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This paper addresses the works of Henri Coudreau, a little‐known French explorer of Guiana and Amazonia who was later forgotten by the ‘heroic’ histories of exploration because of his unruliness and nonconformist attitudes. Drawing on the literature of postcolonialism and tropicality as well as on recent studies of anti‐colonialist geographies, I address for the first time Coudreau's geography from the perspective of anarchist and critical thinking. My main argument is that Coudreau's work is a further example of the complexity and heterogeneity of the European intellectual field during the imperial age. Despite having come of age intellectually among all the European racist and ethnocentric prejudices of his day, Coudreau developed a different outlook thanks to two factors, viz., his personal experience in living for years with the indigenous communities of Amazonia, and his exposure to anarchist anti‐colonialist ideas through his collaboration with Elisée Reclus. Coudreau's tropical utopia of an independent Amazonia, and his endorsement of the stateless nature of local communities, ran counter to French imperial politics, occasioning Coudreau's dismissal from the French administration and his professional exile in Brazil at the time of the Franco‐Brazilian border dispute (1897?1900).  相似文献   

Nanscn's crossing of Greenland in 1888 galvanized Norwegians to a leading role in polar exploration. Subsequent expeditions include Nanscn's ‘Fram’ drift (1893-1896), Otto Sverdrup to Arctic Canada (1898-1902) and Roald Amundsen through the North-west Passage (1903-1906). Systematic exploration of Svalbard started in 1906. Norwegian Antarctic activities include Larsen's exploration of the Weddell Sea (1894), Borchgrcvinck's Antarctic expedition (1898-1900) and Amundsen at the South Pole (1911). Norwegian polar activities up to the present have resulted in about 200 topographic and thematic maps. Norwegian polar experience has led to efficient and safe operations, and Norwegian ships are preferred by many nations.  相似文献   

吴传钧先生是中外著名的杰出地理学家,曾荣任两届(1988~1996)国际地理联合会副主席,现连任中国地理学会理事长。在80华诞之际,同时发表《人地关系与经济布局》、《现代经济地理学》和《中国经济地理》三部巨著,突出显现先生学术风采。先生的学术思想极其活跃,达到炉火纯青之境,不愧为当代中国地理学的大师。对于复兴人文地理学,先生发挥着关键性作用,建立了历史功勋。本文扼要地介绍先生的人地关系与经济布局的理论创新以及在地理学、尤其是人文地理学(含经济地理学、农业地理学、土地利用学、资源综合考察、国土整治与国土规划)和国际地理学术交流领域的杰出贡献。  相似文献   

It is the main task of the antarctic surveying expedition to establish the surveying system. In three times of the antarctic surveying research expeditions, a complete and accurate surveying system has been established in the Chinese Great Wall Station area. The surveying system includes geodetic coordinate system, elevation system and gravity reference system. In this paper, the surveying methods and the mathematical models for establishing these systems are discussed, and the accuracy of results is analysed.  相似文献   

北极考察与GPS定位研究初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文叙述了作者 1 996年参加“北极追踪”科学考察队进行首次北极测绘科学考察期间 ,使用 GPS全球定位观测系统 ,沿雷索柳特 ( Resolute)—夸那 ( Qaanaaq)—卡波郁科 ( Kap Yok)—尤里科 ( Eureke)—北极点 ( North Pole)—尤里科—雷索柳特的考察路线 ,进行了冰海考察路线导航、寻找北极点、夸那及雷索柳特定点观测。事后采用高精度 GPS数据处理科研软件 GAMIT对采集得到的数据进行了处理、分析 ,得到了观测点的地心及大地坐标和各点到北京的空间基线长。结果表明 ,利用 GPS定位系统在北极地区进行大规模范围内、高精度监测地壳运动和环境动态变化是完全可行的。  相似文献   

