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利用常规气象观测资料,FY-2G卫星、喀什多普勒雷达、全球同化系统(global data assimilation system, GDAS)数据及NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料,对2020年11月20—23日发生在南疆西部喀什、克州地区的一次暴雪天气过程进行了多尺度诊断分析。结果表明:500 hPa中亚低涡为此次暴雪天气过程发生的大尺度环流背景,700~850 hPa切变线提供有利的动力条件,中低层持续上升运动以及低层辐合、高层辐散的配置为暴雪提供动力支持;HYSPLIT水汽后向轨迹模拟结果显示,此次暴雪水汽源地主要在里海—咸海、西西伯利亚,不同高度上两者水汽贡献率有明显差别,里海水汽贡献率大于西西伯利亚水汽贡献率,因此偏西路径水汽输送占比略多;整个暴雪天气过程中雷达回波以层状云回波为主,回波强度仅为20~25 dBz,但有弱的对流特征;降雪开始时卫星云图上云顶亮温迅速下降,降雪区处于其等值线边缘的梯度大值区。  相似文献   

对2003年3月初发生在南疆西部的一次特大暴雪天气进行了天气成因分析。着重从大尺度环流的演变、高低空急流的配置、物理量场的特征入手,探讨了南疆西部大降水形成的物理、动力条件。  相似文献   

2015年12月10-12日新疆大面积暴雪是欧洲脊发展衰退、乌拉尔低槽东移南下环流形势下的极端强天气过程,环流形势、高低空系统配置与新疆强降水研究成果[1-3]吻合,高低空三支急流是大尺度上升运动维持和水汽输送、辐合的重要系统。暴雪过程中存在3条水汽输送路径,水汽长时间向暴雪区输送且输送厚度较厚,水汽辐合从低层发展、东移时层次抬升强度增强,水汽输送和辐合主要出现在低层700-850hPa,当水汽输送层和辐合层降低、强度减弱后最强降水开始。天山地形强迫抬升作用明显,低层水汽在天山北坡聚集抬升,低层冷垫有利于中层西南暖湿气流向北输送。环流经向度大和槽前偏南风强、天山地形的强迫抬升和上升运动维持以及水汽持续输送和3条中尺度云带的持续影响是此次新疆极端暴雪形成的重要机制。  相似文献   

受强冷空气和低空切变共同影响,2009年2月12日17时至13日08时,集安市出现了历史同期最强的冬季大到暴雨天气,其它市县出现了历史同期最强的雨转暴雪天气过程,本文以常规气象资料及数值预报资料为基础,从大尺度环流特征、影响天气系统、雨转暴雪的前期气温分析、温度场结构特征、各气压层大气温度结构特征,动力条件及高低空急流配置、水汽条件、卫星云图等方面对此次天气过程进行分析。结果表明:本次强降水是产生在欧亚中高纬度呈-槽-脊经向环流形势下,500hPa北涡南槽、地面江淮气旋、850hPa切变线是主要影响天气系统:地面江淮气旋东移加强北上对雨转暴雪天气的形成和维持起到重要作用,2月12日最高气温上升到6~8℃,如此高温为通化地区降水积累了强大动力和能量来源,也是本次降水开始是雨原因。降水开始时我省的东南部受暖锋控制,降水以雨的性质为主,随着冷锋东移南下,我区自北到向南依次转为降雪。高低空急流的动力耦合作用、低空的西南急流水汽输送带从孟加拉湾、南海、东海、黄海带来异常充沛的水汽和强烈的辐合所产生的垂直上升运动是本次强降水的重要原因;低层北方冷空气与南方暖湿气流交汇使低层形成强锋区,为雨转暴雪的产生提供了动力。  相似文献   

2012年3月18-22日新疆出现了春季寒潮、大范围雨雪风沙天气,本文应用常规气象资料和NCEP1oX1o格点资料,从南北疆暴雨雪落区预报角度出发,诊断分析了乌鲁木齐周围暴雪、南疆西部山区持续暴雪和南疆西部多次明显降雨的高低空环流配置、热动力条件和水汽条件,初步归纳了上述雨雪落区的预报思路及其相应的预报指标。  相似文献   

