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坡度和起伏度是地形描述中最常用的参数,它们能快速、直观地反映地势起伏特征;坡度是划分平原和非平原的重要依据之一,地势起伏度可进一步划分台地、丘陵、小起伏山地、中起伏山地和大起伏山地等类型,基本地貌类型就是由海拔和起伏度两个指标确定的形态类型,它是遥感解译划分更详细地貌类型的基础。本研究以福建省1∶25万和1∶10万的DEM为实验数据,计算坡度划分平原和山地大区,其临界坡度值约为3°;利用ArcG IS空间分析中栅格窗口递增方法,对应不同尺度的DEM,计算地势起伏度,确定研究区的最佳分析窗口面积为4.41km2,得出中国低山丘陵区计算基本地貌形态类型的最佳尺度DEM为1∶25万比例尺,而1∶10万比例尺DEM适用于没有连绵起伏的更小范围的低山丘陵区;利用已有研究成果得出不同尺度DEM计算地势起伏度与最佳格网单元之间的函数关系。该研究对提取我国低山丘陵区基本地貌形态类型具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

地貌是指地势高低起伏的变化,即地表的形态。地貌划分对气温、降水、太阳辐照等诸多应用领域都有着重要作用。本文选择空间分辨率为90 m的福建省的数字高程模型(DEM)数据作为地理信号,运用二维经验模态分解(BEMD)进行分解处理,得到多个具有不同尺度、不同物理意义的本征模函数(BIMF1-BIMF3)以及对应余量ORIG。这些BIMF分量对应不同尺度的微观地形,ORIG余量表现为该研究区的地貌分布趋势,体现了平原、丘陵与山地的大致分布区域。运用变点分析法确定最佳计算单元,利用地形起伏度对各个信号区域进行一级分类,依据绝对高度进行二级分类,最后将一级分类与二级分类相结合,实现对地形的分类,这一分类过程体现了研究地区地貌组合复杂的特征。结果表明:①叠加BIMF分量,提取出分量和大于74 m的区域为高频信号区域。该区域以小起伏度的低山为主,并伴随有丘陵和小起伏度中山。②ORIG余量中余量高度小于等于340 m的区域,去除其中包含的高频信号区域后为低频信号区域,该区域以平原、丘陵为主。③剩余区域定义为中频信号区域,该区域的地貌以平丘陵和小起伏的山地为主。研究成果表明福建地貌可分为7种主要类型:低频平原,低频丘陵,中频丘陵,高频丘陵,中频小起伏低山,高频小起伏低山,高频小起伏中山。  相似文献   

基于全国1:100万数字地貌数据库,全国2000、2005、2010年土地覆被数据和山西省行政区边界数据,采用土地覆被动态度、转移概率矩阵和地貌面积频度方法,分析了2000-2010年山西省基本地貌形态类型下的土地覆被变化。结果表明:(1)山西省的土地覆被类型以耕地、林地和草地为主,面积总和占省域面积的95%以上。面积变化的总体趋势是耕地和草地缩减,林地和建设用地持续增加。通过分析转移概率矩阵,表明2000-2005年和2005-2010年2个时段内,土地利用的主要转化趋势相似,即林地与草地之间大面积的相互转化,耕地、草地分别与建设用地之间的相互转化。(2)耕地和建设用地的分布,随着起伏度的增大而逐渐减小。林地分布随着起伏度的增加而逐步增大。从面积变化来看,耕地、林地和草地变化主要位于中起伏山地;水域变化主要集中在大起伏山地;建设用地变化主要分布于平原和台地;未利用地变化主要在小起伏山地。从动态度来看,耕地、草地和水域动态度,在大起伏山地地区最大;林地动态度在平原区最大;建设用地的动态度最大位于丘陵;未利用地在小起伏山地地区最大。(3)土地覆被类型之间的主要转化在地貌上也存着差异。平原地区林地的增加主要来自草地转化。台地和丘陵地区3个主要转化类型相似,2000-2005年主要是林地向草地退化,2005-2010年主要是林地和草地的相互转化。在小起伏山地地区,主要是草地和林地之间的相互转化,但草地转化为林地的面积较林地向草地的转化多。中起伏和大起伏山地地区主要以草地和耕地向林地的转化为主,也有较高比例的建设用地转化为林地。封山育林和退耕还林主要是在起伏较大的山地地区,毁林主要发生在地形平缓地区。  相似文献   

