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在我国治沙大军中,有这样一对父子——父亲是赫赫有名的全国治沙英雄石光银,儿子是治沙的后起之秀石战军。在陕西定边毛乌素沙地边缘,父子二人共同谱写了一曲人进沙退的壮歌。老石以毕生的治沙经验培养着儿子,石战军则不负重托,干得有声有色。然而,就在老石可以把自己的治沙事业托付给儿子时,一场车祸夺走了石战军年轻的生命。经历了丧子之痛,老英雄又一次坚强地回到了治沙第一线,这一次,他肩上承载的是两代人的治沙理想。人进沙退,绿锁黄龙。中国林业发展到今天、治沙成果如此显著,正是因为有无数石家父子这样的人,一代接着一代干,甚至不惜献出宝贵的生命。他们用汗水和热血在茫茫沙地浇灌出片片绿荫,铸就了加快现代林业发展的坚实基础。  相似文献   

阳春三月,春光明媚,与北国"白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花"的景象相比,江南已是一片春意盎然。  相似文献   

周鹤 《今日国土》2009,(4):46-47
穿平底鞋,常蹦着走,累了就玩,少说消极话4月14日午后,著名学者于丹走进了人民日报社大院,应邀主讲"世界读书日"之青年讲堂的首场讲座。在这个春花烂漫的时节,于丹微笑着坐在怒放的梨花下,与记者聊起了自己的生活与健康心得。  相似文献   

张正禄 《测绘学报》2004,33(3):280-281
德国汉诺威大学土木工程与测量系地球测量研究所Guenter Seeber教授所著的《SatelliteGeodesy》(卫星大地测量学)第2版已于2003年由德国Walter de Gruyter出版社在柏林出版.本书的第1版于1993年由该出版社出版,都是用英文写成.第1版曾由国家地震局地震研究所赖锡安教授等译成中文于1998年由地震出版社出版.第2版与第1版之间相隔恰好10年,10年来卫星大地测量领域有了很大的发展和变化,Seeber教授以其深邃的眼光、严谨的学风和渊博的知识全面修订和扩展了第1版.本文结合第1版,将第2版的主要内容和特色介绍给我国读者,希望能对广大测绘同行有所裨益.  相似文献   

由原《测绘学院学报》改版后的《测绘科学技术学报》已经面世一年了. 在过去的2006年里,本刊得到了编委会顾问、编委、通信编委及国内外同行和学者的厚爱、关心和支持,内涵有了进一步扩展,质量有了进一步的提高,被评为"首届中国高校优秀科技期刊".  相似文献   

基于VBA的Excel测量程序开发技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周卫 《测绘通报》2005,(6):37-40
基于VBA开发Excel测量程序具有简便、高效和通用的特点,程序的使用具有直观、实时、动态、灵活、交互性与图形功能强等明显的优势.由于Office软件使用的普遍性及其组件之间数据良好的交互性和共享性,Excel在数据处理与相应报告的生成等方面更具优势.以开发实例介绍使用VBA开发Excel测量程序的主要技术方法.  相似文献   

利用平地干涉相位进行INSAR初始基线估计   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
INSAR技术是最有潜力获取高精度DEM的手段之一.在其关键技术中,基线估计是影响最终DEM精度的一个关键因素.通常,较小的基线估计误差将会导致获取的DEM中存在较大的斜坡效应.但是,对于境外等难以获取地面控制点的区域,很难精确地估计出基线参数,从而使获取的DEM误差很大.针对这种情况,从INSAR的基本原理入手,提出了一种新的利用平地干涉相位进行初始基线估计的方法.利用1994年美国NASA航天飞机SIR-C/X-SAR数据和中国科学院电子所机载双天线干涉数据进行了实验,结果表明:该方法适用于无控制地区的基线估计,它无需地面控制点,并且估计出的基线参数比较精确.  相似文献   

AIRS/TOVS/TOMS反演的臭氧总量的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘亮  牛生杰 《遥感学报》2008,12(1):54-63
本文利用2003-2005年的AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder),TOVS(The TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder)和TOMS(Total ozone mapping spectrometer)卫星资料反演的大气臭氧柱总量分析了全球范围内大气臭氧的分布和变化特征.北半球大气臭氧柱总量有明显的季节变化,在春季达到最大值约为322.25DU,秋季达到最小值约为277.83DU,变化幅度约为45DU,南半球季节变化不明显;大气臭氧柱总量有明显的纬度变化,低纬度地区臭氧柱总量较低,基本维持在250-270DU,高纬度地区臭氧柱总量较高,北半球中高纬地区平均约为294DU,南半球中高纬地区平均约为279DU.几种反演结果的对比分析表明,AIRS的全球(60°N-60°S)平均臭氧柱总量的值比TOVS和TOMS的值高大约3-5DU.其反演值在南极大陆和沙漠地区出现异常.与地基观测资料相比较,AIRS和TOMS反演值与地面站观测值之间具有一致的变化趋势,并存在较好的相关性.  相似文献   

针对WebGIS中存在的地理空间数据语义共享问题,在分析XML和GML特点的基础上,论述了基于XML构架WebGIS系统的方案和应用方式,并详析了实现构架的相关技术.  相似文献   

自燧人氏钻燧取火之后,人类结束了茹毛饮血、居洞避寒的生活。事实上,并非任何木柴都能取火。经过长期的实践,人们对木柴的品种做出了挑选,不仅如此,还根据季节变换品种。据说,轩辕黄帝时期,各地  相似文献   

