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Geoarchaeological investigations along the Galana River, eastern Kenya, document a pattern of channel aggradation and then degradation from the Middle to Late Holocene. Archaeological occupations at six sites in fluvial terraces along a ˜100 km stretch of the Galana River in Tsavo East National Park correspond with fluvial aggradation beginning ca. 6000 years ago. Artifact analyses indicate that the inhabitants of these sites utilized ceramics and stone tools similar to Pastoral Neolithic traditions detected at other penecontemporaneous archaeological sites in East Africa and possessed domesticated cattle from ca. 3700 years ago. The site occupations that occur during this period have dense artifact concentrations of predominantly locally procured items. The Galana River incised after ca. 900 years ago and there is a noticeable paucity of archaeological material, reflecting more peripatetic lifestyles. This shift in settlement pattern may reflect a decrease in reliance on riverine food sources during the Late Holocene, with diminished riparian environments associated with channel incision. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe and summarize the results of new interdisciplinary techniques for recovering and analyzing historical and paleoenvironmental data from mid-Holocene archaeological and geological deposits in the modern Nile floodplain at the site of Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt. Application of these techniques has produced the first stratigraphic link between historic (Early Dynastic) and late prehistoric (Predynastic) periods in the Nile Valley at a site which played a central role in the evolution of Egyptian civilization.  相似文献   

The first systematic geoarchaeological study of a rockshelter in Kansas yielded information about rockshelter formation, Holocene paleoenvironments, archaeological site formation processes, and prehistoric human habitation and site use. The rockshelter was carved by groundwater sapping; colluvium, alluvium, and roof‐fall debris subsequently accumulated on its floor. An assemblage of Late Archaic (∼2000–4000 14C years before present [yr B.P.]) cultural deposits (lithic material, bone, and charcoal) is preserved in a 2‐m thick package of colluvium and alluvium in front of the shelter. Chipped stone analysis indicates that Late Archaic occupants of the shelter were using mostly local materials and resharpening their stone tools at the shelter. Stable carbon isotope and phytolith analyses indicate that a mixed C3 and C4 plant community existed in the study area and that it changed in composition through the late Holocene. Based on the phytolith assemblage from an unlined fire pit at the front of the shelter, Late Archaic people used local hackberry trees for fuel and/or food.  相似文献   

The last hominin occupations of Gran Dolina cave at Atapuerca are represented by layer TD10‐1. This layer has yielded high densities of anthropogenic bone and lithic remains that suggest the existence of a referential hominin campsite. Micromorphological analysis was carried out in order to reconstruct site formation processes and to find traces of hominin activity in the sediments. Results show that TD10‐1 is an autochthonous deposit whose components are derived from a local, degraded cave entrance environment. The base of TD10‐1 represents a moist, semi‐sheltered environment associated with anthropogenic input and low sedimentary rates, while the rest of the deposit represents a non‐anthropogenic, more open environment with higher rates of sedimentation. The TD10‐1 archaeological assemblages have not undergone long transport or strong postdepositional disturbance. Further interdisciplinary analyses are needed to characterize the types and intensity of the hominin activities recorded in TD10‐1. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is widely applied to sediments in paleoenvironmental sciences. However, there are only limited examples determining the age of archaeological stone structures by OSL using dust deposits. The age of dust deposits associated with ancient buildings may be used to date the onset of settlement (sediment below structures), settlement activity (occupation layer), or the time after a settlement had been abandoned or destroyed (sediment between collapsed roofs and walls). In this study, OSL dating is applied to establish numerical dates for settlement structures situated in the Negev Highlands, Israel. Two archaeological sites are investigated to identify their occupation history, by dating nine samples of aeolian dust trapped within the remains of ancient buildings. The OSL dating technique is applied using coarse grain quartz and a standard single‐aliquot regenerative‐dose (SAR) protocol. It was possible to date the onset of sedimentation in a later phase of the human occupation or shortly after the sites were abandoned, to 3.7 ± 0.3 ka (Intermediate Bronze Age) at the central site and to 2.7 ± 0.2 ka (Iron Age) at the ephemeral site. These results are supported by archaeological evidence gained from pottery finds and the architecture of the ancient buildings.  相似文献   

