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天然气水合物的识别标志及研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
天然气水合物是天然气和水在特定条件下形成的一种透明的冰状结晶体。天然气水合物的发现为寻找清洁高效的新型能源,以取代日益枯竭的传统能源提供了一个广阔的领域和新的思维方式。我国天然气水合物具有广阔的勘探领域和良好的勘探前景。本文对天然气水合物的研究现状进行了综述。在总结前人关于天然气水合物研究的基础上,总结归纳了天然气水台物的地震、地球物理测井、沉积岩石、地球化学、地形地貌等识别标志。企望对加速天然气水合物的勘探提供一些有益的线索。  相似文献   

海底天然气水合物是一种重要的新型能源矿产,美国、加拿大、德国等发达国家都将水合物列入国家重点发展战略。而中国、日本、韩国的研究工作起步时间相对较晚,过去十年,日本实施了"21世纪水合物研究开发计划(MH21)",韩国制订了"天然气水合物开发十年计划"。我国在水合物领域也做了大量的研究工作,在南海陆坡区钻探到了水合物样品,但与日、韩相比还存在一定的差距。文章通过总结日本、韩国天然气水合物研究的开发思路,旨在为我国海域天然气水合物的勘探开发和试开采计划提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

天然气水合物资源作为人类未来可以利用的一种清洁能源越来越受到各界的关注。根据天然气水合物矿藏的分布特点,提出用高分辨率多道地震勘探的技术方法对天然气水合物资源进行探查的可行性,并以南海某陆坡天然气水合物资源勘察为例,详细论述了应用该方法的具体步骤和参数选择的重要性。通过分析获得的地震剖面评判该方法在天然气水合物勘探领域的应用前景和实际价值。  相似文献   

极地天然气水合物资源潜力巨大,储层类型主要为富砂沉积物储层,最可能实现远景勘探和商业利用,是一种重要的战略能源。综述了天然气水合物在极地的分布情况、极地主要地区天然气水合物矿藏资源量以及水合物开发利用的资源金字塔。结合美国、加拿大和俄罗斯在北极冻土区天然气水合物勘探开发的案例进行了4种开采技术优缺点对比,并对极地区和非极地区5次天然气水合物试采效能进行对比评价。根据目前国际油气价格、能源结构、各国水合物研究目标和我国天然气水合物勘查开发现状等,提出了我国参与极地天然气水合物研究和开发的思路。  相似文献   

测井技术在水合物储层识别中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋天然气水合物是一种潜在的巨大能源。地球物理测井在天然气水合物探测与储量评价领域发挥了重要作用,并且随着以勘探天然气水合物为目的的钻井数量的增多日益受到重视。主要介绍了常规测井方法、成像测井和核磁测井在识别天然气水合物储层中的应用,发展海洋天然气水合物的识别技术,准确了解天然气水合物的分布与蕴藏量,对我国海洋天然气水合物产业的建立具有关键作用。  相似文献   

极地天然气水合物资源潜力巨大,储层类型主要为富砂沉积物储层,最可能实现远景勘探和商业利用,是一种重要的战略能源。综述了天然气水合物在极地的分布情况、极地主要地区天然气水合物矿藏资源量以及水合物开发利用的资源金字塔。结合美国、加拿大和俄罗斯在北极冻土区天然气水合物勘探开发的案例进行了4种开采技术优缺点对比,并对极地区和非极地区5次天然气水合物试采效能进行对比评价。根据目前国际油气价格、能源结构、各国水合物研究目标和我国天然气水合物勘查开发现状等,提出了我国参与极地天然气水合物研究和开发的思路。  相似文献   

近年海域天然气水合物勘探和研究表明,水合物的形成、聚集和分布往往与浅层深水沉积体之间存在紧密联系,随着深水观测和钻探技术的提高以及高分辨三维地震资料的使用,深水沉积体系研究进入了一个快速发展的阶段,在水合物远景区域内对浅层深水沉积体进行精细刻画已成为海域天然气水合物勘探的热点和难点。通过分析国内外深水沉积体系研究现状,从浅层深水沉积体与海域天然气水合物的关系入手,对现有研究方法和手段、深水沉积体的发展趋势进行总结和分析,结合南海北部陆坡天然气水合物勘探研究现状和存在问题,提出应该在浅层深水沉积体发育类型和沉积背景、浅层深水沉积体的内部构成和空间分布、以及浅层深水沉积体与水合物耦合关系等三方面加强研究,以期为我国海域天然气水合物勘探和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

