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Since 2000, the American suburb has emerged as a principal destination for new immigrants to the United States, both documented and undocumented. Whereas some suburban communities have responded to perceived undocumented immigrants with hostility in the form of exclusionary local immigration policies, others have introduced policies designed to welcome immigrants independent of federal legal status. In this article, I employ a qualitative comparative case study analysis of four local immigration policies in the Chicago and Washington DC metropolitan areas to explain how suburbs justify their policy positions. I find that these suburban communities relied on conceptions of American identity and the ‘American Dream’ in support of their policies, but leveraged these tropes in vastly different ways depending on the broader strategic purposes of the policies. These divergent suburban immigration policies both challenge traditional notions of suburban political and cultural homogeneity and reveal how such heterogeneity has produced a distinct unevenness in contemporary local policy responses to undocumented immigration within metropolitan regions.  相似文献   


This paper examines two key dimensions of the impact of immigration for Australia and related policy aspects. One is sub-national and the other is national. They are, first, the regional location aspects of immigration and, second, the aggregate unemployment implications of immigration. These are chosen so as to focus on two important issues that condition public attitudes towards immigration. In relation to the first, there is a common positive view that channelling migration towards regional areas assists regional development and reduces pressure on metropolitan areas. The paper reviews regional concepts embodied in Australian immigration policy and the ways in which visa arrangements have implemented policies geared towards the regional dispersal of immigrants. Using official data, it discusses the demographic impacts of these policies and, in particular, considers the extent to which immigrants to regional Australia remain there over the longer term. In relation to unemployment, a common concern is that immigrants take jobs from local workers. The paper examines—using statistical regression methodology—the relationship between immigration and national aggregate unemployment in Australia. It evaluates the net consequences of immigration for both existing residents and new arrivals together. The paper concludes that, with good policy design in each case, regional location encouragement can be effective for immigrants and that immigrants need not take more jobs than they create. The analysis demonstrates that mixed-methods approaches to important social science issues can be productive, and helpful also for policy. Evidence, such as that presented in this paper, offers a powerful basis from which to counter negative public and political discourses surrounding immigration in contemporary Australia.  相似文献   

While contentious national debates persist about the promise or peril of so‐called “sanctuary cities,” this article draws on an archive of U.S. subfederal policies that focused on local responses to immigration and enforcement from 2001–2014 to argue that sanctuary constitutes a process rather than a binary state of being. Such a conceptualization underscores the broad spectrum of policy endeavors that comprise sanctuary and shifts the focus away from a reductionist question of whether or not a place is a sanctuary to inquiries into how sanctuary functions as a process in both policy creation and application. I focus on sanctuary as a process to demonstrate its socio‐spatial heterogeneity and to highlight how the assertion of local values within sanctuary policies advances internal bordering. Textually analyzing sanctuary policies in this way illustrates how the process of sanctuary can simultaneously resist the bordering efforts of federal immigration enforcement and reborder local practices to cultivate belonging for citizens and noncitizens alike.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):156-178
Hundreds of municipalities and counties across the United States have proposed or implemented immigration policies at the local level, ranging from "sanctuary" policies to those designed to exclude undocumented immigrants. Data collected on these policies are presented, and statistically analyzed at the municipal level to interrogate existing hypotheses about factors driving these policy decisions. Municipalities experiencing rapid growth of their foreign-born population and with a high percentage of owner-occupied housing are more likely to introduce exclusionary policies, whereas municipalities with better educated populations are more likely to adopt inclusionary policies. The location of municipalities in the U.S. South and outside central cities is also associated with exclusionary policies. Textual analysis of policy documents for selected municipalities provides insight into why similarly located places adopt contrasting policies. Local ordinances reflect contrasting local imaginaries of race, nation, and place.  相似文献   

Return migration on the policy agenda in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Explicit policies on return migration are of rather recent date in most European countries, including Sweden. During the last few years a number of new policy initiatives have been taken in this field. The purpose of this paper is to examine how official Swedish policies on return migration have changed during the last 20 years. The conclusion is that Sweden has moved from a ?non-policy' in the 1970s, much in opposition to ?guestworker' or rotation systems, towards an active and explicit policy promoting return in the mid-1990s. The major trends in the country's immigration, emigration and return flows are also presented."  相似文献   

