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Several regulatory agencies recommend screening petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) sites based on vertical screening distance between a petroleum hydrocarbon source in soil or groundwater and a building foundation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) indicate the risk of PVI is minimal at buildings that are separated by more than 6 feet (1.8 m) from a dissolved-phase source and 15 feet (4.6 m) from a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) source. This vertical screening distance method is not, however, recommended at sites with leaded gasoline sources containing ethylene dibromide (EDB) because of a lack of field data to document EDB attenuation in the vadose zone. To help address this gap, depth-discrete soil-gas samples were collected at a leaded gasoline release site in Sobieski, Minnesota (USA). The maximum concentration of EDB in groundwater (175 μg/L) at the site was high relative to those observed at other leaded gasoline release sites. Soil gas was analyzed for EDB using a modification of U.S. EPA Method TO-14A that achieved analytical detection limits below the U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) for EDB based on a 10−6 cancer risk (<0.16 μg/m3). Concentrations of EDB in soil gas above LNAPL reached as high as 960 μg/m3 and decreased below the VISL within a source-separation distance of 7 feet. This result coupled with BioVapor model predictions of EDB concentrations indicate that vertical screening distances recommended by regulatory agencies at PVI sites are generally applicable for EDB over the range of anticipated source concentrations and soil types at most sites.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion (VI) involves migration of volatile contaminants from subsurface through unsaturated soil into overlying buildings. In 2015, the US EPA recommended an approach for screening VI risks associated with gasoline releases from underground storage tank (UST) sites. Additional assessment of the VI risk from petroleum hydrocarbons was deemed unnecessary for buildings separated from vapor sources by more than recommended vertical screening distances. However, these vertical screening distances did not apply to potential VI risks associated with releases of former leaded gasoline containing 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), because of a lack of empirical data on the attenuation of 1,2-DCA in soil gas. This study empirically evaluated 144 paired measurements of 1,2-DCA concentrations in soil gas and groundwater collected at 47 petroleum UST sites combined with BioVapor modeling. This included (1) assessing the frequency of 1,2-DCA detections in soil gas below 10−6 risk-based screening levels at different vertical separation distances and (2) comparing the US EPA recommended vertical screening distances with those predicted by BioVapor modeling. Vertical screening distances were predicted for different soil types using aerobic biodegradation rate constants estimated from the measured soil-gas data combined with conservative estimates of source concentrations. The modeling indicates that the vertical screening distance of 6 feet (1.8 m) recommended for dissolved-phase sources is applicable for 1,2-DCA below certain threshold concentrations in groundwater, while 15 feet (4.6 m) recommended for light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) sources is applicable for sites with clay and loam soils in the vadose zone, but not sand, if 1,2-DCA concentrations in groundwater exceed 150 μg/L. This dependence of the predicted vertical screening distances on soil type places added emphasis on proper soil characterization for VI screening at sites with 1,2-DCA sources. The soil-gas data suggests that a vertical screening distance of 15 feet (4.6 m) is necessary for both dissolved-phase and LNAPL sources.  相似文献   

受汶川地震影响,四川等地泥石流治理更为迫切。泥石流的暴发具有突发性,在防治工程中,相比实体坝而言,格栅坝是一种节省材料、稳定性更高的拦挡结构,使用范围越来越广,但是目前尚无成熟的格栅坝设计方法。本文参考梳齿坝的已有理论确定了支墩间距的计算方法,并结合已有实验资料提出了格栅坝格栅间距的计算公式,改变了以往不同坝体乃至同一坝内各横梁间距一致的计算方法。另外,因支墩间隔相对较小,以简支模式计算石块对横梁冲击力并不合适,本文基于固定梁模式重新推导了计算公式,其计算结果与简支梁模式比较,数值大了3倍。最后考虑坝体建成后的不同情况,提出了支墩、横梁及两侧翼墙的详细计算工况,并基于以上设计理论,对烂泥沟泥石流治理工程的部分格栅坝进行了具体设计。  相似文献   


A simplified method has been developed for solving leaky aquifer non-Darcian flow hydraulics. The principle of volumetric approach is combined with the confined-aquifer, time-dependent drawdown equation in an observation well. The groundwater flow in the leaky aquifer is assumed to obey a non-Darcian flow law of exponential type. The results are obtained in the form of type-curve expressions from which the necessary bundles of curves are drawn for a set of selective non-Darcian flow aquifer parameters. Although application of the methodology appears as rather limited but it provides a scientific contribution and extension of leaky aquifer theory towards nonlinear flow conditions. The methodology developed herein is applied to some actual field data from the eastern sedimentary basin in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

