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This is the second paper of a series where we study the clustering of luminous red galaxies (LRG) in the recent spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data release, DR6, which has 75 000 LRG covering over  1 Gpc3  h −3  for  0.15 < z < 0.47  . Here, we focus on modelling redshift-space distortions in  ξ(σ, π)  , the two-point correlation in separate line-of-sight and perpendicular directions, at small scales and in the line-of-sight. We show that a simple Kaiser model for the anisotropic two-point correlation function in redshift space, convolved with a distribution of random peculiar velocities with an exponential form, can describe well the correlation of LRG on all scales. We show that to describe with accuracy the so-called 'fingers-of-God' (FOG) elongations in the radial direction, it is necessary to model the scale dependence of both bias b and the pairwise rms peculiar velocity σ12 with the distance. We show how both quantities can be inferred from the  ξ(σ, π)  data. From   r ≃ 10 Mpc  h −1  to   r ≃ 1 Mpc  h −1  , both the bias and σ12 are shown to increase by a factor of 2: from   b = 2  to 4 and from  σ12= 400  to  800 km s−1  . The latter is in good agreement, within a 5 per cent accuracy in the recovered velocities, with direct velocity measurements in dark matter simulations with  Ωm= 0.25  and  σ8= 0.85  .  相似文献   

We study the size and shape of low-density regions in the local Universe, which we identify in the smoothed density field of the PSCz flux-limited IRAS galaxy catalogue. After quantifying the systematic biases that enter the detection of voids using our data set and method, we identify, using a smoothing length of 5  h −1 Mpc, 14 voids within 80  h −1 Mpc (having volumes 103  h −3 Mpc3) and, using a smoothing length of 10  h −1 Mpc, eight voids within 130  h −1 Mpc (having volumes  8×103 h−3 Mpc3)  . We study the void size distribution and morphologies and find that there is roughly an equal number of prolate and oblate-like spheroidal voids. We compare the measured PSCz void shape and size distributions with those expected in six different cold dark matter (CDM) models and find that only the size distribution can discriminate between models. The models preferred by the PSCz data are those with intermediate values of   σ 8(≃0.83)  , independent of cosmology.  相似文献   

We use very large cosmological N -body simulations to obtain accurate predictions for the two-point correlations and power spectra of mass-limited samples of galaxy clusters. We consider two currently popular cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, a critical density model ( τ CDM) and a flat low density model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Our simulations each use 109 particles to follow the mass distribution within cubes of side 2  h −1 Gpc ( τ CDM) and 3  h −1 Gpc (ΛCDM) with a force resolution better than 10−4 of the cube side. We investigate how the predicted cluster correlations increase for samples of increasing mass and decreasing abundance. Very similar behaviour is found in the two cases. The correlation length increases from     for samples with mean separation     to     for samples with     The lower value here corresponds to τ CDM and the upper to ΛCDM. The power spectra of these cluster samples are accurately parallel to those of the mass over more than a decade in scale. Both correlation lengths and power spectrum biases can be predicted to better than 10 per cent using the simple model of Sheth, Mo & Tormen. This prediction requires only the linear mass power spectrum and has no adjustable parameters. We compare our predictions with published results for the automated plate measurement (APM) cluster sample. The observed variation of correlation length with richness agrees well with the models, particularly for ΛCDM. The observed power spectrum (for a cluster sample of mean separation     ) lies significantly above the predictions of both models.  相似文献   

We use non-linear scaling relations (NSRs) to investigate the effects arising from the existence of negative correlations on the evolution of gravitational clustering in an expanding universe. It turns out that such anticorrelated regions have important dynamical effects on all scales. In particular, the mere existence of negative values for the linear two-point correlation function ξ¯ L over some range of scales starting from l = L 0 implies that the non-linear correlation function is bounded from above at all scales x < L 0 . This also results in the relation ξ¯   ∝  x −3 , at these scales, at late times, independent of the original form of the correlation function. Current observations do not rule out the existence of negative ξ¯ for 200  h −1 Mpc≲ ξ¯ ≲1000  h −1 Mpc; the present work may thus have relevance for the real Universe. The only assumption made in the analysis is the existence of NSR; the results are independent of the form of the NSR as well as of the stable clustering hypothesis.  相似文献   

