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Wenzhe Fa  Mark A. Wieczorek 《Icarus》2012,218(2):771-787
The inversion of regolith thickness over the nearside hemisphere of the Moon from newly acquired Earth-based 70-cm Arecibo radar data is investigated using a quantitative radar scattering model. The radar scattering model takes into account scattering from both the lunar surface and buried rocks in the lunar regolith, and three parameters are critically important in predicting the radar backscattering coefficient: the dielectric constant of the lunar regolith, the surface roughness, and the size and abundance of subsurface rocks. The measured dielectric properties of the Apollo regolith samples at 450 MHz are re-analyzed, and an improved relation among the complex dielectric constant, bulk density and regolith composition is obtained. The complex dielectric constant of the lunar regolith is estimated globally from this relation using the regolith composition derived from Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer data. To constrain the lunar surface roughness and abundance of subsurface rocks from radar data, nine regions are selected as calibration sites where the regolith thickness has been estimated using independent analysis techniques. For these sites, scattering from the lunar surface and buried rocks cannot be perfectly distinguished, and a tradeoff relationship exists between the size and abundance of buried rocks and surface roughness. Using these tradeoff relations as guidelines for globally representative parameters, the regolith thickness of four regions over the lunar nearside is inverted, and the inversion uncertainties caused by calibration errors of the radar data and model input parameters are analyzed. The regolith thickness of the maria is generally smaller than that of highlands, and older surfaces have thicker regolith thicknesses. Our approach cannot be applied to regions where the surface roughness is very high, such as with young rocky craters and regions in the highly rugged highlands.  相似文献   

We report regional-scale low-resolution backscatter images of Titan's surface acquired by the Cassini RADAR scatterometer at a wavelength of 2.18-cm. We find that the average angular dependence of the backscatter from large regions and from specific surface features is consistent with a model composed of a quasi-specular Hagfors term plus a diffuse cosine component. A Gaussian quasi-specular term also fits the data, but less well than the Hagfors term. We derive values for the mean dielectric constant and root-mean-square (rms) slope of the surface from the quasi-specular term, which we ascribe to scattering from the surface interface only. The diffuse term accommodates contributions from volume scattering, multiple scattering, or wavelength-scale near-surface structure. The Hagfors model results imply a surface with regional mean dielectric constants between 1.9 and 3.6 and regional surface roughness that varies between 5.3° and 13.4° in rms-slope. Dielectric constants between 2 and 3 are expected for a surface composed of solid simple hydrocarbons, water ice, or a mixture of both. Smaller dielectric constants, between 1.6 and 1.9, are consistent with liquid hydrocarbons, while larger dielectric constants, near 4.5, may indicate the presence of water-ammonia ice [Lorenz, R.D., 1998. Icarus 136, 344-348] or organic heteropolymers [Thompson, W.R., Squyres, S.W., 1990. Icarus 86, 336-354]. We present backscatter images corrected for angular effects using the model residuals, which show strong features that correspond roughly to those in 0.94-μm ISS images. We model the localized backscatter from specific features to estimate dielectric constant and rms slope when the angular coverage is within the quasi-specular part of the backscatter curve. Only two apparent surface features are scanned with angular coverage sufficient for accurate modeling. Data from the bright albedo feature Quivira suggests a dielectric constant near 2.8 and rms slope near 10.1°. The dark albedo feature Shangri-La is best fit by a Hagfors model with a dielectric constant close to 2.4 and an rms slope near 9.5°. From the modeled backscatter curves, we find the average radar albedo in the same linear (SL) polarization to be near 0.34. We constrain the total-power albedo in order to compare the measurements with available groundbased radar results, which are typically obtained in both senses of circular polarization. We estimate an upper limit of 0.4 on the total-power albedo, a value that is significantly higher than the 0.21 total albedo value measured at 13 cm [Campbell, D., Black, G., Carter, L., Ostro, S., 2003. Science 302, 431-434]. This is consistent with a surface that has more small-scale structure and is thus more reflective at 2-cm than 13-cm. We compare results across overlapping observations and observe that the reduction and analysis are repeatable and consistent. We also confirm the strong correlations between radar and near-infrared images.  相似文献   

