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"美丽冰冻圈"融入区域发展的途径与模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨建平  哈琳  康韵婕  肖杰  陈虹举  贺青山 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2379-2390
在探讨“美丽冰冻圈”内涵的基础上,从自然属性与社会经济两个层面、致利与致害两条线,分析了“美丽冰冻圈”与区域可持续发展的关系,“美丽冰冻圈”、区域社会经济发展、人类福祉构成冰冻圈—人类社会经济复合命运共同体。基于中国冰冻圈要素及其变化影响的区域差异性,选取祁连山—河西地区、青藏高原三江源地区、横断山大香格里拉地区,分别代表冰冻圈水资源影响区、冰冻圈灾害影响区、冰冻圈旅游经济区,围绕冰冻圈水资源服务与绿洲经济、雪灾害风险与畜牧业经济、冰雪旅游与区域经济等核心问题,从冰冻圈资源服务与灾害风险视角,详细阐述了冰冻圈融入不同区域发展的途径与模式。在干旱半干旱内陆地区,冰冻圈主要以水源涵养、水量供给与径流调节服务,融入绿洲社会经济发展,是一种冰冻圈水资源支撑型区域发展模式;在青藏高原高寒区,冰冻圈生态环境决定了畜牧业经济的脆弱性,冰冻圈灾害负向影响畜牧业经济,是一种冰冻圈生态支撑+灾害影响型区域发展模式;在冰冻圈旅游经济区,直接依托冰雪资源发展冰雪旅游业,是一种基于冰冻圈资源的旅游经济驱动型区域发展模式。  相似文献   

中国冰冻圈文化服务专题区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以中国冰冻圈服务综合区划、自然和人文地理区划等理论、方法为基础,综合中国冰冻圈主要组成要素(冰川、冻土、积雪)及其社会文化要素(民族、历史、聚落、旅游文化和行政区划),采用相似性与差异性、综合性与主导性、等级性与逻辑性和空间连续与行政边界相结合的方法,提出了“文化服务+文化产业+经济开发”导向的中国冰冻圈文化服务专题区划方案。根据空间聚类方法和专家判断,将其划分为青藏高原冰川—冻土—积雪文化区、西北冰川—积雪文化区、东北冻土—积雪文化区、北方积雪文化区和南方积雪文化区5个一级区划大区,依据文化与地域要素异质性原则,再细分为12个二级区划亚类和51个三级区划基本类型。专题区划方案与中国冰冻圈空间分布、中国自然地理综合区划、中国人文地理综合区划等的吻合度较高,体现了冰冻圈组成要素与冰冻圈区域文化要素的依存关系及区域空间异质性规律。本文深化了对中国冰冻圈文化服务及其空间异质性的认知,可为冰冻圈文化保护、传承、发扬,以及不同区域冰冻圈文化、旅游产业的开发及相关产业的运营、管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,随着全球气候变暖加剧,冰川和积雪普遍退缩,严重影响到人类的生存和社会经济的可持续发展,这一问题在我国西北干旱区的博格达峰地区及其周边地区尤为突出。以博格达峰地区为例,利用1990—2016年Landsat 5与Landsat 8遥感影像,对比分析归一化积雪指数(NDSI)、归一化冰雪指数(NDSII)、归一化主成分雪指数(NDPCSI)和缨帽转换湿度指数(WET)在博格达峰地区监测冰川和积雪的能力,同时结合研究区周边气温、降水数据和研究区地形数据,探讨博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积变化与区域地形、气候间的响应关系。结果表明:(1) WET相对于NDSIINDSINDPCSI精度值更高,可以替代NDSINDSII监测博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积。(2) 博格达峰地区冰川和积雪面积呈持续退缩的趋势。1990—2016年,冰川和积雪面积减少率约20.07%,且年退缩率不断增加。(3) 高程、坡度和坡向对冰川和积雪面积变化的影响较显著,山地阴影对其影响较弱,气温的升高是冰雪面积减少的主要因素。  相似文献   

中国冰川旅游资源空间开发布局研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在回顾中国冰川旅游的发展历程,分析冰川旅游发展的优劣势条件的基础上。按照"围绕地域空间结构、立足旅游资源特色、突出中心城市、依托交通干线、形成网络市场"的"点-轴系统"规划思路,提出了中国冰川旅游"十心、三带、五区"的空间开发结构。伴随着青藏铁路复线工程、川藏与滇藏铁路的规划设计,以及在西部跨省区合作项目"丝绸之路旅游带、青藏铁路旅游带、大香格里拉生态旅游圈总体规划"逐步实施的机遇下,中国将以其丰富而独特的冰川旅游资源,强烈地吸引国内外旅游者前来观光旅游。  相似文献   