隆林各族自治县位于广西西北部,距百色市213km,处在桂、滇、黔三省交界地带。该县总面积3543km~2,石山面积占总面积的34.92%,土山面积占65.08%;总人口35.4万,其中少数民族人口占到了85%以上;是广西28个国家贫困县之一,也是电站库区,"九五"国家重点工程天生桥一、二级水电站和平班水电站就在该县境内建设,电站淹没区涉及5个乡镇、32个行政村、206个村民小组共30101人,淹没面积达5613.45km~2。  相似文献   

本文探讨广西古岩溶期序及各期古岩溶发育特征。以构造运动名称命名,将广西古岩溶划分为:郁南—广西、柳江、黔桂、东吴、苏皖、印支等六个古岩溶期。它门的共同特点是:都保留有完好的古剥蚀面;剥蚀面上岩溶现象明显;其上沉积有剥蚀期的典型堆积物,诸如铝土岩(矿)、砾岩或砂砾岩等。其主要不同点是:剥蚀面下古岩溶发育强度和古溶洞层厚度有差异;溶洞充填物不同:剥蚀面的起伏高度相差较大,除印支期古剥蚀面起伏较大具古潜山性质外,其余各期古剥蚀面起伏都较小。古地形多属波状平原性质。  相似文献   

文章利用ArcGIS及MAPGIS空间分析属性分类统计方法,研究了广西1∶20万区域地质图53个图幅中围岩蚀变的类型及其空间分布规律,并对围岩蚀变类型的空间分布规律与广西线型构造、大中型矿床的相关性进行了初步分析和探讨。  相似文献   

一、绥芬河市地形地貌及土地利用现状绥芬河市地处山区,辖区内整体地形地貌以山地和山间河谷地为主。2012年末,全市土地总面积为422-3平方公里,其中林地面积为341.3平方公里、占全境面积80.8%,耕地面积38.3平方公里、占全境面积9.0%,城镇村面积25.8平方公里、占全境面积6.1%,铁路和公路面积4.7平方公里、占全境面积1.0%,其他土地面积12_2平方公里、占全境面积3.1%。  相似文献   

地形地貌是岩性解译的重要信息,地形因子作为描述DEM数字曲面几何特征的定量指标参数,可用来定量化表达不同岩性所在地区地形地貌特征。本文以桂林-阳朔地区为研究区,研究地形因子数学、地质意义,建立岩性与地形因子组合间的定量关联,进而实现岩石类型划分。本文基于ASTERGDEM提取坡度、起伏度等12个地形因子,在分析各个地形因子地质意义基础上,通过聚类分析及方差分析的多元统计分析方法,研究各岩性地形因子特性及其关联性,建立研究区岩性之间的定量差异;此外,利用因子分析方法研究岩性分类过程中的主导因素,确定适宜岩性分类方法以实现定量化岩性分类。实验结果表明:不同岩性、不同地形地貌的地形因子(组合)之间具有显著差异,基于因子分析得到的宏观地形复杂度指数(MTI)以及微观曲率指数(MCI)对岩石类型的分类精度达77.36%。研究表明,地形复杂度等地形因子可用于岩性分类,采用因子分析方法可获取反映地形地貌宏观、微观特征的定量指标,且岩性分类效果良好。  相似文献   

中国陆地地貌基本形态类型定量提取与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国陆地地貌基本形态类型由海拔和地势起伏度两个指标组合划分而成,其中海拔分4级,地势起伏度分7级,组合后的基本形态类型共25类。按照数字地貌分类体系,海拔和起伏度拥有全国普适性的分级指标,基于DEM数据可获得两指标的分级类型。试验表明,基于SRTM-DEM(水平分辨率90m,相当于1:25万比例尺)数据可得出全国普适性的采用单元为4km2,利用1:10万、1:400万等比例尺数据进行DEM试验,得出我国存在0.4、4、12、18、21km2五种不同规模的采样单元,并分别对应着不同的比例尺。因我国地貌复杂多样,仅利用DEM数据所获得的海拔和地势起伏度分级数据不能完全反映不同地域的地貌特征,故利用遥感等多源数据,综合多种信息获得的地貌类型,可很好地反映出我国的海拔4级分级特征和地势起伏度7级空间分布,进而获得全国陆地的25种基本形态类型的面积及空间分布格局。  相似文献   

