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Management and restoration of wild oyster populations with the ecosystem services they provide require detailed understanding of oyster population dynamics, including temporally and spatially varying growth. Much of the existing literature documenting growth rates for eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) reports growth for large, protected, and/or hatchery-spawned oysters. By following growth of wild oysters set on planted clamshells in Delaware Bay, we document early growth (within the first year) of 21 wild oyster cohorts settling over 8 years and assess the importance of interannual variability in temperature and salinity. In general, oysters follow a linear growth trajectory in the first year of life, interspersed by periods of little to no growth in the colder months. Wild oysters settling in the Delaware Bay mid-salinity region reach a size between 27 and 33 mm in their first year and tend to reach greater shell heights at 1 year of age in higher salinity years and at temperatures averaging 23 °C. Multi-year, population-level estimates of wild growth such as these are important for understanding changes in restored and managed oyster populations, and resulting ecosystem services, under naturally variable conditions.  相似文献   

Analysis of fisheries-independent data for Galveston Bay, Texas, USA, since 1985 shows eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) frequently demonstrate increased abundance of market-sized oysters 1 to 2 years after years with increased freshwater inflow and decreased salinity. These analyses are compared to Turner’s (Estuaries and Coasts 29:345–352, 2006) study using 3-year running averages of oyster commercial harvest since 1950 in Galveston Bay. Turner’s results indicated an inverse relationship between freshwater inflow and commercial harvest with low harvest during years of high inflow and increased harvest during low flow years. Oyster populations may experience mass mortalities during extended periods of high inflow when low salinities are sustained. Conversely, oyster populations may be decimated during prolonged episodes of low flow when conditions favor oyster predators, parasites, and diseases with higher salinity optima. Turner’s (Estuaries and Coasts 29:345–352, 2006) analysis was motivated by a proposed project in a basin with abundant freshwater where the goal of the project was to substantially increase freshwater flow to the estuary in order to increase oyster harvest. We have the opposite concern that oysters will be harmed by projects that reduce flow, increase salinity, and increase the duration of higher salinity periods in a basin with increasing demand for limited freshwater. Turner’s study and our analysis reflect different aspects of the complex, important relationships between freshwater inflow, salinity, and oysters.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of declining abundances of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries has primarily focused on the role of oysters in filtration and nutrient dynamics, and as habitat for fish or fish prey. Oysters also play a key role in providing substrate for the overwintering polyp stage of the scyphomedusa sea nettle,Chrysaora quinquecirrha, which is an important consumer of zooplankton, ctenophores, and icthyoplankton. Temporal trends in sea nettle abundances in visual counts from the dock at Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, trawls conducted in the mesohaline portion of the Patuxent River, and published data from the mainstem Chesapeake Bay indicate that sea nettles declined in the mid 1980s when overfishing and increased disease mortality led to sharp decreases in oyster landings and abundance. Climate trends, previously associated with interannual variation in sea nettle abundances, do not explain the sharp decline. A potentially important consequence of declining sea nettle abundances may be an increase in their ctenophore prey (Mnemiopsis leidyi), and a resultant increase in predation on icthyoplankton and oyster larvae. Increased predation on oyster larvae by ctenophores may inhibit recovery of oyster populations and reinforce the current low abundance of oysters in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

