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中国的区域治理模式长期以来呈现出阶段性演化的特征。特别是近些年,传统省-市分层设权的权力组织关系被动态的、反复连续性的博弈所取代。本研究借助政治经济学与人文地理学关于“国家空间再中心化”及组织社会学者的“行政发包制”理论,立足区域基础设施项目,即“珠三角城际铁路网”展开实证,系统分析其规划、建设及运营过程。并聚焦其中的事权与财权动态演变过程,解析省政府的角色定位和省市关系的演变等两大关键问题,揭示中国城市区域治理重构的内在逻辑。研究发现:一方面,省政府的角色定位由“分包商”和“协调者”逐渐转变为协调与发展并重的新角色定位;同时,省市关系由结构化的“行政发包”转化为多轮协商的动态博弈连续体。  相似文献   


This study examines the restructuring of urban space brought about by Shanghai Expo. The focus is on how the municipal government strategically makes use of this mega-event program to proactively implement two entrepreneurial spatial policies, namely economic restructuring and population decentralization. Specifically, it critically investigates the omnipotent government’s policies in terms of industrial relocation and residential resettlement leading up to the Shanghai Expo. Shanghai’s entrepreneurial city building, at the metropolitan level, has long been associated with the optimization of spatial structure. The empirical findings reveal that the negotiations involved in relocating enterprises were tougher when they took place within the state system, as compared to those between the government and foreign or private sectors. At the same time, social groups remained excluded from decision-making processes for resettlement, and there was a downscaling of governance, which contributed to improved efficiency of the resettlement work. The Shanghai municipal government was key to the restructuring and entrepreneurial city building, engaging, on the one hand, in negotiations on spatial relocation with central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) at the level of the central government and mobilizing, on the other hand, lower-tier government authorities to deliver the resettlement plan. This paper argues that the development of the entrepreneurial city in Shanghai depends essentially on the way local government implemented the policy and that an integrated approach is significant to attaining the goals and objectives.  相似文献   

卢笛声 《地理科学》2014,34(3):265-271
作为全球碳排放大国,中国低碳治理的发展方向对全球气候变化有深远的影响,值得深入研究。通过中国低碳治理的制约因素及其成因的分析,提出地方政府行为是中国低碳治理的主要制约因素。这主要表现在地方政府鼓励不符合低碳发展的粗放式经济增长和城市开发及地方政府制定与执行低碳政策的积极性不高。而地方政府行为背后是各种制度环境因素。因此,改善中国低碳治理需要从制度改革入手。对制度改革提出3个建议:① 强化节能目标责任制;② 缓和地方政府过于强烈的发展意愿;③ 加强公民参与低碳治理。  相似文献   

从行政分权到跨域治理:我国地方政府治理方式变革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从集权到分权再到伙伴关系,从统治到治理再到跨域治理,西方发达国家地方政府治理方式呈现出螺旋式发展路径。我国的分权化改革打破了计划经济体制下地方政府被动羸弱的状态,在激发了地方政府发展经济的动力的同时,引发了"地方政府企业化"倾向,形成了分割的"行政区经济"。市场化改革在引入和整合体制外社会经济资源的同时,也导致政府与市场结合成"不受约束"的增长联盟,反而削弱了政府的权威。跨域治理理念旨在强化政府组织、市场组织和社会组织之间的资源整合,鼓励各种治理组织的参与,以共同应对跨行政区、跨部门、跨领域的公共事务。该文结合我国地方政府的实际情况,认为通过以下途径可以实现地方政府跨域治理:1)分权与赋权相结合,引进并整合体制外的社会经济资源,把决策权力向企业、社区和非营利组织转移;2)统筹协调各治理组织间的关系,促进城市政体内的权力平衡,以利益协调为基点,促使治理规则由支配性规则向共识性规则转变;3)综合运用行政化手段和市场化手段调整地方政府间关系,实现府际合作,促使地方政府由竞争型政府向合作型政府转变。  相似文献   

Joe Penny 《Urban geography》2017,38(9):1352-1373
At a time of “austerity localism”, this paper explores how local authorities in London, England, are simultaneously addressing the dual pressures of delivering fiscal retrenchment and of enrolling citizens in new participatory public service arrangements, asking whether “these trends pull against one another, in opposite directions, or whether they are the tough and tender dimensions of a singular process: austerian management” Drawing on empirical research into the London Borough of Lambeth’s Cooperative Council agenda, as well as Foucauldian and Gramscian critiques of participatory network governance theories and practice, this paper shows how participatory forms of governance can be folded into the logic of hierarchy and coercion through various governmental technologies of performance and agency (consent), and through tactics of administrative domination (coercion). As budget cuts continue to affect local government in England, this paper concludes that although small experiments in participatory governance may persist, the dominant mode of governance is likely to shift towards more hierarchical and coercive forms.  相似文献   

