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We present a global view of the resonant structure of the phase space of a planetary system with two planets, moving in the same plane, as obtained from the set of the families of periodic orbits. An important tool to understand the topology of the phase space is to determine the position and the stability character of the families of periodic orbits. The region of the phase space close to a stable periodic orbit corresponds to stable, quasi periodic librations. In these regions it is possible for an extrasolar planetary system to exist, or to be trapped following a migration process due to dissipative forces. The mean motion resonances are associated with periodic orbits in a rotating frame, which means that the relative configuration is repeated in space. We start the study with the family of symmetric periodic orbits with nearly circular orbits of the two planets. Along this family the ratio of the periods of the two planets varies, and passes through rational values, which correspond to resonances. At these resonant points we have bifurcations of families of resonant elliptic periodic orbits. There are three topologically different resonances: (1) the resonances (n + 1):n, (2:1, 3:2, ...), (2) the resonances (2n + 1):(2n-1), (3:1, 5:3, ...) and (3) all other resonances. The topology at each one of the above three types of resonances is studied, for different values of the sum and of the ratio of the planetary masses. Both symmetric and asymmetric resonant elliptic periodic orbits exist. In general, the symmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the circular family, and the asymmetric elliptic families bifurcate from the symmetric elliptic families. The results are compared with the position of some observed extrasolar planetary systems. In some cases (e.g., Gliese 876) the observed system lies, with a very good accuracy, on the stable part of a family of resonant periodic orbits.  相似文献   

The planetary dynamics of 4/3, 3/2, 5/2, 3/1 and 4/1 mean motion resonances is studied by using the model of the general three body problem in a rotating frame and by determining families of periodic orbits for each resonance. Both planar and spatial cases are examined. In the spatial problem, families of periodic orbits are obtained after analytical continuation of vertical critical orbits. The linear stability of orbits is also examined. Concerning initial conditions nearby stable periodic orbits, we obtain long-term planetary stability, while unstable orbits are associated with chaotic evolution that destabilizes the planetary system. Stable periodic orbits are of particular importance in planetary dynamics, since they can host real planetary systems. We found stable orbits up to 60° of mutual planetary inclination, but in most families, the stability does not exceed 20°–30°, depending on the planetary mass ratio. Most of these orbits are very eccentric. Stable inclined circular orbits or orbits of low eccentricity were found in the 4/3 and 5/2 resonance, respectively.  相似文献   

The temporary capture of the dust grains in the exterior resonances with planets is studied in the frames of the planar circular three-body problem with Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. For the Earth and particles ~ 10 Μm the resonances 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 are shown to be most effective. The capture is only temporary (of order 105 years) and the position of resonance may be calculated from semi-analytical model using averaged disturbing function. These semi-analytical results are confirmed by numerical integration. For various planet this picture changes as with increasing planetary mass the more exterior resonances become more important. We showed that for Jupiter (at least in the space between Jupiter and Saturn) the resonance 1/2 plays the dominant role. The capture time is here several myr but again eccentricity is evolving to eccentricity e 0 ~ 0.48 of libration point for this resonance.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional planetary systems are studied, using the model of the restricted three-body problem for Μ =.001. Families of three-dimensional periodic orbits of relatively low multiplicity are numerically computed at the resonances 3/1, 5/3, 3/5 and 1/3 and their stability is determined. The three-dimensional orbits are found by continuation to the third dimension of the vertical critical orbits of the corresponding planar problem  相似文献   

Resonance occupation of trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the scattered disk (>48 AU) was investigated by integrating the orbits of 85 observed members for 4 Gyr. Twenty seven TNOs were locked in the 9:4, 16:7, 7:3, 12:5, 5:2, 8:3, 3:1, 4:1, 11:2, and 27:4 resonances. We then explored mechanisms for the origin of the resonant structure in the scattered disk, in particular the long-term 9:4, 5:2, and 8:3 resonant TNOs (median 4 Gyr), by performing large scale simulations involving Neptune scattering and planetary migration over an initially excited planetesimals disk (wide range of eccentricities and inclinations). To explain the formation of Gyr-resident populations in such distant resonances, our results suggest the existence of a primordial planetesimal disk of at least 45-50 AU radius that suffered a dynamical perturbation leading to 0.1-0.3 or greater eccentricities and a range of inclinations up to ∼20° during early stages of the Solar System history, before planetary migration.  相似文献   

