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Acoustic turbidity caused by the presence of gas bubbles in seafloor sediments is a common occurrence worldwide,but is as yet poorly understood. The Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer experiment in the Baltic off northern Germany was planned to better characterize the acoustic response of a bubbly sediment horizon. In this context, in situ measurements of compressional wave speed and attenuation were made over the frequency range of 5–400 kHz in gassy sediments of Eckernförde Bay. Dispersion of compressional speed data was used to determine the upper limit of the frequency of methane bubble resonance at between 20 and 25 kHz. These data, combined with bubble size distributions determined from CT scans of sediments in cores retained at ambient pressure, yield estimates of effective bubble sizes of 0.3–5.0 mm equivalent radius. The highly variable spatial distribution of bubble volume and bubble size distribution is used to reconcile the otherwise contradictory frequency-dependent speed and attenuation data with theory. At acoustic frequencies above resonance (>25 kHz) compressional speed is unaffected by bubbles and scattering from bubbles dominates attenuation. At frequencies below resonance (<1 kHz) ‘compressibility effects’ dominate, speed is much lower (250 m s-1) than bubble-free sediments, and attenuation is dominated by scattering from impedance contrasts. Between 1.5 and 25 kHz bubble resonance greatly affects speed and attenuation. Compressional speed in gassy sediments (1100–1200 m s-1) determined at 5–15 kHz is variable and higher than predicted by theory (<250 m s-1). These higher measured speeds result from two factors: speeds are an average of lower speeds in gassy sediments and higher speeds in bubble-free sediments; and the volume of smaller-sized bubbles which contribute to the lower observed speeds is much lower than total gas volume. The frequency-dependent acoustic propagation is further complicated as the mixture of bubble sizes selectively strips energy near bubble resonance frequencies (very high attenuation) allowing lower and higher frequency energy to propagate. It was also demonstrated that acoustic characterization of gassy sediments can be used to define bubble size distribution and fractional volume.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic survey was conducted to investigate acoustic characteristics of gassy sediments along the southern shelf of the Sea of Marmara. The acoustic turbidity zones outlined within the study area are generally below 2–9 m (2-10 ms TWT) the seafloor whilst this vertical distance varies between 9 and 21 m (10–25 ms TWT) for acoustic blanket type reflections. The gassy sediments cover an area of sea floor of about 45, 110, and 75 km2 in front of Gönen River, Kocasu River, and Gemlik Bay, respectively. The gassy sediments in the center of Gemlik Bay exhibited an elliptical geometry similar to its basin while the others have deltaic forms in front of the rivers. The sea bottom and near surface sedimentary units are made-up of organic-rich sediments, mostly transported by the southern rivers. The gas observed in sediments is thought to be of biogenic origin, which may be caused by degradation of organic matter in the sediment.  相似文献   

To understand the origin of the methane distributions in sediments of Eckernförde Bay, three sites were sampled in May 1994 for determination of methane, sulfate and chloride concentrations in the sediment porewaters. In much of the Bay, bubbles of biogenic methane gas within the sediments lead to widespread ‘acoustic turbidity’ seen in acoustic surveys, masking the sedimentary structure below the gassy horizon. Acoustic windows, where the gas does not appear to be present, occur in several locations in the Bay, often surrounded by acoustically turbid sediments. Pockmarks, shallow depressions in the sediment, are also found in Bay sediments and may show acoustic turbidity at even shallower depths below the interface than surrounding sediments. One site of each type was sampled in this study. The site probably representative of much of the bay below 20 m water depth, revealed methane saturated conditions by about 75 cm depth below the interface, confirming inferences from acoustic scattering data that free gas was present in the sediment. Above this, the methane concentration profile was concave-upward, indicative of methane oxidation in the overlying, sulfate-reducing sediments. These porewaters showed a slightly decreasing chlorinity with depth. At an acoustic window site, methane concentrations rose to a maximum at about 125 cm depth, but did not reach saturation. Below this depth they decreased in a concave-down pattern. Chloride concentrations decreased markedly with depth, indicative of vertical freshwater flow from below. The third site was a pockmark exhibiting very shallow acoustic turbidity at about 25 cm depth. Here methane concentrations rose to exceed saturation within 25 cm depth below the interface and the porewaters became almost fresh by 1.5 m depth, indicative of a stronger flow of freshwater from below. These groundwater flows have competing effects on the methane inventory. They help exclude sulfate from the sediment, allowing the earlier/shallower onset of methanogenesis, but they also aid loss of methane through advection. A diagenetic model that couples the biogeochemistry of sulfate and methane is used to explain the presence or absence of methane gas in these sediments in relation to the flow rate of fresh groundwater from below. Model results indicate that acoustic windows within otherwise acoustically turbid sediments of the bay are likely due to relatively higher rates of vertical advection of fresh groundwater. The gassy pockmark, however, with an even higher vertical advection rate, seems to require the input of additional reactive organic carbon to explain its vertical methane distribution.  相似文献   

