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A M Findlay  F L N Li 《Area》1997,29(1):34-44
Summary This paper seeks to make a methodological contribution by evaluating the autobiographical approach and its application to migration research. The migration act is seen as a manifestation of an individual's identity. This is moulded by many social influences over an individual's lifecourse. The paper explores the realm of practical consciousness (Giddens 1984) using a biographical approach in an attempt to identify the values underpinning the intentions of professional emigrants from Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Population geographers should consider a mixed methods approach to thestudy of migration. This methodological position arises in response to the challenges of contemporary social theory. It is argued that application of structuration theory favours use of a diversity of methods to investigate the recursive relationship between agency and structure. Similarly a realist stance, as advocated by Sayer (1992), leads to a mixing of methods in order to carry out the synthesising tasks expected of geographers. Postmodernism, when interpreted as method, also points the researcher to consider adopting flexible research practices in order to capture the multiplicities of meaning associated with migration and place. These points are illustrated by a case study of migration to and from Hong Kong.  相似文献   


Population geographers should consider a mixed methods approach to thestudy of migration. This methodological position arises in response to the challenges of contemporary social theory. It is argued that application of structuration theory favours use of a diversity of methods to investigate the recursive relationship between agency and structure. Similarly a realist stance, as advocated by Sayer (1992), leads to a mixing of methods in order to carry out the synthesising tasks expected of geographers. Postmodernism, when interpreted as method, also points the researcher to consider adopting flexible research practices in order to capture the multiplicities of meaning associated with migration and place. These points are illustrated by a case study of migration to and from Hong Kong.  相似文献   

"The issue of return migration has been widely debated in African migration literature in view of strong rural-urban ties and urban growth based largely on in-migration. On the basis of fieldwork in Botswana, it is argued that there are important gender differences in terms of the commitment to rural and urban areas. It has been postulated in past studies that the decision to remain in towns depends in part upon urban tenure and it is argued that home owners are more likely than tenants to be permanent urban dwellers. Again, there are important gender differences and women appear to be more committed to the urban dwelling than men."  相似文献   

新型城镇化的提出,必然会对农村劳动力转移的方向、形式、强度等方面产生较大影响,而农村劳动力转移又与农户生计的可持续发展息息相关。从家庭决策的角度出发,劳动力的迁移改变了农户发展生计的"能力",农户生计资本的状况又决定了劳动力转移这一行为变量的选择。本研究基于可持续生计框架,定量评估了农户生计资本与劳动力转移之间的相关关系,并得出以下结论:自然资本、物质资本、金融资本、人力资本、社会资本等与农村劳动力流动具有不同的相关关系,其中自然资本与其具有U型二次曲线关系;物质资本与其具有倒U型二次曲线关系;金融资本、人力资本、社会资本与其具有正向关系。这些研究不仅是对可持续生计框架理论基础的丰富及应用领域的拓展,又为研究劳动力转移提供了新的视角,对于有效解决三农问题,促进农户生计的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义和社会意义。  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China’s urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China's urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the intersection of religion and migration, and investigates how religious beliefs, practices, and identities can be both beneficial and/or a deterrence to the process of social integration. A qualitative case study was conducted at a multicultural, nondenominational Christian church in Dublin, Ireland, composed of both Irish‐born citizens and migrants from around the world. Within the church, Irish‐born and foreign‐born congregants frequently interact, suggesting religion is a bridge that is encouraging social integration. Alternatively, noncongregant Irish‐born members in the larger community where the church is located are skeptical of the church and maintain that it is a type of religious cult. From this perspective, religion can be perceived as a barrier that hinders a migrant's ability to integrate into society. Consequently, this paper analyzes the dichotomous function of religion and religious identity within the social integration process in Dublin, Ireland.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the migration patterns during the transition period in Estonia. A structuration approach was used to analyze data from the Estonian Statistical Office collected in 1997. Findings show that for migration between urban and rural areas, work-related reasons have been the most important motivating factor in urban growth during the transition period. Also considered are the family and education. In relation to sociodemographic structure of the population, men cite work, while women count family-related reasons, as the main motive for migrating. As to nonregistration, the most significant reason relates to issues of ownership. Because migrants are living in rented housing, it is not possible for them to register even if they desire to do so. Other reasons include "temporary", associated with study and work; "juridical", bureaucratic matters; and "multiple places of residence". This analysis, however, is incomplete because the attitudes and patterns of behavior have only partially or perfunctorily been related to the dramatic changes that have occurred in Estonian society. Proper statistical data are needed to help examine trends at a more disaggregated spatial level.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that environmental values of inhabitants of urban areas differ to some extent from those of people living in rural contexts. In the light of increasing urbanization, it is sometimes argued that these differences are becoming even greater, as people are becoming more and more alienated from nature. In the context of a larger survey study on beliefs about forests and forest management among the general public in Germany and Sweden, the influences of people’s migration biographies on their patterns of forest usage, their environmental concerns about forests, and the expectations and values they ascribe to forests are explored. While previous findings on differences between urban and rural populations are confirmed, we also find variation within these groups depending on their history of moving between the two spatial categories. This study thus adds a dynamic aspect to the discussion on the urban–rural perspective on beliefs about forests.  相似文献   

