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Observations by the Mariner 10 spacecraft suggest that the lobate scarps on Mercury, which have been interpreted to record at most 1-2 km of radial contraction of the planet after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, possess a global, preferred N-S orientation but lack a strong latitudinal dependence on their surface expression. Here, we reexamine the idea that a decrease in the planetary rotation rate (despinning) coupled with global contraction of at least 3-5.5 km prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment resulted in global N-S oriented thrust faults. The surface expression of these faults is assumed to have been erased by the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, and the faults were subsequently reactivated by later global contraction, producing generally N-S oriented thrust faults from an isotropic stress field. We use the estimate of >3-5.5 km contraction prior to ∼4 Ga as an additional constraint to thermomechanical simulations of the evolution of Mercury, finding that a wide range of models are consistent with this observation. The fact that a wide range of states are consistent with the contraction of Mercury prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment but only a restricted set of states are consistent with the at most 1-2 km of subsequent contraction bolsters the idea that there may be hidden strain on Mercury, features unseen by Mariner 10 but likely visible to the MESSENGER spacecraft.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that the terrestrial worlds have experienced identical impact regimes over the course of their formation and evolution, and, as a result, would have started life with identical volatile budgets. In this work, through illustrative dynamical simulations of the impact flux on Venus, the Earth, and Mars, we show that these planets can actually experience greatly different rates of impact from objects injected from different reservoirs. For example, we show scenarios in which Mars experiences far more asteroidal impacts, per cometary impactor, than Venus, with the Earth being intermediate in value between the two. This difference is significant, and is apparent in simulations of both quiescent and highly stirred asteroid belts (such as could be produced by a mutual mean-motion resonance crossing between Jupiter and Saturn, as proposed in the Nice model of the Late Heavy Bombardment). We consider the effects; such differences would have on the initial volatilisation of the terrestrial planets in a variety of scenarios of both endogenous and exogenous hydration, with particular focus on the key question of the initial level of deuteration in each planet's water budget. We conclude that each of the terrestrial worlds will have experienced a significantly different distribution of impactors from various reservoirs, and that the assumption that each planet has the same initial volatile budget is, at the very least, a gross over-simplification.  相似文献   

Multiple large impact basins on the lunar nearside formed in a relatively-short interval around 3.8-3.9 Gyr ago, in what is known as the Lunar Cataclysm (LC; also known as Late Heavy Bombardment). It is widely thought that this impact bombardment has affected the whole Solar System or at least all the inner planets. But with non-lunar evidence for the cataclysm being relatively weak, a geocentric cause of the Lunar Cataclysm cannot yet be completely ruled out [Ryder, G., 1990. Eos 71, 313, 322-323]. In principle, late destabilization of an additional Earth satellite could result in its tidal disruption during a close lunar encounter (cf. [Asphaug, E., Agnor, C.B., Williams, Q., 2006. Nature 439, 155-160]). If the lost satellite had D>500 km, the resulting debris can form multiple impact basins in a relatively short time, possibly explaining the LC. Canup et al. [Canup, R.M., Levison, H.F., Stewart, G.R., 1999. Astron. J. 117, 603-620] have shown that any additional satellites of Earth formed together with (and external to) the Moon would be unable to survive the rapid initial tidally-driven expansion of lunar orbit. Here we explore the fate of objects trapped in the lunar Trojan points, and find that small lunar Trojans can survive the Moon's orbital evolution until they and the Moon reach 38 Earth radii, at which point they are destabilized by a strong solar resonance. However, the dynamics of Trojans containing enough mass to cause the LC (diameters >150 km) is more complex; we find that such objects do not survive the passage through a weaker solar resonance at 27 Earth radii. This distance was very likely reached by the Moon long before the LC, which seems to rule out the disruption of lunar Trojans as a cause of the LC.  相似文献   

