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2013年芦山7.0级地震发生后,宝兴县作为地震灾区,在灾后重建工作中划设了穆坪镇和五龙乡两个规划区。由于两个规划区均位于龙门山断裂带南段中央断裂附近,中央断裂的晚第四纪活动特征研究可以为宝兴县的的灾后重建工作提供科学依据。通过野外地质调查、地球物理探测及钻探等手段,对中央断裂的两个分支断裂即盐井断裂和五龙断裂的地质地貌及活动特征进行了揭示。研究结果显示五龙断裂线性特征较为清晰,为晚第四纪活动断裂,穿过五龙乡规划区,考虑到未来发生地震造成的地表断错问题,应进行地震活断层避让。盐井断裂线性特征较弱,断层规模较小,为早-中更新世活动断裂,可以不考虑其对穆坪镇规划区的影响。  相似文献   

大川-双石断裂位于龙门山前山断裂南段,因其在都江堰地区隐伏于岷江河流阶地之下,在一定程度上影响了对龙门山断裂带南段的地震危险性评价和发震能力评估。因此,掌握大川-双石断裂的地下分布特征和活动性,对都江堰城区的避灾规划和重大工程选址意义重大。本项研究在野外地质调查基础上,垂直断裂走向布设浅层地震反射剖面、高密度电阻率剖面和钻孔联合剖面。通过多种方法共同揭示了大川-双石断裂在都江堰地区的精确空间展布位置、近地表构造形态、上断点埋深及断裂活动性。大川-双石断裂在都江堰地区的岷江西岸阶地处隐伏通过,为逆断层,倾向NW,倾角在地表浅层为60°~70°,近地面为20°~30°;且破碎带向地面逐渐变浅变薄,上断点向上延伸至第四系灰褐色黏土层和棕黄色粗砂夹砾石层,埋深约3.5 m。上述研究表明大川-双石断裂在都江堰市区附近具有全新世活动特征。  相似文献   

活动断层不仅是产生地震的根源,而且地震时其断层线两侧的建筑物破坏最为严重。因此准确探测出活动断层的位置和分布范围,并采取有效的工程避让措施,可大大降低地震灾害和经济损失。康定—色拉哈断裂作为鲜水河断裂南东段的主干断裂,具备发生强震的地震地质构造条件,因此该断裂所穿越的几个城镇的地震危险性不容忽视。针对康定新城探测场区存在交通条件不便、场地工作面狭窄等问题,在浅层地震反射波法探测工作中采取小道间距、小偏移距、多道短排列接收和共反射点多次覆盖观测的工作方式获取地震反射时间剖面,浅层地震探测结果辅以高密度电阻率成像断面,并结合地表地震地质调查结果,共同揭示康定—色拉哈断裂在康定新城北侧的展布位置、产状规模和近地表构造形态。研究结果发现康定—色拉哈断裂在康定新城北东侧呈左旋右界羽列状展布,经过两岔口村折多河Ⅰ级阶地处该断裂隐伏段近地表倾角约40°~50°,其破碎带及其影响带宽度约110m,随着地形的升高,破碎带的视宽度进一步增加至200m左右,并沿断层垭口向木格措方向延伸展布。浅层地球物理探测成果为判定康定—色拉哈断裂近地表构造活动提供了可靠的地震学证据,也为康定新城的地震危险性评价和制定抗震防灾规划提供了可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带南段第四纪沉积差,断层出露不明显,晚第四纪构造活动性资料零星。为了提高对龙门山断裂带南段构造活动性的认识,探索芦山地震的发震构造,文中在分析龙门山断裂带南段的地貌以及构造演化的基础上,对跨盐井-五龙断裂、大川-双石断裂和芦山盆地的青衣江不同段的6级河流阶地进行了差分GPS连续测量和细致研究,结合对高分辨率航拍影像的地质解译,得到了龙门山断裂带南段青衣江各段的河流阶地横剖面,通过不同河段河流阶地的对比分析,建立了龙门山断裂带南段青衣江河流阶地纵剖面。通过对河流阶地的变形分析,发现龙门山断裂带南段晚第四纪以来,盐井-五龙断裂的平均垂向断错速率为0.6~1.2mm/a,大川-双石断裂没有明显的垂向活动,芦山地震的发震断层控制的山前褶皱最新活动。结合龙门山断裂带南段的地壳深部结构资料和芦山地震的精定位余震资料等,认为芦山地震的发震构造不是大川-双石断裂,而是龙门山断裂带南段的山前盲逆断层和反冲断层。  相似文献   

