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Using the catalogue of galaxies within 10 Mpc by Kraan-Korteweg and Tammann (1979) the local luminosity function of galaxies is derived. Possibly there exists a large population of faint elliptical systems being an important constituent in the Universe. From this luminosity function the local mass density Q = 5.1 · 10-31 g cm-3 = 0.11 Qc was obtained.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Two-Micrometer All-Sky Survey (2MASS), we analyzed the infrared properties of 451 Local-Volume galaxies at distances D ≤ 10 Mpc. We determined the K-band luminosity function of the galaxies in the range of absolute magnitudes from ?25m to ?11m. The local luminosity density within 8 Mpc is 6.8 × 108L Mpc?3, a factor of 1.5 ± 0.1 higher than the global mean K-band luminosity density. We determined the ratios of the virial mass to the K-band luminosity for nearby groups and clusters of galaxies. In the luminosity range from 5 × 1010 to 2 × 1013L, the dependence log(M/LK) ∝ (0.27 ± 0.03) log LK with a dispersion of ~0.1 comparable to the measurement errors of the masses and luminosities of the systems of galaxies holds for the groups and clusters of galaxies. The ensemble-averaged ratio, 〈M/LK〉 ? (20–25) M/L, was found to be much smaller than the expected global ratio, (80–90)M/L, in the standard model with Ωm = 0.27. This discrepancy can be eliminated if the bulk of the dark matter in the Universe is not associated with galaxies and their systems.  相似文献   

In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Grundsätze einer Ermittlung und Analyse der Wege des Populationstransports zwischen den Energieniveaus von Quantensystemen dargestellt. Unter Benutzung von Monte-Carlo-Rechnungen wird gezeigt, daß die Zyklenzahl des Pumpens von kosmischen Masern sehr groß sein kann. So sind z. B. etwa 2 ± 1013 Zyklen notwendig, um 75% des Populationstransports zwischen den Maserniveaus 616 - 523 von H2O in einem Zwei-Temperatur-Gas zu erklaUren. Zur Bestimmung des thermodynamischen Typs des Pumpmechanismus wird vorgeschlagen, den Grad der Beteiligung verschiedener Zyklenarten im allgemeinen Populationsaustausch zwischen den Maserniveaus zu verwenden. Die Art des Zyklus wird durch die Natur der resultierenden Populationsübertragung in ihren steigenden (Energiequellen) und fallenden (Energiesenken) Übergängen bestimmt. Die Natur des Übergangs ist dann gegeben, wenn die resultierende Energieübertragung durch einen bestimmten Prozeß die aller anderen wesentlich übersteigt. Die Kenntnis über die Beteiligung einzelner Niveaus und Übergänge erlaubt es, die Vollständigkeit der Niveaus und Übergänge, die bei den kinetischen Untersuchungen berücksichtigt wurden, festzustellen.  相似文献   

On the basis of photographs from the 6 m Large Azimuthal Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, VRI photometry of stars in 11 galaxies in the NGC 1023 group has been carried out. The distances to these galaxies were determined by the method of brightest stars. The distances to NGC 925 and NGC 1023 were determined from the position of the top of the red giant branch (the TRGB method). From the calculated average and root-mean-square distances to the NGC 1023 group (10.3 ± 2.2 Mpc and 9.7 ± 0.5 Mpc) the Hubble constant in this direction was determined: H 0R = 75 ± 8 km·sec-1·Mpc-1 and H 0M = 81 ± 5 km ·sec-1·Mpc-1.  相似文献   

Using a spherically symmetric model of the Virgo flow the global Hubble parameter has been estimated from the observed radial velocities and the photometrically measured distances of nearby galaxies. Adopting the observed recession velocity of the Virgo Cluster to about 1000 km s−1 and the infall velocity of the Local Group to 350 km s−1 the global Hubble constant results to 73 ± 10 km s−1 Mpc−1. This value corresponds with the distance of the Virgo Cluster of 18 ± 2 Mpc. The cosmic dispersion of the galaxies around the Hubble relation is of order of 35 km s−1.  相似文献   