The seafloor of central Eckernförde Bay is characterised by soft muddy sediments that contain free methane gas. Bubbles of free gas cause acoustic turbidity which is observed with acoustic remote sensing systems. Repeated surveys with subbottom profiler and side scan sonar revealed an annual period both of depth of the acoustic turbidity and backscatter strength. The effects are delayed by 3–4 months relative to the atmospheric temperature cycle. In addition, prominent pockmarks, partly related to gas seepage, were detected with the acoustic systems. In a direct approach gas concentrations were measured from cores using the gas chromatography technique. From different tests it is concluded that subsampling of a core should start at its base and should be completed as soon as possible, at least within 35 min after core recovery. Comparison of methane concentrations of summer and winter cores revealed no significant seasonal variation. Thus, it is concluded that the temperature and pressure influences upon solubility control the depth variability of acoustic turbidity which is observed with acoustic remote sensing systems. The delay relative to the atmospheric temperature cycle is caused by slow heat transfer through the water column. The atmospheric temperature cycle as ‘exiting function’ for variable gas solubility offers an opportunity for modelling and predicting the depth of the acoustic turbidity. In practice, however, small-scale variations of, e.g., salinity, or gas concentration profile in the sediment impose limits to predictions. In addition, oceanographic influences as mixing in the water column, variable water inflow, etc. are further complications that reduce the reliability of predictions.  相似文献   

Locating areas of seafloor contamination caused by heavy oil spills is challenging, in large part because of observational limitations in aquatic subsurface environments. Accepted methods for surveying and locating sunken oil are generally slow, labor intensive and spatially imprecise. This paper describes a method to locate seafloor contamination caused by heavy oil fractions using in situ mass spectrometry and concurrent acoustic navigation. We present results of laboratory sensitivity tests and proof-of-concept evaluations conducted at the US Coast Guard OHMSETT national oil spill response test facility. Preliminary results from a robotic seafloor contamination survey conducted in deep water using the mass spectrometer and a geo-referenced acoustic navigation system are also described. Results indicate that this technological approach can accurately localize seafloor oil contamination in real-time at spatial resolutions better than a decimeter.  相似文献   

We investigate the seismoelectric/electroseismic wavefields excited by a point source in an air/seawater/three-layered porous medium configuration containing a hydrocarbon layer. The results show that if an explosive source for excitation is used, receivers at seafloor can record the coseismic electromagnetic fields accompanying the P, S, fluid acoustic waves and the interface responses converted from the acoustic waves at seafloor interface and from the seismic waves at the interfaces beneath the seafloor. Employing a vertical electric dipole source shows that, with the exception of the interface responses converted from electromagnetic waves at seafloor, the interface responses converted from transmitted electromagnetic waves at the interfaces beneath the seafloor can also be identified. Given that the strength of the explosive source is within excitation capability of industry air guns, the generated interface responses from the hydrocarbon layer can be detected by current electromagnetic sensors considering the low ambient noise at the seafloor. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of the seismoelectric method applied to marine hydrocarbon exploration. Electroseismic modelling results suggest that it is not practical to employ this method to prospect marine hydrocarbon layer due to the weak interface response signal, unless a much larger current is injected into seafloor.  相似文献   