利用常规气象资料、FY-2C卫星云图和鄂尔多斯多普勒雷达资料,对2017年2月20—21日内蒙古河套地区的暴雪天气过程进行分析,结果表明:此次暴雪天气是在两脊一槽的环流形势中,高空槽、低层切变线与低空急流配合地面倒槽产生的;高低空急流耦合,为降雪天气的发生提供动力条件,低层700h Pa低空急流源源不断的将南海水汽输送至河套地区上空,为降雪天气的发生提供水汽条件;卫星云图上显示,强降雪主要发生在明亮密实的盾状云区,高低空急流与云区一一对应;雷达回波强度整体偏弱且稳定,但持续时间近12h,长时间的停留是此次暴雪天气发生的主要原因,回波顶高度基本位于6km以下,低层有暖平流进入,反映出此次降雪过程为稳定的层状云降雪。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局MICAPS地面、高空等常规观测资料及欧洲中心ERA-Interim的0.25°(纬度)×0.25°(经度)逐6 h再分析资料,对2015年11月5日至7日影响北京、河北的一次降雪过程的环流形势和动热力物理量进行了诊断分析,揭示了降雪特征及其形成原因。环流形势分析发现,此次降雪是在高空两槽一脊叠加短波槽活动天气背景下的“回流型”降雪。500 hPa有西伯利亚脊的发展和内蒙古地区气旋性涡旋及其向南发展出的弱槽,使得偏北冷空气与西南暖气流在河北地区相遇,伴随低层700 hPa的低涡发展,造成了此次降雪天气。500 hPa多小槽波动东移,使得雨雪天气维持较长时间;700 hPa受偏南暖湿气流影响,850 hPa为偏东风,地面高压底部偏东风配合倒槽,有较好的上升运动和水汽输送条件;高湿的大气环境条件和低层水汽辐合及抬升为降雪发生提供了充沛的水汽;高低空急流的形成,与散度场、涡度场和垂直速度场的高低空耦合配置,为降雪天气的发生创造了动力条件。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2016年1月下旬广东罕见大范围雨雪冰冻天气过程的大尺度环流和冷空气活动特征、动力和水汽条件,采用湿球温度讨论了降水相态和大气温度垂直结构特征。结果表明:此次寒潮过程环流形势为横槽转竖型,横槽下摆引导强冷空气向南迅猛爆发,以及伴随着异常强的冷高压、锋区、冷温度中心和冷温度平流的冷空气主力南侵,是本次寒潮过程粤北和广东中南部温度陡降的主要原因;700 hPa冷暖空气的辐合,以及700 hPa西南气流从孟加拉湾输送水汽经中南半岛北部到北部湾至华南地区加强并辐合,是造成雨雪冰冻天气产生的重要动力和水汽条件;在有利的大尺度环流、动力和水汽条件配合下,降水相态的变化与暖层强度及湿球温度密切相关,暖层的明显减弱及暖层下方湿球温度低于0 ℃冷冻层的强度增强,导致降水相态由雨向雪、雨夹雪、霰等固态降水转变;在发生固态降水的平均时段内,粤北地区中低层湿球温度均低于0 ℃,无明显融化作用,产生纯雪或雨夹雪的可能性大;而位置偏南的珠江三角洲地区仍存在浅薄的暖层,因此主要出现雨夹雪或霰。当寒潮入侵涉及华南降水相态预报时,需要注重实况探空和模式预报探空的大气温湿垂直结构的分析,更应重视湿球温度的研究和应用。  相似文献   

利用常规观测、区域自动站、地基GPS观测的大气可降水量和美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析等资料,采用水汽通量诊断、后向轨迹模型等方法,分析2022年3月18—22日(简称“03?20”过程)阿克苏地区西部极端降水的环流形势、高低空配置、水汽输送、水汽收支及水汽追踪等。结果表明:(1)此次极端降水过程受中纬度较强西风锋区上波动影响,强降水期间,环流配置与夏季南疆西部典型暴雨过程类似,即处在200 hPa西南急流、500偏西气流、850南疆盆地偏东急流、低层切变与辐合的重合区。(2)暴雨期间,水汽自南欧—地中海—里海南部—咸海南部输送至南疆西部,并在阿克苏地区北部辐合,最强水汽辐合集中在700~850 hPa;西边界各层均以水汽输入为主,水汽输入贡献占85%,水汽追踪上低层还有来自偏东路径的水汽输送。(3)降水2 d前阿克苏站和库车站大气可降水量(PWV)呈现出增湿过程,当PWV≥17mm时,产生暴雨的可能性增大。  相似文献   