We present observations of the uranian ring system at a wavelength of 2.2 μm, taken between 2003 and 2008 with NIRC2 on the W.M. Keck telescope in Hawaii, and on 15–17 August 2007 with NaCo on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Of particular interest are the data taken around the time of the uranian ring plane crossing with Earth on 16 August 2007, and with the Sun (equinox) on 7 December 2007. We model the data at the different viewing aspects with a Monte Carlo model to determine: (1) the normal optical depth τ0, the location, and the radial extent of the main rings, and (2) the parameter 0 (A is the particle geometric albedo), the location, and the radial plus vertical extent of the dusty rings. Our main conclusions are: (i) The brightness of the ? ring is significantly enhanced at small phase and ring inclination angles; we suggest this extreme opposition effect to probably be dominated by a reduction in interparticle shadowing. (ii) A broad sheet of dust particles extends inwards from the λ ring almost to the planet itself. This dust sheet has a vertical extent of ∼140 km, and 0 = 2.2 × 10−6. (iii) The dusty rings between ring 4 and the α ring and between the α and β rings are vertically extended with a thickness of ∼300 km. (iv) The ζ ring extends from ∼41,350 km almost all the way inwards to the planet. The main ζ ring, centered at ∼39,500 km from the planet, is characterized by 0 = 3.7 × 10−6; this parameter decreases closer to the planet. The ζ ring has a full vertical extent of order 800–900 km, with a pronounced density enhancement in the mid-plane. (v) The ηc ring is optically thin and less than several tens of km in the vertical direction. This ring may be composed of macroscopic material, surrounded by clumps of dust.  相似文献   

An origin of the Moon by a Giant Impact is presently the most widely accepted theory of lunar origin. It is consistent with the major lunar observations: its exceptionally large size relative to the host planet, the high angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system, the extreme depletion of volatile elements, and the delayed accretion, quickly followed by the formation of a global crust and mantle.According to this theory, an impact on Earth of a Mars-sized body set the initial conditions for the formation and evolution of the Moon. The impact produced a protolunar cloud. Fast accretion of the Moon from the dense cloud ensured an effective transformation of gravitational energy into heat and widespread melting. A “Magma Ocean” of global dimensions formed, and upon cooling, an anorthositic crust and a mafic mantle were created by gravitational separation.Several 100 million years after lunar accretion, long-lived isotopes of K, U and Th had produced enough additional heat for inducing partial melting in the mantle; lava extruded into large basins and solidified as titanium-rich mare basalt. This delayed era of extrusive rock formation began about 3.9 Ga ago and may have lasted nearly 3 Ga.A relative crater count timescale was established and calibrated by radiometric dating (i.e., dating by use of radioactive decay) of rocks returned from six Apollo landing regions and three Luna landing spots. Fairly well calibrated are the periods ≈4 Ga to ≈3 Ga BP (before present) and ≈0.8 Ga BP to the present. Crater counting and orbital chemistry (derived from remote sensing in spectral domains ranging from γ- and x-rays to the infrared) have identified mare basalt surfaces in the Oceanus Procellarum that appear to be nearly as young as 1 Ga. Samples returned from this area are needed for narrowing the gap of 2 Ga in the calibrated timescale. The lunar timescale is not only used for reconstructing lunar evolution, but it serves also as a standard for chronologies of the terrestrial planets, including Mars and possibly early Earth.The Moon holds a historic record of Galactic cosmic-ray intensity, solar wind composition and fluxes and composition of solids of any size in the region of the terrestrial planets. Some of this record has been deciphered. Secular mixing of the Sun was constrained by determining 3He/4He of solar wind helium stored in lunar fines and ancient breccias. For checking the presumed constancy of the impact rate over the past ≈3.1 Ga, samples of the youngest mare basalts would be needed for determining their radiometric ages.Radiometric dating and stratigraphy has revealed that many of the large basins on the near side of the Moon were created by impacts about 4.1 to 3.8 Ga ago. The apparent clustering of ages called “Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB)” is thought to result from migration of planets several 100 million years after their accretion.The bombardment, unexpectedly late in solar system history, must have had a devastating effect on the atmosphere, hydrosphere and habitability on Earth during and following this epoch, but direct traces of this bombardment have been eradicated on our planet by plate tectonics. Indirect evidence about the course of bombardment during this epoch on Earth must therefore come from the lunar record, especially from additional data on the terminal phase of the LHB. For this purpose, documented samples are required for measuring precise radiometric ages of the Orientale Basin and the Nectaris and/or Fecunditatis Basins in order to compare these ages with the time of the earliest traces of life on Earth.A crater count chronology is presently being built up for planet Mars and its surface features. The chronology is based on the established lunar chronology whereby differences between the impact rates for Moon and Mars are derived from local fluxes and impact energies of projectiles. Direct calibration of the Martian chronology will have to come from radiometric ages and cosmic-ray exposure ages measured in samples returned from the planet.  相似文献   

