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Global lopsided instability in a purely stellar galactic disc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is shown that pure exponential discs in spiral galaxies are capable of supporting slowly varying discrete global lopsided modes, which can explain the observed features of lopsidedness in the stellar discs. Using linearized fluid dynamical equations with the softened self-gravity and pressure of the perturbation as the collective effect, we derive self-consistently a quadratic eigenvalue equation for the lopsided perturbation in the galactic disc. On solving this, we find that the ground-state mode shows the observed characteristics of the lopsidedness in a galactic disc, namely the fractional Fourier amplitude A 1, increases smoothly with the radius. These lopsided patterns precess in the disc with a very slow pattern speed with no preferred sense of precession. We show that the lopsided modes in the stellar disc are long-lived because of a substantial reduction (approximately a factor of 10 compared to the local free precession rate) in the differential precession. The numerical solution of the equations shows that the ground-state lopsided modes are either very slowly precessing stationary normal mode oscillations of the disc or growing modes with a slow growth rate depending on the relative importance of the collective effect of the self-gravity. N -body simulations are performed to test the spontaneous growth of lopsidedness in a pure stellar disc. Both approaches are then compared and interpreted in terms of long-lived global   m = 1  instabilities, with almost zero pattern speed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the gravitomagnetic interaction of a black hole (BH) with a misaligned accretion disc to study BH spin precession and alignment jointly with BH mass M BH and spin parameter a evolution, under the assumption that the disc is continually fed, in its outer region, by matter with angular momentum fixed on a given direction     . We develop an iterative scheme based on the adiabatic approximation to study the BH–disc co-evolution: in this approach, the accretion disc transits through a sequence of quasi-steady warped states (Bardeen–Petterson effect) and interacts with the BH until the spin   J BH  aligns with     . For a BH aligning with a corotating disc, the fractional increase in mass is typically less than a few per cent, while the spin modulus can increase up to a few tens of per cent. The alignment time-scale     is of  ∼105–106 yr  for a maximally rotating BH accreting at the Eddington rate. BH–disc alignment from an initially counter-rotating disc tends to be more efficient compared to the specular corotating case due to the asymmetry seeded in the Kerr metric: counter-rotating matter carries a larger and opposite angular momentum when crossing the innermost stable orbit, so that the spin modulus decreases faster and so the relative inclination angle.  相似文献   

We construct analytically stationary global configurations for both aligned and logarithmic spiral coplanar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) perturbations in an axisymmetric background MHD disc with a power-law surface mass density  Σ0∝ r −α  , a coplanar azimuthal magnetic field   B 0∝ r −γ  , a consistent self-gravity and a power-law rotation curve   v 0∝ r −β  , where v 0 is the linear azimuthal gas rotation speed. The barotropic equation of state  Π∝Σ n   is adopted for both MHD background equilibrium and coplanar MHD perturbations where Π is the vertically integrated pressure and n is the barotropic index. For a scale-free background MHD equilibrium, a relation exists among  α, β, γ  and n such that only one parameter (e.g. β) is independent. For a linear axisymmetric stability analysis, we provide global criteria in various parameter regimes. For non-axisymmetric aligned and logarithmic spiral cases, two branches of perturbation modes (i.e. fast and slow MHD density waves) can be derived once β is specified. To complement the magnetized singular isothermal disc analysis of Lou, we extend the analysis to a wider range of  −1/4 < β < 1/2  . As an illustrative example, we discuss specifically the  β= 1/4  case when the background magnetic field is force-free. Angular momentum conservation for coplanar MHD perturbations and other relevant aspects of our approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Gravitational amplification of Poisson noise in stellar systems is important on large scales. For example, it increases the dipole noise power by roughly a factor of 6 and the quadrupole noise by 50 per cent for a King model profile. The dipole noise is amplified by a factor of 15 for the core-free Hernquist model. The predictions are computed by summing over the wakes caused by each star in the system — the dressed-particle formalism of Rostoker & Rosenbluth — and are demonstrated by N -body simulation.   This result implies that a collisionless N -body simulation is impossible; the fluctuation noise which causes relaxation is an intrinic part of self-gravity. In other words, eliminating two-body scattering at interparticle scales does not eliminate relaxation altogether.   Applied to dark matter haloes of disc galaxies, particle numbers of at least 106 will be necessary to suppress this noise at a level that does not dominate or significantly affect the disc response. Conversely, haloes are most likely far from phase-mixed equilibrium and the resulting noise spectrum may seed or excite observed structure such as warps, spiral arms and bars. For example, discreteness noise in the halo, similar to that caused by a population of 106-M⊙ black holes, can produce observable warping and possibly excite or seed other disc structure.  相似文献   