The alignment of clusters of galaxies with their nearest neighbours and between clusters within a supercluster is investigated using simulations of 5123 dark matter particles for ΛCDM and τ CDM cosmological models. Strongly significant alignments are found for separations of up to 15  h −1 Mpc in both cosmologies, but for the ΛCDM model the alignments extend up to separations of 30  h −1 Mpc. The effect is strongest for nearest neighbours, but is not significant enough to be useful as an observational discriminant between cosmologies. As a check of whether this difference in alignments is present in other cosmologies, smaller simulations with 2563 particles are investigated for four different cosmological models. Because of poor number statistics, only the standard CDM model shows indications of having different alignments from the other models.  相似文献   

We present BeppoSAX observations of Nova Velorum 1999 (V382 Vel), carried out in a broad X-ray band covering 0.1–300 keV only 15 d after the discovery and again after 6 months. The nova was detected at day 15 with the BeppoSAX instruments which measured a flux F x≃1.8×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 0.1–10 keV range and a 2 σ upper limit F x<6.7×10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 15–60 keV range. We attribute the emission to shocked nebular ejecta at a plasma temperature kT ≃6 keV . At six months no bright component emerged in the 15–60 keV range, but a bright central supersoft X-ray source appeared. The hot nebular component previously detected had cooled to a plasma temperature kT <1 keV . There was strong intrinsic absorption of the ejecta in the first observation and not in the second, because the column density of neutral hydrogen decreased from N (H)≃1.7×1023 to N (H)≃1021 cm−2 (close to the interstellar value). The unabsorbed X-ray flux also decreased from F x=4.3×10−11 to F x≃10−12 erg cm−2 s−1 .  相似文献   

We consider a situation where the density and peculiar velocities in real space are linear, and we calculate ξ s , the two-point correlation function in redshift space, incorporating all non-linear effects which arise as a consequence of the map from real to redshift space. Our result is non-perturbative and it includes the effects of possible multi-streaming in redshift space. We find that the deviations from the predictions of the linear redshift distortion analysis increase for the higher spherical harmonics of ξ s . While the deviations are insignificant for the monopole ξ 0, the hexadecapole ξ 4 exhibits large deviations from the linear predictions. For a COBE normalized     ,     cold dark matter (CDM) power spectrum, our results for ξ 4 deviate from the linear predictions by a factor of two on the scale of ∼10  h −1 Mpc. The deviations from the linear predictions depend separately on f (Ω) and b . This holds the possibility of removing the degeneracy that exists between these two parameters in the linear analysis of redshift surveys which yields only     .
We also show that the commonly used phenomenological model, where the non-linear redshift two-point correlation function is calculated by convolving the linear redshift correlation function with an isotropic pair velocity distribution function, is a limiting case of our result.  相似文献   

We use high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations to investigate the spatial correlation between weak  ( N H  i < 1015 cm−2)  Lyα absorbers and gas-rich galaxies in the local Universe. We confirm that Lyα absorbers are preferentially expected near gas-rich galaxies and that the degree of correlation increases with the column density of the absorber. The real-space galaxy auto-correlation is stronger than the cross-correlation (correlation lengths   r 0,gg= 3.1 ± 0.1 Mpc  h −1  and   r 0,ag= 1.4 ± 0.1 Mpc  h −1  , respectively), in contrast with the recent results of Ryan-Weber, and the auto-correlation of absorbers is very weak. These results are robust to the presence of strong galactic winds in the hydrodynamical simulations. In redshift space, a further mismatch arises since at small separations the distortion pattern of the simulated galaxy–absorber cross-correlation function is different from the one measured by Ryan-Weber. However, when sampling the intergalactic medium along a limited number of lines-of-sight, as in the real data, uncertainties in the cross-correlation estimates are large enough to account for these discrepancies. Our analysis suggests that the statistical significance of difference between the cross-correlation and auto-correlation signal in current data sets is ∼1σ only.  相似文献   

N -body simulations predict that cold dark matter (CDM) halo-assembly occurs in two phases: (i) a fast-accretion phase with a rapidly deepening potential well; and (ii) a slow-accretion phase characterized by a gentle addition of mass to the outer halo with little change in the inner potential well. We demonstrate, using one-dimensional simulations, that this two-phase accretion leads to CDM haloes of the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) form and provides physical insight into the properties of the mass-accretion history that influence the final profile. Assuming that the velocities of CDM particles are effectively isotropized by fluctuations in the gravitational potential during the fast-accretion phase, we show that gravitational collapse in this phase leads to an inner profile  ρ( r ) ∝ r −1  . Slow accretion on to an established potential well leads to an outer profile with  ρ( r ) ∝ r −3  . The concentration of a halo is determined by the fraction of mass that is accreted during the fast-accretion phase. Using an ensemble of realistic mass-accretion histories, we show that the model predictions of the dependence of halo concentration on halo formation time and, hence, the dependence of halo concentration on halo mass, and the distribution of halo concentrations all match those found in cosmological N -body simulations. Using a simple analytic model that captures much of the important physics, we show that the inner   r −1  profile of CDM haloes is a natural result of hierarchical mass assembly with an initial phase of rapid accretion.  相似文献   

