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小江流域泥石流堆积扇形成的制约因素及其特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
陈杰  韦方强  崔鹏 《地理科学》2005,25(6):704-708
在系统分析了各种因素对泥石流堆积扇形成影响的基础上,提出流域腹地中流域面积、沟床比降和堆积区主河河谷宽度及主河能量等因素对泥石流堆积扇发育的影响较大。结合TM卫星影象和1:5万地形图,解译了小江流域内泥石流堆积扇的范围。在此基础上,统计了流域腹地内两大重要条件-流域面积和沟床比降与堆积扇面积之间的关系。在小江流域,堆积扇的面积随流域面积的增加而增加,二者之间是正的指数关系;而堆积扇面积与沟床比降之间可用一个负的指数关系式表达。最后,堆积区特征对小江流域泥石流堆积扇的影响主要是其堆积空间限制了大型堆积扇,比如蒋家沟泥石流堆积扇的发展。  相似文献   

云南东北部的小江流域,是我国暴雨泥石流的典型发育地区。这里的泥石流,就其分布之广泛,类型之齐全,活动之频繁,规模之巨大,以及危害之严重而论,都是国内外其他山区所罕见。“座座山头走蛟龙,条条沟口吹喇叭”就是当地群众对泥石流的生动写照;国内外学者则把这里称之为“泥石流的天然博物馆”。 中国科学院成都地理研究所和云南省科学技术委员会联合组织的小江泥石流综合考察队,通过多年实地考察,编辑了《云南小江泥石汽图片集》。这本图片集是我国第一部泥石流专业画册,收录了小江  相似文献   

据成因,把泥石流堆积地貌分为自然堆积地貌和人为堆积地貌。据堆积过程,把自然泥石流堆积地貌分为古泥石流台地、老泥石流台地和近代泥石流长柄扇。据建筑物引起的堆积形态,把人为堆积地貌分为泥石流堆积扇(锥)、回淤泥砾滩、侧积泥砾堤和堰塞洼地。  相似文献   

如何确定人类历史活动稀少、植被覆盖率较高的高寒山区泥石流历史活动次数及时间较为困难。树木年代学分析方法可通过树木年轮生长变化对泥石流活动的响应特征,重建过去一定时间内的泥石流历史活动事件。通过对我国四川省境内贡嘎山东坡磨西河流域内倒灶沟泥石流堆积扇上140个桤木的树木年轮样本取样及树木年代学分析,重建了该沟在过去20 a间的2次较大规模泥石流活动事件(分别为1996年和2005年)和5次小规模洪水(或泥石流)事件。研究结果表明,在过去20 a间,倒灶沟大规模泥石流每隔约10 a便会发生一次,而小规模的泥石流或洪水则每隔2~3 a便会发生一次。同时,研究还发现,磨西河流域内泥石流堆积扇上有利于类似桤木生长特征的树种生长(最大树木年轮可达1.4 cm),为该地区泥石流生物防治工程中优势树种的选择提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

泥石流扇形地是山地居民生产生活的重要场所,也是泥石流泛滥危害的场地。科学评估泥石流扇形地的危险性,对扇形地开发具有重要意义。本文以对小江流域大白泥沟为研究对象,通过野外实地调查与成灾分析,结合泥石流扇形地形态特征和泥石流危害频率两个要素,建立了以距扇顶距离、与扇主轴夹角和危害频率为变量的定量扇形地危险性分布模型。结果表明:(1)泥石流扇形地上距离泥石流出山口越远,与主流线夹角越大的位置,受泥石流危害越小。(2)本模型在大白泥沟应用的计算结果与现场勘察验证结论相吻合,表明评估模型比较合理。(3)该模型所涉及的参数——距扇顶的长度、与扇主轴的夹角、危害频率,均可通过GIS和遥感分析得到,简单实用,为泥石流扇形地危险性评估工作提供了一种原理简单、计算方便的新方法。  相似文献   

