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Palaeozoic alkaline to peralkaline sodic granites of the Umberatana area of South Australia have high MnO, P5O5, Nb, Ta, Be, F and B abundances as is typical of »A-type« or anorogenic granites. Abundant F and B in the magma permitted primary muscovite to crystallize at pressures that may have been as low as 1 Kbar because of the lowered solidus temperatures. These volatile-rich magmas precipitated both albite and two generations of K-rich alkali feldspar. The hydrothermal fluids released during crystallization of these magmas resulted in considerable element redistribution and recrystallization both in the plutons and the adjacent country rocks.
Zusammenfassung Paläozoische alkaline-peralkaline Sodagranite von Umberatana, Südaustralien, besitzen erhöhte Gehalte an MnO, P2O5, Nb, Ta, Be, F and B und zeigen Charakteristika von »A-Typ« Graniten. Erhöhte Gehalte an F und B erlaubte die Kristallisation von primärem Muskovit bei Drucken, die auf Grund der erniedrigten Solidus Temperaturen möglicherweise 1 Kbar betrugen. Diese Gas reichen Magmen schieden Albit und zwei Generationen von K-reichem Alkalifeldspat aus. Die hydrothermalen fluiden Phasen, die sich während der Kristallisation dieser Magmen bildeten, verursachten eine bedeutene Elementumverteilung und Rekristallisation in den Intrusionen und dem unmittelbaren Nebengestein.

Résumé Les granites sodiques alcalins à peralcalins paléozoïques de la région d'Umberatana (Australie méridionale) présentent des teneurs élevées en MnO, P2O5, Nb, Ta, Be, F et B, caractère typique des granites de type A, ou anorogéniques. La grande quantité de F et de B présente dans le magma a permis la cristallisation de muscovite primaire à une pression qui ne devait pas excéder 1 Kbar, en raison de l'abaissement de la température du solidus. Ces magmas, riches en matières volatiles, ont précipité de l'albite et deux générations de feldspath alcalin potassique. Les fluides hydrothermaux libérés au cours de la cristallisation ont permis une redistribution et une recristallisation importante des éléments à la fois dans les plutons et dans les roches encaissantes.

- ( ) MnO, P2O5, Nb, , Be, F B, , «». , , , , 1 . , . , , , , .

The main results of the investigation on the geology of the basement beneath the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin have been summarized. Studies of about nine hundred boreholes and some xenoliths from the Tertiary volcanic rocks as well as extensive geophysical measurements resulted in the construction of a synoptic geological map. Structural relationships between various geological units of the Bohemian Massif, separated by the platform cover, have been established. A new stratigraphic division of the underlying Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic rocks is presented and their structure and metamorphic development are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Hauptergebnisse der Erforschung der geologischen Struktur im Liegenden des kretazischen Beckens in Nordböhmen wurden zusammengestellt. Die Untersuchung von ungefÄhr 900 Bohrungen und von einigen Xenolithen aus den tertiÄren Eruptivgesteinen sowie viele geophysikalische Messungen führten zur Ausarbeitung einer geologischen übersichtskarte. Die Strukturbeziehungen zwischen verschiedenen geologischen Einheiten der Böhmischen Masse, die durch eine Plattformdecke getrennt worden waren, wurden festgestellt. Eine neue stratigraphische Einteilung des PrÄkambriums und des AltpalÄozoikums wird vorgelegt und ihre metamorphe Entwicklung wird erörtert.

Résumé Les résultats principaux de l'investigation de la structure géologique dans le soubassement du bassin Crétacé de la BohÊme du Nord sont résumés. L'étude d'environ 900 forages et de quelques xénolites provenant de roches éruptives tertiaires, de mÊme qu'un grand nombre de mesures géophysiques, ont abouti à l'élaboration d'une carte géologique d'ensemble. On a défini les relations structurales mutuelles entre différentes unités géologiques du Massif de BohÊme isolées par la couverture de plateforme. Une nouvelle division stratigraphique du Précambrien et du PaléozoÏque inférieur est présentée, et leur développement métamorphique est discuté.

. , 900 , . .

