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The tectonic evolution of the Vienna Basin overlying the Alpine-Carpathian fold and thrust belt includes two stages of distinct basin subsidence and deformation. The earlier phase contemporaneous with thrusting of the Alpine-Carpathian floor thrust is related to the formation of a wedge-top basin (“piggy-back”), which was connected to the evolving foreland basin (Lower Miocene; c. 18.5–16 Ma). This stage is followed by the formation of a pull-apart basin (Middle to Upper Miocene; c. 16–8 Ma). Sediments of the latter unconformably overly wedge-top basin strata and protected them against erosion.  相似文献   

The paper deals with original stratigraphic, petrographic and structural data concerning the evolution of the southern Apennines chain (Italy). The main Langhian to Pliocene deposits cropping out in the northern sector of the southern Apennines foreland basin system (Sannio-Irpinia area) have been studied and correlated in order to document the effects of tectonic changes on the evolution of sandstone detrital modes and stratigraphic architecture. The studied sandstone units can be grouped in five key intervals: a) Numidian Flysch, mostly formed by Langhian mature quartzarenitic deposits and conformable Serravallian post-Numidian successions, formed by arkosic and calciclastic arenaceous-pelitic beds (foreland depozones); b) Langhian to Tortonian San Giorgio Fm., mostly composed of quartzofeldspatic sandstones (foredeep depozone); c) Tortonian to Early Messinian, quartz-feldspatic and partly sedimentary-carbonatoclastic petrofacies, thrust-top successions (Vallone Ponticello, Villanova del Battista and San Bartolomeo fms.); d) Late Messinian quartzolithic to quartzofeldspatic sandstones (Torrente Fiumarella, Anzano Molasse and Tufo-Altavilla unit), which can be referred to infilled thrust-top basins; e) unconformity-bounded Pliocene quartzofeldspatic sandstone strata (wedge-top depozones), characterized by synsedimentary tectonic activity.Detrital modes of the Serravallian through Middle Pliocene sandstones of the southern Apennines foreland basin system testify clear provenance relations from the accreted terranes forming the southern Apennine thrust-belt. The studied clastics show almost the same blended (quartz-feldspatic) composition; this condition could be related to the tectonic transport over thrust ramp of source rocks, as suggested by the tectonic evolutionary model. This study, dealing with sedimentary provenance analysis and tectonostratigraphic evolution, provides an example of the close relations between clastic compositions and foreland basin system development in southern Apennines.  相似文献   

A basin axial-channel belt was largely responsible for the observed distribution of coarse-grained gravity-flow deposits in the Tertiary Puchkirchen and basal Hall formations of the Molasse foreland basin in Upper Austria. Elements of this depositional system, mapped in three-dimensional (3D) seismic-reflection data, include channel-belt thalweg, mass-transport complexes, overbank wedge, overbank lobe, and tributary channel. The primary objective of this paper is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the sedimentary processes that were prevalent in the channel-belt complex through the analysis of well data, including drill cores and wireline logs, in conjunction with 3D seismic interpretations.  相似文献   

