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Geological surveys of Australia’s marine territory have revealed significant potential for development of a marine resource industry. As onshore mineral deposits become harder to find, less accessible to their market and more challenging to extract, seafloor exploration and mining becomes an economically viable option. However, evidence from industry and environmental literature suggests that social acceptance will be important in determining the future of this industry in Australia. This paper reports on findings from research investigating the social viability of seafloor mining in Australia. A combination of interviews and focus groups were used to explore industry and community reactions to the possible development of seafloor mining in Australia. Although stakeholders’ reactions were variable, the majority of the participants were reluctant to see development of seafloor mining in Australia, primarily because of concerns about the industry’s potential environmental impact. All stakeholders sought further information about the benefits and costs associated with the industry suggesting that they did not yet have a fixed attitude towards the industry. Stakeholders favoured a precautionary approach towards the industry, supported by rigorous scientific analysis of the potential environmental impacts, transparent and socially responsive management processes and meaningful engagement with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The socioeconomic conditions in nine communities of the Kenyan coast were examined to test the hypotheses that socioeconomic characteristics and knowledge about the sea differ for: (1) fishers compared to non-fishers; and (2) fishers living adjacent to parks compared to fishers living away from parks. Compared to non-fishers, fishers were poorer, had higher occupational diversity, more participation in community decision-making, and higher scores on six dimensions of knowledge about marine resources. Fishers living adjacent parks had lower occupational diversity, higher fortnightly expenditures, greater knowledge of the effects of land-based pollutants and market demands than non-park fishers. These relationships may, however, be a result of urbanization near Kenya's marine parks, rather than the marine parks’ effect on fishers’ knowledge and livelihoods. Consistent with studies from other parts of the world, this study finds that there are aspects of Kenyan fishers’ socioeconomic conditions and knowledge about the sea that characterize them as distinct from non-fishers. Initiatives designed to improve the socioeconomic conditions of fishers or to manage fishery stocks need to understand and account for these differences.  相似文献   

Fishery managers are faced with the challenge of maintaining sustainable fisheries at the lowest possible cost while conforming to international and national obligations. Given that fisheries range from low to high value, there is a real need to understand how to trade ecological and economic risks, and the various costs associated with their management, against the benefits from catch. Key to this is an understanding of (a) the costs corresponding to a given level of acceptable risk, or conversely, (b) the change in risk given a change in cost investment. This paper first defines biological, economic and ecosystem risk at a whole-of-fishery level, and then develops a simple model to quantify the trade-offs between risk, cost and catch. Using as case studies Australia's federally managed fisheries that range from data-rich to data-poor, risk was quantified for target species in terms of both their limit and target reference points (defined as “biological risk” and “economic risk”, respectively), and for ecosystems in terms of overall ecological impact (defined as “ecosystem risk”). A statistical linear model was used to quantify the risk–cost–catch frontier for each of the three forms of risk. The most parsimonious models were statistically significant for each. However, the management and research costs were mostly positively correlated with risk, indicating that these tended to be reactive to risk, as opposed to risk decreasing in response to increased costs. The only model where this was not the case was for the ecosystem risk, which is probably because these risks have only recently been assessed and the management response to these risks across all the fisheries has so far been limited. For target species risks, it was not possible to develop a model for proactive use. However, the method itself has merit and, if the costs were defined to a greater level of resolution, and/or a time-dynamic modelling approach considered, these issues could potentially be addressed.  相似文献   