We use a hydrodynamic model applied to an idealized fan-shaped basin to explore the morphology and dynamics of radial sand ridges in a convergent coastal system. A positive morphological feedback between channel incision and flow redistribution is responsible for the formation of the channel-ridge pattern. The selection mechanism of bottom wavelength is associated with flow concentration in the deeper part of the channels. Our results are compared to sediment and hydraulic dynamics in the radial sand ridges (RSRs) in China. In a convergent, sloping basin the tangentially averaged tidal velocity peaks at 47 km from the apex. This distance is similar to the arc distance, 62 km, where the RSRs are most incised. An offshore shift in tidal phase results in stronger flows near the north coastline, explaining the presence of asymmetric channel patterns. A numerical stability analysis indicates that small radial oscillations with a wavelength of 10° to 15° maximize the velocity in the troughs. This oscillation wavelength also emerges in the RSRs, which display a peak in spectral energy at a radial wavelength between 25° to 37.5°. High-resolution numerical simulations in the RSRs confirm that flow concentration occurs in the deeper part of the channels, keeping them flushed. We therefore conclude that the RSRs display morphometric characteristics similar to other tidal incisions, like tidal inlets and intertidal channels. This result further supports the dominant role of tidal prism and related peak velocities in incising coastal landscapes. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new steady‐state analytical solution to the two‐dimensional radial‐flow equation was developed for drawdown (head) conditions in an aquifer with constant transmissivity, no‐flow conditions at the top and bottom, constant head conditions at a known radial distance, and a partially completed pumping well. The solution was evaluated for accuracy by comparison to numerical simulations using MODFLOW. The solution was then used to estimate the rise of the salt water‐fresh water interface (upconing) that occurs under a pumping well, and to calculate the critical pumping rate at which the interface becomes unstable, allowing salt water to enter the pumping well. The analysis of salt water‐fresh water interface rise assumed no significant effect on upconing by recharge; this assumption was tested and supported using results from a new steady‐state analytical solution developed for recharge under two‐dimensional radial‐flow conditions. The upconing analysis results were evaluated for accuracy by comparison to those from numerical simulations using SEAWAT for salt water‐fresh water interface positions under mild pumping conditions. The results from the equation were also compared with those of a published numerical sharp‐interface model applied to a case on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This comparison indicates that estimating the interface rise and maximum allowable pumping rate using the analytical method will likely be less conservative than the maximum allowable pumping rate and maximum stable interface rise from a numerical sharp‐interface model.  相似文献   

