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Struck E 《Erdkunde》1985,39(1):50-55
An analysis of changes in migration patterns since World War II between inner Anatolia and eastern Anatolia in Turkey is presented. Four periods are distinguished, the exploratory period until 1950, seasonal migration until 1960, mass migration up to the present, and marriage migration from 1975 to the present. The linkages between previous and potential migrants are noted. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

Migration trends in Italy since the early 1970s are reviewed. The author notes that a change occurred during the 1970s away from south-north migration and migration to the largest cities toward migration to the northeast and center of the country and toward medium-sized cities. Furthermore, overall mobility declined, and short-range migration as a percentage of overall migration increased. The implications of these trends for spatial policy and the implications of a growth of immigration are considered. (SUMMARY IN ENG AND FRE)  相似文献   

Until World War II, Torres Strait Islanders were restricted in their distribution to the Torres Strait itself. Since that time, migration to the Australian mainland has contributed to a significant redistribution with the majority of Torres Strait Islanders now resident in the major cities of eastern Australia. Despite the importance of migration in determining Torres Strait Islander involvement in the labour market, study of their population movement has been limited and such analysis as does exist is unsystematic, spatially restricted and generally dated. This paper is therefore an attempt to draw from the literature what is known about the redistribution of Torres Strait Islanders and to supplement this with an analysis of the most recently available internal migration data from the 1986 and 1991 censuses. While it appears that the search for employment was an important stimulant for migration in the past, this is probably less so now, not least because Torres Strait Islanders now find themselves located in places where labour markets exist. No evidence is found from the 1986 Census to support the idea of sustained redistribution away from areas of long standing settlement in northern Queensland. This contrasts intuitively with distribution patterns revealed by the 1991 Census, and the extent to which this discrepancy is due to migration or census error raises a critical issue in the analysis of Islander population change.  相似文献   

张洪岩  王蕾  刘德赢 《地理科学》2011,31(9):1078-1083
基于历史文献和史料,利用地理信息系统技术,对19世纪中期至2000年中国朝鲜族人口数据进行分析,阐述其人口迁移特征及聚居区分布格局。朝鲜族大规模迁移至中国东北始于19世纪后期。1949年以前,朝鲜族主要分布在东北;解放初人口数变化不大,朝鲜战争爆发后东北朝鲜族人口小幅增加,改革开放后朝鲜族逐渐南迁,全国各省均有分布,传统聚居区人数减少。朝鲜族的阶段迁移导致其人口再分布现象及聚居区规模的变化。朝鲜族早期迁移形成北满、南满、东满、东边道和关内五个聚居区;延边朝鲜族自治州成立之初,全国近半数朝鲜族聚居于此,聚居规模较稳定;改革开放后,朝鲜族由传统聚居区逐渐向南迁移,形成以北京、青岛、上海、深圳为中心的新聚居区。探讨朝鲜族的人口迁移规律及聚居区分布格局,为促进朝鲜族人口与社会的协调发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

There appears to have been a shift in the nature of forced migration since the end of the Cold War: the total number of refugees worldwide has been declining since the latter part of the 1990s, while the number of internally displaced people has risen. This paper reflects on some aspects of this shift. First, it attempts to place internal displacement in the broader arena of forced migration: it locates internally displaced people within a simple schema which seeks to account for different forms of forced migration and to show the connections between them. Some cases of internal displacement in Sri Lanka are examined to show the close links between different kinds of migratory movement. The paper then suggests some reasons, apart from the increase in numbers, for the increase in interest in internally displaced persons in both the academic and policy arenas. Specifically, it attempts to set the issue of internal displacement within the current debate on the 'refugee regime', especially the controversy about 'containment' of would-be asylum seekers in their countries of origin. The paper concludes that understanding the complex dynamics between different forms of migration, internal and international, is needed for the construction of an effective 'refugee regime'.  相似文献   

Is it possible that education in the Global South leads to emigration and is therefore detrimental to development prospects? For the Pacific Islands region, this issue is particularly pertinent, given the high rates of migration and the strong emphasis placed on education as a basis for development. Although our knowledge of the bilateral relations between, respectively, education and development, education and migration, and migration and development have advanced, we know very little of the complex interplay between the three. In this article, we suggest a new approach to the trilateral relationship among education, migration and development in the Pacific Islands which may have implications beyond that region.  相似文献   


Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

This paper examines circular labour migration between Australia and the Philippines by bringing Australian immigration policies and Philippine diaspora strategies under the same analytical framework. An extensive Philippine bureaucracy regulates migrants at each stage of the circular migration cycle, and as a sending state it has an interest in migrants staying temporarily in host countries such as Australia. The requirement to return home at the end of an overseas work contract compels migrants to remain attached to the sending state, their homeland, and return subsequently. However, Australia is allowing a route for temporary migrants to apply for permanent residency while in the host country. This has implications for sending states that rely on migrant ties to the homeland. The paper argues that analysing the intersections between the themes of migration, development and diaspora strategies reveals the multiple meanings of temporariness during migration and in migration studies. It questions whether associating temporariness with precariousness and marginalization is an accurate representation of the complex conditions underpinning circular labour migration.  相似文献   