A crucial characteristic of federal systems is the distribution of regulatory power between the states and the national government. Four factors affect the distribution of powers in the U.S.: the geographic scope of issues, institutional competence at state and national levels, protection of democratic values, and economies of administration. Local or scattered occurrences of a problem, national governmental rigidity, desire for extensive public participation, spatial variation in regulatory preferences, and diseconomies of scale in administration favor state regulation. Widespread occurrences or national significance of a problem, state governmental rigidity, spillover effects, abhorrent local preferences, and economies of scale in administration favor national regulation.  相似文献   

A survey of local governments participating in two urban climate change programs is presented to determine the mechanisms used to reach emissions reduction goals and the motivations for participation. Results support previous research that shows a preference for policies that rely on changes in individual behavior, while also providing new insights into how mitigation responsibilities are distributed among the public and private sector and the relative importance of scientific consensus, economic incentives, and federal inaction on local government justification for climate-related policies. The article concludes with a discussion of urban climate governance as part of a wider system of neoliberal climate governance.  相似文献   

魏璐瑶  陆玉麒  靳诚 《地理研究》2021,40(10):2707-2721
明确乡村公共空间治理举措,全面推进乡村空间有序重构,是落实国家乡村振兴战略的有力保障。在解构乡村公共空间内涵、明确划分乡村公共空间类型的同时,梳理中国乡村公共空间嬗变历程和阶段特征,剖析乡村公共空间中出现的权属关系不明、土地制度受限和空间组织无序等现实瓶颈,并融合“自上而下”行政管控与“自下而上”治理需求维度,形成乡村公共空间“需求-统筹-组织”综合治理体系。据此,提出激活关键要素转型、明确权属主体职责和夯实制度保障体系的乡村公共空间治理路径,为完善乡村空间规划体系、推进乡村治理体系现代化提供重要依据。  相似文献   

精明增长政策下美国城市多中心治理研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
以美国城市多中心治理为研究对象,提出实践中多主体共同参与的网络化治理是美国城市空间得以精明化增长的根本原因。首先定义多中心网络主体包括政府、利益集团、社会公众及电子媒体,并指出各利益主体所占有的资源、利益诉求及价值规范。构建包括资金支撑、技术支撑及信息支撑的多中心治理的支撑体系,进而得出政府自上而下资金、指导“软控制”与公共秩序维持机制;利益集团与政府之间合作竞争的推动机制;社会公众依托公民权利的实施反馈监督机制及电子媒体为中心的全网络信息发布机制4方面的运作机制。最后,提出中国城市空间的集约型增量增长和存量空间更新相结合的“精明化”路径实施启示。  相似文献   

Jonathan Murdoch 《Area》1997,29(2):109-118
Summary In this paper it is proposed that the territory of governance is currently being reconfigured by the state. The state is pulling back from a universalist, welfare role, which entailed comprehensive governance of the whole national territory. Now a much more selective form of government is coming into being, concerned with 'community', 'diversity' and 'locality'. This is not, however, simply a belated recognition by the state that these are ever more important features of socio-spatial life: rather, it is part of the reconfiguration of the territory of government as the state invokes these characteristics in order to modify its ways of governing. Using Foucault's concept of governmentality–that is the means used by the state to 'problematise' life within its territorial borders and then act on the basis of these problematisations—the recent case of the Rural White Paper is examined. It is proposed that this is a very clear example of a governmental retreat from a comprehensive role in the governance of rural areas and shows how the state now seeks to govern 'through communities'.  相似文献   

深汕特别合作区协同共治型区域治理模式研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
伴随金融风暴引发了全球资本重组,资本的空间修复客观要求以新的跨界区域治理模式组织资本与劳动力关系,而中国传统跨界产业园区建设路径依赖于区域发展中“省-地方”分层设权治理模式。以珠三角地区的深汕特别合作区为例,通过深度访谈与文本分析法,发现深汕特别合作区形成的多主体共同参与、分工合作的协同共治型区域治理模式是在传统路径依赖基础上的一次制度创新。通过分析模式产生的产业经济背景、政策制度背景与现实发展概况,并解构深汕特别合作区行政组织架构、空间发展政策及利益分配机制,发现省政府的放松管制与资源注入,地方政府的优势互补、分工协同是协同共治型区域治理模式的本质特征,而这一区域治理模式的产生将会对中国区域产业政策与空间政策及政府职能转型提供新的经验与启示。  相似文献   

