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雅鲁藏布江下游围绕喜马拉雅山东端最高峰南迦巴瓦峰(7782m)作奇特的马蹄形大拐弯,连续的深切割在青藏高原东南斜面上,长达496.3km,最深达5382m,是世界上最大的峡谷。它的论证和被发现,是20世纪末一次重大的地理发现。大峡谷是适应板块缝合构造带发育的构造谷,它还是南来水汽进入青藏高原的最大通道,它所造就的独特自然环境和地理景观,以及以生物和水力为主的丰富自然资源,是人类共同的财富。进行世界最大峡谷的地学、生物学理论与应用的系统研究,对大峡谷的开发、规划、永续利用提供科学依据,建立大峡谷自然保护区是当务之急。  相似文献   

徒走穿越考察世界第一大峡谷最新成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨逸畴 《山地学报》1999,17(3):200-206
介绍了人类首次徒瞳穿赵和科学考察雅鲁藏布大峡谷的最新成果。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江下游围绕喜马拉雅山东端最高峰南迦巴瓦峰(7782m)作奇特的马蹄形大拐弯,连续的深切割在青藏高原东南斜面上,长达496.3km,最深达5382m,是世界上最大的峡谷。它的论证和被发现,是20世纪末一次重大的地理发现。大峡谷是适应板块缝合构造带发育的构造谷,它还是南来水汽进入青藏高原的最大通道,它所造就的独特自然环境和地理景观,以及以生物和水力为主的丰富自然资源,是人类共同的财富。进行世界最大峡谷的地学、生物学理论与应用的系统研究,对大峡谷的开发、规划、永续利用提供科学依据,建立大峡谷自然保护区是当务之急。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷河床瀑布的发现及其特征和成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨逸畴 《地理研究》1999,18(4):342-348
在中国人首次徒步穿越和全程考察世界最大峡谷过程中,发现了四大河床瀑布群。该回顾了大峡河床瀑布的历史记述,总结了新发现的四大瀑布群具有群体性、多变性和年青性和三大基本特点;分析了瀑布形成的原因,指出陀是在特定的构造和地形环境下,巨大的水动力作用选择和造就了河床差异的地貌=瀑布群的自然奇观。  相似文献   

薛涌 《中国地名》2012,(10):66-67
雅鲁藏布大峡谷可以用十个字来概括:高、壮、深、润、幽、长、险、低、奇、秀。高雅鲁藏布江大峡谷两侧,壁立高耸的南迦巴瓦峰(海拔7782米)和加拉白峰(海拔7234米),其山峰皆为强烈上升断块,巍峨挺拔,直入雅鲁藏布江河谷云端。  相似文献   

二十年禁令 2012年1月,美国内政部长肯?萨拉查(Ken Salazar)宣布,延长2011年提出的一项临时性禁令的时间。奥巴马政府计划在今后20年禁止批准大峡谷国家公园附近新的铀矿开采申请。此举受到环保团体的欢迎。该计划将为大峡谷国家公园周边约100万英亩的公共土地设置为期20年的新的采矿禁令,这也是美国法律所允许的最长时间段。不过,现有的少量采矿点会继续保留。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷地区水环境评价及保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马明  关志华 《地理研究》2000,19(2):194-201
雅鲁藏布大峡谷是世界第一大峡谷,位于我国西藏南部喜马拉雅山脉东端,穿过大峡谷的河流是世界上海拔最高的大河雅鲁藏布江。大峡谷地区由于地形复杂,山高谷深,交通不便而且人口相对稀少,因此受人类活动影响较少,水环境的原始自然状态保持完好。本文根据笔者参加1998年徒步穿越雅鲁藏布大峡谷科学探险考察中取得的第一手资料,对大峡谷地区原始自然状态下的水文和水环境特征做了初步研究,并对今后大峡谷水环境的保护和监测提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布大峡谷,位于林芝地区的米 林县和墨脱县境内。大峡谷的入口 在米林县的派乡,出口处为墨脱县的巴昔 卡村,长度为504.6公里,比美国的科罗 拉多大峡谷还多出56公里,极限深度为 6009米。无论深度还是长度,雅鲁藏布大 峡谷都排在世界几大峡谷的前列,是名副 其实的世界第一大峡谷。  相似文献   