The apparatus of correlation gamma function (Γ*(r)) is used to analyze volume-limited samples from the DR4 Main Galaxy Sample of the SDSS survey with the aim of determining the characteristic scales of galaxy clustering. Up to 20h ?1 Mpc (H 0 = 65 km s?1 Mpc?1), the distribution of galaxies is described by a power-law density—distance dependence, Γ*(r) ∝ r , with an index γ ≈ 1.0. A change in the state of clustering (a significant deviation from the power law) was found on a scale of (20–25) h ?1 Mpc. The distribution of SDSS galaxies becomes homogeneous (γ ~ 0) from a scale of ~60h ?1 Mpc. The dependence of γ on the luminosity of galaxies in volume-limited samples was obtained. The power-law index γ increases with decreasing absolute magnitude of sample galaxies M abs. At M abs ~ ?21.4, which corresponds to the characteristic value M r * of the SDSS luminosity function, this dependence exhibits a break followed by a more rapid increase in γ.  相似文献   

The apparatus of a correlation gamma function is used to analyze a sample of 2dFGRS galaxies. We suggest a modified gamma-function algorithm with nonintersecting working spheres, which ensures that the counts are independent at each step. The method of nonintersecting spheres has revealed a change in the regime of clustering (a break of the gamma function) on a scale of 10–16h?1 Mpc (H0 = 65 km s?1 Mpc?1). The standard method yields a scale of 30h?1 Mpc. An artificial distribution is used as an example to show that, in some cases, the modified algorithm is more responsive to a mixture of distributions with various properties than the standard method.  相似文献   

The distributionsf(z) of the redshifts for active galaxies (Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, and quasars) have been studied. Some statistically-significant maxima and minima are observed in the distributionsf(z) for these objects. The significance of peaks and gaps increases for the brighter objects, for which the samples are more complete. The clustering of the Seyfert galaxies is significantly different from that of the nearby normal galaxies. The distributionf(z) for the radio galaxies is similar to the analogous distribution for the galaxy clusters. Three of the five peaks in the distributionf(z) for the radio quasars may be caused by the selection effects. Two peaks within the intervalsz (0.5, 0.7) and (1.0, 1.1) are probably real. The corresponding scales of the QSO clustering along the line-of-sight are about 100h –1 Mpc (h is the Hubble constant in the units of 75 km s–1 Mpc–1). The possibility of some global quasi-periodical cycles for the processes of activity is discussed. The period of a cycle for the Seyfert and radio galaxies is about 1×108 years that corresponds to the distances of about 30h –1 Mpc between the shells.  相似文献   

To study the spatial distribution of galaxies lying between the Virgo cluster and the Local Group, a search was made for probable nearby galaxies. Using the method of brightest stars and of blue and red supergiants made it possible to determine the distances to 24 galaxies, among which six relatively nearby galaxies were identified. The results of the distance determinations showed that the maximum in the number distribution of galaxies lies at 17.0 Mpc, which we take as the distance to the Virgo cluster. Using the difference between the distance moduli of two clusters of galaxies, in Virgo and Coma Berenices, from literature sources and the velocity of the latter cluster, we determined the Hubble constant to be H 0 = 77 ± 7 km·sec–1·Mpc–1.  相似文献   

Der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung schnell rotierender Sterne wird einer Neudiskussion unterzogen. Dafür werden filterphotometrische Helligkeiten vom Satelliten ANS herangezogen. Von schwach verfärbten B Sternen (E(B - V) 0.1 mag) wurden die Helligkeiten vom Einfluß der interstellaren Extinktion befreit. Die Verleilung der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm weist eine Streuung auf, die den Betrag der photometrischen Fehler übersteigt. Die Lage der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm befindet sich in qualitativer Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden theoretischen Resultaten. Bei der Diskussion von individuell abweichenden Verläufen der interstellaren Extinktion vom durchschnittlichen Extinktionsgesetz sollte der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung als eine mögliche Quelle für die Abweichungen in Betracht gezogen und geprüft werden.  相似文献   

The redshifts of 576 clusters of galaxies have been compiled from literature. This sample was used to study the large-scale distribution of clusters up to about z = 0.15. The distribution of the clusters reveals several chains and filaments 50 to 200 h−1 Mpc in size. There are many empty regions and holes, too, some of them known previously.  相似文献   

Die Funktion R9 der Oberfläche von unregelmäßigen Himmelskörpern (kleine Monde wie Phobos und Deimos, Kometenkerne oder kleine Asteroiden) wird nach Kugelfunktionen entwickelt. Es wird eine Methode angegeben, nach der die Entwicklungskoeffizienten durch Vergleich der berechneten Konturen mit den Konturen bestimmt werden, die aus einer Folge von Abbildungen des Körpers gewonnen wurden. Bei gegebenen Entwicklungskoeffizienten kann diese Methode für Orientierungssysteme von Raumschiffen beim Anflug auf den Himmelskörper verwendet werden. Weiterhin können physikalische Größen, wie das Volumen, die Schwerpunktskoordinaten, Trägheitsmomente und Gravitationsfeld analytisch berechnet werden. Unter der Voraussetzung, daß das Gravitationspotential experimentell bestimmt werden kann, wird eine Methode zur Berechnung des radialen Dichteprofiles des Körpers beschrieben.  相似文献   

