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Abstract— The ages of seven rock fragments from the soil fraction of the Luna 24 core have been determined using a laser 40Ar-39Ar stepped heating technique. The investigated lithologies include fragments of fine-grained ophitic basalt, coarse-grained basalt, metabasalts and a regolith breccia. Most of the samples contain nonradiogenic Ar components of variable 36Ar/40Ar composition. These surface-correlated trapped components are predominantly released at low temperature and can be distinguished from volume-correlated radiogenic and cosmogenic components released at higher temperature during stepped heating. Binary mixtures of radiogenic and cosmogenic Ar components give linear correlations on 36Art/40Ar-39Ar/40Ar diagrams from which the age and 36Ar/40Ar value of trapped Ar can be determined. The ages obtained span a narrow range between 3.18-3.28 Ga with an average of 3.22 ± 0.04 Ga. This is interpreted as being the age of the basalts at the Luna 24 sampling site. Systematic age differences between lithologies were not detected; however, a single age of 2.93 Ga obtained from a coarse-grained basalt hints at the possibility of younger volcanism. The results of this work effectively triple the chronological information available for Mare Crisium and are within the range of radiometric age measurements of Luna 24 mare basalts obtained previously.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed noble gases from 18 samples of weathering products (“iddingsite”) from the Lafayette meteorite. Potassium‐argon ages of 12 samples range from near zero to 670 ± 91 Ma. These ages confirm the martian origin of the iddingsite, but it is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation as opposed to later alteration or incorporation of martian atmospheric 40Ar. In any case, because iddingsite formation requires liquid water, this data requires the presence of liquid water near the surface of Mars at least as recently as 1300 Ma ago, and probably as recently as 650 Ma ago. Krypton and Xe analysis of a single 34 μg sample indicates the presence of fractionated martian atmosphere within the iddingsite. This also confirms the martian origin of the iddingsite. The mechanism of incorporation could either be through interaction with liquid water during iddingsite formation or a result of shock implantation of adsorbed atmospheric gas. Our strongest conclusion is that the iddingsite in Lafayette formed on Mars, in agreement with the microstratigraphic arguments of Gooding et al. (1991) and Treiman et al. (1993). A preterrestrial origin of the iddingsite is required both by the many non‐zero K‐Ar ages and by the presence of Xe that is isotopically distinct from any terrestrial Xe. The Xe is accompanied by Kr, but the Kr and Xe have been fractionated if they are derived from the present martian atmosphere. This is presumably the result of either incorporation via interaction with liquid water (Drake et al., 1994; Bogard and Garrison, 1998) or by adsorption from the martian atmosphere, perhaps accompanied by shock (see also Gilmour et al., 1998, 1999). Although the iddingsite is enriched in Kr and Xe compared to whole‐rock analyses, it is not clear whether iddingsite is the dominant carrier of the atmospheric‐derived gas (Drake et al., 1994) or merely a minor carrier (Gilmour et al., 1999). Our 40Ar‐39Ar experiment was disappointing, in that it mostly served to confirm that the iddingsite, which contains fine‐grained clays, is susceptible to recoil loss of 39Ar during irradiation. Only one sample of five gave a clear signal of radiogenic or extraterrestrial 40Ar, and that was only by 3°. Potassium‐argon ages of the second set of samples were more successful, ranging from near 0 to 670 ± 91 Ma. It is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation, as opposed to later alteration. The fact that a Rb‐Sr experiment (Shih et al., 1998) gave an apparent age for iddingsite of 679 ± 66 Ma (2a) suggests that perhaps formation of iddingsite occurred (or began) ~650 Ma ago and that some samples either formed, or were thermally altered, later. The ages could be even younger than 650 Ma, if the samples have incorporated martian atmospheric 40Ar. This means that liquid water was certainly present on Mars in the last 1300 Ma (the formation age of Lafayette), and probably within the last 650 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages and Mars ejection times were calculated from the radionuclide 81Kr and stable Kr isotopes for seven martian meteorites. The following 81Kr‐Kr CRE ages were obtained: Los Angeles = 3.35 ± 0.70 Ma; Queen Alexandra Range 94201 = 2.22 ± 0.35 Ma; Shergotty = 3.05 ± 0.50 Ma; Zagami = 2.98 ± 0.30 Ma; Nakhla = 10.8 ± 0.8 Ma; Chassigny = 10.6 ± 