During the 2005 Arctic Yellow River Station expedition, the research on monitoring the movement and mass balance of two glaciers around Ny-lesund, Austrelovénbreen and Pedersenbreen, which were selected in the 2004 Yellow River Station expedition were conducted. This paper analyzes the feasibility and advantage in using GPS method to monitor the Arctic glaciers' movement, estimates the precision of first time measured GPS data and discusses the relevant problems in surveying on the Arctic Glaciers with GPS.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the past is constructed and mobilized within contemporary Peruvian mining politics. Beginning with an exploration of tensions existing within the mining industry's relationship to its history, I analyze how mining proponents have sought to both naturalize today's mining expansion by locating it within a national history of extraction, while also working to break free from certain negative aspects of the industry's past. The paper then examines how the past is remembered and invoked within the context of on‐the‐ground struggles at a large‐scale gold mine in the region of Ancash. I address the contradictory ways in which local history is constructed in these struggles and document how memories of past experiences with mining inform how area residents understand and critique the “new” mining economy. This paper underscores the need to understand the complicated, selective, and often‐contradictory ways in which the past is made present in extractive industry conflicts.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):175-181
Addressing Wacquant in the symposium on the book Urban Outcasts, the commentator (Western) notes in introduction certain parallels in both their academic approach and their international experience, and expresses admiration for Wacquant's work. Then, a summary is provided of Wacquant's comparison of the U.S. inner city with the French banlieue (suburban zones of public housing), in particular of two neighborhoods in Chicago and Paris. Strong contrasts emerge along five dimensions: scale/location, race, relative deprivation, criminal violence, and state intervention/inaction. In conclusion, Wacquant's call for engagement, his insistence on agency, and his refusal to submit to seemingly determinant structural-historical factors is appreciatively noted.  相似文献   

C.P. Pow became a significant part of my own academic journey from soon after I joined the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1999. Our academic inspirations, interests and identities overlapped, and we had opportunities to co-teach and co-write. I use these overlaps and collaborations as a way into reflecting on Pow's work, mainly during the period up to when he received tenure at NUS in 2011. I focus on two substantive themes. The first has to do with how and why Pow approached the landscape of Singapore beyond the visual or the ‘seen’. The second theme concerns the origins, development and consolidation of Pow's contributions to examining urban Asia in ways that unsettle Anglo-American-derived generalizations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Understanding what the American landscape meant to J. B. Jackson requires an exploration of his background, education, and antagonism to the International Style. No full critique of modernism appears in Jackson's mature published work. However, knowledge that the first issues of Landscape magazine in 1951 and 1952 were the work of a single author leads to discovery of Jackson's pseudonyms, especially H. G. West, P. G. Anson, G. A. Feather, and A. W. Conway. This article examines Jackson's pseudonymous writings and links them to his well-known essays on the landscape: “The Westward-Moving House,” “Other-Directed Houses,” and “Southeast to Turkey.”  相似文献   

2007/2008年度中国南极冰穹A考察新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙波  崔祥斌 《极地研究》2008,20(4):371-378
冰穹A(DomeA)是南极冰盖最高区域,其独特的地理位置和蕴藏的科学资源受到国际科学界的普遍关注,近年来成为国际南极科学考察研究的重要前沿区域。中国第24次南极考察(CHINARE24,2007/2008年度)继续开展DomeA地区考察活动,具体执行内陆建站选址任务和国际极地年中国行动计划--PANDA计划。本次内陆冰盖队在到达DomeA后,在DomeA核心区域以及中山站-DomeA断面上开展了多学科系统性的科考工作,取得了以"南极DomeA科学考察"、"内陆建站选址"和"中国南极内陆考察支撑能力建设"为代表的新进展,提升了我国南极内陆考察的支撑保障能力和科学认知水平。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Federal support for planning and building roads provided an opportunity to create a new kind of place, the American roadside. The roadside grew up beside the public road as a distinct private space, yet the two were linked as road travelers came to depend on the services provided by people who lived at the road's edge. Federal road-improvement legislation brought discipline to the surveying, construction, and configuration of roads. But roadside structures remained largely the creation of local people, who built a vernacular landscape that was undisciplined and in strong contrast to the road's regimentation. The roadside became a new kind of space occupying the unstable zone between the discipline of the road and the informality of the countryside, a spatial contradiction that gave license to a new, free-wheeling, mercantile logic, an improvisational departure from the staid formality of Main Street.  相似文献   

黄秉维先生是我国现代地理学的一代宗师和重要开拓者, 他较早的关注全球变化领域的研究动态, 为地理学与全球变化研究做出了卓越贡献。在黄先生百年诞辰之际, 我们系统回顾了黄秉维先生对全球变化研究的三个发展阶段, 通过学习黄秉维先生关于全球变化研究的重要学术思想, 发现近几十年来国内外全球变化领域研究实践印证和体现了黄秉维先生注重全球变化综合研究、区域研究与不确定性研究的前瞻性理念。本文力求在理解黄秉维先生学术思想的基础上, 探讨全球变化领域的未来研究方向与重点, 明晰了未来研究的目标与创新点。本文将为全球变化新形势下综合自然地理学的发展提供参考, 为应对全球变化国家战略的制定和可持续发展提供科学基础。  相似文献   


