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Stars form within molecular clouds but our understanding of this fundamental process remains hampered by the complexity of the physics that drives their evolution. We review our observational and theoretical knowledge of molecular clouds trying to confront the two approaches wherever possible. After a broad presentation of the cold interstellar medium and molecular clouds, we emphasize the dynamical processes with special focus to turbulence and its impact on cloud evolution. We then review our knowledge of the velocity, density and magnetic fields. We end by openings towards new chemistry models and the links between molecular cloud structure and star-formation rates.  相似文献   

Recent advances in understanding of the basic properties of compressible Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence call for revisions of some of the generally accepted concepts. First, the MHD turbulence is not so messy as it is usually believed. In fact, the notion of strong nonlinear coupling of compressible and incompressible motions is not tenable. Alfven, slow and fast modes of MHD turbulence follow their own cascades and exhibit degrees of anisotropy consistent with theoretical expectations. Second, the fast decay of turbulence is not related to the compressibility of fluid. Rates of decay of compressible and incompressible motions are very similar. Third, the viscosity by neutrals does not suppress MHD turbulence in a partially ionized gas. Instead, MHD turbulence develops magnetic cascade at scales below the scale at which neutrals damp ordinary hydrodynamic motions. The implications of those changes of MHD turbulence paradigm for molecular clouds require further studies. Those studies can benefit from testing of theoretical predictions using new statistical techniques that utilize spectroscopic data. We briefly discuss advances in development of tools using which the statistics of turbulent velocity can be recovered from observations.  相似文献   

We study the implications of primordial magnetic fields for the thermal and ionization history of the post-recombination era. In particular, we compute the effects of dissipation of primordial magnetic fields owing to ambipolar diffusion and decaying turbulence in the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the collapsing haloes, and compute the effects of the altered thermal and ionization history on the formation of molecular hydrogen. We show that, for magnetic field strengths in the range  2 × 10−10≲ B 0≲ 2 × 10−9 G  , the molecular hydrogen fraction in IGM and collapsing halo can increase by a factor of 5 to 1000 over the case with no magnetic fields. We discuss the implication of the increased molecular hydrogen fraction on the radiative transfer of ultraviolet photons and the formation of first structures in the universe.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of star-forming gas cores in a smooth particle hydrodynamics simulation of a giant molecular cloud. We identify cores using their deep potential wells. This yields a smoother distribution with clearer boundaries than density. Additionally, this gives an indication of future collapse, as bound potential cores (p-cores) represent the earliest stages of fragmentation in molecular clouds. We find that the mass function of the p-cores resembles the stellar initial mass function and the observed clump mass function, although p-core masses  (∼0.7 M)  are smaller than typical density clumps. The bound p-cores are generally subsonic, have internal substructure and are only quasi-spherical. We see no evidence of massive bound cores supported by turbulence. We trace the evolution of the p-cores forward in time, and investigate the connection between the original p-core mass and the stellar mass that formed from it. We find that there is a poor correlation, with considerable scatter suggesting accretion on to the core is dependent on more factors than just the initial core mass. During the accretion process the p-cores accrete from beyond the region first bound, highlighting the importance of the core environment to its subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

We studied fragmentation process of the interstellar molecular cloud which is predominated by supersonic turbulence with special regard to collisions of turbulent gas elements and formation of a shock-compressed layer by receding shock waves. The propagation of the shock waves and the evolution of the compressed layer are followed by one-dimensional gas dynamical simulation until self-gravity becomes significant, taking account of the effects of thermal properties of the molecular gas and magnetic fields. It is shown that the efficient cooling by CO molecules and its sensitive dependence on gas density make the shock-compressed layer so cold and dense that the layer becomes gravitationally unstable and breaks into fragments even if the gas elements are gravitationally stable prior to the collision. The mass of the unstable fragment is estimated to be about two solar masses or less, irrespective of the presence of the magnetic field. The stars formed by collisions of supersonic turbulent gas elements accelerate the surrounding gas in T Tauri stage and replenish the turbulent energy to maintain the mechanical equilibrium of the molecular cloud.  相似文献   