Tommeliten is a prominent methane seep area in the Central North Sea. Previous surveys revealed shallow gas-bearing sediments and methane gas ebullition into the water column. In this study, the in situ methane flux at Tommeliten is re-assessed and the potential methane transport to the atmosphere is discussed, with regards to the hydrographic setting and gas bubble modeling. We have compiled previous data, acquired new video and acoustic evidence of gas bubble release, and have measured the methane concentration, and its C-isotopic composition in the water column. Parametric subbottom sonar data reveal the three-dimensional extent of shallow gas and morphologic features relevant for gas migration. Five methane ebullition areas are identified and the main seepage area appears to be 21 times larger than previously estimated. Our video, hydroacoustic, subbottom, and chemical data suggest that ~1.5×106 mol CH4/yr (~26 tons CH4/yr) of methane gas is being released from the seepage area of Tommeliten. Methane concentration profiles in the vicinity of the gas seeps show values of up to 268 nM (~100 times background) close to the seafloor. A decrease in δ13C-CH4 values at 40 m water depth indicates an unknown additional biogenic methane source within the well oxygenated thermocline between 30 and 40 m water depth. Numerical modeling of the methane bubbles due to their migration and dissolution was performed to estimate the bubble-derived vertical methane transport, the fate of this methane in the water column, and finally the flux to the atmosphere. Modeling indicates that less than ~4% of the gas initially released at the seafloor is transported via bubbles into the mixed layer and, ultimately, to the atmosphere. However, because of the strong seasonality of mixing in the North Sea, this flux is expected to increase as mixing increases, and almost all of the methane released at the seafloor could be transferred into the atmosphere in the stormy fall and winter time.  相似文献   

Data from routine seismic surveys contain considerable information about the geo-acoustic properties of the seafloor. Waves are reflected at a wide range of angles of incidence from near-vertical reflections (higher multiples) to supercritical reflections (primary and lower multiples). The reflection coefficient is approximately constant for small angles of incidence (< 10°) but varies greatly for larger angles of incidence. Near-vertical reflections are used to determine the seafloor density. The P-velocity in the seafloor is determined in advance from the critical distance using the amplitude variation of the primary as well as the multiples. The Vp/VS ratio is determined by modeling the amplitude variation with the angle of incidence. The primary reflection from the seafloor and the first three multiples are included in the modeling. Seismic data obtained with both conventional and superlong airgun arrays have been modeled. Data collected from the Barents Sea show that even if the P-velocity is the same at different sites, the Vp/Vs ratio, density and Poisson's ratio vary significantly. The most extreme example shows that for a P-velocity of 2.80 km/s the Vp/Vs ratio varies between 1.9 and 6.0. The corresponding densities vary from 2.36 g/cm3 to 1.80 g/cm3 and the Poisson's ratio varies from 0.31 to 0.49. The acoustic modeling offers a method of assessing the mean geotechnical or mechanical properties of larger volumes of marine sediments in terms of incompressibility, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio.  相似文献   

The style of magma eruption depends strongly on the character of melt degassing and foaming. Depending on the kinetics of these processes the result can be either explosive or effusive volcanism. In this study the kinetics of foaming due to the internal stresses of gas expansion of two types of obsidian have been investigated in time series experiments (2 min-24 h) followed by quenching the samples. The volumetric gas-melt ratio has been estimated through the density measurements of foamed samples.The variation of gas volume (per unit or rhyolite melt volume) with time may be described by superposition of two exponentials responsible for gas generation and gas release processes respectively. An observed difference in foaming style in this study is interpreted as the result of variations in initial contents of microlites that serve as bubble nucleation centers during devolatilization of the melts. Quantitatively the values of the gas generation rate constants (k g) are more than an order of magnitude higher in microlite-rich obsidian than in microlite-free obsidian. Possible origins of differences in the degassing style of natural magmas are discussed in the light of bubble nucleation kinetics in melts during foaming. In a complementary set of experiments the mechanical response of vesicular melt to external shear stress has been determined in a concentric cylinder viscometer. The response of vesicular melt to the pulse of shear deformation depends on the volume fraction of bubbles. The obtained response function can be qualitatively described by a Burgers body model. The experimental shear stress response function for bubble-bearing melt has an overshoot due to the strain-dependent rheology of a twophase liquid with viscously deformable inclusions.  相似文献   

