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A general theory for the figures of satellites, which are synchronously rotating in the gravitational field of a planet, is developed to the first approximation. Love numbers, figure parameters, and gravitational moments for two- and three-layer models of the Galilean satellites, Titan, and Saturn's icy satellites are calculated. With the assumed accuracy for flyby measurements of gravitational moments it should be possible to determine the degree of differentiation of Ganymede. The differences between equatorial a and polar c semiaxes, as derived from the observational data, appear to be exaggerated for Io and Mimas (although better agreement between calculated and observed values of (a?c) could be obtained if this satellite had a larger mass). For Enceladus the observed value of (a?c) is in satisfactory agreement with calculations, based on different types of trial models. However, in order to discriminate between different Enceladus trial models, it is necessary to determine the figure parameters more precisely.  相似文献   

The position of the satellite within the protonebula, the influence of the parent planet, particularly the relative effects of tidal (gravitational) as opposed to radiogenic (internal) heat generating processes, as well as the type of ice, exert a control on the evolutionary histories of the Jovian and Saturnian satellites. The landscapes of the moons are modified by surface deformational processes (tectonic activity derived from within the body) and externally derived cratering. The geological history of the Galilean satellites is deduced from surface stratigraphic successions of geological units. Io and Europa, with crater-free surfaces, are tectonically more advanced than crater-saturated Callisto.Two thermal-drive models are proposed based on: an expression for externally derived gravitational influences between two bodies; and internal heat generation via radiogenic decay (expressed by surface area/volume ratio). Both parameters, for the Galilean satellites, are plotted against an inferred product of tectonic processes — the age of the surface terrain. From these diagrams, the tectonic evolutionary state of the more distant Saturnian system are predicted. These moons are fitted into an evolutionary framework for the Solar System.Based on a paper presented at the 1985 Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.  相似文献   

We compare the structure and substructure of dark matter halos in model universes dominated by collisional, strongly self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and collisionless, weakly interacting dark matter (CDM). While SIDM virialized halos are more nearly spherical than CDM halos, they can be rotationally flattened by as much as 20% in their inner regions. Substructure halos suffer ram-pressure truncation and drag, which are more rapid and severe than their gravitational counterparts tidal stripping and dynamical friction. Lensing constraints on the size of galactic halos in clusters are a factor of 2 smaller than predicted by gravitational stripping, and the recent detection of tidal streams of stars escaping from the satellite galaxy Carina suggests that its tidal radius is close to its optical radius of a few hundred parsecs-an order of magnitude smaller than predicted by CDM models but consistent with SIDM models. The orbits of SIDM satellites suffer significant velocity bias, sigmaSIDM&solm0;sigmaCDM=0.85, and are more circular than CDM satellites, betaSIDM approximately 0.5, in agreement with the inferred orbits of the Galaxy's satellites. In the limit of a short mean free path, SIDM halos have singular isothermal density profiles; thus, in its simplest incarnation SIDM, is inconsistent with galactic rotation curves.  相似文献   

Radio Doppler data generated by the Deep Space Network (DSN) from the recent encounters of the Galileo spacecraft with the Galilean satellites have been used to determine the mass (GM) and unnormalized quadruple gravity coefficients in the external gravitational fields of the Galilean satellites. Therefore, a series of internal structure models, which satisfy the given constraints for the mean density and the mean moment of inertia, can be presented by solving Emden equations. And some dynamical parameters can also be calculated based on the density distributions given by internal structure models.  相似文献   

Equations are given which determine the moment of inertia of a rotating relativistic fluid star to second order in the angular velocity with no other approximation being made. The equations also determine the moment of inertia of matter located between surfaces of constant density in a rotationally distorted star; for example, the moments of inertia of the crust and core of a rotationally distorted neutron star can be calculated in this way. The method is applied ton=3/2 relativistic polytropes and to neutron star models constructed from the Baym-Bethe-Pethick-Sutherland-Pandharipande equation of state. Supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for computint the equilibrium structures of rotationally distorted stars as well as rotationally and tidally distorted primary components of the stars in binary systems. The method is based on the averaging technique of Kippenhahn and Thomas (1970) and utilizes the concepts of Roche equipotentials (Kopal, 1972). The method takes into account terms up to second-order of smallness in the rotational and tidal distortion parameters. The use of the method in obtaining the equilibrium structures of certain rotationally and (or) tidally distorted models of Main-Sequence stars is also illustrated.  相似文献   