Cenozoic eastward migration of the Caribbean plate relative to the South American plate is recorded by an 1100-km-long Venezuela-Trinidad foreland basin which is oldest in western Venezuela (65-55 Ma), of intermediate age in eastern Venezuela (34-20 Ma) and youngest beneath the shelf and slope area of eastern offshore Trinidad (submarine Columbus basin, 15.0 Ma-Recent). In this study of the regional structure, fault families, and chronology of faulting and tectonic events affecting the hydrocarbon-rich Columbus foreland basin of eastern offshore Trinidad, we have integrated approximately 775 km of deep-penetration 2D seismic lines acquired by the 2004 Broadband Ocean-Land Investigations of Venezuela and the Antilles arc Region (BOLIVAR) survey, 325 km of vintage GULFREX seismic data collected by Gulf Oil Company in 1974, and published industry well data that can be tied to some of the seismic reflection lines. Top Cretaceous depth structure maps in the Columbus basin made from integration of all available seismic and well data define for the first time the elongate subsurface geometry of the 11-15 km thick and highly asymmetrical middle Miocene-Recent depocenter of the Columbus basin. The main depocenter located 150-200 km east of Trinidad and now the object of deepwater hydrocarbon exploration is completely filled by shelf and deepwater sediments derived mainly from the Orinoco delta. The submarine Darien ridge exhibits moderate (20-140 m) seafloor relief, forms the steep (12°-24°), northern structural boundary of the Columbus basin, and is known from industry wells to be composed of 0.5-4.5 km thick, folded and thrust-imbricated, hydrocarbon-bearing section of Cretaceous and early Tertiary limestones and clastic rocks. The eastern and southern boundaries of the basin are formed by the gently (1.7°-4.5°), northward-dipping Cretaceous-Paleogene passive margin of South America that is in turn underlain by Precambrian rocks of the Guyana shield.Interpretation of seismic sections tied to wells reveals the following fault chronology: (1) middle Miocene thrusting along the Darien ridge related to highly oblique convergence between the Caribbean plate and the passive margin of northern South America; continuing thrusting and transpression in an oblique foreland basin setting through the early Pleistocene; (2) early Pliocene-recent low-angle normal faults along the top of the Cretaceous passive margin; these faults were triggered by oversteepening related to formation of the downdip, structurally and bathymetrically deeper, and more seaward Columbus basin; large transfer faults with dominantly strike-slip displacements connect gravity-driven normal faults that cluster near the modern shelf-slope break and trend in the downslope direction; to the south no normal faults are present because the top Cretaceous horizon has not been oversteepened as it is adjacent to the foreland basin; (3) early Pliocene-Recent strike-slip faults parallel the trend of the Darien ridge and accommodate present-day plate motions.  相似文献   

Heat flow anomalies provide critical information in active tectonic environments. The Gulf of Cadiz and adjacent areas are affected by the plate convergence between Africa and Europe, causing widespread deformation and faulting. Active thrust faults cause lateral movement and advection of heat that produces systematic variations in surface heat flow. In December 2003 new heat flow data were collected during the research vessel Sonne cruise SO175 in the Gulf of Cadiz over two sites of recent focused research activity: (i) the Gulf of Cadiz sedimentary prism and (ii) the Marques de Pombal escarpment. Both features have also been discussed as potential source areas of the Great Lisbon earthquake and tsunami of 1755. Background heat flow at the eastern terminus of the Horseshoe abyssal plain is about 52–59 mW/m2. Over the Gulf of Cadiz prism, heat flow decreases from ∼57 mW/m2 to unusually low values of 45 mW/m2 roughly 120 km eastward. Such low values and the heat flow trend are typical for active thrusting, supporting the idea of an east-dipping thrust fault. Slip rates are 10 ± 5 mm per year, assuming that the fault dips at 2°. A fault dipping at 5°, however, would result into slip rates of 1.5–5 mm per year, suggesting that subduction has largely ceased. Based on seismic data, the Marques de Pombal fault is interpreted as part of an active fault system located ∼100 km westward of Cape San Vincente. Heat flow over the fault is affected by refraction of heat caused by the 1 km high escarpment. Thermal models suggest that the slip rate along the fault must either be small or shear stresses acting on the fault are rather high. With respect to other fault zones, however, it is reasonable to assume that the fault's slip rate is small.  相似文献   

Using a mega-regional dataset that includes over 20,000 km of on- and offshore 2D seismic lines and 12 wells, we illustrate three different stages of fault formation and basin evolution in the Caribbean arc-South American continent collisional zone. Transpressional deformation associated with oblique collision of the Caribbean arc migrates diachronously over a distance of ∼1500 km from western Venezuela in Paleogene time (∼57 Ma) to a zone of active deformation in the eastern offshore Trinidad area. Each diachronous stage of pre-, syn-, and post-collisional basin formation is accompanied by distinct patterns of fault families. We use subsidence histories from wells to link patterns of long-term basinal subsidence to periods of activity of the fault families.

Stage one of arc-continent collision

Initial collision is characterized by overthrusting of the south- and southeastward-facing Caribbean arc and forearc terranes onto the northward-subducting Mesozoic passive margin of northern South America. Northward flexure of the South American craton produces a foreland basin between the thrust front and the downward-flexed continental crust that is initially filled by clastic sediments shed both from the colliding arc and cratonic areas to the south. As the collision extends eastward towards Trinidad, this same process continues with progressively younger foreland basins formed to the east. On the overthrusting Caribbean arc and forearc terranes, north-south rifting adjacent to the collision zone initiates and is controlled by forward momentum of southward-thrusting arc terranes combined with slab pull of the underlying and subducting, north-dipping South American slab. Uplift of fold-thrust belts arc-continent suture induces rerouting of large continental drainages parallel to the collisional zone and to the axis of the foreland basins.