A magnetic field which is contained in a turbulent, electrically conducting fluid is supposed to decay. The decay time of the mean energy of the fluctuating part of the magnetic field – in contrast with the energy of the mean field – is shown to be determined by the molecular magnetic diffusivity and the correlation length of the turbulence. The investigation is carried out for weak magnetic fields in homogeneous isotropic mirror-symmetric turbulence and in the framework of the second-order correlations approximation.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(3):246-263
It is difficult to imagine a planet formation model that does not at some stage include a gravitationally unstable disc. Initially unstable gas–dust discs may form planets directly, but the high surface density required has motivated the alternative that gravitational instability occurs in a dust sub-layer only after grains have grown large enough by electrostatic sticking. Although such growth up to the instability stage is efficient for laminar discs, previous research concluded that realistic disc turbulence catastrophically increases the settling time, thereby requiring additional processes to facilitate planet formation on the needed time scales. We develop a different model for the influence of turbulence on the collisional velocity of grains and on the scale height of the dust layer and find that the earlier conclusions must be revisited. The model produces a disc-radius dependent time scale to reach a gravitationally unstable phase of planet formation. For a range of dust sticking and disc parameters, we find that for viscosity parameters α  10−3, this time scale is short enough over a significant range in radii R that turbulence does not catastrophically slow the early phases of planet formation, even in the absence of agglomeration enhancement agents like vortices.  相似文献   

The components of the total stress tensor (Reynolds stress plus Maxwell stress) are computed within the quasilinear approximation for a driven turbulence influenced by a large‐scale magnetic background field. The conducting fluid has an arbitrary magnetic Prandtl number and the turbulence without the background field is assumed as homogeneous and isotropic with a free Strouhal number St. The total large‐scale magnetic tension is always reduced by the turbulence with the possibility of a ‘catastrophic quenching’ for large magnetic Reynolds number Rm so that even its sign is reversed. The total magnetic pressure is enhanced by turbulence in the high‐conductivity limit but it is reduced in the low‐conductivity limit. Also in this case the sign of the total pressure may reverse but only for special turbulences with sufficiently large St > 1. The turbulence‐induced terms of the stress tensor are suppressed by strong magnetic fields. For the tension term this quenching grows with the square of the Hartmann number of the magnetic field. For microscopic (i.e. small) diffusivity values the magnetic tension term becomes thus highly quenched even for field amplitudes much smaller than their equipartition value. In the opposite case of large‐eddy simulations the magnetic quenching is only mild but then also the turbulence‐induced Maxwell tensor components for weak fields remain rather small (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In a previous work by two of us, the main difficulties of the theory of galaxy formation from universal primordial cosmic turbulence were focussed; it was mainly found that the decay of the turbulence was so strong during the plasma era that turbulence should have been almost completely washed out before recombination, unless, and only for low-density universes, unlikely large turbulent velocities were postulated at the largest scale of the turbulence at the end of the radiation era. It was suggested that a possibility to turn around such a difficulty should consist in finding en adequate physical energy source feeding the turbulence during at least the whole plasma phase. The present work is intended to test whether matter-antimatter annihilation theory at the origin of the universe, as it is developed by Omnès and his collaborators, may be considered to yield the required energy source of the turbulence. To this aim, the main results of the work of Stecker and Puget concerning the behaviour of the most important quantities of the matter- antimatter annihilation theory are used, in order to describe the properties of the energy source for the turbulence down to recombination time, and extended to take a somewhat more detailed account of theirz and mean matter density dependences. The energy feeding source thus obtained is then introduced into the general framework of the galaxy formation theory from cosmic turbulence taking account of energy dissipation as developed in our previous works. The results obtained concerning the comparison of the main parameters of galaxies derived from the theory with the experimental data are much more satisfactory than in the previous approach, and show that, inside the errors of the present day values, sufficiently good fits are possible in a range of mean universe densities between 0.4 to 1 times the critical density.  相似文献   

