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Control of BTEX Migration Using a Biologically Enhanced Permeable Barrier   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A permeable barrier system. consisting of a line of closely spaced wclls. was installed perpendicular to ground water flow to control the migration of a dissolved hydrocarhon plume. The wells were charged wiih concrete briquets that release oxygen and nitrate at a controlled rate. enhancing aerobic bio-degradation in the downgradient aquifer.
Laboratory batch reactor experiments were conducted to identify concrete mixtures that slowly released oxygcn over an extended time period. Concretes prepared with urea hydrogen peroxide were unsatisfactory, while concretes prepared with calcium peroxide and a proprietary formalation of magnesium peroxide (ORC®) gradually released oxygen at a steadily declining rate. The 21 percent MgO2 conerete cylinders and briquets released oxygen at measurable rates for up to 300 days, while the 14 percent CaO2 briquets were exhausted by 100 days.
A full-scale permeable barrier system using ORC was constructed at a gasoline-spill site. During the first 242 days of operation. total BTFX decreased from 17 to 3.4 mg/L. and dissolved oxygen increased from 0.4 to 1.8 mg/L. during transport through the barrier. Over time, BTEX treatment efficiencies declined. indicating the barrier system had becomc less effective in releasing oxygen and nutrients to the highly contaminated portion of the aquifer. Point dilution tests and sediment analyses performed at the conclusion of the project indicated that ihc aquifer in the vicinity of the remediation wells had been clogged by precipitation with iron minerals. This clogging is believed to result from high pH from the concrete and oxygen released by ihc ORC. Oxygen-releasing permeable barriers and other aerobic bioremediation processes should be used with caution in aquifers with high levels of dissolved iron.  相似文献   

A field study of oxygen-enhanced biodegradation was carried out in a sandy iron-rich ground water system contaminated with gasoline hydrocarbons. Prior to the oxygen study, intrinsic microbial biodegradation in the contaminant plume had depleted dissolved oxygen and created anaerobic conditions. An oxygen diffusion system made of silicone polymer tubing was installed in an injection well within an oxygen delivery zone containing coarse highly permeable sand. During the study, this system delivered high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (39 mg/L) to the ground water within a part of the plume. The ground water was sampled at a series of monitors in the test zone downgradient of the delivery well to determine the effect of oxygen on dissolved BTEX, ground water geochemistry, and microbially mediated biodegradation processes. The DO levels and Eh increased markedly at distances up to 2.3 m (7.5 feet) downgradient. Potential biofouling and iron precipitation effects did not clog the well screens or porous medium. The increased dissolved oxygen enhanced the population of aerobes while the activity of anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens decreased. Based on concentration changes, the estimated total rate of BTEX biodegradation rose from 872 mg/day before enhancement to 2530 mg/day after 60 days of oxygen delivery. Increased oxygen flux to the test area could account for aerobic biodegradation of 1835 mg/day of the BTEX. The estimated rates of anaerobic biodegradation processes decreased based on the flux of sulfate, iron (II), and methane. Two contaminants in the plume, benzene and ethylbenzene, are not biodegraded as readily as toluene or xylenes under anaerobic conditions. Following oxygen enhancement, however, the benzene and ethylbenzene concentrations decreased about 98%, as did toluene and total xylenes.  相似文献   

Geochemical Indicators of Intrinsic Bioremediation   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A detailed field investigation has been completed at a gasoline-contaminated aquifer near Rocky Point, NC, to examine possible indicators of intrinsic bioremediation and identify factors that may significantly influence the rate and extent of bioremediation. The dissolved plume of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) in ground water is naturally degrading. Toluene and o-xylene are most rapidly degraded followed by m-, p-xylene, and benzene. Ethylbenzene appears to degrade very slowly under anaerobic conditions present in the center of the plume. The rate and extent of biodegradation appears to be strongly influenced by the type and quantity of electron acceptors present in the aquifer. At the upgradient edge of the plume, nitrate, ferric iron, and oxygen are used as terminal electron acceptors during hydrocarbon biodegradation. The equivalent of 40 to 50 mg/I of hydrocarbon is degraded based on the increase in dissolved CO2 relative to background ground water. Immediately downgradient of the source area, sulfate and iron are the dominant electron acceptors. Toluene and o-xylene are rapidly removed in this region. Once the available oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate are consumed, biodegradation is limited and appears to be controlled by mixing and aerobic biodegradation at the plume fringes.  相似文献   