2013年芦山M 7.0级地震发生后,龙门山断裂带南段的地震活动性及发震能力受到了广泛关注。通过野外调查和地球物理探测,对龙门山断裂带南段的后山断裂即耿达—陇东断裂的活动特征进行了调查,研究结果显示,耿达—陇东断裂线性特征较差,断层形迹模糊,断错地貌不甚发育,仅见到宽约60 m的断层破碎带,断裂活动性较弱,在耿达乡断层未断错河流的T3级阶地,因此推断该断裂为早—中更新世活动断裂。  相似文献   

宁河-昌黎断裂基于浅层地震勘探资料研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宁河—昌黎断裂长约170 km,为燕山隆起、山海关隆起与黄骅拗陷的分界断裂,断裂西南起自宁河,向东北经南套南、大夫庄南、杨家坨,过昌黎转向东入海,断裂走向NE50°~70°,倾向SE,为上陡下缓的铲形正断层,该断裂为一条地壳基底深断裂,控制了南侧黄骅坳陷北段中、新生代沉积。河北省工程地震勘察研究院于2007年、2014年先后在昌黎、滦南、唐海、丰南布设了4条浅层地震勘探测线对宁河—昌黎断裂进行了探测,浅层地震勘探应用美国GEOMETRICS公司STRATAVISOR NX96高分辨数字地震勘探系统,采用70 kg冲击震源,单边激发多次覆盖观测系统,覆盖次数12次。应用Vista地震处理软件系统,通过对数据进行真振幅恢复、地表一致性振幅补偿等处理方法,获得高质量的地震勘探时间剖面。为获得断裂活动时代的重要信息,通过浅层地震勘探处理过程中的中间数据获得地震剖面时—深转换速度参数,从而获得地震勘探深度剖面,结合测线附近地层层序资料,与地震勘探深度剖面进行对比分析,从而获得断裂的上断点埋深和最新活动时代认识。浅层地震勘探剖面揭示,宁河—昌黎断裂浅部由一条主断层和一条次级断层组成;断层上断点埋深40~110 m,断裂活动时代具有分段活动特征,断裂北段活动时代为晚更新世早期,南段为晚更新世中期;断裂走向为北东的段落,为正断层,走向为北西的段落,以走滑运动为主。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带南段错断晚更新世以来地层的证据   总被引:48,自引:14,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
在野外实地考察基础上,研究人工开挖剖面并使用现代测年技术后,发现龙门山断裂带南段的前山断裂和中央断裂自晚更新世以来发生过强烈的活动。可以分辩出龙门山前山断裂南段大川- 双石断裂错断距今5-74 万a 以来的冲积层,垂直位移1-74m ;中央断裂南段五龙断裂在错断距今9 万a 左右的冲洪积地层后,被距今约7-85 万a 的坡积层覆盖,剖面上地层的垂直位移为0-73m  相似文献   

浅层人工地震勘探是探查城市隐伏活动断层最有效的手段之一,然而受近地表探测盲区和探测分辨率的限制,该方法难以获取活动断层超浅层上断点的准确埋深位置。地质雷达探测方法在一定程度上可弥补浅层人工地震勘探的不足。为探索浅层人工地震勘探和地质雷达探测的联合应用效果,分析其在城市隐伏活动断层探测中的应用潜力,选取河南省鹤壁市汤东断裂西支为研究对象,并在冯屯村和前交卸村分别开展联合探测,获取高信噪比的浅层人工地震反射剖面和地质雷达剖面。浅层人工地震勘探揭示的冯屯村处汤东断裂西支上断点埋深为60~70 m,地质雷达探测揭示的上断点埋深约为2.5 m,结合平均沉积速率推测汤东断裂西支在冯屯村的最新活动时代约为25 ka。浅层人工地震勘探揭示的前交卸村处汤东断裂西支上断点埋深为50~60 m,地质雷达探测揭示出汤东断裂西支在前交卸村处未造成近地表约10 m以内的地层断错。研究结果表明,在城市隐伏活动断层探测中,采用浅层人工地震勘探和地质雷达探测相结合的方法,不但可有效确定活动断层的位置,且可进一步约束活动断层上断点的准确埋深,有利于指导后期地震地质勘探中的探槽和钻孔布设。  相似文献   