海底天然气渗漏的地球物理特征及识别方法   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底天然气渗漏是在海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象.海底天然气渗漏可以指示沉积层中的烃类聚集带,渗漏出的大量气体(主要是甲烷)可能影响全球的气候变化,此外,与海底渗漏相关的浅层气改变了海底沉积物的土工性质,可能对海底工程构成威胁.因此海底渗漏研究意义重大.海底天然气渗漏不仅影响海底沉积物的物理性质,而且还极大地改变海底地形地貌,它能在海底形成麻坑、泥火山、冷泉碳酸盐岩以及化学自养生物群落等现象.在海底渗漏发生的地方,地形地貌特征可以在海洋测深和逆向散射数据上得到反映;沉积物的声学特征可以在地震剖面上得到反映,如形成声混浊、声空白、亮点、多次波、速度下拉等;有些渗漏在海面形成油渍膜,油渍膜可以在合成孔径雷达图像上得到反映.根据海底渗漏的上述地球物理特征,可以识别出可能渗漏区域,海底渗漏的证实需要用到海底观测和取样分析资料.  相似文献   

The occurrence of spread-F at Trivandrum (8.5^N, 77^E, dip 0.5^N) has been investigated on a seasonal basis in sunspot maximum and minimum years in terms of the growth rate of irregularities by the generalized collisional Rayleigh-Taylor (GRT) instability mechanism which includes the gravitational and cross-field instability terms. The occurrence statistics of spread-F at Trivandrum have been obtained using quarter hourly ionograms. The nocturnal variations of the growth rate of irregularities by the GRT mechanism have been estimated for different seasons in sunspot maximum and minimum years at Trivandrum using h’F values and vertical drift velocities obtained from ionograms. It is found that the seasonal variation of spread-F occurrence at Trivandrum can, in general, be accounted for on the basis of the GRT mechanism.  相似文献   

The morphology and composition of spinel in rapidly quenched Pu’u ’O’o vent and lava tube samples are described. These samples contain glass, olivine phenocrysts (3–5 vol.%) and microphenocrysts of spinel (0.05 vol.%). The spinel surrounded by glass occurs as idiomorphic octahedra 5–50 μm in diameter and as chains of octahedra that are oriented with respect to each other. Spinel enclosed by olivine phenocrysts is sometimes rounded and does not generally form chains. The temperature before quenching was calculated from the MgO content of the glass and ranges from 1150°C to 1180°C. The oxygen fugacity before quenching was calculated by two independent methods and the log fO2 ranged from −9.2 to −9.9 (delta QFM=−1). The spinel in the Pu’u ’O’o samples has a narrow range in composition with Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.61 to 0.73 and Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)=0.46 to 0.56. The lower the calculated temperature for the samples, the higher the average Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg), Fe3+ and Ti in the spinel. Most zoned spinel crystals decrease in Cr/(Cr+Al) from core to rim and, in the chains, the Cr/(Cr+Al) is greater in the core of larger crystals than in the core of smaller crystals. The occurrence of chains and hopper crystals and the presence of Cr/(Cr+Al) zoning from core to rim of the spinel suggest diffusion-controlled growth of the crystals. Some of the spinel crystals may have grown rapidly under the turbulent conditions of the summit reservoir and in the flowing lava, and the crystals may have remained in suspension for a considerable period. The rapid growth may have caused very local (μm) gradients of Cr in the melt ahead of the spinel crystal faces. The crystals seem to have retained the Cr/(Cr+Al) ratio that developed during the original growth of the crystal, but the Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) ratio may have equilibrated fairly rapidly with the changing melt composition due to olivine crystallization. Six of the samples were collected on the same day at various locations along a 10-km lava tube and the calculated pre-collection temperatures of the samples show a 5°C drop with distance from the vent. The average Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg) of the spinel in these samples shows a weak positive correlation with decreasing MgO in the glass of these samples. The range in Cr2O3 (0.041–0.045 wt.%) of the glass for these six samples is too small to distinguish a consistent change along the lava tube. The spinel in the Pu’u ’O’o samples shows a zoning trend in a Cr–Al–Fe3+ diagram almost directly away from the Cr apex. This compares with a zoning trend in rapidly quenched MORB samples away from Cr coupled with decreasing Fe3+. The trend away from Cr displayed by spinel in rapidly quenched samples is in marked contrast to the trend of increasing Fe3+ shown by spinel in slowly cooled lava.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to relate the velocities of acoustic waves Vp and Vs in unconsolidated permafrost to the porosity and extent of freezing of the interstitial water. The permafrost is idealized as an assemblage of spherical quartz grains embedded in a matrix composed of spherical inclusions of water in ice. The wave-scattering theory of Kuster and Toksoz is used to determine the effective elastic moduli, and hence the acoustic velocities. The model predicts Vp and Vs to be decreasing functions of both the porosity and the water-to-ice ratio. The theory has been applied to laboratory measurements of Vp and Vs in 31 permafrost samples from the North American Arctic. Although no direct measurements were made of the extent of freezing in these samples, the data are consistent with the predictions of the model. Electrical resistivity measurements on the permafrost samples have demonstrated their essentially resistive behaviour. The ratio of resistivity of permafrost in its frozen state to that in its unfrozen state has been related to the extent of freezing in the samples. Electromagnetic and seismic reflection surveys can be used together in areas of permafrost: firstly an EM survey to determine the extent of freezing and then the acoustic velocity model to predict the velocities in the permafrost. The necessary transit time corrections can thus be made on seismic reflection records to compensate for the presence of permafrost.  相似文献   

