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Major- and trace-element contents and Sr–Nd isotope ratios were determined in albitite, albitized and unaltered late-Variscan granitoid samples from the world-class Na-feldspar deposits of central Sardinia, Italy. The albite deposit of high economic grade has geological, textural, and chemical features typical of metasomatic alteration affecting the host granitoids. Albitization, locally accompanied by chloritization and epidotization, was characterized by strong leaching of Mg, Fe, K, and geochemically similar trace elements, and by a significant increase of Na. Ca, and P were moderately leached in the most metasomatized rocks. Other major (Si, Ti, Ca) and trace elements (U, Th, Y, and Zr), along with light (LREE) and middle (MREE) rare-earth elements, behaved essentially immobile at the deposit scale. The Nd-isotope ratios (0.512098 to 0.512248) do not provide information on the emplacement age of the unaltered late-Variscan granitoids. On the other hand, their Sr-isotope ratios fit an errorchron of 274±29 Ma (1σ error), in fair agreement with all published ages of Sardinian Variscan granitoids. The very low Rb content of albitized rocks precludes application of the Rb–Sr radiometric system to determine the age of albitization. The Sm–Nd system is not applicable either, because the 143Nd/144Nd ratios of albitized rocks and unaltered granitoids overlap. The overlap confirms that Sm and Nd were substantially immobile during albitization. On the other hand, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the albitized rocks are appreciably lower than those of the unaltered host granitoids, whereas, their initial Sr-isotope ratios are higher. This seems to suggest that a) albitization was induced by non-magmatic fluids rich in radiogenic Sr, and b) albitization occurred shortly after the granitoid emplacement. This conclusion is supported by Nd isotopes, because unaltered granitoids and albitites fit the same reference isochron at 274 Ma. The fluids acquired radiogenic Sr by circulation through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Specifically, it is estimated that Sr supplied by the non-carbonatic basement represents about 22 wt% of total Sr in albitite.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr ratios of alkali olivine basalts, nepheline basanites and olivine nephelinites of Miocene age from the northern Hessian Depression vary between 0.7032 and 0.7036. Tholeiitic rocks from this area, which are possibly affected by crustal contamination, have more radiogenic Sr (0.7035 to 0.7042). Peridotite xenoliths with coarse protogranular (10 samples) and with porphyroclastic textures (2 samples) contain K- and Na-rich glasses which are products of reaction of metasomatic fluids with depleted peridotite. The Sr abundance in xenoliths is related to the amount of glass (and phlogopite).Sr ranges from 11 ppm to 147 ppm and 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7033 to 0.7039. The isotopic ratios are neither correlated with Sr concentrations nor with Rb/Sr ratios. 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of etched clinopyroxenes range from 0.7028 to 0.7040. In some xenoliths, clinopyroxenes differ from the whole rock samples significantly in their isotopic composition.If almost all of the pre-metasomatic Sr was located in the clinopyroxenes, the metasomatically introduced Sr ranges from 35 to 80% of the whole rock Sr. The calculated isotopic composition ranges from 0.7033 to 0.7040 for the majority of the xenoliths. For two pyroxenes which are not in isotopic equilibrium with the whole rock, the age of the metasomatic event could be estimated on the base of diffusion of Sr in clinopyroxene. Even assuming a diffusion coefficient as low as 10–15 cm2s–1 the time between the metasomatic alteration and the eruption of the basaltic host magma must be shorter than 1 Ma.The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the basalts are interpreted as products of mixtures of a depleted component ( 0.7028) and metasomatic fluids (0.7035–0.7053) in their source peridotite.  相似文献   

Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios have been plotted against time of formation for various rock-types in the Schwarzwald and Vosges basement areas. These data exhibit strong positive correlations between the two variables. The Schwarzwald data define two distinct trend lines on the diagram, for the time span 500 to 250 Ma ago. The first comprises the data from orthogneisses, diatexites and pre-tectonic granites and documents the Sr isotope evolution in the crust underlying the Sehwarzwald. This region of the crust had a 87Rb/86Sr ratio of about 1. The other is delineated by data points from the post-tectonic plutons. These form a band corresponding to the development of closed systems with 87Rb/86Sr ratios of between 10 and 20 as indicated by the slope of the band. The second trend is interpreted as resulting from the formation of large, stable, deep-seated magma chambers formed by segregation of anatectic melts during a phase of tectonism 330Ma ago. The high 87Rb/86Sr ratios of these magmas arose by fractional crystallization, in response to tectonic decompression, during the coalescence of the presumedly water-saturated melts. Data for rocks from the Vosges, taken from the literature, form a single development line. Its slope corresponds to a 87Rb/86Sr ratio of about 5 and the line is analogous to the second trend line defined by the Schwarzwald data. The differences in the Rb/Sr systematics between the two areas can be explained as resulting from the deeper level of erosion in the Vosges. An important implication for Rb/Sr studies is that co-magmatic rocks can have very different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios so that discrepancies in this ratio between rock-types cannot be used to divide plutons into genetic suites. On the other hand essential information is contained in the Rb/Sr systematics of orogenic magmatic rocks, such as the Variscan plutons in the Schwarzwald, that cannot be obtained from geochemical and petrological studies alone.  相似文献   

White micas in carbonate-rich tectonites and a few other rock types of large thrusts in the Swiss Helvetic fold-and-thrust belt have been analyzed by 40Ar/ 39Ar and Rb/Sr techniques to better constrain the timing of Alpine deformation for this region. Incremental 40Ar/ 39Ar heating experiments of 25 weakly metamorphosed (anchizone to low greenschist) samples yield plateau and staircase spectra. We interpret most of the staircase release spectra result from variable mixtures of syntectonic (neoformed) and detrital micas. The range in dates obtained within individual spectra depends primarily on the duration of mica nucleation and growth, and relative proportions of neoformed and detrital mica. Rb/Sr analyses of 12 samples yield dates of ca. 10–39 Ma (excluding one anomalously young sample). These dates are slightly younger than the 40Ar/ 39Ar total gas dates obtained for the same samples. The Rb/Sr dates were calculated using initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios obtained from the carbonate-dominated host rocks, which are higher than normal Mesozoic carbonate values due to exchange with fluids of higher 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios (and lower 18O/ 16O ratios). Model dates calculated using 87Sr/ 86Sr values typical of Mesozoic marine carbonates more closely approximate the 40Ar/ 39Ar total gas dates for most of the samples. The similarities of Rb/Sr and 40Ar/ 39Ar total gas dates are consistent with limited amounts of detrital mica in the samples. The d 18O values range from 24–15‰ (VSMOW) for 2–6 µm micas and 27–16‰ for the carbonate host rocks. The carbonate values are significantly lower than their protolith values due to localized fluid-rock interaction and fluid flow along most thrust surfaces. Although most calcite-mica pairs are not in oxygen isotope equilibrium at temperatures of ca. 200–400 °C, their isotopic fractionations are indicative of either 1) partial exchange between the minerals and a common external fluid, or 2) growth or isotopic exchange of the mica with the carbonate after the carbonate had isotopically exchanged with an external fluid. The geological significance of these results is not easily or uniquely determined, and exemplifies the difficulties inherent in dating very fine-grained micas of highly deformed tectonites in low-grade metamorphic terranes. Two generalizations can be made regarding the dates obtained from the Helvetic thrusts: 1) samples from the two highest thrusts (Mt. Gond and Sublage) have all of their 40Ar/ 39Ar steps above 20 Ma, and 2) most samples from the deepest Helvetic thrusts have steps (often accounting for more than 80% of 39Ar release) between 15 and 25 Ma. These dates are consistent with the order of thrusting in the foreland-imbricating system and increase proportions of neoformed to detrital mica in the more metamorphosed hinterland and deeply buried portions of the nappe pile. Individual thrusts accommodated the majority of their displacement during their initial incorporation into the foreland-imbricating system, and some thrusts remained active or were reactivated down to 15 Ma.  相似文献   