The Suwannee River watershed is one of the least developed in the eastern United States, but with increasing urbanization it is facing potential long-term alterations in freshwater flow to its estuary in the Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of this study was to develop biological indicators of oyster reef state along a natural salinity gradient in the Suwannee River estuary in order to allow the rapid assessment of the effect of changing freshwater input to this system. Percent cover and density of three size classes of living oysters, as well as the abundance of several predominant reef-associated invertebrates, were measured along a broad salinity gradient in the estuary and were correlated with salinity estimates from a long-term database for the preceding 12–24 mo. All eastern oyster,Crassostrea virginica, parameters (percent cover and density of three size classes) were significantly and negatively related to salinity. Data from samples collected near the lower intertidal were more closely dependent upon salinity than were samples from the higher intertidal at the same sites. Salinity differences were most closely reflected in differences in total oyster cover. This relationship corresponded with a general decline in oyster habitat with increasing distance from the mouth of the Suwannee River. Species richness was significantly and positively correlated with allC. virginica parameters (percent cover and density of three size classes), but the relationship explained only about half the variability. Density data of the hooked mussel,Ischadium recurvum, and a mud crab,Eurypanopeus depressus, were positively and strongly correlated withC. virginica parameters, likely reflecting the abundance of habitat provided byC. virginica shells. All of the biological indicators measured responded similarly along the salinity gradient, indicating they provide reliable indices of the effect of changing salinities in the Suwannee River estuary over the previous 1 or 2 yr. Some areas of positive relief defined as reefs 30 years ago are no longer oyster habitat, suggesting an ongoing decline, but nearshoreC. virginica were abundant. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02BY003 00002  相似文献   

Oyster reefs (Crassostrea virginica) supply important ecosystem services to estuarine habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico, but little is known of the role of fish predators in controlling their structure or areal cover on soft sediments. At two sites and during fall and spring, we employed gill nets and trot lines to remove black drum (Pogonias cromis) from experimental reefs, and assessed oyster survival in comparison to control reefs. Numbers and biomass of black drum removed from reefs varied seasonally, among sites, and among removal methods. In the fall, black drum were rare at one site and abundant at the other, but did not significantly lower oyster survival on control reefs at either site. In the spring, black drum were common at both sites, and significantly lowered oyster survival on control reefs. Oysters and epizoic hooked mussels comprised roughly a third of the fishes’ diet, and oyster mortality was closely related to the percentage of drum feeding on oysters. There was little evidence of mortality from other predators of seed oysters like stone crabs or Southern oyster drills, and a repeated measures analysis of variance indicated black drum biomass was significantly depressed on experimental reefs during the experiments. Black drum thus appear to be potentially important predators on oyster reefs, but more work needs to be done on what factors explain the temporal and spatial variation in their abundance and oyster consumption.  相似文献   

Oysters can create reefs that provide habitat for associated species resulting in elevated resident abundances, lower mortality rates, and increased growth and survivorship compared to other estuarine habitats. However, there is a need to quantify trophic relationships and transfer at created oyster reefs to provide a better understanding of their potential in creating suitable nekton habitat. Stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) were conducted to examine the organic matter sources and potential energy flow pathways at a created intertidal oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis; hereinafter, oyster) reef and adjacent salt marsh in the Yangtze River estuary, China. The δ13C values of most reef-associated species (22 of 37) were intermediate between those of suspended particle organic matter (POM) and benthic microalgae (BMI), indicating that both POM and BMI are the major organic matter sources at the created oyster reef. The sessile and motile macrofauna colonizing the reef make up the main prey of transient nekton (e.g., spotted sea bass, Asian paddle crab, and green mud crab), thus suggesting that the associated community was most important in supporting higher trophic levels as opposed to the direct dietary subsidy of oysters. The created oyster reef consistently supported higher trophic levels than the adjacent salt marsh habitat due to the dominance of secondary consumers. These results indicate that through the provision of habitat for associated species, created oyster reefs provide suitable habitat and support a higher average trophic level than adjacent salt marsh in the Yangtze River estuary.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduce pH of marine waters due to the absorption of atmospheric CO2 and formation of carbonic acid. Estuarine waters are more susceptible to acidification because they are subject to multiple acid sources and are less buffered than marine waters. Consequently, estuarine shell forming species may experience acidification sooner than marine species although the tolerance of estuarine calcifiers to pH changes is poorly understood. We analyzed 23 years of Chesapeake Bay water quality monitoring data and found that daytime average pH significantly decreased across polyhaline waters although pH has not significantly changed across mesohaline waters. In some tributaries that once supported large oyster populations, pH is increasing. Current average conditions within some tributaries however correspond to values that we found in laboratory studies to reduce oyster biocalcification rates or resulted in net shell dissolution. Calcification rates of juvenile eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, were measured in laboratory studies in a three-way factorial design with 3 pH levels, two salinities, and two temperatures. Biocalcification declined significantly with a reduction of ∼0.5 pH units and higher temperature and salinity mitigated the decrease in biocalcification.  相似文献   