2.0 Ma; and Allan Hills 84001 = 15.4 ± 5.0 Ma. Comparison of these ages with previously obtained CRE ages from the stable noble gas nuclei 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar shows excellent agreement. This indicates that the method for the production rate calculation for the stable nuclei is reliable. In all martian meteorites we observe effects induced by secondary cosmic‐ray produced epithermal neutrons. Epithermal neutron fluxes, φn (30–300 eV), are calculated based on the reaction 79Br(n, γβ)80Kr. We show that the neutron capture effects were induced in free space during Mars‐Earth transfer of the meteoroids and that they are not due to a pre‐exposure on Mars before ejection of the meteoritic material. Neutron fluxes and slowing down densities experienced by the meteoroids are calculated and pre‐atmospheric sizes are estimated. We obtain minimum radii in the range of 22–25 cm and minimum masses of 150–220 kg. These results are in good agreement with the mean sizes reported for model calculations using current semiempirical data.  相似文献   

Abstract High-Ti basalts from the Apollo collections span a range in age from 3.87 Ga to 3.55 Ga. The oldest of these are the common Apollo 11 Group B2 basalts which yield evidence of some of the earliest melting of the lunar mantle beneath Mare Tranquillitatis. Rare Group D high-Ti basalts from Mare Tranquillitatis have been studied in an attempt to confirm a postulated link with Group B2 basalts (Jerde et al., 1994). The initial Sr isotopic ratio of a known Group D basalt (0.69916 ± 3 at 3.85 Ga) lies at the lower end of the tight range for Group B2 basalts (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69920 to 0.69921). One known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt yield indistinguishable initial ?Nd (1.2 ± 0.6 and 1.2 ± 0.3) and again lie at the lower end of the range for the Group B2 basalts from Apollo 11 (+2.0 ± 0.4 to +3.9 ± 0.6, at 3.85 Ga). A third sample has isotopic (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69932 ± 2; ?Nd = 2.5 ± 0.4; at 3.59 Ga; as per Snyder et al., 1994b) and elemental characteristics similar to the Group A high-Ti basalts returned from the Apollo 11 landing site. Ages of 40Ar-39Ar have been determined for one known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt using step-heating with a continuous-wave laser. Suspected Group D basalt, 10002, 1006, yielded disturbed age spectra on two separate runs, which was probably due to 39Ar recoil effects. Using the “reduced plateau age” method of Turner et al. (1978), the ages derived from this sample were 3898 ± 19 and 3894 ± 19 Ma. Three separate runs of known Group D basalt 10002, 116 yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 3798 ± 9 Ma, 3781 ± 8 Ma, and 3805 ± 7 Ma (all errors 2σ). Furthermore, this sample has apparently suffered significant 40Ar loss either due to solar heating or due to meteorite impact. The loss of a significant proportion of 40Ar at such a time means that the plateau ages underestimate the “true” crystallization age of the sample. Modelling of this Ar loss yields older, “true” ages of 3837 ± 18, 3826 ± 16, and 3836 ± 14 Ma. These ages overlap the ages of Group B2 high-Ti basalts (weighted average age = 3850 ± 20 Ma; range in ages = 3.80 to 3.90 Ga). The combined evidence indicates that the Group D and B2 high-Ti basalts could be coeval and may be genetically related, possibly through increasing degrees of melting of a similar source region in the upper mantle of the Moon that formed >4.2 Ga ago. The Group D basalts were melted from the source first and contained 3–5×more trapped KREEP-like liquid than the later (by possibly only a few million years) Group B2 basalts. Furthermore, the relatively LREE- and Rb-enriched nature of these early magmas may lend credence to the idea that the decay of heat-producing elements enriched in the KREEP-like trapped liquid of upper mantle cumulates, such as K, U, and Th, could have initiated widespread lunar volcanism.  相似文献   

Abstract— Systematic examination of dating results from various craters indicates that about 90% of the rocks affected by an impact preserve their pre-shock ages because shock and post-shock conditions are not sufficient to disturb isotopic dating systems. In the other 10% of target lithologies, various geochronometers show significant shock-induced effects. Major problems in dating impactites are caused by their non-equlibrated character. They often display complex textures, where differently shocked and unshocked phases interfinger on the sub-mm scale. Due to this, dating on whole rock samples or insufficiently pure mineral fractions often yielded ambiguous results that set broad age limits but are not sufficient to answer reliably questions such