Swiss-born Arnold Henri Guyot (1807–1884) was the first professionally trained geographer to hold an academic position in the United States. After his migration to this country in 1848 he lived for several years in Massachusetts. During this period he introduced contemporary German-Swiss ideas of geography to key opinion leaders in an important series of lectures (published as Earth and Man), established a system of weather stations, and lectured on methods of teaching geography in Massachusetts teachers' institutes and normal schools. This article discusses Guyot's work in the reform of school geography in Massachusetts as the seedbed for his later, better-known work as the author of innovative textbooks and other teaching aids.  相似文献   

Despite numerous and significant writings by historians of geography and biographers from other disciplines, and his authorship of the first geography textbooks written in and for the new American republic, most geographers are largely unaware of the contributions of Jedidiah Morse in academic geography. Writings about Morse suggest that he had alienated himself from many of his contemporaries early in his career through his authoritarian brand of Calvinistic republicanism, a perceived contradiction of that style with his entrepreneurial ambitions, his role in the controversial Bavarian Illuminati, and a dispute with a noted New England historian. But subsequent, broader intellectual movements sealed Morse's fate as a forgotten geographer (to most), including the end of the Second Great Awakening, Transcendentalism, Darwinism, and the “new,” process‐based geographical thinking inspired by Carl Ritter, Alexander von Humboldt, and Arnold Guyot. Regardless of the reasons for Morse's lost legacy, his contributions to geographical education are important and should be remembered.  相似文献   

明末清初广东人屈大均著《广东新语》是一部关于岭南历史地理杰作,涉及自然、经济、文化、聚落、民族地理等部门、内容丰富,见解精到,有很高的学术价值。但在中国地理学史上长期湮没无闻,实有失公允。在人文地理学复兴的今天,应重视对该书的研究,给屈大均其人其书予应有历史地位.  相似文献   

本文在对历次极地考察所获得的极地测绘空间数据进行整理、分类的基础上,参考国际标准化组织(ISO/TC211)元数据标准、美国联邦地理数据委员会(FGDC)的CSDGM以及中国可持续发展信息共享元数据标准,制定了能够描述中国极地测绘空间数据的元数据标准,基于此设计并实现了中国极地测绘空间数据元数据管理系统。在网络环境下实现了对元数据的浏览、新增、编辑、查询以及网上发布,从而更好地服务于极地科学考察。  相似文献   

汤茂林 《地理研究》2013,32(7):1364-1374
李旭旦先生在一生中译著无数,其中为学界所重者莫过于《人地学原理》、《海陆的起源》、《地理学思想史》、《国外地理科学文献选译》。改革开放以来,李先生花了大量宝贵的时间从事学术翻译,其实大有深意。他将翻译作为其复兴全面的人文地理学大业的一部分,是走向世界的基础性工作,也是高水平研究的基础之一,他对学术翻译的重视还隐含了其对学术讨论和对话的重视。目前,我们对世界人文地理学发展仍比较隔膜,为了避免20 世纪50 年代学习苏联时犯下的错误,必须大力迻译国际上的重要研究成果,全面了解国际上的学术状况,形成我们自己的判断,然后确定我们的研究论题和研究方法,从事原创性的研究,编写出世界水准的教科书和著作,走向世界。需要提升学术翻译在学术评价中的地位,这也是李先生翻译工作给我们的启示之一。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Alexander von Humboldt is universally identified as a key figure in laying the foundations for modern geography. His main sites of research and scholarly production were centered on Europe, Latin America, and Russia. He drew on global sources of geographical data and knowledge in constructing and producing his voluminous works. Although he only briefly knew North America firsthand—at the outset of his career, in the late spring of 1804—he maintained a lifelong interest in the realm, especially in the United States. In turn, many North American scholars were admirers and followers of his perspectives, practices, and publications. Although geography did not emerge as an institutionally based discipline in the United States until the late nineteenth century, Humboldt's influence and impact on its antecedents were considerable. Contrary to conventional wisdom, his authority and influence in geography persisted well beyond Humboldt's death in 1859. His vision of demonstrating nature's unity in diversity and his enlightened views on social issues have continued to appeal to select sectors and actors in North American geography, especially Latin Americanists, historians of the discipline, and, more recently, proponents of an engaged, critical geography.  相似文献   

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