并有横隔膜的小枝,小枝由一些缢缩成节的节片组成;囊果中心有一大的融合胞,胞周围附有大的果孢子;四分孢子体具四分孢子囊,有时有多孢子囊。1940年,Hollenberg  相似文献   

钙扇藻属(Udotea)植物广为分布于热带海洋,特别盛产于珊瑚礁上。绝大多数种类的分布具有很大的海区局限性,例如,一般的大西洋种类(除了个别例外)不产于印度-西太平洋海区,反过来也一样。与它们的广泛热带分布相反,对其分类研究工作做的却很少。自从1911年Gepp等对这个属进行了系统分类,报道了15种;六十几年来,只增添了一个新种和一个新变种,还没有任何藻类工作者对这属的系统分类进行研究。除Gepp等报道了它们的内部结构以外,其他藻类工作者仅简略地描述了外部形态和一些藻丝的情况。 1957年和1958年,中国科学院海洋研究所曾派调查组到我国西沙群岛进行海藻调查时,采集了113号标本。经过我们的初步分析研究,西沙群岛的钙扇藻属的区系是非常丰富的。本文所报道的六个新种,仅只是西沙群岛钙扇藻区系的一部分。所用标本,包括模式标本都保存在中国科学院海洋研究所植物标本室。  相似文献   

胡征宇 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(S1):88-90
对1950,1953,1955,1957和1990年在湖北省武昌县、黄陵县、江陵县、武汉市和江苏省无锡市采集的藻类标本进行分类。鉴定表明,它们是栅藻属的3个新种:纤维藻形栅藻,球刺栅藻和湖生栅藻。模式标本保存于中国科学院水生生物研究所藻类标本室(IHBA)。  相似文献   

施之新 《海洋与湖沼》1998,29(3):261-268
于1975-1985年,相继在湖北、湖南、云南和陕西等省进行淡水藻类标本的采集,然后进行裸藻门分类研究,发现了裸藻类的新分类单位。它们是无色裸藻类中2个属的10个新种类;隶属于变换藻属(Aatasia)的有5新种和1个7新变种,即梭形变胞藻(A.acus)、棒形变胞藻(A.clcviformis)、纺锤变胞藻(A.fusiformis)、梨形为胞藻(A.pyriformis)、矩形变胞藻(A.re  相似文献   

绒扇藻属(Avrainvillea)藻体广泛分布于热带、亚热带海洋,尤其盛产于珊瑚礁上。因此,该属种类的分布在很大程度上受海区的限制。绒扇藻属的主要特征是藻体深绿色,褐绿色或黑褐色,基部是由假根状丝体相互交织,构成固着器,固着在礁石上。叶柄单生或具有多次分裂。叶片单个或多个,形状不一,多数为扇形,长圆形,肾形到扁压。藻体不钙化,通常黄色或褐色。二叉状分枝,基部常常缢缩,似念珠状或念珠状。皮层丝体无明显分化或具假皮层。关于绒扇藻属海藻的分类研究,至今为止,已发现23个种。 关于中国绒扇藻属的研究,最早是C.K.Tseng(曾呈奎)于1938年在“海南岛海产绿藻研究Ⅱ”中首次报道了两种绒扇藻,即直立绒扇藻Avrainvillea erecta (Berkeley) A. Gepp et E.S.Gepp和裂片绒扇藻A.lacerata J. Agardh,而后在1983年,在曾呈奎主编的《Common Seaweeds of China》一书中,报道了上述种类,并将其产地扩大到西沙群岛。1991年,陆保仁等在“南沙群岛海区的褐藻和绿藻研究I”中,第三次报道了裂片绒扇藻,将其产地扩大到南沙群岛。最近,作者在研究中国绒扇藻属的标本时,除了己经报道的两种外,又发现该属的1个新种(西沙绒扇藻Avrainvillea xishaensis Tseng, Dong et Lu sp. nov.)和3个新记录[模糊绒扇藻A.obscura (C.Agardh)J. Agardh,和氏绒扇藻A.hollenbergii Trono,群栖绒扇藻A.amadelpha (Montagne)A. Gepp et E.S. Gepp。至今共发现了6个种,其标本均存放在中国科学院海洋研究所植物标本室。  相似文献   

1990年以来,采用多因子正交试验方法,对悬浮生长的条斑紫菜膨大藻丝即孢子囊技生长发育规律进行研究。通过细胞工程方法,建立悬浮培养的膨大藻丝无性系,并使该无性系长年大量繁殖。经过对膨大藻丝的生长发育调控,可使膨大藻丝适时,大量放散壳孢子。  相似文献   

鳚亚目 4 科 33 属 95 种,鰕虎鱼亚目 5 科 98 属 259 种,刺尾鱼亚目 5 科 11 属 65 种,鲈形目 19亚目 104 科 535 属 1799 种。  相似文献   

Soil-sized particulates have been collected on board ship by a mesh technique from the lower troposphere of the North, Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean, northern and southern Indian Ocean, South and East China Sea and various coastal localities.Spectrographic analysis reveals that, on average, the particulates have concentrations of Mn, Ni, Co, Ga, Cr, V, Ba, and Sr which are of the same order of magnitude as those in average crustal material. In contrast, the average concentrations of Pb, Sn, and Zn are one order of magnitude higher than those in average crustal material.Within this “world-wide” average there are significant geographical variations in the distributions of Pb, Sn, and Zn which may be related to anthropogenic sources.On the basis of trace-element distributions lower tropospheric soil-sized marine particulates have been divided into four genetic components; local, zonal, inter-zonal, and global. The proportions of these components vary geographically, and each component may have both a natural and an anthropogenic fraction.  相似文献   