as a possible periodicity in cratering on Earth, or correlation of impact events with mass extinctions. Dating results from shock recovery experiments indicate that post-shock annealing plays the most important role in resetting isotopic clocks. Therefore, the major criterion for sample selection in and around craters is the post-shock thermal regime. Based on their different thermal evolution, the following geological impact formations can be distinguished: (1) the coherent impact melt layer, (2) allochthonous breccia deposits, (3) the crater basement, and (4) distant ejecta deposits. Samples of the coherent impact melt layer are the most suitable candidates for dating. Excellent ages of high precision can be obtained by internal Rb-Sr, and Sm-Nd isochrons, U-Pb analyses on newly crystallized accessory minerals, and K-Ar (39Ar-40Ar) dating of clast-free melt rocks. Fission track counting on glassy material has yielded correct ages, and paleomagnetic measurements have been successfully applied to post-Triassic craters. In the ideal case of a fast-cooling impact melt layer, all these different techniques should give identical ages. Allochthonous breccias contain shocked, unshocked, and/or glassy components in various proportions; and, hence, each of these ejecta deposits has its own individual thermal history, making sample evaluation difficult Glassy melt particles in suevitic breccias are well suited for fission track and Ar-Ar dating. Weakly shocked material may yield reliable Ar-Ar and fission track ages, if formation temperatures were high, and cooling rates moderate. In contrast, highly shocked but rapidly cooled lithologies show only disturbed and not reset isotopic systems. For ejecta deposits and the crater wall of young craters, dating with cosmogenic nuclides is a new and powerful technique. Crater basement lithologies have a high potential in impact dating, although it has not been exploited so far. A prerequisite for resetting of isotopic clocks in these lithologies is the presence of an overlaying impact melt layer, which causes thermal metamorphism. Fission track and K-Ar techniques are most promising, because both systems are easily reset at low temperatures. Good candidates for impact dating are long-term annealed rocks, even if shock metamorphic overprint is very weak. In addition, Ar-Ar dating dating of pseudotachylites appears promising. In large impact structures, where high temperatures persist for long times, polymict “footwall” breccias beneath the melt sheet are also appropriate for dating, using the isochron approach and U-Pb on accessory minerals. Distant ejecta material have undergone very fast cooling, and the ejecta deposits have ambient formation temperatures. Among this material, tektites and impact melt glass are ideal objects for Ar-Ar and fission track impact dating. Dating on other material from distant ejecta deposits, such as U-Pb analyses on zircons, offers new possibilities. Efforts to correlate distant ejecta with distinct craters critically depend on proper error assignment to a specific age. This aspect is illustrated on the K/T boundary example.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radiometric age dating of Martian rocks and surfaces at known locations for which crater densities can be determined is highly desirable in order to fully understand Martian history. Performing K‐Ar age dating of igneous rocks on Mars by robots, however, presents technical challenges. Some of these challenges can be defined by examining Ar‐Ar data acquired on Martian meteorites, and others can be evaluated through numerical modeling of simulated K‐Ar isochrons like those that would be acquired robotically on Martian rocks. Excess 40Ar is present in all shergottites. Thus for Martian rocks, the slopes of K‐Ar isochrons must be determined to reasonable precision in order to calculate reliable ages. Model simulations of possible isochrons give an indication of some requirements in order to define a precise rock age: Issues addressed here are: how many K‐Ar analyses should be made of rocks thought to have the same age; what range of K concentrations should these analyzed samples have; and what analytical uncertainty in K‐Ar measurements is desirable. Meteorite data also are used to determine the D/a2 diffusion parameters for Ar in plagioclase and pyroxene separates of several shergottites and nakhlites. These data indicate the required temperatures and times for heating similar Martian rocks in order to extract Ar. Quantitatively extracting radiogenic 40Ar could be difficult, and degassing cosmogenic Ar from mafic phases even more so. Considering all these factors, robotic K‐Ar dating of Martian rocks may be achievable, but will be challenging.  相似文献   