We present a ROSAT and ASCA study of the Einstein source X-9 and its relation to a shock-heated shell-like optical nebula in a tidal arm of the M81 group of interacting galaxies. Our ASCA observation of the source shows a flat and featureless X-ray spectrum well described by a multicolour disc blackbody model. The source most likely represents an optically thick accretion disc around an intermediate-mass black hole  ( M ∼102 M)  in its high/soft state, similar to other variable ultraluminous X-ray sources observed in nearby disc galaxies. Using constraints derived from both the innermost stable orbit around a black hole and the Eddington luminosity, we find that the black hole is fast-rotating and that its mass is between ∼80 M–1.5×102 M. The inferred bolometric luminosity of the accretion disc is ∼(1.1×1040 erg s−1)/(cos  i ). Furthermore, we find that the optical nebula is very energetic and may contain large amounts of hot gas, accounting for a soft X-ray component as indicated by archival ROSAT PSPC data. The nebula is apparently associated with X-9; the latter may be powering the former and/or they could be formed in the same event (e.g. a hypernova). Such a connection, if confirmed, could have strong implications for understanding both the birth of intermediate-mass black holes and the formation of energetic interstellar structures.  相似文献   

Hydrostatic equilibrium of the multiphase interstellar medium in the solar vicinity is reconsidered, with the regular and turbulent magnetic fields treated separately. The regular magnetic field strength required to support the gas is consistent with independent estimates, provided that energy equipartition is maintained between turbulence and random magnetic fields. Our results indicate that a mid-plane value of B 0=4 μG for the regular magnetic field near the Sun leads to more attractive models than B 0=2 μG . The vertical profiles of both the regular and random magnetic fields contain disc and halo components, the parameters of which we have determined. The layer at 1≲| z |≲4 kpc can be overpressured and an outflow at a speed of about 50 km s−1 may occur there, presumably associated with a Galactic fountain flow, if B 0≃2 μG .
We show that hydrostatic equilibrium in a warped disc must produce asymmetric density distributions in z , in rough agreement with H  i observations in the outer Galaxy. This asymmetry may be a useful diagnostic of the details of the warping mechanism in the Milky Way and other galaxies. We find indications that gas and magnetic field pressures are different above and below the warped midplane in the outer Galaxy, and quantify the difference in terms of turbulent velocity and/or magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Angular momentum transport within young massive protoplanetary discs may be dominated by self-gravity at radii where the disc is too weakly ionized to allow the development of the magneto-rotational instability. We use time-dependent one-dimensional disc models, based on a local cooling time calculation of the efficiency of transport, to study the radial structure and stability (against fragmentation) of protoplanetary discs in which self-gravity is the sole transport mechanism. We find that self-gravitating discs rapidly attain a quasi-steady state in which the surface density in the inner disc is high and the strength of turbulence very low (  α∼ 10−3  or less inside 5 au). Temperatures high enough to form crystalline silicates may extend out to several astronomical units at early times within these discs. None of our discs spontaneously develop regions that would be unambiguously unstable to fragmentation into substellar objects, though the outer regions (beyond 20 au) of the most massive discs are close enough to the threshold that fragmentation cannot be ruled out. We discuss how the mass accretion rates through such discs may vary with disc mass and with mass of the central star, and note that a determination of the     relation for very young systems may allow a test of the model.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope images of two early-type galaxies harbouring both nuclear and outer stellar discs are studied in detail. By means of a photometric decomposition, the images of NGC 4342 and 4570 are analysed and the photometric properties of the nuclear discs investigated. We find a continuity of properties in the parameter space defined by the central surface brightness μ0 and the scalelength R d of discs in spirals, S0s and embedded discs in ellipticals, in the sense that the nuclear discs extend the observed disc properties even further towards smaller scalelengths and brighter central surface brightnesses. When including the nuclear discs, disc properties span more than four orders of magnitude in both scalelength and central surface brightness. The nuclear discs studied here are the smallest and brightest stellar discs known, and as such, they are as extreme in their photometric properties as Malin I, when compared with typical galactic discs that obey Freeman's law. We discuss a possible formation scenario in which the double-disc structure observed in these galaxies has been shaped by now dissolved bars. Based on the fact that the black holes known to exist in some of these galaxies have masses comparable to those of the nuclear discs, we explore a possible link between the black holes and the nuclear discs.  相似文献   