The large-scale structures of volume-limites subsample sorted out from the CfA catalog have been analysed by percolation method. The result shows that the features in the distribution of galaxies with different luminosities are significantly different. Especially, the most luminous galaxies are likely to exhibit hierarchical clustering on a scale about 50h 50 –1 Mpc, and the least luminous galaxies in our subsamples show string-like or sheet-like character in their distribution. These results suggest that the large-scale distribution of galaxies consists of clusters or cluster cores of most luminous galaxies and the less luminous galaxies spread out from these cores with a string-like or sheet-like structure. This picture of the large-scale distribution consists with previous results from two-point correlation analysis and fractal analysis. The implication of these results has been discussed.  相似文献   

The value of Hubble parameter (H0) is determined using the morphologically type dependent Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation (K-TFR). The slope and zero point are determined using 36 calibrator galaxies with ScI morphology. Calibration distances are adopted from direct Cepheid distances, and group or companion distances derived with the Surface Brightness Fluctuation Method or Type Ia Supernova. It is found that a small morphological type effect is present in the K-TFR such that ScI galaxies are more luminous at a given rotational velocity than Sa/Sb galaxies and Sbc/Sc galaxies of later luminosity classes. Distances are determined to 16 galaxy clusters and 218 ScI galaxies with minimum distances of 40.0 Mpc. From the 16 galaxy clusters a weighted mean Hubble parameter of H0 = 84.2 ± 6 km s−1 Mpc−1 is found. From the 218 ScI galaxies a Hubble parameter of H0 = 83.4 ± 8 km s−1 Mpc−1 is found. When the zero point of K-TFR is corrected to account for recent results that find a Large Magellanic Cloud distance modulus of 18.39±0.05, a Hubble parameter of 88.0 ± 6 km s−1 Mpc−1 is found. Effects from Malmquist bias are shown to be negligible in this sample as galaxies are restricted to a minimum rotational velocity of 150 km s−1. It is also shown that the results of this study are negligibly affected by the adopted slope for the K-TFR, inclination binning, and distance binning. A comparison with the results of the Hubble Key Project (Freedman et al. 2001) is made. Discrepancies between the K-TFR distances and the HKP I-TFR distances are discussed. Implications for Λ-CDM cosmology are considered with H0 = 84 km s−1 Mpc−1. It is concluded that it is very difficult to reconcile the value of H0 found in this study with ages of the oldest globular clusters and matter density of the universe derived from galaxy clusters in the context of Λ-CDM cosmology.  相似文献   

We present new evidence that first ranked galaxies are aligned with their parent cluster and with the direction of the nearest neighbour cluster (scale 15h –1 Mpc). The effect is stronger for cD and gE galaxies than for first-ranked galaxies of later type. The relevance of this result for different galaxy formation scenarios is discussed. In hierarchical clustering scenarios like the cold dark matter theory, galactic halos and clusters of galaxies are expected to have moderate asphericity. We present some numerical results of an on-going study of the dissipationless collapse of moderately aspherical systems. Our results indicate that the central part of the collapsed and virialized system does show the large scale elongation imposed by the initial conditions. It is pointed out that this may have important implications also for the properties of disk galaxies in dark halos.  相似文献   

We consider the large-scale collective motion of flat edge-on spiral galaxies from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue (RFGC) taking into account the curvature of the space-time in the Local Universe at the scale 100h −1 Mpc. We analyse how the relativistic model of the collective motion should be modified to provide the best possible values of the parameters, the effects that impact these parameters and ways to mitigate them. Evolution of galactic diameters, selection effects, and the difference between isophotal and angular diameter distances are inadequate to explain this impact. At the same time, the measurement error in H i line widths and angular diameters can easily provide such an impact. This is illustrated by a toy model, which allows analytical consideration, and then in the full model using Monte Carlo simulations. The resulting velocity field is very close to that provided by the non-relativistic model of the collective galactic motion. The obtained bulk flow velocity is consistent with the ΛCDM cosmology.  相似文献   