新疆地处欧亚大陆中心,自然环境复杂,生业经济形式多样,东西方文化交流频繁,是了解欧亚大陆古代人类活动和文化发展的重要区域.从新石器时代至青铜时代在该区域出土了丰富的石制品,但对其功能的研究较少,尤其是一些中国内地不常见,而与中亚、欧亚草原类型相似的石器.本文对新疆伊犁地区青铜时代吉仁台沟口遗址(82.77°E,43.84°N;3600~3000 cal.a B.P.)出土的具有安德罗诺沃文化特征的长条形石磨盘、石杵和饼形石器的表层残留物进行了淀粉粒和植硅体分析,为这些石器的功能研究提供了直接证据.分析结果显示,石器表面的淀粉粒来自禾本科小麦族(the tribe Triticeae)和某些块根块茎类植物,而石器表面发现的775粒植硅体中,粟类作物稃片植硅体占9%,其他类型的植硅体以早熟禾亚科(Pooideae)型和棒型为主,另在石杵上发现栝楼属(Trichosanthes)植物果皮植硅体及植物组织.结合遗址中大植物遗存证据,研究结果表明:石磨盘曾用于研磨麦类作物种子和某些块根块茎类植物,石杵亦用于麦类作物研磨,但也对粟类作物进行脱壳以及加工栝楼属植物果实.用于分析的饼形石器有两种类型,第一类为打制饼形石器,残留物中的植物遗存显示可能与石磨盘组合用于加工植物的块根块茎;第二类为磨制饼形石器,其表面发现极少量粟类稃片植硅体,推测其可能用于粟类作物脱粒.研究结果为新疆伊犁地区考古遗址出土安德罗诺沃文化石器的功能、农作物加工过程,以及古代社会生计模式的认识提供了依据;石器残留物中块根块茎类淀粉粒以及农作物植硅体的发现,是对已有大植物遗存分析结果的进一步补充.  相似文献   

Cultural and faunal remains from archaeological sites of the Rio de La Plata littoral, Argentina, have been studied, attempting to verify their primary associations and occupations during the Holocene. the sites were localized within shell beach ridges more or less parallel to the present shore and are composed of bivalves, gastropods, scarce barnacles, and sandy sediments. the thanatocoenosis found could be equivalent to a transitional area between fluviomarine (mixohaline) and oceanic (polyeuhaline) gradients, i.e., an environment with greater salinity conditions than that of the adjacent coast in the present estuary. These deposits correspond to the Las Escobas Formation (Holocene). Archaeological remains were found from the base of the shell ridge up into the overlying sediments. the hypothesis proposed here is that the human occupation is not contemporaneous with the formation of the shell ridge. the cultural sequence in this kind of site can be altered by disturbances of the stratigraphy as a consequence of environmental and geological events.  相似文献   

Underwater geoarchaeological research in Apalachee Bay, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico off northwest Florida, has enabled the reconstruction of portions of the karst-controlled paleodrainage system, the discovery of several inundated prehistoric archaeological sites, and the exposure of sediments accumulated during the drowning of the continental shelf. Diagnostic artifacts discovered at the sites included chipped stone tools and debitage indicating Paleoindian, Early Archaic, and Middle Archaic occupation. A geoarchaeological model using terrestrial analogs was used to locate and investigate inundated sites. Methods employed include seismic profiling, vibracoring, diver tow surveys, diver collection transects, and induction dredge excavations. We document evidence for sea-level rise, related environmental succession and site formation processes for indundated prehistoric sites in the Apalachee Bay region from approximately 8000 to 6000 yr B.P. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A stratified sedimentary and archaeological sequence over seven meters thick is under investigation on Upper Shawnee Island in the Upper Delaware Valley, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Artifact deposits identified to date include Early Archaic (7380 B.C.), possible Middle Archaic (4300/3300 B.C.), Late Archaic (1565 B.C.), and Middle and Late Woodland components. This paper focuses on the Early Archaic deposits at approximately 4.3 meters below the surface and the implications that the entire profile has for paleoenvironmental change. The sedimentary sequence represents several major changes in depositional processes. Of special interest is a dramatic decrease in landscape stability and an increase in flood depositions during the mid-Holocene, circa 4300/3300 B.C. Similar changes are evident at archaeological sites in the Middle and Lower sections of the Delaware Valley and appear to be a reflection of regional climatic change.  相似文献   