The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan (MFSMP) was introduced in Scotland in 2005 as a pilot for resolving conflict between Atlantic salmon fisheries and conservation imperatives for protected harbour and grey seals. This adaptive co-management model is now being applied nationally through the Marine (Scotland) Act (2010). However, no information exists on salmon fishery stakeholders’ perceptions of seal predation impacts and related costs, which could influence the success of the MFSMP and other similar initiatives. In 2006 a questionnaire survey of the 95 salmon rod fisheries in seven major Moray Firth rivers was undertaken, and all 20 active salmon netting stations in the Firth. Forty-five fishery owners, 39 ghillies, 120 anglers and 11 netsmen (representing 17 netting stations) responded. The majority (81%) believed that seals had a significant or moderate impact on stocks and catches, 77% believed that all seals were responsible and 47% supported seal culling. Seals were sighted by 38% of rod fisheries, and 18% lost angler days from seal interference. Overall, 0.2% of total reported angler days were lost annually. The estimated direct cost of seal interference for responding rod fisheries was £14,960 annum−1, and losses of catches and damage to nets was £16,500 annum−1 for responding netsmen. Stakeholders’ perceptions were largely inconsistent with their low direct costs and the aims of the MFSMP. Possible reasons for this are discussed, and implications for the governance of future adaptive co-management initiatives for seal-fishery conflict.  相似文献   

The establishment of marine protected areas (MPA) has been a common government response to increasing fishing, tourism and other human activities that lead to decline in coral and marine resources. MPAs often suffer inadequacy of funds and simply become “paper parks”. This study makes a case for the feasibility of a self-financing mechanism for MPAs by estimating potential surplus benefit that recreational users may gain from MPAs in Jamaica. These same recreational users in turn, might be willing to pay a small portion of that gain toward the management costs. With the help of a travel cost model and the visitors’ willingness to pay (WTP) estimates, we show that the management costs of the park amount to a negligible amount; less than 0.1% of the annual total WTP. Furthermore, using these WTP estimates and the findings from other stakeholders’ surveys (hotels, tour operators, etc.), the paper provides insights on user-supported funding policies, such as taxes and fees, which might sustain the operations of MPAs in Jamaica and the broader Caribbean region.  相似文献   

Taiwan has shifted from harvesting whales and dolphins to protecting all cetacean species since 1990. Whales and dolphins have become major tourist attractions. With an eye on foreseeable future growth and increasing concerns about environmental impact, service delivery, and educational efficacy, the government seeks to achieve the overall quality assurance of whale/dolphin watching tourism by introducing an ecolabelling program. The aim of this study is to examine this program by analyzing its impact on tour operators and visitors. A survey method was used to assess the impact. The results showed that the program is having a positive impact on operators by seeking environmental sustainability and has brought about educational benefits for visitors, including: site-based knowledge, awareness of marine conservation and reinforcing intentions to perform environmentally responsible behaviors. However, money cost is a major factor discouraging tour operator’s participation, even though ecolabels help to construct an image of responsibility. With potential educational benefits for visitors in mind, the study highlights the need for increasing public awareness of the program, expanding marketing of ecolabelled products, and providing economic incentives for tour operators to engage in ecolabelling.  相似文献   

Neoliberal economic and social policies during the last 65 years have placed a premium on continuous economic growth. Concern among ecological economists and other critics that economic growth results in loss of natural capital and ecosystem services led to introduction of the concept of “uneconomic growth,” defined as “growth of the macro economy that costs us more than it is worth” (Daly and Farley, Ecological economics principles and applications. Washington: Island Press; 2004). This paper proposes the concept of “unjust uneconomic growth” to pinpoint the additional costs of policies that promote uneconomic growth to the neglect of other considerations and uses the case of Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries policies since 1992 to document it. Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries experienced uneconomic growth in the 1980s leading to the collapse of ground fish stocks. The policies enacted since 1993 based on economic growth goals have failed to solve the ecological-social crisis and entailed additional costs to small-scale fisheries.  相似文献   

Over 3000 predominantly small-scale fishers have exited the New Zealand's quota management system (QMS) between its inception in 1986 and 2000. This study, based on the Ministry of Fisheries database and a questionnaire sent to the exiters, establishes that compliance costs in general, and those specifically related to the QMS, were one of the most consistent reasons for exit. Uncertainty about future QMS policy and the high cost of quota were also significant factors. It appears that the small fishers’ perception of high compliance cost can be supported by industry data.  相似文献   