本文以山西省为实验区,基于ICESat/GLA14测高数据对SRTM1 DEM和ASTER GDEM V2数据的垂直精度进行了对比,分析了其在坡度、土地利用类型和地貌类型中的误差分布情况,并基于地形剖面方法分析了2种DEM数据在地形表达上的差异。研究结果表明:① 在垂直精度上,SRTM1 DEM数据要明显高于ASTER GDEM V2数据,其绝对误差均值分别为4.0 m和7.8 m,标准偏差分别为6.0 m和10.7 m,均方根误差分别为6.1 m和10.7 m。② 这2种DEM数据的精度受坡度影响严重,随坡度值的升高误差增大;SRTM1 DEM的绝对误差均值、标准偏差和均方根误差在水田最小,在林地最大,而ASTER GDEM V2的这3种误差在居民用地最小,在林地最大;SRTM1 DEM 和ASTER GDEM V2的绝对误差均值、标准偏差和均方根误差在平原地区最小,在大起伏山地最大。③ 在平原和台地地区,ASTER GDEM V2数据高程值有异常波动,SRTM1 DEM在起伏山地存在对山谷过高估计。总体上,SRTM1 DEM比ASTER GDEM V2对地形的表达准确,与ICESat/GLA14对地形的描述基本相一致。  相似文献   

贵州省喀斯特地区泥石流灾害易发性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州省独特的喀斯特山地环境对地质灾害的孕育有其特有的作用机理。本文初选了10个相关因子进行GIS的方差分析及相关性分析,以筛选喀斯特山区泥石流灾害的主要影响因子及灾害易发性评价。结果表明,研究区内土壤侵蚀因子对泥石流灾害的贡献作用最为显著,断层的影响作用不明显。土壤侵蚀、坡度、坡向、岩石性质、土地利用方式、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、到沟谷的距离及>25 mm日数8个影响因子,具有良好的独立性和代表性,是研究区内泥石流易发性评价的最佳指标;泥石流主要分布在贵州西部云贵高原边境、北部大娄山、东北雾灵山及苗岭等地带,占全省面积的29.51%,贵州中部及东南部泥石流易发程度较低;极高易发区泥石流的分布密度是极低易发区的19倍,其主要的环境特征表现为坡度大、植被覆盖率较低,旱地与工矿用地分布多,土壤侵蚀严重;加强旱地、工矿用地及低植被覆盖区的合理利用及管理,是减少泥石流灾害发生的有效途径。  相似文献   

Tropical mountainous areas not only provide substantial carbon storage and play an important role in global biological diversity, but also provide basic livelihood for a large number of poor ethnic minorities. However, there is no unified and explicit definition for mountainous areas. The local elevation range(LER) is a crucial structural parameter for delineating mountainous areas. However, current LER products are limited by the subjective selection of an optimum statistical window or coarser spatial resolution of topographical data. In this study, we presented an approach using thresholds for three topographic parameters, elevation, slope, and LER, derived from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model(ASTER GDEM) to redelineate the vast mountainous areas of mainland Southeast Asia(MSEA). The mean change-point analysis method was applied to determine the optimum statistical window of the 1 arc second(approximately 30 m)-resolution GDEM LER. The results showed that: First, the optimum statistical window is 38 × 38 cell units(width × height) in a rectangular neighborhood, or an area of about 1.30 km~2 for calculating GDEM LER in MSEA. Second, the LER of more than 80% of the area ranges from 30 m to 499 m in MSEA. The LERs in the northern and northwestern MSEA are greater than their counterparts in the south and east. Third, the area of the re-delineated mountainous areas was 83.52 × 10~4 km~2, about 38.71% of the total area. Spatially, the mountainous areas are mainly distributed in the north and northeast of MSEA. The re-delineated 30-m resolution map of the mountainous areas will serve as a topographical dataset for monitoring mountainrelated land surface changes in MSEA. The parameter-modified mountain extraction procedure can be expanded to delineate global mountainous areas.  相似文献   

