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三峡水库蓄水后荆江洲滩变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛兴华  常胜  宋鄂平 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1714-1727
目前对三峡水库蓄水后荆江河段的洲滩演变还缺乏完整认识。基于三峡水库蓄水前后枯水期遥感影像,分析了荆江洲滩的冲淤变化与分布及形态演变。结果表明,蓄水后荆江洲滩总面积持续冲刷减小,累计冲刷4.56 km2,大部分发生在蓄水后前6年(冲刷速率0.55 km2/a)。上、下荆江洲滩的冲淤演变存在差异性。上荆江洲滩总面积一直处于冲刷萎缩中,且其强度明显大于下荆江,累计冲刷6.46 km2;下荆江前期(2002-2009年)冲刷、后期(2009-2015年)淤增,累计淤1.90 km2。在冲淤分布上,上荆江凸岸滩持续冲刷萎缩,凹岸滩前期冲刷、后期略有淤增,心滩(洲)前期淤积增长而后期冲刷萎缩;下荆江主要是凸岸滩冲刷,凹岸滩和心滩(洲)有所发展。根据滩体位置活动和冲淤动态性,荆江心滩(洲)演变被划分为8种典型类型。在形态演变上,上荆江以凸岸突出滩体和边滩发育的凹岸滩冲刷显著,形态变化不大。下荆江凸岸滩上游弯侧冲蚀后退、湾顶退缩、下游弯侧淤积伸长,形态趋向低弯扁平化,在高弯曲特定河湾平面形态格局下凸岸冲刷—淤积过程延伸到相邻河湾凹岸,成为下荆江凹岸滩和心滩淤积发展的重要因素,但淤积一般不越过凹岸湾顶。  相似文献   

三峡大坝下游水位变化与河道形态调整关系研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
三峡水库蓄水利用已有13年,对坝下游洪、枯水位和河道形态调整的影响已初步显现,通过对1955-2016年长江中游水位、河道地形等资料的分析,结果表明:① 坝下游各水文站同流量枯水位下降、洪水位变化不大,最低水位上升,最高水位下降趋势;② 2002年10月-2015年10月枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽冲刷量的95.5%,冲淤分布由蓄水前“冲槽淤滩”转为“滩槽均冲”,不同蓄水阶段存在差异;③ 河槽冲刷过程中,上荆江及以上河段枯水位下降趋势趋缓,下荆江及以下河段下降速率增加,应采取防控措施遏制河道水位下降趋势;④ 枯水河槽冲刷是长江中下游航道水深提升的基础,枯水位降幅小于深槽下切深度,在河道和航道整治工程综合作用下航道尺度提升,提前5年实现了2020年航道尺度规划目标;⑤ 平滩水位以上河槽形态调整不大,在河床粗化、岸滩植被、人类活动等综合作用下河道综合阻力增加,出现了中洪水流量—高水位现象,应引起足够重视。三峡水库汛期调蓄作用可有效提升中下游洪水防御能力,但不排除遭遇支流洪水叠加效应,中下游洪水压力仍然较大。  相似文献   

长江三峡水坝下游河道悬沙恢复和床沙补给机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
流域水库工程的修建,将改变坝下游原有的水沙输移过程,三峡水库蓄水作用对坝下游水沙输移的影响已初步显现。具体表现为:① 三峡水库坝下游洪水持续时间和流量被削减,下泄沙量大幅减少,沿程上输沙量虽得到一定恢复,但总量仍未超过蓄水前多年均值;② 2003-2014年d > 0.125 mm(粗)输沙量得到一定恢复,至监利站恢复程度最大,基本达到蓄水前均值,在恢复后其下游该组分泥沙冲淤特性与蓄水前一致,其中2008-2014年恢复程度弱于2003-2007年;③ 三峡水库蓄水后坝下游d < 0.125 mm(细)输沙量沿程上得到一定程度恢复,但总量仍小于蓄水前均值;④ 三峡水库蓄水后坝下游d > 0.125 mm泥沙输移量因河床补给作用,沿程上得到恢复,但补给量将不超过0.44亿t/y,主要受制于洪水持续时间及流量均值,而上游干流、河段间支流和湖泊分汇作用占次要地位,而d < 0.125 mm悬沙恢复受上游干流、区间支流和湖泊分汇及河床补给控制,因河床粗化使得床沙对细颗粒悬沙的补给作用减弱;⑤ 2003-2007年和2008-2014年两时段间宜昌至枝城、上荆江为粗细均冲,下荆江为淤粗冲细,汉口至大通河段为淤粗冲细,城陵矶至汉口河段2003-2007年为淤粗冲细,2008-2014年为粗细均冲,这一差异受控于螺山站洪水流量持续时间和量值。  相似文献   