天然气水合物资源将是21世纪最具潜力的洁净能源之一。对天然气水合物的勘探和试开采,必须对天然气水合物海底环境变化规律和试开采的环境效应先行研究。介绍了一种适用天然气水合物赋存地区而研发的海底环境原位观测系统,并对该观测系统的设计原则、系统组成及工作原理、系统的集成与实现等方面进行了详细阐述。该系统的应用将为天然气水合物海底环境变化规律研究和试开采环境效应研究提供可靠的原始数据,这是进行海底长时间原位观测的良好解决方案。  相似文献   

南海北部天然气水合物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天然气水合物是一种新型的储量巨大的绿色能源,是目前世界各国研究界的研究热点之一。我国以及美国、日本、印度、韩国等国家都采集到了天然气水合物的实物样品。虽然我国对天然气水合物的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究已经取得了飞速的进步,而且也于2007年5月在南海北部陆坡的神狐海域成功采集到天然气水合物的实物样品,这是在南海海域首次获取天然气水合物实物样品,证实了南海北部蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,标志着我国天然气水合物调查研究水平又上了一个新的台阶。目前,南海北部陆坡已经作为我国天然气水合物未来开发的战略选区之一。在总结我国天然气水合物以往十几年研究工作的基础上,综述了我国天然气水合物近年来在南海北部的地质、地球物理、地球化学3个方面的研究进展,提出了未来天然气水合物勘探和研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪以来,由于世界各国工业化程度的进一步提高,能源匮乏问题更显突出,各国对勘探有潜力的替代新能源的需求呼声越来越强烈,天然气水合物作为一种清洁、高效、储量巨大的未来能源备受关注,世界各国对天然气水合物理论研究、实际勘探活动正方兴未艾。据前人研究天然气水合物的经验表明,用反射地震进行研究是先期研究的重点工作。  相似文献   

简介了2006年西太平洋地球物理会议中海洋天然气水合物研究的最新成果,主要集中在水合物勘探技术,新的水合物积聚区预测,水合物成因、性质分析,水合物评估手段、开发计划,水合物模拟实验研究等几个方面。在对以上几方面分类总结的基础上,提出了几点关于海洋天然气水合物未来研究方向的认识。  相似文献   

In the 1960s Russian scientists made what was then a bold assertion that gas hydrates should occur in abundance in nature. Since this early start, the scientific foundation has been built for the realization that gas hydrates are a global phenomenon, occurring in permafrost regions of the arctic and in deep water portions of most continental margins worldwide. In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey made the first systematic assessment of the in-place natural gas hydrate resources of the United States. That study suggested that the amount of gas in the gas hydrate accumulations of northern Alaska probably exceeds the volume of known conventional gas resources on the North Slope. Researchers have long speculated that gas hydrates could eventually become a producible energy resource, yet technical and economic hurdles have historically made gas hydrate development a distant goal. This view began to change in recent years with the realization that this unconventional resource could be developed with existing conventional oil and gas production technology. One of the most significant developments was the completion of the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well on the Alaska North Slope, which along with the Mallik project in Canada, have for the first time allowed the rational assessment of gas hydrate production technology and concepts. Almost 40 years of gas hydrate research in northern Alaska has confirmed the occurrence of at least two large gas hydrate accumulations on the North Slope. We have also seen in Alaska the first ever assessment of how much gas could be technically recovered from gas hydrates. However, significant technical concerns need to be further resolved in order to assess the ultimate impact of gas hydrate energy resource development in northern Alaska.  相似文献   