The evaluation of sustainable land use is the key issue in the field of studying the sustainable land utilization. In general analysis, the sustainable land use is evaluated respectively from its ecological sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability in China and other countries in recent years. Although this evaluation is an important work, it seems insufficient and hard to comprehensively reflect the whole degree of land use sustainability. Thus, to make up this deficiency, this paper brings forward the evaluation indexes, which make it possible to quantitatively reflect the whole degree of land use sustainability, namely, the concept of "degrees of overall land use sustainability" (Dos), and research and measurement development of the method of and calculation in Dos. Taking the evaluation of the degree of land use sustainability in county regions of Yunnan Province as the actual example for analysis, results are basically as follows:
1) The degree of land use sustainability (Dos) is the ration index to organically and systematically integrate the degree of ecological friendliness (DeF), the degree of economic viability (Dev) and the degree of social acceptability (Dsa), able to comprehensively reflect the whole sustainability degree of regional land use
2) Based on the value of Dos, the grading system and standard for the sustainability of land use may be established and totally divided into five grades, namely, the high-degree sustainability, middle-degree sustainability, low-degree sustainability, conditional sustainability and non-sustainability. Meanwhile, the standard for distinguishing sustainability grades has also been confirmed so as to determine the nature of sustainability degrees in different grades. This makes the possibility for the combination of nature determination with ration in research result and provides with the scientific guideline and decision-making gist for better implementation of sustainable land use strategy.
3) The pract  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAstheadvancingofthestudyonhumandimensionofglobalenvironmentalchange,thechangeoflanduseisbecomingoneoftheresearchfocuses(IGBP/HDP,1993;IGBP/HDP,1995).Landusechange,combiningwithlandcoverchange,reflectstheinterdependenceofhumanandnature.Whilethestudyonlanduse/coverchangetouchesuponalotofquestion,thedrivingforceanditsdrivingmechanismaretwoofthekeyissues(IGBP/HDP,1995).Inthemeantime,theyarethenecessarybasisofdiscussingandforecastingquantitativelylanduse/coverchangebym…  相似文献   

Sutainable use of natural resources is different from sustainable development.As the most important natural resource,sustainable use of land resource is the essential guarantee of sustainable development.The nature of sustainable use of land resource is to retain the quantity and productivity of land resource from generation to generation.The evaluaton of sustainable use of land resource is an important method to ensure land-use to get onto the sustainable track.Furthermore,building index system is the key of the evaluation.In view of tendency of the evaluation indexes chosen so widely,the evaluation indexes should include only three kinds in the researches on the evaluation of sustainable use of land resourece.The first is the stock and structure index of land resource,viz,Areas quantity structure of land resources.In China,it is especially paid attention to the per person index of landquantity and rate between cultivated land farmland.The second is the productive index of land,which includes the productivity,potentiality,stability and renewal situation of land.The third is the sustained index of land environment .On the evaluation research of areal level,we should lay particular emphasis on statistic indexes.With a case of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China,the evaluation index system of sustainable land-use in county area has been built in this thesis,Using the weighted average method to calculate the means of sustainable land-use in each county,according to the land-using situation,all counties in the autonomous region have been divided into three types.(1)Sustainable Pattern contains 18 counties,which have higher land resource productivity,stronger sustained abilities of land environment.The economic benefits of land-using in these conties are obviously higher.These counties have gotten highly intensive farming,and tyey are all in the good circumstance.(2)Basically Sutained Pattern contains 48 counties,which productivity of land resource is of middle level.In part of counties are obviously higher.These counties can rapidly enter in a good circumstance.(3)Critically Sustained Pattern contains 14 counties,which are mostlyin the karst mountain areas.They have less stock of land resource,lower productivity and more extensive culitivation.The productivity of land renewing has been hindered.so it urgently need to be renovated.At last,the writers have explored the basic ways of sustainable use of land resource in Guangxi,China-(1)Retain the stock of land resource and strictly manage farmland uses.(2)Strengthen the value accounting of land resource,and control the farmland occupation of non-agricultural controction.(3)Depend on technology advanced,optimize the land-using structure,and promote the productive level.(4)Carry out land management all-round,and improve the ecological environment of land resource.(5)Enhance evaluation researche and land monitoring ,and promote the sustainable utilization level of land resource.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn the 1980s and 1990s, there was widespread belief a-mong environmentalists that uncontrolled population growth would be responsible for environment degrada-tion of all types. This neo-Malthusian belief originally surfaced in the publication of ThePopulationBombin the late 1960s. In ensuing years this belief, combined with work on environment carrying capacity and a growing environmental movement, led to the seeming-ly commonsense conclusion that high population growth and …  相似文献   