1570—1971年长江镇扬河段江心沙洲的演变过程及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨霄 《地理学报》2020,75(7):1512-1522
受黄河夺淮的影响,从1570年开始淮河下游由向东独流入海逐渐演变为南下入江,成为长江一条支流。这一变化为长江河流地貌的演变增加了新的变量,改变了长江镇扬河段原有的河槽特征和水流结构,洲滩冲淤、岸线进退随之发生变化。本文使用历史文献考证与古地图判读相结合的研究方法,对淮河入江口外沙洲群的形成年代与演变过程进行考证,认为裕民洲、南新洲等沙洲至少在17世纪前已经存在于淮河入江口外,是成化、弘治年间藤料沙等沦没后新淤长的沙洲。淮河入江后上述沙洲不断扩大、与新淤长沙洲一起向北并岸,致使镇扬河段北汊消亡,并由江心洲型河床向弯曲型河床转化。曲流的形成又使位于上游凹岸的瓜洲受到侵蚀,而位于凸岸的镇江不断淤积,长江镇扬河段逐渐演变为今天的面貌。  相似文献   

师长兴 《地理科学》2016,36(6):895-901
对黄河内蒙古段河道大断面进行了连续4 a的测量,分析了断面泥沙冲淤与形态调整的变化过程;通过对河床形态指标变化与水沙条件的相关分析,揭示了河床调整主要的影响因素。结果显示:近4 a内不存在河槽萎缩的现象,整个河段河道存在总的冲刷降低的趋势,继承了自2004年以来该段河道以深度加大为主,河槽逐渐缓慢扩大的变化方向。整个河段平均从2011年汛后至2014年汛后,全断面冲刷了64 m2,河槽河底降低了0.16 m,河槽断面面积增加了4.4%,平均深度增加了4.9%,河槽宽度只增加了0.88%,河槽宽深比减小了4.8%。河槽冲刷和形态调整主要发生在2011年汛后至2012年汛后期间,与2012年较大的洪峰有关。分析河槽冲淤和断面形态变化与水沙条件的关系,结果显示滩唇高度、河槽过水面积、平均深度及宽深比变率与流量大小关系密切。滩唇高度、河槽过水面积、平均深度随着流量的增大而增加,宽深比随着流量的增大而减小。相反,河床断面面积和主槽宽度的变化与水沙条件的关系不显著。除了滩唇高度与平均含沙量有关外,平均含沙量和来沙系数与河床冲淤以及河槽形态变化之间关系都不显著。揭示出近年来内蒙河道主槽以垂向冲淤为主,并且流量变化控制着河槽冲淤与形态调整过程。  相似文献   

前山河水力排污冲淤联合调度试验及效果分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黎坤  曾彩华  江涛  陈军 《地理科学》2006,26(1):101-106
以排污冲淤为目的,改变原有水利工程设施的常规调度方式,通过水利工程设施的联合调度,大量引入西江磨刀门水道丰富和干净的水源,加大前山河河道内水流流速和流量,对河道进行排污冲淤,达到改善河道水质的目的。试验结果表明,试验排污效果好,水质得到明显改善;经过大流量冲刷,河床主槽加深,但在下游水闸关闭后,水流携带的泥沙在下游沉积,出口附近河床反而出现淤积;河道底质的变化与与河床的冲淤有很大关联,试验后,河道上游底泥受到冲刷,底质明显改善,下游出口段发生淤积,底质指标恶化。试验具有冲污效果好、见效快、投资省、运行成本低等优点。  相似文献   