Bei der Ermittlung von Positionen und Eigenbewegungen von Himmelsobjekten wurden bisher nur Korrektionen instrumenteller und atmosphärischer Fehler durchgeführt. Meßfehler als zufällige Fehler wurden nicht berücksichtigt. Deshalb wurde eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation der Fortpflanzung dieser zufälligen Fehler bei der Berechnung der sog. mittleren Meßkoordinaten und der Eigenbewegungen vorgenommen. Als markante Größe wurde die jeweilige Standardabweichung geschäzt und ihre Abhängigkeit von auftretenden Parametern studiert. Bei dieser Methode sin die wahren Werte der betrachteten Größen bekannt (simulativ erzeugt), so daß die Fehler der berechneten Größen direkt bestimmt werden können. Es werden Rückschlüsse auf die Genauigkeit einer Einzelmessung vorgenommen.  相似文献   

The search for non thermal radio emission from clusters of galaxies is a powerful tool to investigate the existence of magnetic fields on such large scale. Unfortunately, such observations are scarce thus far, mainly because of the very faint large scale radio emission expected in clusters of galaxies. In the present contribution we will first review the status of the radio observations of clusters of galaxies, carried out with the aim of detecting large scale radio emission.We will then focus on the large scale radio emission detected at 327 MHz and 610 MHz in the Coma cluster of galaxies. The features of the detected radio emission suggest that a magnetic field with an intensity of the order of ~ 10–7 Gauss must be present on a scale of about 2 Mpc (forH o = 100km s –1 Mpc –1). The morphology of the radio emission is similar to that of the most recent X-ray images derived with ROSAT, and follows the distribution of the galaxies in the cluster. All these pieces of information will be taken into account in the discussion on the possible origin of this large scale magnetic field.  相似文献   

Attention is given to four reasons for believing that the upper limit on the rotation of the Universe ω set by isotropy of the 3K background may not be appropriate to the local system because of its hierarchical structure. In particular, recent work of Rubinet al. (1973) on the anisotropy of Hubble's parameter (H) as determined by certain galaxies is examined. The anisotropy inH is a 1st order harmonic effect, inconsistent with an origin in an acceleration of the expansion of the Universe (U α;4≠0), but explicable as being due to a large peculiar velocity of the Local Group. This compromises limits set on ω by isotropy of the 3K field, as does the realization that only weak limits can be set if the last-scattering surface (z *) is notz *→∞ but is at smallz * (as expected in a hierarchy). In a rotating Universe, the 3-spaces of constant density cannot be orthogonal on the world lines of matter: a number test of Gödell based on this is generalized and applied (after consideration of Galactic obscuration) to the local Universe, by taking data on clusters of galaxies from the Abell and Zwicky catalogues. Data from the former give only a marginally significant result for the component ω1 of ω in one direction, but a bootstrap argument is applied which takes significance over from Abell's data (considered as a class of galaxies) to Zwicky's data (taken as a class of clusters), giving a statistically significant result on the hypothesis that clusters are the fundamental units of the Universe: it seems likely that ω1r?(const)r-n with 0?n?1 over the interval 500–1000 Mpc (H=60 km s?1 Mpc?1) with a total rotation of ω<2ω1, and ω1 = 1.2 (+0.25) x 10-18 s-1 evaluated on data out to 103 Mpc. Strictly, the quoted value of the rotation only applies to a region of space that in some sense has an isotropic limit: if the actual hierarchy has a large density-dependence away from a local origin (i.e., large thinning factor), then the numerical value of the rotation is smaller than the quoted value but still finite and significant.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the observed variation in the flattening of galaxies with the density of galaxies in the subclusters of Coma surrounding NGC 4889, NGC 4874, and NGC 4839 based on data from the Abastumani Combined Catalog of Galaxies. The mean values of the observed ratios of the diameters of the galaxies, as well as histograms of their distributions, indicate that in the central, dense regions of the subclusters within a volume of 0.5h 75 −1 Mpc3, E and S0 type galaxies are close to spheroidal. A significant reduction in the mean values of the diameters of the galaxies in the subclusters is noted, regardless of their morphology relative to the galaxies in the halo of the Coma cluster. In the subclusters, spiral galaxies are found with a hydrogen deficit that is more than 5 times the hydrogen deficit in spirals within the halo of the cluster. According to their 3-D coordinates, most of the galaxies with a hydrogen deficit are located closer to the south-east edge of the subcluster surrounding NGC 4874 near an extended gas filament in the x-ray region. This may indicate that the subcluster is moving toward a central condensation of faint galaxies in the Coma cluster and a possible merger with it. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 355–368 (August 2007).  相似文献   

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