Images returned from the Deep Space 1 (DS-1) spacecraft during its encounter with Comet 19P/Borrelly are used to study its disk-integrated and disk-resolved photometry and its thermal properties. A disk-integrated phase function was constructed from a combination of DS-1 images and ground-based observations, giving a geometric albedo of 0.072±0.020 and a phase slope of 0.043 mag deg−1. The shape model of Borrelly [Kirk, R.L., Howington-Kraus, E., Soderblom, L.A., Giese, B., Oberst, J., 2004a. Icarus 167, 54-69] and the ephemerides of DS-1 were used to analyze the disk-resolved photometric data with Hapke's theoretical model. It was found that the surface of Borrelly displays large photometric heterogeneities in its photometric parameters. The single-scattering albedo, w, varies by a factor of 2.5 with an average of 0.057±0.009; the asymmetry factor, g, ranges from almost isotropic (−0.1) to strongly backscattering (−0.7) with an average of −0.43±0.07; the roughness parameter, , is less than 35° for most parts of surface but ranges up to 55° in some areas. Its average is 22°±5°. The observed 1-D temperature profile is modeled well by the standard thermal model (STM) for inactive regions and is found to be consistent with a very low thermal inertia. Water sublimation in the source region of the fan jet is observed to decrease the surface temperature from the STM predictions by 20-40 K. The source areas of two collimated jets could not be determined from either photometric model or thermal model. It is evident that the fan jet activity occurring on Borrelly's surface can be correlated to areas of relatively high albedo, weak backscattering, and high roughness.  相似文献   

A photometric analysis of the S-type Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is performed over multiple wavelengths ranging from 0.85 to 2.10 μm based on disk-resolved reflectance spectra obtained with the Hayabusa near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS). We derive the global photometric properties of Itokawa in terms of Hapke's photometric model. We find that Itokawa has a single-scatter albedo that is 35-40% less than that of Asteroid 433 Eros. Itokawa also has a single-particle phase function that is more strongly back-scattering than that of Eros. Despite its hummocky surface strewn with large boulders, Itokawa exhibits an opposition effect. However, the total amplitude of the opposition surge for Itokawa was estimated to be less than unity while Eros and other S-type asteroids have been found to have model values exceeding unity. The wavelength dependence of the opposition surge width reveals that coherent backscatter contributes to the opposition effect on Itokawa's surface. The photometric roughness of Itokawa is well constrained to a value of 26° ± 1° which is similar to Eros, suggesting that photometric roughness models the smallest surface roughness scale for which shadows exist.  相似文献   