We studied three lithologies (light and dark chondritic and impact melt rock) differing in shock stage from the LL5 chondrite Chelyabinsk. Using the 40Ar-39Ar dating technique, we identified low- and high-temperature reservoirs within all samples, ascribed to K-bearing oligoclase feldspar and shock-induced jadeite–feldspar glass assemblages in melt veins, respectively. Trapped argon components had variable 40Ar/36Ar ratios even within low- and high-temperature reservoirs of individual samples. Correcting for trapped argon revealed a lithology-specific response of the K-Ar system to shock metamorphism, thereby defining two distinct impact events affecting the Chelyabinsk parent asteroid (1) an intense impact event ~1.7 ± 0.1 Ga ago formed the light–dark-structured and impact-veined Chelyabinsk breccia. Such a one-stage breccia formation is consistent with petrological observations and was recorded by the strongly shocked lithologies (dark and impact melt) where a significant fraction of oligoclase feldspar was transformed into jadeite and feldspathic glass; and (2) a young reset event ~30 Ma ago particularly affected the light lithology due to its low argon retentivity, while the more retentive shock-induced phases were more resistant against thermal reset. Trapped argon with 40Ar/36Ar ratios up to 1900 was likely incorporated during impact-induced events on the parent body, and mixed with terrestrial atmospheric argon contamination. Had it not been identified via isochrons based on high-resolution argon extraction, several geochronologically meaningless ages would have been deduced.  相似文献   

Abstract— Phosphates in martian meteorites are important carriers of trace elements, although, they are volumetrically minor minerals. PO4 also has potential as a biomarker for life on Mars. Here, we report measurements of the U‐Th‐Pb systematics of phosphates in the martian meteorite ALH 84001 using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) installed at Hiroshima University, Japan. Eleven analyses of whitlockites and 1 analysis of apatite resulted in a total Pb/U isochron age of 4018 ± 81 Ma in the 238U/206Pb‐207Pb/206Pb‐204Pb/206 Pb 3‐D space, and a 232Th‐208Pb age of 3971 ± 860 Ma. These ages are consistent within a 95% confidence limit. This result is in agreement with the previously published Ar‐Ar shock age of 4.0 ± 0.1 Ga from maskelynite and other results of 3.8–4.3 Ga but are significantly different from the Sm‐Nd age of 4.50 ± 0.13 Ga based on the whole rock and pyroxene. Taking into account recent studies on textural and chemical evidence of phosphate, our result suggests that the shock metamorphic event defines the phosphate formation age of 4018 ± 81 Ma, and that since then, ALH 84001 has not experienced a long duration thermal metamorphism, which would reset the U‐Pb system in phosphates.  相似文献   

Abstract— The crystallization ages of martian (SNC) meteorites give evidence that martian volcanism has continued until recent times‐perhaps until the present. These meteorites also indicate that the mantle source regions of this volcanism are modestly to extremely depleted by terrestrial standards. These 2 observations produce a conundrum. How is it that such depleted source regions have produced basaltic magma for such a long time? This contribution attempts to quantify the radiogenic heat production in 2 distinct martian mantle source regions: those of the shergottites and nakhlites. Compared to the depleted upper mantle of the Earth (MORB), the nakhlite source region is depleted by about a factor of 2, and the shergottite source region is depleted by a factor of 6. According to current geophysical models, the nakhlite source contains the minimum amount of radioactive heat production to sustain whole‐mantle convection and basalt generation over geologic time. A corollary of this conclusion is that the shergottite source contains much too little radioactivity to produce recent (<200 Ma) basalts. A model martian interior with a deep nakhlite mantle that is insulated by a shallow shergottite mantle may allow basalt production from both source regions if the divide between the nakhlite‐shergottite mantles acts as a thermal boundary layer. Similarities between lunar and martian isotopic reservoirs indicate that the Moon and Mars may have experienced similar styles of differentiation.  相似文献   