由高登义等撰著、刘东生院士作序的《世界第一大峡谷──雅鲁藏布大峡谷历史、资源及其与自然环境和人类活动关系》于 2001年 11月由浙江教育出版社出版。此书吸引人的主要原因有以下三个方面: 首先是重要的原创意义。1994年,中国科学家以充足的证据论证并向世界公布了雅鲁藏布大峡谷为世界第一大峡谷,1998年12月,中国科学家在登山家的开路先锋的协作下,首次实现了沿江徒步穿越大峡谷的科学考察,进一步论证了雅鲁藏布大峡谷为世界第一大峡谷的地位,取得了丰硕的科学成果,写下了世界科学探险考察史上的精彩篇章,这…  相似文献   

帕隆藏布河流纵剖面演化的最小功模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋忠信 《山地学报》2002,20(1):26-31
河流地貌最小功原理表明河流纵误时面形态将向力示使流速增大的方向演化,据此推导出矩形流域全程流速的平均值(u^-)与河流纵误时面形态指数(N)的关系式:u^∝-f(N)={1/2-1/[(N 1)(N 2)]}^1/2,f(N)被称为流速函数。这一最小功模式表明河流纵剖面演化方向是N由小变大。以西藏帕隆藏布中上游流域系统、干流全程及Ⅰ级阶地为例,由最小功模式计算的全程流速均值与实测值相吻合,从而检验了上述最小功原理和数学模式。  相似文献   

The Kaoping submarine canyon developed on the frontal orogenic wedge off SW Taiwan and is the largest one among others. The canyon begins at the mouth of the Kaoping River, crosses the narrow shelf and broad slope region, and finally merges into the northern Manila Trench for a distance of about 260 km. Using reflection seismic sections and bathymetric mapping this paper reveals the geomorphic characteristics of the Kaoping Canyon strongly related to structural and sedimentary processes. The combined morphometry statistics analysis, seismic interpretations of structures and examinations of detailed bathymetric charts indicate that regional canyon morphology is strongly linked to intrusions of mud diapirs in the upper reach of the canyon and thrust faulting in the middle and lower reaches which produce two prominent morphological breaks of the course of the Kaoping Canyon with two sharp bends. Although excavation of floor and enlargement of the Kaoping Canyon are mainly attributed to downslope erosion of seabed, incision of this canyon is also strongly complicated by mud diapiric intrusions (upper reach), westward thrust faults (middle reach), and regional base level tilting (lower reach). The resultant cross-sectional morphology along the Kaoping Canyon changes considerably, ranging from U-shaped, broad V-shaped, to irregular troughs. The Kaoping Canyon may be served as a variant of canyon model of active margins with a distinct morphology of two sharp bends along the canyon course associated with structure deformation.  相似文献   

Providence Canyon, one of a series of large gullies in the upper Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States, formed as a result of deforestation and agricultural development in the early 1800's. Sediment eroded from the canyon aggraded the floodplain downstream, dammed tributary valleys, and formed North and South Glory Hole lakes (NGH, 4.8 ha and SGH, 2.5 ha). Sedimentary sequences in these lakes include a basal unit (I) of layered sand and clayey-sand overlain by 0.05-0.1 m of mud, fine sand and organic matter, with large fragments of wood (Unit IIa). An upper unit (IIb) 0.29-1.61 m thick consists of silt and clay containing discrete layers of sand. We interpret Unit I as floodplain alluvium deposited before the lakes were dammed, Unit IIa as sediment deposited during the early phase of the lakes when detritus from trees killed by flooding was abundant, and Unit IIb as lacustrine mud deposited after lake levels stabilized, with periodic pulses of sand eroded from Providence Canyon introduced to the lake by backflooding events. Basal dates extrapolated from a 210Pb chronology for the upper part of SGH core suggests that development of the canyon and formation of the lakes began in the 1840's, and that lake levels stabilized by about 1880. Although consistent with historical accounts of the age of Providence Canyon, these dates must be considered as approximate because of uncertainty in extrapolating dates to the bottom of the core.In contrast, the 210Pb chronology for the upper portion of the core (post 1930) is validated independently using historical climatic records, and indicates that lacustrine sedimentation faithfully records recent land-use change visible in historical aerial photography. An 8-fold increase in lacustrine sedimentation occurred after the clearing of forest near SGH in the 1930's and 1940's, and a 1.5-fold increase occurred because of road construction in the l950's. Individual sand layers deposited between 1830 and 1957 correlate with erosion at Providence Canyon during major storm events. Since then, downcutting and headward incision by the stream draining Providence Canyon have reduced backflooding to the Glory Hole lakes. As a result, the thickness of individual sand layers decreased, although increases in mass sedimentation rates for mud correspond more directly with large precipitation events after channel incision cut off the major source of sediment from Providence Canyon. The results of this study illustrate the value of the lacustrine sedimentary record in assessing geomorphic, climatic, and human-induced environmental change in heavily disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