Anharmonic oscillations of rotating stars have been studied by various authors in literature to explain the observed features of certain variable stars. However, there is no study available in literature that has discussed the combined effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic oscillations of stars. In this paper, we have created a model to determine the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic radial oscillations associated with various polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. For this study we have used the theory of Rosseland to obtain the anharmonic pulsation equation for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the shapes of the radial velocity curves for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The results of the present study show that the rotational effects cause more deviations in the shapes of radial velocity curves of pulsating variable stars as compared to tidal effects.  相似文献   

Europa, the smallest of the Galilean satellites, has a young icy surface and most likely contains an internal ocean. The primary objective of possible future missions to Europa is the unambiguous detection and characterization of a subsurface ocean. The thickness of the overlying icy shell provides important information on the thermal evolution of the satellite and on the interaction between the ocean and the surface, the latter being fundamental for astrobiology. However, the thickness is not well known, and estimates range from several hundred of meters to some ten of kilometers. Here, we investigate the use of libration (rotation variation) observations to study the interior structure of Europa and in particular its icy shell. A dynamical libration model is developed, which includes gravitational coupling between the icy shell and the heavy solid interior. The amplitude of the main libration signal at 3.55 days (the orbital period) is shown to depend on Europa's shape and structure. Models of the interior structure of Europa are constructed and the equatorial flattening of the internal layers, which are key parameters for the libration, are calculated by assuming that Europa is in hydrostatic equilibrium. Europa's flattened shape is assumed to be due to rotation and permanent tides, and we extend the classical Radau equation for rotationally flattened bodies to include also tidal deformation. We show that the presence of an ocean increases the amplitude of libration by about 10%, depending mainly on the thickness of the icy shell. Therefore, libration observations offer possibility of detection of a subsurface ocean in Europa and estimation of the thickness of its overlying icy shell.  相似文献   

The effects of the equilibrium figure theory to within terms of the second order in a small parameter α on figure parameters and gravitational moments of the Galilean satellite Io have been considered. Integro-differential equations of the theory of figure to second order have been first solved numerically. Relations between the low-order coefficients of the gravitational field for satellites in hydrostatic equilibrium are generalized according to the second order theory. To show the effects of the second approximation, two three-layer trial models of Io are used. The considered models of the Io’s interiors differ by the size and density of the core, while having the same thickness and density of the crust, and the mantle density difference is only 20 kg/m3. The corrections of second order in smallness to the gravitational moments J2 and C22 decrease the third decimal digit of model gravitational moments by two units. As the effects of third and forth harmonics are determined mostly by outer layers of Io, to distinguish between model mantle density, the gravitational moments J4, C42 and C44 should be determined to accuracy with three or four decimal digits. The second order corrections mostly effect the semi-axis a, and less the semi-axes b and c.  相似文献   

In our previous work, we developed a model to study the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortions on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on the radial velocity curves of the polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.We considered the first three modes(fundamental and the next two higher modes) for the polytropic models of index 1.5 and 3.0 in that work.In the present paper, we are further extending our previous work to study the effect of the interaction of various modes on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on radial velocity curves of the rotationally and/or tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.For this purpose, we have considered the following cases:(i) fundamental mode(ii) fundamental and the first mode,(iii) fundamental and the next two modes and finally(iv) fundamental and the next three higher modes of pulsation in our study.The objective of this paper is also to investigate whether the interaction of various modes affects the results of our previous study or not.The results of this study show that the interaction of the fundamental mode with higher modes appreciably changes the shape of the radial velocity curve of rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.  相似文献   

