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本文主要介绍1m望远镜夜间观测情况,并对夜间观测时段(有效观测时间)进行统计、分析,并给出其结果。  相似文献   

八月份很多地方都在经受着高温酷热的天气,夜间观测可能还会受到天气的影响。但如果有好的天气,不妨在欣赏夏夜灿烂星空的同时,进行系外行星凌星观测。下面就让我们一起来看看8月适合观测的系外行星凌星现象吧。  相似文献   

山风 《天文爱好者》2008,(12):56-59
随着12月的来临,北半球逐渐进入了隆冬时节。此时在我国中高纬度地区。夜间气温已经很低,如果再遇到刮风,给人的感觉将会非常寒冷。因此,夜间观测一定要特别注意保暖。不光要穿够衣服鞋补,还应该戴上帖子和手套,围上围巾。不过,在这个冬季里,有一个天体不用大家熬夜挨冻就能很好地观测,它就是夜空中的亮星之王——金星。  相似文献   

三月的夜晚对于爱好者夜间观测来说可能还有些寒冷,但是到了春暖花开的四月,随着气温的回升,也越来越适合夜间观测。下面就带大家走进4月适合观测的系外行星凌星现象:右页表格是以北京地区地理坐标为准,在系外行星凌星数据库ETD(http://var2.astro.cz/ETD/predictions.php)中得到的4月份将要发生的部分凌星现象的预报汇总。主星亮度暂选为亮于11等,高度角高于20°,不同地区的爱好者可以通过网站设定当地经纬度。4月份有观测条件的亮星上表已经列出,下面重点介绍下面两颗行星及其主星。  相似文献   

七月份预示着盛夏已经慢慢到来,夜间观测的温度对爱好者丝毫不是什么问题,只是室外蚊虫的叮咬以及阴晴不定的天气会令很多观测无法顺利进行。所以提前掌握所有可能发生系外行星凌星现象的时间等信息,做好充分准备,这样当有好天气出现时才能抓住难得的机会顺利展开观测。  相似文献   

秋季我国大部分地区的晴天较多,频繁到来的冷空气吹散了阴云,使得大气透明度很好,因此成为天文爱好者所钟爱的观测黄金时节。虽然这段时间白天的气温还不算太低,但要进行夜间观测的话,一定要注意保暖。秋夜星空虽然亮星不多,但一个个接踵而来的流星雨会让夜空从不沉寂,令大家大饱眼福。此外木星将在10月底冲日,成为又一个观测热点。  相似文献   

云对天文观测具有重要影响,云量是衡量天文台址质量的重要指标.位于姚安天文观测站的红外云量仪,用于获取实时的全天高空间分辨率云图.结合空间碎片的实际观测,严格按照天文夜对累积1yr(2015-08-01—2016-07-31)的夜间云量数据进行统计和分析.姚安站的年平均夜间云量为4.42成,年天文可用夜为236个,其中测光夜98个,半测光夜44个,光谱夜94个.云量具有明显的两季特征:5月至10月间为雨季,云量显著增多,其中7月份观测条件最差;11月至次年4月为旱季,云量较少,每月的天文可用夜均在23个以上,其中1月份的测光夜最多,3月份的天文可用夜最多.结合云层对天文观测的威胁程度,统计不同云量的总时间和每月的云量分布情况,评估观测站的气象条件,为合理安排观测计划提供参考.  相似文献   

据云南省气象台提供的过去10年中省内各气象站云量观测统计出的晴天日数排名第一和第二的测站,可以看出云南省内潜在着的最好的夜间光学人卫观测站址可能位于华坪、宾川、姚安、元谋、弥度5个气象站附近。文中还采用1950年至1980年的气象观测资料验证了上述结论。  相似文献   

暑期学生们会有更多的观星时间,8月也非常适合开展天文观测。首先黑夜不再那么短暂,而且夜间的气温也很舒适凉爽。月初和月末的无月夜非常适合大家欣赏星空,但今年英仙座流星雨只能在较强的月光干扰下进行。行星方面,木星和土星的观测条件依然很好,水星也将在本月迎来一次观测条件不错的西大距。金星和火星因为与太阳角距离太小而难以寻觅。  相似文献   

对于天文爱好者来说,5月的夜间温度比较舒适,有利于开展更多的天文观测活动。但如果观测活动持续到后半夜,仍然要注意保暖。本月肉眼可见的5颗行星都可以观测。水星与金星将上演一场精彩的双星表演,详情见下文;土星和木星在本月先后“西方照”,它们会在午夜升起,日出时位于正南方;整个5月都可以在日落后的西北方看见火星,它将会在23时左右下落。  相似文献   

The first year of sodium nightglow observations from Natal (6°S, 35°W) are examined. Time variations appear to follow a pattern of their own, different from low latitude results. The major seasonal peak occurs in September-October and the average variation during the night decreases from dusk to dawn. Statistics on cloud coverage show that Natal has roughly only about 3 clear hours per night. The best observing period is April with an average of 5 clear hours per night.  相似文献   