An important ecological role ascribed to oysters is the transfer of materials from the water column to the benthos as they feed on suspended particles (seston). This ecosystem service has been often touted as a major reason for many oyster restoration efforts, but empirical characterization and quantification of seston removal rates in the field have been lacking. Changes in chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations in the water column were measured in May 2005 and June 2006 in South Carolina using in situ fluorometry and laboratory analysis of pumped water samples taken upstream and downstream as water flowed over natural and constructed intertidal oyster reefs. Both methods gave similar results overall, but with wide variability within individual reef datasets. In situ fluorometer data logged at 10 to 30-s intervals for up to 1.3 h over eight different reefs (three natural and five constructed) showed total removal (or uptake) expressed as % removal of chl a ranging from −9.8% to 27.9%, with a mean of 12.9%. Our data indicate that restored shellfish reefs should provide water-quality improvements soon after construction, and the overall impact is probably determined by the size and density of the resident filter feeder populations relative to water flow characteristics over the reef. The measured population-level chl a removal was converted to mean individual clearance rates to allow comparison with previous laboratory studies. Although direct comparisons could not be made due to the small size of oysters on the study reefs (mean shell height, 36.1 mm), our calculated rates (mean, 1.21 L h−1) were similar to published laboratory measured rates for oysters of this size. However, the wide variability in measured removal by the oyster reefs suggests that individual oyster feeding rates in nature may be much more variable than in the laboratory. The proliferation of ecosystem-level models that simulate the impacts of bivalves on water quality based only on laboratory-feeding measurements underscores the importance of further research aimed at determining ecologically realistic feeding rates for oysters in the field. Because in situ methods provide many replicate measurements quickly, they represent a potentially powerful tool for quantifying the effects of oyster reefs, including all suspension-feeding taxa present, on water quality.  相似文献   

The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, plays an essential functional role in many estuarine ecosystems on the east and Gulf coasts of the USA. Oysters form biogenic reefs but also live on alternative intertidal substrates such as artificial surfaces and mangrove prop roots. The hypothesis tested in this study was that non-reef-dwelling oysters (i.e., those inhabiting mangrove, seawall, or restoration substrates) were similar to their reef-dwelling counterparts based upon a suite of biological parameters. The study was carried out at six sites in three zones in Tampa Bay on the west coast of Florida using monthly samples collected from October 2008–September 2009. The timing of gametogenesis and spawning, fecundity, and juvenile recruitment were the same for oysters in all four habitats. Oyster size (measured as shell height), density, and Perkinsus marinus infection intensity and prevalence varied among habitats. This study indicates that oysters on mangroves, seawalls, and oyster restoration substrates contribute larvae, habitats for other species, and likely other ecosystem benefits similar to those of intertidal oyster reefs in Tampa Bay. Oysters from alternative intertidal substrates should be included in any system wide studies of oyster abundance, clearance rates, and the provision of alternate habitats, especially in highly developed estuaries.  相似文献   