夏翠珍  廖杰  郭建军  刘慧  高扬 《中国沙漠》2019,39(3):107-116
政策工具是政府实施政策的手段。结合盐池县1983-2017年出台的生态治理政策,运用内容分析法,从政策工具视角,对盐池县生态治理政策的类型与变化进行了分析,并深入探讨其原因。结果表明:强制型和混合型政策工具占主导地位,其中,规制、直接提供、信息与劝诫、补贴与奖励4种工具使用频率最高,自愿型工具的使用还很缺乏。政策工具的运用受到中央政策的显著影响。以后应当开发更多可利用的政策工具,并对不同政策工具进行优化组合。通过本研究可深入了解生态脆弱区地方政府生态政策的政策工具使用情况,为生态脆弱区生态保护的政策工具选择与优化组合提供参考。  相似文献   

"While 'closed-door' immigration policies are adopted by most countries, 'exceptionalist' legislation is often made to permit entry of special immigrant groups. An example is the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990, which was passed in the run-up to the change in sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997. Britain's increasingly restrictive immigration policies prior to 1990 [have] resulted in the majority of Hong Kong citizens having British nationality (as British Dependent Territories citizens) but without the right of abode in the U.K. The 1990 Act conferred full British citizenship status on 50,000 heads of households in Hong Kong." The authors conclude that "in a world of marked global inequalities, immigration pressure will become even more extreme and is likely to produce an increasing number of cases of exceptionalist immigration legislation in countries with both ?open' and 'closed'-door policies.'  相似文献   

In the context of Charlotte, North Carolina's, emergence as a “globalizing” pre‐emergent immigrant gateway, this paper focuses on a complex and multiscalar set of governmental policies and community‐development dynamics that are shaping localized response to Hispanic/Latino immigration. Specifically, we explore how these policies and dynamics play out spatially in the context of two Charlotte neighborhoods, both of which have similar historical roots and have become magnets for Latino settlement, yet display divergent contemporary place‐making paths. Our exploration reveals the ways in which contexts of receptivity and spaces of both exclusion and inclusion are created by the socio‐spatial components of public policy and the localized response to that policy at the intraurban level. Reinforcing the importance of space and place in the construction of receptivity contexts, the compared stories of Eastside and South Charlotte reveal that neighborhoods are never the product of one transformational force but of many—no matter how they may be perceived in the public imaginary.  相似文献   

彭如霞  夏丽丽  林剑铬 《地理学报》2021,76(4):992-1005
外商直接投资(FDI)企业按知识基础类型可分为解析型、合成型和象征型,从政策工具维度对珠江三角洲核心区六市2007-2016年的创新政策进行文本分析,以创新政策强度和创新政策协同度两个指标量化评估珠三角核心区六市创新政策环境,利用多项式逻辑回归模型识别和检验创新政策环境对异质性知识基础的外商直接投资企业区位选择的影响....  相似文献   

Policymakers and analysts now recognize that US military activities abroad contribute to the creation of refugee flows into the US. Previously, immigration into the US was viewed as a result of inept and failed domestic policies in the countries of origin. Results show that recent immigrants to the US come from countries with neither the poorest nor the largest population growth rate in the less developed world. However, the sending countries received US direct foreign investment (DFI) in the 1970s, particularly labor intensive investment in export manufacturing. Significant levels and concentrations of DFI promote emigration through: 1) the incorporation of new segments of the population into wage labor and the associated disruption of traditional work structures, 2) the feminization of the new industrial work force and its impact on the work opportunities of men, and 3) the consolidation of objective and ideological links with the highly industrialized countries where most foreign capital originates. The data suggest an examination of the causes of emigration on a much more specific level than that of underdevelopment, poverty, and population growth. These facts carry immediate policy implications for US immigration organizations: 1) if US firms in export processing zones recruited workers from the pool of unemployed--mostly prime-age males--rather than expanding the labor supply by recruiting young women, thereby disrupting unwaged work structures, and 2) if these firms would desist from having high turnover rates among workers, then the migration impact of this type of development would be minimized.  相似文献   

