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The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) observed the Galilean satellites during the Cassini spacecraft's 2000/2001 flyby of Jupiter, providing compositional and thermal information about their surfaces. The Cassini spacecraft approached the jovian system no closer than about 126 Jupiter radii, about 9 million kilometers, at a phase angle of <90°, resulting in only sub-pixel observations by VIMS of the Galilean satellites. Nevertheless, most of the spectral features discovered by the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) aboard the Galileo spacecraft during more than four years of observations have been identified in the VIMS data analyzed so far, including a possible 13C absorption. In addition, VIMS made observations in the visible part of the spectrum and at several new phase angles for all the Galilean satellites and the calculated phase functions are presented. In the process of analyzing these data, the VIMS radiometric and spectral calibrations were better determined in preparation for entry into the Saturn system. Treatment of these data is presented as an example of the VIMS data reduction, calibration and analysis process and a detailed explanation is given of the calibration process applied to the Jupiter data.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft encountered Jupiter in late 2000. Within more than 1 AU of the gas giant the Cosmic Dust Analyser onboard the spacecraft recorded the first ever mass spectra of jovian stream particles. To determine the chemical composition of particles, a comprehensive statistical analysis of the dataset was performed. Our results imply that the vast majority (>95%) of the observed stream particles originate from the volcanic active jovian satellite Io from where they are sprinkled out far into the Solar System. Sodium chloride (NaCl) was identified as the major particle constituent, accompanied by sulphurous as well as potassium bearing components. This is in contrast to observations of gas in the ionian atmosphere, its co-rotating plasma torus, and the neutral cloud, where sulphur species are dominant while alkali and chlorine species are only minor components. Io has the largest active volcanoes of the Solar System with plumes reaching heights of more than 400 km above the moons surface. Our in situ measurements indicate that alkaline salt condensation of volcanic gases inside those plumes could be the dominant formation process for particles reaching the ionian exosphere.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft was launched in 1989, and—between 1995 and 2003—was the first spacecraft in orbit about Jupiter. The in-situ dust instrument on board was a highly sensitive impact-ionisation dust detector which measured the speed, mass and impact direction of dust particles hitting a metal target. It provided a unique 12-year record of cosmic dust in interplanetary and circumjovian space. Degradation of the instrument electronics caused by the harsh radiation environment in the inner jovian magnetosphere was recognised in various ways: the sensitivity for dust detection dropped by a factor of 7.5 between 1996 and 2003 while the noise sensitivity decreased by up to a factor of 100. Shifts in the parameters measured during dust impacts and noise events (charge amplitudes and signal rise times, etc.) required a time-dependent algorithm for noise identification. After noise removal a total of 21 224 complete data sets for dust impacts (i.e. impact charges, signal rise times, impact direction, etc.) is available from the entire Galileo mission between 1989 and 2003 (18 340 data sets from the Jupiter mission after 1996). This homogeneous data set has been used in many investigations of jovian dust published already or ongoing. Electronics degradation prevents the application of the mass and speed calibration to data obtained after 2000. Only in cases where the impact speed of grains is known by other means can grain masses be derived for later measurements. The drop of the detection sensitivity also required a time-dependent correction for fluxes of jovian dust streams, reaching a factor of 20 in 2002. We use the derived homogeneous noise-removed data set for long-term monitoring of the jovian dust streams with Galileo. The derived fluxes of dust stream particles were highly variable by about five orders of magnitude, between 3×10-3 and and exhibited strong orbit-to-orbit variability. This extensive and valuable data set is available for further detailed investigations.  相似文献   