We use the Millennium Simulation (MS) to measure the cross-correlation between halo centres and mass (or equivalently the average density profiles of dark haloes) in a Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. We present results for radii in the range  10  h −1 kpc < r < 30  h −1 Mpc  and for halo masses in the range  4 × 1010 < M 200 < 4 × 1014  h −1 M  . Both at   z = 0  and at   z = 0.76  these cross-correlations are surprisingly well fitted if the inner region is approximated by a density profile of NFW or Einasto form, the outer region by a biased version of the linear mass autocorrelation function, and the maximum of the two is adopted where they are comparable. We use a simulation of galaxy formation within the MS to explore how these results are reflected in cross-correlations between galaxies and mass. These are directly observable through galaxy–galaxy lensing. Here also we find that simple models can represent the simulation results remarkably well, typically to ≲10 per cent. Such models can be used to extend our results to other redshifts, to cosmologies with other parameters, and to other assumptions about how galaxies populate dark haloes. Our galaxy formation simulation already reproduces current galaxy–galaxy lensing data quite well. The characteristic features predicted in the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal should provide a strong test of the ΛCDM cosmology as well as a route to understanding how galaxies form within it.  相似文献   

We present a correlation function analysis for the catalogue of photometric redshifts obtained from the Hubble Deep Field image by Fernandez-Soto, Lanzetta & Yahil. By dividing the catalogue into redshift bins of width Δ z =0.4 we measured the angular correlation function w ( θ ) as a function of redshift up to z ∼4.8. From these measurements we derive the trend of the correlation length r 0. We find that r 0( z ) is roughly constant with look-back time up to z ≃2, and then increases to higher values at z ≳2.4. We estimate the values of r 0, assuming ξ ( r , z )=[ r r 0( z )]− γ , γ =1.8 and various geometries. For Ω0=1 we find r 0( z =3)≃7.00±4.87  h −1 Mpc, in good agreement with the values obtained from analysis of the Lyman break galaxies.  相似文献   

We estimate the acceleration on the Local Group (LG) from the 2 Micron All-Sky Redshift Survey (2MRS). The sample used includes about 23 200 galaxies with extinction-corrected magnitudes brighter than   K s= 11.25  and it allows us to calculate the flux-weighted dipole. The near-infrared flux-weighted dipoles are very robust because they closely approximate a mass-weighted dipole, bypassing the effects of redshift distortions and require no preferred reference frame. This is combined with the redshift information to determine the change in dipole with distance. The misalignment angle between the LG and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dipole drops to  12°± 7°  at around  50  h −1 Mpc  , but then increases at larger distances, reaching  21°± 8°  at around  130  h −1 Mpc  . Exclusion of the galaxies Maffei 1, Maffei 2, Dwingeloo 1, IC342 and M87 brings the resultant flux dipole to  14°± 7°  away from the CMB velocity dipole. In both cases, the dipole seemingly converges by  60  h −1 Mpc  . Assuming convergence, the comparison of the 2MRS flux dipole and the CMB dipole provides a value for the combination of the mass density and luminosity bias parameters  Ω0.6m/ b L= 0.40 ± 0.09  .  相似文献   

We study triple systems of galaxies with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.6  h −1 Mpc     We call the systems 'wide triplets', in contrast to compact triplets with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.04  h −1 Mpc, studied by Karachentsev et al. Data are taken for 108 wide triplets from a list compiled by Trofimov & Chernin; at least one-third of them are considered to be probably isolated physical systems. With typical crossing times of about the Hubble time, the wide triplets seem to be in a state of ongoing collapse. This is confirmed by a set of computer models which simulate well the observational characteristics of the ensemble of wide triplets. The simulations also give a statistical estimate of the total mass of a typical wide triplet: it proves to be ≃1013 M. This figure indicates that the dark matter mass is 15–30 times the mass of baryonic matter in the systems. The dynamics of wide triplets, as well as their dark matter content, provide new direct cosmological constraints by establishing that hierarchical evolution is occurring on a mass scale of ∼1013 M and a spatial scale of ∼1 Mpc.  相似文献   

