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为了有效提升大清河流域平原区地下水水位,亟需在此区域开展地下水人工补给工程,并确定合理的建设位置及有效的补给方式。首先基于研究区可利用补给水源、地下水位、地表高程、地表坡度及与河道距离5个指标的分布特征,构建地下水补给潜力评价体系,采用ArcGIS空间分析功能对研究区进行了地下水人工补给潜力区划;然后在此评价体系基础上,在典型人工补给高潜力区进一步开展系列野外现场试验,探讨适宜可行的地下水人工补给方式。结果表明:研究区西北部及南部河道附近区域开展人工补给工程潜力较高,而中部、北部及西南部远离河道的区域潜力较低。高潜力区——白沟引河地段包气带及含水层渗透性良好,整体渗透系数均在5 m/d左右或更高,适宜地表补给,但河床渗透性较差,渗透系数基本在0.01~0.09 m/d间,若通过河道补给需配合清淤等措施。其中,在上游及中游沿岸适宜将河道水通过生态水渠引至修建的地表入渗池或借助天然渗坑内入渗补给,在中下游沿岸区域适宜将补给水进行严格的水处理后采用井灌方式补给,在白沟引河中下游河道适宜修建拦水坝,利用河道进行入渗补给。  相似文献   

The Janah alluvial aquifer is located in southern Iran with an arid climate. The type of groundwater in this aquifer is dominantly of sodium chloride and total dissolved solid of groundwater samples range from 1.63 to 335 g/L which confirms that groundwater quality has been severely degraded by salinization. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigations were conducted to identify the source of salinity. Total dissolved solids and major ion concentrations were measured at 51 selected sampling sites including springs, wells and surface waters. In addition stable isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium) was measured in 6 sampling points.The study indicates that the sources of salinity of the Janah aquifer include dissolution of salt diapir and evaporite rocks, a geothermal spring and intrusion of the river water which function individually or together in different parts of the aquifer. Based on the hydrogeochemical and geological studies conceptual flow models were prepared for different parts of the aquifer which illustrate how each source of salinity deteriorates the quality of the alluvial aquifer. We proposed few remediation methods including construction of cemented channel and sealed basins to improve groundwater quality. These methods would prevent infiltration of low quality water into the alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   

Ongoing hydrogeological research aims to develop a correct management model for the Plio-Pleistocene multi-aquifer system of the Albegna River coastal plain (southern Tuscany, Italy); overexploitation of this aquifer for irrigation and tourism has caused seawater intrusion. The conceptual model is based on field and laboratory data collected during the 1995–2003 period. Meteoric infiltration and flows from the adjoining carbonate aquifer recharge the aquifer. Natural outflow occurs through a diffuse flow into the sea and river; artificial outflow occurs through intensive extraction of groundwater from wells. Water exchanges in the aquifer occur naturally (leakage, closing of aquitard) and artificially (multiscreened wells). The aquifer was represented by a three-dimensional finite element model using the FEFLOW numerical code. The model was calibrated for steady-state and transient conditions by matching computed and measured piezometric levels (February 1995–February 1996). The model helped establish that seawater intrusion is essentially due to withdrawals near the coast during the irrigation season and that it occurs above all in the Osa-Albegna sector, as well as along the river that at times feeds the aquifer. The effects of hypothetical aquifer exploitation were assessed in terms of water budget and hydraulic head evolution.  相似文献   