Through solving the single electron equation of motion and the Fokker-Planck equation including the terms of electric field strength and ion-acoustic turbulence, we study the influence of the ion-acoustic wave on the electron acceleration in turbulent reconnecting current sheets. It is shown that the ion-acoustic turbulence which causes plasma heating rather than particle acceleration should be considered. With typical parameter values, the acceleration time scale is around the order of 10^-6 s, the accelerated electrons may have approximately a power-law distribution in the energy range 20 ~100 keV and the spectral index is about 3~10, which is basically consistent with the observed hard X-ray spectra in solar flares.  相似文献   

In the theory of homogeneous, stationary, axisymmetric, incompressible velocity turbulence there arise four scalar functions. The incompressibility condition provides two relations between these four functions.We will demonstrate here that application of Cramér's theorem imposes two additional constraints on the four functions. These constraints do not uniquely define the allowed functional form but they do provide very powerful criteria for limiting the class of functions which are permitted. In view of the growing use of velocity turbulence in kinematic dynamo theory and its importance in astrophysical situations (e.g., Earth, Sun, Galaxy) to maintain or regenerate a large scale magnetic field, we believe that the present constraints are of more than academic interest. In particular, application of the constraints to a form of velocity turbulence used by Steenbeck, Krause and Rädler when computing kinematic dynamo action, shows that their assumed turbulence is not physically realizable in nature.  相似文献   

In previous publications the author considered how breaking buoyancy waves and the thermal source arising due to different absorption coefficients of solar and atmospheric radiation fluxes contributed to turbulence. In this study, the contribution to turbulence made by the dynamical source arising in consequence of convective instability of large-scale atmospheric motions is examined. Its value is estimated from experimental wind speed data for the atmosphere of Venus. The contributions of the indicated sources of turbulent energy are compared. The rate of dissipation of kinetic energy due to molecular viscosity is demonstrated to be several orders of magnitude less than the rate of dissipation necessary to maintain an invariable superrotation pattern. This is an additional argument for the permanent existence of turbulence in the atmosphere of Venus, which many authors consider doubtful. It is demonstrated why turbulence is present at the atmospheric stratification that seems to be stable.  相似文献   

Small levels of turbulence can be present in stellar radiative interiors due to, e.g., the instability of rotational shear. In this paper we estimate turbulent transport coefficients for stably stratified rotating stellar radiation zones. Stable stratification induces strong anisotropy with a very small ratio of radial‐to‐horizontal turbulence intensities. Angular momentum is transported mainly due to the correlation between azimuthal and radial turbulent motions induced by the Coriolis force. This non‐diffusive transport known as the Λ‐effect has outward direction in radius and is much more efficient compared to the effect of radial eddy viscosity. Chemical species are transported by small radial diffusion only. This result is confirmed using direct numerical simulations combined with the test‐scalar method. As a consequence of the non‐diffusive transport of angular momentum, the estimated characteristic time of rotational coupling (≲100 Myr) between radiative core and convective envelope in young solar‐type stars is much shorter compared to the time‐scale of Lithium depletion (∼1 Gyr) (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The decay of kinetic helicity is studied in numerical models of forced turbulence using either an externally imposed forcing function as an inhomogeneous term in the equations or, alternatively, a term linear in the velocity giving rise to a linear instability. The externally imposed forcing function injects energy at the largest scales, giving rise to a turbulent inertial range with nearly constant energy flux while for linearly forced turbulence the spectral energy is maximum near the dissipation wavenumber. Kinetic helicity is injected once a statistically steady state is reached, but it is found to decay on a turbulent time scale regardless of the nature of the forcing and the value of the Reynolds number (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We discuss the difficulties encountered when the Heisenberg-Kolmogoroff model for turbulence is applied to the large-scale turbulence in: (A) molecular clouds (specifically the velocity vs size relationship) and (B) stars (specifically, the estimate of convective fluxes).A new model for large-scale turbulence is, therefore, needed.  相似文献   