Australia's labour market is most influenced by international migration among OECD nations, but Australian research on this issue focuses almost exclusively on permanent settlement migration. The present paper, however, demonstrates that non-permanent migration has an important impact on the Australian labour market, although such migrants are not included in standard data collections and research on migrants and the labour market. A number of data sources are utilised to estimate the labour-market impact of Working Holiday Makers, Temporary Business Entrants, Overseas Students, and New Zealand temporary migrants. It is shown that their impact is equivalent to more than 400?000 full-time jobs. However, the effect is magnified because it is concentrated in particular sectors of the economy and in particular communities within Australia. A number of issues relating to temporary migration are discussed, including the nature of its relationship with permanent migration, the effects on job training, and the implications for regional development.  相似文献   


What is successful migration? At a macro-socio-political level migration by individuals may appear to be successful when it has met the objectives of governments, industries and domestic profit makers. However, delving beneath the surface can reveal contradictions and other measures of success at the individual, or micro-level. Within a broader critical historical ethnography, we interviewed 26 post-World War 2 (WW2) British migrants living in South Australia. All interviewees could be viewed as successful at the macro-level, having remained in Australia for many years and having established multi-generational Australian families. Their migration was a ‘success’ when measured against the priorities that were actively promoted by Australian governments in the post-WW2 period. At a micro-level, the migrants involved in this study reported mixed outcomes. While migration did result in self-identified aims of migration including employment, opportunities and adventure, some migrants reported high levels of distress and longing, linked to loss and dislocation from people and places in geographically distant locales. For some, these feelings extended into the present, raising questions over the ‘success’ of their migration experiences at a personal level. We argue that pro-active migration recruitment—such as that undertaken by Australian governments in the post-WW2 period—has the potential to pressure some persons into migration, creating ongoing and unresolvable tensions. Experiences of such disruptions merit further exploration to develop deeper critical understandings of migration success.  相似文献   

The role of organizations in migration has received less attention than warranted; individual choice has typically been emphasized. As an in‐depth illustration, we consider refugee resettlement in the United States, post–World War II, wherein intermediary organizations play(ed) a major role. Central to this system are voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) and community organizations, but secondary migration also is critical. Attention is given to all refugees between 2000 and 2010, and in greater detail to Somalis. The latter provides deeper understanding through state refugee coordinators and case studies of Columbus, Ohio, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Lewiston, Maine. Aside from process, it is evident that the geography of the foreign‐born settlement has been altered. While refugee resettlement and subsequent migration is the example, we broaden that to argue that migration studies have neglected the derived nature of movement via intermediary organizations; directed migrations and/or similar interventions have played a significant, if not dominant, role in population redistribution; and organization‐led migration should be considered in terms of general aspects, not simply as discrete case studies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the dispersal of facilities where family members migrate to different destination countries. Terminology for internationally dispersed families is proposed, and the term branch migration is suggested for the migration of related people from the same source country to different destination countries. Data from two 1993 surveys of senior secondary students show that 22% of Sydney students and 20% of Hong Kong students have relatives in two or more other countries. The data suggest that many Asian migrant families have branched between the US, Canada, Australia and other migrant-receiving nations. The causes and implications of the international dispersal of families are discussed.  相似文献   

林李月  朱宇  柯文前 《地理研究》2021,40(5):1515-1528
人口空间分布格局的改变既是区域协调发展战略实施的结果,也是推进区域协调发展的重要手段之一。本文以流动人口的回流空间意愿作为切入点,采用全国性大规模抽样问卷调查数据,对流动人口回流的空间意愿、群体差异和影响因素进行研究,并探讨其对区域协调发展和新型城镇化的政策含义。研究发现,流动人口的回流意愿薄弱;对具有回流意愿的流动人口来说,回流空间的路径选择以返回原居地为主、乡镇中心和县城为辅。模型结果显示,流动人口回流空间选择不仅是其人力资本和流动经历正向选择的结果,也显著地受到流出地住房和流入地的就业收入和养老保险等因素的影响,而流出地的家庭需求和空间成本则无显著影响。在此背景下,政策制定者不能高估人口回流对人口流动空间格局和人口均衡发展的调整作用,也不能高估回流劳动力对流出地城镇化和城乡协调发展的促进作用,而应加强流出地城镇自我可持续发展的能力,吸引人口主动回流,以推进区域协调发展和新型城镇化战略的落实。  相似文献   

Janet Dobson  John Stillwell 《Area》2000,32(4):395-401
Summary The purpose of this contribution is to draw attention to a particular sub-group of the population whose migration behaviour has been largely neglected by population geographers but whose activities are of sufficient extent and consequence to require closer investigation. The paper outlines some evidence of the magnitude and geography of internal and international child migration in Britain in the 1990s and argues that research might usefully focus on the relationship between child migration and the school system, and the implications of this interdependence for public policy.  相似文献   

