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Current theoretical models do not satisfactorily explain observed variations of the global exospheric atomic hydrogen density distribution. Differences between the mesospheric upward flux and the Jeans escape mechanism indicate that other escape fluxes affect hydrogen density. Observations of latitudinal depletions and an early morning trough in the exosphere can be attributed to the influence of additional escape mechanisms. These variations of the exospheric hydrogen density distribution seem to be correlated with other observed variations in the atmosphere; however, no straightforward explanation has been proposed to date.  相似文献   

Modern models of the formation of the regular satellites of giant planets, constructed with consideration for their structure and composition suggest that this process lasted for a considerable period of time (0.1–1 Myr) and developed in gas-dust circumplanetary disks at the final stage of giant planet formation. The parameters of protosatellite disks (e.g., the radial distribution of surface density and temperature) serve as important initial conditions for such models. Therefore, the development of protosatellite disk models that take into account currently known cosmochemical and physical restrictions remains a pressing problem. It is this problem that is solved in the paper. New models of the accretion disks of Jupiter and Saturn were constructed with consideration for the disk heating by viscous dissipation of turbulent motions, by accretion of material from the surrounding region of the solar nebula, and by radiation from the central planets. The influence of a set of input model parameters (the total rate of mass infall onto the disk, the turbulent viscosity and opacity of disk material, and the centrifugal radius of the disk) on thermal conditions in the accretion disks was studied. The dependence of opacity on temperature and the abundance and size of solid particles present in the disk was taken into account. Those constructed models that satisfy the existing constraints limit the probable values of input parameters (primarily rates of mass infall onto the disks of Jupiter and Saturn at the stage of regular satellite formation and, to a lesser extent, the disk opacities). Constraints on the location of the regions of formation of the major satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are suggested based on the constructed models and simple analytical estimates concerning the formation of satellites in the accretion disks. It is shown that Callisto and Titan could hardly be formed at significantly greater distances from their planets.  相似文献   

Observation of the lunar exosphere is a tool for remote sensing of the surface properties. The sources of this exosphere are related to the interactions of the lunar surface with the solar radiation, with the solar wind or Earth??s magnetospheric plasma, and with the interplanetary dust and meteorites. In fact, the exospheric particles are continuously created and subsequently lost in the interplanetary space, photo-ionized or re-adsorbed by the surface. Eventually, the estimation of the surface composition is not possible without the knowledge of the active release mechanisms. The relative weight of the different release processes of the various atoms, ions and molecules from the surface is still an open debate. Investigation of the Moon??s release processes and interaction with the near-Earth environment is of crucial importance for both determining the relative process release contribution and understanding the surface evolution of other airless bodies, like Mercury and the giant planets?? moons. In this work, an attempt to analyze the processes that take place on the surface of these small airless bodies, as a result of their exposure to the space environment, has been realized by means of the MonteCarlo Environment Simulation Tool (EST), applied to the Moon. The model results show that the different release processes can be identified by analysing the exospheric energy distribution. Finally, the instrument concept of the ??Analizzatore Lunare di ENA?? (ALENA), part of the MAGIA payload and specifically designed for detecting the high-energy particles released from the lunar surface is presented.  相似文献   