Disturbance combined with the effects of multiple stress gradients can produce biotic outcomes that are complex and perhaps not predictable based on knowledge of the individual stress variables. We analyzed oyster (Crassostrea virginica) colonization of novel substrate via structural equation modeling (SEM) to test cause-and-effect multivariate models posed a priori as hypotheses. We separately analyzed long-term data on water quality (WQ), canal flow, and rainfall to determine drivers of chlorophyll a for use in the oyster SEM. The best oyster SEM for adult (R 2 = 0.74) and small <20-mm (R 2 = 0.48) oyster abundances combined WQ stress gradients produced by normal canal flow with disturbance caused by extremely high flow. There was a ?0.26 direct negative effect of increasing salinity during normal canal flow on the small oyster size class possibly reflecting undocumented increases in marine predators and a negative total effect (negative indirect + direct effects) of the salinity gradient on adult oysters. Very low salinity occurring during extreme (disturbance) canal flows produced large negative direct and total effects on small oysters, but no significant total effect for adult oysters. Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) during normal canal flow had negative total effects on small oysters but positive total effects on adult oysters. The effect of max Chl-a on adult oysters was strongly negative during disturbance-level canal flow. Turbidity during normal canal flow had no effect on small or adult oysters. However, during disturbance flows, the maximum turbidity had strong negative effects. Stress and disturbance from freshwater releases impacted oyster recruitment and survival, affecting the colonization and growth of oysters.  相似文献   

Delaware's Inland Bays comprise a large estuarine system with a restricted access to the Atlantic Ocean (Indian River Inlet). As part of a local oyster stock enhancement and restoration effort, we conducted a survey for the protozoan pathogenPerkinsus marinus (Dermo) in oysters from a newly established reef. Using standardized methods for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the non-transcribed spacer (NTS) region, we were surprised to find no detectable titers of this pathogen in the 30 oysters sampled in the first year of the project. The detection threshold of the PCR coupled with chemiluminescent detection was 30 fgP. marinus NTS DNA. We were able to detect a trace presence of this pathogen in a few hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) from the same locale, indicating that aPerkinsus sp. was present in the Inland Bay system. Subsequent monitoring of the reef system using a fluid thioglycollate assay over 3 yr revealed no epizootic outbreaks of this pathogen within the planted oyster population. Two large mortality episodes that did appear in the oyster population were attributable to abiotic conditions and not pathogen exposure. This study emphasizes that all potential sources of mortality in the environment are important to consider when designing oyster seeding projects. In the Delaware Inland Bays,P. marinus does not appear to have a large enough oyster host population to become a significant disease threat at present. Because of the low parasite incidence levels in the Inland Bay system in 2000, the James Farm oyster reef restoration project presents an ideal model system to follow the population dynamics between an oyster-host population and a latent or reservoir pathogen population.  相似文献   

The native Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, was once abundant in many US Pacific Northwest (PNW) estuaries, but was decimated by human activity in the late nineteenth early to twentieth centuries. Having been the subject of only few modern, detailed studies, a dearth of basic physiological information surrounded O. lurida and how it compared to the now dominant, non-native Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Utilizing laboratory and in situ studies in Yaquina Bay, OR, we explored the clearance rates of both species across a wide range of conditions. Pacific oysters not only had greater size-specific clearance rates than Olympia oysters, but also had a lower optimum temperature. Clearance rates for both species were reduced at lower salinity, at lower organic content, and at higher turbidity. Clearance rate models were constructed for each species using three approaches: (1) a single mechanistic model that incorporated feeding response functions of each species to the effects of temperature, salinity, turbidity, and seston organic content based on laboratory studies; (2) another additive model in which the number and type of response functions from laboratory studies were allowed to vary; and (3) a statistical model that utilized environmental data collected during in situ feeding trials. Clearance rate models that correlated feeding activity with in situ environmental data were found to often better predict oyster clearance rates (based on Adj R 2) for both species in Yaquina Bay, OR, than mechanistic, additive models based on laboratory feeding response functions; however, in situ correlative models varied in accuracy by species and season. This work represents important first steps towards better understanding the physiological ecology of the native Olympia oyster and how it differs from introduced and now dominant Pacific oyster.  相似文献   

Oysters and sediment have been collected from most major US Gulf of Mexico bays and estuaries each year since 1986. Selected samples of oyster soft tissue, shell and sediments were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn for this study. Concentrations varied considerably from place to place but ratios of metals remained relatively constant. Cu and Zn are greatly enriched in oyster tissues, which is related to their physiological function. Cd is enriched in oyster shell because of the easy substitution between Cd and Ca. The concentrations of Pb and Cr in oysters are significantly lower than that in sediment, suggesting a good discrimination against these metals by oysters. Metal variations are a result of both nature and human activity. Received: 13 September 1999 · Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