包括公共艺术在内的艺术实践介入乡村建设(以下简称“艺术乡建”),旨在通过乡村新文化景观的再造和空间重构,传达对乡土文化的传承与创新的理想愿望。然而在艺术乡建的热潮之下,现有研究较少关注艺术乡建的失效案例,缺乏对消极影响因素及其内在机制的探讨。论文以一个以雕塑视觉艺术实践介入乡村建设的典型案例——云南省元阳阿者科村的公共艺术项目“哈尼娃”,一个构建与外部公共空间相协调的公共艺术场景为例,通过对起始、运营及后运营3个阶段的历时性过程分析,总结了公共艺术介入乡村建设的失效机制。研究认为:艺术话语构建而成的“艺术世界”与日常生活经验构成的“生活世界”之间存在价值错位,依赖于艺术家的单向培育,难以短期内形成乡建的“共同体”和持久的社会效应。权力主体、参与的行为主体及受众群体的波动和变化,都将对艺术实践的价值目标转化造成负面影响。在不同发展程度的乡村中,艺术乡建在面临着可操作性问题之外,更在根本上遭遇社会结构性问题,单一的艺术实践缺乏解决乡村问题的能力。对失效影响因素和过程的讨论,是对艺术乡建进行批判性思考的重要环节,有助于启发未来的具体实践。  相似文献   

Changes in world capitalism caused prices of traditional raw materials to fall and new energy demands to arise at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The Andean countries witnessed the fall in the value of their exports and began to receive large flows of foreign investment in mining and industry. Consequently, urban economies were strengthened and demographic patterns were changed. This led to the internal migrations and to a process of social change. These consequences are summarized from relevant studies focusing on Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Since the 1960s a compendium of information has become available which highlights the causes of the migration, migration patterns, the composition of migratory movements, and the mechanisms that the migrant uses to establish himself/herself in the city. Preston (1969) distinguished 2 migratory patterns in Ecuador: rural to urban, with migratory flows from the rural areas to urban centers and new industrial cities that experienced development and high demand for unskilled labor at comparatively high wages: and rural to rural, based on the movement of population from depressed rural areas to other areas in which programs for colonization or commercial agriculture have been promoted. In a study of Colombia, McGreevey (1968) identifies the lack of cultivatable land, rural violence in certain departments, and other economic and family causes as the principal factors that induced migrations to the cities. The study emphasizes that the predominant model of movement relates to "fill in" migration. The spatial mobility of the Venezuelan Andean population was initially outlined in a voluminous report on economic and social problems of the region (1954). The study indicates that during the intercensal period 1941-50 cities grew much more rapidly than rural "municipos" and that the drive to find employment and earn a living were the most important motives in the movement of peasants to the cities. All of the studies identified that use demographic, economic, or phychosocial approaches have provided partial explanations of the current status of Andean migrations. The explanations they offer, by not transcending the current reality of the migrants, overlook the historical traits of internal migration. Migratory flows do not spring up suddenly. They result from specific socio-political circumstances which, when closely linked to demographic evidence, serve as a basis for understanding the process. Review of studies on internal migration in the Northern Andes, as presented here, reveals a series of distinguishing characteristics: there are 5 migratory patterns--rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to urban, seasonal worker migration, and return migration, and the predominant pattern has been rural to urban; the demographic data show the importance of rural migrants to urban growth in the region and a complementary loss of population in the rural areas; depopulation of the countryside has been selective; and there is a marked disparity in employment remuneration between rural and urban areas.  相似文献   