Stage two

This late stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by termination of deformation in one segment of the fold-thrust belt as convergent deformation shifts eastward. Rebound of the collisional belt is produced as the north-dipping subducted oceanic crust breaks off from the passive margin, inducing inversion of preexisting normal faults as arc-continent convergence reaches a maximum. Strain partitioning also begins to play an important role as oblique convergence continues, accommodating deformation by the formation of parallel, strike-slip fault zones and backthrusting (southward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the South Caribbean deformed belt). As subsidence slows in the foreland basins, sedimentation transitions from a marine underfilled basin to an overfilled continental basin. Offshore, sedimentation is mostly marine, sourced by the collided Caribbean terranes, localized islands and carbonate deposition.

Stage three

This final stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by: 1) complete slab breakoff of the northward-dipping South American slab; 2) east-west extension of the Caribbean arc as it elongates parallel to its strike forming oblique normal faults that produce deep rift and half-grabens; 3) continued strain partitioning (strike-slip faulting and folding). The subsidence pattern in the Caribbean basins is more complex than interpreted before, showing a succession of extensional and inversion events. The three tectonic stages closely control the structural styles and traps, source rock distribution, and stratigraphic traps for the abundant hydrocarbon resources of the on- and offshore areas of Venezuela and Trinidad.  相似文献   

In this paper, the diagenesis from either side of a major Cenozoic reverse fault in the Northern Oman Mountains is documented. Detailed petrographical and geochemical analysis of calcite-filled fractures in carbonate strata of Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous age in the hanging wall and footwall in Wadi Ghalilah reflect a different diagenetic history. In both hanging wall and footwall most of the fractures are pre-burial, extensional in origin, formed by a crack-seal mechanism, and the calcite vein infill has a host-rock buffered signature. In the hanging wall, the fluid responsible for calcite precipitation of these extensional fractures was a marine fluid at 60 °C. These veins predate deep burial and contractional tectonic deformation and consequently do not provide any information about syntectonic fluid flow. Neither do the pre-burial extension fractures in the footwall which are also host-rock buffered. The fractures post-dating the tectonic stylolitization in the footwall, by contrast, show evidence of syntectonic migration of saline formation waters at temperatures between 80 and 160 °C during contractional deformation. These fluids probably were sourced from the subsurface via the reverse fault, which acted as a fluid conduit. At the same time, however, this fault functioned as a permeability barrier towards the hanging wall, since no evidence of syntectonic fluid flow is present here. In this way compartmentalization of the hanging wall and footwall block was realized.  相似文献   

The marine fill of ancient foreland basins is primarily recorded by depositional systems consisting of facies and facies associations deposited by a variety of sediment gravity flows in shallow-marine, slope and basinal settings. Tectonism and climate were apparently the main factors controlling the sediment supply, accommodation and depositional style of these systems. In marginal deltaic systems, sedimentation is dominated by flood-generated hyperpycnal flows that build up impressive accumulations of graded sandstone beds in front of relatively small high-gradient fan-deltas and river deltas. During periods of tectonically forced lowstands of sealevel, these systems may commonly shift basinward to shelfal and slope regions. Instability along the edges of these lowstand deltas and sand-laden hyperpycnal flows generate immature and coarse-grained turbidite systems commonly confined within structural depressions and generally encased in distal delta-front and prodeltaic deposits. Because of the close vertical and lateral stratigraphic relations between deltaic and turbidite-like facies, these marginal systems are herein termed ‘mixed depositional systems’. They are very common in the fill of foreland basins and represent the natural link between deltaic and basinal turbidite sedimentation.Basinal turbidite systems form in deeper water elongate highly subsiding troughs (foredeeps) that developed in front of advancing thrust systems. The impressive volumes of sheet-sandstones that form the fill of these troughs suggest that basinal turbidite systems are likely to form following periods of dramatic tectonic uplift of adjacent orogenic wedges and related high-amplitude tectonically-forced sealevel lowstands. In such deep basinal settings, sediment flux to the sea is dramatically increased by newly formed sediment in fluvial drainage basins and the subaerial and submarine erosion of falling-sealevel deltaic deposits generated during the uplift. Turbidity currents are very likely to be mainly triggered by floods, via hyperpycnal flows and related sediment failures, but can fully develop only in large-scale erosional conduits after a phase of catastrophic acceleration and ensuing bulking produced by bed erosion. This process leads to deepening and widening of the conduits and the formation of large-volume highly efficient bipartite currents whose energy dissipation is substantially reduced by the narrow and elongate basin geometry. These currents can thus carry their sediment load over considerable distances down the basin axis.  相似文献   

