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海岸沙丘近表层粒度对台风的响应   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张雪琴  董玉祥  杨林  黄德全 《中国沙漠》2016,36(6):1519-1526
根据“麦德姆”强台风登陆前后福建平潭岛海岸前丘、爬坡沙丘、横向沙丘和海岸沙席等海岸沙丘近表层的粒度数据,分析了台风登陆前后典型海岸沙丘近表层粒径组成与粒度参数的变化,初步总结了海岸沙丘近表层粒度对台风的响应特征。整体而言,平潭岛海岸沙丘在“麦德姆”登陆前后近表层的粒度变化较小,对台风的响应变化不大且基本无等级性的差别,但海岸沙丘不同类型及不同部位的响应程度并不一致,主要是由海岸沙丘沙与海滩沙粒度的相近性及台风过程中大风的非选择性风蚀所致,同时也受到不同类型沙丘的形态和规模等的影响。  相似文献   

董玉祥  黄德全  张雪琴 《地理研究》2016,(10):1925-1934
基于2014年第10号强台风"麦德姆"登陆前后福建平潭岛海岸前丘、爬坡沙丘、横向沙丘和沙席等海岸沙丘形态的高精度测量数据,分析了典型海岸沙丘在台风登陆前后的形态变化,初步总结了华南海岸风沙地貌形态的台风响应模式。结果表明:4类典型海岸沙丘在台风"麦德姆"登陆前后的形态变化较大且主要是以体积减小和沙丘高度降低为主,测点高程的平均变化值为0.22 m,样区海岸沙丘体积平均减小0.59%,测点高程变化的平均值为高度降低0.05 m,但不同类型海岸沙丘及其不同部位的响应变化并非一致且存在较大差异,此与台风"麦德姆"的强侵蚀力及不同海岸沙丘的形态及其下伏地形、表面植被分布等的差异有关。  相似文献   

董玉祥  黄德全  张雪琴 《地理研究》2016,35(10):1925-1934
基于2014年第10号强台风“麦德姆”登陆前后福建平潭岛海岸前丘、爬坡沙丘、横向沙丘和沙席等海岸沙丘形态的高精度测量数据,分析了典型海岸沙丘在台风登陆前后的形态变化,初步总结了华南海岸风沙地貌形态的台风响应模式。结果表明:4类典型海岸沙丘在台风“麦德姆”登陆前后的形态变化较大且主要是以体积减小和沙丘高度降低为主,测点高程的平均变化值为0.22 m,样区海岸沙丘体积平均减小0.59%,测点高程变化的平均值为高度降低0.05 m,但不同类型海岸沙丘及其不同部位的响应变化并非一致且存在较大差异,此与台风“麦德姆”的强侵蚀力及不同海岸沙丘的形态及其下伏地形、表面植被分布等的差异有关。  相似文献   

闽江口海岸沙丘的形成与演化   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
陈方  朱大奎 《中国沙漠》1996,16(3):227-233
闽江口海岸沙丘的物质来源于以闽江泥沙为沙源的海滩沙,宽广的海滩、强劲的向岸风与干旱的时空耦合,适宜的地形空间构成了海岸沙丘发育的基本条件。海岸沙丘起源于约2500aB.P.,其活动是多幕次的,唐、宋及近代几次气候干冷期的出现,人口陡增以及垦荒规模扩大等人为因素,促进了海岸沙丘的发育进程。海岸沙丘从海向陆按雏形沙丘,岸前沙丘,横向沙丘及沙丘链,圆形、抛物线型或U型沙丘及风积平原依次演化。  相似文献   

我国内陆沙漠与海岸沙丘石英颗粒表面结构的对比研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
吴正 《中国沙漠》1995,15(3):201-206
本文通过扫描电镜分析,对我国内陆沙漠与海岸抄丘石英颗粒表面结构进行了对比研究。研究认为,无论是内陆沙漠砂或海岸沙丘砂,其石英颗粒都具有较好的磨圆度,表面有碟形坑、麻坑及SiO_2沉淀物等代表风成环境的典型特征;此外,还叠加有代表原生沙物质来源于水下环境的V型撞击坑、撞击沟等痕迹。然而,受环境尤其是气候影响,其表面结构特征仍有差异,表现在内陆干旱区大陆性气候的沙漠砂的风成机械作用和化学沉淀作用,都要比沿海湿润季风性气候的海岸沙丘砂强烈;但海岸沙丘砂的化学溶蚀作用却比内陆沙漠砂要明显。同属海岸抄丘环境,其石英颗粒表面结构特征表现为北方温带海岸沙丘砂的机械作用痕迹强;而南方热带海岸沙丘砂的化学作用痕迹发育,但机械作用痕迹并非少见,仍然十分明显。  相似文献   

