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In this paper it is suggested that inclusion of mutual gravitational interactions among the particles in the early dense universe can lead to a ‘pre-big bang’ scenario, with particle masses greater than the Planck mass implying an accelerating phase of the universe, which then goes into the radiation phase when the masses fall below the Planck mass. The existence of towers of states of such massive particles (i.e. multiples of Planck mass) as implied in various unified theories, provides rapid acceleration in the early universe, similar to the usual inflation scenario, but here the expansion rate goes over ‘smoothly’ to the radiation dominated universe when temperature becomes lower than the Planck temperature.  相似文献   

Two models are presented of the Planck era in the Big Bang.The first of them starts from the state of an essentially cold and non-expanding universe (assumed to be closed). It is shown that the conditions in the Planck era rendered the total annihilation of the matter with the Planck density absolutely necessary. The annihilation was, further, a necessary condition for the expansion of the post-Planck universe, which, by itself, also was a necessity. The hot stage of the Big Bang in the post-Planck era was, in fact, a necessary consequence resulting from the scheme.The second model is motivated by the weak points of the first one. It is concluded that, owing to the extreme physical conditions, the cosmic medium within the Planck era could only consist of ultrahighly energetic photons.Finally, it is proposed that the second model is to be preferred.  相似文献   

We study the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect for clusters of galaxies. We explore the relativistic corrections to the Kompaneets equation in terms of two different expansion approximation schemes, namely, the Fokker–Planck expansion approximation and delta function expansion approximation. We show that two expansion approximation formalisms are equivalent under the Thomson approximation, which is extremely good approximation for the CMB photon energies. This will clarify the situation for existing theoretical methods to analyse observation data.  相似文献   

A revision of Stodółkiewicz's Monte Carlo code is used to simulate evolution of large star clusters. The new method treats each superstar as a single star and follows the evolution and motion of all individual stellar objects. A survey of the evolution of N -body systems influenced by the tidal field of a parent galaxy and by stellar evolution is presented. The process of energy generation is realized by means of appropriately modified versions of Spitzer's and Mikkola's formulae for the interaction cross-section between binaries and field stars and binaries themselves. The results presented are in good agreement with theoretical expectations and the results of other methods (Fokker–Planck, Monte Carlo and N -body). The initial rapid mass loss, resulting from stellar evolution of the most massive stars, causes expansion of the whole cluster and eventually leads to the disruption of less bound systems ( W 0=3). Models with larger W 0 survive this phase of evolution and then undergo core collapse and subsequent post-collapse expansion, like isolated models. The expansion phase is eventually reversed when tidal limitation becomes important. The results presented are the first major step in the direction of simulating evolution of real globular clusters by means of the Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

We use the billion-particle Hubble Volume simulations to make statistical predictions for the distribution of galaxy clusters that will be observed by the Planck Surveyor satellite through their effect on the cosmic microwave background – the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. We utilize the lightcone data sets for both critical density ( τ CDM) and flat low-density (ΛCDM) cosmologies: a 'full-sky' survey out to z ∼0.5 , two 'octant' data sets out to beyond z =1 , and a 100 square degree data set extending to z ∼4 . Making simple, but robust, assumptions regarding both the thermodynamic state of the gas and the detection of objects against an unresolved background, we present the expected number of SZ sources as a function of redshift and angular size, and also as a function of flux (for both the thermal and kinetic effects) for three of the relevant High Frequency Instrument frequency channels. We confirm the expectation that the Planck Surveyor will detect around 5×104 clusters, though the exact number is sensitive to the choice of several parameters including the baryon fraction, and also to the cluster density profile, so that either cosmology may predict more clusters. We also find that the majority of detected sources should be at z <1.5 , and we estimate that around 1 per cent of clusters will be spatially resolved by the Planck Surveyor , though this has a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

The possible corrections to the thermodynamic quantities of higher dimensional Schwa-rzschild black hole have been investigated by considering the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) and the modified dispersion relation (MDR) separately. The quantum gravitational corrections to the Hawking temperature, energy and entropy of the black hole have been calculated based on both the GUP and the MDR analysis. The explicit form of the corrections are worked out up to the sixth power of the Planck length. The impacts of GUP and MDR have been used separately to obtain the quantum gravitational corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde (C-V) formula. It has been shown that the usual C-V entropy formula receives some new corrections. Also the renormalized form of the C-V formula has been introduced by redefining Virasoro operator and central charge within both the GUP and the MDR. Through comparison of the corrections obtained from GUP and MDR approaches it has been found that the results of these two alternative approaches should be identical if one uses the suitable expansion coefficients.  相似文献   

It is shown here that Newton’s gravity law can be derived from the uncertainty principle. The idea is that as the distance between two bodies in mutual orbit decreases, their uncertainty of position decreases, so their momentum and hence the force on them must increase to satisfy the uncertainty principle. When this result is summed over all the possible interactions between the Planck masses in the two bodies, Newton’s gravity law is obtained. This model predicts that masses less than the Planck mass will be unaffected by gravity and so it may be tested by looking for an abrupt decrease in the density of space dust, for masses above the Planck mass.  相似文献   