We measured seasonal effects of wastewater treatment plant (WTP) effluent on growth, survival, and accumulation of microbes in oysters near a major WTP in Mobile Bay, AL. Despite higher nutrients near the WTP, seasonal conditions rather than distance affected chlorophyll a concentration and oyster growth. In summer and fall, when oyster growth was higher, δ15N‰ in oysters near the WTP changed through time to reflect δ15N‰ in effluent (approx. −4‰). Microbial indicators (male-specific coliphage, fecal coliforms) were highest in oysters near the WTP in all seasons and correlated with δ15N‰ in fall and summer. Increased riverine discharge and slower acquisition of δ15N‰ likely confounded correlations in winter/spring. Although we did not detect gross ecological effects of wastewater exposure for oysters, data indicated wastewater-derived particles entered the local food web and accumulated in oysters. These data highlight the importance of using multiple indicators of wastewater exposure and considering both seasonal and spatial effects when defining wastewater influence on a system or species.  相似文献   

The natural aging process of Chesapeake Bay and its tributary estuaries has been accelerated by human activities around the shoreline and within the watershed, increasing sediment and nutrient loads delivered to the bay. Riverine nutrients cause algal growth in the bay leading to reductions in light penetration with consequent declines in sea grass growth, smothering of bottom-dwelling organisms, and decreases in bottom-water dissolved oxygen as algal blooms decay. Historically, bay waters were filtered by oysters, but declines in oyster populations from overfishing and disease have led to higher concentrations of fine-sediment particles and phytoplankton in the water column. Assessments of water and biological resource quality in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, such as the Potomac River, show a continual degraded state. In this paper, we pay tribute to Owen Bricker’s comprehensive, holistic scientific perspective using an approach that examines the connection between watershed and estuary. We evaluated nitrogen inputs from Potomac River headwaters, nutrient-related conditions within the estuary, and considered the use of shellfish aquaculture as an in-the-water nutrient management measure. Data from headwaters, nontidal, and estuarine portions of the Potomac River watershed and estuary were analyzed to examine the contribution from different parts of the watershed to total nitrogen loads to the estuary. An eutrophication model was applied to these data to evaluate eutrophication status and changes since the early 1990s and for comparison to regional and national conditions. A farm-scale aquaculture model was applied and results scaled to the estuary to determine the potential for shellfish (oyster) aquaculture to mediate eutrophication impacts. Results showed that (1) the contribution to nitrogen loads from headwater streams is small (about 2 %) of total inputs to the Potomac River Estuary; (2) eutrophic conditions in the Potomac River Estuary have improved in the upper estuary since the early 1990s, but have worsened in the lower estuary. The overall system-wide eutrophication impact is high, despite a decrease in nitrogen loads from the upper basin and declining surface water nitrate nitrogen concentrations over that period; (3) eutrophic conditions in the Potomac River Estuary are representative of Chesapeake Bay region and other US estuaries; moderate to high levels of nutrient-related degradation occur in about 65 % of US estuaries, particularly river-dominated low-flow systems such as the Potomac River Estuary; and (4) shellfish (oyster) aquaculture could remove eutrophication impacts directly from the estuary through harvest but should be considered a complement—not a substitute—for land-based measures. The total nitrogen load could be removed if 40 % of the Potomac River Estuary bottom was in shellfish cultivation; a combination of aquaculture and restoration of oyster reefs may provide larger benefits.  相似文献   