This research continues a 7-year study of oxygen-containing organic compounds present in groundwater at gasoline and diesel fuel release sites that are quantified as diesel-range “total petroleum hydrocarbons” when measured by methods utilizing solvent extraction and gas chromatography. Two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to tentatively identify 1162 compounds (TICs) in 113 groundwater samples from 22 sites. Samples were collected from wells either upgradient of the release, within the source zone, or downgradient of the source but still within the plume of dissolved organics associated with release. The names and formulas of all TICs found in samples from each well type are presented and the results from upgradient and downgradient locations are compared in detail. About 60% of the most frequently detected TICs in downgradient wells were also detected in upgradient wells. A majority of these were saturated straight chain alkyl acids, commonly called fatty acids, or fatty acid esters. Of TICs frequently detected in downgradient wells but not upgradient wells, over half were branched alkyl alcohols. Hierarchical cluster analysis results suggest about 80% of the chemical composition of downgradient samples is more similar to upgradient samples than to source area samples. This similarity is due to the presence of the same types of fatty acids and esters. Principal component analysis indicates a continuum of biodegradation between the source area and downgradient samples with the latter becoming more consistent with upgradient samples. Results suggest some TICs may not be petroleum degradation intermediates but compounds synthesized by microorganisms through secondary production and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Natural Attenuation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Shallow Sand Aquifer   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Inadvertent release of petroleum products such as gasoline into the subsurface can initiate ground water contamination, particularly by the toxic, water-soluble and mobile gasoline components: benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX). This study was undertaken to examine the processes controlling the rate of movement and the persistence of dissolved BTX in ground water in a shallow, unconfined sand aquifer.
Water containing about 7.6 mg/ L total BTX was introduced below the water table and the migration of contaminants through a sandy aquifer was monitored using a dense sampling network. BTX components migrated slightly slower than the ground water due to sorptive retardation. Essentially all the injected mass of BTX was lost within 434 days due to biodegradation. Rates of mass loss were similar for all monoaromatics; benzene was the only component to persist beyond 270 days. Laboratory biodegradation experiments produced similar rates, even when the initial BTX concentration varied.
A dominant control over BTX biodegradation was the availability of dissolved oxygen. BTX persisted at the field site in layers low in dissolved oxygen. Decreasing mass loss rates over time observed in the field experiment are not likely due to first-order deeradation rates, but rather to the persistence of small fractions of BTX mass in anoxic layers.  相似文献   

We compare two methods for estimating the natural source zone depletion (NSZD) rate at fuel release sites that occurs by groundwater flow through the source zone due to dissolution and transport of biodegradation products. Dissolution is addressed identically in both methods. The “mass budget method”, previously proposed and applied by others, estimates the petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation rate based on dissolved electron acceptor delivery and dissolved biodegradation product removal by groundwater flow. The mass budget method relies on assumed stoichiometry for the degradation reactions and differences in concentrations of dissolved species (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, reduced iron, reduced manganese, nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon, methane) at monitoring locations upgradient and downgradient of the source zone. We illustrate a refinement to account for degradation reactions associated with loss of reduced iron from solution. The “carbon budget method,” a simplification of approaches applied by others, addresses carbon‐containing species in solution or lost from solution (precipitated) and does not require assumptions about stoichiometry or information about electron acceptors. We apply both methods to a fuel release site with unusually detailed monitoring data and discuss applicability to more typical and less thoroughly monitored sites. The methods, as would typically be applied, yield similar results but have different constraints and uncertainties. Overall, we conclude that the carbon budget method has greater practical utility as it is simpler, requires fewer assumptions, accounts for most iron‐reducing reactions, and does not include CO2 that escapes from the saturated to the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