Zusammenfassung Seit dem Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts sind mehrere Versuche gemacht worden, die Gesteine des baltischen Schildes nach Bildungs- und Deformationsperioden (Zyklen, Orogenesen) einzuteilen. Heute sprechen die meisten schwedischen Petrologen von Präsvekofennokarelium (oder Präsvekokarelium; > 2500 M. J.), Svekofennokarelium (oder Svekokarelium; 1750–2500 M. J.), Gotium (1150 bis 1750 M. J.) und Dalslandium (900–1150 M. J.). Das Svekofennokarelium scheint mindestens zwei Orogenesen zu umfassen — die svekofennidische (1800–2000 M. J.) und eine ältere Orogenese. Dagegen soll das Gotium hauptsächlich eine anorogene Ära sein.Die meisten der gotischen Gesteine sind Vulkanite und Granitoide. Da unter den Vulkaniten Ignimbrite häufig sind, interpretiert man sie als anatektische Gesteine, die vom svekofennidischen Orogen stammen, was auch für die Mehrzahl der gotischen Granitoide gilt. Die Eruption der Vulkanite hat im Zeitraum zwischen 1600 und 1750 M. J. stattgefunden, die Intrusion der Granitoide zwischen 1450 und 1750 M. J. (nachWelin u. Mitarb.). Die jüngsten gotischen Granitoide sind die Karlshamn-Spinkamåla-Halengranite in Blekinge und Schonen sowie die zweite Generation der Linagranite in Norrbotten und Lappland. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen gotischen Graniten werden diese von beträchtlichen Pegmatitintrusionen begleitet und können deshalb als digitale palingenetische Produkte eines postsvekofennidischen Orogens gedeutet werden.Während des Gotiums haben auch Eruptionen basischer Magmen stattgefunden, was besonders auf den späteren Teil des Zeitabschnittes, das Jotnium (1150 bis 1300 M. J.), zutrifft, als die anatektischen Magmen erschöpft waren. Die jotnischen Basite sind Diabase mit wenig Chrom ( 0,006% in normalen Gesteinen). Im südlichen Schweden kommt eine ältere Diabasart mit schwarz pigmentiertem Plagioklas (Hyperit) vor, die um 1250 M. J. tektonisiert wurde, während die jüngeren jotnischen Diabase keine tektonischen Veränderungen zeigen.Die jotnischen Sandsteine und Konglomerate sind vom Verfasser in Härjedalen, mittleres Schweden, untersucht worden und sind dort durch Einlagerungen jaspilitischer und tuffitischer Art gekennzeichnet. Die Gerölle des basalen Konglomerats zeigen marginale thermale Umwandlungen (Abb. 2). Es scheint darum, daß sich die subjotnische vulkanische Aktivität bis ins Jotnium fortgesetzt hat. Da einer der jüngsten subjotnischen Porphyre in Dalekarlien und Härjedalen 1670 M. J. alt ist und da eine Probe dalekarlischen jotnischen Sandsteins die Alterszahl 1185 M. J. ergeben hat, muß man mit einer beträchtlichen Länge der jotnischen Sedimentationsperiode rechnen.
Since the early twentieth several attempts have been made to divide the rocks of the Baltic shield into periods of development and deformation, viz. geological cycles or orogenies. Nowadays most Swedish petrologists distinguish between the pre-Svecofennokarelian (or the pre-Svecokarelian; > 2,500 M. Y.), the Svecofennokarelian (or the Svecokarelian; 1,750–2,500 M. Y.), the Gothian (1,150 –1,750 M. Y.), and the Dalslandian (900–1,150 M. Y.). The Svecofennokarelian seems to comprise at least two orogenies — the Svecofennian one (1,800–2,000 M. Y.) and an older one. The Gothian, on the contrary, is essentially an anorogenic era.Most Gothian rocks are acid volcanics and granitoids. Among the former ignimbrites are common. They have thus been interpreted as anatectic rocks originating from the Svecofennian orogeny, as well as have most Gothian granitoids, too. The extrusion of volcanics have ranged between 1,600 and 1,750 M. Y., the intrusion of granitoids between 1,450 and 1,750 M. Y., according to Eric Welin and co-workers. Youngest among the latter are the Karlshamn-Spinkamåla-Halen granites in Blekinge and Scania as well as the second generation of Lina granite in Norrbotten and Lappland. Contrary to the other Gothian granitoids these are associated with considerable amounts of pegmatite and could accordingly be suspected to represent distal palingenic products of an orogeny younger than the Svecofennian one.During the Gothian basic magma has also erupted, especially in Jotnian time, near the end of the era (1,150–1,300 M. Y.), when the anatectic magma was exhausted. The Jotnian basites are dolerites poor in chromium (60 p.p.m. in undifferentiated rocks). In Southern Sweden an older variety of dolerite with black-pigmented plagioclase (hyperite) was tectonized about 1,250 M. Y. ago, whereas the younger dolerites have escaped tectonization.The Jotnian sandstone and conglomerate have been examined by the writer in Härjedalen, Central Sweden, and have there been shown to contain basal intercalations of jaspilite and tuffites. Furthermore, the pebbles of the basal conglomerates have marginal rims indicating thermal alterations (Fig. 2). The sub-Jotnian volcanic activity seems thus to have proceeded into the Jotnian. As one of the youngest sub-Jotnian porphyries in Dalecarlia and Härjedalen has given the figure 1,670 M. Y. and one sample of Dalecarlian Jotnian sandstone has an age as low as 1,185 M. Y., the period of sedimentation ought to have been very long.