C. Sotin  O. Grasset  A. Mocquet 《Icarus》2007,191(1):337-351
By comparison with the Earth-like planets and the large icy satellites of the Solar System, one can model the internal structure of extrasolar planets. The input parameters are the composition of the star (Fe/Si and Mg/Si), the Mg content of the mantle (Mg# = Mg/[Mg + Fe]), the amount of H2O and the total mass of the planet. Equation of State (EoS) of the different materials that are likely to be present within such planets have been obtained thanks to recent progress in high-pressure experiments. They are used to compute the planetary radius as a function of the total mass. Based on accretion models and data on planetary differentiation, the internal structure is likely to consist of an iron-rich core, a silicate mantle and an outer silicate crust resulting from magma formation in the mantle. The amount of H2O and the surface temperature control the possibility for these planets to harbor an ocean. In preparation to the interpretation of the forthcoming data from the CNES led CoRoT (Convection Rotation and Transit) mission and from ground-based observations, this paper investigates the relationship between radius and mass. If H2O is not an important component (less than 0.1%) of the total mass of the planet, then a relation (R/REarth)=ab(M/MEarth) is calculated with (a,b)=(1,0.306) and (a,b)=(1,0.274) for 10−2MEarth<M<MEarth and MEarth<M<10MEarth, respectively. Calculations for a planet that contains 50% H2O suggest that the radius would be more than 25% larger than that based on the Earth-like model, with (a,b)=(1.258,0.302) for 10−2MEarth<M<MEarth and (a,b)=(1.262,0.275) for MEarth<M<10MEarth, respectively. For a surface temperature of 300 K, the thickness of the ocean varies from 150 to 50 km for planets 1 to 10 times the Earth's mass, respectively. Application of this algorithm to bodies of the Solar System provides not only a good fit to most terrestrial planets and large icy satellites, but also insights for discussing future observations of exoplanets.  相似文献   

Shock wave and thermodynamic data for rock-forming and volatile-bearing minerals are used to determine minimum impact velocities (vcr) and minimum impact pressures (pcr) required to form a primary H2O atmosphere during planetary accretion from chondritelike planetesimals. The escape of initially released water from an accreting planet is controlled by the dehydration efficiency. Since different planetary surface porosities will result from formation of a regolith, vcr and pcr can vary from 1.5 to 5.8 km/sec and from 90 to 600 kbar, respectively, for target porosities between 0 and ~45%. On the basis of experimental data, hydration rates for forsterite and enstatite are derived. For a global regolith layer on the Earth's surface, the maximum hydration rate equals 6 × 1010 g H2O sec?1 during accretion of the Earth. Attenuation of impact-induced shock pressure is modeled to the extent that the amount of released water as a function of projectile radius, impact velocity, weight fraction of water in the target, target porosity, and dehydration efficiency can be estimated. The two primary processes considered are the impact release of water bound in hydrous minerals (e.g., serpentine) and the subsequent reincorporation of free water by hydration of forsterite and enstatite. These processes are described in terms of model calculations for the accretion of the Earth. Parameters which lead to a primary atmosphere/hydrosphere are: an accretion time of ? 1.6 × 108years, the use of an accretion model defined by Weidenschilling (1974, 1976), a mean planetesimal radius of 0.5 km, a hydration rate of 6 × 1010 g H2O sec?1 inferred from a mean porosity of ~ 10% for the upper 1 km of the accreting Earth, and values for the dehydration efficiency, DE, of 0.55 and 0.07 for the maximum and minimum pressure decay model, respectively. Conditions which prohibit the formation of a primary atmosphere include an accretion time much longer than 1.6 × 108 years, a hydration rate for forsterite and enstatite well in excess of 6 × 1010 g H2O sec?1, and a dehydration efficiency DE < 0.07. We conclude that the concept of dehydration efficiency is of dominant importance in determining the degree to which an accreting planet acquires an atmosphere during its formation.  相似文献   