北京山区由于山坡陡峻、构造发育、岩体破碎,加上气候条件,泥石流灾害的发生较为频繁.密云县是北京山区泥石流高发区,冯家峪镇则是密云县泥石流发生最多的区域.密云县冯家峪镇西白莲峪历史上发生多次泥石流,其流域自然地理条件复杂、泥石流堆积形态多样,大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇具有一定的代表性.研究泥石流堆积特征及其演变过程,以期丰富北京山区泥石流基础资料,同时对完善泥石流灾害防治的危险区区划有所裨益.在收集当地泥石流发生历史资料的基础上,详细的调查了西白莲峪大烂碴沟的自然地理状况和泥石流堆积物的特点.大烂碴沟上游沟谷剖面呈"V"形,切割明显,地形坡度一般在32.以上,而下游沟谷剖面呈"U"形.从泥石流形成的年代和冲刷痕迹推测,"U"形沟谷为泥石流冲刷形成.整个流域成扇形,泥石流形成区面积为0.58 km2,流通区面积为0.09 km2.大烂碴沟流通区沟道极短,这样,形成区汇集洪水到达流通区后,严重冲刷沟谷坡脚,破坏基岩的稳定性,造成两岸岩石滑坡、崩塌和沟床岩石的整体性搬运,从而形成泥石流.流域出口处有泥石流扇形堆积体,砾石含量较多.采用野外调查和室内实验结合的方法对大烂碴沟泥石流的堆积物特点进行研究,具体如下:(1)地貌特征:采用野外量测与填图的方法,主要调查堆积扇的部位及其地形、沟道比降与宽度,堆积物外部形态等.(2)结构组成:主要有颗粒级配、岩性组成、砾石排列与分选性、堆积物的结构与构造特征,以及粒态、擦痕、砾石包裹情况,大漂砾粒径、堆积位置与排列等颗粒特征.砾石的调查通过在沟道内随机选取一定数量的砾石进行abc长度和倾向调查.以上参数通过现场观测、测量取得.选定泥石流堆积区典型部位Ⅰ和Ⅲ,通过挖圆形探坑,取出全部颗粒.将颗粒直径大于10 mm的大颗粒筛出,称重,将剩余颗粒1 kg左右带回实验室分析.粒度分析的主要方法为:平均粒径比中值能更正确地反映碎屑颗粒的集中趋势,按福克和沃德的平均粒径的表达式Mx:φ16 φ50 φ80/3判别碎屑颗粒的集中趋势;采用由福克和沃德提出的标准偏差σ=φ84-φ16/4 φ95-φ5/6.6判别颗粒大小的均匀程度;采用福,克和沃德的偏度公式:SK1=φ16 φ84 2φ50/2(φ84-φ16) φ5 φ95-2φ50/2(φ95-φ5)判别粒度分布的不对称程度;峰度是用来衡量粒度频率曲线尖锐程度的,也就是度量粒皮分布的中部与两尾端的展形之比,采用福克和沃德提'出的峰度公式KG=φ95-φ5 φ80/2.44(φ75-φ25)判别.在查阅历史资料和堆积物调查的基础上,本文对大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的发育和演变过程进行了分析.研究结果表明,该区泥石流堆积扇的形成受到初次水石流和二次粘性泥石流两种泥石流形成过程的影响,水石流形成堆积扇主体,粘性泥石流则起到显著改变堆积扇形态特征的作用.大烂碴沟泥石流堆积扇的演变过程和特征明显受到大烂碴主沟和西白莲峪主沟水流的影响.从外部特征来看,堆积扇可以分为Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ和Ⅳ四个区,其中Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ区表现为二次泥石流堆积特征,Ⅳ区表现为初次泥石流堆积特征.两次泥石流形成过程中固体物质的运动方式、搬运距离和侵蚀强度不同,其堆积扇在不同分区的沙砾粒径、排列方向和圆度也反映出两次泥石流的形成特征.该研究结果对今后进一步探讨北京山区泥石流形成机理和运动过程以及为北京山区泥石流防治制定有效措施提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

针对缺乏大比例尺地形图和历史灾害资料记录的地区,提出一种沟谷型泥石流淤积范围划分新方法。方法假定峰值流量时泥石流形成最大淤积范围,泥石流纵向淤积远端为堆积扇前缘。泥石流沟口过流断面最大平均流深(h0)被假定为堆积扇上其他过流断面的特定流深,h_0由峰值流量和沟口断面参数估算得到。利用堆积扇地形图,在相邻两条等高线间获得由h0确定的泥石流特征过流断面的位置和宽度,并对弯道处的特征过流断面宽度进行弯道超高修正。根据堆积扇上特征过流断面的分布确定泥石流淤积范围。3条泥石流案例用于方法验证,结果表明方法划定的淤积范围与实际淤积范围较一致,堆积扇上房屋的阻挡和局部相对平坦的地形是误差产生的主要原因。该方法具有操作简单、快速、客观、可重复的特点。  相似文献   

蒋家沟是小江流域规模最大,危害最严重的一条泥石流沟。自1919年以来,蒋家沟泥石流曾7次培断小江造成大灾。1964年东川矿务局开始对蒋家沟进行治理。1968年“文革”高潮期间,导流堤工程无人维修、管理,8月10日泥石流越堤而过堵塞小江,顿时江水断流形成堰塞湖。沿江667余公顷高产良田颗粒无收,两岸交通中断3个月之久,造成了空前的灾害。1968年工程治理以后,避免了泥石流堵江,本文在对下游治理工程及存在问题进行分析后,提出了改进措施。该沟流域概况可见本专辑第一篇文章。  相似文献   