A vertical soil column setup integrated with wetlands is developed to study the biodegradation and transport of toluene, a light non‐aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), in the subsurface environment. LNAPL‐contaminated water is applied to infiltrate from the top of the soil column. The observed and simulated breakthrough curves show high equilibrium concentration at top ports rather than at lower ports, indicating effective toluene biodegradation with soil depth. The observed equilibrium concentration of toluene is higher in the case of unplanted wetland, asserting an accelerated biodegradation rate in the planted case. A difference in the relative concentration of toluene between input and output fluxes at 100 h is found as 13.34% and 30.86% for planted and unplanted wetland setups, respectively. Estimated biodegradation rates show that toluene degradation is 2.5 times faster in the planted wetland setup. In addition, the difference in the observed bacterial count and dissolved oxygen prove that toluene degraded aerobically at a faster rate in the planted setup. Simulations show that as time reached 80–100 h, there is no significant change in concentration profile, thereby confirming the equilibrium condition. The results of this study will be useful to frame plant‐assisted bioremediation techniques for LNAPL‐contaminated soil–water resources in the field.  相似文献   

Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene have been measured since 1993 in a shallow, sandy aquifer contaminated by a mid-1980s release of gasoline containing fuel oxygenates. In wells downgradient of the release area, MTBK was detected before benzene, reflecting a chromatographic-like separation of these compounds in the direction of ground water flow. Higher concentrations of MTBE and benzene were measured in the deeper sampling ports of multilevel sampling wells located near the release area, and also up to 10 feet (3 m) below the water table surface in nested wells located farther from the release area. This distribution of higher concentrations at depth is caused by recharge events that deflect originally horizontal ground water flowlines. In the laboratory, microcosms containing aquifer material incubated with uniformly labeled 14C-MTBE under aerobic and anaerobic. Fe(III)-reducing conditions indicated a low but measurable biodegradation potential (<3%14C-MTBW as 14CO2) after a seven-month incubation period, Tert -butyl alcohol (TBA), a proposed microbial-MTBE transformation intermediate, was detected in MTBE-contaminated wells, but TBA was also measured in unsaturated release area sediments. This suggests that TBA may have been present in the original fuel spilled and does not necessarily reflect microbial degradation of MTBE. Combined, these data suggest that milligram per liter to microgram per liter decreases in MTBE concentrations relative to benzene are caused by the natural attenuation processes of dilution and dispersion with less-contaminated ground water in the direction of flow rather than biodegradation at this point source gasoline release site.  相似文献   

Selection of monitored natural attenuation as a ground water remedy requires that sound scientific documentation clearly illustrating the effectiveness of this remedial alternative be presented to regulatory agencies and concerned citizens. An innovative radial diagram approach is applied to illustrate natural attenuation trends for total benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and chlorinated ethenes at a former fire training area at Pittsburgh Air Force Base, New York. A BTEX-CAH (chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons) radial diagram map shows that concentrations of site contaminants are generally decreasing along the primary flowpath downgradient from the source area. This radial diagram map also suggests that there is a spatial correlation between decreasing CAH parent compound concentrations and increasing or stable daughter product concentrations. This provides secondary evidence of intrinsic biodegradation of TCE downgradient from the source area. A SEQUENCE-Redox™ map suggests that there is a spatial correlation between trends in electron acceptor and metabolic byproduct concentrations, and the decline in total BTEX concentrations downgradient from the source area. This correlation provides secondary evidence for the intrinsic biodegradation of total BTEX in the aquifer. This study demonstrates that radial diagram visual aids can provide a clear and efficient approach for documenting natural attenuation lines of evidence, as an alternative or a complement to using multiple contour maps, tabulated data, or log-linear plots.  相似文献   

Chlorinated solvents are one of the most commonly detected groundwater contaminants in industrial areas. Identification of polluters and allocation of contaminant sources are important concerns in the evaluation of complex subsurface contamination with multiple sources. In recent years, compound‐specific isotope analyses (CSIA) have been employed to discriminate among different contaminant sources and to better understand the fate of contaminants in field‐site studies. In this study, the usefulness of dual isotopes (carbon and chlorine) was shown in assessments of groundwater contamination at an industrial complex in Wonju, Korea, where groundwater contamination with chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethene (TCE) and carbon tetrachloride (CT) was observed. In November 2009, the detected TCE concentrations at the study site ranged between nondetected and 10,066 µg/L, and the CT concentrations ranged between nondetected and 985 µg/L. In the upgradient area, TCE and CT metabolites were detected, whereas only TCE metabolites were detected in the downgradient area. The study revealed the presence of separate small but concentrated TCE pockets in the downgradient area, suggesting the possibility of multiple contaminant sources that created multiple comingling plumes. Furthermore, the variation of the isotopic (δ13C and δ37Cl) TCE values between the upgradient and downgradient areas lends support to the idea of multiple contamination sources even in the presence of detectable biodegradation. This case study found it useful to apply a spatial distribution of contaminants coupled with their dual isotopic values for evaluation of the contaminated sites and identification of the presence of multiple sources in the study area.  相似文献   