海秀断裂近东西向展布于海口市中心,准确厘定其几何位置和最新活动特征对科学评价海口市地震危险性、地震构造和地球动力学具有重要科学意义。本文采用野外地质调查、微地貌测量、浅层人工地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测相结合的方法,针对前人确定的海口市中心城区全新世活动海秀断裂,分别在5个典型地点进行详细研究。首先,通过野外地质调查和微地貌测量,得到其中3个地点的地貌陡坎最大垂直落差为11~15 m;其次,跨地貌陡坎和海秀断裂实施了5条浅层人工地震勘探,结果显示,海秀断裂在地震剖面上反映微弱,断错特征不明显,推测断裂总体活动性较低。为验证该断裂的准确位置和最新活动特征,分别在海港路和人民公园开展了钻孔联合剖面探测,通过详细对比分析钻孔揭示的地层序列和地层年代,未发现因断裂活动导致的构造变形迹象,认为海秀断裂上新世以来在探测深度范围内不存在,海口市现有地貌陡坎应为海蚀阶地坎,可排除断裂陡坎的可能。原断裂沿线区域地震危险性被错误高估,经济建设和发展规划可不考虑该断裂的避让问题。  相似文献   

天全-荥经断裂是青藏高原东南缘的1条晚第四纪且活动资料较少的断裂,在2008年汶川M 8.0地震之后,龙门山断裂带西南端未来的地震危险性受到关注。对天全-荥经断裂晚第四纪活动特征的获取有助于理解该区地震危险性的评价。通过遥感影像解译,结合野外调查和断错地貌测量,分析了天全-荥经断裂在荥经下坝村至桂花村切过荥经河河谷晚第四纪地貌区的活动证据。断裂沿线形成冲积扇断错、阶地坎断错和断坎等地貌,并沿断裂发育滑坡。晚第四纪以来断裂以左旋走滑活动为主,其中T2/T2'阶地坎被左旋断错22—24m。利用荥经河阶地与青衣江河流阶地对比,认为该断裂20—40ka以来左旋走滑速率为0.6—1.1mm/a。仍需要从古地震等方面开展工作,来进一步确定天全-荥经断裂的地震危险性。  相似文献   

2013年4月20日发生在龙门山南段的芦山MS7.0地震是继发生在龙门山中北段的汶川MS8.0地震之后的又一次强震。本文通过震后地表变形特征、余震分布、震源机制解、石油地震勘探剖面、历史地震数据等资料,结合前人对龙门山南段主干断裂、褶皱构造特征的研究以及野外实地考察,应用活动褶皱及"褶皱地震"的相关理论,初步分析芦山地震的发震构造模式。认为芦山地震为典型的褶皱地震,发震断裂为前山或山前带一隐伏断裂。构造挤压产生的地壳缩短大部分被褶皱构造吸收。认为龙门山南段前缘地区具有活褶皱-逆断层的运动学特征,表明龙门山逆冲作用正向四川盆地内部扩展。  相似文献   