The western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery has been facing significant economic pressure from increasing costs, lower prices as well as predicted reduced catches due to low recruitment. A maximum economic yield (MEY) assessment estimated the fishing effort that would maximise the net present value of profits over 2008/09–2013/14 was about 50%–70% reduction of 2007/08 effort. The assessment accounted for fixed vessel costs and the variable pot lift cost. An important component of this assessment was the use of puerulus settlement time series that provided a reliable predictor of recruitment to the fishery 3–4 years later. This can be contrasted to most MEY assessments that would use an average catch-effort relationship rather than taking into account the expected recruitment. This predictive ability has been particularly useful as there has been a period of unusually low puerulus settlements over the 5 years (2006/07–2010/11) including the lowest two settlements in the 40-year time series. Due to the low settlements, substantial management changes were implemented in 2008/09 and 2009/10 (44% and 73% reduction in nominal fishing effort, respectively compared to 2007/08) to maintain the breeding stock at sustainable levels by having a significant carryover of legal lobsters into future years of lower recruitment. These effort reductions provided a unique opportunity to assess the economic impact of a fishery moving to an MEY effort level over two years. The CPUE increased from 1.1 kg/pot lift in 2007/08 to 1.7 and 2.7 in 2008/09 and 2009/10, respectively. These CPUEs were much higher than the expected levels (1.2 and 1.1, respectively) if the 2007/08 effort had been maintained in these two years. The vessel numbers declined by 14% and 36% in 2008/09 and 2009/10, respectively, compared to 2007/08. The fishery profit increased by AUS$13 and 49 million for 2008/09 and 2009/10, respectively, compared to that estimated if the 2007/08 effort level had continued. This assessment demonstrates the economic benefits of fishing at a level close to that estimated for MEY under an input management regime. The management decision-rule framework is currently based on having the egg production above a threshold reference level to ensure sustainability and now a target reference point based on MEY principles is also being considered.  相似文献   

Differences in fluids origin, creation of overpressure and migration are compared for end member Neogene fold and thrust environments: the deepwater region offshore Brunei (shale detachment), and the onshore, arid Central Basin of Iran (salt detachment). Variations in overpressure mechanism arise from a) the availability of water trapped in pore-space during early burial (deepwater marine environment vs arid, continental environment), and b) the depth/temperature at which mechanical compaction becomes a secondary effect and chemical processes start to dominate overpressure development. Chemical reactions associated with smectite rich mud rocks in Iran occur shallow (∼1900 m, smectite to illite transformation) causing load-transfer related (moderate) overpressures, whereas mechanical compaction and inflationary overpressures dominate smectite poor mud rocks offshore Brunei. The basal detachment in deepwater Brunei generally lies below temperatures of about 150 °C, where chemical processes and metagenesis are inferred to drive overpressure development. Overall the deepwater Brunei system is very water rich, and multiple opportunities for overpressure generation and fluid leakage have occurred throughout the growth of the anticlines. The result is a wide variety of fluid migration pathways and structures from deep to shallow levels (particularly mud dykes, sills, laccoliths, volcanoes and pipes, fluid escape pipes, crestal normal faults, thrust faults) and widespread inflationary-type overpressure. In the Central Basin the near surface environment is water limited. Mechanical and chemical compaction led to moderate overpressure development above the Upper Red Formation evaporites. Only below thick Early Miocene evaporites have near lithostatic overpressures developed in carbonates and marls affected by a wide range of overpressure mechanisms. Fluid leakage episodes across the evaporites have either been very few or absent in most areas. Locations where leakage can episodically occur (e.g. detaching thrusts, deep normal faults, salt welds) are sparse. However, in both Iran and Brunei crestal normal faults play an important role in the transmission of fluids in the upper regions of folds.  相似文献   