自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情肆虐以来,全球国际移民流动按下暂停键。我国也面临着同样的情况,部分城市内部聚集着因疫情难以回国的国际移民,这对于地方政府的移民管治提出了巨大挑战。通过结合运用地理学与人类学的跨学科视角,在福柯的权力与异端辩证关系框架的基础上,加入了“管治-响应”的逻辑思路进行重组,并采用该分析框架,以广西阳朔为例,讨论后疫情时代国际移民管治与个体生存策略。通过结合参与式观察法与网络民族志法,结果发现:首先,为避免疫情防控中政治尺度跃迁引发的国际舆论事件,地方政府在国际移民群体中寻找权力代理人,并与之形成权力联盟,对移民个体进行管治,包括“规训/照料”“医治/隔离”“监控/放任。这种转换将原本权力关系中的地方政府与移民个体之间的矛盾转化为权力代理人与移民个体之间的矛盾,有效地规避了尺度跃迁问题。其次,移民个体结合自身的社会资本,采用特有的响应策略,包括“权力代理人”“顺从/搭便车”“治疗/自我管治”“不合作/破坏”。这些发现有利于加深对国际移民社会融合的理解,为地方政府的移民管治提供新思路。  相似文献   

刘筱  闫小培 《热带地理》2004,24(4):361-365,375
20世纪末,经济的全球化以及社会的变革使社会的治理模式发生巨大的挑战.竞争力理论的形成以及发展使城市的重要地位突显,而城市管理模式的变革则成为社会持续发展、更富竞争力的关键.以企业家式城市经营主义为核心的新的社会治理模式--管治模式使城市政府在城市发展中的定位和作用得到重新确定.文中以广州为例对城市管理向管治转型以及所产生的社会影响进行探讨,以政府参与城市管治的重要手段--城市规划为出发点,从行政区划的调整、城市规划创新以及广泛社会互动合作等方面进行分析,总结出当前广州企业家式城市管治模式特点,包括城市资  相似文献   

黄颖敏  薛德升 《热带地理》2016,36(5):795-805
改革开放以来,随着中央―地方政府之间的分权化和分税制改革,地方政府在推动城市与经济的发展中通常表现为企业主义行为,并有力地推动了地方经济的发展;但是,经过30 多年的发展,地方政府企业主义是否仍然行之有效?文章采用质性研究方法,以东莞厚街镇的赤岭社区为例,对中国地方政府企业主义行为发生的源头--半城市化地区社区发展与转型进行研究,解析新时期地方政府企业化的特征、作用机制及应对危机的方式。结论认为:1)地方政府企业主义行为推动了改革开放以来半城市化地区社区(村)社会经济的发展与转型,但是在外部环境变化的情况下,地方政府企业主义行为在社区尺度不再行之有效;2)社区(村级)体制改革也是一种城市管治方式,半城市化地区的社区发展适时需要管治的进入;3)全球化是影响地方政府企业主义行为的直接动力;4)在中国的城市管治中,社会力量还相对较弱。在未来地方政府企业主义的研究中,应更多关注来自基层的制度创新。  相似文献   

演化经济地理学视角下旅游目的地研究述评及启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
由于旅游目的地系统的多元和综合属性,其研究内容往往呈现跨学科的属性,涵盖地理学、经济学、管理学、社会学等多个领域。20世纪90年代以来,以进化论和复杂系统论为理论基础,强调历史过程和空间异质性的演化经济地理学,因其超越原有的单线逻辑的叙事而受到旅游研究者的关注。作为旅游目的地研究的新范式和新理论,演化经济地理学被应用于旅游目的地的演化路径和演化动力机制,并为其提供了“结构—过程”分析视角。而另一方面,中国旅游目的地的发展及演变,和西方发达国家的经验有着较大区别,只有在充分立足于中国旅游目的地的实际状况和基本国情的基础上,才能够更好地构建“中国特色”的旅游目的地理论体系,探索更为多元化的旅游研究方法。加强与政治经济学和制度经济学研究的结合能够为中国的旅游实践提供较为宏观尺度的政策分析视角,进而有助于旅游公共服务体系的转型升级;加强中微观层面的多尺度耦合机制和多元主体行为研究,将有助于探索不同利益相关者参与下中国旅游目的地的可持续发展路径。  相似文献   