We report on the 3-colour photoelectric monitoring of the shell star in Perseus, discovered in 1978, [1]. On the night of 1983 Feb 4–5, this star still showed obvious light variations, though the amplitude was less than in 1979. On the next night, the light variation was close to the observing error. We surmise that the shell activity is now at a stable phase for a few years.  相似文献   

A program to measure long-period brightness oscillations at the solar limb has been pursued at Sacramento Peak Observatory for several years. Past improvements in observing technique and data analysis are reviewed. The encouraging results aid in the verification of the reality and the origin of oscillatory signals. However, the main stumbling block to this and other observational programs is the length of observing sequences imposed by the day/night cycle. The South Pole has received considerable attention as a site where extended observations might be possible. Currently, the Sacramento Peak program is developing a South Pole telescope designed for the observing technique and data analysis proven in Sunspot. A review of pertinent South Pole site parameters is given here for other workers who may be considering South Pole observations. Observing sequences longer than 150 hr are possible, though rare. Data sets of this duration are very attractive for solar oscillation studies.Proceedings of the 66th IAU Colloquium: Problems in Solar and Stellar Oscillations, held at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, U.S.S.R., 1–5 September, 1981.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.Summer Research Assistant at Sacramento Peak Observatory.  相似文献   

Abstract— A summary is given of our published observations showing a large (3 to 4) morning/afternoon ratio of the abundances of sodium and potassium. The proposed mechanism is deposition of ions and atoms on the cold night side, followed by their outward diffusion and evaporation as the Sun rises. Published criticisms of this mechanism are discussed and answered. The rate at which Na atoms can evaporate from the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury is uncertain, but, after a review of laboratory measurements, we propose that it is substantial at temperatures of 400 K and higher. Possible reasons are discussed why another group does not find the diurnal variation. There are differences in observing geometry, but the matter remains unclear.  相似文献   

In this article,we present a detailed analysis of the statistical properties of seeing for the Muztaghata site which is a candidate site for hosting the future Chinese Large Optical/infrared Telescope(LOT)project.The measurements were obtained with differential image motion monitors(DIMMs) from April2017 to November 2018 at different heights during different periods.The median seeings at 11 m and6 m are very close but significantly different from that on the ground.We mainly analyzed the seeing at11 m monthly and hourly,having found that the best season for observing was from late autumn to early winter and seeing tended to improve during the night only in autumn.The analysis of the dependence on temperature inversion,wind speed and direction also was made and the best meteorological conditions for seeing are given.  相似文献   

TIGRE is a new robotic spectroscopy telescope located in central Mexico at the La Luz Observatory of the University of Guanajuato. The 1.2 m telescope is fiber‐coupled to an ´echelle spectrograph with a spectral resolving power exceeding 20000 over most of the covered spectral range between 3800 Å and 8800 Å, with a small gap of 130 Å around 5800 Å. TIGRE operates robotically, i.e. it (normally) carries out all observations without any human intervention, including, in particular, the target selection in any given observing night. In this paper we describe the properties of the TIGRE instrumentation and its technical realization, as well as our first operational experience with the performance and efficiency of the overall system. Finally, we present some examples of recent TIGRE observations. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

季凯帆 《天文学报》1994,35(2):138-142
在光子计数资料的处理方法设计不完善时,有可能会大大影响光电等高仪的观测结果。本文提出了一套从平滑,搜索到定中心的光子计数资料处理方法,通过与原方法进行了9天(含满月夜)的同步处理比较,新的处理方法得到的星数是原方法结果的1.48倍,单星测定精度提高0″02,并且基本克服了天光的影响。  相似文献   

UW CrB (MS 1603+2600) is a peculiar short-period X-ray binary that exhibits extraordinary optical behaviour. The shape of the optical light curve of the system changes drastically from night to night, without any changes in overall brightness. Here we report X-ray observations of UW CrB obtained with XMM–Newton . We find evidence for several X-ray bursts, confirming a neutron star primary. This considerably strengthens the case that UW CrB is an accretion disc corona system located at a distance of at least 5–7 kpc (3–5 kpc above the Galactic plane). The X-ray and Optical Monitor (ultraviolet–optical) light curves show remarkable shape variation from one observing run to another, which we suggest are due to large-scale variations in the accretion disc shape resulting from a warp that periodically obscures the optical and soft X-ray emission. This is also supported by the changes in phase-resolved X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

根据星历表,本文绘出运行轨道图,分析了百武彗星与海尔-波普彗星的不同,讨论了对后者观测应当考虑的一些问题。  相似文献   

在多年的太阳光谱观测中,通过观察各种天气条件的变化对光谱仪成像质量的影响,初步总结出使像质优良的几条规律1)在连续刮风过程中当风突然停止或减弱的短暂时间内像质明显变好;2)当夜间通宵有风而次日天气晴朗时像质变好;3)多云过后的短暂晴天成像优良;4)接连阴雨几天后的开始晴天像质较好。  相似文献   

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