Differences in fluids origin, creation of overpressure and migration are compared for end member Neogene fold and thrust environments: the deepwater region offshore Brunei (shale detachment), and the onshore, arid Central Basin of Iran (salt detachment). Variations in overpressure mechanism arise from a) the availability of water trapped in pore-space during early burial (deepwater marine environment vs arid, continental environment), and b) the depth/temperature at which mechanical compaction becomes a secondary effect and chemical processes start to dominate overpressure development. Chemical reactions associated with smectite rich mud rocks in Iran occur shallow (∼1900 m, smectite to illite transformation) causing load-transfer related (moderate) overpressures, whereas mechanical compaction and inflationary overpressures dominate smectite poor mud rocks offshore Brunei. The basal detachment in deepwater Brunei generally lies below temperatures of about 150 °C, where chemical processes and metagenesis are inferred to drive overpressure development. Overall the deepwater Brunei system is very water rich, and multiple opportunities for overpressure generation and fluid leakage have occurred throughout the growth of the anticlines. The result is a wide variety of fluid migration pathways and structures from deep to shallow levels (particularly mud dykes, sills, laccoliths, volcanoes and pipes, fluid escape pipes, crestal normal faults, thrust faults) and widespread inflationary-type overpressure. In the Central Basin the near surface environment is water limited. Mechanical and chemical compaction led to moderate overpressure development above the Upper Red Formation evaporites. Only below thick Early Miocene evaporites have near lithostatic overpressures developed in carbonates and marls affected by a wide range of overpressure mechanisms. Fluid leakage episodes across the evaporites have either been very few or absent in most areas. Locations where leakage can episodically occur (e.g. detaching thrusts, deep normal faults, salt welds) are sparse. However, in both Iran and Brunei crestal normal faults play an important role in the transmission of fluids in the upper regions of folds.  相似文献   

为提高海洋生产要素配置效率以及实现海洋资源高效开发利用,推动我国海洋经济的高质量发展,文章基于门槛效应机制分析和检验,从非线性效应角度分析海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:海洋资源要素对海洋经济增长存在显著的门槛效应;海洋资源的扩张消费具有一定的经济代价,在不同的门槛区间,海洋资源要素消费的经济代价程度不一;吸引社会资本进入海洋领域、提高海洋科技水平以及促进产业结构升级优化都将显著降低海洋资源消耗的经济代价;亟须通过政企合作、培育优势海洋新兴产业集群式发展以及促进海洋科技进步和成果转化等方式,突破海洋资源约束"瓶颈",提高海洋资源要素的投入报酬率,加快海洋经济增长方式向集约型转变。  相似文献   

A large gap has been identified between the current and optimal economic performance of wild-capture commercial fisheries in Australia. Economic approaches have the potential to assist fisheries to bridge this gap, such as bio-economic models that combine biology with fishing costs to evaluate the economic performance of a broad range of management measures. Economic objectives are prevalent in overarching Australian fisheries legislation, however economic data is often not collected and economic analyses or instruments not broadly applied. This paper reviews selected Australian fisheries to demonstrate the accrued economic benefits from applying formal bio-economic models and conducting empirical analyses of the impact of supply on product value. Challenges to the implementation and continued use of economic analyses and instruments are discussed including: (i) short-term transition costs and associated trade-offs between ecological, economic, social and political objectives; (ii) scarce logistical and financial capacity to collect and analyse economic data; (iii) a lack of desire among industry to change and transition to economic targets such as maximum economic yield (MEY), particularly when it is associated with lower catches; and (iv) a lack of economic literacy among fisheries managers and industry. It is contended that many of these challenges initially arise from an absence of clearly identified and prioritised objectives within overarching legislation and management plans. Once objectives are prioritised, limited resources can be allocated more efficiently to improve data collection, economic analysis and increase awareness as well as education of managers and industry.  相似文献   