许炯心 《地理科学》2016,36(6):837-845
冲积河流平滩流量既反映了河道尺度上的水文-地貌耦合关系,又与流域因素密切相关。从这一概念出发,以黄河上游内蒙古河段为例,研究了平滩流量的变化,并在流域层面与河道层面上对其成因进行了研究。结果表明:上游水库调节改变了出库流量过程,使汛期流量大幅度减小,泄流过程均匀化,因而平滩流量减小。在龙羊峡水库修建后洪水流量减小导致漫滩机遇降低的情形下,泥沙淤在主槽内,也是平滩流量减小的重要原因。泥沙冲淤对于平滩流量的影响存在着某种累积或滞后效应,巴彦高勒平滩流量Qbf,BY不仅与当年的冲淤量有关,还与以前冲淤量有关,前4 a平均淤积量对平滩流量的影响最大。建立了平滩流量与前4 a累计淤积量、年均流量、年最大日流量的多元回归方程,该方程表明平滩流量既与当年的流量特征相联系,也与一定时间尺度上河道冲淤造成的后果相联系,反映了某种水文地貌耦合关系。研究还表明,存在着以下因果关系链:龙羊峡水库修建→汛期来沙系数增大→河道淤积加强→平滩流量减小。因此,通过改变龙羊峡水库的运用方式,增大汛期下泄流量,可以减小河道淤积、增大平滩流量,从而增大下泄洪水的能力,降低凌汛期间的防洪压力。平滩流量的变化是流域因素变化的结果,所建立的多元回归方程表明,在50 a的时间尺度上,暖干化指标的增大、引水率的增大、水库总库容的增大和天然径流系数的减小,是黄河上游平滩流量减小的原因。  相似文献   

上荆江枯水位对河床冲刷及水库调度的综合响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱玲玲  杨霞  许全喜 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1184-1194
为系统揭示长江中游近期枯水情势及其对三峡水库蓄水的直接和间接响应,本文以冲刷剧烈、枯水位降幅最大的上荆江为例,通过统计其不同形式枯水位的变化特征,建立了水位下降与河床冲刷、水库不同运行方式的相关关系。结果表明,沙市站同流量枯水位几乎与枯水河槽河床平均高程等幅下降,枝城站枯水位下降幅度较小与本底河床形态、河床粗化及航道整治工程有关。上荆江汛前枯水位降幅、最低水位及极枯水位历时等枯水情势会受到三峡水库补水调度的影响,这种补水效应沿程递减,至沙市站补水调度仍然无法抵消河床下切对枯水位造成的影响。  相似文献   

水库运行改变了坝下游水沙输移条件,在河道冲刷的同时,引起水位过程出现适应性调整.本文以长江中游荆江河段为对象,采用多项式拟合法,对比分析1991-2016年间分级流量一水位变化特征,采用基于河流动力学原理的分离变量法,识别河道冲淤、下游控制水位及河床综合糙率等变化对分级流量-水位变化的影响程度.研究表明:1991-20...  相似文献   

重庆主城区河段河道泥沙冲淤事关防洪、航运及码头作业等,是三峡水库泥沙问题的重点内容之一。本文依据原型观测资料,以三峡水库175 m试验性蓄水前后河段的泥沙冲淤规律为基础,结合河床组成分析和一维数学模型,计算提出河段悬移质泥沙走沙基本条件,并应用于减淤调度实践中。结果表明:① 三峡水库175 m试验性蓄水后至2012年重庆主城区河段河床冲刷强度下降,主走沙期推迟至汛前消落期,2013年后上游来沙减少使得河床冲刷强度再次增大;② 当寸滩站流量大于4000 m 3/s、坝前水位低于167 m时,河段开始走沙;当寸滩站流量增大至超过5000 m 3/s、坝前水位下降至163 m时,河段走沙能力增强;加大水库自163 m水位的消落速度,能够避免库尾河段产生累积性淤积。  相似文献   

Elucidating the influence of dams on fluvial processes can inform river protection and basin management.However,relatively few studies have focused on how multiple factors interact to affect the morphological evolution of meandering reaches.Using hydrological and topographical data,we analyzed the factors that influence and regulate the meandering reaches downstream the Three Gorges Dam(TGD).Our conclusions are as follows.(1)The meandering reaches can be classified into two types based on their evolution during the pre-dam period:G1 reaches,characterized by convex point bar erosion and concave channel deposition(CECD),and G2 reaches,characterized by convex point bar deposition and concave channel erosion(CDCE).Both reach types exhibited CECD features during the post-dam period.(2)Flow processes and sediment transport are the factors that caused serious erosion of the low beaches located in the convex point bars.However,changes in the river regime,river boundaries and jacking of Dongting Lake do not act as primary controls on the morphological evolution of the meandering reaches.(3)Flood discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s result in greater erosion of convex point bars.The point bars become scoured if the durations of these flows,which are close to bankfull discharge,exceed 20 days.In addition,the reduction in bedload causes the decreasing of point bar siltation in the water-falling period.(4)During the post-dam period,flood abatement,the increased duration of discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s,and a significant reduction in sediment transport are the main factors that caused meandering reaches to show CECD features.Our results are relevant to other meandering reaches,where they can inform estimates of riverbed change,river management strategies and river protection.  相似文献   