依据福建平潭岛海岸爬坡沙丘在2016年夏秋季台风“尼伯特”“莫兰蒂”“鲇鱼”组成的台风群登陆前后一年内8次形态高精度测量数据,探究典型海岸爬坡沙丘在台风群登陆后的年内形态变化过程及其特征。结果表明:(1)台风群造成海岸爬坡沙丘体积减少了0.13%、沙丘高度最大降低1.43 m,且不同部位高度变化存在一定差异,特别是后缘因地表植被破坏高度变化最明显。(2)台风群中单个台风作用下海岸爬坡沙丘形态变化虽明显,但未发现存在累积效应。(3)海岸爬坡沙丘形态在台风群后的近一年内以体积增加、沙丘高度增加为主,特别是爬坡沙丘前缘部位有明显的变化规律。(4)海岸爬坡沙丘形态对台风群的响应特征是台风群(强度、数量)、海岸爬坡沙丘原形态、植被盖度、海滩类型及周边环境等因素综合作用的结果,而台风群过后爬坡沙丘形态恢复变化与其形成发育因素相类似,其中海滩沙源和风况是关键性因素。  相似文献   

本文进行了探地雷达在福建漳浦六鳌半岛海岸抛物线沙丘沉积构造探测中的初步应用。结果表明:(1)被探测海岸沙丘的粒度、含水量等理化性质,不同的天线频率,室内数字滤波、增益调适等图像处理环节,均会对探地雷达的探测结果产生影响。(2)本次探测结果以及人工砂坑剖面表明探地雷达是探测海岸沙丘沉积构造的良好手段。(3)通过判读探地雷达图像显示的沉积构造序列组合特点,并根据最近数十年研究区海岸环境演变初步调查结果,认为所探测海岸抛物线沙丘的发育过程,经历了早期海滩脊出露海面、继而发育植被和抛物线沙丘两个阶段。  相似文献   

杨林  董玉祥  黄德全 《热带地理》2021,41(5):968-974
采用RTK GPS测量技术与方法,在2014—2017年对福建平潭岛典型海岸沙席进行了连续16次形态高精度测量,分析了海岸沙席在台风作用下的形态变化及台风季后的形态恢复变化特征。结果表明:1)海岸沙席对台风的形态响应特征明显,基本表现为海滩及沙席前缘高度降低(最大侵蚀深度为0.92 m),沙席中部高度变化相对较小(≤0.15 m),沙席后缘高度稍有升高(最大堆积厚度为0.75 m)。2)在台风季后,海岸沙席形态恢复变化也较为一致,主要表现为体积减少,海滩及沙席前缘高度稍有升高(最大堆积厚度为0.78 m),沙席中部高度降低幅度极小(≤0.10 m),沙席后缘高度略有降低(最大侵蚀深度为0.47 m)。3)海岸线走向是影响区域海岸沙丘对台风响应的重要因素,对于沙源不足、以离岸风为主的山岐宫海岸沙席,台风在其海岸沙席形态演变中的塑造作用突出。  相似文献   

沙丘内部沉积构造保存了沙丘动力演变过程的重要信息。以古尔班通古特沙漠西南缘固定、半固定新月形沙丘区为研究区域,利用探地雷达在春、秋两季对固定、半固定新月形沙丘内部构造进行探测,获取了不同规模形态的固定、半固定新月形沙丘深约8 m的内部构造图像信息。通过图像增益处理、解译和对比分析表明:(1) 古尔班通古特沙漠固定、半固定新月形沙丘共有5种沙丘内部构造雷达相,即高倾角斜层理、楔状交错层理、上凸形交错层理、低倾角-近水平层理和块状层理,其中前4种主要分布在3~5 m的浅层,而块状层理主要分布在4~5 m以下的深度。(2) 高倾角斜层理、楔状交错层理主要分布在高大新月形沙丘(链)的迎风坡上部和丘顶地带,前者为背风坡前积层埋藏而成,反映高大新月形沙丘迎风坡上部和丘顶风沙活动较频繁,沙丘“固身缩顶”后埋藏的前积纹层因风蚀而出露,后者为迎风坡风蚀坑和风蚀槽中由风沙流充填而成的构造或在丘顶风向的季节性变化形成的构造。(3) 与灌丛沙丘相关的上凸形交错层理广泛分布在新月形沙丘的迎风坡中下部,在背风坡也有局部出现,表明灌丛沙丘在沙丘表层的风沙过程中占有重要地位;而深部的块状层理可能是早期风积层受到强烈的生物扰动,原生层理消失而产生。(4) 以上沙丘内部构造的类型与组合分布特点,反映了研究区新月形沙丘总体上趋于稳定或衰退状态,这与现代沙丘“固身缩顶”的地貌变化特征相一致。例如,迎风坡中上部和丘顶常见风蚀槽,背风坡因坡度变缓、前积层发育趋缓,现代风沙活动主要集中于新月形沙丘的上部和丘顶等。由此可见,研究区固定、半固定新月形沙丘内部构造及其组合分布特征异于流动新月形沙丘,也与半个多世纪以来北疆沙漠气候变暖变湿、平均风速减弱、植被盖度增加的区域自然地理环境变化趋势有一定的吻合性。  相似文献   