We use ROLO photometry (Kieffer, H.H., Stone, T.C. [2005]. Astron. J. 129, 2887-2901) to characterize the before and after full Moon radiance variation for a typical highlands site and a typical mare site. Focusing on the phase angle range 45° < α < 50°, we test two different physical models, macroscopic roughness and multiple scattering between regolith particles, for their ability to quantitatively reproduce the measured radiance difference. Our method for estimating the rms slope angle is unique and model-independent in the sense that the measured radiance factor I/F at small incidence angles (high Sun) is used as an estimate of I/F for zero roughness regolith. The roughness is determined from the change in I/F at larger incidence angles. We determine the roughness for 23 wavelengths from 350 to 939 nm. There is no significant wavelength dependence. The average rms slope angle is 22.2° ± 1.3° for the mare site and 34.1° ± 2.6° for the highland site. These large slopes, which are similar to previous “photometric roughness” estimates, require that sub-mm scale “micro-topography” dominates roughness measurements based on photometry, consistent with the conclusions of Helfenstein and Shepard (Helfenstein, P., Shepard, M.K. [1999]. Icarus 141, 107-131). We then tested an alternative and very different model for the before and after full Moon I/F variation: multiple scattering within a flat layer of realistic regolith particles. This model consists of a log normal size distribution of spheres that match the measured distribution of particles in a typical mature lunar soil 72141,1 (McKay, D.S., Fruland, R.M., Heiken, G.H. [1974]. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1 (5), 887-906). The model particles have a complex index of refraction 1.65-0.003i, where 1.65 is typical of impact-generated lunar glasses. Of the four model parameters, three were fixed at values determined from Apollo lunar soils: the mean radius and width of the log normal size distribution and the real part of the refraction index. We used FORTRAN programs from Mishchenko et al. (Mishchenko, M.I., Dlugach, J.M., Yanovitskij, E.G., Zakharova, N.T. [1999]. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 63, 409-432; Mishchenko, M.I., Travis, L.D., Lacis, A.A. [2002]. Scattering, Absorption and Emission of Light by Small Particles. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. <http://www.giss.nasa.gov/staff/mmishchenko/books.html>) to calculate the scattering matrix and solve the radiative transfer equation for I/F. The mean single scattering albedo is ω = 0.808, the asymmetry parameter is 〈cos Θ〉 = 0.77 and the phase function is very strongly peaked in both the forward and backward scattering directions. The fit to the observations for the highland site is excellent and multiply scattered photons contribute ?80% of I/F. We conclude that either model, roughness or multiple scattering, can match the observations, but that the strongly anisotropic phase functions of realistic particles require rigorous calculation of many orders of scattering or spurious photometric roughness estimates are guaranteed. Our multiple scattering calculation is the first to combine: (1) a regolith model matched to the measured particle size distribution and index of refraction of the lunar soil, (2) a rigorous calculation of the particle phase function and solution of the radiative transfer equation, and (3) application to lunar photometry with absolute radiance calibration.  相似文献   

There is a correlation between Martian thermal inertia and radar cross section data centered on +22° latitude. The correlation is strongest with 70-cm radar, except between longitudes 10 and 90° where there is a slight anticorrelation, and gets progressively weaker at 12.5- and 3.8-cm wavelengths, respectively. A correlation is expected because of the dependence of both properties on density, but an increase in the average particle size of the surface with increasing dielectric constant is also required in order to explain the data. This may take the form of an increased number of small rocks. The anticorrelation may result from either the effects of atmospheric dust on the surface temperature or from the effects on radar of local variations in large-scale roughness or scattering by rocks. The relative behavior between the wavelengths can be understood in terms of appropriately sized rocks which act as radar scatterers. The trend of the correlation agrees with the dichotomy of the planet into two types of terrain, as noted in other remote-sensing data, and is consistent with an erosional versus depositional surface nature. Variations in the surface dielectric constant, inferred from the 3.8-cm radar data, can explain discrepancies between 2.8-cm radio emission observations and a simple model based on the global distribution of thermal inertia and albedo.  相似文献   