Résumé Dès le début du XXème siècle, ont été faites plusieurs tentatives de subdivision des roches du Bouclier baltique en périodes de mise en place et de déformation, c'est-à-dire en cycles géologiques ou orogénèses. Actuellement, la plupart des pétrographes suédois font la distinction entre le Pré-Svécofennocarélien (ou Pré-Svécocaré lien: > 2,500 millions d'années), le Svécofennocarélien (ou Svécocarélien: 1,750–2,500 M. A.), le Gothien (1,150–1,750 M. A.) et le Dalslandien (900–1,150 M. A.). Le Svécofennocarélien semble comprendre au moins deux orogénèses: l'orogénèse svécofennique (1,800–2,000 M. A.) et une autre plus ancienne. Par contre, le Gothien ne correspond qu'à une seule orogénèse.Les roches du Gothien sont en majorité des granitoïdes et des Vulcanites acides; parmi ces dernières prédominent des ignimbrites: Elles ont été considérées comme des roches anatectiques provenant de l'orogénèse svécofennique. La plupart des roches granitoïdes du Gothien auraient la même origine. L'extrusion des Vulcanites a eu lieu dans une période de 1,750 à 1,600 M. A., l'intrusion des granitoïdes s'est produite entre 1,750 et 1,450 M. A. (d'après Eric Welin et ses collaborateurs). Parmi ces dernières roches, les plus jeunes sont les granites de Karlshamn-Spinkamåla-Halen en Blekinge et en Scanie ainsi que la deuxième génération du granite de Lina en Bothnie septentrionale et en Laponie. Contrairement aux autres roches granitoïdes du Gothien, celles-ci sont associées à de grandes quantités de pegmatites et pourraient, par conséquent, être considerées comme les produits palingénétiques provenau d'une orogénèse plus jeune que l'orogénèse svécofennique.Durant le Gothien — plus précisément en fin du Jotnien (1,150–1,300 M. A.) lorsque le magma anatectique s'éleva — ont fait éruption des masses magmatiques basiques. Les roches basiques du Jotnien sont des dolorites pauvres en chrome ( 60 ppm teneur en chrome des roches quelconques). En Suède méridionale, une variété plus ancienne de dolérites, avec plagioclase à pigment noir (hypérite), a été tectonisée il y a environ 1,250 millions d'années, tandis que les dolérites plus récentes n'ont subi aucune déformation.Les grès et les conglomérats du Jotnien, étudiés par l'auteur dans la vallées de Härje (Härjedalen) en Suède centrale, comportent des intercalations basales de jaspilites et de tuffites. De plus, les galets du conglomérat basal présentent des modifications corticales indiquant des altérations thermiques: l'activité volcanique sub-jotnienne semblerait donc s'être prolongée jusque dans le Jotnien. Comme l'une des plus jeunes porphyrites sub-jotniennes de Dalécarlie et de Härjedalen date de 1,670 millions d'années et qu'un échantillon de grès jotnien de Dalécarlie remonte à 1,185 millions d'années, il est possible d'affirmer que la période de sédimentation a dû être très longue.