以大陆31个省级区域2000-2009年的面板数据为例,运用熵值法对各地区旅游资源禀赋状况进行评价,进一步构建错位指数,对各地区旅游业发展的"错位(诅咒)"现象进行定量分析,同时结合旅游资源相对效率,对各地区旅游资源开发提出相应的建议。研究表明总体上大陆旅游资源存在着一定程度的负向错位现象,正向错位的地区主要位于东部地区,且集中分布在长三角、珠三角、京津地区;发生负向错位现象的地区主要位于广大中西部地区。不同区域效率的驱动模式各不相同,东部地区旅游资源总效率主要受纯技术效率驱动,西部地区旅游资源总效率主要受规模效率驱动。效率排名与错位指数排名表现出很强的正相关性,结合两者的关系为未来省域旅游资源开发利用提供相应的建议。  相似文献   

积雪资源深刻影响着滑雪旅游的发展与布局,刻画中国积雪资源时空特征,识别旅游开发关键区,对中国冰雪旅游高质量发展具有重要意义。本文通过Mann-Kendall突变检验、热点分析、重要-感知实绩分析(IPA)等方法刻画中国1979—2020年积雪资源时空演变特征,构建资源稳定性-旅游开发适宜性指标体系,识别中国滑雪旅游开发关键区。结果表明:(1)中国积雪资源过去40年变化可划为3个阶段,1980—1995年(Ⅰ)积雪资源下降,1995—2010年(Ⅱ)增加,2010—2020年(Ⅲ)下降。在空间上,变化面积呈现Ⅰ-Ⅱ(33.2%)>Ⅱ-Ⅲ(31.1%)>Ⅰ-Ⅲ(29.3%)的特征;(2)中国积雪资源在月尺度上,1—3月(Ⅰ)积雪资源基本维持稳定,3—10月(Ⅱ)显著下降,10—12月(Ⅲ)恢复。在空间上,变化面积呈Ⅰ-Ⅲ(30.3%)>Ⅱ-Ⅲ(28.3%)>Ⅰ-Ⅱ(26.8%)的变化规律;(3)中国境内滑雪旅游开发极关键区面积占比为4.90%、关键区为11.69%、一般区为31.57%、不关键区为25.73%、极不关键区为26.11%,总体来看中国境内85%的区域不...  相似文献   

西藏冰冻圈消融退缩现状及其对生态环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
气候变暖是全球性问题,而西藏对全球变化的响应尤为剧烈。以西藏冰冻圈为研究对象,在已有研究成果基础上,论述了西藏冰冻圈的消融退缩与全球气候变化之间的关系,认为西藏冰冻圈消融与退缩是对全球气候变暖的直接响应。西藏冰冻圈的消融退缩对该区生态环境产生了重要影响,主要包括:冰川消融直接导致了河川径流量变化以及冰川型泥石流、冰湖溃决等灾害的频发;高原冻土层的消融导致了冻融侵蚀增强、高寒草甸以及高寒沼泽草甸的退化和种群演替,同时还导致了地表向干化方向发展,加剧了区域荒漠化趋势。  相似文献   

1959年来中国天山冰川资源时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于两期冰川编目数据与气象数据,对天山1959年来冰川资源的时空变化特征进行研究。研究发现:① 天山地区现有冰川7934条,面积7179.77 km2,冰储量756.48 km3。冰川数量以面积< 1 km2的冰川居多,面积以1~10 km2和≥ 20 km2的冰川为主,冰川集中分布在海拔3800~4800 m之间。② 在四级流域中,阿克苏河流域冰川面积最大为1721.75 km2,面积最小的是伊吾河流域,为56.03 km2。在各市(州)中,阿克苏地区冰川资源量最多,其面积和储量分别占天山总量的43.28%和68.85%;冰川资源量最少的市(州)是吐鲁番地区,面积和储量仅占天山总量的0.23%和0.07%。③ 1959年来,天山地区冰川面积减少了1619.82 km2(-18.41%),储量亏损了104.78 km3(-12.16%),其中数量以< 1 km2的冰川减少最多,面积减少以< 5 km2的冰川最为严重。④ 冰川变化呈现明显的区域差异,变化速度最快的是天山东段博格达北坡流域,变化最慢的是中部的渭干河流域。初步分析认为夏季气温显著上升带来的消融大于年内降水带来的积累是天山冰川退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