近年来的研究表明,海洋中天然气水合物的成藏和分布受温度的影响较大,一些海域中的天然气水合物资源与地热资源同时存在且有一定的分布规律。在利用地热开采天然气水合物基础上把2种资源结合起来利用,将会对海洋天然气水合物的开发有重要意义。参考组合评价相关经验公式,基于该开采方法对天然气水合物和地热资源组合评价提出了相关的方法研究,并通过实例应用,丰富了该开采方法的可行性的论证,并对于2种资源的综合利用的靶区优选有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1751-1767
Supplies of conventional natural gas and oil are declining fast worldwide, and therefore new, unconventional forms of energy resources are needed to meet the ever-increasing demand. Amongst the many different unconventional natural resources are gas hydrates, a solid, ice-like crystalline compound of methane and water formed under specific low temperature and high pressure conditions. Gas hydrates are believed to exist in large quantities worldwide in oceanic regions of continental margins, as well as associated with permafrost regions in the Arctic. Some studies to estimate the global abundance of gas hydrate suggest that the total volume of natural gas locked up in form of gas hydrates may exceed all known conventional natural gas reserves, although large uncertainties exist in these assessments. Gas hydrates have been intensively studied in the last two decades also due to connections between climate forcing (natural and/or anthropogenic) and the potential large volumes of methane trapped in gas hydrate accumulations. The presence of gas hydrate within unconsolidated sediments of the upper few hundred meters below seafloor may also pose a geo-hazard to conventional oil and gas production. Additionally, climate variability and associated changes in pressure-temperature regimes and thus shifts in the gas hydrate stability zone may cause the occurrence of submarine slope failures.Several large-scale national gas hydrate programs exist especially in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India, and New Zealand, where large demands of energy cannot be met by domestic supplies from natural resources. The past five years have seen several dedicated deep drilling expeditions and other scientific studies conducted throughout Asia and Oceania to understand gas hydrates off India, China, and Korea. This thematic set of publications is dedicated to summarize the most recent findings and results of geo-scientific studies of gas hydrates in the marginal seas and continental margin of the Asia, and Oceania region.  相似文献   

Supplies of conventional natural gas and oil are declining fast worldwide, and therefore new, unconventional forms of energy resources are needed to meet the ever-increasing demand. Amongst the many different unconventional natural resources are gas hydrates, a solid, ice-like crystalline compound of methane and water formed under specific low temperature and high pressure conditions. Gas hydrates are believed to exist in large quantities worldwide in oceanic regions of continental margins, as well as associated with permafrost regions in the Arctic. Some studies to estimate the global abundance of gas hydrate suggest that the total volume of natural gas locked up in form of gas hydrates may exceed all known conventional natural gas reserves, although large uncertainties exist in these assessments. Gas hydrates have been intensively studied in the last two decades also due to connections between climate forcing (natural and/or anthropogenic) and the potential large volumes of methane trapped in gas hydrate accumulations. The presence of gas hydrate within unconsolidated sediments of the upper few hundred meters below seafloor may also pose a geo-hazard to conventional oil and gas production. Additionally, climate variability and associated changes in pressure-temperature regimes and thus shifts in the gas hydrate stability zone may cause the occurrence of submarine slope failures.Several large-scale national gas hydrate programs exist especially in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, India, and New Zealand, where large demands of energy cannot be met by domestic supplies from natural resources. The past five years have seen several dedicated deep drilling expeditions and other scientific studies conducted throughout Asia and Oceania to understand gas hydrates off India, China, and Korea. This thematic set of publications is dedicated to summarize the most recent findings and results of geo-scientific studies of gas hydrates in the marginal seas and continental margin of the Asia, and Oceania region.  相似文献   