利用ERA5逐小时资料和常规观测资料对2020年11月17—20日吉林省出现的历史罕见雨雪冰冻天气过程进行综合分析.研究表明:本次降水过程相态复杂,降水持续时间特长,多站降水突破历史同期值,罕见的暴雪、暴雨、冻雨同日出现.500hPa贝加尔湖地区低槽强度呈负距平,较历年同期异常偏强;槽呈疏散形势,有利于低槽在东移过程中发展加强,环流经向度加深;同时日本海上副热带高压脊异常偏强,低槽东移过程中受阻,有利于降水系统长时间的维持.地面江淮气旋和贝加尔湖以东冷高压异常偏强,气旋携带大量暖湿空气与冷高压前部干冷空气交汇,锋生作用加强,是产生雨雪冰冻天气的有利大尺度环流背景.前期大气异常偏暖,随着低层西南风急流建立和加强,将黄、渤海暖湿气流源源不断向降水区输送,与槽后干冷空气交汇,为降水提供了有利能量、动力、水汽和凝结条件.长春站融化层高度、过冷却层高度和厚度非常有利于冻雨形成,深厚而稳定的逆温层和低层湿度较大的冷层是大范围冻雨出现的直接原因.  相似文献   

Microwave imagery can be used successfully for mapping of snow and estimation of snow pack characteristics under almost all weather conditions. This research is a contribution to the field of space borne remote sensing of snow by means of passive microwave data imagery. The satellite data are acquired from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I). The SSM/I is a four frequency seven channels dual polarization (except 22 GHz which is only vertically polarized) scanning radiometer with channels located at 19, 22, 37, and 85 GHz frequencies. A radiative transfer theory based model is used to estimate the snow cover characteristics of different snow pack types in the UK. A revised form of the Chang et al. (Nord Hydrol 16:57–66, 1987) model is used for this purpose. The revised Chang model was calibrated for global snow monitoring and takes into account forest fractional coverage effects. Snow cover characteristics have significant effects on up-welling naturally emitted microwave radiation through the processes of forward scattering. The up-welling signal is more complex for snow covers that consist of free liquid water content. The aim of this study is to test the global snow depth model for the UK snow cover. The Chang model predicted snow depth bias results for January, February, and March 1995 are ?1.26, ?0.35, and ?0.63 cm, respectively. Similarly, the Chang model Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for January, February, and March 1995 have values 2.88, 2.38, and 1.91 cm, respectively. These results show that the Chang model underestimates the snow depth prediction for all the case studies. The results of this study led us to the conclusion that the global snow models (Chang model) when applied for the retrieval of local snow depth estimation (UK snow cover) underestimate snow depth.  相似文献   

Measurements of the snow surface emissivity for infrared radiation have been made with an infrared radiation thermometer. The mean value of the emissivity is estimated at = 0.970 ± 0.008.  相似文献   

一次雨夹雪转暴雪天气过程的微物理模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5,在四重嵌套网格区域内采用Reisner霰方案,对2009年2月12—13日辽宁雨夹雪转暴雪天气过程进行数值模拟,并对云内微物理过程特别是对雨水、雪和霰的源项进行分析。结果表明:雨水与雪碰并和雨水与云水碰并是产生雨水的主要微物理过程,并且雨水的增长主要分布在700hPa以下。300hPa—200hPa之间雪的凝华增长、冰晶向雪的自动转化和900hPa以下雨水与雪碰并成雪是雪增长主要的物理过程。冰晶向雪的自动转化对降雪的增长和长时间维持起到了重要作用。列出了此次天气过程降水云系的三层云结构及微物理过程模型。  相似文献   