An origin of the Moon by a Giant Impact is presently the most widely accepted theory of lunar origin. It is consistent with the major lunar observations: its exceptionally large size relative to the host planet, the high angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system, the extreme depletion of volatile elements, and the delayed accretion, quickly followed by the formation of a global crust and mantle.According to this theory, an impact on Earth of a Mars-sized body set the initial conditions for the formation and evolution of the Moon. The impact produced a protolunar cloud. Fast accretion of the Moon from the dense cloud ensured an effective transformation of gravitational energy into heat and widespread melting. A “Magma Ocean” of global dimensions formed, and upon cooling, an anorthositic crust and a mafic mantle were created by gravitational separation.Several 100 million years after lunar accretion, long-lived isotopes of K, U and Th had produced enough additional heat for inducing partial melting in the mantle; lava extruded into large basins and solidified as titanium-rich mare basalt. This delayed era of extrusive rock formation began about 3.9 Ga ago and may have lasted nearly 3 Ga.A relative crater count timescale was established and calibrated by radiometric dating (i.e., dating by use of radioactive decay) of rocks returned from six Apollo landing regions and three Luna landing spots. Fairly well calibrated are the periods ≈4 Ga to ≈3 Ga BP (before present) and ≈0.8 Ga BP to the present. Crater counting and orbital chemistry (derived from remote sensing in spectral domains ranging from γ- and x-rays to the infrared) have identified mare basalt surfaces in the Oceanus Procellarum that appear to be nearly as young as 1 Ga. Samples returned from this area are needed for narrowing the gap of 2 Ga in the calibrated timescale. The lunar timescale is not only used for reconstructing lunar evolution, but it serves also as a standard for chronologies of the terrestrial planets, including Mars and possibly early Earth.The Moon holds a historic record of Galactic cosmic-ray intensity, solar wind composition and fluxes and composition of solids of any size in the region of the terrestrial planets. Some of this record has been deciphered. Secular mixing of the Sun was constrained by determining 3He/4He of solar wind helium stored in lunar fines and ancient breccias. For checking the presumed constancy of the impact rate over the past ≈3.1 Ga, samples of the youngest mare basalts would be needed for determining their radiometric ages.Radiometric dating and stratigraphy has revealed that many of the large basins on the near side of the Moon were created by impacts about 4.1 to 3.8 Ga ago. The apparent clustering of ages called “Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB)” is thought to result from migration of planets several 100 million years after their accretion.The bombardment, unexpectedly late in solar system history, must have had a devastating effect on the atmosphere, hydrosphere and habitability on Earth during and following this epoch, but direct traces of this bombardment have been eradicated on our planet by plate tectonics. Indirect evidence about the course of bombardment during this epoch on Earth must therefore come from the lunar record, especially from additional data on the terminal phase of the LHB. For this purpose, documented samples are required for measuring precise radiometric ages of the Orientale Basin and the Nectaris and/or Fecunditatis Basins in order to compare these ages with the time of the earliest traces of life on Earth.A crater count chronology is presently being built up for planet Mars and its surface features. The chronology is based on the established lunar chronology whereby differences between the impact rates for Moon and Mars are derived from local fluxes and impact energies of projectiles. Direct calibration of the Martian chronology will have to come from radiometric ages and cosmic-ray exposure ages measured in samples returned from the planet.  相似文献   

The study of the elements and molecules of astrobiological interest on the Moon can be made with the Gas Analysis Package (GAP) and associated instruments developed for the Beagle 2 Mars Express Payload. The permanently shadowed polar regions of the Moon may offer a unique location for the “cold-trapping” of the light elements (i.e. H, C, N, O, etc.) and their simple compounds. Studies of the returned lunar samples have shown that lunar materials have undergone irradiation with the solar wind and adsorb volatiles from possible cometary and micrometeoroid impacts. The Beagle 2’s analytical instrument package including the sample processing facility and the GAP mass spectrometer can provide vital isotopic information that can distinguish whether the lunar volatiles are indigenous to the moon, solar wind derived, cometary in origin or from meteoroids impacting on the Moon. As future Lunar Landers are being considered, the suite of instruments developed for the Mars Beagle 2 lander can be consider as the baseline for any lunar volatile or resource instrument package.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2203-2217