研究县域主导功能类型并分析空间结构模式对区域全面、协调、可持续发展的引导和规划调控具有重要意义。本文以广东省为例,利用K-means聚类分析对其124个县域单位主导功能区类型进行划分;基于腾讯位置大数据,利用位序—规模法则构建空间结构指数,并结合遥感数据对不同主导功能县域的空间结构模式进行识别和分析。研究表明:① 利用统计、遥感、社交媒体以及夜间灯光等多源数据和K-means聚类方法进行县域主导功能区分类,分类结果能客观反映区域特征,广东省县域主导功能可分为生态主导型、农业主导型、工业主导型、中心服务型和均衡发展型5类;② 基于腾讯位置大数据的位序—规模法则方法能够突破城市尺度,结合遥感数据定量分析,可用于中观县域尺度的空间结构模式识别研究;③ 农业主导型和生态主导型县域空间结构指数均值都大于1,呈单中心空间结构特征趋势;工业主导型县域空间结构指数均值小于1,呈多中心空间结构特征趋势;均衡发展型县域空间结构指数均值接近1,不同地区均衡发展型县域所呈现的空间结构特征存在差异;④ 不同主导功能县域之间的空间结构模式差异明显,生态主导型县域多呈单中心极核式,农业主导型县域多呈单中心极核+散点式,均衡发展型县域多种模式并存特征明显,而工业主导型县域呈多中心网络分布模式。  相似文献   

Ecological security is the main task and applied ficld of present geography, resources and environment sciences and ecology. Ecological security evaluation will efficiently promote ecological security and environmental construction in regional land use. In this thesis, the authors put forward the index system of ecological security evaluation in karst mountainous area on three aspects, the pressure of resources and eco-environment, the quality of resources and eco-environment, and the ability of environmental protection and ecological improvement. Using the evaluation method with single index, based on the case study of Du'an Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the system of synthetic regionalization of ecological agricultural economy was formed, which includes three regions, south region with basic security and synthetic agricultural development, east region with critical security and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry balanced development, mid-west and south region with eco  相似文献   

Ecological security is the main task and applied field of present geography, resources and environment sciences and ecology. Ecological security evaluation will efficiently promote ecological security and environmental construction in regional land use. In this thesis, the authors put forward the index system of ecological security evaluation in karst mountainous area on three aspects, the pressure of resources and eco-environment, the quality of resources and eco-environment, and the ability of environmental protection and ecological improvement. Using the evaluation method with single index, based on the case study ofDu‘an Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the system ofsynthetic regionalization ofecological agricultural economy was formed, which includes three regions, south region with basic security and synthetic agricultural development, east region with critical security and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry balanced development, mid-west and south region with ecological insecurity and compounded agriculture and forestry management. Meanwhile, for these regions, the countermeasures of sustainable agricultural development were pointed out, which provide the basis and example for ecological regulation and control of sustainable agricultural development in counties of karst mountainous area.  相似文献   

The karst mountainous area is an ecologically fragile region with prominent humanland contradictions. The resource-environment carrying capacity(RECC) of this region needs to be further clarified. The development of remote sensing(RS) and geographic information system(GIS) provides data sources and processing platform for RECC monitoring. This study analyzed and established the evaluation index system of RECC by considering particularity in the karst mountainous area of Southwest China; processed multisource RS data(Sentinel-2, Aster-DEM and Landsat-8) to extract the spatial distributions of nine key indexes by GIS techniques(information classification, overlay analysis and raster calculation); proposed the methods of index integration and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the RECC by GIS; and took a typical area, Guangnan County in Yunnan Province of China, as an experimental area to explore the effectiveness of the indexes and methods. The results showed that:(1) The important indexes affecting the RECC of karst mountainous area are water resources, tourism resources, position resources, geographical environment and soil erosion environment.(2) Data on cultivated land, construction land, minerals, transportation, water conservancy, ecosystem services, topography, soil erosion and rocky desertification can be obtained from RS data. GIS techniques integrate the information into the RECC results. The data extraction and processing methods are feasible on evaluating RECC.(3) The RECC of Guangnan County was in the mid-carrying level in 2018. The midcarrying and low-carrying levels were the main types, accounting for more than 80.00% of the total study area. The areas with high carrying capacity were mainly distributed in the northern regions of the northwest-southeast line of the county, and other areas have a low carrying capacity comparatively. The coordination between regional resource-environment status and socioeconomic development is the key to improve RECC. This study explores the evaluation index system of RECC in karst mountainous area and the application of multisource RS data and GIS techniques in the comprehensive evaluation. The methods can be applied in related fields to provide suggestions for data/information extraction and integration, and sustainable development.  相似文献   

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