( ), svekofennokarelium ( Präsvekokarelium 2500 ), Svekofennokarelium ( Svekokarelium; 1750–2500 ), Gotium (1150–1750 ) Dalslandium (900–1150 ). Svekofennokarelium , , - , : Svekofennidische (1800–2000 ) — . Gotium, , . Gotium . . . , , , Svekofennidmm'a, Gotium. 1600–1750 , — 1450–1750 ( WELIN .). KarlshamnSpmkamala-Halenga Blekinge Schonen, Lina** Norrbotten . , , postsvekofennidischen . , — Gotium (1150–1300 ), . Jotnium ( < 0,006 %) (), 1250 , Jotnium . Jotnium Härjedalen, , . (. 2). , , Jotnium, Jotnium. . . Dalekarlien Härjedalen 1670 , Dalekarlien — 1185 , Jotnium .

Awan Yath Yath 《GeoJournal》1995,36(1):93-101
The magnitude of housing demand and the inadequacy of public housing in most cities of the Third World have led to the emergence of types of housing which, while having different names, are classified as squatter settlements. In Khartoum, the expansion of squatter settlements has mainly been due to political processes that resulted in dramatic urban needs generated by uneven development, widespread migration, demographic growth and income inequalities. In the recent years, however, rural recession, civil war, drought, floods and famine combined to turn the Sudanese capital city into a reception centre for a considerable number of displaced people from areas affected. Here the bulk of the displaced persons found accommodation in huts that they built themselves. The government responded to such a situation by embarking on a large scale deportation programme. Attempts to bargain, resist, or to cope with the political system, on the part of the displaced people, proved to be in vain. Available estimates suggest that at least two thirds of the two or more million migrants who moved to Khartoum during the last sixteen years, have now been forcibly driven back to rural areas.  相似文献   

The year 1999 was an exceptionally wet year, with severe floods in China, India and Australia and very high flow in the Nile. In Sudan, the July rainfall was unusually early and heavy, and persistent rains throughout August and early September caused severe floods in much of central Sudan, including Khartoum.The synoptic conditions historically associated with extreme rainfall events in central Sudan include a warm equatorial Indian Ocean, a strong summer monsoon over both Africa and India, a northward shift of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone earlier and further north than usual, and the presence of deep, well-developed westerly air masses accompanied by a strong Tropical Easterly Jet that allowed more moisture transport into Africa from the South Atlantic via the Congo basin, leading to very heavy precipitation in the Ethiopian uplands and the central Sudan.The intense late wet season rains in 1999 caused a major canal in the Gezira Irrigation Area to break its banks and filled normally dry depressions between dunes with water, providing a partial analogue of early Holocene environments in this region when small groups of Later Stone Age peoples occupied the sandy ridges seasonally. Global Circulation Models cannot provide such detailed local information.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to quantify and rank variables of significance to predict mean values of lake pH and related variables (alkalinity, conductivity, hardness, etc.) in small glacial lakes. The work is based on a new and extensive set of data from 95 Swedish lakes and their catchment areas. Several empirical models based on catchment and lake morphometric parameters have been presented. These empirical models can only be used to predict mean values of these variables for lakes of the same type, and these models based on geological map parameters can evidently not be used for highly time-dependent and site-typical predictions. Various hypotheses concerning the factors regulating the mean values of the cluster variables were formulated and tested. Different statistical tests were used to separate random influences from causal. The most important map parameters were: the percent of rocks and open (=cultivated) land in the so-called near area to the lake [as determined with the drainage area zonation (DAZ) method], mean depth, linked to resuspension and the form and size of lakes, relief of the drainage area and lake area. Each of these variables only provides a limited degree of (statistical) explanation of the variability in mean annual values of pH and the water chemical cluster variables among the lakes. The predictability of some of the models can be markedly improved by accounting for the distribution of the characteristics in the drainage area. The variability in mean annual values of pH (and related variables) from other parameters, such as specific anthropogenic load, etc., may then be quantitatively differentiated from the impact of these geological parameters. This paper also gives a simple method to estimate natural, preindustrial reference values of these water chemical variables from the presented models.  相似文献   