Recent exploratory efforts to reveal the evolution and the climatic history of Mars have shown that the planet is still active. The surface of Mars has been, and continues to be, shaped by fluvial, eolian and glacial processes. The timeframe of these events is, however, poorly established. We describe efforts and challenges to adapt optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for robotic in-situ dating of martian sediments. Mineral mixtures were devised as simulants of martian regolith. The single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) procedure was modified to enable the determination of the equivalent dose for polymineral samples. Low-temperature measurements and simulations indicate that known doses delivered at low temperatures can be effectively estimated as long as the stimulation temperature is greater than the highest temperature experienced during the initial irradiation. Bleaching experiments with a solar simulator suggest efficient zeroing of the OSL signal for solar-exposed sediments on Mars. Irradiations with proton and heavy-charged particles show a lower efficiency in luminescence production than that found for beta and gamma radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Eighteen new lithic fragments from the Soviet Luna missions have been analyzed with electron microprobe and 40Ar‐39Ar methods. Luna 16 basalt fragments have aluminous compositions consistent with previous analyses, but have two distinct sets of well‐constrained ages (3347 ± 24 Ma, 3421 ± 30 Ma). These data, combined with other Luna 16 basalt ages, imply that there were multiple volcanic events filling Mare Fecunditatis. The returned basalt fragments have relatively old cosmicray exposure (CRE) ages and may have been recovered from the ejecta blanket of a young (1 Ga), nearby crater. A suite of highlands rocks (troctolites and gabbros) is represented in the new Luna 20 fragments. One fragment is the most compositionally primitive (Mg# = 91–92) spinel troctolite yet found. Both troctolites have apparent crystallization ages of 4.19 Ga; other rocks in the suite have progressively younger ages and lower Mg#s. The age and composition progression suggests that these rocks may have crystallized from a single source magma, or from similar sources mobilized at the same time. Within the new Luna 24 basalt fragments is a quench‐textured olivine vitrophyre with the most primitive composition yet analyzed for a Luna 24 basalt, and several much more evolved olivine‐bearing basalts. Both new and previously studied Luna 24 very low‐Ti (VLT) basalt fragments have a unimodal age distribution (3273 ± 83 Ma), indicating that most returned samples come from a single extrusive episode within Mare Crisium much later than the Apollo 17 VLT basalts (3.6–3.7 Ga).  相似文献   

Abstract– Analyses by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER), Spirit, of Martian basalts from Gusev crater show that they are chemically very different from terrestrial basalts, being characterized in particular by high Mg‐ and Fe‐contents. To provide suitable analog basalts for the International Space Analogue Rockstore (ISAR), a collection of analog rocks and minerals for preparing in situ space missions, especially, the upcoming Mars mission MSL‐2011 and the future international Mars‐2018 mission, it is necessary to synthesize Martian basalts. The aim of this study was therefore to synthesize Martian basalt analogs to the Gusev crater basalts, based on the geochemical data from the MER rover Spirit. We present the results of two experiments, one producing a quench‐cooled basalt (<1 h) and one producing a more slowly cooled basalt (1 day). Pyroxene and olivine textures produced in the more slowly cooled basalt were surprisingly similar to spinifex textures in komatiites, a volcanic rock type very common on the early Earth. These kinds of ultramafic rocks and their associated alteration products may have important astrobiological implications when associated with aqueous environments. Such rocks could provide habitats for chemolithotrophic microorganisms, while the glass and phyllosilicate derivatives can fix organic compounds.  相似文献   