姜锋  李志忠  靳建辉  邓涛  王贤立  夏菁 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1559-1568
运用探地雷达对河北昌黎海岸带横向沙脊的沉积构造进行探测,通过对探地雷达探测影像进行处理与解译,获得海岸沙丘约20 m深度范围内的海岸横向沙脊沉积构造图像,包括沉积层理的倾向、倾角与平面展布信息等。研究发现,昌黎海岸横向沙脊北段的沉积构造主要由高角度交错层理和波状交错层理组成,两者之间界面应为古海滩沿岸沙坝的顶面。界面以上发育稳定的向SWW倾斜的高角度交错层理,倾角约为30°~32°,为向岸风作用形成的前积层理;横向沙脊的丘顶可见槽状交错层理,可能是沙丘脊顶部沉积作用对风向季节性变化的响应。界面以下波状交错层理发育,为波浪作用形成的海滩沉积构造。结合前人对探测区地层调查以及全新世晚期以来海岸线变迁研究成果综合分析,认为海岸横向沙脊是大约2000 aBP以来,以澙湖海滩沿岸沙坝为基础经长期风力吹扬作用持续增长而发育的风成沙丘。  相似文献   

中国温带海岸沙丘分类系统初步探讨   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
董玉祥 《中国沙漠》2000,20(2):159-165
海岸沙丘分类一直是海岸风沙地貌研究的重要基础问题之一。本文以已有的国内外海岸沙丘分类研究为基础,根据我国温带海岸的自然地理环境和海岸沙丘的类型特点,制定了一个三级10类的我国温带海岸沙丘的分类系统,并简单介绍了我国温带海岸主要海岸沙丘类型的分布与基本形态特征。  相似文献   

Three experimental plots, covering the transition from the upper beach to the dune, on the North Sea coast of France were monitored at various intervals over a period of 18–24 months via high resolution terrain surveys in order to determine inter-site sand budget variability, as well as patterns and processes involved in sand exchanges between the upper beach and dune. The wind regime consists of a fairly balanced mix of moderate (80% of winds are below 8 m/s) onshore, offshore and shore-parallel winds. Sustained dune accretion over several years depends on the periodic local onshore welding of shoreface tidal banks that have developed in the storm- and tide-dominated setting of the southern North Sea. The only site where this has occurred in the recent past is Calais, where bank welding has created a wide accreting upper beach sand flat. At this site, significant sand supply from the subtidal sand bank reservoir to the upper beach flat occurred only once over the 18-month survey following a major storm. The bulk of the sand deposited over this large flat is not directly integrated into the adjacent embryo dunes by onshore winds but is progressively reworked in situ into developing dunes or transported alongshore by the balanced wind regime, thus resulting in alongshore stretching of the embryo dune system. The Leffrinckoucke site near Belgium shows moderate beach–dune mobility and accretion, while the Wissant site exhibits significant upper beach bedform mobility controlled by strong longshore currents that result in large beach budget fluctuations with little net budget change, to the detriment of the adjacent dunes. Accretion at these two sites, which are representative of the rest of the North Sea coast of France, is presently constrained by the absence of a shore-attached sand bank supply reservoir, while upper beach–dune sand exchanges are further limited by the narrow wave-affected upper beach, the intertidal morphology of bars and troughs which segments the aeolian fetch, and the moderate wind energy conditions. The balanced wind regime limits net sand mobilisation in favour of either the beach or the dune, and may explain the relatively narrow longshore morphology of the dune ridges bounding this coast.  相似文献   

The western coast of Hainan Island exhibits a savanna landscape. Many types of sand dunes, including transverse dune ridges, longitudinal dune ridges, elliptical dunes, coppice dunes, and climbing dunes, are widely distributed in the coastal zone. In winter, high-frequency and high-energy NE winds (dominant winds) are prevalent, with a resultant drift direction (RDD) of S35.6°W. In spring, low-frequency and low-energy SW secondary winds prevail, with a RDD of N25.1°E. Wind tunnel simulations revealed that the airflow over the dune surface is the main factor controlling the erosion and deposition patterns of dune surfaces and the morphological development of dunes. In the region's bidirectional wind en-vironment, with two seasonally distinct energy levels, the airflow over the surface of elliptical dunes, barchan dunes, and transverse dune ridges will exhibit a transverse pattern, whereas the airflow over longitudinal dunes ridges exhibits a lateral pattern and that over climbing dunes exhibits a climbing-circumfluent pattern. These patterns represent different dynamic processes. The coastal dunes on the western coast of Hainan Island are influenced by factors such as onshore winds, sand sources, coastal slopes, rivers, and forest shelter belts. The source of the sand that supplements these dunes particularly influences the development pattern: when there is more sand, the pattern shows positive equilibrium deposition between dune ridges and dunes; otherwise, it shows negative equilibrium deposition. The presence or absence of forest shelter belts also influences deposition and dune development patterns and transformation of dune forms. Coastal dunes and inland desert dunes experience similar dynamic processes, but the former have more diversified shapes and more complex forma-tion mechanisms.  相似文献   