Steven Soter  Alan Harris 《Icarus》1977,30(1):192-199
The shape of a close planetary satellite is distorted from a self-gravitating sphere into a triaxial ellipsoid maintained by tidal and centrifugal forces. Using the family of Roche ellipsoids calculated by Chandrasekhar, it should be possible in some cases to determine the density of an inner satellite by an accurate measurement of its shape alone. The equilibrium figure of Phobos is expected to be the most extreme of any satellite. The shape of Phobos as observed by Mariner 9 approaches but appears not to be a Roche ellipsoid, although the uncertainties of measurement remain too large to exclude the possibility. In any case, Phobos is so small that even the low mechanical strength of an impact-compressed regolith is sufficient to maintain substantial departures from the equipotential figure. If larger close satellites, particularly Amalthea, are found to be Roche ellipsoids, their densities can be estimated immediately from the data presented.Asteroids of size comparable to Phobos and Deimos appear to have more irregular shapes than the Martian satellites. This may reflect the absence of a deep regolith on those asteroids due to the low effective escape velocity for impact ejecta. For Phobos and Deimos, on the other hand, ejecta will tend to remain in orbit about Mars until swept up again by the satellite, contributing to a deeper equilibrium layer of debris.  相似文献   

In the present paper we have studied the eigenfrequencies of small adiabatic barotropic pseudo-radial and nonradial modes of oscillations of the white dwarf models of rotating stars in binary systems. In this work the methodology of Mohan and Saxena (in Astrophys. Space Sci. 113:155, 1985) has been used that utilizes the averaging technique of Kippenhahn and Thomas (in Proc. IAU Colloq., vol. 4, p. 20, 1970) and certain results on Roche equipotential as that given by Kopal (in Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1972). The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortion on the periods of oscillations of rotationally and/or tidally distorted white dwarf models of stars assuming it to be the primary component of the binary system and rotating uniformly. The results of present study show that the eigenfrequencies (both radial and nonradial modes) of the rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted white dwarf model of stars in binary systems tend to decrease under the influence of rotational distortions and rotational and tidal distortions, respectively. However, results are contrary for tidally distorted white dwarf model of stars.  相似文献   

Equations of motion are derived for systems of rotationally interconnected bodies in which the terminal bodies may be flexible and the remaining bodies are rigid. The bodies may have an arbitrary topological tree arrangement; that is, there are no closed loops of bodies. This derivation extends earlier results for systems of interconnected rigid bodies only, and is much simpler than several other recent works on terminal flexible bodies. The model for a flexible body assumes that the elastic deformation is representable as a time-varying linear combination of given mode shapes.The paper also derives the appropriate form for gravitational terms, so that the equations can be used for flexible satellites. Also included are expressions for kinetic energy and angular momentum so that in case these are theoretically constant, they can be used to monitor the accuracy of the numerical integration. The paper concludes with a section showing how interbody constraint forces and torques (which do not appear in the equations of motion) can be recovered from quantities available in this formulation, and also how to treat state variables which are prescribed functions of time.A digital computer program based on the equations derived here has been used to simulate a spinning Skylab (with flexible booms) and also the interplanetary Viking (with flexible solar panels and thrust vector control).We announce with regret that Bill Hooker died in an avalanche while on a mountain-climbing expedition in Peru, July 1974.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable properties of radio pulsars is their rotational stability which allows many uses as clocks, For instance they enable us to determine the shapes and sizes of binary orbits, to study general relativistic effects in strong gravitational fields, to demonstrate the existance of gravitational radiation from binary systems, to permit the detection of extra solar planets, and also to put limits on the long period gravitational wave background. However, some display timing imperfections which tell us about the insides of neutron stars. This review describes the basic physics of slowdown and how period instabilities seem to be related to the rate of slowdown and the presence of internal superfluid liquid. Careful studies of glitches and the subsequent rotational behaviour of the pulsars can provide valuable information on the internal structure of neutron stars.  相似文献   

The sizes and shapes of six icy saturnian satellites have been measured from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) data, employing limb coordinates and stereogrammetric control points. Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea are well described by triaxial ellipsoids; Iapetus is best represented by an oblate spheroid. All satellites appear to have approached relaxed, equilibrium shapes at some point in their evolution, but all support at least 300 m of global-wavelength topography. The shape of Enceladus is most consistent with a homogeneous interior. If Enceladus is differentiated, its shape and apparent relaxation require either lateral inhomogeneities in an icy mantle and/or an irregularly shaped core. Iapetus supports a fossil bulge of over 30 km, and provides a benchmark for impact modification of shapes after global relaxation. Satellites such as Mimas that have smoother limbs than Iapetus, and are expected to have higher impact rates, must have relaxed after the shape of Iapetus was frozen.  相似文献   