The propagation of solar cosmic rays in the interplanetary space is analyzed by solving the Fokker–Planck equation in the small-angle approximation. The particle source is assumed to be instantaneous and point-like. The spatiotemporal distribution of density of energetic particles in the anisotropic phase of a solar cosmic-ray enhancement is examined. Prolonged particle injection into the interplanetary medium is also discussed.  相似文献   

With the increasingly precise measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), cosmology has entered an era where a model's predictions become testable to percent‐level accuracy. In particular, the CMB spectrum has so far provided impressive support for the scenario of inflation, first invented to solve outstanding problems of standard cosmology. While current data (COBE, WMAP etc.) have already constrained cosmological parameters like Ω0 to high precision, next generation instruments such as the PLANCK satellite should give access to specific characteristics of the inflationary mechanism itself. Another tantalizing idea has been discussed in this context: Given the enormous expansion of the Universe during the phase of inflation, could it be that even Planck scale physics has been stretched to observable distances and is therefore within grasp in the CMB observations? In this contribution, I discuss the possibility of carrying through the calculation of the perturbation spectrum from an ansatz for short distance physics right to its imprint in the CMB. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper, we have presented an FLRW universe containing two-fluids (baryonic and dark energy), by assuming the deceleration parameter as a linear function of the Hubble function. This results in a time-dependent deceleration parameter (DP) having a transition from past decelerating to the present accelerating universe. In this model, dark energy (DE) interacts with dust to produce a new law for the density. As per our model, our universe is at present in a phantom phase after passing through a quintessence phase in the past. The physical importance of the two-fluid scenario is described in various aspects. The model is shown to satisfy current observational constraints such as recent Planck results. Various cosmological parameters relating to the history of the universe have been investigated.  相似文献   

We extend the formalism for the calculation of the relativistic corrections to the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect for clusters of galaxies and include the multiple scattering effects in the isotropic approximation. We present the results of the calculations by the Fokker–Planck expansion method as well as by the direct numerical integration of the collision term of the Boltzmann equation. The multiple scattering contribution is found to be very small compared with the single scattering contribution. For high-temperature galaxy clusters of     the ratio of both the contributions is −0.2 per cent in the Wien region. In the Rayleigh–Jeans region the ratio is −0.03 per cent. Therefore the multiple scattering contribution is safely neglected for the observed galaxy clusters.  相似文献   

The possibility that the cosmological constant is decaying as the observable universe grows is explored, and we define a cosmological parameter, depending of the vacuum energy and the universe radius, which should be presently ca. 122 orders of magnitude smaller than at the Planck epoch. From it, a new version of the Friedmann equation for a flat universe is obtained, which allows the estimation of the Hubble parameter at any epoch and the reconstruction of the expansion history. The main result is a quasi-linear expansion dynamics in concurrence with a number of previous works. This behavior is compatible with the main features of observational cosmology and avoids the horizon, flatness, cosmological constant, coincidence and age problems without the need of neither inflation nor initial fine-tuning.  相似文献   

Destriping methods for constructing maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies have been investigated extensively in the literature. However, their error properties have been studied in less detail. Here we present an analysis of the effects of destriping errors on CMB power spectrum estimates for Planck -like scanning strategies. Analytic formulae are derived for certain simple scanning geometries that can be rescaled to account for different detector noise. Assuming Planck -like low-frequency noise, the noise power spectrum is accurately white at high multipoles  (ℓ≳ 50)  . Destriping errors, though dominant at lower multipoles, are small in comparison to the cosmic variance. These results show that simple destriping map-making methods should be perfectly adequate for the analysis of Planck data and support the arguments given in an earlier paper in favour of applying a fast hybrid power spectrum estimator to CMB data with realistic '1/ f ' noise.  相似文献   