A suite of instruments on the Beagle 2 Mars lander was designed and built in order to investigate the environmental conditions at the landing site. The sensor suite was capable of measuring air temperature at two heights, surface level pressure, wind speed and direction, saltated particle momentum, UV flux (diffuse and direct at five wavelengths), the total accumulated radiation dose and investigating the nature of the oxidising environment. The scientific goals of the instruments are discussed within the context of current understanding of the environmental conditions on Mars, and the instruments themselves are described in detail. Beagle 2 landed on Mars in late 2003, as part of the ESA Mars Express mission. The expected lifetime of the lander on the surface was 180 sols, with a landing site in Isidis Planitia, but has not responded to attempts to contact it, and has now been declared lost. The Environmental Sensor Suite (ESS) was intended to monitor and characterise the current local meteorological parameters, investigating specific areas of scientific interest raised from previous missions, most notably dust transport and transient phenomena, and additionally to add context to the conditions that any possible martian micro-organisms would have to face. The design of the instrument suite was strongly influenced by mass limitations, with eight sensor subsystems having a total mass of approximately 100 g. Although Beagle 2 has been now declared lost, the scientific goals of an Environmental Sensors Suite still remain a valid target for any future astrobiology orientated missions.  相似文献   

Martian cratering 8: Isochron refinement and the chronology of Mars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》2005,174(2):294-320
This paper reviews and refines the technique of dating martian surfaces by using impact-crater isochrons (defined as size distributions of impact craters on undisturbed martian surfaces of specified ages). In the 1970s, this system identified not only abundant ancient martian volcanic surfaces, but also extensive lava plains with ages of a few 108 y-old; this dating was initially controversial but confirmed in the 1980s and 90s by martian meteorites. The present update utilizes updated estimates of the Mars/Moon cratering ratio (the most important calibration factor), improves treatment of gravity and impact velocity scaling effects, combines aspects of the crater size distribution data from earlier work by both Neukum and Hartmann, and for the first time applies a correction for loss of small meteoroids in the martian atmosphere from Popova et al. (2003, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 38, 905-925). The updated isochrons are not radically different from the previous “2002 iteration” but fit observed data better and give somewhat older model ages for features dated from small craters (diameter D<100 m). Crater counts from young lava flows in various areas give good fits to the new isochrons over as much as 3 orders of magnitude in D, confirming the general isochron shape and giving crater retention ages in the range of some 106 to some 108 y, interpreted as lava flow ages. More complex, older units are also discussed. Uncertainties are greatest if only small craters (D?100 m) are used. Suggestions by other workers of gross uncertainties, due to local secondary craters and deposition/exhumation, are discussed; they do not refute our conclusions of significant volcanic, fluvial, and other geologic activity in the last few percent of martian geologic time or the importance of cratering as a tool for studying processes such as exhumation. Indeed, crater count data suggest certain very recent episodes of deposition, exhumation, and ice flow, possibly associated with obliquity cycles of ∼107 y timescale. Evidence from ancient surfaces suggests higher rates of volcanism, fluvial activity, glaciation, and other processes in Noachian/Hesperian time than in Amazonian time.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radiochronometry of L chondritic meteorites yields a rough age estimate for a major collision in the asteroid belt about 500 Myr ago. Fossil meteorites from Sweden indicate a highly increased influx of extraterrestrial matter in the Middle Ordovician ~480 Myr ago. An association with the L‐chondrite parent body event was suggested, but a definite link is precluded by the lack of more precise radiometric ages. Suggested ages range between 450 ± 30 Myr and 520 ± 60 Myr, and can neither convincingly prove a single breakup event, nor constrain the delivery times of meteorites from the asteroid belt to Earth. Here we report the discovery of multiple 40Ar‐39Ar isochrons in shocked L chondrites, particularly the regolith breccia Ghubara, that allow the separation of radiogenic argon from multiple excess argon components. This approach, applied to several L chondrites, yields an improved age value that indicates a single asteroid breakup event at 470 ± 6 Myr, fully consistent with a refined age estimate of the Middle Ordovician meteorite shower at 467.3 ± 1.6 Myr (according to A Geologic Time Scale 2004). Our results link these fossil meteorites directly to the L‐chondrite asteroid destruction, rapidly transferred from the asteroid belt. The increased terrestrial meteorite influx most likely involved larger projectiles that contributed to an increase in the terrestrial cratering rate, which implies severe environmental stress.