An argument is given, based on considerations of moments of inertia and the equatorial location of the large crater Herschel, which implies that Mimas (one of the smallest satellites of the major planets) shows a high degree of internal differentiation (with a silicate-type core but a mantle with a density rather greater than for water-ice alone). Some consequences of these arguments are adduced and possible compositions of the mantle considered.  相似文献   

We study gravitational lensing by the family of scale-free galaxies with flat rotation curves. The models are defined by a shape function, which prescribes the radius of the isophote as a function of the position angle from the major axis. The critical curves are analytic, while the caustic network is reducible to a simple quadrature. The cusps are always located at the turning points of the shape function. We show that the models with exactly elliptic isophotes never admit butterfly or swallowtail cusps and so have at most four (or five) images. Higher order imaging is brought about by deviations of the isophotes from pure ellipses, such as pointedness caused by embedded discs or boxiness caused by recent merging. The criteria for the onset of sextuple and octuple imaging can be calculated analytically in terms of the ellipticity ε and the fourth-order Fourier coefficients ( a 4 and b 4) used by observers to parametrize the isophote shapes. The six or eight images are arranged roughly in a circle, which appears as an incomplete Einstein ring if inadequately resolved. Using data on the shapes of elliptical galaxies and merger remnants, we estimate that ∼1 per cent of all multiply imaged quasars may be sextuplet systems or higher. Forthcoming satellites such as the Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics ( GAIA ) will provide data sets of ∼4000 multiply imaged systems, and so ∼40 will show sextuple imaging or higher.  相似文献   

The equilibrium points of the gravitational potential field of minor celestial bodies, including asteroids, comets, and irregular satellites of planets, are studied. In order to understand better the orbital dynamics of massless particles moving near celestial minor bodies and their internal structure, both internal and external equilibrium points of the potential field of the body are analyzed. In this paper, the location and stability of the equilibrium points of 23 minor celestial bodies are presented. In addition, the contour plots of the gravitational effective potential of these minor bodies are used to point out the differences between them. Furthermore, stability and topological classifications of equilibrium points are discussed, which clearly illustrate the topological structure near the equilibrium points and help to have an insight into the orbital dynamics around the irregular-shaped minor celestial bodies. The results obtained here show that there is at least one equilibrium point in the potential field of a minor celestial body, and the number of equilibrium points could be one, five, seven, and nine, which are all odd integers. It is found that for some irregular-shaped celestial bodies, there are more than four equilibrium points outside the bodies while for some others there are no external equilibrium points. If a celestial body has one equilibrium point inside the body, this one is more likely linearly stable.  相似文献   

If real, Nereid's recently observed large photometric variations (Schaefer and Schaefer, 1988) can be explained by modelling this Neptunian satellite as a quasi-contact binary system made of two similar, ellipsoidal components distorted by their mutual tides. Both the amplitude and the likely periodicity of the observed luminosity changes are consistent with the binary model, provided Nereid's density is close to 1 g cm–3 (similar to that of most outer solar system satellites). The assumed binary would be probably stable against Neptune's gravitational perturbations, and its origin - as already suggested for a few suspected binary asteroids, like 624 Hektor (Weidenschilling, 1980; Farinella et al., 1982) - could be due to rotational fission following a catastrophic impact. During the Neptune encounter due for August, 1989, Voyager 2's cameras will provide images adequate to confirm, or disprove, the binary model.  相似文献   

Utilizing topographic models of Saturn's F-ring shepherd satellites Prometheus (S16 1980S27) and Pandora (S15 1980S26), derived by Stooke (1994), and supposing that their mass density is constant, we derived basic geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the moons. They include the volume and mass, the mean radii, the tensor of inertia, and Stokes coefficients of the harmonic expansions of external gravitational potential. The best fitting ellipsoid approximations of the topography were calculated. A simple method of determining the gravitational potential on the surface of an irregular satellite is presented. Examples of equipotential surfaces of the satellites are shown  相似文献   

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