Metatexite and diatexite migmatites are widely distributed within the upper amphibolite and granulite-facies zones of the Higo low-P/high-T metamorphic terrane. Here we report Nd–Sr isotopic and whole rock composition data from an outcrop in the highest-grade part of the granulite-facies zone, in which diatexite occurs as a 3 m-thick layer between 2 m-thick layers of stromatic-structured metatexite within pelitic gneiss. The metatexite has Nd–Sr isotopes and whole rock compositions similar to those of the gneiss, but the diatexite shows the reverse. The diatexite has a higher εNd(t) and 147Sm/144Nd ratio (εNd(t) = ?0.5; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1636) than the gneiss (εNd(t) = ?2.1; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1287) and metatexite (εNd(t) = ?3.1; 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1188). The (87Sr/86Sr)initial and 87Rb/86Sr of the diatexite ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70568; 87Rb/86Sr = 0.416) are lower than those of the gneiss ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70857; 87Rb/86Sr = 1.13) and metatexite ((87Sr/86Sr)initial = 0.70792; 87Rb/86Sr = 1.11). The metatexite and gneiss show enrichment of Th and depletion of P and Eu and have a similar chondrite-normalized REE pattern, which shows steep LREE–MREE-enriched and gently declining HREE patterns and negative Eu anomalies, whereas the diatexite shows enrichment of Sr and depletion of Th and Y, and exhibits gently declining LREE and steeply declining HREE pattern and weak Eu depletion. The metatexite migmatite is interpreted to have formed by in situ partial melting in which the melt did not migrate from the source, whereas the diatexite migmatite included an externally derived melt with a juvenile component. The Cretaceous high-temperature metamorphism of the Higo metamorphic terrane is interpreted to reflect emplacement of mantle-derived basalts under a volcanic arc along the eastern margin of the Eurasian continent, and mass transfer and advection of heat via hybrid silicic melts from the lower crust.  相似文献   

In situ trace-element and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) data and whole-rock Sr–Nd–Hf data on 12 gabbro xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau (south-eastern Sicily) illustrate the complex petrogenetic evolution of this lithospheric segment. The gabbros formed by precipitation of plagioclase + clinopyroxene from a HIMU-type alkaline melt, then were cryptically metasomatized by a low-Rb, high-87Sr/86Sr fluid, and finally infiltrated by an exotic, late Fe–Ti-rich melt with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7055, carrying high concentrations of Sr, Rb and HFSE. The geochemical and isotopic features of both the metasomatizing fluid and the Fe–Ti-rich melt are compatible with their common derivation by the progressive melting of an amphibole–phlogopite–ilmenite metasomatic domain (MARID-type?) that probably resided within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Therefore, both the astenosphere and the lithosphere underneath the Hyblean Plateau contributed to the petrogenesis of the gabbros. Sm–Nd dating yields an age of 253 ± 60 Ma for the cumulitic pile, roughly coinciding with a hydrothermal event recorded by crustal zircons in the area. We suggest that the Hyblean Plateau suffered a thermal event—probably related to lithospheric thinning and upwelling and melting of the asthenosphere—in Permo-Triassic time (the opening of the Ionian Basin?). The induced perturbation in the lithosphere caused consequent melting of some previously metasomatised portions.  相似文献   

Carbonate rocks and natural waters exhibit a wide range in the concentration and isotopic composition of strontium. This wide range and the quantifiable covariation of these parameters can provide diagnostic tools for understanding processes of fluid-rock interaction. Careful consideration of the uncertainties associated with trace element partitioning, sample heterogeneity and fluid-rock interaction mechanisms is required to advance the application of the trace element and isotope geochemistry of strontium to studies of diagenesis, goundwater evolution, ancient seawater chemistry and isotope stratigraphy. A principal uncertainty involved in the application of Sr concentration variations to carbonate systems is the large range of experimental and empirical results for trace element partitioning of Sr between mineral and solution. This variation may be a function of precipitation rate, mineral stoichiometry, crystal growth mechanism, fluid composition and temperature. Calcite and dolomite in ancient limestones commonly have significantly lower Sr concentrations (20–70 p.p.m.) than would be expected from published trace element distribution coefficient values and Sr/Ca ratios of most modern sedimentary pore waters. This discrepancy probably reflects the uncertainties associated with determining distribution coefficient values. As techniques improve for the analytical measurement and theoretical modelling of Sr concentration and isotopic variations, the petrological analysis of carbonate samples becomes increasingly important. The presence of even small percentages of non-carbonate phases with high Rb concentrations and high 87 Sr86 Sr values, such as clay minerals, can have significant effects on the measured 87 Sr/86 Sr values of carbonate rocks, due to the decay of 87Rb to 87 Sr. For example, a Permian marine limestone with 50 p.p.m. Sr and 1 p.p.m. Rb will have a present-day 87 Sr/86 Sr value that is >2 × 10?4 higher than its original value. This difference is an order of magnitude greater than the analytical uncertainty, and illustrates the importance of assessing the need for and accuracy of such corrections. A quantitative evaluation of the effects of water-rock interaction on Sr concentrations and isotope compositions in carbonates strengthens the application of these geochemical tracers. Geochemical modelling that combines the use of trace elements and isotopes can be used to distinguish between different mechanisms of water-rock interaction, including diffusive and advective transport of diagenetic constituents in meteoric pore fluids during the recrystallization of carbonate minerals. Quantitative modelling may also be used to construct diagnostic fluid-rock interaction trends that are independent of distribution coefficient values, and to distinguish between mixing of mineral end-members and fluid-rock interaction.  相似文献   