Stephen J. Keihm 《Icarus》1984,60(3):568-589
A detailed model of the lunar regolith is analyzed to examine the feasibility of an orbital mapping of heat flow using microwave radiometers. For regolith thermal and electrical properties which are representative of Apollo findings, brightness temperature observations in the bandλ = 5–30 cm would be required for heat flow analysis. Spectral variations shortward of 5 cm are controlled primarily by the temperature dependencies of the thermal conductivity and electrical absorption within the diurnal-varying layer. For wavelengths longer than 30 cm, unwanted emission from high impedance subregolith layers can be significant and size limitations on spacecraft radiometers is a factor. Over the 5- to 30-cm band, lunation-averaged brightness temperature increases of 2–10°K are predicted for heat flow values representative of the Apollo measurements. The magnitude of this increase depends directly on the value of regolith microwave absorption. For absorption values consistent with Apollo laboratory measurements, a spectral increase of 5°K is predicted. This value is considered marginally sufficient for an orbital heat flow measurement. However, important non-heat flow effects must be accounted for. Spectral variations can occur due to surface topography and subsurface scattering. For nadir viewing, surface roughness effects are not expected to be significant and topographic effects are nearly constant with wavelength for λ > 5cm. Volume scattering due to subsurface rock fragments can cause emission darkening of 1–6°K. However, spectral variations will not be large unless the distribution of scatterer sizes is sharply skewed. For the Moon, the most serious spurious effect appears to be emissivity variations due to the near-surface density gradient. A brightness temperature decrease of 10°K is predicted from centimeter to decameter wavelengths. If the transition from porous surface fines to compacted regolith soil occurs rapidly (within the upper 3–5 cm), most of the emissivity decrease will occur in the 5- to 30-cm wavelength band. It is recommended that complementary radar measurements be utilized to augment constraints on regolith emissivity and scattering properties.  相似文献   

A catalogue was compiled in the author's previous paper (Jones, 1969) of the relative brightness of 199 lunar features as observed at phase angles of 2°.1, 17°.5, 32°.5, 46°.2, 59°.4 and 72°.1 before full Moon, in the wavelength interval 5500 to 7000 Å. The present paper is concerned with an interpretation of this data in terms of the uniformity of the photometric function of the lunar surface. If due account is taken of the effect of second order scattering it is found that all the survey points studied scatter light according to the same photometric function independent of the type of terrain on which they are located.Now at the National Institute of Oceanography, Wormley, Surrey, England  相似文献   

Directional thermal infrared measurements of the martian surface is one of a variety of methods that may be used to characterize surface roughness and slopes at scales smaller than can be obtained by orbital imagery. Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) emission phase function (EPF) observations show distinct apparent temperature variations with azimuth and emission angle that are consistent with the presence of warm, sunlit and cool, shaded slopes at typically ∼0.1 m scales. A surface model of a Gaussian distribution of azimuth independent slopes (described by θ-bar) is combined with a thermal model to predict surface temperature from each viewing angle and azimuth of the TES EPF observation. The models can be used to predict surface slopes using the difference in measured apparent temperature from 2 separate 60-70° emission angle observations taken ∼180° in azimuth relative to each other. Most martian surfaces are consistent with low to moderate slope distributions. The slope distributions display distinct correlations with latitude, longitude, and albedo. Exceptionally smooth surfaces are located at lower latitudes in both the southern highlands as well as in high albedo dusty terrains. High slopes are associated with southern high-latitude patterned ground and north polar sand dunes. There is little apparent correlation between high resolution imagery and the derived θ-bar, with exceptions such as duneforms. This method can be used to characterize potential landing sites by assuming fractal scaling behavior to meter scales. More precisely targeted thermal infrared observations from other spacecraft instruments are capable of significantly reducing uncertainty as well as reducing measurement spot size from 10s of kilometers to sub-kilometer scales.  相似文献   