A statistical trend methodology is used to compare ground water quality between eight landfill sites in western Michigan as a case study. Monitoring data were collected over a 15-year period on 36 parameters at an upgradient and downgradient well selected at each of the eight sites. This yielded a total of 576 monitoring data sets available for analysis. New trend and contamination indices are introduced that are used to compare ground water contamination between these eight sites. These indices are used to assess each landfill's relative potential for environmental harm.
Many questions remain unanswered, but what is demonstrated here is that this type of methodology has the potential to be used to assess trends of ground water chemistry concentrations at landfill sues in a region. A specific purpose of such an assessment could be to provide a quantified basis for the prioritization of funds allocated for cleanup of contaminated landfill sites. Having a technical capability to reduce large amounts of ground water monitoring data to appropriate summaries, which then can be used to assess environmental contamination between several sites, could also have important economic and health implications in other settings. Hopefully this paper will encourage further development of such technologies for these purposes.  相似文献   

The spatial variation in methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) biodegradation activity of aquifer solids samples collected in the vicinity of a flow-through aerobic biobarrier was assessed through use of standard laboratory microcosms. These were prepared by collecting soil cores at a range of locations and depths along different flow paths through the biobarrier. Sections of core samples were placed in sealed bottles with MTBE-free groundwater from the site. The groundwater was filtered to remove microbes, and sparged with O2. The initial MTBE concentration in the microcosms was adjusted to about 1 mg/L. Biodegradation activity was characterized by the magnitude of MTBE concentration reductions occurred over 4 weeks relative to control microcosms. Sampling locations and depths were selected to allow investigation of relationships between MTBEdegrading activity and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, MTBE, soil type, and initial microbial conditions (biostimulated vs. bioaugmented). The results suggest a relatively wide-spread presence of MTBE-degrading microbial consortia, with varying levels of MTBE-degrading activity. Significant changes in activity were observed over 0.3-m vertical distances in the same location; for example, cores from the most upgradient sampling locations contained sections with no discernible MTBEbiodegradation over 4 weeks, as well as sections that achieved order-of-magnitude MTBE concentration reductions within 2 weeks. None of those cores, however, achieved MTBE biodegradation to nondetect levels (<0.005 mg/L), as was observed in some cores from downgradient locations. Cores from the bioaugmented regions had the highest frequency of MTBE biodegradation to nondetect levels among their sections suggesting a direct effect of the inoculum and its distribution when it was implanted. Most cores with no activity were associated with the upgradient, low-DO, and high-MTBE concentration field environments, but low-DO field environments also yielded MTBE-degrading samples. There were no other clear correlations between MTBE-degrading activity in the microcosms and the local field environment conditions at the time of sampling.  相似文献   

Tyler SW  Muñoz JF  Wood WW 《Ground water》2006,44(3):329-338
Dry playa lakes and sabkhat often represent the terminus of large ground water flow systems and act as integrators of both upgradient (recharge) and downgradient discharge (evaporation). Ground water levels beneath playa/sabkha systems show a variety of surprising responses driven by large evaporation demands and chemical processes not typically encountered in more humid regions. When the water table is very close to the land surface, almost instantaneous rises can be observed with little observed change in either upgradient ground water recharge or potential evaporation. Conversely, when water tables are several meters below the playa surface, water table responses to interannual variability of recharge can be damped and lag significantly behind such changes. This review of the dynamics of shallow water tables in playa lakes and sabkhat discusses the pertinent hydraulic and solute processes and extracts a simple but comprehensive model based on soil physics for predicting the water table response to either upstream recharge changes or changes in potential evaporation at the playa/sabkha. Solutes and associated authigenic minerals are also shown to be important in discriminating both the causes and effects of water level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Arrays of unpumped wells can be used as discontinuous permeable walls in which each well serves both as a means to focus ground water flow into the well for treatment and as a container either for permeable reactive media which directly destroy dissolved ground water contaminants or for devices or materials which release amendments that support in situ degradation of contaminants within the aquifer downgradient of the wells. This paper addresses the use of wells for amendment delivery, recognizing the potential utility of amendments such as electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen nitrate), electron donors (primary substrates), and microbial nutrients for stimulating bioremediation, and the potential utility of oxidizers, reducers, etc., for controlled abiotic degradation. Depending on its rate and constraints, the remedial reaction may occur within the well and/or downgradient. For complete remediation of ground water passing through the well array, the total flux of amendment released must meet or exceed the total flux demand imposed by the plume. When there are constraints on the released concentration of amendment (relative to the demand), close spacing of the wells may be required. If the flux balance allows wider spacing, it is likely that limited downgradient spreading of the released amendment will then be the primary constraint on interwell spacing. Divergent flow from the wells, roughly two times the well diameter, provides the bulk of downgradient spreading and constrains maximum well spacing in the absence of significant lateral dispersion. Stronger lateral dispersion enhances the spreading of amendment, thereby increasing the lateral impact of each well, which allows for wider well spacing.  相似文献   