During the decay of solar cosmic-ray events cosmic-rays with kinetic energies of about 1 MeV are convected outward with the solar wind. It is shown that, with currently available observations it should be possible to demonstrate directly the energy losses which are occurring. Observations from two spacecraft on the same heliocentric radial line are required. In this paper observations from Venera-4 and Imp-F have been used. A simple and direct demonstration would be provided by the observation of nearly mono-energetic pulses convected between the two spacecraft, but no such pulses were found to be present. A second method depends upon observing the ratio of the integral fluxes at the two spacecraft and comparing this with the value predicted by theory. The relevant theoretical analysis has been given. It is shown that in order to discriminate between energy-loss processes the spacecraft must be well separated. For spacecraft at Earth's orbit and the orbit of Venus the integral-flux ratio predicted with energy loss due to adiabatic deceleration is a factor of three higher than that predicted with no energy loss. Comparisons of integral-flux ratios for two events observed on spacecraft separated by approximately 0.1 AU gave inconclusive results. In view of the importance of energy-loss processes in the propagation of cosmic rays it is suggested that others with access to relevant data might continue this investigation.  相似文献   

In November of 2002, the Galileo spacecraft passed within 250 km of Jupiter's moon Amalthea. An onboard telescope, the star scanner, observed a series of bright flashes near the moon. It is believed that these flashes represent sunlight reflected from 7 to 9 small moonlets located within about 3000 km of Amalthea. From star scanner geometry considerations and other arguments, we can constrain the diameter of the observed bodies to be between 0.5 m to several tens of kilometers. In September of 2003, while crossing Amalthea's orbit just prior to Galileo's destruction in the jovian atmosphere, a single additional body seems to have been observed. It is suspected that these bodies are part of a discrete rocky ring embedded within Jupiter's Gossamer ring system.  相似文献   

The outer region of the jovian system between ∼50 and 300 jovian radii from the planet is found to be the host of a previously unknown dust population. We used the data from the dust detector aboard the Galileo spacecraft collected from December 1995 to April 2001 during Galileo's numerous traverses of the outer jovian system. Analyzing the ion amplitudes, calibrated masses and speeds of grains, and impact directions, we found about 100 individual events fully compatible with impacts of grains moving around Jupiter in bound orbits. These grains have moderate eccentricities and a wide range of inclinations—from prograde to retrograde ones. The radial number density profile of the micrometer-sized dust is nearly flat between about 50 and 300 jovian radii. The absolute number density level (∼10 km−3 with a factor of 2 or 3 uncertainty) surpasses by an order of magnitude that of the interplanetary background. We identify the sources of the bound grains with outer irregular satellites of Jupiter. Six outer tiny moons are orbiting the planet in prograde and fourteen in retrograde orbits. These moons are subject to continuous bombardment by interplanetary micrometeoroids. Hypervelocity impacts create ejecta, nearly all of which get injected into circumjovian space. Our analytic and numerical study of the ejecta dynamics shows that micrometer-sized particles from both satellite families, although strongly perturbed by solar tidal gravity and radiation pressure, would stay in bound orbits for hundreds of thousands of years as do a fraction of smaller grains, several tenths of a micrometer in radius, ejected from the prograde moons. Different-sized ejecta remain confined to spheroidal clouds embracing the orbits of the parent moons, with appreciable asymmetries created by the radiation pressure and solar gravity perturbations. Spatial location of the impacts, mass distribution, speeds, orbital inclinations, and number density of dust derived from the data are all consistent with the dynamical model.  相似文献   

This report presents both a retrospective of ground-based support for spacecraft missions to the outer solar system and a perspective of support for future missions. Past support is reviewed in a series of case studies involving the author. The most basic support is essential, providing the mission with information without which the planned science would not have been accomplished. Another is critical, without which science would have been returned, but missing a key element in its understanding. Some observations are enabling by accomplishing one aspect of an experiment which would otherwise not have been possible. Other observations provide a perspective of the planet as a whole which is not available to instruments with narrow fields of view and limited spatial coverage, sometimes motivating a re-prioritizing of experiment objectives. Ground-based support is also capable of providing spectral coverage not present in the complement of spacecraft instruments. Earth-based observations also have the capability of filling in gaps of spacecraft coverage of atmospheric phenomena, as well as providing surveillance of longer-term behavior than the coverage available to the mission. Future missions benefiting from ground-based support would include the Juno mission to Jupiter in the next decade, a flagship-class mission to the Jupiter or to the Saturn systems currently under consideration, and possible intermediate-class missions which might be proposed in NASA’s New Frontiers category. One of the principal benefits of future 30 m-class giant telescopes would be to improve the spatial resolution of maps of temperature and composition which are derived from observations of thermal emission at mid-infrared and longer wavelengths. In many situations, this spatial resolution is competitive with those of the relevant instruments on the spacecraft themselves.  相似文献   