J Warell 《Icarus》2004,167(2):271-286
A comparison of the photometric properties of Mercury and the Moon is performed, based on their integral phase curves and disk-resolved image data of Mercury obtained with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope. Proper absolute calibration of integral V-band magnitude observations reveals that the near-side of the Moon is 10-15% brighter than average Mercury, and 0-5% brighter for the “bolometric” wavelength range 400-1000 nm. As shown, this is supported by recent estimates of their geometric albedos. Hapke photometric parameters of their surfaces are derived from identical approaches, allowing a contrasting study between their surface properties to be performed. Compared to the average near-side Moon, Mercury has a slightly lower single-scattering albedo, an opposition surge with smaller width and of marginally smaller amplitude, and a somewhat smoother surface with similar porosity. The width of the lobes of the single-particle scattering function are smaller for Mercury, and the backward scattering anisotropy is stronger. In terms of the double Henyey-Greenstein b-c parameter plot, the scattering properties of an average particle on Mercury is closer to the properties of lunar maria than highlands, indicating a higher density of internal scatterers than that of lunar particles. The photometric roughness of Mercury is well constrained by the recent study of Mallama et al. (2002, Icarus 155, 253-264) to a value of about 8°, suggesting that the surfaces sampled by the highest phase angle observations (Borealis, Susei, and Sobkou Planitia) are lunar mare-like in their textural properties. However, Mariner 10 disk brightness profiles obtained at intermediate phase angles indicate a surface roughness of about twice this value. The photometric parameters of the Moon are more difficult to constrain due to limited phase angle coverage, but the best Hapke fits are provided by rather small surface roughnesses. Better-calibrated, multiple-wavelength observations of the integral and disk-resolved brightnesses of both bodies, and obtained at higher phase angle values in the case of the Moon, are urgently needed to arrive at a more consistent picture of the contrasting light scattering properties of their surfaces.  相似文献   

Radio emission from the planet Saturn was detected and measured by an unusually efficient observing technique at a wavelength of 49.5cm. The corresponding equivalent disk brightness temperature was hence determined to be 390 ± 65°K, providing further evidence for a mild enhancement in the emission at long wavelengths. It is pointed out that the currently available measurements of the disk brightness temperature in the wavelength range 1mm-1m are, as a whole, inadequate for estimating with confidence the detailed shape of the spectrum and that the exiguous, long wavelength observations should be supplemented with more and accurate measurements.  相似文献   

The photometric properties of the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 are studied from the disk-resolved color images obtained by Deep Impact (DI). Comet Tempel 1 has typical photometric properties for comets and dark asteroids. The disk-integrated spectrum of the nucleus of Tempel 1 between 309 and 950 nm is linear without any features at the spectral resolution of the filtered images. At V-band, the red slope of the nucleus is 12.5±1% per 100 nm at 63° phase angle, translating to B-V=0.84±0.01, V-R=0.50±0.01, and R-I=0.49±0.02. No phase reddening is confirmed. The phase function of the nucleus of Tempel 1 is constructed from DI images and earlier ground-based observations found from the literature. The phase coefficient is determined to be β=0.046±0.007 mag/deg between 4° and 117° phase angle. Hapke's theoretical scattering model was used to model the photometric properties of this comet. Assuming a single Henyey-Greenstein function for the single-particle phase function, the asymmetry factor of Tempel 1 was fitted to be g=−0.49±0.02, and the corresponding single-scattering albedo (SSA) was modeled to be 0.039±0.005 at 550 nm wavelength. The SSA spectrum shows a similar linear slope to that of the disk-integrated spectrum. The roughness parameter is found to be 16°±8°, and independent of wavelength. The Minnaert k parameter is modeled to be 0.680±0.014. The photometric variations on Tempel 1 are relatively small compared to other comets and asteroids, with a ∼20% full width at half maximum of albedo variation histogram, and ∼3% for color. Roughness variations are evident in one small area, with a roughness parameter about twice the average and appearing to correlate with the complex morphological texture seen in high-resolution images.  相似文献   

G.J. Black  D.B. Campbell 《Icarus》2010,209(1):224-229
We present radar imaging of Mercury using the Arecibo Observatory’s 70-cm wavelength radar system during the inferior conjunction of July 1999. At that time the sub-Earth latitude was ∼11°N and the highly reflective region at Mercury’s north pole that was first identified in radar images at the shorter wavelengths of 3.6 cm [Slade, M.A., Butler, B.J., Muhleman, D.O., 1992. Science 258, 635-640] and 13 cm [Harmon, J.K., Slade, M.A., 1992. Science 258, 640-643] was again clearly detected. The reflectivity averaged over a 75,000 km2 region including the pole is similar to that measured at the other wavelengths over a comparable area, and the 70 cm circular polarization ratio of μC0.87 is possibly slightly lower. If this strong backscattering results from volume scattering in low absorption layers, the persistence of this effect over more than an order of magnitude change in wavelength scale has implications for the depth and thickness of the deposits responsible. The resolution of the radar maps at this wavelength is not sufficient to resolve individual craters, nor to discern features at other latitudes, but the planet’s total reflectivity is consistent with previous work and the scattering function suggests a surface roughness at this wavelength similar to the lunar highlands.  相似文献   