Understanding the movements of people is essential for the design and management of urban areas. This article presents a novel approach to understanding the asymmetry in route choice (i.e., the degree to which people choose different walking routes for their outbound and return journeys). The study utilizes a large volume of traces of individual routes, captured using a smartphone application. The routes are aggregated to a regular grid, and matrix statistics are developed to estimate the aggregate degree of route asymmetry for different types of route (shortest, longest, weekday, weekend, etc.). The results suggest that people change their route approximately 15% of the time. Although this varied little when observing trips made at the weekend or on a weekday, people taking journeys that deviated substantially from the shortest possible path were 6 percentage points less likely to change their routes than those taking journeys that were closest to the shortest path (14 and 20% asymmetry, respectively). The absolute length also impacted on the asymmetry of journeys, but not as substantially. This result is important because, for the first time, it reports a correlation between deviation from shortest route and aggregate pedestrian choice.  相似文献   

提出了把基于典型事例推理的智能方法应用到路径规划过程中。在结合道路网络知识的基础上,定义了典型事例,并基于事例进行了推理。实验结果表明,该算法减少了搜索空间,加快了搜索速度,并满足人们喜欢在熟悉路径上行驶的偏好。  相似文献   

Identifying a route that avoids obstacles in continuous space is important for infrastructure alignment, robotic travel, and virtual object path planning, among others, because movement through space is not restricted to a predefined road or other network. Vector and raster GIS (geographic information system) solution approaches have been developed to find good/efficient routes. On the vector side, recent solution approaches exploit spatial knowledge and utilize GIS functionality, offering significant computational advantages in finding an optimal solution to this path routing problem. Raster‐based shortest path techniques are widely applied in route planning for wayfinding, corridor alignment, robotics and video gaming to derive an obstacle avoiding path, but represent an approximation approach for solving this problem. This research compares vector and raster approaches for identifying obstacle‐avoiding shortest paths/routes. Empirical assessment is carried out for a number of planning applications, highlighting representational issues, computational requirements and resulting path efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a GIS-based model that simulates the geographic expansion of transport networks by several decision-makers with varying objectives. The model progressively adds extensions to a growing network by choosing the most attractive investments from a limited choice set. Attractiveness is defined as a function of variables in which revenue and broader societal benefits may play a role and can be based on empirically underpinned parameters that may differ according to private or public interests. The choice set is selected from an exhaustive set of links and presumably contains those investment options that best meet private operator’s objectives by balancing the revenues of additional fare against construction costs. The investment options consist of geographically plausible routes with potential detours. These routes are generated using a fine-meshed regularly latticed network and shortest path finding methods. Additionally, two indicators of the geographic accuracy of the simulated networks are introduced. A historical case study is presented to demonstrate the model’s first results. These results show that the modelled networks reproduce relevant results of the historically built network with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

The problem of finding the K shortest paths (KSPs) between a pair of nodes in a road network is an important network optimization problem with broad applications. Yen's algorithm is a classical algorithm for exactly solving the KSP problem. However, it requires numerous shortest path searches, which can be computationally intensive for real large networks. This study proposes a fast algorithm by introducing a generalized spur path reuse technique. Using this technique, shortest paths calculated during the KSP finding process are stored. Accordingly, many shortest path searches can be avoided by reusing these stored paths. The results of computational experiments on several large‐scale road networks show that the introduced generalized spur path reuse technique can avoid more than 98% of shortest path searches in the KSP finding process. The proposed algorithm speeds up Yen's algorithm by up to 98.7 times in experimental networks.  相似文献   

高吉 《北京测绘》2009,(2):16-18
最短路径问题是地理网络分析中的重要问题之一,具有重要的应用价值。搜索最短路径的方法很多,在研究了各种方法后,本文提出了在ArcGIS矢量图中搜索最短路径的新方法。首先,提取经过ArcGIS简单处理的矢量图的信息,然后,借助Floyd算法,用MATLAB建模来提取节点间的最短路径,最后根据模型运算的结果在矢量图中绘出最短路径。试验证明,该方法操作简单,效果良好。  相似文献   

讨论了一种地理信息系统空间分析算法——最短路径分析,然后利用最短路径结果,采用表上作业法将灾害救援物资进行优化,给出最优调运方案。  相似文献   

通过对基于实例的设计方法、实例的相似性及相似实例提取的研究,给出针对建筑工程类的实例的特征、特征属性和实例相似度的概念,提出了一个可以实施的基于工程设计实例相似度检索的数学模型;给出了基于知识导向的实例检索方法和基于相似度的层次化加权检索方法;介绍了作者开发的基于优秀实例设计的住宅设计专家系统CRBD。  相似文献   

基于瞬时水深模型的最短时间航线自动生成算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
优化的海图航线设计是舰船安全、经济航行的先导和基础。本文提出了一种基于瞬时水深模型的最短时间航线自动生成算法。基于海图静态水深和海域潮位模型,构建瞬时水深模型,动态提取碍航区,并进行航线可行性分析;利用动态规划思想,进行最短时间路径搜索;采用矩形包络分析、相近节点搜索和冗余点删除等策略,进行航线优化。实验表明:本文所提算法,能动态分析航线可行性,搜索最短时间航线; 与传统的最短时间航线算法相比,所提算法可提取航行时间更短的航线;所提取的最短时间航线,与舰船航行的起始时间和舰船航速相关。  相似文献   

针对障碍环境中路径规划存在的运算效率低、最短路径遗失问题,根据凸包边界在构建空间网络模型过程中具有快速高效的特点,结合路径与障碍物的相对位置关系,提出了一种基于双侧凸包扩张模型的路径快速规划算法.该算法在对凸包边界算法进行改进的基础上,提取左右侧关联障碍物的凸包边界作为网络模型,利用最短路径算法搜寻目标路径,并在Arc...  相似文献   

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