In west-central Nevada, the Oligocene Candelaria pyroclastic sequence reaches a local thickness of up to 1.3 km, in what has been referred to as the Candelaria trough, but more generally the accumulation of ash-flow tuffs and related volcanic rocks is less than 300 m thick. Complete to near complete outcrops are scattered over about 3200 km2 in the Candelaria Hills and surrounding ranges of the Southern Walker Lane structural zone. Three regionally extensive compound cooling units within the overall sequence (25.8 Ma Metallic City, 24.1 Ma Belleville, and 23.7 Ma Candelaria Junction Tuffs) have distinguishing characteristics and are the focus of study. At 106 sites, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data provide an estimate of transport direction of each tuff. Inferred transport directions based on the AMS data are corrected for a modest clockwise, yet variable magnitude, vertical axis rotation that affected these rocks in late Miocene to Pliocene time, as revealed by paleomagnetic studies. The AMS data show a somewhat orderly pattern of magnetic fabrics that we interpret to define unique transport directions for the Metallic City and Candelaria Junction Tuffs. The low susceptibility and degree of anisotropy of the Belleville Tuff limits our interpretation from this pyroclastic deposit. The Metallic City and Candelaria Junction Tuffs typically show gentle, south–southeast and southeast dipping magnetic fabric imbrication, respectively, and very gently plunging magnetic lineations. These AMS fabric elements indicate the tuffs were transported to the north–northwest and northwest, respectively. The AMS fabric data from the Metallic City and Candelaria Junction Tuffs suggest relatively unrestricted flow during emplacement. Evidence across the 3,200 km2 area to support more regionally controlled channelized flow into and/or flow along the east northeast–west southwest axis of the Candelaria trough is lacking. The ignimbrites clearly filled a topographic depression inferred to have formed concurrent with early, localized Basin and Range extension during pyroclastic emplacement, but based on the uniformity of AMS fabric data, we infer that the depression quickly filled and did not hinder flow across the region. Unrecognized eruptive centers for the three ignimbrites may lie buried beneath Neogene basin fill sediments south–southeast of the Candelaria Hills or concealed below younger deposits farther southeast into the Palmetto Mountains. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Revised and prepared for publication in the Bulletin of Volcanology.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field test to verify a newly discovered phenomenon of microwave emission due to rock fracture in a volcano. The field test was carried out on Miyake Island, 150 km south of Tokyo. The main objective of the test was to investigate the applicability of the phenomenon to the study of geophysics, volcanology, and seismology by extending observations of this phenomenological occurrence from the laboratory to the natural field.We installed measuring systems for 300 MHz, 2 GHz, and 18 GHz-bands on the mountain top and mountain foot in order to discriminate local events from regional and global events. The systems include deliberate data subsystems that store slowly sampled data in the long term, and fast sampled data when triggered. We successfully obtained data from January to February 2008. During this period, characteristic microwave pulses were intermittently detected at 300 MHz. Two photographs taken before and after this period revealed that a considerably large-scale collapse occurred on the crater cliff. Moreover, seismograms obtained by nearby observatories strongly suggest that the crater subsidence occurred simultaneously with microwave signals on the same day during the observation period.For confirmation of the microwave emission caused by rock fracture, these microwave signals must be clearly discriminated from noise, interferences, and other disturbances. We carefully discriminated the microwave data taken at the mountaintop and foot, checked the lightning strike data around the island, and consequently concluded that these microwave signals could not be attributed to lightning. Artificial interferences were discriminated by the nature of their waveforms. Thus, we inferred that the signals detected at 300 MHz were due to rock fractures during cliff collapses. This result may provide a useful new tool for geoscientists and for the mitigation of natural hazards.  相似文献   

The morphodynamics of topographic expansion has been recently investigated both experimentally, by Sittoni et al., (2014) Shaw et al., (2018), and numerically Sittoni et al., 2014. Here, we study the basic mechanism that governs the evolution of topographic and expansions and explore the instability of the bottom topography under conditions of steady but spatially expanding flow. We model the expanding flow via a by configuration where water and sediments are supplied from a central hole and flow on a cone shaped surface confined by lateral walls. The governing equations are the shallow-water equations coupled with the Exner equation, written in cylindrical coordinates. We initially approach the problem analytically by considering the conditions required for the basic state, consisting of a pure radial flow and bottom profile, to lose stability to small amplitude perturbations. This analysis suggests that more than one mode may be unstable, encouraging us to extend the analysis to the nonlinear regime. We do this through numerical modeling of the full governing equations, which allows us to predict the establishment of a bar pattern whose features are similar to those experimentally observed. Two prominent features of the finite-amplitude bar pattern are (1) bar apices are distributed at a radial distance from the inflow consistent with work of Shaw et al. (2018); and (2) that the flow aspect ratio of the interbar areas remain high without provoking further instability. Both features imply that in general expansion acts to reduce bar development relative to an equivalent rectilinear flow. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons,  Ltd.  相似文献   

We utilize data from a Superfund site where radius of influence (ROI) testing was conducted in support of a venting design to describe limitations of ROI evaluation in more detail than has been done previously, and to propose an alternative method of design based on specification and attainment of a critical pore-gas velocity in contaminated subsurface media. Since accurate gas permeability estimation is critical to pore-gas velocity computation, we assess the usefulness of ROI testing data on estimation of radial permeability, vertical permeability, and leakance. We apply information from published studies on rate-limited vapor transport to provide the basis for selection of a critical design pore-gas velocity for soils at this site. Using single-well gas flow simulations, we evaluate whether this critical pore-gas velocity was achieved at measured ROIs. We then conduct a series of multi-well gas flow simulations to assess how variation in anisotropy and leakance affect three-dimensional vacuum and pore-gas velocity profiles and determination of an ROI. Finally, when attempting to achieve a critical design pore-gas velocity we evaluate whether it is more efficient to install additional wells or pump existing wells at a higher flow rate.  相似文献   