We present new observations of Jupiter's ring system at a wavelength of 2.2 μm obtained with the 10-m W.M. Keck telescopes on three nights during a ring plane crossing: UT 19 December 2002, and 22 and 26 January 2003. We used conventional imaging, plus adaptive optics on the last night. Here we present detailed radial profiles of the main ring, halo and gossamer rings, and interpret the data together with information extracted from radio observations of Jupiter's synchrotron radiation. The main ring is confined to a 800-km-wide annulus between 128,200 and 129,000 km, with a ∼5000 km extension on the inside. The normal optical depth is 8×10−6, 15% of which is provided by bodies with radii a?5 cm. These bodies are as red as Metis. Half the optical depth, τ≈4×10−6, is attributed to micron-sized dust, and the remaining τ≈3×10−6 to grains tens to hundreds of μm in size. The inward extension consists of micron-sized (a?10 μm) dust, which probably migrates inward under Poynting-Robertson drag. The inner limit of this extension falls near the 3:2 Lorentz resonance (at orbital radius r=122,400 km), and coincides with the outer limit of the halo. The gossamer rings appear to be radially confined, rather than broad sheets of material. The Amalthea ring is triangularly shaped, with a steep outer dropoff over ∼5000 km, extending a few 1000 km beyond the orbit of Amalthea, and a more gradual inner dropoff over 15,000-20,000 km. The inner edge is near the location of the synchronous orbit. The optical depth in the Amalthea ring is ∼5×10−7, up to 20% of which is comprised of macroscopic material. The optical depth in the Thebe ring is a factor of 3 smaller.  相似文献   

Because of the ubiquity of subsurface microbial life on Earth, examination of the subsurface of Mars could provide an answer to the question of whether microorganisms exist or ever existed on that planet. Impact craters provide a natural mechanism for accessing the deep substrate of Mars and exploring its exobiological potential. Based on equations that relate impact crater diameters to excavation depth we estimate the observed crater diameters that are required to prospect to given depths in the martian subsurface and we relate these depths to observed microbiological phenomena in the terrestrial subsurface. Simple craters can be used to examine material to a depth of ∼270 m. Complex craters can be used to reach greater depths, with craters of diameters ≥300 km required to reach depths of 6 km or greater, which represent the limit of the terrestrial deep subsurface biosphere. Examination of the ejecta blankets of craters between 17.5 and 260 km in diameter would provide insights into whether there is an extant, or whether there is evidence of an extinct, deep subsurface microbiota between 500 and 5000 m prior to committing to large-scale drilling efforts. At depths <500 m some crater excavations are likely to be more important than others from an exobiological point of view. We discuss examples of impacts into putative intracrater paleolacustrine sediments and regions associated with hydrothermal activity. We compare these depths to the characteristics of subsurface life on Earth and the fossil microbiological record in terrestrial impact craters.  相似文献   