Three models are combined to investigate the effects of changes in environmental conditions on the population structure of the Eastern oyster,Crassostrea virginica. The first model, a time-dependent model of the oyster population as described in Powell et al. (1992, 1994, 1995a,b, 1996, 1997) and Hofmann et al. (1992, 1994, 1995), tracks the distribution, development, spawning, and mortality of sessile oyster populations. The second model, a time-dependent larval growth model as described in Dekshenieks et al. (1993), simulates larval growth and mortality. The final model, a finite element hydrodynamic model, simulates the circulation in Galveston Bay, Texas. The coupled post-settlement-larval model (the oyster model) runs within the finite element grid at locations that include known oyster reef habitats. The oyster model was first forced with 5 yr of mean environmental conditions to provide a reference simulation for Galveston Bay. Additional simulations considered the effects of long-term increases and decreases in freshwater inflow and temperature, as well as decreases in food concentration and total seston on Galveston Bay oyster populations. In general, the simulations show that salinity is the primary environmental factor controling the spatial extent of oyster distribution within the estuary. Results also indicate a need to consider all environmental factors when attempting to predict the response of oyster populations; it is the superposition of a combination of these factors that determines the state of the population. The results from this study allow predictions to be made concerning the effects of environmental change on the status of oyster populations, both within Galveston Bay and within other estuarine systems supporting oyster populations.  相似文献   

To evaluate methods for calculating mortality in bivalve molluscs, we analyzed historical data from dredge surveys of both planted and natural oyster (Crassostrea virginica) grounds in Delaware Bay to compare total box-count mortality estimates with those made by accumulating short-term mortality rates obtained from fresh boxes identified by shell condition and degree of fouling. Box-count and cumulative-mortality patterns and values agreed best on grounds with planted oysters, where a cohort with very few dead oysters was broadcast on previously cleaned bottom and was followed over time. This situation is analogous to an artificially created reef with oysters either deployed or naturally set on it. When deaths predominated in late summer and early autumn, the two estimates were similar throughout the following year; when mortality was greatest in spring or early summer, the estimates were similar only through autumn of the same year. Correspondence was much weaker on natural beds, where new individuals constantly recruited to the population and variable numbers of boxes were always present. Nevertheless, total box-count mortality estimates made during autumn stock surveys were significantly correlated with cumulative mortalities calculated for the preceding year. We also estimated disarticulation rates of artificially created boxes by deploying them at three seasons and eight sites in Delaware Bay. Disarticulation time depended on the length of exposure at summer temperatures, with the average time to 50% disarticulation for boxes deployed in spring and in summer being 225 and 345 days, respectively. Disarticulation rates increased with decreasing size, and increasing salinity and temperature. Finally, we compared total box-count and cumulative-mortality estimates with those made using the disarticulation data. Annual averages for the three methods were within 5 percentage points of each other. Our data indicate that total box-count mortality estimates from fall stock surveys can provide a reliable index to total mortality for the previous year, although it cannot describe the seasonal patterns obtainable using the cumulative-mortality method. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02BY003 00003  相似文献   