采用第六次中国人口普查数据,基于全面二孩实施背景,预测未来中国与省际城乡人口规模以及省际人口迁移规模;采用2010年人口数据和2020年预测人口数据,从对比视角分析了中国省际人口迁移格局变化及其对城镇化发展的影响。研究发现: 城乡全面放开二孩政策不会带来区域人口数量的剧烈反弹; 综合考虑省际人口迁移方向与强度,将中国31个省份划分为4种类型; 省际人口迁移促进了城镇化率的提高及省际差异的缩小,对2010~2020年中国城镇化率的增加的贡献占到了30.77%。  相似文献   

关于促进中部地区崛起的政策问题研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
中部崛起面临着与东部率先发展、西部大开发和振兴东北老工业基地战略都不相同的发展环境、主要矛盾和战略任务,绝不是把在东部、西部和东北已实施过或正在实施的区域政策简单向中部地区加以延伸和推广就可以实现促进中部崛起的战略目标的.必须本着"消除二元经济结构"的功能定位,站在"弥补市场缺陷"角度,对中国的区域政策及政策工具进行与时俱进的创新,才能提高促进中部崛起政策实施效果.对如何从政策制定的源头增强政策设计、政策选择与中部地区区域特征和发展阶段的有效结合,进行了思考和探讨.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the complexity of ecotourism development requires understanding of interrelated factors that influence outcomes and achievements. For this reason, public sectors are increasingly interested in designing policies as driving forces of ecotourism development and exploring policy effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to describe evolutionary characteristics of Chinese ecotourism development and reveal the relationship between policy evolution and ecotourism development. A series of statistical analyses is conducted to explore evolvement characteristics and prospects of Chinese ecotourism policies. Ninety-one sample documents issued by the central government and its departments from 1994 to 2016 are obtained to analyze policy number and content structure, policy intensity, policy tools, and participation of department in policy making. Results show: (1) policy evolution reflects the change of objectives, contents and patterns in Chinese ecotourism development; (2) ecotourism policies stably evolved and adjusted to environmental change, and ecological conservation was core content in policies under a growing number and breadth of policies; (3) ecotourism policy tools transformed from micro-regulation to macro-control, but are not yet systematic; (4) the number of departments involved in policy design continues to increase and the value of policy intensity is rising. In the context of ecological civilization construction and implementation of Tourism Law, macro-control and micro-autonomy is the trend of future ecotourism policies; criteria system improvement may be important tools to regulate ecotourism development; cross-department coordination will act as a guarantee for designing and implementing policies; and welfare of stakeholders, behavioral regulation of tourists and business, and patterns of ecotourism development will be the subject of future policy.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):537-564
In the 1980s, China experienced a period of coexistence of reform policies with pre-reform policies. These coexisting policies played an influential role in the growth of Chinese cities. This paper seeks to examine the role of these various coexisting policies of the 1980s and to explore the underlying factors that affected the pattern of Chinese urban growth. Data for a random selection of 66 cities from mainland China and some 16 variables were tested and analyzed by both parametric and nonparametric statistics. The results of the statistical analyses suggest that pre-reform policy conflicted with reform policies of the 1980s and that the various policies acted as countervailing forces on Chinese urban growth. Small cities showed significant rapid growth, whereas super-large cities indicated slow growth. Industrial development was the dominant factor accountable for the rapid expansion of Chinese cities, whereas the balanced growth between the inner-city nonagricultural population and the built-up area was a result of the interplay of city planning policies.  相似文献   

阚耀平 《干旱区地理》2006,29(6):930-934
清初,伊犁地区人口稀少、边防空虚,清政府为了充实伊犁地区的防务力量,采取了人口迁移的方式,移民固边。移民的群体主要来自两个地方,一是南疆地区的维吾尔族民众,迁入伊犁河谷从事农业生产,是迁入的高峰时期乾隆年间到道光年间,迁入人口的总数在一万人以上。光绪年间,伊犁地区部分维吾尔移民被迫迁入俄罗斯;二是来自东北盛京地区的锡伯族,迁移人口为四千零三十人,迁入的主要目的是永久性的驻守边防,减少政府的军费开支。经过移民的建设,到新疆建省时,伊犁地区已经成为新疆的政治、军事中心。  相似文献   