We simulate the time evolution of the neutral and charged species in the terrestrial middle atmosphere using a 1-D radiative-convective model with interactive neutral and ion chemistry driven by four different sets of daily spectral solar irradiance (SSI) available in the literature for the year 2000. Obtained daily time series of ozone, hydroxyl and electron densities are used to calculate their sensitivity to the short-term SSI variability at 205 nm. All applied SSI data sets possess 27-day solar rotation cycle; however, its amplitude and phase as well as the correlation between considered SSI time series differ among data sets leading to the different behavior of the atmospheric response. Contrary, the ozone and hydroxyl sensitivities to the SSI changes during solar rotation cycle are almost identical for all applied SSI data sets in the stratosphere. In the mesosphere, the difference in correlation between SSI in Herzberg continuum and Lyman-α line in considered SSI data sets leads to substantial scatter of the sensitivity estimates based on 205 nm. Our results show that for the sensitivity analysis in the stratosphere based on the SSI at 205 nm any considered SSI data sets can be applied. For the mesosphere, where the sensitivity strongly varies among applied SSI data sets more robust results can be obtained using the sensitivity calculations based on the SSI in Lyman-α line.  相似文献   

Relationships describing response times for landscape saturation and subsurface flow for idealised hillslopes after a change in water balance are derived in terms of similarity parameters given by their topographic, soil and climatic attributes. The study was carried out under a set of specific assumptions.The work quantitatively describes effects of each of these attributes on travel time. For example, divergent hillslopes can exhibit travel times that are double those of convergent hillslopes, and concave slopes tend to have lower travel times than planar or convex slopes. It is shown that the hillslope travel time T is dependent on hillslope length L, hydraulic conductivity K and slope S such that T = f(L/KS, B, CR, Δq/smd) and if saturation does not occur in the lower reaches of a hillslope, this can be simplified to T = f(L/KS, B). Here, Δq is change in net external flux and smd is soil moisture deficit; CR and B are the convergence ratio and profile factor respectively. The relative importance of these attributes on response time is discussed.It is shown that subsurface flow hydrographs of simple hillslopes of different scale, derived numerically, can be collapsed into a single curve by normalising them by means of a form of response time, the time constant.Results from the analytical derivation were compared with numerical analysis with good agreement. The theory was applied to a natural catchment using observed data from a bushfire event. Comparison of analytically calculated response time with observed response time for the event showed a large discrepancy. The reason is discussed.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is widely used to remove volatile organic compounds from the vadose zone. Design of SVE systems rely largely upon vacuum responses and limited vapor concentration data measured during short-term soil gas extraction tests performed in single extraction wells. Interpretation of such vacuum data is often simply a rule of thumb as most field sites have layering complexity negating applicability of existing analytical models. This paper provides the derivation of an analytical model for steady, axisymmetric gas flow in heterogeneous (layered) soils from a single well. A general, variable flow boundary condition along the well screen represents actual conditions more closely than a uniform flow or uniform well pressure condition. Each soil layer is assumed homogeneous with anisotropic gas permeability. The solution is derived using the generalized integral transform technique and includes expressions for vacuum, velocities, and streamlines. The model is applied to the interpretation of multiple well tests at a field site and uses linear superposition to extend the flow model to multi-well extraction. The demonstration site included an array of vacuum monitoring data collected during nine individual well flow tests. A method of normalizing the vacuum data is illustrated that allowed the full data set to be employed in a single calibration effort. The test site also included a surface cap with an apparent vertical permeability two to three orders of magnitude smaller than the sands of the vadose zone. This large permeability contrast posed no difficulties in evaluating the solution.  相似文献   