Elucidating the influence of dams on fluvial processes can inform river protection and basin management. However, relatively few studies have focused on how multiple factors interact to affect the morphological evolution of meandering reaches. Using hydrological and topographical data, we analyzed the factors that influence and regulate the meandering reaches downstream the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). Our conclusions are as follows. (1) The meandering reaches can be classified into two types based on their evolution during the pre-dam period: G1 reaches, characterized by convex point bar erosion and concave channel deposition (CECD), and G2 reaches, characterized by convex point bar deposition and concave channel erosion (CDCE). Both reach types exhibited CECD features during the post-dam period. (2) Flow processes and sediment transport are the factors that caused serious erosion of the low beaches located in the convex point bars. However, changes in the river regime, river boundaries and jacking of Dongting Lake do not act as primary controls on the morphological evolution of the meandering reaches. (3) Flood discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s result in greater erosion of convex point bars. The point bars become scoured if the durations of these flows, which are close to bankfull discharge, exceed 20 days. In addition, the reduction in bedload causes the decreasing of point bar siltation in the water-falling period. (4) During the post-dam period, flood abatement, the increased duration of discharges ranging from 20,000 to 25,000 m3/s, and a significant reduction in sediment transport are the main factors that caused meandering reaches to show CECD features. Our results are relevant to other meandering reaches, where they can inform estimates of riverbed change, river management strategies and river protection.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of geomorphological setting on riparian zone sedimentation within a reach of the River Garonne, France, during three major floods. The sampling design was stratified to reflect landforms constructed by fluvial processes (e.g. floodplain, lateral benches, islands, side channels and point bars). Observed sedimentation varied significantly with flood event, planform context, landform type and associated vegetation cover and, in some cases, with sample location within the landform. Lowest sedimentation was associated with the flood with the smallest peak discharge, peak sediment concentration and sediment load. Sites under natural riparian vegetation experienced higher sedimentation than poplar plantations. Sites on concave (outer) banks received less sedimentation than those on convex (inner banks). Sedimentation on floodplain sites and higher benches was lower than on low benches, point bars and side channels. There was considerable interdependence among these patterns, reflecting the underlying geomorphological forms and processes. Meandering rivers tend to evolve through erosion of concave banks and deposition on convex banks. Point bar features tend to be built along convex banks, whilst concave banks are eroded into higher floodplain and bench features. As a result, concave banks tend to be bordered by higher riparian margins that are less frequently flooded than convex banks. Where river margins are developed for agriculture, the higher, less frequently flooded sites are preferentially selected.Analyses of the quantity, calibre, nutrient and carbon content of the deposited sediment reveal further significant relationships, which reflect the geomorphological structure of the riparian zone. Sediment particle size coarsens in locations with higher amounts of sedimentation. The quantities of total organic carbon (TOC), total organic nitrogen (TON) and total phosphorus (TP) all increase as the quantity of deposited sediment increases. The concentration of TOC and TON also increased significantly with an increase in the percentage of silt plus clay in the deposited sediments.Based upon the above observations, a conceptual model is proposed, which considers the spatial pattern in riparian zone sedimentation according to riparian morphology and flood magnitude. The implications of channel incision for the functioning of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地西部响水河河水与其河岸相互作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,半干旱地区的风水相互作用正成为风沙地貌研究的新热点,为探讨科尔沁沙地西部响水河河水与其河岸间的相互作用,通过对科尔沁沙地西部响水河的3个典型河段的6个断面的断面形态、流速进行现场实测,同步采集了31个水样,然后在室内对其泥沙含量进行测试,并推算断面流量。结果表明:由南向北3个河段瞬时流量和泥沙含量呈递增的趋势,集水效应十分明显;该河丰水期水量较为丰沛,河流与河岸间的相互作用明显且活跃,主要存在河水掏蚀河岸陡坡等5种相互作用的方式;当下风向陡岸弯道的法线方向与当地盛行风向一致时,气流发生明显汇聚,侵蚀加强,形成风蚀槽,且当风蚀槽接近谷底时,又为曲流的摆动创造了有利条件;河流受到沙丘前移的压迫与下风向河谷陡坡的阻挡,曲流较为发育但不完美,属于非自由曲流。  相似文献   