越南是中国重要的海陆邻国,开展其人口分布的研究对揭示越南人口发展规律和服务“一带一路”建设具有重要意义。基于越南2000—2019年人口统计数据,采用GIS空间分析方法揭示了越南21世纪以来人口时空分布特征,并依据人口密度和人口增长速度进一步划分其人口演变类型,最后从地形起伏度,人均GDP和外商投资总额3个因素分析了越南人口时空分异的影响机制。结果表明:①越南人口总量即将突破1亿大关,但人口增长率不断下降,近年来逐渐稳定在1.10%左右。②“南北多中间少,东部沿海多,西部内陆少”是越南人口空间分布总体特征,这与其国土形状与地形特征紧密吻合。近20年越南人口高密度地区基本稳定,全国人口空间分布格局变化较小。③越南人口分布演变类型以中高密度慢速增长为主(61.91%),而人口快速增长地区可以分为社会经济发达地区的中高密度快速增长与西北部边境和西原地区的低密度快速增长两种类型。④以地形起伏度为代表的自然地理要素决定了越南人口分布的基本格局,以人均GDP和外商投资总额为代表的经济发展水平是人口集疏过程的根本动力,但越南边境地区的人口快速增长则明显受到政府宽松的生育政策和对主体民族京族移民实边政策的影响。  相似文献   

俞立平 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1610-1617
构建区域创新政策评价的理论框架,在宏观知识生产函数中引入信息化作为创新技术进步的替代变量,基于DEA与Malmquist指数,用全要素生产率指数存量来衡量区域创新政策。并以省际高技术产业为例进行了实证,研究结果表明:区域创新政策的特征和评价维度决定评价的多样性,基于政策效果与政策交互作用的区域创新政策评价具有重要意义;区域创新政策总体上处于稳步提高阶段,较低地区以西部中部地区为主;区域创新政策测度模型系统性较好,其检验方法有待进一步深化;采用政府研发经费投入作为区域创新政策的替代变量值得商榷。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ad hoc networks that form to move policies to new sites by examining the process through which the city of Bandung, Indonesia adopted a creative city policy. As revealed through the Bandung case, attention to the formation of these networks highlights the way that power operates within them, privileging certain ideas and structuring the ways in which information flows through their channels. This insight suggests that the concept of policy mobilities would be enriched by a closer attention to the way power is used to construct networks that promote specific policies and places as sites of ‘best practice’. Furthermore, this paper extends the concept of policy mobilities to a city ‘off the map’. In contrast to most existing policy mobilities research that tends to focus on the stable, large‐scale networks through which policies travel and on the high‐profile cities constructed as policy models, the case of Bandung provides a study of how policy mobilities may occur differently outside of its well‐established locations.  相似文献   

该文阐述清初中期黑龙江省耕作业发展较快并形成了一定规模。从以渔牧猎业为主体向农牧渔猎并重方向演变 ,它是特定的自然、政治、军事、社会等因素综合作用的结果。其中 ,温带森林与森林草原环境、严酷的气候和清朝统治者的“封禁”政策延缓了在此之前耕作业的开发与发展 ;边防军事需要与汉族人口的大规模迁入是耕作业开发与发展的根本动力。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议对于引领经济全球化进程、深化改革开放、实现全面转型有重大意义。西部地区及其城市政府据此制定了相关的政策,不同程度地推动了地方经济转型及其开放度。以西北五省51个地级市(含自治州、地区)为研究对象,运用城市职能分类法等方法,对其响应“一带一路”倡议的地方政策进行分析。研究表明:1)2013~2017年,城市政府的平均政策响应累计得分持续增加,应答率由3.92%增加至100%。进行政策响应的产业种类逐年增多,且产业政策重心有多极化趋势。2)2017年,综合性、过渡性、单一性产业政策地级市分别为38个、6个、7个。突出产业政策主要分布在陕、甘两省,以第二、第三产业为主。产业政策类型可详细划分为6类,具有突出产业政策的综合性地级市数目最多,为25个,占比49.02%。  相似文献   

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