海南岛西海岸沙丘形成动力过程的风洞模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The western coast of Hainan Island exhibits a savanna landscape. Many types of sand dunes, including transverse dune ridges, longitudinal dune ridges, elliptical dunes, coppice dunes, and climbing dunes, are widely distributed in the coastal zone. In winter, high-frequency and high-energy NE winds (dominant winds) are prevalent, with a resultant drift direction (RDD) of S35.6°W. In spring, low-frequency and low-energy SW secondary winds prevail, with a RDD of N25.1°E. Wind tunnel simulations revealed that the airflow over the dune surface is the main factor controlling the erosion and deposition patterns of dune surfaces and the morphological development of dunes. In the region’s bidirectional wind en- vironment, with two seasonally distinct energy levels, the airflow over the surface of elliptical dunes, barchan dunes, and transverse dune ridges will exhibit a transverse pattern, whereas the airflow over longitudinal dunes ridges exhibits a lateral pattern and that over climbing dunes exhibits a climbing-circumfluent pattern. These patterns represent different dynamic processes. The coastal dunes on the western coast of Hainan Island are influenced by factors such as onshore winds, sand sources, coastal slopes, rivers, and forest shelter belts. The source of the sand that supplements these dunes particularly influences the development pattern: when there is more sand, the pattern shows positive equilibrium deposition between dune ridges and dunes; otherwise, it shows negative equilibrium deposition. The presence or absence of forest shelter belts also influences deposition and dune development patterns and transformation of dune forms. Coastal dunes and inland desert dunes experience similar dynamic processes, but the former have more diversified shapes and more complex formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

晚更新世末期南海北部陆架的古地理探讨   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
吴正  冯文科 《地理学报》1993,48(6):491-496
根据地球物理综合调查,沉积物的粒度、矿物成分、石英砂粒扫描电镜分析,14T测年,以及微体古生物等成果,表明南海北部外陆架地区在更新世末期,冬半年气候干寒,东北风强劲,风沙活动强烈,砂丘广布,为干寒多风沙的自然环境。  相似文献   

Samples of dune sands, surveys of the morphology and field measurements of wind velocity and direction of a simple linear dune in Taklimakan Sand Sea show that the airflow and sand flux vary with the change of wind direction on the dune surface. Decrease of the airflow stress on the lee flank does not result in much decrease of the sand flux because of the low threshold shear velocities and the airflow conditions. There are no significant relations between the sand flux on the lee flank and the angle of incidence of the airflow. The low threshold shear velocities and the maintenance of the sand flux at the lee flank are the main mechanisms keeping the linear shape of the dunes. Measurements of the sand flux shows that it reaches a maximum on the crest of the dune. The grain size of the transported sands has some differences compared to that of the dune surface. The sands transported are finer than that on the dune surface, but better sorted under the influence of the medium to low wind activity. The field experiment results exhibit that it is possible for the dunes to be shaped as linear dunes during the processes of accumulation and elongation.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠简单线形沙丘形态动力学过程研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
采样分析、风沙观测以及计算结果表明,在不同风向作用以及沙丘形态参数改变等因素的控制下,简单线形沙丘表面起动剪切速度有明显的差异。表面的气流强度随风向的改变而有所不同。气流与沙丘正交时迎风一侧的输沙率远大于背风一侧同地貌部位的输沙率,但当气流与沙丘走向斜交时,沙丘两侧同地貌部位的输沙率差异不是太大,这是线形沙丘在动力学过程中能保持其形态的最主要原因之一。风向的多变以及沙丘形态的变化使风沙流内边界层内随高度的风速与所观测的输沙率虽也表现为幂函数关系,但相关性较低。沙丘表面被输移的沙物质的粒度分布与下垫面物质组成有一定的差异,在中低强度的起沙风范围内,被输移的沙物质的平均粒径小于下垫面沙物质的平均粒径,且随风速或输沙率的增大,粒度组成也趋于统一。总体上,地表沙物质的输移仍是一随机过程。  相似文献   

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