We show that the algorithm proposed by Gauss to compute the secular evolution of gravitationally interacting Keplerian rings extends naturally to softened gravitational interactions. The resulting tool is ideal for the study of the secular dynamical evolution of nearly Keplerian systems such as stellar clusters surrounding black holes in galactic nuclei, cometary clouds or planetesimal discs. We illustrate its accuracy, efficiency and versatility on a variety of configurations. In particular, we examine a secularly unstable system of counterrotating discs, and follow the unfolding and saturation of the instability into a global, uniformly precessing, lopsided  ( m = 1)  mode.  相似文献   

We present results from a numerical study of the runaway instability of thick discs around black holes. This instability is an important issue for most models of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, where the central engine responsible for the initial energy release is such a system consisting of a thick disc surrounding a black hole. We have carried out a comprehensive number of time-dependent simulations aimed at exploring the appearance of the instability. Our study has been performed using a fully relativistic hydrodynamics code. The general relativistic hydrodynamic equations are formulated as a hyperbolic flux-conservative system and solved using a suitable Godunov-type scheme. We build a series of constant angular momentum discs around a Schwarzschild black hole. Furthermore, the self-gravity of the disc is neglected and the evolution of the central black hole is assumed to be that of a sequence of exact Schwarzschild black holes of varying mass. The black hole mass increase is thus determined by the mass accretion rate across the event horizon. In agreement with previous studies based on stationary models, we find that by allowing the mass of the black hole to grow the disc becomes unstable. Our hydrodynamical simulations show that for all disc-to-hole mass ratios considered (between 1 and 0.05), the runaway instability appears very fast on a dynamical time-scale of a few orbital periods, typically a few 10 ms and never exceeding 1 s for our particular choice of the mass of the black hole (2.5 M) and a large range of mass fluxes  ( m 10-3 M s-1)  . The implications of our results in the context of gamma-ray bursts are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We study the persistence of warps in galactic discs in the presence of massive haloes. A disc is approximated by a set of massive rings, while a halo is represented by a conventional n -body simulation. We confirm the conclusion of Nelson &38; Tremaine that a halo responds strongly to an embedded precessing disc. This response invalidates the approximations made in the derivation of classical 'modified tilt' modes. We show that the response of the halo causes the line of nodes of a disc that starts from a modified tilt mode to wind up within a few dynamical times. We explain this finding in terms of the probable spectrum of true normal modes of a combined disc–halo system. The key physical point is that in each radial range the halo rapidly aligns with the disc, so calculations based on the assumption that, in the presence of a warped disc, the halo retains a regular spheroidal structure are based on a fatally flawed assumption.  相似文献   