We present here a summary of the relevant observations of the glow occurring above spacecraft surfaces in low-earth orbit and a discussion of the possible reactions of the atmospheric constituents with spacecraft surfaces. The importance of these reactions is not just as a source of the glow which has deleterious effects on our ability to make remote observations from spacecraft, or as the cause of material erosion, which have been considered previously. These reactions can change surface composition and properties altering spacecraft thermal, structural, or electrical characteristics. In addition to the normal reaction exothermicities, these processes have available the large kinetic energy of the atmospheric precursor impacting Shuttle surfaces. We consider the spectral emissions which could arise from evolved surface reaction products will give rise to a variety of surface specific glows.  相似文献   

The cloud structure of the jovian atmosphere at pressures less than 2 bars has previously been estimated using near-infrared observations such as those by both the Solid State Imager (SSI) and Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) instruments on board the Galileo spacecraft. Unfortunately, complete near-infrared spectra, such as those measured by NIMS, take a long time to be analyzed with multiple-scattering radiative transfer models and thus it has until now been rather difficult to use these data to produce wide-area cloud maps.In this paper we show how principal component analysis may be employed to isolate a small number of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) from spectra of Jupiter made by Galileo/NIMS. These EOFs may be used to represent the variance of real NIMS spectra to a high degree of accuracy and with good noise and “drop-out” discrimination. Because of this, a small set of representative spectra may then be calculated using these EOFs and input into a retrieval model that generates a table of fitted cloud profiles for each case. This approach avoids the long times required for analyzing a large number of spectra with full multiple-scattering radiative transfer models and allows us to represent the variability of the 3000 spectra contained in the observations of the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) used in this study with only 75 representative spectra. The cloud structures fitted to these representative spectra were interpolated for the spectra found at individual locations in the measured NIMS data set to produce maps of cloud opacity and mean particle size. We find that the dominant opacity variation, anticorrelated with 5-μm brightness, exists in the 1-2 bar pressure range. The distribution of the cloud at 0.72 bars is mapped and found to be more zonally diffuse than the lower clouds. We find at least one 2000-km-sized deep convective cloud in the NEB vertically extending to all the pressure levels that can be sensed by NIMS.  相似文献   

We report unusual and somewhat unexpected observations of the jovian satellite Io, showing strong methane absorption bands. These observations were made by the Cassini VIMS experiment during the Jupiter flyby of December/January 2000/2001. The explanation is straightforward: Entering or exiting from Jupiter's shadow during an eclipse, Io is illuminated by solar light which has transited the atmosphere of Jupiter. This light, therefore becomes imprinted with the spectral signature of Jupiter's upper atmosphere, which includes strong atmospheric methane absorption bands. Intercepting solar light refracted by the jovian atmosphere, Io essentially becomes a “mirror” for solar occultation events of Jupiter. The thickness of the layer where refracted solar light is observed is so large (more than 3000 km at Io's orbit), that we can foresee a nearly continuous multi-year period of similar events at Saturn, utilizing the large and bright ring system. During Cassini's 4-year nominal mission, this probing technique should reveal information of Saturn's atmosphere over a large range of southern latitudes and times.  相似文献   

Most measurements of long period ULF pulsations have come from ground based and single satellite observations. The observations have given strong support to the idea that these waves are resonant standing hydromagnetic waves on geomagnetic field lines. Simultaneous ground-satellite observations provide further details of the pulsation structure and are useful for examining the effect of the ionosphere on the transmission of the waves to the ground. Recently, multisatellite observations have been used to provide further insight into the nature of pulsations and we review the results obtained using this technique. Among the results presented are those from the ISEE 1 and 2 spacecraft which are closely spaced in identical orbits, making it possible to distinguish temporal from spatial structure in waves. The ISEE spacecraft have made measurements of resonant region widths and resonance harmonics. In addition, examples are shown of recent multisatellite observations of the global nature of some pulsations and the localization of Pi2 pulsations in space.  相似文献   