Will lowering estuarine salinity increase Gulf of Mexico oyster landings?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies provide conflicting opinions on whether lower than average salinities in Gulf of Mexico (GOM) estuaries are likely to increase or decrease oyster harvests (Crassostrea virginica), which represented 69% and 54% of the United States oyster landings by weight, and dockside value, respectively, in 2003. The present study examined a 54-yr record (1950–2003) of oyster harvests and river discharge in five major estuaries in GOM states (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas). Oyster landings were inversely related to freshwater inflow. Peaks in landings, 21 of 23 in West Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas combined, were coincidental with lows in river discharge from the major rivers in the estuaries. Lows in landings in these states (17 of 19) coincided with peaks in discharge of the major rivers feeding their estuaries. Landings in Breton Sound, Louisiana, were also inversely related to river discharge. The only exception to this pattern was for landings in the Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, part of the Breton Sound estuary, where there were higher landings following increased Mississippi River discharge. The Bonnet Carré spillway, completed in 1931, diverts flood waters from the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain, and it has been opened to reduce flood heights in 1937, 1950, 1973, 1975, 1979, 1983, and 1997. Twenty-five of 28 times after the spillway was opened, oyster landings in Mississippi were lower than in the other four states. The inverse relationship between freshwater inflow and oyster landings suggests that the proposed Bonnet Carré Freshwater Project, designed to reduce estuarine salinity, cannot be justified on the basis of anticipated higher oyster yields in Mississippi or Louisiana. Manipulating estuarine salinity in the GOM should be done within the context of the whole estuary and not just part of the estuary.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds have declined in Chesapeake Bay, USA as well as worldwide over the past century. Increased seston concentrations, which decrease light penetration, are likely one of the main causes of the decline in Chesapeake Bay. It has been hypothesized that dense populations of suspension-feeding bivalves, such as eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), may filter sufficient seston from the water to reduce light attenuation and enhance seagrass growth. Furthermore, eastern oyster populations can form large three-dimensional reef-like structures that may act like breakwaters by attenuating waves, thus decreasing sediment resuspension. We developed a quasi-three-dimensional Seagrass-Waves-Oysters-Light-Seston (SWOLS) model to investigate whether oyster reefs and breakwaters could improve seagrass growth by reducing seston concentrations. Seagrass growth potential (SGP), a parameter controlled by resuspension-induced turbidity, was calculated in simulations in which wave height, oyster abundance, and reef/breakwater configuration were varied. Wave height was the dominant factor influencing SGP, with higher waves increasing sediment resuspension and decreasing SGP. Submerged breakwaters parallel with the shoreline improved SGP in the presence of 0.2 and 0.4 m waves when sediment resuspension was dominated by wave action, while submerged groins perpendicular to the shoreline improved SGP under lower wave heights (0.05 and 0.1 m) when resuspension was dominated by along-shore tidal currents. Oyster-feeding activity did not affect SGP, due to the oysters’ distance from the seagrass bed and reduced oyster filtration rates under either low or high sediment concentrations. Although the current implementation of the SWOLS model has simplified geometry, the model does demonstrate that the interaction between oyster filtration and along-shore circulation, and between man-made structures and wave heights, should be considered when managing seagrass habitats, planning seagrass restoration projects, and choosing the most suitable methods to protect shorelines from erosion.  相似文献   

Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae recruit to northeastern Pacific coastal estuaries, and settle into intertidal and subtidal habitats where they molt into Early Benthic Phase (EBP) crabs, and are dependent on epibenthic structure for shelter from predation. Given the importance of shell refuge to their post-settlement ontogeny, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began constructing intertidal plots of oyster shell in the Grays Harbor estuary, Washington, to enhance recruitment and mitigate losses of subtidalC. magister entrained and killed during extensive dredging efforts. When shell habitat was newly constructed, settlement and survival ofC. magister were high, and expectations for the mitigation project were met. During the first several years (1992-1997), plots greater than 1 yr postconstruction were colonized by yellow shore crabs,Hemigrapsus oregonensis (often≥75 crabs m−2, and abundance of EBPC. magister was reduced to nearly zero. While some predation of settling megalopae byH. oregonensis does occur, the relationship between these species is characterized by density-dependent competitive interactions. Laboratory observations of competition for shell habitat indicate thatH. oregonensis are dominant over EBPC. magister and can evictC. magister from refuge spaces. Field experiments show that high densities of the former cause, the latter to emigrate from shell, and suggest detection and avoidance of areas with high densities ofH. oregonensis by settlingC. magister megalopae. More recently (1998-2001), abundance ofH. oregonensis has declined dramatically within plots of oyster shell, apparently due to recruitment failure, and patterns ofC. magister abundance and production have returned to levels consistent with original expectations of the mitigation project. Both intraspecific and interspecific competition for space are significant factors effecting population, regulation ofC. magister when they are strongly dependent on refuge from predation. Efficacy of constructed oyster shell plots as a mitigation tool may hinge on the population dynamics of a species previously considered of little consequence to the target species.  相似文献   

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