We give an overview of our current understanding of the structure of gas giant planets, from Jupiter and Saturn to extrasolar giant planets. We focus on addressing what high-pressure laboratory experiments on hydrogen and helium can help to elucidate about the structure of these planets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the physical properties and characteristic features of extrasolar planets and planetary systems, those, for which the passage of low-orbit giant planets across the stellar disk (transits) are observed. The paper is mostly a review. The peculiarities of the search for transits are briefly considered. The main attention in this paper is given to the difference in the physical properties of low-orbit giant planets. A comparison of the data obtained during the transits of “hot Jupiters” points to the probable existence of several distinct subtypes of low-orbit extrasolar planets. “Hot Jupiters” of low density (HD 209458b), “hot Jupiters” with massive cores composed of heavy elements (HD 149026b), and “very hot Jupiters” (HD 189733b) are bodies that probably fall into different categories of exoplanets. Dissipation of the atmospheres of low-orbit giant planets estimated from the experimental data is compared with the calculated Jeans atmospheric losses. For “hot Jupiters”, the expected Jeans mass losses due to atmospheric escape on a cosmogonic time scale hardly exceed a few percent. Low-orbit giant planets should have a strong magnetic field. Since the orbital velocity of “hot Jupiters” is close to the magnetosonic velocity (or can even exceed it), the moving planet should actively interact with the “stellar wind” plasma. The possession of a magnetic field by extrasolar planets and the effects of their interaction with plasma can be used to search for extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

This is a study of the kinetics and transport of hot oxygen atoms in the transition region (from the thermosphere to the exosphere) of the Martian upper atmosphere. It is assumed that the source of the hot oxygen atoms is the transfer of momentum and energy in elastic collisions between thermal atmospheric oxygen atoms and the high-energy protons and hydrogen atoms precipitating onto the Martian upper atmosphere from the solar-wind plasma. The distribution functions of suprathermal oxygen atoms by the kinetic energy are calculated. It is shown that the exosphere is populated by a large number of suprathermal oxygen atoms with kinetic energies up to the escape energy 2 eV; i.e., a hot oxygen corona is formed around Mars. The transfer of energy from the precipitating solar-wind plasma protons and hydrogen atoms to the thermal oxygen atoms leads to the formation of an additional nonthermal escape flux of atomic oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. The precipitation-induced escape flux of hot oxygen atoms may become dominant under the conditions of extreme solar events, such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, as shown by recent observations onboard NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft (Jakosky et al., 2015).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate numerical solutions of third-order Clairaut theory, under the boundary conditions given in our previous work (El-Shaarawy, 1974). This solution gives an explicit form of the shape and rotational distortion, due to third-order sectorial harmonic terms, of the equipotential surfaces of the two rapidly rotating planets, Jupiter and Saturn at the different levels inside these planets owing to a certain internal density distribution model (Zharkov, 1975). We considered each of them as a heterogeneous self-gravitating fluid mass in hydrostatic equilibrium.  相似文献   

The Chree superposition analysis of the luminosities of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune indicates a correlation between solar activity and planetary luminosity. The variations of the solar constant in the visible range are considered to be too small to explain the observed changes in brightness. The interaction of solar extreme ultraviolet or solar wind particles with the atmospheres of these planets is probably responsible for the increased albedo during periods of high solar activity.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2008,198(1):156-162
Sedimentation rates of silicate grains in gas giant protoplanets formed by disk instability are calculated for protoplanetary masses between 1 MSaturn to 10 MJupiter. Giant protoplanets with masses of 5 MJupiter or larger are found to be too hot for grain sedimentation to form a silicate core. Smaller protoplanets are cold enough to allow grain settling and core formation. Grain sedimentation and core formation occur in the low mass protoplanets because of their slow contraction rate and low internal temperature. It is predicted that massive giant planets will not have cores, while smaller planets will have small rocky cores whose masses depend on the planetary mass, the amount of solids within the body, and the disk environment. The protoplanets are found to be too hot to allow the existence of icy grains, and therefore the cores are predicted not to contain any ices. It is suggested that the atmospheres of low mass giant planets are depleted in refractory elements compared with the atmospheres of more massive planets. These predictions provide a test of the disk instability model of gas giant planet formation. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn were found to be ∼0.25 M and ∼0.5 M, respectively. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn can be substantially larger if planetesimal accretion is included. The final core mass will depend on planetesimal size, the time at which planetesimals are formed, and the size distribution of the material added to the protoplanet. Jupiter's core mass can vary from 2 to 12 M. Saturn's core mass is found to be ∼8 M.  相似文献   