In July 1994, the Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impacts introduced hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to Jupiter at a well confined latitude band around −44°, over a range of specific longitudes corresponding to each of the 21 fragments (Bézard et al. 1997, Icarus 125, 94-120). This newcomer to Jupiter's stratosphere traces jovian dynamics. HCN rapidly mixed with longitude, so that observations recorded later than several months after impact witnessed primarily the meridional transport of HCN north and south of the impact latitude band. We report spatially resolved spectroscopy of HCN emission 10 months and 6 years following the impacts. We detect a total mass of HCN in Jupiter's stratosphere of 1.5±0.7×1013 g in 1995 and 1.7±0.4×1013 g in 2000, comparable to that observed several days following the impacts (Bézard et al. 1997, Icarus 125, 94-120). In 1995, 10 months after impact, HCN spread to −30° and −65° latitude (half column masses), consistent with a horizontal eddy diffusion coefficient of Kyy=2-3×1010 cm2 s−1. Six years following impact HCN is observed in the northern hemisphere, while still being concentrated at 44° south latitude. Our meridional distribution of HCN suggests that mixing occurred rapidly north of the equator, with Kyy=2-5×1011 cm2 s−1, consistent with the findings of Moreno et al. (2003, Planet. Space Sci. 51, 591-611) and Lellouch et al. (2002, Icarus 159, 112-131). These inferred eddy diffusion coefficients for Jupiter's stratosphere at 0.1-0.5 mbar generally exceed those that characterize transport on Earth. The low abundance of HCN detected at high latitudes suggests that, like on Earth, polar regions are dynamically isolated from lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The non-spherical gravitational potential of the planet Mars is sig- nificantly different from that of the Earth. The magnitudes of Mars’ tesseral harmonic coefficients are basically ten times larger than the corresponding val- ues of the Earth. Especially, the magnitude of its second degree and order tesseral harmonic coefficient J2,2 is nearly 40 times that of the Earth, and approaches to the one tenth of its second zonal harmonic coefficient J2. For a low-orbit Mars probe, if the required accuracy of orbit prediction of 1-day arc length is within 500 m (equivalent to the order of magnitude of 104 standard unit), then the coupled terms of J2 with the tesseral harmonics, and even those of the tesseral harmonics themselves, which are negligible for the Earth satellites, should be considered when the analytical perturbation solution of its orbit is built. In this paper, the analytical solutions of the coupled terms are presented. The anal- ysis and numerical verification indicate that the effect of the above-mentioned coupled perturbation on the orbit may exceed 10−4 in the along-track direc- tion. The conclusion is that the solutions of Earth satellites cannot be simply used without any modification when dealing with the analytical perturbation solutions of Mars-orbiting satellites, and that the effect of the coupled terms of Mars's non-spherical gravitational potential discussed in this paper should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

We have investigated the final accretion stage of terrestrial planets from Mars-mass protoplanets that formed through oligarchic growth in a disk comparable to the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), through N-body simulation including random torques exerted by disk turbulence due to Magneto-Rotational Instability. For the torques, we used the semi-analytical formula developed by Laughlin et al. [Laughlin, G., Steinacker, A., Adams, F.C., 2004. Astrophys. J. 608, 489-496]. The damping of orbital eccentricities (in all runs) and type-I migration (in some runs) due to the tidal interactions with disk gas is also included. Without any effect of disk gas, Earth-mass planets are formed in terrestrial planet regions in a disk comparable to MMSN but with too large orbital eccentricities to be consistent with the present eccentricities of Earth and Venus in our Solar System. With the eccentricity damping caused by the tidal interaction with a remnant gas disk, Earth-mass planets with eccentricities consistent with those of Earth and Venus are formed in a limited range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4 times MMSN). However, in this case, on average, too many (?6) planets remain in terrestrial planet regions, because the damping leads to isolation between the planets. We have carried out a series of N-body simulations including the random torques with different disk surface density and strength of turbulence. We found that the orbital eccentricities pumped up by the turbulent torques and associated random walks in semimajor axes tend to delay isolation of planets, resulting in more coagulation of planets. The eccentricities are still damped after planets become isolated. As a result, the number of final planets decreases with increase in strength of the turbulence, while Earth-mass planets with small eccentricities are still formed. In the case of relatively strong turbulence, the number of final planets are 4-5 at 0.5-2 AU, which is more consistent with Solar System, for relatively wide range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4-10−2 times MMSN).  相似文献   