Late-crystallised interstitial alkali feldspars and a single epidote from selected Proterozoic dolerites in Sweden have higher initital 87Sr/86Sr ratios, (e.g., 0.709) than the early-crystallised minerals of the same rocks ( 0.704); anomalies in Rb and Sr concentrations are also noted. This radiogenically-enriched Sr must originate in the older host rocks of the intrusions. As the contaminated phases often occupy <1 % of the dolerite, only an aqueous fluid would have been capable of transporting the contamination through the 99% solid intrusions. Textural association of late feldspars with hydrous alteration products supports this interpretation. Feldspar structural data suggest that most dolerites have been affected by subsolidus aqueous fluids, causing extensive structural re-equilibration in interstitial K-feldspars, as well as occasional metasomatic effects. Anomalies in 87Sr developed only where the fluids interacted with host rocks.  相似文献   

Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isotopic data for Archaean gneisses from three localities within the eastern Yilgarn Block of Western Australia indicate that the gneisses define a precise Rb‐Sr whole rock isochron age of 2780 ± 60 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7007 ± 5. The Sm‐Nd isotopic data do not correspond to a single linear array, but form two coherent groups that are consistent with a c. 2800 Ma age of crust formation, with variable initial Nd. These results indicate that the gneiss protoliths existed as continental crust for a maximum period of only c. 100 Ma, and probably for a much shorter time, prior to the formation of the 2790 ±30 Ma greenstones.  相似文献   

One of the main tectonic boundaries of the Variscan Belt in the Iberian Peninsula is the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact. This contact is marked by a highly deformed unit (Central Unit) which recorded an initial high-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic evolution. Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic data from three gneissic bodies cropping out in the Central Unit yield two Late Proterozoic ages (690 ± 134 and 632 ± 103 Ma) and an early Palaeozoic age (495 ± 13 Ma), which we interpret as protolith ages. The two Late Proterozoic orthogneisses show initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios typical of mantle-derived materials or those with significant mantle participation (87Sr/86Sr > 0.709). These new radiometric data, together with ages previously published and the structural evolution of the Central Unit, lead to the conclusions that: (1) there are magmatic protoliths of Late Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic ages; (2) the metamorphic evolution of this area, including the high-pressure event, belongs to the Variscan orogenic cycle; (3) the deformations observed affect the rocks of the entire Central Unit, accordingly they are post-Ordovician, i.e. Variscan; and (4) consequently, the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact is interpreted here as a Variscan suture.  相似文献   

The basement volcano-sedimentary rocks of northeast Sudan form part of the Nubian Shield of northeast Africa. Volcanic rocks from the Kadawēb area yield Rb—Sr wholerock isochron ages of 718 and 722 Ma and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7027 and 0.7029. In the Homogar area, 150 km to the south, volcanic rocks yield a Rb—Sr whole-rock isochron age of 671 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7034. Although all of these lavas have been altered by a low-grade greenschist facies event, isotopic and geochemical evidence indicates limited open system behaviour. Thus these dates most probably represent extrusive ages indicating two episodes of volcanic activity during the evolution of the Nubian Shield. These results place some important constraints on the nature of crustal evolution in northeast Africa.  相似文献   