In previous publications, the relationship between the Sirte Abyssal Plain as foreland and the Mediterranean Ridge as accretionary complex was considered to be simple: the foreland is undeformed, the accretionary complex consumes the foreland, the Messinian evaporites control the internal structure of the growing complex. The compilation of our own and published data results in a more complex tectonic pattern and a new geodynamic interpretation. The Sirte Abyssal Plain is imprinted by extensional tectonics which originated independently from and prior to the approaching process of accretion. The structural setting of the pre-Messinian and Messinian Sirte Abyssal Plain is responsible for the highly variable thickness of Messinian evaporites. The foreland setting in the Sirte Abyssal Plain also controls the internal structure of the Mediterranean Ridge, at least between the deformation front and Bannock Basin, following sediment deformation within the accretionary wedge with a dominating inherited SW-NE orientation. The taper angle of the post-Messinian Mediterranean Ridge is unusually small compared with other accretionary wedges. In the studied area, within a distance of about 45 km from the deformation front, there is no appreciable dip in the décollement. Therefore, the slope of the outer 45 km of the Mediterranean Ridge is considered to be caused only by gravitational spreading of Messinian evaporites deposited on the slope of pre-Messinian accretionary wedge. As a consequence, the Mediterranean Ridge underlying such slope is interpreted to belong to the foreland. The allochthonous evaporites overlie autochthonous evaporites of the Sirte Abyssal Plain. The NE-dipping décollement (and thus of the true tectonically driven deformation front) is expected to initiate at about the present position of Bannock Basin. The Sirte Abyssal Plain, the adjacent Cyrene Seamount and neighbouring seafloor relief on the African continental margin are considered to be the product of tectonic segmentation of the continental crust.  相似文献   

A better understanding of wave attenuation in hydrate-bearing sediments is necessary for the improved geophysical quantification of marine gas hydrates. Here we compare the attenuation behavior of hydrate-saturated vs water-saturated sediments at site GC955H, in the Gulf of Mexico, which was surveyed during the JIP Leg II expedition. We compute the P-wave attenuation of the gas hydrate bearing sediments using the median frequency shift method on the monopole waveforms. The results show that P-wave attenuation due to low saturation (<?0.4) in hydrate-filled fractures of fine-grained sediment is comparable to that of the water-filled fracture case. On the contrary, P-wave attenuation due to high saturation (>?0.4) in the hydrate-filled pores of coarse-grained sediments can be up to as much as three times more than that of the water-saturated case. The correlation analysis shows that the P-wave attenuation increases with the increasing gas hydrate saturation for the highly saturated gas hydrate-bearing sand interval while the correlation of the P-wave attenuation and hydrate saturation is weak for low saturated gas hydrate-bearing shale interval. The results show that P-wave attenuation is more likely to be used as a geophysical proxy for gas hydrate quantification of highly concentrated coarse-grained sediment rather than for that of fine-grained sediment. To examine the P-wave behavior in sand, we use the improved LCAM model, which accounts for physical factors such as grain boundary roughness and squirt flow to explain the observed differences in P-wave attenuation between hydrate and water-saturated coarse-grained sediment. Our results provide further geophysical evidences for P-wave behavior in the gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the field.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new structural-stratigraphic approach to constrain the reservoir potential of the middle Miocene turbidite systems within the Monagas Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB) and Maturín Sub-Basin (MSB) of eastern Venezuela. In the frontal anticline structures of the MFTB (Amarilis Area) light hydrocarbons have been produced from these turbidite systems which were deposited in a foreland basin with a complex tectonostratigraphic evolution.In order to predict the location of other analogous reservoirs we used the structural model presented in Part I (Parra et al., 2010) to developed a palaeo-topographic reconstruction at early-middle Miocene. We have then used this reconstruction to constrain the palaeogeography of the middle Miocene foredeep where the turbidites were deposited. The area considered has 5000 km2.By middle Miocene four regions are identified: 1) The southern basin margin dipped 1.5-2.5° north; 2) The foredeep axis had a southwest-northeast orientation. Within the foredeep the proto-structures of the MFTB created submerged highs that control the distribution of sediments; 3) The northern basin margin dipped 3-4° south; the coastline was controlled by the Pirital thrust sheet; 4) The main source of sediments was located towards the northwest on the Pirital thrust sheet and Serranía del Interior.Variations in shortening across the strike of the Pirital thrust were accommodated by a lateral ramp which controlled the location of a valley that acted as the main sediment pathway for the sediments that fed the turbidite system. This relationship between the thrust belt geomorphology and the location of turbidite sediment within the foredeep must be considered in order to assess the distribution of the Miocene turbidite reservoirs.  相似文献   