In Situ Biorestoration as a Ground Water Remediation Technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In situ biorestoration, where applicable, is indicated as a potentially very cost-effective and environmentally acceptable remediation technology. Many contaminants in solution in ground water as well as vapors in the unsaturated zone can be completely degraded or transformed into new compounds by naturally occurring indigenous microbial populations. Undoubtedly, thousands of contamination events are remediated naturally before the contamination reaches a point of detection. The need is for methodology to determine when natural biorestoration is occurring, the stage the restoration process is in, whether enhancement of the process is possible or desirable, and what will happen if natural processes are allowed to run their course.
In addition to the nature of the contaminant, several environmental factors are known to influence the capacity of indigenous microbial populations to degrade contaminants. These factors include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, availability of mineral nutrients, salinity, soil moisture, the concentration of specific pollutants, and the nutritional quality of dissolved organic carbon in the ground water.
Most enhanced in situ bioreclamation techniques available today are variations of hydrocarbon degradation procedures pioneered and patented by Raymond and coworkers at Suntech during the period 1974 to 1978. Nutrients and oxygen are introduced through injection wells and circulated through the contaminated zone by pumping one or more producing wells.
The limiting factor in remediation technology is getting the contaminated subsurface material to the treatment unit or units, or in the case of in situ processes, getting the treatment process to the contaminated material. The key to successful remediation is a thorough understanding of the hydrogeologic and geochemical characteristics of the contaminated area.  相似文献   

Lowbush blueberries, native to eastern Canada and Maine, are an important economic crop in these areas. Herbicides containing the active ingredient hexazinone are commonly applied to blueberry fields, and there is a high frequency of detection of relatively low concentrations of hexazinone in domestic wells located close to areas of lowbush blueberry production. The objective of this study was to determine the long-term impacts from hexazinone-based herbicide use on ground water quality in the immediate growing areas.
Physical and chemical hydrogeologic data were collected for an outwash sand and gravel aquifer in southwestern New Brunswick, Canada. The majority of the land overlying the aquifer is devoted to lowbush blueberry production. Twenty-one nested monitoring wells were sampled for hexazinone and hexazinone metabolites over a four-year period. Hexazinone was consistently detected at values of 1 to 8 parts per billion (ppb) in all but two of these wells, one that is upgradient of herbicide applications, and one that is downgradient with anoxic conditions. Hexazinone metabolites B and A1 were also detected in all but two of the 21 wells at values ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 ppb. The hexazinone and metabolite data suggest both aerobic and anaerobic degradation of hexazinone. Complete degradation of hexazinone appears to occur only in the one downgradient well exhibiting anoxic ground water conditions. Concentrations of hexazinone and its metabolites in the ground water were essentially constant over the four-year period.  相似文献   