In order to test their chronometric potential, 40Ar/39Ar stepheating- (and 4He-) analyses have been carried out on five manganese ore minerals of the hollandite-cryptomelane series from three Precambrian manganese deposits (Ultevis/Sweden, Sitapar/India, Bachkoun/Morocco). Samples from the metamorphic occurrences Ultevis and Sitapar yielded Ar ages of 1.8 Ga and 0.95 Ga, interpreted as the age of postmetamorphic cooling (Hollandites/Ultevis) and of an early, K-introducing alteration process subsequent to amphibolite facies metamorphism (cryptomelanes/Sitapar). Both data are consistent with known chronologies of the Svecokarelian and Satpura orogenic cycles. A date of 670 Ma obtained for a hollandite from a volcanogenic vein deposit (Bachkoun), however, contrasts with published extrusion ages of 580–560 Ma for the volcanic host rocks (Ouarzazate Series), probably due to incorporation of excess argon. The use of the 40Ar/39Ar technique, together with multiple isotope systematics, made it nevertheless possible to establish a reasonable estimate of a mineralization age close to 580 Ma. Measurement of fractional Ar losses during vacuum step heating (500–1600 °C), although indicating good Ar retentivities, failed to define model diffusion parameters because of non-linear Arrhenius arrays. Helium diffusion results (200–1200 °C) indicated retention of radiogenic 4He by the samples, corroborated by U/He mineral dates between 0.96 and 0.31 Ga. Potassium-bearing manganese oxides are therefore able to retain argon (possibly also 4He) through geological times and may thus provide ages of ore-forming processes (and perhaps later cooling and alteration stages).  相似文献   

Terrestrial vertebrates offer possibilities of reconstructing the migrations by land-routes followed during the late Cretaceous on the peri-Atlantic continents (North America, South America, Europe, Africa). South America and Africa were not separated before the Aptian. Later, migrations could still have occurred between Africa and South America during the late Cretaceous by a land-route (probably discontinuous) situated on the Rio Grande Rise-Walvis Ridge barrier; it is not impossible that some amphibia used this route. In Laurasia, two provinces were largely separated during the early part of the late Cretaceous: Euramerica and Asiamerica in the terminology of Cox (1974), (that is, Europe plus eastern North America and Asia plus western North America). During the latest Cretaceous, western North America became connected with Euramerica, but probably separated from Asia. During the latest Cretaceous, a route, probably terrestrial, permitted important faunal exchanges between South America and Laurasia; this connection was situated in the Caribbean region, perhaps where Central America is today. Limited faunal exchange occurred between Euramerica and North Africa.  相似文献   