Atoms which escape Titan's atmosphere are unlikely to possess escape velocity from Saturn, and can orbit the planet until lost by ionization or collision with Titan. It is predicted that a toroidal ring of between ~1 and ~103 atoms or molecules cm?3 exists around Saturn at a distance of about 10 times the radius of the visible rings. This torus may be detectable from Earth-orbit and detection of nondetection of it may provide some information about the presence or absence of a Saturnian magnetic field, and the exospheric temperature and atmospheric escape rate of Titan. It is estimated that, if Titan has a large exosphere, ~97% or more of the escaping atoms can be recaptured by Titan, thereby decreasing the effective net atmospheric loss rate by up to two orders of magnitude. With such a reduction in atmospheric loss rates, it becomes more plausible to suggest that satellites previously thought too small to retain an atmosphere may have one. It is suggested that Saturn be examined by Lyman-α and other observations to search for the gaseous torus of Titan. If successful, these could then be extended to other satellites.The effect of a hypothetical Saturnian magnetosphere on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated. It is shown that, if Saturn has a magnetic field comparable to Jupiter's (~10 G at the planetary surface), the magnetospheric plasma can supply Titan with hydrogen at a rate comparable to the loss rates in some of the models of Trafton (1972) and Sagan (1973). A major part of the Saturnian ionospheric escape flux (~ 1027 photoelectrons sec?1) could perhaps be captured by Titan. At the upper limit, this rate of hydrogen input to the satellite could total ~0.1 atm pressure over the lifetime of the solar system, an amount comparable to estimates of the present atmospheric pressure of Titan.  相似文献   

We use numerical integrations to investigate the dynamical evolution of resonant Trojan and quasi-satellite companions during the late stages of migration of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Our migration simulations begin with Jupiter and Saturn on orbits already well separated from their mutual 2:1 mean-motion resonance. Neptune and Uranus are decoupled from each other and have orbital eccentricities damped to near their current values. From this point we adopt a planet migration model in which the migration speed decreases exponentially with a characteristic timescale τ (the e-folding time). We perform a series of numerical simulations, each involving the migrating giant planets plus test particle Trojans and quasi-satellites. We find that the libration frequencies of Trojans are similar to those of quasi-satellites. This similarity enables a dynamical exchange of objects back and forth between the Trojan and quasi-satellite resonances during planetary migration. This exchange is facilitated by secondary resonances that arise whenever there is more than one migrating planet. For example, secondary resonances may occur when the circulation frequencies, f, of critical arguments for the Uranus-Neptune 2:1 mean-motion near-resonance are commensurate with harmonics of the libration frequency of the critical argument for the Trojan and quasi-satellite 1:1 mean-motion resonance . Furthermore, under the influence of these secondary resonances quasi-satellites can have their libration amplitudes enlarged until they undergo a close-encounter with their host planet and escape from the resonance. High-resolution simulations of this escape process reveal that ≈80% of jovian quasi-satellites experience one or more close-encounters within Jupiter’s Hill radius (RH) as they are forced out of the quasi-satellite resonance. As many as ≈20% come within RH/4 and ≈2.5% come within RH/10. Close-encounters of escaping quasi-satellites occur near or even below the 2-body escape velocity from the host planet. Finally, the exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites continues to as late as 6-9τ in some simulations. By this time the dynamical evolution of the planets is strongly dominated by distant gravitational perturbations between the planets rather than the migration force. This suggests that exchange and escape of Trojans and quasi-satellites may be a contemporary process associated with the present-day near-resonant configuration of some of the giant planets in our Solar System.  相似文献   

The processes of the kinetics and transport of hot oxygen atoms in the transition (between thermosphere and exosphere) region of the upper atmosphere of Mars are studied. The reaction of dissociative recombination of the main ionospheric ion O 2 + with thermal electrons in the ionosphere of Mars is considered as a source of hot oxygen atoms. The distribution of suprathermal oxygen atoms by kinetic energy is calculated. It is shown that the exosphere is populated by a considerable number of suprathermal oxygen atoms with kinetic energies just below the escape energy of 2 eV; that is, a hot oxygen corona of Mars is formed.  相似文献   