We analyse a sample of 32 galaxies for which a dynamical estimate of the mass of the hot stellar component, M bulge, is available. For each of these galaxies, we calculate the mass of the central black hole, M , using the tight empirical correlation between M and bulge stellar velocity dispersion. The frequency function     is reasonably well described as a Gaussian with     and standard deviation ∼0.45; the implied mean ratio of black hole mass to bulge mass is a factor of ∼5 smaller than generally quoted in the literature. We present marginal evidence for a lower, average black hole mass fraction in more massive galaxies. The total mass density in black holes in the local Universe is estimated to be ∼     consistent with that inferred from high-redshift     active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We use recent observations of high-redshift galaxies to study the evolution of galactic discs over the redshift range 0 <  z ≲1. The data are inconsistent with models in which discs were already assembled at z  = 1 and have evolved only in luminosity since that time. Assuming that disc properties change with redshift as powers of 1 +   z and analysing the observations assuming an Einstein–de Sitter universe, we find that for given rotation speed, disc scalelength decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, total B -band mass-to-light ratio decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, and disc luminosity (again in B ) depends only weakly on z . These scalings are consistent with current data on the evolution of disc galaxy abundance as a function of size and luminosity. Both the scalings and the abundance evolution are close to the predictions of hierarchical models for galaxy formation. If different cosmogonies are compared, the observed evolution in disc size and disc abundance favours a flat low-Ω0 universe over an Einstein–de Sitter universe.  相似文献   

Young massive stars in the central parsec of our Galaxy are best explained by star formation within at least one, and possibly two, massive self-gravitating gaseous discs. With help of numerical simulations, we here consider whether the observed population of young stars could have originated from a large angle collision of two massive gaseous clouds at   R ≃ 1 pc  from Sgr A*. In all the simulations performed, the post-collision gas flow forms an inner, nearly circular gaseous disc and one or two eccentric outer filaments, consistent with the observations. Furthermore, the radial stellar mass distribution is always very steep,  Σ*∝ R −2  , again consistent with the observations. All of our simulations produce discs that are warped by between 30° and 60°, in accordance with the most recent observations. The three-dimensional velocity structure of the stellar distribution is sensitive to initial conditions (e.g. the impact parameter of the clouds) and gas cooling details. For example, the runs in which the inner disc is fed intermittently with material possessing fluctuating angular momentum result in multiple stellar discs with different orbital orientations, contradicting the observed data. In all the cases the amount of gas accreted by our inner boundary condition is large, enough to allow Sgr A* to radiate near its Eddington limit over ∼105 yr. This suggests that a refined model would have physically larger clouds (or a cloud and a disc such as the circumnuclear disc) colliding at a distance of a few parsecs rather than 1 pc as in our simulations.  相似文献   

Using results from structural analysis of a sample of nearly 1000 local galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we estimate how the mass in central black holes is distributed amongst elliptical galaxies, classical bulges and pseudo-bulges, and investigate the relation between their stellar masses and central stellar velocity dispersion σ. Assuming a single relation between elliptical galaxy/bulge mass, M Bulge, and central black hole mass, M BH, we find that  55+8−4  per cent of the mass in black holes in the local universe is in the centres of elliptical galaxies,  41+4−2  per cent in classical bulges and  4+0.9−0.4  per cent in pseudo-bulges. We find that ellipticals, classical bulges and pseudo-bulges follow different relations between their stellar masses and σ, and the most significant offset occurs for pseudo-bulges in barred galaxies. This structural dissimilarity leads to discrepant black hole masses if single   M BH– M Bulge  and   M BH–σ  relations are used. Adopting relations from the literature, we find that the   M BH–σ  relation yields an estimate of the total mass density in black holes that is roughly 55 per cent larger than if the   M BH– M Bulge  relation is used.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the luminosity function of the recently detected population of actively star-forming galaxies at redshift z  = 3 and the B -band luminosity function of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at the same redshift can both be matched with the mass function of dark matter haloes predicted by standard variants of hierarchical cosmogonies for lifetimes of optically bright QSOs anywhere in the range 106 to 108 yr. There is a strong correlation between the lifetime and the required degree of non-linearity in the relation between black hole and halo mass. We suggest that the mass of supermassive black holes may be limited by the back-reaction of the emitted energy on the accretion flow in a self-gravitating disc. This would imply a relation of black hole to halo mass of the form M bh ∝  v 5halo ∝  M 5/3halo and a typical duration of the optically bright QSO phase of a few times 107 yr. The high integrated mass density of black holes inferred from recent black hole mass estimates in nearby galaxies may indicate that the overall efficiency of supermassive black holes for producing blue light is smaller than previously assumed. We discuss three possible accretion modes with low optical emission efficiency: (i) accretion at far above the Eddington rate, (ii) accretion obscured by dust, and (iii) accretion below the critical rate leading to an advection-dominated accretion flow lasting for a Hubble time. We further argue that accretion with low optical efficiency might be closely related to the origin of the hard X-ray background and that the ionizing background might be progressively dominated by stars rather than QSOs at higher redshift.  相似文献   