云南东北部的小江流域是我国暴雨型泥石流集中发育的地区之一。在小江众多的泥石流支沟中蒋家沟是爆发最频繁、规模最大、危害最严重的一条泥石流沟。 蒋家沟泥石流至今已有三百余年的历史。它的出现主要是由历来滥砍滥伐森林所造  相似文献   

云南东川蒋家沟泥石流发生、发展过程的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南东北部的小江流域是我国暴雨型泥石流集中发育的地区之一。在小江众多的泥石流支沟中蒋家沟是爆发最频繁、规模最大、危害最严重的一条泥石流沟。 蒋家沟泥石流至今已有三百余年的历史。它的出现主要是由历来滥砍滥伐森林所造  相似文献   

Debris flows are a common event in mountainous environments. They often possess the greatest potential for destruction of property and loss of lives in these regions. Delimiting the spatial extent of potential damage from debris flows relies on detailed studies of the location of depositional zones. Current research indicates debris flow fans have two distinct depositional zones. However, the two zones were derived from studies containing detailed analyses of only a few fans. High resolution airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM) data is used to calculate profile curvature and surface gradient on 19 debris flow fans on the eastern side of Death Valley. The relationship between these parameters is assessed to 1) identify if debris flow fans are accurately represented by two depositional zones, and 2) to assess how these terrain parameters relate to one another at the individual fan scale. The results show at least three zones of deposition exist within the sampled fans. These zones do not hold consistent when individual fan morphometry is analyzed in conjunction with localized fan surface gradients. Fans with consistently shallower gradients exhibit numerous depositional zones with more subtle changes in profile curvature. Steeper gradient fans exhibit significantly fewer zones with more pronounced local changes in profile curvature. The surface complexity of debris flow fans is evident from these analyses and must be accounted for in any type of hazard studies related to these features.  相似文献   

This study explores the surface variability of alluvial fans from digital elevations model (DEM) derivatives generated from 1-m planimetric resolution airborne laser swath mapping data. Channel and interfluve dimensions of debris flow (DF) fans and fans generated from predominantly fluvial flows and some older debris flows (mixed flow [MF]) are extracted with the aid of a planimetric curvature classification. Significant differences are identified between the fan surface topography of DF and MF fans. MF fans tend to have smaller channel and interfluve widths, have smaller elevation differences between the crest of the interfluve and channel, and are more dissected than DF fans. The morphometric differences between the two fan classes can be explained by differences in the primary processes that develop the surficial features, but also the preponderance for secondary erosional processes acting on the MF fans.  相似文献   

Three alluvial fans in the Ribera de Biescas, upper Gállego Valley, and central Spanish Pyrenees, have been studied in order to explain the most recent changes and to identify the spatial organization of the sediment. In the alluvial fans surveyed, the proximal area is dominated by debris flows, which pass downslope into transitional and fluvial deposits. The relative importance of each type of sediment is closely related to the size and gradient of the alluvial fan, as well as to the gradient in the final stretch of the stream. In general, the size of the sediment decreases from the proximal to the distal area, while the roundness increases. Nevertheless, there are noticeable irregularities in the trend both in longitudinal and transverse transects, due mainly to the sedimentary dynamics of the debris flows, as they advance towards the inner part of each alluvial fan during the most intense peak flows. A sudden shrinkage of the most active area and incision along the fan channels has been assessed and related to land-use changes in the catchments.  相似文献   

Active debris flow fans in the North Cascade Foothills of Washington State constitute a natural hazard of importance to land managers, private property owners and personal security. In the absence of measurements of the sediment fluxes involved in debris flow events, a morphological-evolutionary systems approach, emphasizing stratigraphy, dating, fan morphology and debris flow basin morphometry, was used. Using the stratigraphic framework and 47 radiocarbon dates, frequency of occurrence and relative magnitudes of debris flow events have been estimated for three spatial scales of debris flow systems: the within-fan site scale (84 observations); the fan meso-scale (six observations) and the lumped fan, regional or macro-scale (one fan average and adjacent lake sediments). In order to characterize the morphometric framework, plots of basin area v. fan area, basin area v. fan gradient and the Melton ruggedness number v. fan gradient for the 12 debris flow basins were compared with those documented for semi-arid and paraglacial fans. Basin area to fan area ratios were generally consistent with the estimated level of debris flow activity during the Holocene as reported below. Terrain analysis of three of the most active debris flow basins revealed the variety of modes of slope failure and sediment production in the region.Micro-scale debris flow event systems indicated a range of recurrence intervals for large debris flows from 106−3645 years. The spatial variation of these rates across the fans was generally consistent with previously mapped hazard zones. At the fan meso-scale, the range of recurrence intervals for large debris flows was 273−1566 years and at the regional scale, the estimated recurrence interval of large debris flows was 874 years (with undetermined error bands) during the past 7290 years. Dated lake sediments from the adjacent Lake Whatcom gave recurrence intervals for large sediment producing events ranging from 481−557 years over the past 3900 years and clearly discernible sedimentation events in the lacustrine sediments had a recurrence interval of 67−78 years over that same period.  相似文献   