We discuss observations of the Moon at a wavelength of 49.3 cm made with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Interferometer. These observations have been fit to models in order to estimate the lunar dielectric constant, the equatorial subsurface temperature, the latitude dependence of the subsurface temperature, and the subsurface temperature gradient. The models are most consistent with a dielectric constant of 2.52 ± 0.01 (formal errors), an equatorial subsurface temperature of 249?5+8K, and a change in the subsurface temperature with latitude (ψ), which is proportional to cos0.38ψ. Since the temperature of the Moon has been measured by the Apollo Lunar Heat Flow Experiment, we have been able to use our determination of the equatorial temperature to estimate the error in the flux density calibration scale at 49.3cm (608 MHz). This results in a correction factor of 1.03 ± 0.04, which must be applied to the flux density scale. This factor is much different from 1.21 ± 0.09 estimated by Muhleman et al. (1973) from the brightness temperature of Venus and apparently indicates that the observed decrease in the brightness temperature of Venus at long wavelengths is a real effect.The estimates of the temperature gradient, which are based on the measurement of limb darkening, are small and negative (temperature decreases with depth) and may be insignificantly different from zero since they are only as large as their formal errors. We estimate that a temperature gradient in excess of 0.6K/m at 10m depth would have been observed. Thus, a temperature gradient like that measured in situ at the Apollo 15 and 17 landing sites in the upper 2m of the regolith is not typical of the entire lunar frontside at the 10m depths where the 49.3 cm wavelength emission originates. This result may indicate that the mean lunar heat flow is lower than that measured at the Apollo landing sites, that the thermal conductivity is greater at 10m depth than it is at 2m depth, or that the radio opacity is greater at 10m depth than at 2m depth. The negative estimates of the temperature gradient indicate that the Moon appeared limb bright and might be explained by scattering of the emission from boulders or an interface with solid rock. The presence of solid rock at 10m depths will probably cause heat flows like those measured by Apollo to be unobservable by our interferometric method at long wavelengths, since it will cause both the thermal conductivity and radio opacity of the regolith to increase. Thus, our data may be most consistent with a change in the physical properties of the regolith to those of solid rock or a mixture of rock and soil at depths of 7 to 16m. Our results show that future radio measurements for heat flow determinations must utilize wavelengths considerably shorter than 50 cm (25 cm or less) to avoid the rock regions below the regolith.  相似文献   