本文基于1970年以来的地震目录及四川地区4.0级以上地震的震源机制解资料,分析鲜水河断裂带分段(炉霍段、道符段、康定段、石棉段)的地震活动特征及研究区现代构造应力场,结合深部速度结构,探讨鲜水河断裂带上地震活动频度与龙门山断裂带地震活动的关系及康定地段6.3级地震的孕震环境。结果发现:(1)鲜水河断裂带北段和南段地震活动性存在差异,炉霍段和道孚段的地震活动频度1981年前要高于2000年后,康定段和石棉段的地震活动频度2000年以后高于1981年前;(2)分析地壳P波速度结构发现康定震区西侧川滇块体表现出低速异常,东侧表现出高速异常;(3)对构造应力场的分析结果表明龙门山断裂带主要以NW-SE向挤压为主,鲜水河断裂带构造应力场以NWW-SEE向为主。综合鲜水河断裂带应力场特征、深部速度结构、断层间的相互作用等信息推断,康定M6.3地震的发生与该地区应力积累及深部孕震环境相关,同时由于龙门山断裂带地震活动性影响,导致鲜水河断裂带康定段的能量释放。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relations between the great Wenchuan earthquake and the active-quiet periodic characteristics of strong earthquakes, the rhythmic feature of great earthquakes, and the grouped spatial distribution of MS8.0 earthquakes in Chinese mainland. We also studied the relation between the Wenchuan earthquake and the stepwise migration characteristics of MS?≥7.0 earthquakes on the North-South seismic belt, the features of the energy releasing acceleration in the active crustal blocks related to the Wenchuan earthquake and the relation between the Wenchuan earthquake and the so called second-arc fault zone. The results can be summarized as follows: ① the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake was consistent with the activequiet periodic characteristics of strong earthquakes; ② its occurrence is consistent with the features of grouped occurrence of MS8.0 earthquakes and follows the 25 years rhythm (each circulation experiences the same time) of great earthquakes; ③ the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake follows the well known stepwise migration feature of strong earthquakes on the North-South seismic belt; ④ the location where the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake took place has an obvious consistency with the temporal and spatial characteristic of grouped activity of MS≥?7.0 strong earthquakes on the second-arc fault zone; ⑤ the second-arc fault zone is not only the lower boundary for earthquakes with more than 30 km focal depth, but also looks like a lower boundary for deep substance movement; and ⑥ there are obvious seismic accelerations nearby the Qaidam and Qiangtang active crustal blocks (the northern and southern neighbors of the Bayan Har active block, respectively), which agrees with the GPS observation data.  相似文献   

This paper introduces relative and absolute gravity change observations in the eastern portion of the Tibetan Plateau. We analyze and discuss a change that occurred in 2010 in the gravity along the eastern margin of the plateau and the relationship between this change and the 2013 Lushan M S7.0 earthquake. Our results show that: (1) before the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake, gravity anomalies along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau changed drastically. The Lushan earthquake occurred at the bend of the high gradient zone of gravity variation along the southern edge of the Longmenshan fault zone. (2) The 2013 Lushan earthquake occurred less than 100 km away from the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Lushan and Wenchuan are located at the center of a four-quadrant section with different gravity anomalies, which may suggest that restoration after the Wenchuan earthquake may have played a role in causing the Lushan earthquake. (3) A medium-term prediction based on changes in gravity anomalies was made before the Lushan M S7.0 earthquake, in particular, a prediction of epicenter location.  相似文献   