According to current observational data, planets of many exoplanetary systems have resonant motion. The formation of resonance configurations is studied within a unified model of planetary migration. Planets in the observed systems 24 Sex, HD 37124, HD 73526, HD 82943, HD 128311, HD 160691, Kepler 9, NN Ser, which are moving in the 2: 1 resonance, could have been captured into this resonance due to both the Type I and II migration with a wide range of parameters. The migration conditions are defined for the formation of HD 45364 and HD 200964 that are in the 3: 2 and 4: 3 first-order resonances, correspondingly. The results obtained for HD 200964 show that planets can be captured in the first-order resonances, when the outer-to-inner orbital period ratios for the planets are less than 3: 2, only if Type I migration rates are large, and the mass of at least one planet is substantially less than the modern masses of the observed giant planets. The formation of the HD 102272, HD 108874, HD 181433 and HD 202206 systems with planets in high-order resonances is considered. The capture into these resonances can be realized with very slow Type II migration. Possible bounds for migration parameters are considered. In particular, it has been found that the capture of HD 108874 into the 4: 1 resonance is possible only if the angle between the plane of planetary orbits and the plane of sky is appreciably less than 90°, i.e., the planetary masses are a few times larger than the minimum values. The capture of HD 202206 into the 5: 1 resonance is possible at low migration rates; however, another mechanism is required to explain the high observed eccentricity of the inner planet (for example, strong gravitational interaction between the planets). Resonant configurations can be disrupted due to the interaction between planets and remaining fragments of the planetesimal disk as, for example, may occur in the three-planet system 47 UMa. The specific orbital features observed for this system are explained.  相似文献   

The temporary capture of the dust grains in the exterior resonances with planets is studied in the frames of the planar circular three-body problem with Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. For the Earth and particles ~ 10 m the resonances 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 are shown to be most effective. The capture is only temporary (of order 105 years) and the position of resonance may be calculated from semi-analytical model using averaged disturbing function. These semi-analytical results are confirmed by numerical integration. For various planet this picture changes as with increasing planetary mass the more exterior resonances become more important. We showed that for Jupiter (at least in the space between Jupiter and Saturn) the resonance 1/2 plays the dominant role. The capture time is here several myr but again eccentricity is evolving to eccentricity e 0 ~ 0.48 of libration point for this resonance.  相似文献   

D. Nesvorný  S. Ferraz-Mello 《Icarus》1997,130(2):247-258
The frequency map analysis was applied to the fairly realistic models of the 2/1, 3/2, and 4/3 jovian resonances and the results were compared with the asteroidal distribution at these commensurabilities. The presence of the Hecuba gap at the 2/1 and of the Hilda group in the 3/2 is explained on the basis of different rates of the chaotic transport (diffusion) in these resonances. The diffusion in the most stable 2/1-resonant region is almost two orders in magnitude faster than the diffusion in the region which accommodates the Hildas. In the 2/1 commensurability there are two possible locations for long-surviving asteroids: the one centered at an eccentricity of 0.3 near the libration stable centers with small libration amplitude and the other at a slightly lower eccentricity with a moderate libration amplitude (∼90°). Surprisingly, all asteroids observed in the 2/1 resonance (8 numbered and multi-opposition objects in Bowell's catalog from 1994) occupy the moderate-libration area and avoid the area in a close vicinity of the libration stable centers. Possible explanations of this fact were discussed. Concerning the 4/3 resonance, the only asteroid in the corresponding stable region is 279 Thule, in spite of the fact that this region is almost as regular (although not as extensive) as the one where the Hilda group in the 3/2, with 79 members, is found.  相似文献   