The Atmospheres Node of the International Outer Planets Watch (IOPW, formerly known as International Jupiter Watch; Russell et al., 1990) intends to encourage and coordinate the imaging observations and study of the atmospheres of the Giant Planets. The main activity of the atmospheres node is to provide an interaction between the professional and amateur astronomical communities maintaining a large database of images of the giant planets (primarily Jupiter and Saturn but with increasing contributions of Uranus and Neptune too). The observational datasets of Jupiter and Saturn correspond to images obtained in the visible range (300 nm-1 μm), during the last decade, most of them performed by amateur observers. We here describe the organization and structure of the database as posted on the Internet and in particular the PVOL software (Planetary Virtual Observatory Laboratory) designed to manage the site in the spirit of the Virtual Observatory projects. We also describe with examples the important role of the amateur-professional collaboration in the study of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn in an epoch of large telescopes and spacecraft observations of both planets.  相似文献   

We have performed N -body numerical simulations of the exchange of angular momentum between a massive planet and a 3D Keplerian disc of planetesimals. Our interest is directed at the study of the classical analytical expressions of the lineal theory of density waves, as representative of the dynamical friction in discs 'dominated by the planet' and the orbital migration of the planets with regard to this effect. By means of a numerical integration of the equations of motion, we have carried out a set of numerical experiments with a large number of particles  ( N ≥10 000)  , and planets with the mass of Jupiter, Saturn and one core mass of the giant planets in the Solar system  ( M c=10 M)  . The torque, measured in a phase in which a 'steady forcing' is clearly measurable, yields inward migration in a minimum-mass solar disc  (Σ∼10 g cm-2  ), with a characteristic drift time of ∼ a few 106 yr. The planets predate the disc, but the orbital decay rate is not sufficient to allow accretion in a time-scale relevant to the formation of giant planets. We found reductions of the measured torque on the planet, with respect to the linear theory, by a factor of 0.38 for M c, 0.04 for Saturn and 0.01 for Jupiter, due to the increase in the perturbation on the disc. The behaviour of planets whose mass is larger than M c is similar to the one of type II migrators in gaseous discs. Our results suggest that, in a minimum mass, solar planetesimals disc, type I migrations occur for masses smaller than M c, whereas for this mass value it could be a transition zone between the two types of migration.  相似文献   

An exospheric kinetic solar wind model is interfaced with an observation-driven single-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. Initially, a photospheric magnetogram serves as observational input in the fluid approach to extrapolate the heliospheric magnetic field. Then semi-empirical coronal models are used for estimating the plasma characteristics up to a heliocentric distance of 0.1 AU. From there on, a full MHD model that computes the three-dimensional time-dependent evolution of the solar wind macroscopic variables up to the orbit of Earth is used. After interfacing the density and velocity at the inner MHD boundary, we compare our results with those of a kinetic exospheric solar wind model based on the assumption of Maxwell and Kappa velocity distribution functions for protons and electrons, respectively, as well as with in situ observations at 1 AU. This provides insight into more physically detailed processes, such as coronal heating and solar wind acceleration, which naturally arise from including suprathermal electrons in the model. We are interested in the profile of the solar wind speed and density at 1 AU, in characterizing the slow and fast source regions of the wind, and in comparing MHD with exospheric models in similar conditions. We calculate the energetics of both models from low to high heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2010,207(1):373-393
Three-dimensional numerical simulations show that large-scale latent heating resulting from condensation of water vapor can produce multiple zonal jets similar to those on the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). For plausible water abundances (3-5 times solar on Jupiter/Saturn and 30 times solar on Uranus/Neptune), our simulations produce ∼20 zonal jets for Jupiter and Saturn and 3 zonal jets on Uranus and Neptune, similar to the number of jets observed on these planets. Moreover, these Jupiter/Saturn cases produce equatorial superrotation whereas the Uranus/Neptune cases produce equatorial subrotation, consistent with the observed equatorial-jet direction on these planets. Sensitivity tests show that water abundance, planetary rotation rate, and planetary radius are all controlling factors, with water playing the most important role; modest water abundances, large planetary radii, and fast rotation rates favor equatorial superrotation, whereas large water abundances favor equatorial subrotation regardless of the planetary radius and rotation rate. Given the larger radii, faster rotation rates, and probable lower water abundances of Jupiter and Saturn relative to Uranus and Neptune, our simulations therefore provide a possible mechanism for the existence of equatorial superrotation on Jupiter and Saturn and the lack of superrotation on Uranus and Neptune. Nevertheless, Saturn poses a possible difficulty, as our simulations were unable to explain the unusually high speed (∼) of that planet’s superrotating jet. The zonal jets in our simulations exhibit modest violations of the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria. Overall, our simulations, while idealized, support the idea that latent heating plays an important role in generating the jets on the giant planets.  相似文献   