声学深拖作为一个声学设备搭载平台,主要功能是获取高分辨率的声学数据,精细刻画海底地形地貌特征以及浅层剖面结构,对于研究海底浅表层流体活动系统的类型、形成机制和演化模式有着重要作用.本文介绍的合成孔径声学深拖(Synthetic Aperture Sonar Deep-tow)搭载了合成孔径声呐、浅地层剖面仪以及多波束系统等声学设备,相比于传统的侧扫声呐,合成孔径声呐采用小物理孔径基阵通过信号处理虚拟合成大孔径基阵来获得方位向高分辨率,大大提高了测绘速率,同时结合高分辨率的浅地层剖面和多波束背散射数据,可实现海底浅表层特征的三维立体显示.为查明调查区海底浅层流体活动的声学特征,分析天然气水合物相关的流体渗漏活动性与浅层构造之间的关系,我们利用声学深拖对研究区进行了全覆盖的扫测,获得了高分辨率的合成孔径声呐图像、浅地层剖面资料以及多波束背散射数据,平面上识别出多个呈条带状的海底丘状体,火焰状的流体渗漏,新月形的麻坑构造等流体活动地质构造;浅层剖面上可见气体聚集的声学空白段落,凸起的活跃喷口,以及反射杂乱的柱状浑浊带.通过识别流体活动的特征,我们总结了浅层流体活动演化模式具有周期性:游离气体通过高渗透运移通道上升至海底,首先扩散聚集造成局部沉积物体积膨胀形成丘状体;然后受其各种外界因素影响丘状体崩塌而引起气体渗漏;最后流体逸散剥蚀海底松散沉积物而形成麻坑构造;随着流体排出,喷口重新闭合,流体在地层中再次聚集,聚集的气体又将沉积地层上拱,在麻坑底部又可能生成含气丘状体.海底浅表层蕴藏着丰富的地质信息,这对于研究海底复杂的流体活动有着重要意义.  相似文献   

Cusp properties have been investigated with an open-field line particle precipitation model and Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellite observations. Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of IMF By, since previous studies focus mostly on IMF Bz. The model-data comparisons for various IMF configurations show that the model captures the large-scale features of the particle precipitation very well, not only in the cusp region, but also in other open-field line regions such as the mantle, polar rain, and open-field line low-altitude boundary layer (LLBL). When the IMF is strongly duskward/dawnward and weakly southward, the model predicts the occurrence of double cusp near noon: one cusp at lower latitude and one at higher latitude. The lower latitude cusp ions originate from the low-latitude magnetosheath whereas the higher latitude ions originate from the high-latitude magnetosheath. The lower latitude cusp is located in the region of weak azimuthal E × B drift, resulting in a dispersionless cusp. The higher latitude cusp is located in the region of strong azimuthal and poleward E × B drift. Because of a significant poleward drift, the higher latitude cusp dispersion has some resemblance to that of the typical southward IMF cusp. Occasionally, the two parts of the double cusp have such narrow latitudinal separation that they give the appearance of just one cusp with extended latitudinal width. From the 40 DMSP passes selected during periods of large (positive or negative) IMF By and small negative IMF Bz, 30 (75%) of the passes exhibit double cusps or cusps with extended latitudinal width. The double cusp result is consistent with the following statistical results: (1) the cusp’s latitudinal width increases with |IMF By| and (2) the cusp’s equatorward boundary moves to lower latitude with increasing |IMF By|.  相似文献   