We present results from two high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of protocluster regions at   z ≃ 2.1  . The simulations have been compared to observational results for the so-called Spiderweb galaxy system, the core of a putative protocluster region at   z = 2.16  , found around a radio galaxy. The simulated regions have been chosen so as to form a poor cluster with   M 200≃ 1014  h −1 M  (C1) and a rich cluster with   M 200≃ 2 × 1015  h −1 M  (C2) at   z = 0  . The simulated protoclusters show evidence of ongoing assembly of a dominating central galaxy. The stellar mass of the brightest cluster galaxy of the C2 system is in excess with respect to observational estimates for the Spiderweb galaxy, with a total star formation rate which is also larger than indicated by observations. We find that the projected velocities of galaxies in the C2 cluster are consistent with observations, while those measured for the poorer cluster C1 are too low compared with the observed velocities. We argue that the Spiderweb complex resembles the high-redshift progenitor of a rich galaxy cluster. Our results indicate that the included supernovae feedback is not enough to suppress star formation in these systems, supporting the need of introducing active galactic nuclei feedback. According to our simulations, a diffuse atmosphere of hot gas in hydrostatic equilibrium should already be present at this redshift, and enriched at a level comparable to that of nearby galaxy clusters. The presence of this gas should be detectable with future deep X-ray observations.  相似文献   

This paper considers the phenomenon of deep core collapse in collisional stellar systems, with stars of equal mass. The collapse takes place on some multiple,  ξ−1  , of the central relaxation time, and produces a density profile in which  ρ∝ r −α  , where α is a constant. The parameters α and ξ have usually been determined from simplified models, such as gas and Fokker–Planck models, often with the simplification of isotropy. Here we determine the parameters directly from N -body simulations carried out using the newly completed GRAPE-6.  相似文献   

We address the degree and rapidity of generation of small-scale power over the course of structure formation in cosmologies where the primordial power spectrum is strongly suppressed beyond a given wavenumber. We first summarize the situations where one expects such suppressed power spectra and point out their diversity. We then employ an exponential cut-off, which characterizes warm dark matter (WDM) models, as a template for the shape of the cut-off and focus on damping scales ranging from 106 to  109  h −1 M  . Using high-resolution simulations, we show that the suppressed part of the power spectrum is quickly (re)generated and catches up with both the linear and the non-linear evolution of the unsuppressed power spectrum. From   z = 2  onwards, a power spectrum with a primordial cut-off at  109  h −1 M  becomes virtually indistinguishable from an evolved cold dark matter (CDM) power spectrum. An attractor such as that described in Zaldarriaga, Scoccimarro & Hui for power spectra with different spectral indices also emerges in the case of truncated power spectra. Measurements of   z ∼ 0  non-linear power spectra at  ∼100  h −1 kpc  cannot rule out the possibility of linear power spectra damped below  ∼109  h −1 M  . Therefore, WDM or scenarios with similar features should be difficult to exclude in this way.  相似文献   

We investigate the figure rotation of dark matter haloes identified in Λ cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. We find that when strict criteria are used to select suitable haloes for study, five of the 222 haloes identified in our   z = 0  simulation output undergo coherent figure rotation over a  5 h −1 Gyr  period. We discuss the effects of varying the selection criteria and find that pattern speeds for a much larger fraction of the haloes can be measured when the criteria are relaxed. Pattern speeds measured over a  1 h −1 Gyr  period follow a lognormal distribution, centred at  Ωp= 0.2 h rad Gyr−1  with a maximum value of 0.94 h rad Gyr−1. Over a  5 h −1 Gyr  period, the average pattern speed of a halo is about  0.1 h rad Gyr−1  and the largest pattern speed found is  0.24 h rad Gyr−1  . Less than half of the selected haloes showed alignment between their figure rotation axis and minor axis, the exact fraction being somewhat dependent on how one defines a halo. While the pattern speeds observed are lower than those generally thought capable of causing spiral structure, we note that coherent figure rotation is found over very long periods and argue that further simulations would be required before strong conclusions about spiral structure in all galaxies could be drawn. We find no correlation between halo properties such as total mass and the pattern speed.  相似文献   

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