Ever since their discovery the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have held out the promise of providing an independent set of observations with which to test theories of planet formation. Yet elucidating their origins has proven elusive. Here we show that Iapetus can serve to discriminate between satellite formation models. Its accretion history can be understood in terms of a two-component gaseous subnebula, with a relatively dense inner region, and an extended tail out to the location of the irregular satellites, as in the SEMM model of Mosqueira and Estrada (2003a,b) (Mosqueira, I., Estrada, P.R. [2003a]. Icarus 163, 198-231; Mosqueira, I., Estrada, P.R. [2003b]. Icarus 163, 232-255). Following giant planet formation, planetesimals in the feeding zone of Jupiter and Saturn become dynamically excited, and undergo a collisional cascade. Ablation and capture of planetesimal fragments crossing the gaseous circumplanetary disks delivers enough collisional rubble to account for the mass budgets of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. This process can result in rock/ice fractionation as long as the make up of the population of disk crossers is non-homogeneous, thus offering a natural explanation for the marked compositional differences between outer solar nebula objects and those that accreted in the subnebulae of the giant planets. For a given size, icy objects are easier to capture and to ablate, likely resulting in an overall enrichment of ice in the subnebula. Furthermore, capture and ablation of rocky fragments become inefficient far from the planet for two reasons: the gas surface density of the subnebula is taken to drop outside the centrifugal radius, and the velocity of interlopers decreases with distance from the planet. Thus, rocky objects crossing the outer disks of Jupiter and Saturn never reach a temperature high enough to ablate either due to melting or vaporization, and capture is also greatly diminished there. In contrast, icy objects crossing the outer disks of each planet ablate due to the melting and vaporization of water-ice. Consequently, our model leads to an enhancement of the ice content of Iapetus, and to a lesser degree those of Titan, Callisto and Ganymede, and accounts for the (non-stochastic) compositions of these large, low-porosity outer regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. For this to work, the primordial population of planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region must be partially differentiated, so that the ensuing collisional cascade produces an icy population of ?1 m size fragments to be ablated during subnebula crossing. We argue this is likely because the first generation of solar nebula ∼10 km planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region incorporated significant quantities of 26Al. This is the first study successfully to provide a direct connection between nebula planetesimals and subnebulae mixtures with quantifiable and observable consequences for the bulk properties of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and the only explanation presently available for Iapetus’ low density and ice-rich composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— The main asteroid belt has lost >99.9% of its solid mass since the time at which the planets were forming, according to models for the protoplanetary nebula. Here we show that the primordial asteroid belt could have been cleared efficiently if much of the original mass accreted to form planetsized bodies, which were capable of perturbing one another into unstable orbits. We provide results from 25 N‐body integrations of up to 200 planets in the asteroid belt, with individual masses in the range 0.017–0.33 Earth masses. In the simulations, these bodies undergo repeated close encounters which scatter one another into unstable resonances with the giant planets, leading to collision with the Sun or ejection from the solar system. In response, the giant planets' orbits migrate radially and become more circular. This reduces the size of the main‐belt resonances and the clearing rate, although clearing continues. If ~3 Earth masses of material was removed from the belt this way, Jupiter and Saturn would initially have had orbital eccentricities almost twice their current values. Such orbits would have made Jupiter and Saturn 10–100x more effective at clearing material from the belt than they are on their current orbits. The time required to remove 90% of the initial mass from the belt depends sensitively on the giant planets' orbits, and weakly on the masses of the asteroidal planets. 18 of the 25 simulations end with no planets left in the belt, and the clearing takes up to several hundred million years. Typically, the last one or two asteroidal planets are removed by interactions with planets in the terrestrial region  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo model of exospheres (Wurz and Lammer, 2003) was extended by treating the ion-induced sputtering process, photon-stimulated desorption, and micro-meteorite impact vaporisation quantitatively in a self-consistent way starting with the actual release of particles from the mineral surface of Mercury. Based on available literature data we established a global model for the surface mineralogy of Mercury and from that derived the average elemental composition of the surface. This model serves as a tool to estimate densities of species in the exosphere depending on the release mechanism and the associated physical parameters quantitatively describing the particle release from the surface.Our calculation shows that the total contribution to the exospheric density at the Hermean surface by solar wind sputtering is about 4×107 m-3, which is much less than the experimental upper limit of the exospheric density of 1012 m-3. The total calculated exospheric density from micro-meteorite impact vaporisation is about 1.6×108 m-3, also much less than the observed value. We conclude that solar wind sputtering and micro-meteorite impact vaporisation contribute only a small fraction of Mercury’s exosphere, at least close to the surface. Because of the considerably larger scale height of atoms released via sputtering into the exosphere, sputtered atoms start to dominate the exosphere at altitudes exceeding around 1000 km, with the exception of some light and abundant species released thermally, e.g. H2 and He. Because of Mercury’s strong gravitational field not all particles released by sputtering and micro-meteorite impact escape. Over extended time scales this will lead to an alteration of the surface composition.  相似文献   