珠江水下三角洲   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄镇国  张伟强 《地理学报》1995,50(3):206-214
根据海底地形,陆架残留沉和残留地貌,第四系厚度分布,断裂分布等综合分析,认为珠江口外的陆架只有1个水下古三洲。按照陆架第四纪地层及其分布,沉积旋回的更替,推断水下古三角洲经历过4个发育期的演变而与陆上珠江三角洲构成一个完整的体系。  相似文献   

徒步穿越考察世界第一大峡谷最新成果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了人类首次徒步穿越和科学考察雅鲁藏布大峡谷的最新成果。  相似文献   

金口大峡谷地貌成因与旅游资源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗成德 《山地学报》2004,22(1):30-35
金口大峡谷位于大渡河下游,主要支谷有8条,皆以嶂谷地貌为特色。与大峡谷相邻的大瓦山(3236m)为我国最高的桌状山。这一区域以喀斯特地貌为主,受新构造运动影响明显,具有丰富的旅游地貌资源。  相似文献   

Four drowned shelf-edge delta complexes, two drowned shelf deltas, three drowned barrier islands, large areas of “hardground”, and fields of bedforms on the mid and outer continental shelf and uppermost slope north of the head of De Soto Canyon, NE Gulf of Mexico were mapped with high-resolution multibeam echosounder. Deltas formed not during the last eustatic low stand, but during one or more interstadials when eustatic sea levels were only 60 to 80 m below present sea level. The barrier islands and deltas must have been cemented prior to rapid falls of eustatic sea level that occurred during global glaciations. Cementation is necessary to have preserved the barrier islands from erosion and subsequent destruction by the rapid sea-level rise during the last deglaciation. The preservation of the relict bathymetry is so good that features that superficially resemble trough blowouts are found in association with one of the relict barrier islands. Asymmetric bedforms on the midshelf in water depths of 50 to 60 m indicate transport directions to the SW but asymmetric bedforms in water depths of the upper slope between 100 and 120 m on the S and SE flanks of the drowned shelf-edge deltas indicate a different current direction, a separate flow that is a continuation of a SW-flowing current that was previously found on the upper slope off NW Florida.  相似文献   

A 3-D teleseismic tomography image of the upper mantle beneath Iceland of unprecedented resolution reveals a subvertical low wave speed anomaly that is cylindrical in the upper 250 km but tabular below this. Such a morphological transition is expected towards the bottom of a buoyant upwelling. Our observations thus suggest that magmatism at the Iceland hotspot is fed by flow rising from the mantle transition zone. This result contributes to the ongoing debate about whether the upper and lower mantles convect separately or as one. The image also suggests that material flows outwards from Iceland along the Reykjanes Ridge in the upper 200 km, but is blocked in the upper 150 km beneath the Tjornes Fracture Zone. This provides direct observational support for the theory that fracture zones dam lateral flow along ridges.  相似文献   