The differing   M bh– L   relations presented in McLure & Dunlop, Marconi & Hunt and Erwin et al. have been investigated. A number of issues have been identified and addressed in each of these studies, including but not limited to the removal of a dependency on the Hubble constant, a correction for dust attenuation in the bulges of disc galaxies, the identification of lenticular galaxies previously treated as elliptical galaxies and the application of the same ( Y ∣ X ) regression analysis. These adjustments result in relations which now predict similar black hole masses. The optimal K -band relation is  log( M bh/M) =−0.37(±0.04)( M K + 24) + 8.29(±0.08)  , with a total (not intrinsic) scatter in log M bh equal to 0.33 dex. This level of scatter is similar to the value of 0.34 dex from the     relation of Tremaine et al. and compares favourably with the value of 0.31 dex from the   M bh– n   relation of Graham & Driver. Using different photometric data, consistent relations in the B and R band are also provided, although we do note that the small  ( N = 13)  R -band sample used by Erwin et al. is found here to have a slope of −0.30 ± 0.06. Performing a symmetrical regression on the larger K -band sample gives a slope of ∼−0.40, implying M bh∝ L 1.00. Implications for galaxy–black hole co-evolution, in terms of dry mergers, are briefly discussed, as are the predictions for intermediate mass black holes. Finally, as noted by others, a potential bias in the galaxy sample used to define the   M bh– L   relations is shown and a corrective formula provided.  相似文献   

An analysis of the X-ray variability of the low-luminosity Seyfert nucleus NGC 4395, based on a long XMM–Newton observation, is presented. The power spectrum shows a clear break from a flat spectrum  (α≈ 1)  to a steeper spectrum  (α≈ 2)  at a frequency   f br= 0.5–3.0 × 10−3 Hz  , comparable to the highest characteristic frequency found previously in a Seyfert galaxy. This extends the measured   M BH− f br  values to lower M BH than previous studies of Seyfert galaxies, and is consistent with an inverse scaling of variability frequency with black hole mass. The variations observed are among the most violent seen in an active galactic nuclei to date, with the fractional rms amplitude  ( F var)  exceeding 100 per cent in the softest band. The amplitude of the variations seems intrinsically higher in NGC 4395 than most other Seyfert galaxies, even after accounting for the differences in characteristic frequencies. The origin of this difference is not clear, but it is unlikely to be a high accretion rate (   L / L Edd≲ 20  per cent for NGC 4395). The variations clearly follow the linear rms–flux relation, further supporting the idea that this is a ubiquitous characteristics of accreting black holes. The variations are highly coherent between different energy bands with any frequency-dependent time delay limited to ≲1 per cent.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric steady-state weakly ionized Hall–magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Keplerian thin discs are investigated by using asymptotic expansions in the small disc aspect ratio ε. The model incorporates the azimuthal and poloidal components of the magnetic fields in the leading order in ε. The disc structure is described by an appropriate Grad–Shafranov equation for the poloidal flux function ψ that involves two arbitrary functions of ψ for the toroidal and poloidal currents. The flux function is symmetric about the mid-plane and satisfies certain boundary conditions at the near-horizontal disc edges. The boundary conditions model the combined effect of the primordial as well as the dipole-like magnetic fields. An analytical solution for the Hall equilibrium is achieved by further expanding the relevant equations in an additional small parameter δ that is inversely proportional to the Hall parameter. It is thus found that the Hall equilibrium discs fall into two types: Keplerian discs with (i) small  ( R d∼δ0)  and (ii) large  ( R d≳δ− k , k > 0)  radius of the disc. The numerical examples that are presented demonstrate the richness and great variety of magnetic and density configurations that may be achieved under the Hall–MHD equilibrium.  相似文献   

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