Tautog, Tautoga onitis, is an abundant species of fish in estuaries of the northeastern United States. Planktonic tautog larvae are abundant in summer in these estuaries, but there is little information on rates of growth of tautog larvae feeding on natural assemblages of food in the plankton. We examined abundance and growth of larval tautog and environmental factors during weekly sampling at three sites along a nearshore‐to‐offshore transect in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA during summer 1994. This is the first study of a robust sample size (336 larvae) to estimate growth rates of field‐caught planktonic tautog larvae feeding on natural diets, using the otolith daily‐growth‐increment method. The study was over the entire summer period when tautog larvae were in the plankton. The sampling sites contrasted in several environmental variables including temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll a concentration. There was a temporal progression in the abundance of tautog larvae over the summer, in relation to location and temperature. Tautog larvae were first present nearshore, with a pronounced peak in abundance occurring at the nearshore sites during the last 2 weeks in June. Larvae were absent at this time further offshore. From late June through August, larval abundance progressively decreased nearshore, but increased offshore although never approaching the abundance levels observed at the nearshore sites. The distribution and abundance of tautog larvae appeared to be related to a nearshore‐to‐offshore seasonal warming trend and a nearshore decrease in DO. Otoliths from 336 larvae ranging from 2.3 to 7.7 mm standard length had otolith increment counts ranging from 0 to 19 increments. Growth of larval tautog was estimated at 0.23 mm·day?1, and length of larvae prior to first increment formation was estimated at 2.8 mm indicating that first increment formation occurs 3–4 days after hatching at 2.2 mm. Despite spatial and temporal differences in environmental factors, there were no significant differences in growth rates at any of three given sites over time, or between sites. Because larval presence only occurred at a narrow range of temperature (17–23.5 °C) and DO (6.5–9.3 mg·l?1), in situ differences in growth did not appear to be because of differences in larval distribution and abundance patterns relative to these parameters.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si), germanium species, arsenic species, tin, barium, dimethylsulfide and related parameters were measured along the salinity gradient in Charlotte Harbor. Phosphate enrichment from the phosphate industry on the Peace River promotes a productive diatom bloom near the river mouth where NO3 and Si are completely consumed. Inorganic germanium is completely depleted in this bloom by uptake into biogenic opal. The GeSi ratio taken up by diatoms is about 0·7 × 10?6, the same as that provided by the river flux, confirming that siliceous organisms incorporate germanium as an accidental trace replacement for silica. Monomethylgermanium and dimethylgermanium concentrations are undetectable in the Peace River, and increase linearly with increasing salinity to the seawater end of the bay, suggesting that these organogermanium species behave conservatively in estuaries, and are neither produced nor consumed during estuarine biogenic opal formation or dissolution. Inorganic arsenic displays slight removal in the bloom. Monomethylarsenic is produced both in the bloom and in mid-estuary, while dimethylarsenic is conservative in the bloom but produced in mid-estuary. The total production of methylarsenicals within the bay approximately balances the removal of inorganic arsenic, suggesting that most biological arsenic uptake in the estuary is biomethylated and released to the water column. Dimethylsulfide increases with increasing salinity in the estuary and shows evidence of removal, probably both by degassing and by microbial consumption. An input of DMS is observed in the central estuary. The behavior of total dissolvable tin shows no biological activity in the bloom or in mid-estuary, but does display a low-salinity input signal that parallels dissolved organic material, perhaps suggesting an association between tin and DOM. Barium displays dramatic input behavior at mid-salinities, probably due to slow release from clays deposited in the harbor after catastrophic phosphate slime spills into the Peace River.  相似文献   

以苯酚和4—溴苯甲酸为原料,合成一种尚未见文献记载的新化合物——4—溴苯甲酸—2,3,4,5,6—五溴苯酯,用无水三氯化铝催化苯酚的全溴化。此产物可望在阻燃剂方面得到应用。  相似文献   

Three years of temperature data along two transects extending to 90 m depth, at Palau, Micronesia, show twice-a-day thermocline vertical displacements of commonly 50–100 m, and on one occasion 270 m. The internal wave occurred at a number of frequencies. There were a number of spectral peaks at diurnal and semi-diurnal frequencies, as well as intermediate and sub-inertial frequencies, less so at the inertial frequency. At Palau the waves generally did not travel around the island because there was no coherence between internal waves on either side of the island. The internal waves at a site 30 km offshore were out-of-phase with those on the island slopes, suggesting that the waves were generated on the island slope and then radiated away. Palau Island was thus a source of internal wave energy for the surrounding ocean. A numerical model suggests that the tidal and low-frequency currents flowing around the island form internal waves with maximum wave amplitude on the island slope and that these waves radiate away from the island. The model also suggests that the headland at the southern tip of Palau prevents the internal waves to rotate around the island. The large temperature fluctuations (commonly daily fluctuations ≈10 °C, peaking at 20 °C) appear responsible for generating a thermal stress responsible for a biologically depauperate biological community on the island slopes at depths between 60 and 120 m depth.  相似文献   

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