F.A. de Scally  I.F. Owens   《Geomorphology》2005,69(1-4):46-56
Characteristics of surface particles on four fans dominated by different depositional processes are investigated in the sedimentary ranges of the Aoraki–Mount Cook area, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Statistical testing shows that on three of the fans all indices of particle size and roundness differ significantly according to the depositional process: snow avalanches produce the largest and most angular particles, streamflows the smallest and most rounded, with debris flows in between. On the fourth fan affected by all of these depositional processes, particle size and roundness indicate that snow avalanches are presently dominant with streamflow playing a secondary role. The results also show that all indices of particle size are strongly correlated with each other and suggest that the principal (a-) or intermediate (b-) axis length may provide a satisfactory substitute for more complex indices of size. Indices of particle shape generally do not differ significantly between the fans, reflecting both the strong control exerted on particle shape by source area lithology and structure and the geologic similarity of the four basins. Changes in particle size and roundness occur with down-fan distance on the snow avalanche, debris flow, and hybrid fans but not on the streamflow fan.  相似文献   

冲洪积扇与泥石流扇的遥感影像特征辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在揭示冲洪积扇和泥石流扇在发育规模、物质成分及分选性、赖以形成的地形地貌条件等方面的差异特征的基础上 ,阐述它们在航天和航空遥感图像上的影像特征 ,以及识别它们的实践意义  相似文献   

泥石流危险范围模型实验*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘希林  唐川 《地理研究》1993,12(2):77-85
通过在云南东川蒋家沟现场小规模泥石流堆积过程的68回次标准模型实验,本文探讨泥石流最大堆积长度、最大堆积宽度、最大堆积厚度和堆积面积与泥石流供给方式、堆积区坡度、流通区坡度和泥石流容重的相互关系。得出了特定控制参数下,泥石流危险范围的各类计算公式。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Dehradun Valley, a synclinal intermontane valley piggyback basin within the Siwalik Group rocks in the NW Himalaya, is separated from the Lesser Himalayan formations in the north by a major intraplate thrust, the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and from the Indogangetic Plains in the south by the Himalayan Frontal Fault (HFF). Major parts of the Dehradun Valley are covered by three fans, from west to east the Donga, Dehradun and Bhogpur fans, deposited by streams following the topography produced by activity of the MBT and probable footwall imbricate thrusts, starting at about 50 ka. The Donga and Dehradun fans were fed by small streams and characterized mainly by sediment gravity‐flow deposits (debris flow and mudflow deposits) in the proximal zone, and mostly mudflow deposits and minor braided stream deposits in the middle zone during the period 50–10 ka. Palaeosols were weakly developed in the proximal zone and moderately to strongly developed in the middle zone. The degree of development of palaeosol was mainly a function of rate of sedimentation and to some extent entrenchment of streams into the fan surface. Since 10 ka, deposition has been typically by braided streams. The Bhogpur fan has been marked by deposition from relatively larger braided streams since 50 ka. The fan sequences in the Dehradun Valley are synorogenic and their deposition started due to activity of the southern footwall imbricate of the MBT, i.e. Bhauwala Thrust on the Donga and Dehradun fans. In these fans, major fan sequences show retrogradation (50–10 ka) related to a decrease in the activity of the MBT and related imbricates and activity of more hinterlandward imbricates with time. After 10 ka a thin prograding sequence was deposited due to uplift of the fans, which resulted from the activity on a thrust in the distal parts of the fans. It suggests an out‐of‐sequence activity of faults in the MBT imbricate system. Cross‐faults divide the Siwalik formations in the footwall of the MBT into three blocks, which were marked by decreasing subsidence or possibly uplift from east to west. Thrusting on the HFF was not piggyback type but synchronous with activity of the MBT and its imbricates. The development of the Mohand fault‐bend anticline above the HFF changed the nature of the basin from foreland to piggyback type, shed minor colluvial deposits prior to 10 ka, and folded the southernmost fan deposits in the western, narrow parts of the valley. A major change in climate from a cold, dry climate with strong seasonal variations prevailing since 50 ka to warm and humid climate at about 10 ka resulted in a change in depositional processes from sediment gravity‐flows to braided streams.  相似文献   

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