Jiang & Yeh proposed gas-drag-induced resonant capture as a mechanism able to explain the dominant 3:2 resonance observed in the trans-Neptunian belt. Using a model of a disc–star–planet system they concluded that gaseous drag in a protoplanetary disc can trap trans-Neptunian object (TNO) embryos into the 3:2 resonance rather easily although it could not trap objects into the 2:1 resonance. Here we further investigate this scenario using numerical simulations within the context of the planar restricted four-body problem by including both present-day Uranus and Neptune. Our results show that mean motion and corotation resonances are possible and trapping into both the 3:2 and 2:1 resonances as well as other resonances is observed. The associated corotation centres may easily form larger planetesimals from smaller ones. Corotation resonances evolve into pure Lindblad resonances in a time-scale of 0.5 Myr. The non-linear corotation and mean motion resonances produced are very size selective. The 3:2 resonance is dominant for submetric particles but for larger particles the 2:1 resonance is stronger. In summary, our calculations show that confined chaotic motion around the resonances not only increases trapping efficiency but also the orbital eccentricities of the trapped material, modifying the relative abundance of trapped particles in different resonances. If we assume a more compact planetary system, instead of using the present-day values of the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune, our results remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

The factors which affect the linear stability of a periodic planetary orbit in the plane are studied. It is proved that planetary systems with two planets describing nearly circular orbits in the same direction are linearly stable and no perturbation exists which destroys the stability, unless a resonance of the form 1/3, 3/5, 5/7, ... among the orbits of the planets occurs. This latter resonant case is always unstable. Retrograde motion is always linearly stable. Planetary systems with three or more planets in nearly circular orbits in the same direction are proved to be unstable, in the sense that a Hamiltonian perturbation always exists which destroys the stability. The generation of instability in the case of three or more planets is not only due to the existence of resonances, as in the case of two planets, but also to the nonexistence of integrals of motion, apart from the energy and angular momentum integrals. It is also proved that planetary systems with nearly elliptic orbits of the planets are unstable.  相似文献   

The general theory exposed in the first part of this paper is applied to the following resonances with Jupiter's motion : 3/2, 2/1, 5/2, 3/1, 7/2, 4/1; these are the most relevant resonances for the asteroids. The whole analysis is performed in the framework of the spatial problem of three bodies, both in the circular and in the elliptic case. The results are also compared with the observed distribution of the asteroids.  相似文献   

Orbital resonances may have played an important role in determining the locations where the planetesimal swarm eventually accreted into full-size planets. Several pairs of planets do indeed have commensurable orbital periods at present, but the case for control of planet formation by resonances is weakened by the fact that many pairs are not commensurable and that those which are do not necessarily exist at the strongest resonances. However, the mass loss and redistribution that occurred in the early solar system evolution can substantially alter the positions of planets and planetary embryos within the swarm. A cascaded resonance structure is hypothesized where planetesimal growth was accelerated at 2:1 interior and 1:2 exterior resonances with an early-formed Jupiter producing runaway growth of planetary embryos. These embryos produce their own resonances which, in turn, lead to additional embryos in a process that successively propagates inward and outward to generate a resonant configuration of embryos. In this manner, the early presence of Jupiter imposed a harmonic structure on the accumulating planetesimal swarm. For an accretion disk with surface density obeying a power law of index ?1.2 the positions of the planetary embryos can be moved into a reasonably good agreement with most of the present planetary positions that is as good as that given by the Titius-Bode law.  相似文献   

The final stage in the formation of terrestrial planets consists of the accumulation of ∼1000-km “planetary embryos” and a swarm of billions of 1-10 km “planetesimals.” During this process, water-rich material is accreted by the terrestrial planets via impacts of water-rich bodies from beyond roughly 2.5 AU. We present results from five high-resolution dynamical simulations. These start from 1000-2000 embryos and planetesimals, roughly 5-10 times more particles than in previous simulations. Each simulation formed 2-4 terrestrial planets with masses between 0.4 and 2.6 Earth masses. The eccentricities of most planets were ∼0.05, lower than in previous simulations, but still higher than for Venus, Earth and Mars. Each planet accreted at least the Earth's current water budget. We demonstrate several new aspects of the accretion process: (1) The feeding zones of terrestrial planets change in time, widening and moving outward. Even in the presence of Jupiter, water-rich material from beyond 2.5 AU is not accreted for several millions of years. (2) Even in the absence of secular resonances, the asteroid belt is cleared of >99% of its original mass by self-scattering of bodies into resonances with Jupiter. (3) If planetary embryos form relatively slowly, then the formation of embryos in the asteroid belt may have been stunted by the presence of Jupiter. (4) Self-interacting planetesimals feel dynamical friction from other small bodies, which has important effects on the eccentricity evolution and outcome of a simulation.  相似文献   