Recent measurements of the high-energy, omni-directional electron environment by the Galileo spacecraft Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) have been analyzed in the range from 7 to 28 Jupiter radii. 10-min averages of these data between Jupiter orbit insertion in 1995 to the end of the mission have been analyzed to provide estimates of the electron differential fluxes at 1.5, 2, and 11 MeV in the jovian equatorial plane as a function of radial distance. These data provide a long term picture of the variations in the high-energy electron environment over the ∼8 years of the Galileo mission. This paper reviews those measurements and the statistics associated with them for the 8 year period. In general, the data variations are well behaved with variations being within a factor of ∼2 of a median value at a given distance from Jupiter. These results are analyzed in detail and the orbit variations discussed in the context of the overall data set. The results of this analysis of the long-term statistical variations in high-energy electron fluxes are directly applicable to models that estimate the effects of the radiation environment on Jupiter's moons and their atmospheres as they permit estimates of the possible range of radiation effects that might be expected.  相似文献   

The European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar has been used for remote-sensing observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) for a quarter of a century. During the April/May 2007 observing campaign, a large number of observations of IPS using EISCAT took place to give a reasonable spatial and temporal coverage of solar wind velocity structure throughout this time during the declining phase of Solar Cycle 23. Many co-rotating and transient features were observed during this period. Using the University of California, San Diego three-dimensional (3-D) time-dependent computer assisted tomography (C.A.T.) solar-wind reconstruction analysis, we show the velocity structure of the inner heliosphere in three dimensions throughout the time interval of 20 April through 20 May 2007. We also compare to white-light remote-sensing observations of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) seen by the STEREO Ahead spacecraft inner Heliospheric Imager on 16 May 2007, as well as to in-situ solar-wind measurements taken with near-Earth spacebourne instrumentation throughout this interval. The reconstructions show clear co-rotating regions during this period, and the time-series extraction at spacecraft locations compares well with measurements made by the STEREO, Wind, and ACE spacecraft. This is the first time such clear structures have been revealed using this 3-D technique with EISCAT IPS data as input.  相似文献   

Over an 18-year period, seasonal changes in the north-south asymmetry of polarization at high latitudes of Jupiter have been revealed by polarimetric observations in blue light. The average seasonal difference in the polarization degree between north and south is positive and equal to about 0.5%. There is some relationship between seasonal variations in the observed difference and the seasonal north-south asymmetry in solar radiation incident on Jupiter's atmosphere. There are two maxima on the observed seasonal curve, falling on the jovian spring and autumn and coinciding correspondingly with positive and negative maxima of the heliographic latitude of Jupiter. Two possible explanations are discussed: seasonal changes in insolation and/or time-dependent magnetospheric influence on the polar events.  相似文献   

More than 500 images of Io in eclipse were acquired by the Cassini spacecraft in late 2000 and early 2001 as it passed through the jovian system en route to Saturn (Porco et al., 2003, Science 299, 1541-1547). Io's bright equatorial glows were detected in Cassini's near-ultraviolet filters, supporting the interpretation that the visible emissions are predominantly due to molecular SO2. Detailed comparisons of laboratory SO2 spectra with the Cassini observations indicate that a mixture of gases contribute to the equatorial emissions. Potassium is suggested by new detections of the equatorial glows at near-infrared wavelengths from 730 to 800 nm. Neutral atomic oxygen and sodium are required to explain the brightness of the glows at visible wavelengths. The molecule S2 is postulated to emit most of the glow intensity in the wavelength interval from 390 to 500 nm. The locations of the visible emissions vary in response to the changing orientation of the external magnetic field, tracking the tangent points of the jovian magnetic field lines. Limb glows distinct from the equatorial emissions were observed at visible to near-infrared wavelengths from 500 to 850 nm, indicating that atomic O, Na, and K are distributed across Io's surface. Stratification of the atmosphere is demonstrated by differences in the altitudes of emissions at various wavelengths: SO2 emissions are confined to a region close to Io's surface, whereas neutral oxygen emissions are seen at altitudes that reach up to 900 km, or half the radius of the satellite. Pre-egress brightening demonstrates that light scattered into Jupiter's shadow by gases or aerosols in the giant planet's upper atmosphere contaminates images of Io taken within 13 minutes of entry into or emergence from Jupiter's umbra. Although partial atmospheric collapse is suggested by the longer timescale for post-ingress dimming than pre-egress brightening, Io's atmosphere must be substantially supported by volcanism to retain auroral emissions throughout the duration of eclipse.  相似文献   