本研究以全国地级以上城市为实证数据,试图刻画我国城市资源-环境效率的空间差异并分析影响这一空间格局的主要因素。研究中采用数据包络分析法(DEA),对全国285个城市的资源-环境效率进行了评价。结果表明,城市平均资源-环境效率指数为0.6381,该指数的分解结果表明城市的纯技术效率指数为0.6964,低于规模效率指数0.9225。对城市资源-环境效率影响因素的回归分析结果表明,城市资源-环境效率与城市收入水平呈U形关系。经济增长可以通过三个渠道影响城市的资源-环境效率:规模效应(包括人口规模和城市化水平)、经济结构效应以及空间效应。城市资源-环境效率的提高并不是自然发生的,而需依赖于技术创新和有效管治等手段。因此各级政府、企业和组织必须实施一系列应对措施才能确保城市的高效发展。  相似文献   

At the core of land use and governance debates in the United States are purported dualities: economy vs. environment, public goods vs. private rights, and the merits and demerits of regulation. While such dichotomies are inevitably partial, they offer a heuristic to interrogate the deeper nuances of a problem or process. I investigate these dichotomies in one site (Calaveras County, California) along the rural-urban interface (RUI). The RUI is home of some of the most valued places in contemporary society as well as some of the most challenged in terms of planning and management. Land management decisions along the RUI are complicated by social and ecological heterogeneity as well as ongoing, dynamic cultural and environmental change. Differing perspectives and shifting conditions in place influence stakeholders' views on the value and utility of a variety of resources, both environmental and social. This paper investigates how political and environmental ideologies and environmental management preferences are related in order to consider the implications of such divergent perspectives for policy and governance. Using a mixed method approach, I examine varying viewpoints related to the environment/economy dichotomy and conclude that increasing polarization of political and environmental ideals and preferences along the RUI impacts land use planning and policy as well as social, environmental, and economic outcomes. I argue that the physical and cultural landscape of the RUI is transforming and, as such, we must also (re)configure pathways for cooperation and problem solving to effectively address the challenges and contradictions of these social and ecological changes.  相似文献   

怒江大坝建设中的各方博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在怒江上修建大坝是否可行,引起了社会各界的广泛争议。赞成者和反对者各执一词,使得怒江大坝工程的上马被迫搁浅。应用博弈论的方法可以分析在怒江大坝建设的论证过程中,中央政府、环保人士和当地人民的利益关系,并且可以证明在没有环境保护法律的保障下,环保评价的弊端。通过对各方博弈的分析,说明了政府在进行怒江大坝建设的决策过程中,必须高瞻远瞩,以全社会的可持续发展为根本出发点,同时要兼顾当地人民的利益,并要以此为基础制定出一套科学的工程建设环境评价法律。  相似文献   

无资料区的径流模拟问题是国内外水文研究的难点之一。基于相似流域的参数移植法是常用的解决方法之一,但如何判断相似流域是制约此类方法发展的难点。本文以滇池流域为例,采用自组织映射神经网络(SOM)和层次聚类分析(HCA)联合模式,选取16个流域物理特征为指标进行子流域分类,以确定相似流域。运用无分层的K-means分类的SOM法将整个滇池流域划分为7类具有水文属性的子流域组,分类情景与HCA基本一致,两者实现相互验证。采用HBV水文模型模拟子流域径流过程,并选择部分子流域进行组内参数移植交叉检验。结果显示,HBV模型可较好的模拟滇池流域径流过程;此外,子流域交叉检验结果优良,表明同组内参数可以相互移植。本文不仅为解决滇池流域无资料问题提供了可靠手段,而且由于SOM实现了高维流域特征可视化展示,有助于管理者全面、深入的把握滇池流域水文属性的空间分布特征,为进行水资源管理提供指导。  相似文献   

Rural‐urban classification constitutes an important framework for the collection and compilation of population data in many countries. While “urban” is often specifically defined, “rural” is treated simply as a residual category. The criteria defining urban also differ from country to country. This paper argues that these rural and urban statistical categories are also highly significant for local governance, increasingly so in recent years given the emphasis on local governance and its restructuring. In India, constitutional amendments have given constitutional status to local bodies in the federal structure of the country. Local bodies are thus now expected to draw up their own plans and initiate development works, which requires them to generate their own resources and lessen their dependence on central government funding. It is thus necessary to reorganize urban space into viable spatial units in terms of their revenue base. While rural‐urban classification is the task of the Census of India, state governments are responsible for granting municipal status to urban centres. This paper examines the criteria and limitations of the rural‐urban classification followed by the Census, its congruence with the dynamics of state‐accorded municipal/non‐municipal status and some implications for municipal governance in India.  相似文献   

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