The characteristics of spatio-temporal seismicity evolution before the Wenchuan earthquake are studied. The results mainly involve in the trend abnormal features and its relation to the Wenchuan earthquake. The western Chinese mainland and its adjacent area has been in the seismically active period since 2001, while the seismic activity shows the obvious quiescence of M≥?7.0, M≥?6.0 and M?≥5.0 earthquakes in Chinese mainland. A quiescence area with M?≥7.0 has been formed in the middle of the North-South seismic zone since 1988, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just within this area. There are a background seismicity gap of M?≥5.0 earthquakes and a seismogenic gap of ML?≥4.0 earthquakes in the area of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinity prior to the Wenchuan earthquake. The seismic activity obviously strengthened and a doughnut-shape pattern of M?≥4.6 earthquakes is formed in the middle and southern part of the North-South seismic zone after the 2003 Dayao, Yunnan, earthquake. Sichuan and its vicinity in the middle of the doughnut-shape pattern show abnormal quiescence. At the same time, the seismicity of earthquake swarms is significant and shows heterogeneity in the temporal and spatial process. A swarm gap appears in the M4.6 seismically quiet area, and the Wenchuan earthquake occurred just on the margin of the gap. In addition, in the short term before the Wenchuan earthquake, the quiescence of earthquake with ML≥?4.0 appears in Qinghai-Tibet block and a seismic belt of ML?≥3.0 earthquakes, with NW striking and oblique with Longmenshan fault zone, is formed.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied. Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined. Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state. No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared. According to focal mechanism solutions of some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the direction of principal compressive stress P-axis is WNW-ESE. The two hypocenter fault planes are NE-striking and NW-striking. The plane of NE direction is among N50°?70°E, the dip angles of fault planes are 60°?70° and it is very steep. The faultings of most earthquakes are dominantly characterized by dip-slip reverse and small part of faultings present strike-slip. The azimuths of principal compressive stress, the strikes of source fault planes and the dislocation types calculated from some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake are in accordance with that of the main shock. The average stress field of micro-rupture along the Longmenshan fault zone before the great earthquake is also consistent with that calculated from main shock. Zipingpu dam is located in the east side 20 km from the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The activity increment of small earthquakes in the Zipingpu dam is in the period of water discharging. The source parameter results of the small earthquakes which occurred near the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake indicate that the focal depths are 5 to 14 km and the source parameters are identical with that of earthquake.  相似文献   

On 20 April 2013, a destructive earthquake, the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, occurred in the southern segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone, the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, China. This earthquake did not produce surface rupture zone, and its seismogenic structure is not clear. Due to the lack of Quaternary sediment in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and the fact that fault outcrops are not obvious, there is a shortage of data concerning the tectonic activity of this region. This paper takes the upper reaches of the Qingyijiang River as the research target, which runs through the Yanjing-Wulong Fault, Dachuan-Shuangshi Fault and Lushan Basin, with an attempt to improve the understanding of the tectonic activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the seismogenic structure of Lushan earthquake. In the paper, the important morphological features and tectonic evolution of this area were reviewed. Then, field sites were selected to provide profiles of different parts of the Qingyijiang River terraces, and the longitudinal profile of the terraces of the Qingyijiang River in the south segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was reconstructed based on geological interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images, continuous differential GPS surveying along the terrace surfaces, geomorphic field evidence, and correlation of the fluvial terraces. The deformed longitudinal profile reveals that the most active tectonics during the late Quaternary in the south segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone are the Yanjing-Wulong Fault and the Longmenshan range front anticline. The vertical thrust rate of the Yanjing-Wulong Fault is nearly 0.6~1.2mm/a in the late Quaternary. The tectonic activity of the Longmenshan range front anticline may be higher than the Yanjing-Wulong Fault. Combined with the relocations of aftershocks and other geophysical data about the Lushan earthquake, we found that the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is the range front blind thrust and the back thrust fault, and the pop-up structure between the two faults controls the surface deformation of the range front anticline.  相似文献   

戴波  赵启光  张敏  张扬  冯武 《地震工程学报》2020,42(6):1479-1486
郯庐断裂带宿迁段多年来一直被列为江苏地震重点关注区域。在该区域展开了多期活断层探测和工程地震安全性评价工作,地震监测已经建成了测震、形变、电磁、流体等多种手段。用气体地球化学方法开展相关研究,探索活动断层运动和地震发生之间的相互关系,是对该地区地震科学研究的一种补充,其有着十分重要的意义。沿郯庐断裂带宿迁段F5断裂布设土壤氡测线并获得相关数据,结合地质勘察、浅层人工地震等资料进行综合分析,结果表明该区域内土壤氡探测结果对断裂带的位置、断层类型和特征、断层活动性具有较好的指示性。土壤氡探测展示F5断裂两条分支断裂F5-1、F5-2的位置,氡浓度异常形态与断层特征存在一定的对应关系,并利用土壤氡浓度强度为指标,初步判断郯庐断裂带宿迁段F5断裂2条分支断裂的相对活动性。  相似文献   

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