We perform numerical simulations to study the secular orbital evolution and dynamical structure of the quintuplet planetary system 55 Cancri with the self-consistent orbital solutions by Fischer and coworkers. In the simulations, we show that this sys-tem can be stable for at least 108 yr. In addition, we extensively investigate the planetary configuration of four outer companions with one terrestrial planet in the wide region of 0.790 AU ≤ a ≤ 5.900 AU to examine the existence of potential asteroid structure and Habitable Zones (HZs). We show that there are unstable regions for orbits about 4:1, 3:1 and 5:2 mean motion resonances (MMRs) of the outermost planet in the system, and sev-eral stable orbits can remain at 3:2 and 1:1 MMRs, which resembles the asteroid belt in the solar system. From a dynamical viewpoint, proper HZ candidates for the existence of more potential terrestrial planets reside in the wide area between 1.0 AU and 2.3 AU with relatively low eccentricities.  相似文献   

We have shown, in previous publications, that stable chaos is associated with medium/high-order mean motion resonances with Jupiter, for which there exist no resonant periodic orbits in the framework of the elliptic restricted three-body problem. This topological “defect” results in the absence of the most efficient mechanism of eccentricity transport (i.e., large-amplitude modulation on a short time scale) in three-body models. Thus, chaotic diffusion of the orbital elements can be quite slow, while there can also exist a nonnegligible set of chaotic orbits which are semiconfined (stable chaos) by “quasi-barriers” in the phase space. In the present paper we extend our study to all mean motion resonances of order q≤9 in the inner main belt (1.9-3.3 AU) and q≤7 in the outer belt (3.3-3.9 AU). We find that, out of the 34 resonances studied, only 8 possess resonant periodic orbits that are continued from the circular to the elliptic three-body problem (regular families), namely, the 2/1, 3/1, 4/1, and 5/2 in the inner belt and the 7/4, 5/3, 11/7, and 3/2 in the outer belt. Numerical results indicate that the 7/3 resonance also carries periodic orbits but, unlike the aforementioned resonances, 7/3-periodic orbits belong to an irregular family. Note that the five inner-belt resonances that carry periodic orbits correspond to the location of the main Kirkwood gaps, while the three outer-belt resonances correspond to gaps in the distribution of outer-belt asteroids noted by Holman and Murray (1996, Astron. J.112, 1278-1293), except for the 3/2 case where the Hildas reside. Fast, intermittent eccentricity increase is found in resonances possessing periodic orbits. In the remaining resonances the time-averaged elements of chaotic orbits are, in general, quite stable, at least for times t∼250 Myr. This slow diffusion picture does not change qualitatively, even if more perturbing planets are included in the model.  相似文献   

The influence of gas drag and gravitational perturbations by a planetary embryo on the orbit of a planetesimal in the solar nebula was examined. Non-Keplerian rotation of the gas causes secular decay of the orbit. If the planetesimal's orbit is exterior to the perturber's, resonant perturbations oppose this drag and can cause it to be trapped in a stable orbit at a commensurability of order j/(j + 1), where j is an integer. Numerical and analytical demonstrations show that resonant trapping occurs for wide ranges of perturbing mass, planetesimal size, and j. Induced eccentricities are large, causing overlap of orbits for bodies in different resonances with j > 2. Collisions between planetesimals in different resonances, or between resonant and nonresonant bodies, result in their disruption. Fragments smaller than a critical size can pass through resonances under the influence of drag and be accreted by the embryo. This effect speeds accretion and tends to prevent dynamical isolation of planetary embryos, making gas-rich scenarios for planetary formation more plausible.  相似文献   