地下水的补排主要包括垂向的地面入渗补给、蒸发排泄(蒸发可视为入渗的负值)及侧向的地表水补给、排泄。水文地质学最基本的问题之一——地下水可持续开釆量的评价准则,涉及补给的增量与排泄的减量,因此地下水开采的预测模型必须包含上述两类的补给、排泄因素,否则不能满足要求。然而,经典的Theis不稳定井流模型,即使在傍河抽水,也只有侧边界的补给、排泄作用,而不涉及上边界的地面入渗补给。这样一来,这个解析模型基本上不能够用于预测,而只能在旱季用于井流试验求取含水系统的参数。为此,文章的目标是发展具地面入渗补给的Theis不稳定潜水井流模型。对于潜水流问题,不能再用承压水流的以水头为应变量的方程来建立,应采用第二类线性化方法的势函数来建立潜水流问题。对于既有降雨入渗补给,又有抽水井作用的复杂的水文地质问题所概化数学模型的求解,采取的方法是把它分解成若干个简单的子模型问题求解,然后将其合成为原来复杂数学模型的解。基于质量守恒原理,假定渗流服从Darcy定律并满足Dupuit徦定建立了水流基本微分方程。然后对于两平行河流及一河流平行一隔水边界形成的两类条形区域,具地面均匀稳定入渗补给的井流问题,获得通用水位方程和几类常见的特定条件水位方程及其流量方程。此外,提出并采用“边界对边界的反映法”用以求解一河流平行一隔水边界条形区域的同一问题,减少了许多推导过程。最后,作为上述理论成果的初步应用,也是一个重要的应用,即在河水水质不能满足要求的河流附近,设有一口抽水井,计算该抽水井在不汲取河水的前提下的临界流量方程,获得具重要意义的结构简洁的关系式。该方程也可以用于滨海区的抽水井,在不发生海水入侵前提下的临界抽水流量计算。给出了上述条件不稳定井流过程某时刻的地下水流网图,其流网与文献中常见的傍河井流的流网相比,具显明的特征。  相似文献   

地表水与地下水相互转化是中国西北干旱内流盆地水循环的显著特征,转化机制研究是盆地水循环规律认知和水资源可持续管理的重要基础。以我国西北干旱内流河黑河流域中游的张掖盆地和盐池盆地为研究区,建立了黑河主干河道时变水平衡模型和地表水地下水耦合数值模型,研究了长周期水文变化和人类活动双重影响下地表水与地下水转化机制,得到如下认识:(1)补给条件由以天然条件下河流渗漏为主的线状补给演变为以河流与引水渠道渗漏的线状补给和灌区田间入渗面状补给,排泄条件由以泉水溢出和天然湿地排泄演变为以泉水溢出与地下水开采为主的排泄。(2)张掖盆地黑河干流河道入渗段和溢出段大致以G312 大桥为界,亦称为地表水与地下水转化的转折点。莺落峡—G312 大桥段为悬河渗漏段,河道入渗补给主要受控于进入河道的实际过水量。其中,莺落峡—草滩庄段河道入渗补给率为28.20 %;草滩庄—G312 大桥段河道入渗补给量与河道过水量的关系可用分段函数表达,河道过水量大于或等于0.37×108 m3/mon时呈幂函数关系,小于则呈线性函数关系。G312 大桥—正义峡段为地下水溢出段,其中G312大桥—平川大桥段地下水溢出量约占全部溢出量的70%,溢出峰值出现在高崖水文站下游约6 km处,其单长溢出量可达0.46 m3/(s·km)。(3)研究区是一个相对完整的河流—含水层系统,近31年来经历了连枯和连丰的水文变化,地下水补给排泄条件及与地表水转化机制均发生了相应的变化。地表水与地下水转化最强烈的地区为张掖盆地中部的黑河—梨园河倾斜平原。1990—2001 年连枯期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,以河道入渗和渠系渗漏为主的补给量平均以0.06×108 m3/a速率减少,农田灌溉面积增加导致灌溉用水增加,地下水开采量显著增加,地下水水位逐年下降,储存量累计减少5.77×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均减少0.16×108 m3/a;而2002—2020 年连丰期,灌区引水量总体逐年减少,河道入渗量呈增加趋势,地下水总补给量平均增加0.15×108 m3/a,灌溉面积继续扩大,农灌开采量随之增加,以河道入渗量增加为主导,地下水水位持续上升,储存量累计增加5.45×108 m3,地下水溢出量平均增加0.08×108 m3/a。总之,补给和排泄条件变化较大,地下水储存量先减后增,地下水溢出总量变化较为平缓,反映了该区巨厚含水层系统的巨大调蓄功能。(4)位于张掖盆地东部的诸河倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于地表水开发过度,补给量锐减。黑河侵蚀堆积平原地下水水位基本稳定。30 多年来盐池盆地倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态,这是由于移民开垦导致地下水过量开采。(5)内流盆地天然悬河入渗段是珍贵的地下水补给通道,无论连枯期还是连丰期,河道实际过水量是河道渗漏补给量的关键,保护上游天然河道和一定的河道实际过水量是内流盆地水资源可持续管理的关键。  相似文献   

Conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater requires sophisticated spatial and temporal analysis. In situations involving multiple jurisdictions such as state boundaries, management problems are magnified due to often conflicting regulations and policies. A transient MODFLOW model of the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) aquifer/river system mutually accepted by both the states of Idaho and Washington, USA, was used to evaluate regional solutions to potential water shortages through the use of strategically placed infiltration basins or injection wells. Artificial recharge of the SVRP aquifer was simulated using diversions from Lake Pend Oreille during winter periods when flows are high and excess water is available. Alternative locations for potential wells and detention basins were examined. Lag times for the water to impact stream/groundwater interaction areas along the Spokane River were evaluated to assess the potential for augmenting stream flows from July through September. Results indicated that the aquifer could be used to improve low-flow season streamflow values utilizing both infiltration basins and injection wells with winter surface water diversions. Depending on the location, as much as 30% of the winter diversion rate could be lagged to improve summer flows at the Spokane gage. Thus, a regional mitigation strategy is scientifically feasible.  相似文献   

广西南宁朝阳溪对浅层地下水污染特征研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文章利用5个钻孔和3个水井监测资料,分析了广西南宁朝阳溪排污沟对周边浅层地下水的影响。结果表明,朝阳溪排污沟对周边浅层地下水产生了明显的污染,特征污染物为氨氮,浓度超过地下水环境质量Ⅲ类水质标准1~65.75倍,氨氮浓度随距朝阳溪的距离增大而逐渐减小,且具有季节变化特征,丰水期污染程度明显低于枯水期。分析认为,浅层地下水的三氮主要来源于排入朝阳溪的人畜粪便;多环芳烃主要来源于草、木、煤燃烧;DDT来源于历史残留,BHCs则来源于上游林丹的使用和远距离大气沉降。   相似文献   

The Rajshahi city is the fourth largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh on the bank of the River Padma (Ganges). Here an upper semi-impervious layer overlies aquifer — the source for large-scale groundwater development. The groundwater resource study using Visual MODFLOW modeling shows that recharge occurs mainly due to infiltration of rainfall and urban return flow at low rate, and water level fluctuates seasonally in response to recharge and discharge. Hydraulic connection between river and aquifer which indicates inflow from high river water levels beyond its boundaries. The total groundwater abstraction in 2004 (15000 million liters) is lower than total input to aquifer reveals an ample potentiality for groundwater development with increasing demand. But groundwater shortage (1000 million liter/year) especially in the vicinity of the River Padma in dry season happens due to its increasing use and fall of river water level resulting in reduced inflows and hence decline in groundwater level. The conjunctive use of surface water-groundwater and its economic use will help for sustainable groundwater supply to avoid adverse impact.  相似文献   

 Groundwater modelling studies have been found to be a potential tool in planning the pre-development management of groundwater resources in newly developing aquifer systems. One such study was attempted in Upper Thamalakane River valley, Okavango Delta, Botswana (southern Africa). There are three major aquifers separated by two aquitards in the valley portion. The top two aquifers are freshwater bearing zones and the bottom one is saline. The hydrological set-up of the basin is complex, as the groundwater flow directions are opposite in the upper-unconfined and in the lower-confined aquifers. A preliminary multilayer model was developed for this aquifer system by making use of only available data. The hydrodynamic behavior was then studied under two prediction scenarios to evolve appropriate management decisions for locating the well field (large diameter wells) in the upper aquifer by making use of induced river infiltration during the flood season. The aquifer response for variable river-flow conditions was studied and the induced river infiltration was quantified. Received: 27 August 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