We use the specific scintillations of jovian decametric radio sources (modulation lanes), which are produced by plasma inhomogeneities in the vicinity of that planet, to probe the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter. The positions and frequency drift of 1762 lanes have been measured on the DAM spectra from archives. A special 3D algorithm is used for space localization of field-aligned magnetospheric inhomogeneities by the frequency drift of modulation lanes. As a result, the main regions of the lane formation are found: the Io plasma torus; the magnetic shell of the Gossamer Ring at Thebe and Amalthea orbits; and the region above the magnetic anomaly in the northern magnetosphere. It is shown that modulation lanes reveal the depleted magnetic tubes in practically unvisited, innermost regions of the jovian magnetosphere. The local and probably temporal plasma enhancement is found at the magnetic shell of Thebe satellite. Hence, the modulation lanes are a valuable instrument for remote sensing of those parts of jovian magnetosphere, which are not studied yet in situ.  相似文献   

Bob Abel  Richard M. Thorne 《Icarus》2003,166(2):311-319
Longitudinal variations of energetic charged particle precipitation into the jovian sub-auroral atmosphere are modeled based on weak diffusion scattering and variations in the local loss-cone size associated with asymmetries in the VIP-4 magnetic field model. Our scattering model solutions suggest that low latitude observations of enhanced H3+ and X-ray emissions are at least partially due to precipitating energetic particles. The correlation between model results and observations is best in the northern hemisphere at low L (1.5), where the surface magnetic field variation is largest and observations have the highest resolution. Weaker correlations in the southern hemisphere and at higher latitudes, particularly for H3+ emissions, are likely due to the presence of other energy sources, lack of resolution in the observations and limitations in the sub-auroral surface magnetic field model.  相似文献   

The determination of the ephemeris of the Martian moons has benefited from observations of their plane-of-sky positions derived from images taken by cameras onboard spacecraft orbiting Mars. Images obtained by the Super Resolution Camera (SRC) onboard Mars Express (MEX) have been used to derive moon positions relative to Mars on the basis of a fit of a complete dynamical model of their motion around Mars. Since, these positions are computed from the relative position of the spacecraft when the images are taken, those positions need to be known as accurately as possible. An accurate MEX orbit is obtained by fitting two years of tracking data of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) experiment onboard MEX. The average accuracy of the orbits has been estimated to be around 20–25 m. From these orbits, we have re-derived the positions of Phobos and Deimos at the epoch of the SRC observations and compared them with the positions derived by using the MEX orbits provided by the ESOC navigation team. After fit of the orbital model of Phobos and Deimos, the gain in precision in the Phobos position is roughly 30 m, corresponding to the estimated gain of accuracy of the MEX orbits. A new solution of the GM of the Martian moons has also been obtained from the accurate MEX orbits, which is consistent with previous solutions and, for Phobos, is more precise than the solution from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and Mars Odyssey (ODY) tracking data. It will be further improved with data from MEX-Phobos closer encounters (at a distance less than 300 km). This study also demonstrates the advantage of combining observations of the moon positions from a spacecraft and from the Earth to assess the real accuracy of the spacecraft orbit. In turn, the natural satellite ephemerides can be improved and participate to a better knowledge of the origin and evolution of the Martian moons.  相似文献   

The masses of 27 asteroids are found from optical and radar observations of perturbed asteroids (test particles). The masses of 18 objects have been previously determined by other authors in the construction of ephemerides EPM2011, DE423, and INPOP10a. Their values are based on observations of the delay time of radio signals from spacecraft. Our values have smaller errors for most of the asteroids. Comparing our results with the latest determinations based only on optical observations of asteroids also shows their accuracy.  相似文献   

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