Shallow marine carbonate sedimentation dominated during the Albian in the western part of the Basque Cantabrian Basin in Northern Spain, forming the large Ramales Platform. This platform originated on a less subsiding tectonic block facing deeper and more subsiding areas to the south and east, which were created by tectonic activity in the Basin. Fracture-related hydrothermal dolomites hosted in these Albian carbonates are well exposed in the Asón valley area. Mapping in the studied area revealed several dolomite bodies related to main faults that cut the stratification almost at right angles. The bodies show a vertical development along fault-strike up to 900 m thick from which kilometre-scale branches expand following the stratification. Dolomitization is pervasive and independent of the limestone facies. Main dolomite facies are fine replacive, sucrosic and saddle. Petrography, C, O and Sr isotopes and fluid-inclusion analysis support a polyphase hydrothermal dolomitization at fluid temperatures between 75 °C and 240 °C and highly variable salinity of up to 22 wt.% NaCl. Fine dolomite replaced limestone first and then, sucrosic and saddle dolomites replaced part of the first dolomite and cemented newly created fracture porosity together with different calcite cements. Zebra dolomites and hydroclastic breccias are products of this later stage. Burial analysis of the host rock supports maximum burial temperatures of 80 °C and intense tectonic activity from the Albian to Turonian with a latest Albian peak subsidence. Albian stretching of the crust and subsequent ascent of the isotherms in the area is suggested to have produced sufficient heat to the dolomitizing fluids. The structural analysis indicates a strong transtensional tectonic activity in the studied area during Albian to Turonian time with the creation of an overstep between W–E trending and N–S trending faults. Fluids moved from subsiding areas to fractured uplifted parts of the Ramales Platform, enhanced by diapiric activity.  相似文献   

A numerical study of tidal asymmetry in Okatee Creek,South Carolina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Okatee River, South Carolina is characterized by a narrow tidal channel and an extensive area of intertidal salt marshes. Current measurements in the upstream portion Okatee Creek show that tidal flow features an asymmetric pattern: ebb current is stronger than flood current. The ebb dominance is mainly caused by deformation of the dominant astronomical tidal constituent M2. An unstructured grid, finite volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) with wet-dry point treatment method is applied to examine physical mechanisms of M4 overtide generation. Model experiments show that mean absolute amplitude and phase errors are 3.1 cm and 1.7° for M2 elevation, 2.4 cm s−1 and 0.8° for M2 current major axis, 2.1 cm and 1.8° for M4 elevation, and 2.1 cm s−1 and 24.6° for M4 current major axis. The overall pattern of tidal asymmetry is qualitatively reproduced. Various sensitivity experiments suggest that the generation of M4 overtide is a result of nonlinear interaction of tidal currents with irregular creek geometry and bottom topography. Consistent with the classical view, the large volume of intertidal water storage is the major reason for ebb dominance in the creek. However, the zero-inertia assumption (i.e., negligible advective terms) is probably not valid for the entire tidal cycle. Besides the pressure gradient force and the bottom friction force, terms related to lateral shear of the along-estuary velocity (i.e., advective inertia and horizontal eddy viscosity) may also contribute in horizontal momentum balance. Exclusion of the flooding-draining processes over the intertidal zone will severely underestimate tidal currents in the river channel and make the tidal asymmetry less prominent.  相似文献   