"This paper is based on the results of the Third Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development carried out in 1977 by the UN Secretariat. It reports on perceptions and policies concerning international migrations, spatial distribution of the national population, internal migration and settlement patterns in fourteen South East and East Asian countries. "It appears that nearly all countries under consideration were concerned with the spatial distribution of population both as a factor related to problems caused by excessive natural increase and as a problem on its own right. The majority of countries were prepared to pursue policies affecting basic trends in internal migration. Most governments declared their willingness to alter patterns of rural or both rural and urban settlement. Only two countries were interested in increasing emigration; the remaining ones were satisfied with the existing levels of international migration."  相似文献   

基于转型与协调视角的乡村发展分析——以山东省为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在乡村转型发展进程中,各发展要素转型之间往往存在不协调现象,超前转型或滞后转型现象时有发生,阻碍了乡村乃至整个城乡地域系统的持续、稳定和协调发展。基于此,分析研究区域乡村发展要素间转型的协调性对制定乡村发展战略具有重要的指导意义。综合集成传统地理学调查分析、数量模型模拟及“3S”决策支持等技术方法,构建乡村协调转型度模型,基于“人口—土地—产业”乡村发展三要素,搭建“乡村转型度—综合协调度—协调转型度”三维平台,从“转型”与“协调”视角分析了1990-2009 年间山东省乡村发展过程中乡村整体转型速度与乡村发展要素间转型协调性的关系。主要结论如下:① 乡村转型度空间结构逐渐由局部集聚向全局分散转变;综合协调度呈现小集聚、大分散的空间分布格局;协调转型度在“八五”、“九五”、“十五”、“十一五”时期与乡村转型度和综合协调度的空间分布格局呈现不同的耦合特点;② 乡村转型度和综合协调度与协调转型度之间的相关系数分别为0.92 和0.61,表明山东省乡村系统与城市系统之间“人口—土地—产业”要素的全面流动促使了其乡村系统的协调转型;③“转型”与“协调”分别代表了乡村转型发展进程中的“量”与“质”,乡村转型发展应秉着数量和质量并重的原则,持续稳定推进。  相似文献   

At the same time that the Third World has become more dependent on international wage-labor migration, developed countries have become less hospitable to this migration. This inhospitality is beginning to have negative repercussions on rural sending regions such as north-central Mexico. This study is based on a survey of a stratified random sample of households in Villanueva municipio (county), Zacatecas, in 1988 and again in 2002, employing the same questions and methodology. The results suggest that restrictive U.S. border policies over this period have had a negative impact on village economies in the municipio. Although migrant families continued to hold a distinctive edge on nonmigrant families in terms of possessions and productive investments, there was a decline overall in levels of investment and remittances in the municipio. In the latter year, Villanueva had more nonmigrant families as well as more families with permanent migrants—both trends leading to less money remitted to rural families and lower agricultural investments. Observations and interviews with migrants and townspeople in the municipio in 2005 and 2008 strongly corroborate these trends. Rural villages are facing depopulation, disinvestment and, it might be argued, a deterioration of hope for the future.  相似文献   