In this study, data measured from 1955-2016 were analysed to study the relationship between the water level and river channel geometry adjustment in the downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) after the impoundment of the dam. The results highlight the following facts: (1) for the same flow, the low water level decreased, flood water level changed little, lowest water level increased, and highest water level decreased at the hydrological stations in the downstream of the dam; (2) the distribution of erosion and deposition along the river channel changed from “erosion at channels and deposition at bankfulls” to “erosion at both channels and bankfulls;” the ratio of low-water channel erosion to bankfull channel erosion was 95.5% from October 2002 to October 2015, with variations between different impoundment stages; (3) the low water level decrease slowed down during the channel erosion in the Upper Jingjiang reach and reaches upstream but sped up in the Lower Jingjiang reach and reaches downstream; measures should be taken to prevent the decrease in the channel water level; (4) erosion was the basis for channel dimension upscaling in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River; the low water level decrease was smaller than the thalweg decline; both channel water depth and width increased under the combined effects of channel and waterway regulations; and (5) the geometry of the channels above bankfulls did not significantly change; however, the comprehensive channel resistance increased under the combined effects of riverbed coarsening, beach vegetation, and human activities; as a result, the flood water level increased markedly and moderate flood to high water level phenomena occurred, which should be considered. The Three Gorges Reservoir effectively enhances the flood defense capacity of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River; however, the superposition effect of tributary floods cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, > 50,000 dams and reforestation on the Yangtze River (Changjiang) have had little impact on water discharge but have drastically altered annual and particularly seasonal sediment discharge. Before impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) in June 2003, annual sediment discharge had decreased by 60%, and the hysteresis of seasonal rating curves in the upper reaches at Yichang station had shifted from clockwise to counterclockwise. In addition, the river channel in middle-lower reaches had changed from depositional to erosional in 2002.During the four years (2003–2006) after TGD impoundment, ~ 60% of sediment entering the Three Gorges Reservoir was trapped, primarily during the high-discharge months (June–September). Although periodic sediment deposition continues downstream of the TGD, during most months substantial erosion has occurred, supplying ~ 70 million tons per year (Mt/y) of channel-derived sediment to the lower reaches of the river. If sand extraction (~ 40 Mt/y) is taken into consideration, the river channel loses a total of 110 Mt/y. During the extreme drought year 2006, sediment discharge in the upper reaches drastically decreased to 9 Mt (only 2% of its 1950–1960s level) because of decreased water discharge and TGD trapping. In addition, Dongting Lake in the middle reaches, for the first time, changed from trapping net sediment from the mainstem to supplying 14 Mt net sediment to the mainstem. Severe channel erosion and drastic sediment decline have put considerable pressure on the Yangtze coastal areas and East China Sea.  相似文献   

Sandbars are of vital ecological and environmental significance, which however, have been intensively influenced by human activities. Morphodynamic processes of sandbars along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach of the Changjiang River, the channel immediately downstream of the Three Gorges Dam(TGD), are assessed based on remote sensing images between 2000 and 2016. It can be found that the entire area of sandbars reduces drastically by 19.23% from 149.04 km~2 in 2003 to 120.38 km~2 in 2016, accompanied with an increase in water surface width. Owing to differences in sediment grain size and anti-erosion capacity, sandbar area in the upstream sandy gravel reach(Yichang-Dabujie) and downstream sandy reach(Dabujie-Chenglingji) respectively decreases by 45.94%(from 20.79 km~2 to 11.24 km~2) and 14.93%(from 128.30 km~2 to 109.14 km~2). Furtherly, morphological evolutions of sandbars are affected by channel type: in straight-microbend channel, mid-channel sandbars exhibit downstream moving while maintaining the basic profile; in meandering channel, point sandbars show erosion and deposition in convex and concave bank respectively, with mid-channel sandbars distributing sporadically; in bending-branching channel, point sandbars experience erosion and move downstream while mid-channel sandbars show erosion in the head part along with retreating outline. We document that the primary mechanism of sandbars shrinkages along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach can be attributed to TGD induced suspended sediment concentration decreasing and increasing in unsaturation of sediment carrying capacity. Additionally, channel type can affect the morphological evolution of sandbars. Along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach, sandbars in straight-microbend channel are more affected by water flow than that in bending-branching channel.  相似文献   

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