World-class deposits of magnesite and siderite occur in Riphean strata of the Southern Urals, Russia. Field evidence, inclusion fluid chemistry, and stable isotope data presented in this study clearly proof that the replacement and precipitation processes leading to the formation of the epigenetic dolomite, magnesite and hydrothermal siderite were genetically related to evaporitic fluids affecting already lithified rocks. There is, however, a systematic succession of events leading to the formation of magnesite in a first stage. After burial and diagenesis the same brines were modified to hot and reducing hydrothermal fluids and were the source for the formation of hydrothermal siderite. The magnesites of the Satka Formation as well as the magnesites and the siderites of the Bakal Formation exhibit low Na/Br (106 to 222) and Cl/Br (162 to 280) ratios plotting on the seawater evaporation trend, indicating that the fluids acquired their salinity by evaporation processes of seawater. Temperature calculations based on cation exchange thermometers indicate a formation temperature of the magnesites of?~?130 °C. Considering the fractionation at this temperature stable isotope evidence shows that the magnesite forming brines had δ18OSMOW values of?~?+1 ‰ thus indicating a seawater origin of the original fluid. Furthermore it proves that these fluids were not yet affected by appreciable fluid-rock interaction, which again implies magnesite formation in relatively high crustal levels. In contrast to the magnesites, the siderite mineralization was caused by hydrothermal fluids that underwent more intense reactions with their host rocks in deeper crustal levels compared to the magnesite. The values of 87Sr /86Sr in the siderites are substantially higher compared to the host rock slates. They also exceed the 87Sr /86Sr ratios of the magnesites and the host rock limestones indicating these slates as the source of iron as a consequence of water-rock interaction. The siderites were formed at temperatures of?~?250 °C indicating a relatively heavy fluid in equilibrium with siderite of 13 ‰ δ18OSMOW, which is in the range of diagenetic/metamorphic fluids and reflects the?±?complete equilibration with the host rocks. Carbon isotope evidence shows that the fluid forming the siderites underwent a much higher interaction with the host rocks resulting in a lowering of the δ13C numbers (?3,3 to ?3,7 ‰). The light carbon was most probably derived from decaying hydrocarbons in the Riphean sediments. In a very early stage after sedimentation of the Satka Formation (~1,550 Ma) magnesite was formed by seepage reflux of evaporitic bittern brines at the stage of riftogenic activity in the region (1,380–1,350 Ma). Sedimentation of the Bakal Formation (~1,430 Ma) and intrusion of diabase dykes (1,386?±?1,4 Ma) followed. Diagenetic/epigenetic mobilization of these buried fluids at?~?1,100 Ma resulted in the formation of hydrothermal siderite bodies.  相似文献   

A combined study of petrography, whole-rock major and trace elements as well as Rb?Sr and Sm?Nd isotopes, and mineral oxygen isotopes was carried out for two groups of low-T/UHP granitic gneiss in the Dabie orogen. The results demonstrate that metamorphic dehydration and partial melting occurred during exhumation of deeply subducted continent. Zircon δ18O values of ? 2.8 to + 4.7‰ for the gneiss are all lower than normal mantle values of 5.3 ± 0.3‰, consistent with 18O depletion of protolith due to high-T meteoric-hydrothermal alteration at mid-Neoproterozoic. Most samples have extremely low 87Sr/86Sr ratios at t1 = 780 Ma, but very high 87Sr/86Sr ratios at t2 = 230 Ma. This suggests intensive fluid disturbance due to the hydrothermal alteration of protoliths during Neoproterozoic magma emplacement and the metamorphic dehydration during Triassic continental collision. Rb–Sr isotopes, Th/Ta vs. La/Ta and Th/Hf vs. La/Nb relationships suggest that Group I gneiss experienced lower degrees of hydrothermal alteration, but higher degrees of dehydration, than Group II gneiss. The two groups of gneiss have similar patterns of REE and trace element partition. Group I gneiss displays good correlations between Nb and LREEs but no correlations between Nb and LILEs (Rb, Ba, Pb, Th and U), indicating differential mobilities of LILEs during the dehydration. Thus the correlation between Nb and LREEs is inherited from protolith rather than caused by metamorphic modification. Relative to Group I gneiss, Group II gneiss has stronger negative Eu anomaly, lower contents of Sr and Ba but higher contents of Rb, Th and U. In particular, Nb correlates with LILEs (e.g., Rb, Sr, Ba, Th and U), but not with LREEs (La and Ce). This may indicate decoupling between the dehydration and LILEs transport during continental collision. Furthermore, dehydration melting may have occurred due to breakdown of muscovite during “hot” exhumation. Group II gneiss has extremely low contents of FeO + MgO + TiO2 (1.04 to 2.08 wt.%), high SiO2 contents of 75.33 to 78.23 wt%, and high total alkali (Na2O + K2O) contents (7.52 to 8.92 wt.%), comparable with compositions predicted from partial melting of felsic rocks by experimental studies. Almost no UHP metamorphic minerals survived; felsic veins of fine-grain minerals occurs locally between coarse-grain minerals, resulting in a kind of metatexite migmatites due to dehydration melting without considerable escape of felsic melts from the host gneiss. In contrast, Group I gneiss only shows metamorphic dehydration. Therefore, the two groups of gneiss show contrasting behaviors of fluid–rock interaction during the continental collision.  相似文献   