Bizat Ruhama, an Early Pleistocene site located in the southern coastal plain of Israel, has yielded a single archaeological horizon dating to the Matuyama chron. Recent technological and zooarchaeological studies suggest evidence of near in situ hominin occupations taking place in a semiarid climatic setting. Such an archaeological context is rare for the Early Pleistocene and must be corroborated through reconstruction of site formation processes. This paper offers a microstratigraphic view of the site based on results from a micromorphological and granulometric study aimed at reconstructing site formation processes. Results show that the bone and lithic specimens were deposited near their excavated provenience, in a depressed, seasonally waterlogged area, and were subsequently slightly displaced and buried by surface sediment. We infer that the Bizat Ruhama deposit represents one or a few hominin occupations taking place on the surface of an undulating inter‐dune depression under a semiarid Mediterranean climate. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To clarify unanswered questions of site formation, geology and the archaeology of the Berelekh geoarchaeological complex, a special survey was undertaken in 2009 of the area surrounding the site. Several geological units have been revealed. By establishing the spatial and temporal relationship of these deposits—as well as their age—we have reconstructed the formation history of the Berelekh bone bed. The mammoth bone deposit belongs to a paleochannel. Radiocarbon dating of mammoth remains at Berelekh demonstrates rapid accumulation during the Bølling warming. Human involvement in its formation is, at best, questionable, since there is no real overlap between the radiocarbon dates associated with past human activity, and those of the mammoth bone bed. This study confirms that humans used mammoth bone remains after the bone bed was deposited. Culturally, the Berelekh “site” does not have any relationship to the so‐called “Dyuktai culture.” Instead, the Berelekh archaeological finds (side notched stone pendants) show certain similarities to non‐microblade terminal Pleistocene assemblages found from Yenisei to Kamchatka. Additionally, the Berelekh complex presents a clear analogy with lithics found in Eastern Beringia. Teardrop‐shaped incomplete bifaces found in the assemblage are comparable to the Chindadn points of Alaska. The nature of this “Chindadn connection” is intriguing but it is the only visible cultural link between Western and Eastern Beringia.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary history and systematics of slope erosion along a segment of the Central Israeli Coastal Plain is examined in conjunction with a series of terminal Paleolithic occupations. Three sites situated along the slope afford site-specific and intersite data that enable reconstructions of local geological and archaeological sequences and correlations. The earliest (Kebaran) component is located on the midslope while the later (Geometric Kebaran) is situated along the footslope. Paleotopographic relations and sediment analyses indicate that the later Geometric Kebaran deposits were derived from the paleosol developed on the midslope. Paleoenvironmental contexts at the sites reveal that the rich Kebaran soil is diagnostic of an ancient swamp and attendant moist interval. Concentrations of cultural debris along these fragile midslopes imply a density of occupation and impact that may have increased rates of degradation. Extensive as well as intensive utilization of the midslope is suggested. The occupation contrasts markedly with the later Geometric Kebaran sites which display minimal sedimentation and a broader range of site distribution. The site-specific evidence and regional distribution patterns argue for more varied settlement, proportionately reduced site sizes, and consequently, reduced slope utilization towards the close of the Paleolithic.  相似文献   

Major hydrological variations associated with glacial and interglacial climates in North Africa and the Levant have been related to Middle Paleolithic occupations and dispersals, but suitable archaeological sites to explore such relationships are rare on the Arabian Peninsula. Here we report the discovery of Middle Paleolithic assemblages in the Nefud Desert of northern Arabia associated with stratified deposits dated to 75,000 years ago. The site is located in close proximity to a substantial relict lake and indicates that Middle Paleolithic hominins penetrated deeply into the Arabian Peninsula to inhabit landscapes vegetated by grasses and some trees. Our discovery supports the hypothesis of range expansion by Middle Paleolithic populations into Arabia during the final humid phase of Marine Isotope Stage 5, when environmental conditions were still favorable.  相似文献   