河水入渗路径和范围对确定地下水补给条件,以及水资源调控和合理利用有着重要意义。针对2015年以来怀柔地区地下水水位回升现象,开展了地下水动态影响因素研究,采集了河水和地下水样品,测试了水化学和氢氧稳定同位素组成。δD-δ18 O数据表明该区有河水入渗补给地下水,河流附近地下水为地下水与入渗河水的混合物。利用地下水δ18O值以及二元混合模型计算了地下水中入渗河水的比例,揭示出地下水中河水占比减小方向与地下水水力梯度下降方向一致;局部河段附近地下水Cl-含量增加,表明河水入渗会引起地下水水质变化。入渗河水影响范围的圈定为评价入渗河水对地下水的影响提供了重要数据。该项工作对理解研究区地下水水文过程、控制因素以及水资源管理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The present work studies the environmental isotopes assess groundwater characteristics of the different parts of the main aquifer in the northeast Missan Province in south of Iraq.Water samples of groundwater and surface water were collected for two dry and wet seasons during the water year of 2011–2012.The study shows that most of the groundwater in the aquifer falls above the global meteoric water line,and all the samples fall below the Mediterranean meteoric water line,indicating that these samples are a mixture of two water types.The tritium content of these samples supports this conclusion.The overall conclusion of this study indicates that there are two sources of groundwater recharge in the studied area:the ephemeral streams(Teeb and Dewerge) and major precipitation sources.According to the tritium levels at or below one tritium unit(TU) obtained from the water,supply wells are highly confined or "not vulnerable".Overall,the 3H results imply that recent recharge has taken place during the last four to five decades.In the recharge area,the high tritium content in the southern part of the Teeb area suggests that the recharge originates from rapid infiltration of surface runoff.Therefore,the groundwater resources in the study area should be protected from contamination,because it will influence the aquifer in a relatively short period of time if any contamination enters the recharge areas of the aquifer.  相似文献   

河水入渗补给是傍河水源地的主要补给来源,确定河水补给强度对于促进水源地长期安全的开采具有十分重要的意义。以沈阳黄家水源地为研究区,通过对比研究区河水、地下水的水化学及氢氧稳定同位素特征,分析了水源地地下水的补给来源及强度。结果表明:傍河水源地地下水主要接受河水的入渗补给和区域地下水的侧向补给;受河床沉积物和含水介质的岩性及结构在空间上的差异影响,河水入渗补给后在向地下水位漏斗中心流动的过程中具有浅层和深层两条地下水流路径,深层地下水与河水的水力联系更为紧密;河水对地下水的补给强度具有明显的时空变化特点,表现为雨季河水入渗强度明显大于旱季,并且随着与辽河距离的增加,水源地地下水获得的河水补给量呈逐渐减小的趋势。  相似文献   

Overuse of groundwater in coastal areas, due to high population and agricultural activity results in seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer. This paper presents the control measures taken to manage aquifer recharge (MAR) and also to overcome the problem of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer along the Kalangi river, Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, India having connectivity with Pulicat (saltwater) lake estuary. Due to overexploitation of groundwater and less rainfall in past years, adjacent seawater has started intruding in the Kalangi river sub-surface and deteriorating groundwater quality up to 11.6 km from the confluence of the river with Pulicat lake. To prevent this situtation, subsurface dams were constructed in traditional manner using local earth material in three different places across the Kalangi river near Sullurpet town. The water storage capacities calculated after the sub-surface dams’ construction are 1.28 mcft at GK Engineering College, 6.23 mcft at Challamagudi and 3.143 mcft at Holy Cross School sites. The Holy Cross School sub-surface dam is the first full scale dam-cum-check dam constructed to prevent salt water intrusion in the Kalangi river at Sullurpet, Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh. At the Kalangi river estuary portion (at the mouth of sea) a groyne was reconstructed over old groyne site with the introduction of clay bed and wooden sheet piles at down stream. Apart from prevention of sea water entry into Kalangi river sub-surface (during seasons) the groyne top level was raised to prevent mixing of high sea water tides with fresh water and ensuring additional storage of fresh water at upstream side. The reconstructed groyne was serving the purpose of obstructing the surface seawater entry in the Kalangi river and water quality has improved in the river as well as in the wells. After construction of sub-surface dam, as per the Simpson ratio classification, there is substantial improvement of water quality in the SHAR infiltration well situated near the Holy Cross School sub-surface dam.  相似文献   