In summer 2003, a Chaparral Model 2 microphone was deployed at Shishaldin Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The pressure sensor was co-located with a short-period seismometer on the volcano’s north flank at a distance of 6.62 km from the active summit vent. The seismo-acoustic data exhibit a correlation between impulsive acoustic signals (1–2 Pa) and long-period (LP, 1–2 Hz) earthquakes. Since it last erupted in 1999, Shishaldin has been characterized by sustained seismicity consisting of many hundreds to two thousand LP events per day. The activity is accompanied by up to ∼200 m high discrete gas puffs exiting the small summit vent, but no significant eruptive activity has been confirmed. The acoustic waveforms possess similarity throughout the data set (July 2003–November 2004) indicating a repetitive source mechanism. The simplicity of the acoustic waveforms, the impulsive onsets with relatively short (∼10–20 s) gradually decaying codas and the waveform similarities suggest that the acoustic pulses are generated at the fluid–air interface within an open-vent system. SO2 measurements have revealed a low SO2 flux, suggesting a hydrothermal system with magmatic gases leaking through. This hypothesis is supported by the steady-state nature of Shishaldin’s volcanic system since 1999. Time delays between the seismic LP and infrasound onsets were acquired from a representative day of seismo-acoustic data. A simple model was used to estimate source depths. The short seismo-acoustic delay times have revealed that the seismic and acoustic sources are co-located at a depth of 240±200 m below the crater rim. This shallow depth is confirmed by resonance of the upper portion of the open conduit, which produces standing waves with f=0.3 Hz in the acoustic waveform codas. The infrasound data has allowed us to relate Shishaldin’s LP earthquakes to degassing explosions, created by gas volume ruptures from a fluid–air interface.  相似文献   

To realistically assess the seismic risk relating to built infrastructures in Hong Kong and in the neighbouring coastal cities of southern Guangdong province, it is necessary to predict ground shaking induced by different earthquake scenarios with good accuracy. A companion paper has described the modelling of the spatial and temporal distribution of the diffused seismic activities in the region, based on the newly-developed ‘Expanding Circular Disc’ (ECD) method. Representative Magnitude–Distance (M–R) combinations for both near-field and far-field earthquakes (in relation to Hong Kong) have been derived using the ECD method. The present paper describes the modelling of the response spectrum on rock sites associated with the predicted M–R combinations, using the Component Attenuation Model (CAM) that was also developed recently by the authors, based on stochastic simulations of the seismological model. The significant effects of soil resonance on the response spectrum are described in a separate publication.The accuracy of CAM in modelling ground motion properties on rock sites has been tested here by comparisons with (i) strong motions recorded in Taiwan and South China from the 1999 ‘Chi-Chi’ earthquake in Taiwan (M=7.6), (ii) motions recorded in South China from another earthquake occurring in the southern Taiwan Strait in the same year (M=5.1), and (iii) historical seismic intensity data obtained within South China. The overall capability of CAM in modelling both near-field and far-field attenuation has been shown to be unmatched by existing empirical models. Results of the comparison studies confirm the accuracy of CAM, particularly within an epicentral distance of 300–400 km.This study shows that the developed serviceability response spectra (i.e. at short return periods) are controlled mainly by the earthquake recurrence behaviour of major distant seismic sources. In contrast, the ultimate response spectra (i.e. at long return periods) relate to events with magnitudes close to the maximum credible earthquake (MCE) limit, the effect of which may also be represented by the Characteristic Response Spectrum (CRS). Both types of earthquake scenario can be significantly affected by the regional crustal properties. The proposed response spectrum envelopes have been compared with previously developed recommendations, and a critical review has been conducted. The intrinsic advantages of the ECD–CAM modelling approach have been highlighted, emphasising its directness and transparency when compared with the more complex process required to implement traditional Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA).  相似文献   