To estimate the sublimation rate of snow during relocation by wind, sizes and concentration of ice crystal fragments were measured at 6 levels in the lowest 1 m, during ten 10-min runs, in a nocturnal blizzard. Power-law functions of height described the decrease in mean particle diameter and concentration. The vertical gradient of water vapor, measured with a thermocouple psychrometer, was approximately linear from 0.2 to 1.0m above the surface. Evaporation of blowing snow over 3 km of transport distance was estimated to be 39% of transport rate, under conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

Potential predictability and skill of simulated Eurasian snow cover are explored using a suite of seasonal ensemble hindcasts (i.e. retrospective forecasts), an ensemble climate simulation (spanning the years 1982–1998) and observations. Using remotely sensed observations of snow cover, we find significant point-wise correlation over the North Atlantic and North Pacific between winter and spring averaged sea-surface temperatures and Eurasian snow cover area. The observed correlation shows no discernible pattern related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The hindcasts show correlation patterns similar to the observations. However, the climate simulation shows an exaggerated ENSO pattern. The results underscore the importance of initialization in seasonal climate forecasts, and that the observed potential predictability of Eurasian snowcover cannot be solely attributed to ENSO.  相似文献   

The results of pH measurement results are summarized for 1994–2004. These were obtained from the snow pollution and acidity monitoring network in the Russian Federation. A map of acid-base characteristics is compiled for the Russian territory. The zones of the most frequent cases of snow acidification are singled out. Dependence of pH values on the concentration of acid-forming anions neutralizing cation acids is established based on the ion balance analysis.  相似文献   

新疆是我国积雪资源最丰富的区域之一,也是雪灾多发区之一,预测最大积雪深度,可以为雪灾的预警与防范提供参考和依据。本研究基于建立的雪灾灾损指数,确定了新疆特重雪灾区域;进一步聚焦特重雪灾区的8个县(市),包括阿勒泰市、福海县、青河县、塔城市、托里县、沙湾市、尼勒克县和伊宁县,分别建立县域RBF网络模型,预测2021—2050年年最大积雪深度,结果表明:该模型可用于新疆特重雪灾区最大积雪深度预测,但预测精度仍有待提升;塔城市、尼勒克县将于2025—2029年连续出现最大积雪深度偏高事件,2039年青河县将出现最大积雪深度的极大值,因此应关注可能发生雪灾的年份与县(市),积极做好雪灾的防御工作。  相似文献   

Snow cover contamination is assessed in the impact areas of the first stage of the expandable launch system Proton in Central Kazakhstan. It was revealed that the chemical effect ofpropellants on the snow cover is local. The increase in the content of the following high-toxic substances in the snow was registered: unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, nitrosodimethylamine, and nitrate and nitrite ions. The most part of the pollutants is localized in the upper 5-cm snow layer. Nitrogen tetroxide decreases the value of pH, and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine increases it. The inflow of calcareous soil particles to the atmosphere and their subsequent fallout result in the alkalization of snow and in the neutralization of acidification by nitrogen tetroxide accompanied by the formation ofthe salts of nitric acid and nitrous acid.  相似文献   

On March 26, 1971, eddy fluxes of momentum, sensible heat and water vapour were measured over Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, U.S.A., which was covered by an extensive snowfall. An evaporation rate of about 0.7mm day–1 (2.2 mW cm–2) was detected. Wind speeds were light and the atmosphere near the surface was highly stable. In these conditions, the average sensible heat transfer and Reynolds stress were -0.9 mW cm–2 and 0.10 dyn cm–2, respectively. Comparison with measured gradients of wind speed, temperature and humidity yield a drag coefficient of about 0.54 × 10–3, and bulk transfer coefficients for sensible and latent heat of 0.41 × 10–3 and 0.78 × 10–3, respectively, applied to 10-m data. When corrected for the effect of atmospheric stability, these three coefficients become (in the same order) 1.2 × 10–3, 0.9 × 10–3 and 2.5 × 10–3. The errors in these estimates are such that the drag coefficient is not significantly different from that corresponding to an aerodynamically smooth surface, while the heat coefficients are similar to those normally applied over liquid water surfaces.  相似文献   

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