彭睿娟 《干旱区地理》2017,40(3):664-670
运用ESDA方法结合GIS 软件,以甘肃省14 个市州作为研究单元,选取人均旅游收入作为评价指标,利用空间分析方法对2003-2014 年甘肃省旅游经济的空间差异进行了分析。研究表明:2003-2014 年甘肃省旅游经济空间差异显著,旅游热点地区长期且稳定地分布在河西走廊一带,其他地市长期分布在旅游冷点地区;由于旅游资源丰度、旅游经济区位和地区经济发展水平等因素的影响,甘肃省旅游经济发展呈“伞”型结构。位于“伞”型主干的城市旅游经济发展水平高,而位于“伞”型两端的城市旅游经济发展较为缓慢。针对这种差异,提出:(1)应当不断梳理甘肃省旅游资源赋存,提升旅游资源内涵,变资源优势为产业优势、竞争优势,提高地区旅游业的整体竞争力。(2)实施非均衡的区域旅游协调发展战略。(3)不断挖掘区域旅游特色,推动旅游产业与文化产业的融合发展,提高旅游供给水平,增强区域旅游竞争力。  相似文献   

资源型城市是国家生态文明建设的重要关注点,旅游是资源城市转型发展的重要方向,因此探究二者协调发展关系具有重要现实价值。从双向视角探究了资源型城市生态文明与旅游发展协调互动关系。选择典型资源型城市——六盘水市为研究案例,实证研究发现:1)2000—2017年六盘水市生态文明建设与旅游发展都呈现出阶段性增长态势,但旅游发展相对滞后,二者差异呈现出趋于同步——迅速扩大——缩小的发展态势;2)2000—2017年生态文明建设与旅游发展耦合度除2000年(0.614)外,其他年份均在0.85以上,表明六盘水市生态文明建设与旅游发展相互作用强度较高。3)从协调度上看,2000—2017年生态文明建设与旅游发展协调性整体呈现上升态势,协调程度从重度失调(0.1707)发展到优质协调(0.9891)。以2005、2011和2015年为临界点划分为失调、逐步改善、优化提升和协调发展四个阶段;4)六盘水市生态文明建设与旅游发展演化呈正相关关系且显著性极高,但旅游因子对生态文明建设的驱动作用(95.60%)高于生态文明建设对旅游发展的支撑力(90.37%),二者存在互馈耦合的一般特征且表现出明显的旅游产业发展对区域生态文明建设的优势支撑效应。建议从统筹生态文明与旅游发展步伐、促进生态文明建设与旅游发展部门协同合作等两方面促进二者协调发展。  相似文献   

中国天山冰川生态服务功能及价值评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
山岳冰川是干旱区生态环境和社会经济可持续发展的物质基础和特色文化基础,具有独特且无法替代的生态服务功能,而目前对冰川调节生态环境和提供人类福祉等方面服务功能和价值估算研究很少。本文基于第一、二次冰川编目数据,分析中国天山冰川面积和冰储量变化特征;梳理并构建山岳冰川生态服务功能体系,结合单位面积服务功能价格法和当量因子法,评估中国天山冰川年生态服务价值。结果显示:① 1970-2010年间,中国天山冰川面积减少1274 km2,退缩了13.9%,年平均冰川储量减少约4.08×109 m3。高海拔区(> 5200 m)冰川面积出现增加,可能是由于该区域降水增加对冰川积累的作用大于气温上升对冰川消融作用造成的。② 中国天山冰川年生态服务价值为602亿元,气候调节、水文调节和淡水资源供给价值分别占总价值的66.4%、21.6%和9.3%,水力发电的年均生态服务价值约为3.5亿元,其他类型的调节和服务功能价值约12.8亿元。③ 比较分析冰川、森林、草地和湿地生态系统不同服务价值所占总价值比例发现,淡水资源供给/实物生产和生态调节功能在生态系统中均占比例较大,冰川单位面积生态服务价值高于其他类生态系统。本文以期能提高冰川对人类福祉和维持生态环境等方面的认知,服务于冰冻圈生态安全、环境保护以及资源的可持续利用规划与管理。  相似文献   