The floating population: an informal process of urbanisation in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"This paper attempts to employ substantial source materials to shed light on the characteristics of population migration in a centrally planned society that is in the process of transforming to a market economy. In order to compare rural-urban migration in China with that in other developing countries, the data on 1985-1990 interprovincial population migration have been analysed. Some demographic research techniques on population migration, such as the impact on the place of origin and the place of destination, have been employed to assess the influence of rural-urban migration on China's long-term economic development. Economic betterment appears to be the sole motivation of rural population migration in China."  相似文献   

Mark Llewellyn 《Area》2003,35(3):264-270
Loretta Lees' recent call for a 'critical geography of architecture' argued that a more nuanced and truly interpretative methodology for analysing the relationship between space, place and architecture would involve active engagement with such architectural spaces. This paper argues that, in the same way, by broadening our approach to historical architectural geographies more meaningful interpretations will result. Utilizing a 'polyvocal' methodological approach, by which not only architects and planners but also residents of these spaces are considered as important actors, will facilitate this 'critical' engagement with architectural spaces. Further, by taking this polyvocal approach, interesting conclusions can be reached about the production, consumption and re-production of space, both in the past and also in the present.  相似文献   

The use of multifunctionalism to conceptualise contemporary rural landscapes has focused attention on the increased extent and impact of non-farmers in traditionally agriculture-based rural communities. Typologies of rural landholders have been developed as part of that research effort. However, those typologies are not grounded in established theory, including collective identity theory that could provide an important foundation for the study of occupational identity. Indeed, most quantitative studies may be flawed in drawing on only one of the seven elements contributing to collective identity. This paper examines the efficacy of relying on self-declared occupational identity through the analysis of rural landholder survey data in an Australian region. Tests for expected relationships between self-declared identity of farmer/non-farmer and social and farming variables expected to be correlated with occupation, such as property size, profitability, hours worked on- and off-property, enterprise type and membership of farming-related local organisations found that the expected relationships existed. It seems that self-declared occupational identity is a valid and cost-effective way to explore occupational identity amongst rural landholders. Collective identity, however, is complex and it is unlikely that important research questions can be adequately explored without a more holistic approach to the study of farmer identity in multifunctional landscapes. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of moving beyond self-declared occupation to include other elements in the collective identity construct.  相似文献   

The continuous development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) provides a favourable context for environmental management and planning. However, it appears that the actual contribution of SDIs should also depend on the correlation between users’ expectations and the services delivered to them. Several studies have addressed some organizational, methodological and technological aspects of the development of SDIs. However, only a few studies have, to the best of our knowledge, studied SDI use at large. This article introduces a methodological approach oriented towards the study of the relationship between SDIs and the users interacting with them as part of their professional practices. Our study is applied to coastal zone management and planning in France. This approach combines structural and data flow modelling. The former is based on Social Network Analysis (SNA) and the latter on Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). This modelling approach has been applied to an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results identify the SDIs, geographical data flows and institutional levels implied in French coastal zone management and planning.  相似文献   

Although there has been rapid rural-urban migration in rural China since the 1980 s, the total grain production of China saw a continuous increase. As of today, the relationship between labor migration and grain output growth remains partial and contradictory. The main aim of this empirical study is to examine some specific measures adopted by peasants to deal with labor shortage and maintain grain output growth. Using tracking survey, participatory rural appraisal methods, and land plot investigation, we investigate 274 households and 1405 arable land plots in four villages in two stages in Jinchuan county, southwestern China. The results show that continuous emigration of labor from the four villages caused the abandonment of a small amount of land, decreased labor intensity, and reduced multiple cropping index, shifting from "corn-wheat" multiple cropping pattern to the "corn" cropping pattern, which means labor shortage in some households. At the same time, owing to surplus labor in the villages, the peasants utilize a series of means to offset the negative impacts of labor migration on grain output, such as cropland transfer, labor exchange in the busy seasons, and the substitution of capital and technology for labor. The econometric analysis also shows that labor migration boosts grain production. This study provides a reasonable explanation of grain output growth under rural-urban migration.  相似文献   

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