The equilibrium conditions of the following diospide forming reactions have been determined: 1 tremolite+3 calcite+2 quartz 5 diopside+3 CO2+1 H2O (6) 1 Ca2Mg5[(OH)2Si8O22]+3 CaCO3+2 SiO2 5 CaMg[Si2O6]+3 CO2+1 H2O 1 tremolite+3 calcite 4 diopside+1 dolomite+1 CO2+1 H2O (7) 1 Ca2Mg5[(OH)2Si8O22]+3 CaCO3 4 CaMg[Si2O6]+1 CaMg(CO3)2+1 CO2+1 H2O 1 dolomite+2 quartz 1 diopside+2 CO2 (8) 1 CaMg(CO3)2+2 SiO2 1 CaMg[Si2O6]+2 CO2 The experimentally determined equilibrium data of the heterogeneous bivariant reaction (6) are shown in the temperature- -diagram of Fig. 6. For the total fluid pressures of 500 and 1,000 bars the equilibrium temperatures valid for -values >0.75 were calculated using equilibrium constants derived from experimental equilibrium data at smaller values of , and fugacities of CO2 and H2O (see Fig. 7). The equilibrium data of reaction (6) were also calculated thermodynamically for the total fluid pressure of 500 and 1,000 bars (see Fig. 3). The results found by this method agree well with those of the experimental investigation (see Figs. 8 and 9). The equilibrium data of the heterogeneous univariant reaction (8) were calculated thermodynamically only (see Fig. 10), because an experimental determination has not been successful so far. The calculated decrease of the equilibrium temperature of reaction (8) caused by a decrease of the CO2-concentration and a corresponding increase of the H2O-concentration is shown in Fig. 11. Combining this curve and the equilibrium curve of reaction (6) determined at a fluid pressure of 1,000 bars, an isobaric invariant point of intersection results [see Fig. 12 and also point (II) in Fig. 2 of Metz and Trommsdorff (1968)]. From this point of intersection two further equilibrium curves radiate, i.e. the isobaric univariant equilibrium curves of the reaction (4) (not investigated in this paper) and (7) (see Fig. 14); this follows from phase theory. The equilibrium data of the heterogeneous bivariant reaction (7) were calculated thermodynamically for the total fluid pressure of 1,000 bars. The calculated -curve, since precisely meeting the isobaric invariant point (II), is very well consistent with the equilibrium data of reactions (6) and (8).During metamorphism of siliceous dolomites diopside is formed almost exclusively by reaction (6). In Fig. 15 the equilibrium data of this reaction are shown in a P f -temperature-diagram (P f is the total fluid pressure). In this diagram the maximum temperatures at which diopside is formed correspond to the temperature-maxima of the -equilibrium curves of Fig. 6. The temperature range shown in Fig. 15 covers all equilibrium temperatures for -values from 0.1 to approx. 1.0; the extremely low temperatures of diopside formation valid for <0.1 are not included. Generally, however, such low CO2 concentrations are not to be expected in the process of diopside formation during the progressive metamorphism of siliceous dolomites, because the formation of tremolite consuming H2O and liberating CO2 is the preceeding reaction at lower temperatures. Apart from the conditions of diopside formation, Fig. 15 includes the pressure-temperature data of staurolite formation (Hoschek, 1965–1969; Richardson, 1968; Ganguly and Newton, 1968). The equilibrium data of both reactions show that the formation of staurolite in FeO-rich pelitic sediments coincides with diopside formation in siliceous dolomites only at pressures below approx. 1 kb. This is realized during shallow contact metamorphism; while at higher pressures the formation of diopside takes place at higher temperatures than the formation of staurolite. These statements which are results of equilibrium data determined experimentally very well agree with petrographic observations, e.g. in the contact aureole of Bergell granite, and in the regional metamorphism of the Lepontine Alps (E. Niggli, 1960; E. Niggli and C. E. Niggli, 1965; Trommsdorff, 1966).  相似文献   

Geopolitics in the nineties: one flag, many meanings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
V.D. Mamadouh 《GeoJournal》1998,46(4):237-253
This article provides an overview of recent publications on geopolitics. The diversity is overwhelming. Publications are therefore divided into four schools: neo-classical geopolitics, subversive geopolitics, non-geopolitics and critical geopolitics. These four schools are distinguished on two dimensions. The first is the distance to the object under study (practical/applied versus academic/reflective). The second refers to the position towards the state system (states as the principal geopolitical actors versus attention for other political actors and interests). Despite their differences, the four types of studies share a growing interest in geoeconomics.  相似文献   

Marine sediment location spread over a wide range of environments contain evidence of anoxic intervals dated early Late Cretaceous. In the north and south deep Atlantic deposition of anoxic layers followed a widespread sedimentary hiatus of Middle Cenomanian age. In the eastern-central parts of the Atlantic (Angola and Cape Verde basins) rythmic deposition of anoxic layers commenced in the Latermost Cenomanian and lasted as late as the Santonian. In the rest of the deep north Atlantic on the contrary anoxia duration was probably limited to the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary or thereabout. Late Cretaceous anoxic layer is not yet recorded south of the Walvis-Rio Grande Rises in the South Atlantic. In a number of locations in marginal and epicontinental seas in America, Africa and Europe previously related to the Tethys a few anoxic layers dated Cenomanian-Turonian are intercalated within thick oxic series. Coniacian to Santonian anoxic layers are limited to small areas in epeiric and marginal domains in the southern Alps, North Africa, Israel, North America (Santonian in the Western Interior) and (?) Australia all with no clear link with any ocean-wide event of early Senonian age. Rythmical alternation of oxic/anoxic layers helps to document the emplacement of sediment and disposition of anaerobic water masses. Development of anoxia at about the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary induced abnormal concentration of trace metals and a partial renewal of the marine fauna. To understand the relationship between a number of factors such as sea-level changes, climates, terrestrial influences, biogenic fertility, sedimentation rates, etc., is essential to explain of the very peculiar anoxic global event of early Late Cretaceous age.  相似文献   