Managed artificial recharge (MAR) is a well-established practice for augmentation of depleted groundwater resources or for environmental benefit. At the St-André MAR site in the Belgian dune area, groundwater resources are optimised through re-use of highly treated wastewater by means of infiltration ponds. The very high quality of the infiltration water sets this system apart from other MAR systems. The low total dissolved solid (TDS) content in the infiltration water (less than 50 mg/L) compared to the dune aquifer (500 mg/L) triggers a number of reactions, increasing the TDS through soil-aquifer passage. Multi-component reactive transport modelling was applied to analyse the geochemical processes that occur. Carbonate dissolution is the main process increasing the TDS of the infiltration water. Oxic aquifer conditions prevail between the infiltration ponds and the extraction wells. This is driven by the high flow velocities, leaving no time to consume O2 between the ponds and extraction wells. Cation exchange is important when infiltration water is replaced by native dune water or when significant changes in infiltration-water quality occur. The seasonal variation of O2 and temperature in the infiltration water are the main drivers for seasonal changes in the concentration of all major ions.  相似文献   

River water infiltration into an unconfined porous aquifer (∼73% gravels, ∼12% sands, ∼15% silts and clays) in the Petrignano d’Assisi plain, central Italy, was traced combining isotopic techniques (222Rn) with hydrochemical and hydrogeologic techniques in order to characterize the system under study. The 222Rn gave information about the river water residence times within the aquifer and hydrochemical data, in a two-component mixing model, which allowed estimating the extent of mixing between surface waters and groundwater in wells at increasing distances from the river. The mixing measured in the well closer to the riverbank indicated a higher contribution of river water (up to 99%) during the groundwater recession phase and a moderate contribution (up to 64%) during the recharge phase. A model describing 222Rn concentrations in groundwater as the result of both parent/daughter nuclide equilibrium and mixing process (222Rn mixing/saturation model) was used to describe observed Rn concentrations and mixing index trends with the aim of evaluating water mean infiltration velocities along the transect. The stream bank infiltration velocities obtained by the model ranged from 1 m day−1 during groundwater recharge periods, when river water infiltration is lower, to 39 m day−1 during recession phases, when river water infiltration is larger.  相似文献   