A number of observations showing enhanced ion acoustic echoes observed by means of incoherent scatter radars have been reported in the literature. The Received power is extremely enhanced by up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitude above usual values, and it is mostly contained in one of the two ion acoustic lines. This spectral asymmetry and the intensity of the received signal cannot be resolved by the standard analysis procedure and often causes its failure. As a result, and in spite of a very clear spectral signature, the analysis is unable to fit the plasma parameters inside the regions of ion acoustic turbulence. We present European Incoherent Scatter radar (EISCAT) observations of large ion outflows associated with the simultaneous occurrence of enhanced ion acoustic echoes. The ion fluxes can reach 1014 m–2 s–1 at 800 km altitude. From the very clear spectral signatures of these echoes, a method is presented to extract estimates of the electron temperature and the ion drift within the turbulent regions. It is shown that the electron gas is strongly heated up to 11 000 K. Also electron temperature gradients of about 0.02 K/m exist. Finally, the estimates of the electron temperature and of the ion drift are used to study the possible implications for the plasma transport inside turbulent regions. It is shown that strong electron temperature gradients cause enhancement of the ambipolar electric field and can account for the observed ion outflows.  相似文献   

Following an intersection of rising magma with drifts of the potential Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, a pathway is likely to be established to the surface with magma flowing for days to weeks and affecting the performance of engineered structures located along or near the flow path. In particular, convective circulation could occur within magma-filled drifts due to the exsolution and segregation of magmatic gas. We investigate gas segregation in a magma-filled drift intersected by a vertical dyke by means of analogue experiments, focusing on the conditions of sustained magma flow. Degassing is simulated by electrolysis, producing micrometric bubbles in viscous mixtures of water and golden syrup, or by aerating golden syrup, producing polydisperse bubbly mixtures with 40% of gas by volume. The presence of exsolved bubbles induces a buoyancy-driven exchange flow between the dyke and the drift that leads to gas segregation. Bubbles segregate from the magma by rising and accumulating as a foam at the top of the drift, coupled with the accumulation of denser degassed magma at the base of the drift. Steady-state influx of bubbly magma from the dyke into the drift is balanced by outward flux of lighter foam and denser degassed magma. The length and time scales of this gas segregation are controlled by the rise of bubbles in the horizontal drift. Steady-state gas segregation would be accomplished within hours to hundreds of years depending on the viscosity of the degassed magma and the average size of exsolved gas bubbles, and the resulting foam would only be a few cm thick. The exchange flux of bubbly magma between the dyke and the drift that is induced by gas segregation ranges from 1 m3 s−1, for the less viscous magmas, to 10−8 m3 s−1, for the most viscous degassed magmas, with associated velocities ranging from 10−1 to 10−9 m s−1 for the same viscosity range. This model of gas segregation also predicts that the relative proportion of erupted degassed magma, that could potentially carry and entrain nuclear waste material towards the surface, would depend on the value of the dyke magma supply rate relative to the value of the gas segregation flux, with violent eruption of gassy as well as degassed magmas at relatively high magma supply rates, and eruption of mainly degassed magma by milder episodic Strombolian explosions at relatively lower supply rates.  相似文献   

Daytime F2-layer positive storm effect at middle and lower latitudes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Daytime F2-layer positive storm effects at middle and lower latitudes in the winter thermosphere are analyzed using AE-C, ESRO-4 neutral gas composition data, ground-based ionosonde observations and model calculations. Different longitudinal sectors marked by the storm onset as ‘night-time’ and ‘daytime’ demonstrate different F2-layer positive storm mechanisms. Neutral composition changes in the ‘night-time’ sector with increased [O] and [N2] absolute concentrations, while (N2/O)storm/(N2/O)quiet\approx1 at F2-layer heights, are shown to contribute largely to the background NmF2 increase at lower latitudes lasting during daytime hours. Storm-induced surges of the equatorward wind give rise to an additional NmF2 increase above this background level. The mid-latitude F2-layer positive storm effect in the ‘daytime’ sector is due to the vertical plasma drift increase, resulting from the interaction of background (poleward) and storm-induced (equatorward) thermospheric winds, but not to changes of [O] and [N2] concentrations.  相似文献   

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