We consider a planetary system consisting of two primaries, namely a star and a giant planet, and a massless secondary, say a terrestrial planet or an asteroid, which moves under their gravitational attraction. We study the dynamics of this system in the framework of the circular and elliptic restricted three-body problem, when the motion of the giant planet describes circular and elliptic orbits, respectively. Originating from the circular family, families of symmetric periodic orbits in the 3/2, 5/2, 3/1, 4/1 and 5/1 mean-motion resonances are continued in the circular and the elliptic problems. New bifurcation points from the circular to the elliptic problem are found for each of the above resonances, and thus, new families continued from these points are herein presented. Stable segments of periodic orbits were found at high eccentricity values of the already known families considered as whole unstable previously. Moreover, new isolated (not continued from bifurcation points) families are computed in the elliptic restricted problem. The majority of the new families mainly consists of stable periodic orbits at high eccentricities. The families of the 5/1 resonance are investigated for the first time in the restricted three-body problems. We highlight the effect of stable periodic orbits on the formation of stable regions in their vicinity and unveil the boundaries of such domains in phase space by computing maps of dynamical stability. The long-term stable evolution of the terrestrial planets or asteroids is dependent on the existence of regular domains in their dynamical neighbourhood in phase space, which could host them for long-time spans. This study, besides other celestial architectures that can be efficiently modelled by the circular and elliptic restricted problems, is particularly appropriate for the discovery of terrestrial companions among the single-giant planet systems discovered so far.  相似文献   

We investigate symmetric periodic orbits in the framework of the planar, circular, restricted, three-body problem. Having fixed the mass of the primary equal to that of Jupiter, we determine the linear stability of a number of periodic orbits for different values of the eccentricity. A systematic study of internal resonances, with frequency p/q with 2p 9, 1 q 5 and 4/3 p/q 5, offers an overall picture of the stability character of inner orbits. For each resonance we compute the stability of the two possible periodic orbits. A similar analysis is performed for some external periodic orbits.Furthermore, we let the mass of the primary vary and we study the linear stability of the main resonances as a function of the eccentricity and of the mass of the primary. These results lead to interesting conclusions about the stability of exosolar planetary systems. In particular, we study the stability of Earth-like planets in the planetary systems HD168746, GI86, 47UMa,b and HD10697.  相似文献   

We consider a two-planet system migrating under the influence of dissipative forces that mimic the effects of gas-driven (Type II) migration. It has been shown that, in the planar case, migration leads to resonant capture after an evolution that forces the system to follow families of periodic orbits. Starting with planets that differ slightly from a coplanar configuration, capture can, also, occur and, additionally, excitation of planetary inclinations has been observed in some cases. We show that excitation of inclinations occurs, when the planar families of periodic orbits, which are followed during the initial stages of planetary migration, become vertically unstable. At these points, vertical critical orbits may give rise to generating stable families of \(3D\) periodic orbits, which drive the evolution of the migrating planets to non-coplanar motion. We have computed and present here the vertical critical orbits of the \(2/1\) and \(3/1\) resonances, for various values of the planetary mass ratio. Moreover, we determine the limiting values of eccentricity for which the “inclination resonance” occurs.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Gayon and Bois 2008a), we have shown the general efficiency of retrograde resonances for stabilizing compact planetary systems. Such retrograde resonances can be found when two-planets of a three-body planetary system are both in mean motion resonance and revolve in opposite directions. For a particular two-planet system, we have also obtained a new orbital fit involving such a counter-revolving configuration and consistent with the observational data. In the present paper, we analytically investigate the three-body problem in this particular case of retrograde resonances. We therefore define a new set of canonical variables allowing to express correctly the resonance angles and obtain the Hamiltonian of a system harboring planets revolving in opposite directions. The acquiring of an analytical “rail” may notably contribute to a deeper understanding of our numerical investigation and provides the major structures related to the stability properties. A comparison between our analytical and numerical results is also carried out.  相似文献   

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