We use a simple approach to estimate the present-day thermal regime along the northwestern part of the Western Indian Passive Margin, offshore Pakistan. A compilation of bottom borehole temperatures and geothermal gradients derived from new observations of bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) allows us to constrain the relationship between the thermal regime and the known tectonic and sedimentary framework along this margin. Effects of basin and crustal structure on the estimation of thermal gradients and heat flow are discussed. A hydrate system is located within the sedimentary deep marine setting and compared to other provinces on other continental margins. We calculate the potential radiogenic contribution to the surface heat flow along a profile across the margin. Measurements across the continental shelf show intermediate thermal gradients of 38–44 °C/km. The onshore Indus Basin shows a lower range of values spanning 18–31 °C/km. The Indus Fan slope and continental rise show an increasing gradient from 37 to 55 °C/km, with higher values associated with the thick depocenter. The gradient drops to 33 °C/km along the Somnath Ridge, which is a syn-rift volcanic construct located in a landward position relative to the latest spreading center around the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition.  相似文献   

This study documents the stratigraphic evolution of the Castagnola ponded turbidite mini-basin through analysis of a detailed base-to-top section measured in the central part of the basin. Vertical variations in facies characteristics, thickness ratio of mud cap vs. sandstone of event beds and net/gross are argued to be good proxies for pinpointing the stratigraphic transition from dominantly ponded deposition, where most of the flow is trapped by the confining topography, to a flow-stripping – dominated phase in which an increasingly large part of incoming flows can escape the basin by spilling over the enclosing topography. Thickness statistics of sandstones and mud caps of event beds from the case study show that in the initial stage of turbidite deposition only part of the mud of exceptionally large volume flows escaped the confining topography; as the basin was progressively infilled, nearly all inbound flows were affected by flow stripping, with part of the sand and most of the mud escaping the basin. In the latest recorded stage of deposition the abundance of by-pass features coupled with significant modification of the sandstone bed thickness population suggests that the turbidite system was no longer obstructed frontally, and could step forward onto a healed topography. In order to assess whether the documented trends of turbidite bed characteristics indicative of the ‘fill to spill’ transition could be recognised from wireline log data alone, synthetic logs were prepared by up-scaling the field data to resolutions typical of borehole geophysical log data. Vertical trends of average bed thickness and net/gross recognisable in the synthetic data suggest that the transition from ponded to spill-dominated situations should be resolvable in geophysical log data.  相似文献   

A great difference exists between the hydrocarbon charging characteristics of different Tertiary lacustrine turbidites in the Jiyang Super-depression of the Bohai Bay Basin, east China. Based on wireline log data, core observation and thin-section analyses, this study presents detailed reservoir property data and their controlling effects from several case studies and discusses the geological factors that govern the hydrocarbon accumulation in turbidite reservoirs. The lacustrine fluxoturbidite bodies investigated are typically distributed in an area of 0.5–10 km2, with a thickness of 5–20 m. The sandstones of the Tertiary turbidites in the Jiyang Super-depression have been strongly altered diagenetically by mechanical compaction, cementation and mineral dissolution. The effect of compaction caused the porosity to decrease drastically with the burial depths, especially during the early diagenesis when the porosity was reduced by over 15%. The effect of cementation and mineral dissolution during the late-stage diagenesis is dominated by carbonate cementation in sandstones. High carbonate cement content is usually associated with low porosity and permeability. Carbonate dissolution (secondary porosity zone) and primary calcite dissolution is believed to be related to thermal maturation of organic matter and clay mineral reactions in the surrounding shales and mudstone. Two stages of carbonate cementation were identified: the precipitation from pore-water during sedimentation and secondary precipitation in sandstones from the organic acid-dissolved carbonate minerals from source rocks. Petrophysical properties have controlled hydrocarbon accumulation in turbidite sandstones: high porosity and permeability sandstones have high oil saturation and are excellent producing reservoirs. It is also noticed that interstitial matter content affects the oil-bearing property to some degree. There are three essential elements for high oil-bearing turbidite reservoirs: excellent pore types, low carbonate cement (<5%) and good petrophysical properties with average porosity >15% and average permeability >10 mD.  相似文献   