Infiltration systems are widely used as an effective urban stormwater control measure. Most design methods and models roughly approximate the complex physical flow processes in these systems using empirical equations and fixed infiltration rates to calculate emptying times from full. Sophisticated variably saturated flow models are available, but rarely applied owing to their complexity. This paper describes the development and testing of an integrated one‐dimensional model of flow through the porous storage of a typical infiltration system and surrounding soils. The model accounts for the depth in the storage, surrounding soil moisture conditions and the interaction between the storage and surrounding soil. It is a front‐tracking model that innovatively combines a soil‐moisture‐based solution of Richard's equation for unsaturated flow with piston flow through a saturated zone as well as a reservoir equation for flow through a porous storage. This allows the use of a simple non‐iterative numerical solution that can handle ponded infiltration into dry soils. The model is more rigorous than approximate stormwater infiltration system models and could therefore be valuable in everyday practice. A range of test cases commonly used to test soil water flow models for infiltration in unsaturated conditions, drainage from saturation and infiltration under ponded conditions were used to test the model along with an experiment with variable depth in a porous storage over saturated conditions. Results show that the model produces a good fit to the observed data, analytical solutions and Hydrus. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a study in which the uncertainty levels associated with a detailed and a simplified/parsimonious sewer sediment modelling approach have been compared. The detailed approach used an Infoworks CS sewer network model combined with a user developed sediment transport code and the simplified approach used a conceptual sewer flow and quality model. The two approaches have been applied to a single case study sewer network and the simulation results compared. The case study was selected as moderate storm events had occurred during a 2 year rainfall and sewer flow monitoring period. Flooding had been observed and this was thought to be caused by significant solids accumulation in the sewer network. As a result sediment deposit measurements were carried out over a 6 month period. Model simulations were made of this period and predictions obtained of sediment deposit location and depth. The uncertainty analysis of both modelling approaches was carried out using Monte Carlo based computational methods. This was a limitation for the detailed approach with regards to computational time. Use of the simplified model was not constrained by this issue and so a more conventional assessment of the uncertainty was possible. The simplified approach, due to its structure, only provided a temporal estimate of uncertainty at the final section of the catchment. The detailed approach enabled an assessment of uncertainty at an individual pipe scale but only at the end of the simulation period. A comparison of the uncertainty estimations from both methods at the final section of the catchment and the end of the simulation period indicated comparable values of predicted uncertainty. Therefore a complementary use of both approaches would allow reasonably comparable estimations of levels of uncertainty at both a spatial and temporal scale. The use of such modelling approaches may provide a useful decision-making tool for sewer system management.  相似文献   

One of the most important problems in hydrology is the establishment of rating curves. The statistical tools that are commonly used for river stage‐discharge relationships are regression and curve fitting. However, these techniques are not adequate in view of the complexity of the problems involved. Three different neural network techniques, i. e., multi‐layer perceptron neural network with Levenberg‐Marquardt and quasi‐Newton algorithms and radial basis neural networks, are used for the development of river stage‐discharge relationships by constructing nonlinear relationships between stage and discharge. Daily stage and flow data from three stations, Yamula, Tuzkoy and Sogutluhan, on the Kizilirmak River in Turkey were used. Regression techniques are also applied to the same data. Different input combinations including the previous stages and discharges are used. The models' results are compared using three criteria, i. e., root mean square errors, mean absolute error and the determination coefficient. The results of the comparison reveal that the neural network techniques are much more suitable for setting up stage‐discharge relationships than the regression techniques. Among the neural network methods, the radial basis neural network is found to be slightly better than the others.  相似文献   

Preferential flowpaths transport phosphorus (P) to agricultural tile drains. However, if and to what extent this may vary with soil texture, moisture conditions, and P placement is poorly understood. This study investigated (a) interactions between soil texture, antecedent moisture conditions, and the relative contributions of matrix and preferential flow and (b) associated P distributions through the soil profile when fertilizers were applied to the surface or subsurface. Brilliant blue dye was used to stain subsurface flowpaths in clay and silt loam plots during simulated rainfall events under wet and dry conditions. Fertilizer P was applied to the surface or via subsurface placement to plots of different soil texture and moisture condition. Photographs of dye stains were analysed to classify the flow patterns as matrix dominated or macropore dominated, and soils within plots were analysed for their water‐extractable P (WEP) content. Preferential flow occurred under all soil texture and moisture conditions. Dye penetrated deeper into clay soils via macropores and had lower interaction with the soil matrix, compared with silt loam soil. Moisture conditions influenced preferential flowpaths in clay, with dry clay having deeper infiltration (92 ± 7.6 cm) and less dye–matrix interaction than wet clay (77 ± 4.7 cm). Depth of staining did not differ between wet (56 ± 7.2 cm) and dry (50 ± 6.6 cm) silt loam, nor did dominant flowpaths. WEP distribution in the top 10 cm of the soil profile differed with fertilizer placement, but no differences in soil WEP were observed at depth. These results demonstrate that large rainfall events following drought conditions in clay soil may be prone to rapid P transport to tile drains due to increased preferential flow, whereas flow in silt loams is less affected by antecedent moisture. Subsurface placement of fertilizer may minimize the risk of subsurface P transport, particularily in clay.  相似文献   