Identifying generic physical mechanisms responsible for the generation of magnetic fields and turbulence in differentially rotating flows is fundamental to understand the dynamics of astrophysical objects such as accretion disks and stars. In this paper, we discuss the concept of subcritical dynamo action and its hydrodynamic analogue exemplified by the process of nonlinear transition to turbulence in non‐rotating wall‐bounded shear flows. To illustrate this idea, we describe some recent results on nonlinear hydrodynamic transition to turbulence and nonlinear dynamo action in rotating shear flows pertaining to the problem of turbulent angular momentum transport in accretion disks. We argue that this concept is very generic and should be applicable to many astrophysical problems involving a shear flow and non‐axisymmetric instabilities of shearinduced axisymmetric toroidal velocity or magnetic fields, such as Kelvin‐Helmholtz, magnetorotational, Tayler or global magnetoshear instabilities. In the light of several recent numerical results, we finally suggest that, similarly to a standard linear instability, subcritical MHD dynamo processes in high‐Reynolds number shear flows could act as a large‐scale driving mechanism of turbulent flows that would in turn generate an independent small‐scale dynamo. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

When scale separation in space or time is poor, the mean‐field α effect and turbulent diffusivity have to be replaced by integral kernels by which the dependence of the mean electromotive force on the mean magnetic field becomes nonlocal. Earlier work in computing these kernels using the test‐field method is now generalized to the case in which both spatial and temporal scale separations are poor. The approximate form of the kernel for isotropic stationary turbulence is such that it can be treated in a straightforward manner by solving a partial differential equation for the mean electromotive force. The resulting mean‐field equations are solved for oscillatory α –shear dynamos as well as α2 dynamos with α linearly depending on position, which makes this dynamo oscillatory, too. In both cases, the critical values of the dynamo number is lowered due to spatio‐temporal nonlocality.When scale separation in space or time is poor, the mean‐field α effect and turbulent diffusivity have to be replaced by integral kernels by which the dependence of the mean electromotive force on the mean magnetic field becomes nonlocal. Earlier work in computing these kernels using the test‐field method is now generalized to the case in which both spatial and temporal scale separations are poor. The approximate form of the kernel for isotropic stationary turbulence is such that it can be treated in a straightforward manner by solving a partial differential equation for the mean electromotive force. The resulting mean‐field equations are solved for oscillatory α –shear dynamos as well as α2 dynamos  相似文献   

Here we present results from simulations of turbulence in star forming environments obtained by coupling three-dimensional hydrodynamical models with appropriate chemical processes. We investigate regimes of decaying high-speed molecular turbulence. Here we analyse PDFs of density for the volume, mass, molecular mass and the energy distribution over the range of scales. We compare our results to those previously obtained for isothermal turbulence and suggest possible explanations.  相似文献   

In view of the Turbulent Cooling Flows scenario we carry out several 3D axisymmetric calculations to follow the evolution of magnetically subcritical weakly ionized and rotating turbulent cloud cores. Turbulent Cooling Flows appear to pronounce the effects of ambipolar diffusion considerably, inducing thereby a runaway collapse of the core already on a diluted free-fall time scale. Ambipolar diffusion significantly weakens the efficiency of magnetic braking. This implies that most of the rotational energy is trapped into the dynamically collapsing core and that initiation of outflows is prevented at least in the early isothermal phases. The trapped rotational energy is found to enhance the formation of rings that may afterwards fragment. It is shown that the central region of a strongly ionized magnetically subcritical core is principally overdense, with central density up to one order of magnitude larger than the surroundings. These results confirm that large scale magnetic fields threading a cloud core relax the supersonic random motions on an Alfvén wave crossing time. Moreover, ambipolar diffusion enhances dissipation of supersonic turbulence even more.  相似文献   

The methods proposed in a foregoing paper are used for the derivation of the eddy viscosity of a two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic turbulence. In contrast to three-dimensional isotropic turbulence is shown that for the two-dimensional case the eddy viscosity (i) has no definite sign, (ii) tends to zero if the molecular viscosity tends to zero, (iii) is negative for special cases. However, the modes with large wave numbers decay in any case as is shown by investigating a dispersion relation.  相似文献   

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