The Yunkai Area is located at the southern South China Block and is part of the Qinzhou Bay-Hangzhou Bay Metallogenic Belt, which is a famous polymetallic mineralization belt. The Xinhua Pb–Zn–(Ag) deposit is located in the western part of Yunkai Area, with an abundance of Pubei batholiths. Zircon U–Pb geochronology of Pubei batholiths shows that crystallization age ranges from 251.9 ± 2.2 to 244.3 ± 1.8 Ma, thus belonging to Indosinian orogeny. Geochemistry and Sr isotopic compositions of the Pubei batholiths show that it is derived from the partial melting of large scale crustal melting during the stage of exhumation and uplifting of the lower-middle crust. In addition, strontium isotope of sphalerite from the Xinhua Pb–Zn–(Ag) deposit, has limited ranges in 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr, ranging from 0.4077 to 1.0449, and 0.718720 to 0.725245, respectively. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sphalerite ranges between 0.718720 and 0.725245, which is higher than that of upper continental crust and lower than that of the Pubei batholiths, illustrating the fluid might be derived from the mixing of Pubei pluton and upper continental crust.  相似文献   

Numerous lamproite dykes are hosted by the Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India, particularly towards the northwestern margin of the Cuddapah Basin. We present here a comprehensive mineralogical and geochemical (including Sr and Nd isotopic) study on the lamproites from the Vattikod Field, exposed in the vicinity of the well-studied Ramadugu lamproite field. The Vattikod lamproites trend WNW–ESE to NW–SE and reveal effects of low-temperature post-magmatic alteration. The studied lamproites show porphyritic texture with carbonated and serpentinized olivine, diopside, fluorine-rich phlogopite, amphibole, apatite, chromite, allanite, and calcite. The trace-element geochemistry (elevated Sr and HFSE) reveals their mixed affinity to orogenic as well as anorogenic lamproites. Higher fluorine content of the hydrous phases coupled with higher whole-rock K2O highlights the role of metasomatic phlogopite and apatite in the mantle source regions. Trace-element ratios such as Zr/Hf and Ti/Eu reveal carbonate metasomatism of mantle previously enriched by ancient subduction processes. The initial 87Sr/86Sr-isotopic ratios (calculated for an assumed emplacement age of 1350 Ma) vary from 0.7037 to 0.7087 and ?Nd range from ??10.6 to ??9.3, consistent with data on global lamproites and ultrapotassic rocks. We attribute the mixed orogenic–anorogenic character for the lamproites under study to multi-stage metasomatism. We relate the (1) earlier subduction-related enrichment to the Paleoproterozoic amalgamation of the Columbia supercontinent and the (2) second episode of carbonate metasomatism to the Mesoproterozoic rift-related asthenospheric upwelling associated with the Columbia breakup. This study highlights the association of lamproites with supercontinent amalgamation and fragmentation in the Earth history.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Sr and the abundances of Rb andSr have been determined in the alkaline rocks of the Fen Complex,South Norway. The 87Sr/88Sr ratios range from as low as 0.703in carbonatite (s?vite) to as high as 0.710 in rauhaugite. Thewhole rock analyses do not plot on a Nicolaysen diagram as anisochron. Calculation of the initial isotopic composition ofSr in the rocks at the time of intrusion of the complex, approximately550 m.y. ago, shows that the rocks are not simply related asthe differentiation products of a single magma, since they donot possess similar initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The lowest initialratio is seen in the s?vites and it is concluded that this rockrepresents the magma from which the other rocks of the complexwere derived. Production of hybrid rocks by bulk assimilationof granite gneiss in carbonatite is inadequate to account forthe observed Rb/Sr ratios. It is envisaged that selective concentrationof granitic Sr of high 87Sr/86Sr ratio together with loss orgain of variable amounts of Rb has taken place. The processis closely connected with the fenitization observed at the marginsof the complex and is of a metasomatic nature. Thus, the genesisof rocks of the melteigite-ijolite-urtite series may be consideredto be a rheomorphic process. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios observed inr?dberg and rauhaugite can be explained in terms of the metasomaticalteration of damtjernite.  相似文献   