The author analyzes the changing conditions to which S Sudanese women have been subjected after their forced migration the war-ridden South to Khartoum. There, too, they are suffering from hunger, homelessness, lack of a basic needs. Being obliged to house and work illegally these women find themselves considered criminals by both the State and many of the so-called Arabs. Serious identity change is involved in the process of adaptationof these rural people to the hostile urban environment.This paper contains preliminary results of a field study conducted by the author in April 1989 within the framework of the research programme Identity in Africa of the German Research Society under the coordination of Helmut Ruppert and the author. Both, as well as Abdel Hamid Bakhit and Ismail Al Fihail have participated in this research on the migration of the Southerners to Khartoum.  相似文献   

Liberia and Sierra Leone are tragic examples of what happens when central authority collapses and warlords emerge as de-facto rulers over large portions of the national territory. Horrors inflicted on non-combatants and the well publicized trading in conflict diamonds served to focus world attention on these two small countries sharing a common border. Both countries have experienced mixed success with outside military intervention for peace keeping and nation building purposes. What has happened is all the more distressing when one considers each countrys prospects at birth under the political and economic aegis of arguably two of the most powerful and enlightened countries of the time, Great Britain in the case of Sierra Leone and the United States in Liberia.  相似文献   

Liberia and Sierra Leone are tragic examples of what happens when central authority collapses and warlords emerge as de-facto rulers over large portions of the national territory. Horrors inflicted on non-combatants and the well publicized trading in conflict diamonds served to focus world attention on these two small countries sharing a common border. Both countries have experienced mixed success with outside military intervention for peace keeping and nation building purposes. What has happened is all the more distressing when one considers each countrys prospects at birth under the political and economic aegis of arguably two of the most powerful and enlightened countries of the time, Great Britain in the case of Sierra Leone and the United States in Liberia.  相似文献   

Immigration into the three towns of Khartoum, Khartoum North and Ondurman has been a monopoly of Sudanese from other provinces of the north for many years. Even after the relaxation of movement between the different regions, few southerners ventured Khartoum. More than seven years ago, a second civil war broke out. Its consequences in the South have been a wide-spread devastation of both rural and urban areas, a progressive increase of war and famine related deaths and the upsetting of inter-ethnic harmony in the transitional zone as an echo of the political situation in the country. As a survival move, southern Sudanese fled from their towns and home villages in massive waves. Arriving in Khartoum, which was already congested with overstrained social services, they joined an existing body of impoverished population, which has settled in virtual shanty towns scattered throughout the greater metropolitan area. Disadvantages emerging from the economic exigences of their forced migration have been sustained within the general framework of government policy implementation as regards settlement in Khartoum with only an ambiguous reference to the distinctness of their ordeal. The result is that they become more disadvantaged then others. This paper examines the factors that are operating in the housing choice and residential location of Dinka ethnic group migrants using the example of Gereif West and Suq el Markazi. The result shows that the residential location is strongly affected by the response to an immediate objective situation, while the choice of tenure reflects the underlying function of the migrants' attitudes towards permanent stay in the town.  相似文献   