This paper examines new evidence related to an early (pre‐Columbian) European presence in Arctic Canada. Artifacts from archaeological sites that had been assumed to relate to pre‐Inuit indigenous occupations of the region in the centuries around A.D. 1000 have recently been recognized as having been manufactured using European technologies. We report here on the SEM‐EDS analysis of a small stone vessel recovered from a site on Baffin Island. The interior of the vessel contains abundant traces of copper–tin alloy (bronze) as well as glass spherules similar to those associated with high‐temperature processes. These results indicate that it had been used as a crucible. This artifact may represent the earliest evidence of high‐temperature nonferrous metalworking in the New World north of Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites containing significant information not available from terrestrial sites occur along former land surfaces now submerged and buried on the continental shelf. Although sites may occur anywhere along these former land surfaces, factors essential to man's survival, such as fresh water and food resources, make site locations somewhat predictable. Landforms such as rivers, lakes, and bays represent locations where one or more of the basic subsistence factors are provided. These relict landforms on the continental shelf can be detected easily using high-resolution seismic profilers. Physical sampling of landforms targeted as potential site areas is usually the only method for confirming the presence of an archaeological site. Sediment samples from a potential site are subjected to a series of sedimentary analyses which discriminate between archaeological deposits and natural sedimentary deposits. These methods for locating inundated and buried archaeological sites on the continental shelf were tested in a Gulf of Mexico study funded by the United States Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. The study suggests that at least two locations sampled along the ancient Sabine River Valley represent archaeological deposits dating from the Late Wisconsinan period of lower sea stand.  相似文献   

报道了安徽省石台县沟汀新石器时代遗址的发现,并对采集到的文化遗物作了分类与描述,遗物中打制石器、磨制石器和陶器共存,并含有独具特色的石网坠。石制品大部分(76%)以砾石为原料制成,这类遗址在皖南地区尚属首次发现。这一发现,对研究我国南方新石器时代早期的古人类活动具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic midden deposits are remarkably well preserved at the Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük and provide significant archaeological information on the types and nature of activities occurring at the site. To decipher their complex stratigraphy and to investigate formation processes, a combination of geoarchaeological techniques was used. Deposits were investigated from the early ceramic to late Neolithic levels, targeting continuous sequences to examine high resolution and broader scale changes in deposition. Thin‐section micromorphology combined with targeted phytolith and geochemical analyses indicates they are composed of a diverse range of ashes and other charred and siliceous plant materials, with inputs of decayed plants and organic matter, fecal waste, and sedimentary aggregates, each with diverse depositional pathways. Activities identified include in situ burning, with a range of different fuel types that may be associated with different activities. The complexity and heterogeneity of the midden deposits, and thus the necessity of employing an integrated microstratigraphic approach is demonstrated, as a prerequisite for cultural and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon sequences from some northern Mediterranean cave sites show a temporal gap between Mesolithic and Neolithic occupations. Some authors regard this as a regional phenomenon and have sought to explain it in terms of a general population decline in the late Mesolithic, which facilitated the replacement of indigenous foragers by immigrant farmers. New evidence from the rockshelter site of Mala Triglavca, in Slovenia, leads us to question this view. We describe the deposits in the rockshelter and discuss the results of AMS radiocarbon dating of bone samples recovered in excavations in the 1980s. New archaeological investigations and associated soil/sediment analyses show that in the central part of the rockshelter a well‐defined stratigraphic sequence can be established, despite post‐depositional modification by soil forming processes. There is also evidence of substantial post‐depositional disturbance of the cave sediments by human agency and geomorphological processes, which have created “temporal gaps” and “inversions” in the radiocarbon sequence. The relatively large series of radiocarbon dates obtained enables some of the post‐depositional processes to be identified. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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