This work illustrates the evolution the Lower Jurassic shallow-water carbonates known as the Calcare Massiccio Formation in the Central Apennines (Italy). The Calcare Massiccio is characterized by lateral and vertical variability in the facies associations, related to an articulated physiography of the Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonate platform and to its tectonic evolution. This work documents the depositional environment changes during the platform evolution. Quantitative analysis on samples collected from three stratigraphic sections were performed through the Calcare Massiccio succession allowed up to the overlying Pliensbachian pelagites. Two type of carbonate sedimentation have been recognized: in the peritidal and shallow subtidal environments (Calcare Massiccio A) the carbonate production is dominated by microbial activity, while the carbonate sedimentation in a deeper environment of middle to outer ramp (Calcare Massiccio B), is dominated by a bioclastic sedimentation.The evolution from the Calcare Massiccio A to the B can be interpreted as the product of increase of accommodation that in turn produced a backstepping of carbonate facies belt, the photic microbial dominated peritidal facies developed on the persistent Latium-Abruzzi Platform while the bioclastic carbonate production factory settled on the structural highs resulting from the dismembering of the platform by syn-sedimentary tectonic.The bioclastic carbonate factory was not efficient in filling the available accommodation space produced by Sinemurian extensional tectonic. This inefficiency was amplified by the restricted area available for this factory in the small structural highs. These conditions were sufficient to predispose the platform to the drowning without invoke change in the trophic resource or change in the palaeoceanography.  相似文献   

The protection of imperilled fish species is increasingly urgent given ongoing fisheries declines and the degradation of aquatic habitats. In Canada, threatened aquatic species were less likely than terrestrial species to be listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA), the main legal instrument for bestowing protection, in the early years of the Act's implementation. In this paper, the existence of economic thresholds that might have hampered the protection of Canadian marine and freshwater fishes is examined. The analysis of the socio-economic data used to inform listing decisions about threatened fish taxa over the past decade reveals that the likelihood of being listed declines non-linearly with increasing estimated costs of protection but does not vary with proposed threat status. The estimated threshold cost (i.e., the point at which the likelihood of not being listed=0.5) was ∼$5,000,000 (∼$1,400,000 to ∼$31,400,000, 95% CI) per decade for freshwater species but only ∼$90,000 ($∼50,000 to ∼$140,000, 95% CI) per decade for marine fish taxa. In fact, no marine fish species with an anticipated cost of listing greater than zero was listed for protection. The presence of existing management legislation and qualitative statements about negative impacts of listing on exploitation generally led to denying protection to marine but not to freshwater species. These findings highlight both a large and inconsistent emphasis on costs of protection in SARA listing decisions, to the detriment of marine fish species.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power developed rapidly in Northern Europe in the first decade of the 21st century and is expected to spread to Southern Europe, North America and Asia before 2020. To date, no projects have been built offshore North America because of the high development costs and economic risk and uncertain profitability. The purpose of this paper is to review the development cost of constructing offshore wind farms to inform the U.S. market. The capital expenditures of a reference class of 18 European wind farms constructed after 2005 with monopile foundations are normalized to proxy U.S. capital cost. Regression models are developed to investigate the physical features that influence expenditures. U.S. capital costs are expected to range between $4 and $5.6 million/MW for projects built between 2012 and 2015. Capital costs increase with increasing water depth and steel prices. For most farm components, capital expenditures are expected to be similar in Europe and the U.S., but the installation markets differ and this may impact the reliability of the reference class approach.  相似文献   

文章借鉴国内外传统模式以及工厂化模式下水产养殖、对虾养殖成本收益分析指标体系的设立方法和相关研究理论,以山东省为例,于2016—2019年实地采集得到样本数据,对南美白对虾工厂化养殖模式下的成本收益进行分析。结果表明:①2016—2019年山东省工厂化养殖南美白对虾的总成本呈波动上升趋势,其中可变成本远高于固定成本;②在成本结构方面,工厂化养殖模式下固定成本中最大支出项为固定资产折旧,设备维修费近年来增长明显,可变成本中饲料费用、水电煤费、虾苗费用为主要成本项,其中饲料费用占比最大且呈持续上升趋势;③2016—2019年山东省南美白对虾工厂化养殖的净利润稍有减少,尤其在2018年经历了断崖式下滑,4年来成本利润率和销售利润率降低,养殖利润水平、盈利水平均有所下降;④2016—2019年净利润对于价格、饲料费用、水电煤费、苗种费用的敏感性依次由高到低,2018年养殖效益较差的情况下各项敏感系数绝对值均有所增加。  相似文献   