The effects of vertical variations in density and dielectric constant on nadir-viewing microwave brightness temperatures are examined. Stratification models as well as models of a continuous increase in density with depth are analyzed. Specific applications address the vertical structure of the lunar frontside regolith, utilizing combined constraints from Apollo data, bistatic radar signatures, and Earth-based measurements of the lunar microwave brightness temperature.Results have been analyzed in terms of the effects on the zeroth and first harmonic of the lunar disk-center brightness temperature variation over a lunation, and their wavelength dependence. Lunation-mean brightness temperatures, which are diagnostic of emissivity and steady-state sub-surface temperatures, are sensitive to both near-surface soil density gradients and single high-impedance dielectric contrasts. Models of the rapid density increase in the upper 5–10 cm of the lunar regolith predict brightness temperature decreases of 2–10°K between λ0 = 3 and 30 cm. The magnitude of this spectral variation depends upon the thickness of a postulated low-density surface coating layer, and the magnitude of the density gradient in the transition soil layer. Comparable decreases in brightness temperature can be produced by a stratified two-layer model of soil overlaying bedrock if the high-density substrate lies within 1–2 m of the surface. Multiple soil layering on a centimeter scale, such as is observed in the Apollo core samples, is not likely to induce spectral variations in mean brightness temperature due to rapid regional variations in layer depths and thicknesses.The fractional variation in disk-center brightness temperature over a lunation (first harmonic) can be altered by vertical-structure effects only for the case in which a larger and abrupt dielectric contrast exists within the upper surface layer where the significant diurnal variations in physical temperature occur. Soil density variations do not cause scattering effects sufficient to significantly alter the microwave emission weighting function within the diurnal layer. For the Moon, this layer consists of the upper 10 cm. Since no widespread rock substrate as shallow as 10 cm exists in the lunar frontside, only volume scattering effects, due to buried shallow rock fragments, can explain the apparent high electrical loss inferred from Earth-based measurements of the amplitude of lunation brightness temperature variations.Representative models of the lunar frontside vertical structure have also been examined for their effects of radar cross-section measurements and resultant inferences of bulk dielectric constant. Models of the near-surface density gradient predict a significant increase in the remotely inferred dielectric constant value from centimeter to meter wavelengths. Such a model is in general agreement with the dielectric constant spectrum inferred from Earth-based brightness temperature polarization measurements, but is difficult to reconcile with the Apollo bistatic radar results at λ0 = 13 and 116 cm.  相似文献   

A 2-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan). New absolute values of lunar albedo have been obtained. Maps of lunar apparent albedo and equigonal albedo at phase angles 1.7-73° at wavelength 603 nm are presented. The standard deviation of our data from a best-fitted phase curve is 2%. The average ratio of the Clementine albedo to ours is 1.41. While the ratio of ROLO albedo to ours is 0.87, our data are in agreement with independent measurements of absolute albedo by Saiki et al. (Saiki, K., Saito, K., Okuno, H., Suzuki, A., Yamanoi, Y., Hirata N., Nakamura, R. [2008]. Earth Planets Space 60, 417-424) at a phase angle near 7°. A phase ratio imaging near opposition (1.6°/2.7°) shows almost the same ratio for maria and highlands, though bright craters (e.g., Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus) clearly reveal smaller slopes of phase function. This is an unexpected result, as the craters are bright and one could anticipate a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect resulting in the opposition spike increasing at so small phase angles.  相似文献   

We extracted the surface echo power from 2 years of MARSIS measurements. The retrieved values are calibrated to compensate for changes in the distance of the spacecraft to the surface and for the attenuation of the signal by the ionosphere. The results are used to build the first global map of surface echo power at 3–5 MHz. The surface echo power variations are primarily caused by kilometer-scale surface roughness. Then, we derive the values of dielectric constant of the shallow subsurface materials by normalizing the surface echo power map using a simulation of MARSIS signal from the MOLA topography. As a result, we obtain a map that characterizes the dielectric properties of the materials down to a few decameters below the surface. Dielectric properties vary with latitude, with high values in mid-latitudes belts (20–40°) and lower values at both equatorial and high latitudes. From the comparison of MARSIS reflectivity map to GRS observations, we conclude that the reflectivity decrease observed poleward of 50–60° corresponds to the onset of water-ice occurrence within the regolith. Assuming homogenous ground composition and texture at the scale of the MARSIS resolution cell, our inferred volume of ground water ice is of 106 km3, equivalent to a polar cap. Low reflectivity areas are also observed in equatorial regions. From radar studies alone, equatorial low dielectric constant values could have different interpretations but the correlation with GRS hydrogen distribution rather points toward a water-related explanation.  相似文献   