全球化视角的区域主义与区域一体化理论阐释   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王珏  陈雯 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1082-1091
区域一体化作为重要的区域发展模式, 历来是地理学者关注的焦点。本文通过对区域一体化相关概念的辨析, 回顾区域主义发展历程, 并概括全球化赋予区域一体化的新内涵, 提出目前区域一体化研究的不足之处, 以期为区域经济发展研究提供有益的启示。区域主义与全球化是塑造当今世界经济格局的两种重要的力量, 自19世纪以来, 区域主义就伴随着全球化的趋势产生了4 次思想浪潮的变革;与此同时, 区域一体化的理论趋于系统化, 从早期的关税同盟理论、自由区贸易理论、大市场理论等以国际贸易为重点, 转而向空间、制度等方面扩展, 引入了新区域主义、新经济地理理论和新制度经济学等研究视角。随着区域行为主体的多元化、合作领域的深化、组织机制的复杂化, 形成了全球化背景下区域一体化新的内涵。根据国外的研究进展和国内区域一体化的现实需求, 未来应该对主权国家内部跨界一体化理论、内涵等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

"This paper focuses on pre-elderly (ages 55-64) net migration in the United States for the period 1980-90, to explore the hypothesis that there exists a ?retirement transition' that characterizes pre-elderly migration.... This research uses ordinary least squares regression to compare the effects of demographic, economic, and amenity factors on county-level net migration rates for five age groups: the young (25-44), the middle-aged (45-54), the pre-elderly (55-64), the young-old (65-74), and the old-old (75+). Pre-elderly migration patterns emerge as distinct from those of both younger and older age groups. Their net migration patterns are not fully shaped by labour force considerations. At the same time, pre-elderly migration appears to be driven by factors beyond retirement. These findings are discussed in the context of life-course change and their implications for the ageing baby-boom cohorts [considered]."  相似文献   

We used MODIS NDVI data to determine whether there was a significant change in cultivated area along the Euphrates River in Iraq after the Iraq War compared to before and during the war. Results revealed that mean cultivated area was largest during the pre–Iraq War period (2000–2003) with 99,115 Mha, reduced some during the early Iraq War period (2003–2006) to 83,480 Mha, reduced even further during the late Iraq War period (2007–2011) to 53,813 Mha due to drought, and increased slightly during the post–Iraq War period (2012–2015) to 69,161 Mha, although not returning to previous highs of the pre–Iraq War or early Iraq War periods. Statistical analysis with the Kruskal–Wallis test revealed that the small cultivated area during the post–Iraq War period was more closely related to the late Iraq War and drought period than previous periods, indicating that recent instability, such as political turmoil following the departure of U.S. troops, violent militant extremism, lack of economic investment, and environmental degradation, has had a similar effect on cultivated area as a devastating drought.  相似文献   

This paper explores alternative understandings and experiences of migration under neoliberalism in Ecuador. Through the case study, the study examines migrants' multiple motivations for mobility and their ambivalence toward the process. Insights from the transnational migration literature were drawn in order to think through the implications of an increasingly contradictory context of economic modernization and its impact upon the sense of possibilities and belonging of migrants. In-depth interviews with urban-destined migrants in Ecuador were drawn to argue that mobility produces ambivalent development subjects. This argument is developed in three sections. First, the paper centers on the epistemological and theoretical basis for the relevance of migrant narratives in extending theorizations of migration. Second, in-depth interviews with migrants to Quito are drawn to explore migrants' sense of belonging and regional affiliation, identity formation through migration, and experiences of alienation and disruption in their lives. Lastly, this paper concludes with a retheorization of the role of migration places in the migrant identity construction.  相似文献   

The Norwegian-Soviet boundary is of unusual interest for several reasons. Its long history involves the territories of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia and has been complicated by the migration of nomadic Lapps1 and by changing Norwegian sovereignty (in relation to Denmark and Sweden), Finnish sovereignty (in relation to Sweden and Russia) and by revolutionary changes in the government of Russia. The boundary was also closely concerned in events at the end of the first World War, in the so-called ”Winter War” between Finland and the Soviet Union (1939—10), in the Nazi occupation of Norway and Finland (1940—44), and the subsequent liberation of northeastern Norway and Finland by Soviet armies late in 1944.

The region adjacent to the boundary is significant for other reasons: It contains valuable resources — especially iron ore and nickel; the Pasvik River has potential value for hydro-electric development, and for floating lumber northward toward a region where wood is scarce; there are relatively fertile soils and a mild climate whereas the surrounding area is generally unproductive. The Pasvik valley is the natural trade route between northern Finland and the open waters of Varanger Fjord, and conversely, from the Kirkenes area to southern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

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