The Kodzko Metamorphic Complex (KMC) in the Central Sudetes consists of meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks metamorphosed under greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions. They are comprised in a number of separate tectonic units interpreted as thrust sheets. In contrast to other Lower Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary successions in the Sudetes, the two uppermost units (the Orla-Googowy unit and the Kodzko Fortress unit) of the KMC contain meta-igneous rocks with supra-subduction zone affinities. The age of the KMC was previously assumed to be Early Palaeozoic–Devonian, based on biostratigraphic findings in the lowermost tectonic unit. Our geochronological study focused on the magmatic rocks from the two uppermost tectonic units, exposed in the SW part of the KMC. Two orthogneiss samples from the Orla-Googowy unit yielded ages of 500.4±3.1 and 500.2±4.9 Ma, interpreted to indicate the crystallization age of the granitic precursors. A plagioclase gneiss from the same tectonic unit, intimately interlayered with metagabbro, provided an upper intercept age of 590.1±7.2 Ma, which is interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization. From the topmost Kodzko Fortress unit, a metatuffite was studied, which contains a mixture of genetically different zircon grains. The youngest 207Pb/206Pb ages, which cluster at ca. 590-600 Ma, are interpreted to indicate the maximum depositional age for this metasediment. The results of this study are in accord with a model that suggests a nappe structure for the KMC, with a Middle Devonian succession at the base and Upper Proterozoic units at structurally higher levels. It is suggested here that the KMC represents a composite tectonic suture that juxtaposes elements of pre-Variscan basement, intruded by the Lower Ordovician granite, against a Middle Palaeozoic passive margin succession. The new ages, combined with the overall geochemical variation in the KMC, indicate the existence of rock assemblages representing a Gondwana active margin. The recognition of Neoproterozoic subduction-related magmatism provides additional arguments for the hypothesis that equivalents of the Teplá-Barrandian domain are exposed in the Central Sudetes.  相似文献   

Today, more than one third of the population of Khartoum are southerners who migrated to the capital mainly in the last eight years because of the civil war. Their conditions are very bad. They are starving in the town, for most of them are unemployed and have no means of living. Their housing conditions in the shanty towns are deplorable. The development of squatter settlements and the struggle for the demarcation of quarters are delineated in this paper. In Khartoum the southerners develop a strong sense of solidarity and develop a growing supra-southern-Sudanese identity replacing the former ethnic and local identities.  相似文献   

About three million indigenous southern Sudanese have been dislocated as a result of the civil war which has been going on since 1955, with an interruption of only eleven years. The 1.5 million dislocated southern Sudanese in Khartoum are currently suffering from hunger and religious, social, political and economic discrimination. This paper argues, however, that a considerable number of them would prefer to keep living in the North, when the civil war comes to an end. After many years of separation from the South, it will be difficult, especially for those who came as young children to Khartoum, to reintegrate into the completely different environment of a war-wrecked South.  相似文献   

Multidimensional assessment of air pollution was carried out on trace metals in particulates, desert plant parts and soil collected from the six sites to validate air pollution tolerance index, translocation and bioaccumulation factors. A map indicating the sampled sites was superimposed on the Disper 5.2 software graphical interface to track the particulate dispersion route during the summer and winter seasons. This study showed site-wise orientation of particulates dispersed in the ambient air. Observations indicated the high concentrations of dispersed coarse > fine > ultra-fine particulates in trace metals analyzed from selected desert plants and in the soil especially during winter than in the summer seasons. High air pollution tolerance index was observed in the sequence of Calatropis gigantean > Portulaca oleracea > Citrullus collocynthis > Rumex vesicarius > Bienertia sinuspersici > Tribulus terrestris. Assessment of translocation and bioaccumulation factors labeled these desert plants as hyper-accumulators. The synergistic effect of the translocation and bioaccumulation factor in the various plants and the pollution levels for a given geographical location provides insight management to mitigate air pollution and landscape designers to grow tolerant species and protect sensitive plants from air pollution.  相似文献   

A long terrestrial record, Colônia CO-3, from the Atlantic rainforest region in Brazil (23°52′S, 46°42′20 W, 900 m a.s.l.) registrates variations in the forest expansion during the last 100,000 yr. The 780-cm depth core was analyzed at 2-cm intervals and arboreal pollen frequencies were compared to nearby speleothem stable isotope records and neighboring marine records from the tropical Atlantic. To evaluate regional versus global climate forcing, our record was compared with Greenland and Antarctic ice-core records. These comparisons suggest that changes in temperature seen in polar latitudes relate to moisture changes: e.g., to changes in the length of the dry season, in tropical and subtropical latitudes during glacial as well as interglacial times. These climatic changes result from changes in the frequency of polar air incursions to these latitudes inducing a permanent cloud cover and precipitation. This is an important result that should help define paleoclimatic features in the Southern Hemisphere for the last glaciation.  相似文献   

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