The Jinshan gold deposit is located in the Northeast Jiangxi province,South China,which related to the ductile shear zone.It contains two ore types,i.e.the alteration-type ore and the goldbearing quartz vein ore.Rb-Sr age dating is applied to both gold-bearing pyrite in the alteration-type ore and fluid inclusion in the gold-bearing quartz vein to make clear the time of the gold mineralization of the Jinshan deposit.Analytical results of this study yielded that the age of the alteration-type ore bodies is about 838±110Ma,with an initial 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7045±0.0020.However,the age of the gold-bearing quartz vein-type ore is about 379±49Ma,and the initial 87Sr/86Sr is 0.7138±0.0011.Based on the age data from this work and many previous studies,the authors consider that the Jinshan gold deposit is a product of multi-staged mineralization,which may include the Jinninian,Caledonian,Hercynian,and Yanshanian Periods.Among them,the Jinninian Period and the Hercynian Period might be the two most important ore-forming periods for Jinshan deposit.The Jinninian Period is the main stage for the formation of alteration-type ore bodies,while the Hercynian Period is the major time for ore bodies of gold-bearing quartz vein type.The initial values of the 87Sr/86Sr from this study,as well as the previous isotope and trace element studies,indicate that the ore-forming materials mainly derived from the metamorphic wall rocks,and the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from the deep metamorphic water.  相似文献   

Granitoid plutons are often difficult to radiometrically date precisely due to the possible effects of protracted and complex magmatic evolution, crustal inheritance, and/or partial re-setting of radiogenic clocks. However, apart from natural/geological issues, methodological and analytical problems may also contribute to blurring geochronological data. This may be exemplified by the Variscan Karkonosze Pluton (SW Poland). High-precision chemical abrasion (CA) ID-TIMS zircon data indicate that the two main rock types, porphyritic and equigranular, of this igneous body were both emplaced at ca. 312 Ma, while field evidence points to a younger age for the latter. This is in contrast to the earlier reported SIMS (SHRIMP) zircon dates that scattered mainly between ca. 322 and 302 Ma. In an attempt to overcome this dispersion, at least in part caused by radiogenic lead loss, the CA technique was used before SHRIMP analysis. The 206Pb/238U age obtained in this way from a sample of porphyritic granite is 322 ± 3 Ma, ~16 Ma older than the untreated zircons; another porphyritic sample yielded a mean age of 319 ± 3 Ma, and the mean age was 318 ± 4 Ma for an equigranular granite sample – all three somewhat older than the age obtained by ID-TIMS. Older SIMS dates of ca. 318–322 Ma might indicate either faint inheritance or that zircon domains crystallized during earlier stages of Karkonosze igneous evolution. The ID-TIMS results have been used to re-assess the whole-rock Rb–Sr data. Excluding a porphyritic granite with excess radiogenic 87Sr, it appears that isotopic homogeneity was achieved for most samples during the 312 Ma event, as shown by a pooled 21-point isochron with an age of 311 ± 3 Ma and an initial 86Sr/86Sr of 0.7067 ± 4. Local crustal contamination by stopping of metapelitic material might account for the more radiogenic Sr isotope signature observed in biotite-rich schlieren. A critical re-evaluation of all available SHRIMP data using the ID-TIMS age of 312 Ma as a benchmark suggests that the observed scatter may be partly attributed to analytical and methodological problems, in particular failing to distinguish subtly discordant spots from truly concordant ones, which is a serious limitation of the microbeam analytical approach. Other likely pitfalls contributing to geochronological scatter are identified in the published Re–Os ages on molybdenite and the 40Ar/39Ar data on micas. A scenario postulating a 15–20 milliion year evolution of the Karkonosze Pluton cannot be established on the basis of available geochronological data, which rather supports a brief igneous event, although a more protracted pre-emplacement evolution is possible. A short timescale for crystallization of large igneous bodies, as suggested by the ID-TIMS data from the Karkonosze Granite, is in line with models of transport of granitic magmas through dikes to form large plutons.  相似文献   