The processes of dissociation and dissociative ionization of molecular nitrogen by solar UV radiation and by the accompanying flux of photoelectrons, as well as sputtering of the atmosphere by fluxes of magnetospheric ions and pick-up ions, are the main sources of translationally excited (hot, or suprathermal) nitrogen atoms and molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere. Since Titan does not possess an intrinsic magnetic field, ions from Saturn's magnetosphere can penetrate into the outer layers of Titan's atmosphere and sputter atoms and molecules from the atmosphere in momentum-transfer and charge exchange collisions. Atmospheric sputtering by corotating nitrogen ions and carbon-containing pick-up ions, as well as photodissociation-related losses, was considered previously by Lammer and Bauer (1993) and Shematovich et al. (2001, 2003). In this paper we investigate the processes of the formation and evolution of the fraction of suprathermal nitrogen atoms and molecules in the transition region of Titan's upper atmosphere using the previously developed Monte Carlo model for hot satellite and planetary coronas (Shematovich, 1999, 2004). It is established that the suprathermal nitrogen fraction in the transition region of Titan's upper atmosphere includes nitrogen atoms and molecules but the suprathermal nitrogen concentration is relatively small owing to high rates of escape from the atmosphere and to the efficient thermalization of suprathermal nitrogen at the altitudes of the relatively dense lower thermosphere. However, the scale height for suprathermal nitrogen in the transition region is much higher than that for the ambient atmospheric gas. Therefore, suprathermal nitrogen becomes one of the dominant components in the outer exosphere.  相似文献   

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