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 40Ar‐39Ar dating technique has been applied to the lunar meteorites Northwest Africa 032 (NWA 032), an unbrecciated mare basalt, and Northwest Africa 773 (NWA 773), (composed of cumulate and breccia lithologies), to determine the crystallization age and timing of shock events these meteorites may have experienced. Stepped heating analyses of several different samples of NWA 032 gave complex age spectra but indistinguishable total ages with a mean of 2.779 ± 0.014 Gyr. Possible causes of the complex age spectra obtained from NWA 032 include recoil of 39Ar, or the presence of pre‐shock 40Ar incorporated into shock‐melt veins. The effects of shock veins were investigated by laser fusion of 20 small samples expected to contain varying proportions of the shock veins. The laser ages show a narrow age distribution between 2.61–2.86 Gyr and a mean of 2.73 ± 0.03 Gyr, identical to the total age of ?2.80 Gyr obtained for the bulk sample. Diffusion calculations based on the stepped heating data indicate that Ar release can be reconciled by release from feldspar (and possibly shock veins) at low temperatures followed by pyroxene at higher temperatures. The exposure age of NWA 032 is 212 ± 11 Myr, and it contains low trapped solar Ar. Stepped heating of cumulate and breccia portions of NWA 773 also give a relatively young age of 2.91 Gyr. The presence of trapped Ar in the breccia makes the age determination of this component less precise, but release of Ar appears to be from the same mineral phase, assumed to be plagioclase, in both lithologies. A marked difference in exposure age between the 2 lithologies also exists, with the breccia having spent 81 Myr longer at the lunar surface; this finding is consistent with the higher trapped Ar content of this lithology. Assuming that 2.80 Gyr and 2.91 Gyr are the crystallization ages of NWA 032 and NWA 773 respectively, these two meteorites are the youngest lunar mare basalts available for study.  相似文献   

Based on various lines of geologic, geomorphic, topographic, geophysical, spectral, and elemental evidence, we conclude that hydrothermal environments have certainly existed on Mars and are likely to still exist. Here, we present candidate targets of endogenic- and exogenic-driven hydrothermal environments on Mars based on a set of selection criteria and suggest strategies for the detection of such targets. This includes a re-evaluation of potential targets using both existing and yet-to-be-released remote information provided by the instruments onboard the Mars orbiters and rovers. We also provide terrestrial analogs for possible martian hydrothermal environments to highlight the implications of these targets for potential martian life. This compilation and synthesis of data from martian localities indicating hydrothermal activity is timely and a first step towards prioritizing candidate targets for further investigation, which will likely add more targets to this list. Future in situ exploration will have to focus on the most promising of the hydrothermal targets and investigate them utilizing a novel integrated multi-tier, multi-agent reconnaissance mission architecture.  相似文献   

Several laboratories have been investigating the feasibility of in situ K-Ar dating for use in future landing planetary missions. One drawback of these laboratory demonstrations is the insufficient analogy of the analyzed analog samples with expected future targets. We present the results obtained using the K-Ar laser experiment (KArLE) on two old and K-poor chondritic samples, Pułtusk and Hvittis, as better lunar analogs. The KArLE instrument uses laser ablation to vaporize rock samples and quantifies K content by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Ar by quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS), and ablated mass by laser profilometry. We performed 64 laser ablations on the chondrites to measure spots with a range of K2O and Ar content and used the data to construct isochrons to determine the chondrite formation age. The KArLE isochron ages on Pułtusk and Hvittis are 5059 ± 892 Ma and 4721 ± 793 Ma, respectively, which is within the uncertainty of published reference ages, and interpreted as the age of their formation. The uncertainty (2σ) on the KArLE ages obtained in this study is better than 20% (18% for Pułtusk and 17% for Hvittis). The precision, which compares our obtained ages to the reference ages, is also better than 20% (11% for Pułtusk and 4% for Hvittis). These results are encouraging for understanding the limits of this technique to measure ancient planetary samples and for guiding future improvements to the instrument.  相似文献   

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