The distribution of phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition coupled with environmental factors and metazooplankton was studied relatively intensively and over a period of four consecutive years in five ponds featuring a gradient of increasing salinity from near to that of sea water to a nine-fold concentration from 2000 to 2003. The results indicate that the physical characteristics of the water (temperature and salinity) were quite similar over the years. Nutrients, which were concentrated in pond A1, decreased with increases in salt concentration. The composition of the phytoplankton community showed strong seasonality. Diatoms dominated in the first ponds A1, A16 and C2-1, followed by dinoflagellates. Chlorophyceae dominated the phytoplankton community in the hypersaline ponds M2 and TS. Cyanobacteriae were relatively abundant in ponds M2 and TS. The highest phytoplankton density and biomass were found in the ponds with the highest salinity due to the proliferation of Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta: Volvocales). The inter-annual study of phytoplankton succession in the Sfax solar salterns showed slight differences among the years of study due to the stability of the environmental conditions. Phytoplankton communities were permanently primitive, stage 1 – structured as they failed to build complexity because of salt stress which operates for longer and above any other variables. This reduced frequency of disturbance to the existing course of regulation, allowed the community to “mature” from its “primitive” state, rather than experience frequent structural setbacks.  相似文献   

秦山核电站位于杭州湾北岸湾顶,其邻近海域受到钱塘江淡水径流和江浙沿岸流的共同影响,水体环境复杂。本研究根据2012年5月(春季)、10月(秋季)秦山核电站邻近海域15个站位网采浮游植物群落调查及理化因子测定,研究了该海域浮游植物群落结构、分布及其影响因子。同时比对历史数据,分析该海域浮游植物群落对环境变化的响应。调查共鉴定检出浮游植物5门60属139种(春季5门36属70种、秋季5门51属115种),其中硅藻42属110种(占85.3%),甲藻8属12种(占9.3%),绿藻、蓝藻和裸藻偶有检出。春季浮游植物平均丰度(1 802.62×104个/m~3)高于秋季(877.15×104个/m~3),其中琼氏圆筛藻Coscinodiscus jonesianus和中肋骨条藻Skeletoema costatum为两季优势种。聚类分析和典范对应分析表明,两季浮游植物群落差异显著,氮磷比、溶解无机氮、溶解无机磷和盐度是影响调查海域浮游植物的主要环境因子。比对历史资料得到,30年来秦山核电站邻近海域浮游植物赤潮藻种的增加和群落结构及丰度的改变受到营养盐含量及结构变化、水温升高等因素共同作用。  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior of offshore spar platforms under regular sea waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many innovative floating offshore structures have been proposed for cost effectiveness of oil and gas exploration and production in water depths exceeding one thousand meters in recent years. One such type of platform is the offshore floating Spar platform. The Spar platform is modelled as a rigid body with six degrees-of-freedom, connected to the sea floor by multi-component catenary mooring lines, which are attached to the Spar platform at the fairleads. The response dependent stiffness matrix consists of two parts (a) the hydrostatics provide restoring force in heave, roll and pitch, (b) the mooring lines provide the restoring force which are represented here by nonlinear horizontal springs. A unidirectional regular wave model is used for computing the incident wave kinematics by Airy’s wave theory and force by Morison’s equation. The response analysis is performed in time domain to solve the dynamic behavior of the moored Spar platform as an integrated system using the iterative incremental Newmark’s Beta approach. Numerical studies are conducted for sea state conditions with and without coupling of degrees-of-freedom.  相似文献   

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