The distribution of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma coincides with the southeast Australia global change hot spot where marine ecosystems are warming significantly due to changes in ocean circulation. To address questions on future vulnerabilities, the thermotolerance of the planktonic life phase of H. erythrogramma was investigated in the climate and regionally relevant setting of projected near-future (2100) ocean warming. Experimental treatments ranged from 18 to 26 °C, with 26 °C representing +3-4 °C above recent ambient sea-surface temperatures. Developmental success across all stages (gastrula, 24 h; larva, 72 h; juvenile, 120 h) decreased with increasing temperature. Development was tolerant to a +1-2 °C increase above ambient, but significant deleterious effects were evident at +3-4 °C. However, larvae that developed through the early bottleneck of normal development at 26 °C metamorphosed successfully. The inverse relationship between temperature and planktonic larval duration (PLD) was seen in a 25% decrease in the PLD of H. erythrogramma at 24 and 26oC. Ocean warming may be advantageous to a subset of larvae through early settlement and reduction of the vulnerable planktonic period. This positive effect of temperature may help buffer the negative effects of ocean warming. In parallel studies with progeny derived from northern (Coffs Harbour) and southern (Sydney) H. erythrogramma, northern embryos had significantly higher thermotolerance. This provides the possibility that H. erythrogramma populations might keep up with a warming world through poleward migration of thermotolerant propagules, facilitated by the strong southward flow of the East Australian Current. It is uncertain whether H. erythrogramma populations at the northern range of this species, with no source of immigrants, will have the capacity to persist in a warm ocean. Due to its extensive latitudinal distribution, its potential developmental thermotolerance and independence of its lecithotrophic larvae from exogenous food and the need to make a functional skeleton, H. erythrogramma may be particularly robust to ocean change.  相似文献   

The Gagua Ridge, carried by the Philippine Sea Plate, is subducting obliquely beneath the southernmost Ryukyu Margin. Bathymetric swath-mapping, performed during the ACT survey (Active Collision in Taiwan), indicates that, due to the high obliquity of plate convergence, slip partitioning occurs within the Ryukyu accretionary wedge. A transcurrent fault, trending N95° E, is observed at the rear of the accretionary wedge. Evidence of right lateral motion along this shear zone, called the Yaeyama Fault, suggests that it accommodates part of the lateral component of the oblique convergence. The subduction of the ridge disturbs this tectonic setting and significantly deforms the Ryukyu Margin. The ridge strongly indents the front of the accretionary wedge and uplifts part of the forearc basin. In the frontal part of the margin, directly in the axis of the ridge, localized transpressive and transtensional structures can be observed superimposed on the uplifted accretionary complex. As shown by sandbox experiments, these N330° E to N30° E trending fractures result from the increasing compressional stress induced by the subduction of the ridge. Analog experiments have also shown that the reentrant associated with oblique ridge subduction exhibits a specific shape that can be correlated with the relative plate motion azimuth.These data, together with the study of the margin deformation, the uplift of the forearc basin and geodetic data, show that the subduction of the Gagua Ridge beneath the accretionary wedge occurs along an azimuth which is about 20° less oblique than the convergence between the PSP and the Ryukyu Arc. Taking into account the opening of the Okinawa backarc basin and partitioning at the rear of the accretionary wedge, convergence between the ridge and the overriding accretionary wedge appears to be close to N345° E and thus, occurs at a rate close to 9 cm yr–1. As a result, we estimate that a motion of 3.7 cm yr–1±0.7 cm should be absorbed along the transcurrent fault. Based on these assumptions, the plate tectonic reconstruction reveals that the subducted segment of the Gagua Ridge, associated with the observable margin deformations, could have started subducting less than 1 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

南海及邻域新构造运动基本特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文根据南海及邻域的岩石圈动力学环境,把新构造类型划分为离散型、聚敛型、平移型和滑动型。依据构造不整合、地层缺失、断裂、变形、变质及火山活动等构造事件,提出本区新构造始于晚渐新世的新认识,详细分析了本区新构造运动的脉动性及造陆、造山、造海、造盆等性质,并对其构造演化与动力学模型进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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