Glaciers are one of the most important land covers in alpine regions and especially sensitive to global climate change. Remote sensing has proved to be the best method of investigating the extent of glacial variations in remote mountainous areas. Using Landsat thematic mapping (TM) and multi-spectral-scanner (MSS) images from Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) National Nature Preserve (QNNP), central high Himalayas for 1976, 1988 and 2006, we derived glacial extent for these three periods. A combination of object-oriented image interpretation methods, expert knowledge rules and field surveys were employed. Results showed that (1) the glacial area in 2006 was 2710.17 ± 0.011 km2 (about 7.41% of the whole study area), and located mainly to the south and between 4700 m to 6800 m above sea level; (2) from 1976 to 2006, glaciers reduced by 501.91 ± 0.035 km2 and glacial lakes expanded by 36.88 ± 0.035 km2; the rate of glacier retreat was higher in sub-basins on the southern slopes (16.79%) of the Himalayas than on the northern slopes (14.40%); most glaciers retreated, and mainly occurred at an elevation of 4700–6400 m, and the estimated upper limit of the retreat zone is between 6600 m and 6700 m; (3) increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation over the study period are the key factors driving retreat.  相似文献   

Source history of the 1905 great Mongolian earthquakes (Tsetserleg, Bolnay)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two great Mongolian earthquakes, Tsetserleg and Bolnay, occurred on 1905 July 9 and 23. We determined the source history of these events using body waveform inversion. The Tsetserleg rupture (azimuth N60°) correspond to a N60° oriented branch of the long EW oriented Bolnay fault.
Historical seismograms recorded by Wiechert instruments are digitized and corrected for the geometrical deformation due to the recording system. We use predictive filters to recover the signals lost at the minute marks.
The total rupture length for the Tsetserleg earthquake may reach up to 190 km, in order to explain the width of the recorded body waves. This implies adding 60 km to the previously mapped fault. The rupture propagation is mainly eastward. It starts at the southwest of the central subsegment, showing a left lateral strike-slip with a reverse component. The total duration of the modelled source function is 65 s. The seismic moment deduced from the inversion is 1021 N m, giving a magnitude   M w = 8  .
The nucleation of the Bolnay earthquake was at the intersection between the main fault (375 km left lateral strike-slip) and the Teregtiin fault (N160°, 80 km long right lateral strike-slip with a vertical component near the main fault). The rupture was bilateral along the main fault: 100 km to the west and 275 km to east. It also propagated 80 km to the southeast along the Teregtiin fault. The source duration was 115 s. The moment magnitude Mw varies between 8.3 and 8.5.
The nucleation and rupture depths remain uncertain. We tested three cases: (1) nucleation and rupture depth limited to the seismogenic zone; (2) nucleation in the seismogenic zone and rupture propagation going to the base of the crust and (3) nucleation within the crust–upper mantle interface and rupture propagation within the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Summary. The unified seismic exploration program, consisting of 345 km of deep reflection profiling, a 200 km refraction profile, an expanding spread profile and near-surface high resolution reflection meaasurements, revealed a strongly differentiated crust beneath the Black Forest. The highly reflective lower crust contains numerous horizontal and dipping reflectors at depths of 13-14 km down to the crust-mantle boundary (Moho). The Moho appears as a flat horizontal first order discontinuity at a relatively shallow level of 25–27 km above a transparent upper mantle. From modelling of synthetic near-vertical and wide-angle seismograms using the reflectivity method the lower crust is supposed to be composed of laminae with an average thickness of about 100 m and velocity differences of greater than 10% increasing from top to bottom. The upper crust is characterised by mostly dipping reflectors, associated with bivergent underthrusting and accretion tectonics of Variscan age and with extensional faults of Mesozoic age. A bright spot at 9.5 km depth is characterised by low velocity material suggesting a fluid trap. It appears on all of the three profiles in the centre of the intersection region. The upper crust seems to be decoupled from the lowest crust by a relatively transparent zone which is' also identified as a low-velocity zone. This low velocity channel is situated directly above the laminated lower crust. The laminae in the Rhinegraben area are displaced vertically to greater depths indicating an origin before Tertiary rift formation and a subsidence of the whole graben wedge.  相似文献   

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