Abstract– 40Ar/39Ar dating of recrystallized feldspar glass particles separated from clast‐rich impact melt rocks from the approximately 10 km Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland) yielded a Middle to Late Triassic (Ladinian‐Karnian) pseudo‐plateau age of 228.7 ± 3.0 (3.4) Ma (2σ). This new age makes Paasselkä the first known Triassic impact structure dated by isotopic methods on the Baltic Shield. The new Paasselkä impact age is, within uncertainty, coeval with isotopic ages recently obtained for the Lake Saint Martin impact structure in Canada, indicating a new Middle to Late Triassic impact crater population on Earth. The comparatively small crater size, however, suggests no relationship between the Paasselkä impact and a postulated extinction event at the Middle/Late Triassic boundary.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl nightglow is intensively studied in the Earth atmosphere, due to its coupling to the ozone cycle. Recently, it was detected for the first time also in the Venus atmosphere, thanks to the VIRTIS-Venus Express observations. The main Δν=1, 2 emissions in the infrared spectral range, centred, respectively, at 2.81 and 1.46 μm (which correspond to the (1-0) and (2-0) transitions, respectively), were observed in limb geometry (Piccioni et al., 2008) with a mean emission rate of 880±90 and 100±40 kR (1R=106 photon cm−2 s−1 (4πster)−1), respectively, integrated along the line of sight. In this investigation, the Bates-Nicolet chemical reaction is reported to be the most probable mechanism for OH production on Venus, as in the case of Earth, but HO2 and O may still be not negligible as mechanism of production for OH, differently than Earth. The nightglow emission from OH provides a method to quantify O3, HO2, H and O, and to infer the mechanism of transport of the key species involved in the production. Very recently, an ozone layer was detected in the upper atmosphere of Venus by the SPICAV (Spectroscopy for Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Venus) instrument onboard Venus Express (Montmessin et al., 2009); this discovery enhances the importance of ozone to the OH production in the upper atmosphere of Venus through the Bates-Nicolet mechanism. On Venus, OH airglow is observed only in the night side and no evidence has been found whether a similar emission exists also in the day side. On Mars it is expected to exist both on the day and night sides of the planet, because of the presence of ozone, though OH airglow has not yet been detected.In this paper, we review and compare the OH nightglow on Venus and Earth. The case of Mars is also briefly discussed for the sake of completeness. Similarities from a chemical and a dynamical point of view are listed, though visible OH emissions on Earth and IR OH emissions on Venus are compared.  相似文献   

We explore the likelihood that early remains of Earth, Mars, and Venus have been preserved on the Moon in high enough concentrations to motivate a search mission. During the Late Heavy Bombardment, the inner planets experienced frequent large impacts. Material ejected by these impacts near the escape velocity would have had the potential to land and be preserved on the surface of the Moon. Such ejecta could yield information on the geochemical and biological state of early Earth, Mars, and Venus. To determine whether the Moon has preserved enough ejecta to justify a search mission, we calculate the amount of terran material incident on the Moon over its history by considering the distribution of ejecta launched from the Earth by large impacts. In addition, we make analogous estimates for Mars and Venus. We find, for a well-mixed regolith, that the median surface abundance of terran material is roughly 7 ppm, corresponding to a mass of approximately 20,000 kg of terran material over a 10×10-square-km area. Over the same area, the amount of material transferred from Venus is 1-30 kg and material from Mars as much as 180 kg. Given that the amount of terran material is substantial, we estimate the fraction of this material surviving impact with intact geochemical and biological tracers.  相似文献   

The potentially hazardous Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 approached the Earth within 0.0125 AU on 2001 December 16 and was the target of a number of optical, infrared, and radar observing campaigns. Interest in 1998 WT24 stems from its having an orbit with an unusually low perihelion distance, which causes it to cross the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, and its possibly being a member of the E spectral class, which is rare amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We present the results of extensive thermal-infrared observations of 1998 WT24 obtained in December 2001 with the 3-m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the ESO 3.6-m telescope in Chile. A number of thermal models have been applied to the data, including thermophysical models that give best-fit values of 0.35±0.04 km for the effective diameter, 0.56±0.2 for the geometric albedo, pv, and 100-300 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 for the thermal inertia. Our values for the diameter and albedo are consistent with results derived from radar and polarimetric observations. The albedo is one of the highest values obtained for any asteroid and, since no other taxonomic type is associated with albedos above 0.5, supports the suggested rare E-type classification for 1998 WT24. The thermal inertia is an order of magnitude higher than values derived for large main-belt asteroids but consistent with the relatively high values found for other near-Earth asteroids. A crude pole solution inferred from a combination of our observations and published radar results is β=−52°, λ=355° (J2000), but we caution that this is uncertain by several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