Salinity has a major effect on water users in the Colorado River Basin, estimated to cause almost $300 million per year in economic damages. The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program implements and manages projects to reduce salinity loads, investing millions of dollars per year in irrigation upgrades, canal projects, and other mitigation strategies. To inform and improve mitigation efforts, there is a need to better understand sources of salinity to streams and how salinity has changed over time. This study explores salinity in the baseflow fraction of streamflow, assessing whether groundwater is a significant contributor of dissolved solids to streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB). Chemical hydrograph separation was used to estimate baseflow discharge and baseflow dissolved solids loads at stream gages (n = 69) across the UCRB. On average, it is estimated that 89% of dissolved solids loads originate from the baseflow fraction of streamflow, indicating that subsurface transport processes play a dominant role in delivering dissolved solids to streams in the UCRB. A statistical trend analysis using weighted regressions on time, discharge, and season was used to evaluate changes in baseflow dissolved solids loads in streams (n = 27) from 1986 to 2011. Decreasing trends in baseflow dissolved solids loads were observed at 63% of streams. At the three most downstream sites, Green River at Green River, UT, Colorado River at Cisco, UT, and the San Juan River near Bluff, UT, baseflow dissolved solids loads decreased by a combined 823,000 metric tons (mT), which is approximately 69% of projected basin‐scale decreases in total dissolved solids loads as a result of salinity control efforts. Decreasing trends in baseflow dissolved solids loads suggest that salinity mitigation projects, landscape changes, and/or climate are reducing dissolved solids transported to streams through the subsurface. Notably, the pace and extent of decreases in baseflow dissolved solids loads declined during the most recent decade; average decreasing loads during the 2000s (28,200 mT) were only 54% of average decreasing loads in the 1990s (51,700 mT).  相似文献   

Groundwater temperature is a useful hydrogeological parameter that is easy to measure and can provide much insight into groundwater flow systems, but can be difficult to interpret. For measuring temperature directly in the ground, dedicated specifically designed monitoring wells are recommended since conventional groundwater wells are not optimal for temperature monitoring. Multilevel monitoring of groundwater temperature is required to identify contributions of different possible heat inputs (sources) on measured temperature signals. Interpreting temperature data as a cosine function, including period, average temperature, amplitude, and phase offset, is helpful. Amplitude dampening and increasing phase shift with distance from a boundary can be used for estimation of transport parameters. Temperature measurements at different depths can be used for evaluation of unknown parameters of analytical functions by optimization of regression fits in Python. These estimated parameters can be used to calculate temperatures at known water table depths which can be applied as a fixed transient boundary condition in MT3DMS to overcome the limitations of MT3DMS heat transport modeling in the unsaturated zone. In this study, temperature monitoring and modeling was used to evaluate the influence of a department store's heated basement foundation on groundwater temperature within a green space (city park), with the main outcome that 17 years after construction, the department store foundation has increased the mean groundwater temperature by 3.2 °C. Heat input evaluated by the MT3DMS model varied from 0.1 W/m2 at a distance of 100 m up to 12 W/m2 next to the building.  相似文献   

Molluscs are the proverbial examples of slow movement. In this review, dispersal distances and speed were assessed from literature data. Active upstream movement can occur both individually and in groups; and depends on traits such as size, sex and reproductive status, and on external factors such as flow velocity, temperature, sediment structure, and food availability. The potential for active dispersal follows the sequence Pulmonata ≥ Prosobranchia > Bivalvia, although data for Pulmonata originated from short-term experiments that likely overestimated dispersal capabilities. Active upstream movement may be 0.3 to 1.0 km per year for most snails and is probably well below 0.1 km per year for bivalves. Natural passive upstream dispersal increases the range 10-fold (snails) to 100-fold (bivalves), and anthropogenic vectors can increase upstream dispersal more than 100-fold (snails) to 1000-fold (bivalves). Three km seems to be the maximal within-stream distance at which many species display regular population mixing, and at which re-colonisation or successful restoration can be expected within 3–10 years. Lateral dispersal between unconnected water bodies is passive and mostly known from observational reports, but potential distances depend on vectors, climate and geomorphology. In general, active dispersal seems insufficient to furnish a compensatory mechanism, e.g., for the rate of projected climate change. We provide an overview on dispersal strategies in the light of applied issues. More rigorous field surveys and an integration of different approaches (such as mark-recapture, genetic) to quantify distances and probabilities of lateral dispersal are needed to predict species distributions across space and time.  相似文献   

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