Systematic shifts of oxygen isotopic compositions in the higher grade parts of the high temperature-low pressure Hercynian metamorphic sequence, exposed in the Trois Seigneurs Massif, have previously been explained as a result of an influx of surface-derived water during the prograde part of the metamorphic cycle. It has been suggested that this caused a regional lowering of 87Sr/86Sr in the metamorphic sequence. Mapping of strontium isotopic compositions across a 15 m meta-carbonate horizon in the higher grade pelite-psammite sequence shows that strontium isotopic compositions were homogenised over length scales of metres or less during the Hercynian metamorphism, which brought the carbonate and pelite-psammite to oxygen isotopic equilibrium with a common fluid. Comparison of model pre-Hercynian 87Sr/86Sr profiles across the carbonate (based on a depositional/diagenetic age of 450 Ma and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7086 given by 10 m length scale averaging) with the post-Hercynian 87Sr/86Sr profile (calculated from analysed 87Sr/86Sr and Rb/Sr compositions) implies strontium isotopic diffusion distances of ca. 0.4 m in the carbonate and ca. 7 m in the pelite-psammite. The limited Sr-isotopic diffusion distance of 0.4–0.7 m within the carbonate is compatible with pervasive oxygen-isotopic exchange over distances restricted to 4–15 m if fluid strontium concentrations were between 4 and 50 ppm. The strontium isotopic transport distances are not compatible with pervasive oxygen isotopic alteration over the observed 5 km regional scale. Either the flow was perfectly layer-parallel or, more probably, the regional-scale alteration of oxygen took place by fluid circulation in the brittle regime early in, or prior to, the Hercynian metamorphic event. Flow along cracks with incomplete diffusive exchange between fluid and wall rock would allow greater decoupling of oxygen and strontium isotopic transport than pervasive advective transport with local fluid-solid equilibrium.  相似文献   

We present zircon U–Pb dating, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd isotope results for the Upper Permian–Upper Triassic volcanic rocks to constrain the timing of the final closure of the eastern segment of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean. The volcanic rocks were mainly collected from the Yanbian area in eastern Jilin Province, northeastern China. The zircon U–Pb dating results indicate that the samples can be classified as Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts (ca. 262–244 Ma) and Upper Triassic dacites (ca. 216 Ma). The whole-rock geochemical results indicate that the rocks predominately belong to the medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline series. The basalts are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g. Ba and K) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. Nb and Ta), with weak positive Eu anomalies. The dacites are enriched in LILEs (e.g. Rb, Ba, Th, and K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs) and marked depletion in some HFSEs (e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti), with significant negative Sr, P, and Eu anomalies. Moreover, the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7037–0.7048) and high εNd values (4.4–5.4). In contrast, the Upper Triassic dacites possess relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7052) compared with their low εNd values (1.4). The basaltic magma likely originated from the partial melting of a depleted mantle wedge metasomatized by subduction-related fluids, and the felsic magmas likely originated from the partial melting of a dominantly juvenile source with a minor component of ancient crust. Taken together, the Upper Permian–Lower Triassic basalts (ca. 262–244 Ma) are arc basalts that formed in an active continental margin setting, and the Upper Triassic dacites (ca. 216 Ma) are A-type granitic rocks that formed in an extensional setting. Therefore, the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean occurred during the Middle–Late Triassic.  相似文献   

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