Cassini observations of the surface of Titan offer unprecedented views of its surface through atmospheric windows in the 1-5 μm region. Images obtained in windows for which the haze opacity is low can be used to derive quantitative photometric parameters such as albedo and albedo distribution, and physical properties such as roughness and particle characteristics. Images from the early Titan flybys, particularly T0, Ta, and T5 have been analyzed to create albedo maps in the 2.01 and 2.73 μm windows. We find the average normal reflectance at these two wavelengths to be 0.15±0.02 and 0.035±0.003, respectively. Titan's surface is bifurcated into two albedo regimes, particularly at 2.01 μm. Analysis of these two regimes to understand the physical character of the surface was accomplished with a macroscopic roughness model. We find that the two types of surface have substantially different roughness, with the low-albedo surface exhibiting mean slope angles of ∼18°, and the high-albedo terrain having a much more substantial roughness with a mean slope angle of ∼34°. A single-scattering phase function approximated by a one-term Henyey-Greenstein equation was also fit to each unit. Titan's surface is back-scattering (g∼0.3-0.4), and does not exhibit substantially different backscattering behavior between the two terrains. Our results suggest that two distinct geophysical domains exist on Titan: a bright region cut by deep drainage channels and a relatively smooth surface. The two terrains are covered by a film or a coating of particles perhaps precipitated from the satellite's haze layer and transported by eolian processes. Our results are preliminary: more accurate values for the surface albedo and physical parameters will be derived as more data is gathered by the Cassini spacecraft and as a more complete radiative transfer model is developed from both Cassini orbiter and Huygens Lander measurements.  相似文献   

A photometric model of (433) Eros at wavelengths from 450 to 1050 nm is constructed using the combination of the images from the multispectral imager (MSI) obtained during the one-year long orbital phase of the NEAR mission, ground-based lightcurves from earlier observations, and our theoretical forward modeling simulations coupled with the NEAR shape model. The single scattering albedo is found to be 0.33±0.03 at 550 nm, which is smaller than past findings by 30%. The amplitude and width of the opposition effect are 1.4±0.1 and 0.010±0.004 from ground based lightcurves. It is confirmed that the asymmetry factor of the single-particle phase function and the surface roughness parameter do not depend on wavelength from 450 to 1050 nm, and their values are estimated to be −0.25±0.02 and 28°±3°, respectively, comparable with the earlier measurements from the NEAR NIS data. The geometric albedo and the Bond albedo at 550 nm are calculated to be 0.23 and 0.093, respectively, which make Eros less reflective than previous models, but still slightly more reflective than average S-type asteroids. The lower albedos of Eros are more consistent with our forward modeling simulations, as well as with its spectrum. Eros is a typical S-type asteroid like (951) Gaspra and (243) Ida, and has similar surface regolith properties. Combining the single-scattering albedo with the olivine composition of ordinary chondrites, taking into account space weathering darkening, we constrain the grain size of the regolith particles on Eros to a range of 50 to 100 μm.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact (DI) spacecraft encountered Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on July 4th, 2005 and observed it with several instruments. In particular, we obtained infrared spectra of the nucleus with the HRI-IR spectrometer in the wavelength range of 1.0-4.9 μm. The data were taken before impact, with a maximum resolution of ∼120 m per pixel at the time of observation. From these spectra, we derived the first directly observed temperature map of a comet nucleus. The surface temperature varied from 272±7 to 336±7 K on the sunlit hemisphere, matching the surface topography and incidence angle. The derived thermal inertia is low, most probably <50 W K−1 m−2 s1/2. Combined with other arguments, it is consistent with the idea that most of rapidly varying thermal physical processes, in particular the sublimation of volatiles around perihelion, should occur close to the surface. Thermal inertia is sufficient to explain the temperature map of the nucleus of Comet Tempel 1 to first order, but other physical processes like roughness and self-radiation are required to explain the details of the temperature map. Finally, we evaluated that the Standard Thermal Model is a good approximation to derive the effective radius of a cometary nucleus with an uncertainty lower than ∼10% if combined with a thermal infrared light curve.  相似文献   

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