 Analyses of 126 samples collected from 18 dug wells in the shallow basaltic aquifer over a period of 7 months have revealed spatial as well as temporal changes in the chemical properties of groundwater. While the temporal changes have been attributed to dilution and concentration phenomena governed by climatic factors, the spatial variations in the geochemical characteristics of groundwater appeared to be related to pollution due to effluents from the Mula Sugar Factory. The cause of groundwater pollution is the effluent carried by a stream flowing through the area. Fluctuations in the groundwater table, influent water quality character of the stream, less capacity to accommodate large volume of effluent and occurrence of zero base flow (under natural conditions) in the stream are the factors favoring infiltration of constituents of waste water into the underlying weathered basaltic aquifer. Pollutants have entered into the shallow aquifer by downward percolation through the zone of aeration to form a recharge mound at the water table and, further, lateral movement below the water table. The plume of polluted groundwater has a lateral extent of a few meters in the upstream area and more than 400 m on either side of the stream in the downstream part. The zone of polluted groundwater has an areal extent of more than 3.5 km2. Groundwater is the only source available for drinking and agricultural purposes. It is recommended that the base of the lagoons and the stream used for release of plant effluent should be waterproofed for the protection of groundwater in the Sonai area. Received: 30 April 1997 · Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Induced bank infiltration (BI) is commonly implemented in other countries, but remains new and unexplored in Malaysia. Increasing river pollution could affect drinking water resources. Given the threat of pollution to raw water sources, applying induced BI to sustain water management is essential. This paper presents a case study of the BI method, which evaluates the effects of groundwater pumping and BI operation on the installation of wells as well as determines the effect of pumping rate on flow paths, travel time, the size of the pumping and capture zone delineation, and groundwater mixing in a pumping well in Jenderam Hilir, Malaysia. The proposed method performs infiltration safely and achieves the ideal pumping rate. Numerical modeling packages, MODFLOW and MODPATH (particle tracking) were used. Results indicate that the migration of river water into the aquifer is generally slow and depends on the pumping rate and distance from well to the river. Most water arrives at the well by the end of a pumping period of 1–5 days at 3,072 m3/day for test wells DW1 and DW2, and during simultaneous pumping for DW2 and PW1 for a well located 36 and 18 m, respectively, from the river. During the 9.7-day pumping period, 33 % of the water pumped from the DW1 well was river water, and 38 % from DW2 throughout 4.6 days was river water. The models provide necessary information for water operators in the design and construction of pumping and sampling schedules of BI practices.  相似文献   

 Estimation of aquifer parameters is vital for the assessment of groundwater potential and groundwater flow regime. On an oceanic island where fresh water lens is fragile and sensitive to various stresses, it is even more essential that in order to assess the potential of fresh water lens and the effect of various stresses on the fresh groundwater regime the parameters should be representative to the field hydrogeological set up. Pumping tests conducted on existing large diameter wells on an oceanic island have been analyzed. A finite difference method has been used to take into account the well storage, partial penetration and upconing effect into the aquifer. Forward modeling has been carried out to estimate aquifer parameters from the pumping test data. Field examples are described. Received: 15 June 1998 · Accepted: 25 August 1998  相似文献   

Twenty profiles of vertical electric soundings (VES) were obtained in a riverside alluvium at the Buyeo area, South Korea, to examine the variations of subsurface geology and associated groundwater chemistry. The combination of the VES data with the borehole data provided useful information on subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. The vestige of an ancient river channel (e.g. oxbow lake) was identified on the resistivity profiles by the lateral continuation of a near-surface perched aquifer parallel to the river. Such a perched aquifer is typically developed in the area with a clay-rich silty surface alluvium which prohibits the infiltration of oxygen. Therefore, groundwater below the oxbow lake shows a very low nitrate concentration and Eh values under the strong anoxic condition. The distribution of water resistivity is correlated with that of measured total dissolved solids concentration in groundwater, while the earth resistivity of the aquifer shows a significant spatial variation. It is interpreted that the earth resistivity of the aquifer is mainly controlled by the soil type rather than by the water chemistry in the study area.  相似文献   

Korba aquifer is one of the most typical examples of overexploited coastal aquifer in the Mediterranean countries. In fact, from 1985, a considerable piezometric level drop, water salinization, and seawater intrusion were registered in the aquifer. In December 2008, Tunisian authorities initiated a general plan to groundwater management in order to augment groundwater resources, restore the piezometric levels, and improve water quality. The plan consists of artificial recharge of groundwater used treated wastewater through three infiltration basins. During the first 4 years (from December 2008 to December 2012), 1.41 Mm3 of treated wastewater was injected to the Korba aquifer. This study presents a hydrogeological assessment of groundwater evolution during the recharge processes. In this study, 32 piezometric and chemical surveys of 70 piezometers and observed wells are used to present hydrogeological investigation and water quality evolution of wastewater reuse through artificial recharge in Korba coastal aquifer. The piezometric evolution maps are used to specify the positive effect in groundwater level that exceeding 1.5 m in some regions. The interpretation of salinity evolution maps are used to indicate the improving of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

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