V.S. Safronov 《Icarus》1978,33(1):3-12
The thermal state of the Earth accumulating from solid bodies is investigated. The conductivity equation is deduced for a growing spherically symmetrical planet which takes into account heating by impacts of bodies, by radioactivity, and by compression of its material. The cooling is produced mainly by impact mixing, which is approximated by extrapolating the parameters from known impact craters to larger sizes. The solution of a more simple conductivity equation for a uniformly heated plane parallel layer with moving boundaries is found. It can be considered as an approximate quasi-stationary solution for the temperature distribution in the outer parts of the growing Earth. The result depends substantially on the sizes of impacting bodies but almost not at all on the time scale of the accumulation. The latter only weakly affects the surface temperature and does not affect the temperature distribution in the layer. For bodies of small radii, r′ < r1, where the size of the crater is not affected appreciably by gravitation (for the present mass of the Earth r1 ≈ 1 km), the heating is small. For bodies with r′ > r1, the heating of the layer is roughly proportional to the ratio r′r1. Toward the end of the Earth's accumulation the melting point can be reached in the outer layer at rM ? 60 km, where rM is the radius of the largest body in the power law size spectrum of falling bodies. The estimates of the initial temperature of the Earth can vary within wide limits depending on the mass distribution of large protoplanetary bodies, which at the present time is not known correctly. The initial melting of an upper layer of the Earth a few hundred kilometers thick seems to be possible.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(11):1494-1501
In this work, we calculate the neutral Na production rates on the Moon and Mercury, as due to the impacts of meteoroids having an impact probability on the surface that can influence the daily observations of the exosphere: the meteoroids radius range considered for the Moon and Mercury are 10−8–0.15 and 10−8–0.10 m, respectively. We also estimate the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury in the last 3.8 Gy (after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment).The results of our model are that (i) the Na production rates are ∼(3–4.9)×104 and ∼(1.8–2.3)×106 atoms cm−2 s−1, for Moon and Mercury, respectively, and (ii) in the last 3.8 Gy, the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the whole surface of the Moon and Mercury has been 8.86×1018 and 2.66×1019 g, respectively.  相似文献   

This work is a part of ESA/EU SURE project aiming to quantify the survival probability of fungal spores in space under solar irradiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) (110-180 nm) spectral region. The contribution and impact of VUV photons, vacuum, low temperature and their synergies on the survival probability of Aspergillus terreus spores is measured at simulated space conditions on Earth. To simulate the solar VUV irradiation, the spores are irradiated with a continuous discharge VUV hydrogen photon source and a molecular fluorine laser, at low and high photon intensities at 1015 photon m−2 s−1 and 3.9×1027 photons pulse−1 m−2 s−1, respectively. The survival probability of spores is independent from the intensity and the fluence of photons, within certain limits, in agreement with previous studies. The spores are shielded from a thin carbon layer, which is formed quickly on the external surface of the proteinaceous membrane at higher photon intensities at the start of the VUV irradiation. Extrapolating the results in space conditions, for an interplanetary direct transfer orbit from Mars to Earth, the spores will be irradiated with 3.3×1021 solar VUV photons m−2. This photon fluence is equivalent to the irradiation of spores on Earth with 54 laser pulses with an experimental ∼92% survival probability, disregarding the contribution of space vacuum and low temperature, or to continuous solar VUV irradiation for 38 days in space near the Earth with an extrapolated ∼61% survival probability. The experimental results indicate that the damage of spores is mainly from the dehydration stress in vacuum. The high survival probability after 4 days in vacuum (∼34%) is due to the exudation of proteins on the external membrane, thus preventing further dehydration of spores. In addition, the survival probability is increasing to ∼54% at 10 K with 0.12 K/s cooling and heating rates.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive device has been developed for the detection of micrometeoroids with masses extending down to and below the expected classical solar radiation pressure limit. This limit occurs at a mass of about 10−16 kg for a particle density of 3 × 103 kg m−3. The detector operates on the principle that charge (Q) is released when a hypervelocity microparticle impacts on a solid surface. This process has previously been investigated at particle velocities (ν) greater than 1 km sec−1 and the empirical relationship Q = Kmανβ obtained where m is the particle mass and K, α and β are constants. In the present study the validity of this relationship has been demonstrated for iron particles with masses from 10−16 to 10−13 kg in the velocity range 0.05–1.4 km sec−1 impacting on a molybdenum target. A value of α ≈ 1 is indicated and a value of β of 3.2 ± 0.4 has been obtained.  相似文献   

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