The study started by Cabo and Brandenberger (J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 2:15, 2009) about the Dilaton mean field stabilization thanks to the effective potential generated by the existence of massive fermions, is here extended. Three loop corrections are evaluated in addition to the previously calculated two loop terms. The results indicate that the Dilaton vacuum field tends to be fixed at a high value close to the Planck scale, in accordance with the need for predicting Einstein gravity from string theory. The mass of the Dilaton is evaluated to be also a high value close to the Planck mass, which implies the absence of Dilaton scalar signals in modern cosmological observations. These properties arise when the fermion mass is chosen to be either at a lower bound corresponding to the top quark mass, or alternatively, at a very much higher value assumed to be in the grand unification energy range. One of the three 3-loop terms is exactly evaluated in terms of Master integrals. The other two graphs are however evaluated in their leading logarithm correction in the perturbative expansion. The calculation of the non leading logarithmic contribution and the inclusion of higher loops terms could made more precise the numerical estimates of the vacuum field value and masses, but seemingly are expected not to change the qualitative behavior obtained. The validity of the here employed Yukawa model approximation is argued for small value of the fermion masses with respect to the Planck one. A correction to the two loop calculation done in the previous work is here underlined.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of cosmological parameters from microwave background anisotropies requires high-accuracy understanding of the cosmological model. Normally, a power-law spectrum of density perturbations is assumed, in which case the spectral index n can be measured to around ± 0.004 using microwave anisotropy satellites such as MAP Planck . However, inflationary models generically predict that the spectral index n of the density perturbation spectrum will be scale-dependent. We carry out a detailed investigation of the measurability of this scale dependence by Planck , including the influence of polarization on the parameter estimation. We also estimate the increase in the uncertainty in all other parameters if the scale dependence has to be included. This increase applies even if the scale dependence is too small to be measured, unless it is assumed absent. We study the implications for inflation models, beginning with a brief examination of the generic slow-roll inflation situation, and then move to a detailed examination of a recently devised hybrid inflation model for which the scale dependence of n may be observable.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(7):711-718
In this paper we discuss the issue of loosing telemetry (TM) data due to different reasons (e.g. spacecraft–ground transmissions) while performing a full-sky survey with space-borne instrumentation. This is a particularly important issue considering the current and future space missions (like Planck from ESA and MAP from NASA) operating from an orbit far from Earth with short periods of visibility from ground stations. We consider, as a working case, the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) on-board the Planck satellite albeit the approach developed here can be easily applied to any kind of experiment that makes use of an observing (scanning) strategy which assumes repeated pointings of the same region of the sky on different time scales. The issue is addressed by means of a Monte Carlo approach. Our analysis clearly shows that, under quite general conditions, it is better to cover the sky more times with a lower fraction of TM retained than less times with a higher guaranteed TM fraction. In the case of Planck, an extension of mission time to allow a third sky coverage with 95% of the total TM guaranteed provides a significant reduction of the probability to loose scientific information with respect to an increase of the total guaranteed TM to 98% with the two nominal sky coverages.  相似文献   

We have used multifrequency follow-up observations of a sample of extragalactic sources from the 9C survey at 15 GHz to make deductions about the expected source population at higher radio frequencies, such as those in the lower frequency bands of the Planck Surveyor satellite. In particular, we have made empirical estimates of the source counts at 22, 30, 43 and 70 GHz and compared these with both known data and current theoretical predictions. We have also made an estimate of the count at the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) frequency of 90 GHz, with a view to assessing the possible population of point sources available for the phase calibration of that instrument.  相似文献   

We present a harmonic model for the data analysis of an all-sky cosmic microwave background survey, such as Planck , where the survey is obtained through ring-scans of the sky. In this model, resampling and pixelization of the data are avoided. The spherical transforms of the sky at each frequency, in total intensity and polarization, as well as the bright-point-source catalogue, are derived directly from the data reduced on to the rings. Formal errors and the most significant correlation coefficients for the spherical transforms of the frequency maps are preserved. A clean and transparent path from the original samplings in the time domain to the final scientific products is thus obtained. The data analysis is largely based on Fourier analysis of rings; the positional stability of the instrument's spin axis during these scans is a requirement for the data model and is investigated here for the Planck satellite. Brighter point sources are recognized and extracted as part of the ring reductions and, on the basis of accumulated data, used to build the bright-point-source catalogue. The analysis of the rings is performed in an iterative loop, involving a range of geometric and detector response calibrations. The geometric calibrations are used to reconstruct the paths of the detectors over the sky during a scan and the phase offsets between scans of different detectors; the response calibrations eliminate short- and long-term variations in detector response. Point-source information may allow the reconstruction of the beam profile. The reconstructed spherical transforms of the sky in each frequency channel form the input to the subsequent analysis stages. Although the methods in this paper were developed with the data processing for the Planck satellite in mind, there are many aspects which have wider implementation possibilities, including the construction of real-space pixelized maps.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss an inflationary scenario via scalar field and fluid cosmology for an anisotropic homogeneous universe model in \(f(R)\) gravity. We consider an equation of state which corresponds to a quasi-de Sitter expansion and investigate the effect of the anisotropy parameter for different values of the deviation parameter. We evaluate potential models like linear, quadratic and quartic models which correspond to chaotic inflation. We construct the observational parameters for a power-law model of \(f(R)\) gravity and construct the graphical analysis of tensor–scalar ratio and spectral index which indicates the consistency of these parameters with Planck 2015 data.  相似文献   

The hyperbolic motion of an idealized globular particle with the Planck length radius is described by means of special relativity in order to derive an upper quantum limit of acceleration. Furthermore, it is shown that the existence of a relative acceleration can be excluded by principle. Finally, by assuming validity of Mach's principle, it is deduced that the acceleration of the rate of increase of the radius of the (closed) Universe in the Planck era, is equal, in its absolute value, to one-half of the maximum quantum limit of acceleration; the result is then shortly discussed.  相似文献   

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