The Greater Dunhuang Region has experienced ecological degradation in the past 100 years caused by human factors such as ecological immigration, expansion of arable land, and the construction of reservoirs. At present, through the restoration of various ecological projects, the progress of ecological deterioration has slowed down. Ensuring that the development and construction of the Greater Dunhuang Region Cultural Tourism Economic Circle does not threaten ecological security is the top priority of the regional sustainable development plan. Based on the balance between supply and consumption of the ecosystem, this study assesses the pressure of ecological consumption in the Greater Dunhuang Region, and analyzes the patterns and trends in the ecological carrying status. The results reveal three important aspects of the ecological carrying pressure in this Region. (1) After 2000, the ecological supply in the Greater Dunhuang Region experienced a fluctuating growth trend. In the entire ecosystem, the farmland ecosystem provides more than 55% of the ecological supply, and areas with relatively high supply capacity are concentrated in a small number of valleys. (2) The Greater Dunhuang Region is under greater production pressure and there is less pressure from living consumption. The production consumption intensity has exceeded the ecological supply since 2014. The production and consumption structure of the Greater Dunhuang Region is dominated by animal husbandry production and consumption, accounting for more than 65% of the total production and consumption. (3) The Greater Dunhuang Region has been in a state of rich and surplus from 2000 to 2017. However, Dunhuang City turned into a surplus state in 2017 due to the pressure of the fast-growing tourist population. The Greater Dunhuang Region urgently needs to alleviate the ecological pressure through the development of eco-friendly industries. It is necessary to develop an ecological protection resource utilization model that focuses on the development of ecological and cultural services in pastoral areas to ease the pressure on the ecosystem from animal husbandry production.  相似文献   

中国冰川旅游发展潜力评价及其空间开发策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王世金  赵井东 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1528-1542
从区位交通、资源环境、基础开发及经济社会四个方面出发,构建了中国冰川旅游发展潜力评价指标体系,运用模糊评价赋值与层次分析法,对中国冰川区32个地州市冰川旅游发展潜力进行了综合评估,提出了相应的空间开发策略。结果表明:(1)区位交通潜力较高地区集中于冰川进入性和通达性较好的省会城市及周边地州市,以及具有明显地缘优势的区域...  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhengyong  Liu  Lin  He  Xinlin  Li  Zhongqin  Wang  Puyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):101-114

Mountain glaciers, which perform a unique and irreplaceable ecological service, provide the material basis and characteristic cultural foundation of the ecological environment and sustainable socio-economic development in arid areas. However, few studies have estimated the service value of glaciers in regulating ecological environment and providing human welfare. According to the statistics of the First and Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (FCGI/SCGI), this study analyzed the variations in glacier area and ice volume in the Tianshan Mountains in China and modeled the ecosystem service function of mountain glaciers. The service value per unit area and equivalent factor methods were combined to determine the annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area. The results show that: (1) In the period 1970–2010, the glacier area decreased by 1274 km2 (the ratio of area shrinkage was 13.9%) and the annual average decrease in ice volume was 4.08×109 m3. The increase in glacier area at high altitudes (> 5200 m) may be due to the fact that glacier accumulation caused by increasing precipitation is greater than glacier melting caused by rising temperatures. (2) The annual value of the ecological service provided by glaciers in the study area is 60.2 billion yuan. The values of climate regulation, hydrological regulation, and freshwater resource supply account for 66.4%, 21.6%, and 9.3% of the total value respectively. The annual value of the ecological service provided by hydroelectric power is 350 million yuan. (3) From a comparative analysis of the glaciers, forest, grassland and wetland ecosystems, the supply of freshwater resources/physical production and ecological regulation represent the main contributions of the four types of system, and the ecosystem service value of glaciers per unit area is higher than that of other types of ecosystem. This research will improve the understanding of the impact of glaciers on human welfare and maintenance of the ecological environment and will promote the ecological security of the cryosphere, environmental protection, and the sustainable use of resources.


Glacier retreat is becoming more widespread and severe due to global warming, and improper exploitation of glacier resources by tourism activities accelerates the destruction of glacier landscapes. Therefore, establishing a set of quantitative assessment tools is critical for guiding the rational utilization of glacier tourism resources. This study selected regional tourism resources, the natural environment of glaciers, service support, and market demand factors to build a suitability assessment method for glacier tourism (SAMGT), and it used the Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the index weights, and combined them with GIS analysis technology. The Tibet autonomous region was proposed in this study as a case to build the SAMGT and provide scientific support for the rational development, scientific management, and sustainable development of glacier tourism resources. With regard to influencing the suitability of glacier tourism resource development, the results indicate that the weights of glacier resource endowment, ecological vulnerability, and tourism resource combination were high whereas that of market demand-related factors was low. The glacier tourism resource development area in Tibet can be divided into suitable, relatively suitable, barely suitable, and unsuitable exploitation zones, accounting for 5.39%, 9.76%, 15.28%, and 69.57% of the total area, respectively. Five representative glaciers were selected to verify the validity or test the rationality of SAMGT and prove that the model is reasonable, innovative, and effective from the perspectives of multiple dimensions and the comprehensiveness of the selected indicators.  相似文献   