In this study we provide evidence for methane hydrates in the Taranaki Basin, occurring a considerable distance from New Zealand's convergent margins, where they are well documented. We describe and reconstruct a unique example of gas migration and leakage at the edge of the continental shelf, linking shallow gas hydrate occurrence to a deeper petroleum system. The Taranaki Basin is a well investigated petroleum province with numerous fields producing oil and gas. Industry standard seismic reflection data show amplitude anomalies that are here interpreted as discontinuous BSRs, locally mimicking the channelized sea-floor and pinching out up-slope. Strong reverse polarity anomalies indicate the presence of gas pockets and gas-charged sediments. PetroMod™ petroleum systems modelling predicts that the gas is sourced from elevated microbial gas generation in the thick slope sediment succession with additional migration of thermogenic gas from buried Cretaceous petroleum source rocks. Cretaceous–Paleogene extensional faults underneath the present-day slope are interpreted to provide pathways for focussed gas migration and leakage, which may explain two dry petroleum wells drilled at the Taranaki shelf margin. PetroMod™ modelling predicts concentrated gas hydrate formation on the Taranaki continental slope consistent with the anomalies observed in the seismic data. We propose that a semi-continuous hydrate layer is present in the down-dip wall of incised canyons. Canyon incision is interpreted to cause the base of gas hydrate stability to bulge downward and thereby trap gas migrating up-slope in permeable beds due to the permeability decrease caused by hydrate formation in the pore space. Elsewhere, hydrate occurrence is likely patchy and may be controlled by focussed leakage of thermogenic gas. The proposed presence of hydrates in slope sediments in Taranaki Basin likely affects the stability of the Taranaki shelf margin. While hydrate presence can be a drilling hazard for oil and gas exploration, the proposed presence of gas hydrates opens up a new frontier for exploration of hydrates as an energy source.  相似文献   

天然气水合物样品保压取样技术已经成熟,但保压样品只能进行压降处理成为常压样品,这种方法很大程度上影响了水合物在沉积物中的存在初始状况,压力的急骤变化以及温度的变化都会引起沉积物中水合物成分析出,影响后处理的判别。样品保压转移及处理技术不仅是未来天然气水合物资源勘探技术的发展趋势,也是重要技术手段之一。天然气水合物保压样品的获取、检测、处理是天然气水合物取样技术从初级走向成熟阶段的重要标志。介绍了天然气水合物沉积物样品保压转移及处理技术的设计思路及系统各组成单元。该系统主要由天然气水合物样品保压转移系统、天然气水合物保压样品在线探测及岩心分析系统等2部分组成。该系统的设计为今后天然气水合物资源的勘探和开发提供了很好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

用地球化学方法勘查中国南海的天然气水合物   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
天然气水合物是一种未来新型能源,赋存于低温高压环境下的海洋沉积物中,但也可形成于大陆永久冻土带中。天然气水合物资源量巨大,具有经济和环境上的研究意义。近年来,国际上己对天然气水合物的产况、分布和形成机理开展了大量研究,但国内这方面的工作还刚刚开展。对中国南海的调查表明该区存在天然气水合物赋存的有利地质条件、温压条件和富含有机质的沉积条件。在南海的许多海区还发现了指示天然气水合物存在的地震标志(BSR)。介绍了在南海天然气水合物勘查中的地球化学异常标志。这些地球化学异常的产生可能与天然气水合物的形成或分解过程有关。研究内容包括沉积物中气体含量(主要为甲烷和乙烷),甲烷的碳同位素,孔隙水中阴离子(Cl^-、SO4^2-等)、阳离子(Ca^2 、Mg^2 、Ba^2 、Sr^2 ,B^3 和NH4^ 等)浓度和δ^18,δD,δ^11B,及^87Sr/^86Sr等同位素组成,此外还对海底沉积物的热释光特征和紫外、可见、近红外反射光谱特征开展了探索性研究。通过进一步加强理论和实验研究,结合地球物理和地球化学资料,在不远的将来将会在南海发现和圈定天然气水合物矿藏。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种高效清洁的新能源,分布广、规模大,势必成为未来的主流能源。在当前能源紧缺和环境问题日益突出的影响下,世界各国都对潜力巨大的天然气水合物产生了浓厚兴趣。文章对全球主要国家的天然气水合物研究进展进行阐述,并提出:对我国天然气水合物重点目标区加大研究力度;加大海域和陆域天然气水合物的资源调查力度,寻找更多可供试采的水合物矿区;与国际接轨,加强国际合作;考虑经济问题,以期实现低成本、高效率的开发模式;把环境安全放在突出位置,尽可能避免水合物开采带来的环境及地质灾害问题等建议。以期能为未来我国天然气水合物的勘查试采工作提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

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