Oxygen probes developed to measure in situ oxygen concentrations in gaseous and aqueous environments were evaluated in laboratory tests and during long-term field evaluation trials at contaminated sites. The oxygen probes were shown to have a linear calibration and to be accurate compared to conventional dissolved oxygen electrodes and gas chromatography, both of which require labor-intensive sample collection and processing. The probes, once calibrated, required no maintenance or recalibration for up to a period of 7 years in low-oxygen environments, demonstrating long-term stability. Times to achieve 90% of the stabilized concentration ( t 90) after a step change in aqueous oxygen concentration were 100–120 min in laboratory experiments and up to 180 min in field experiments, which is adequate for monitoring subsurface changes. Field application data demonstrated that the oxygen probes could monitor oxygen concentrations in hydrocarbon-contaminated ground water to a depth of 20 m below the water table or in pyritic vadose zones over extended periods. During bioremediation field trials, oxygen monitoring enabled estimation of oxygen utilization rates by microorganisms and hydrocarbon biodegradation rates. Also, probes were able to monitor the development of ground water desaturation during air sparging trials, enabling the automated assessment of the distribution of injected air.  相似文献   

Reactive barriers: hydraulic performance and design enhancements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Painter BD 《Ground water》2004,42(4):609-617
The remediation of contaminated ground water is a multibillion-dollar global industry. Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are one of the leading technologies being developed in the search for alternatives to the pump-and-treat method. Improving the hydraulic performance of these PRBs is an important part of maximizing their potential to the industry. Optimization of the hydraulic performance of a PRB can be defined in terms of finding the balance between capture, residence time, and PRB longevity that produces a minimum-cost acceptable design. Three-dimensional particle tracking was used to estimate capture zone and residence time distributions. Volumetric flow analysis was used for estimation of flow distribution across a PRB and in the identification of flow regimes that may affect the permeability or reactivity of portions of the PRB over time. Capture zone measurements extended below the base of partially penetrating PRBs and were measured upgradient from the portion of aquifer influenced by PRB emplacement. Hydraulic performance analysis of standard PRB designs confirmed previously presented research that identified the potential for significant variation in residence time and capture zone. These variations can result in the need to oversize the PRB to ensure that downgradient contaminant concentrations do not exceed imposed standards. The most useful PRB design enhancements for controlling residence time and capture variation were found to be customized downgradient gate faces, velocity equalization walls, deeper emplacement of the funnel than the gate, and careful manipulation of the hydraulic conductivity ratio between the gate and the aquifer.  相似文献   

Chloride contamination of groundwater in urban areas due to deicing is a well‐documented phenomenon in northern climates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of permeable pavement on degraded urban groundwater. Although low impact development practices have been shown to improve stormwater quality, no infiltration practice has been found to prevent road salt chlorides from entering groundwater. The few studies that have investigated chlorides in permeable asphalt have involved sampling directly beneath the asphalt; no research has looked more broadly at surrounding groundwater conditions. Monitoring wells were installed upgradient and downgradient of an 860 m2 permeable asphalt parking lot at the University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut). Water level and specific conductance were measured continuously, and biweekly samples were analyzed for chloride. Samples were also analyzed for sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). Analysis of variance analysis indicated a significantly (p < 0.001) lower geometric mean Cl concentration downgradient (303.7 mg/L) as compared to upgradient (1280 mg/L). Concentrations of all alkali metals increased upgradient and downgradient during the winter months as compared to nonwinter months, indicating that cation exchange likely occurred. Despite the frequent high peaks of chloride in the winter months as well as the increases in alkali metals observed, monitoring revealed lower Cl concentrations downgradient than upgradient for the majority of the year. These results suggest that the use of permeable asphalt in impacted urban environments with high ambient chloride concentrations can be beneficial to shallow groundwater quality, although these results may not be generalizable to areas with low ambient chloride concentrations.  相似文献   

A total of four vertical electrical soundings were conducted in a layered andesitic rock aquifer known in places to yield ground water with total dissolved solids (TDS) in excess of 2,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The objective of the soundings was to locate zones of moderate to high permeability but with acceptable chemical quality.
The resistivity of a geologic unit is a function that includes the quantity of total dissolved solids in the interstitial water and the distribution of the water within the unit. Thus, the resistivity of most granular soils and rocks is controlled more by porosity, water content and water quality than by the conductivity of the matrix materials.
The electrical data delimited a drill site where it was believed that ground water of acceptable chemical quality could be expected. Completion and test pumping of two exploration wells confirmed the electrical sounding results.
The first test well drilled prior to the survey yielded only small amounts of ground water with total dissolved solids in excess of 2,000 mg/L. The second exploration well drilled at the site as a result of the electrical study yielded in excess of 100 gallons per minute of ground water with total dissolved solids of 830 mg/L.  相似文献   

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