Glaciers are a reliable freshwater resource in arid regions of West China and the vulnerability of its changes is closely related to regional ecosystem services and economic sustainable development. Here, we took the Qilian Mountains as an example and analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of glacier changes from 1998 to 2018, based on remote sensing images and the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory. We estimated the basic organizational framework and evaluation index system of glacier change vulnerability from exposure, sensitivity and adaptability, which covered the factors of physical geography, population status and socio-economic level. We analyzed the spatial and temporal evolutions of glacier change vulnerability by using the vulnerability evaluation model. Our results suggested that:(1) Glacier area and volume decreased by 71.12±98.98 km2 and 5.59±4.41 km3, respectively, over the recent two decades, which mainly occurred at the altitude below 4800 m, with an area shrinking rate of 2.5%. In addition, glaciers in the northern aspect(northwest, north and northeast) had the largest area reduction. Different counties exhibited remarkable discrepancies in glacier area reduction, Tianjuan and Minle presented the maximum and minimum decrease, respectively.(2) Glacier change vulnerability level showed a decreasing trend in space from the central to the northwestern and southeastern regions with remarkable differences. Vulnerability level had increased significantly over time and was mainly concentrated in moderate, high and extreme levels with typical characteristics of phases and regional complexity. Our study can not only help to understand and master the impacts of recent glacier changes on natural and social aspects but also be conducive to evaluate the influences of glacier retreat on socio-economic developments in the future, thus providing references for formulating relevant countermeasures to achieve regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

As one of the five components of Earth's climatic system, the cryosphere has been undergoing rapid shrinking due to global warming. Studies on the formation, evolution, distribution and dynamics of cryospheric components and their interactions with the human system are of increasing importance to society. In recent decades, the mass loss of glaciers, including the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, has accelerated. The extent of sea ice and snow cover has been shrinking, and permafrost has been degrading. The main sustainable development goals in cryospheric regions have been impacted. The shrinking of the cryosphere results in sea-level rise, which is currently affecting, or is soon expected to affect, 17 coastal megacities and some small island countries. In East Asia, South Asia and North America, climate anomalies are closely related to the extent of Arctic sea ice and snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. Increasing freshwater melting from the ice sheets and sea ice may be one reason for the slowdown in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in the Arctic and Southern Oceans. The foundations of ports and infrastructure in the circum-Arctic permafrost regions suffer from the consequences of permafrost degradation. In high plateaus and mountainous regions, the cryosphere's shrinking has led to fluctuations in river runoff, caused water shortages and increased flooding risks in certain areas. These changes in cryospheric components have shown significant heterogeneity at different temporal and spatial scales. Our results suggest that the quantitative evaluation of future changes in the cryosphere still needs to be improved by enhancing existing observations and model simulations. Theoretical and methodological innovations are required to strengthen social economies' resilience to the impact of cryospheric change.  相似文献   

曹靖  张文忠 《地理研究》2020,39(9):1987-1999
本文以粤港澳大湾区各城市作为案例,对2000—2017年各城市创新投入强度及绿色经济效率进行了测度,并探讨了不同时期城市创新投入对提升绿色经济效率影响方式和大小的变化。本文主要得出了以下结论:① 大湾区绝大多城市在2000—2017年期间创新投入强度都实现了显著提升,在此期间深圳城市创新投入强度始终处于领先地位,广州、香港创新投入强度增长较慢。② 2000年—2017年间大湾区各城市绿色经济效率的变化情况存在较大差异,处于稳定发展阶段的城市绿色经济效率通常稳步提升,而处于高速增长阶段的城市绿色经济效率多出现波动。③ 从2000年—2017年,大湾区城市绿色经济效率的主要影响因素由规模效应逐渐过渡到创新效应,创新投入强度提升对于提升城市绿色经济效率的贡献度明显上升;④ 创新效应会随着城市发展成熟、产业规模的增大,对提升城市绿色经济效率起到的作用不断增强,应将提升创新投入作为提升城市绿色经济效率最重要的手段。  相似文献   

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