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Space spectral analysis of zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind and time spectral analysis of kinetic energy of zonal waves at 850 hPa during monsoon 1991 (1st June 1991 to 31st August 1991) for the global belt between equator and 40°N are investigated. Space spectral analysis shows that long waves (wavenumbers 1 and 2) dominate the energetics of Region 1 (equator to 20°N) while over Region 2 (20°N to 40°N) the kinetic energy of short waves (wavenumbers 3 to 10) is more than kinetic energy of long waves. It has been found that kinetic energy of long waves is dominated by zonal component while both (zonal and meridional) the components of wind have almost equal contribution in the kinetic energy of short waves. Temporal variations of kinetic energy of wavenumber 2 over Region 1 and Region 2 are almost identical. The correlation matrix of different time series shows that (i) wavenumber 2 over Regions 1 and 2 might have the same energy source and (ii) there is a possibility of an exchange of kinetic energy between wavenumber 1 over Region 1 and short waves over Region 2. Wave to wave interactions indicate that short waves over Region 2 are the common source of kinetic energy to wavenumber 2 over Regions 1 and 2 and wavenumber 1 over Region 1. Time spectral analysis of kinetic energy of zonal waves indicates that wavenumber 1 is dominated by 30–45 day and bi-weekly oscillations while short waves are dominated by weekly and bi-weekly oscillations. The correlation matrix, wave to wave interaction and time spectral analysis together suggest that short period oscillations of kinetic energy of wavenumber 1 might be one of the factors causing dominant weekly (5–9 day) and bi-weekly (10–18 day) oscillations in the kinetic energy of short waves.  相似文献   

Summer (June–August) mean zonal and meridional wind components at 200 mbar level are subjected to harmonic analysis for the years 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1979. It is found that the small scale disturbances are intense during normal monsoon years. The westerlies in the belt 10°S to 30°S are stronger during drought years. During normal monsoon years (1970, 1971) the northward transport of westerly momentum by wave number 1 at 19.6°N is large as compared to drought years (1972, 1979). The transport of westerly momentum by standing eddies is northward for all the years between 5°S and 28.7°N but large during the normal monsoon years.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of various components of the tropospheric global rotational kinetic energy, enstrophy and available potential energy during July 1979, and the contributions to these from different zonal wave categories were studied. Representative levels in the lower and upper troposphere for the stationary and transient energetics were identified on the basis of different components of energy and enstrophy. The eddy energy and enstrophy contained in different zonal scale components in the lower and upper troposphere were studied to find out the preferred scales for stationary and transient monsoonal motion in the two atmospheric layers. The role of different zonal wave categories in the nonlinear exchanges of energy and enstrophy arising due to stationary-stationary, transient-transient, stationary-transient and observed flow interactions was examined. Stationary and transient global spectra of the aforesaid dynamical variables in terms of the zonal wavenumber(m) with triangular truncation atm = 42 were utilized for this purpose. It was found from the global average kinetic energy in lower and upper troposphere that the global stationary and transient motions were comparable in the lower troposphere while in the upper troposphere stationary motion dominated over the transient motion. The computed zonal and eddy energy confirmed that the stationary motion was predominantly zonal while the transient motion was dominated by eddies. From the time mean nonlinear interaction of kinetic energy (enstrophy) of observed flow it was seen that the long and short waves as well as the zonal flow gained kinetic energy (enstrophy) from medium waves due to nonlinear interactions. The transfer of available potential energy due to nonlinear interaction was down the scale except for short waves in the upper troposphere. The stationary-transient interaction was found to be an important element of the spatial-temporal varying atmospheric flow.  相似文献   

Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, kinetic energy and momentum transport of waves 0 to 10 at 850 hPa level are computed from monthly mean zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind from equator to 90?N. Fourier technique is used to resolve the wind field into a spectrum of waves. Correlation analysis between All India Seasonal Monsoon Rainfall (AISMR) and energetics of the waves indicates that effective kinetic energy of waves 1, 3 and 4 around 37.5?N in February has significant correlation (99.9%) with the subsequent AISMR. A simple linear regression equation between the effective kinetic energy of these three waves and AISMR is developed. Out of 47 years’ (1958–2004) data, 32 years (1958–1989) are utilized for developing the regression model and the remaining 15 years (1990–2004) are considered for its verification. Predicted AISMR is in close agreement with observed AISMR. The regression equation based on the dynamics of the planetary waves is thus useful for Long Range Forecasting (LRF) of AISMR. Apart from the regression equation, the study provides qualitative predictors. The scatter diagram between AISMR and effective kinetic energy of waves 1, 3 and 4 around 37.5?N indicates that if the kinetic energy is more (less) than 5m2s-2, the subsequent monsoon will be good (weak). Stream function fields indicate that high latitude trough axis along 40?E (70?E) leads to a good (weak) monsoon over India.  相似文献   

Wavenumber-frequency spectral analysis of different atmospheric variables has been carried out using 25 years of data. The area considered is the tropical belt 25°S–25°N. A combined FFT-wavelet analysis method has been used for this purpose. Variables considered are outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR), 850 hPa divergence, zonal and meridional winds at 850, 500 and 200 hPa levels, sea level pressure and 850 hPa geopotential height. It is shown that the spectra of different variables have some common properties, but each variable also has few features different from the rest. While Kelvin mode is prominent in OLR and zonal winds, it is not clearly observed in pressure and geopotential height fields; the latter two have a dominant wavenumber zero mode not seen in other variables except in meridional wind at 200 hPa and 850 hPa divergences. Different dominant modes in the tropics show significant variations on sub-seasonal time scales.  相似文献   

Analysis of monthly momentum transport of zonal waves at 850 hPa for the period 1979 to 1993, between ‡S and ‡N for January to April, using zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of wind taken from the ECMWF reanalysis field, shows a positive correlation (.1% level of significance) between the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (June through September) and the momentum transport of wave zero TM(0) over latitudinal belt between 25‡S and 5‡N (LB) during March. Northward (Southward) TM(0) observed in March over LB subsequently leads to a good (drought) monsoon season over India which is found to be true even when the year is marked with the El-Nino event. Similarly a strong westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March, indicates a good monsoon season for the country, even if the year is marked with El-Nino. The study thus suggests two predictors, TM(0) over LB and the strength of westerly zone in the Indian Ocean during March.  相似文献   

The study shows that in the scenario of global warming temperature gradient (TG) between Indian landmass and Arabian Sea/Bay of Bengal is significantly decreasing in the lower troposphere with maxima around 850 hPa. TG during pre-monsoon (March to May) is reducing at a significant rate of 0.036°/year (Arabian Sea) and 0.030°/year (Bay of Bengal). The above alarming results are based on sixty years (1948–2007) of daily temperature and wind data extracted from CDAS-NCEP/NCAR reanalysis datasets. TG based on ERA-40 data also indicates a decreasing trend of 0.0229°/year and 0.0397°/year for Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal respectively. As TG is not governed by any type of significant oscillation, there is a possibility of TG tending to zero. It is further observed that the rate of warming over the oceans is more than that over the land which has resulted into the weakening of TG. Pre-monsoon TG has significant correlations with
•  All India Seasonal Monsoon Rainfall (AISMR)
•  kinetic energy of waves 1 and 2 at 850 hPa
•  kinetic energy, and
•  stream function at 850 hPa over Indian landmass during monsoon season.
Except AISMR, the decreasing trends observed in all the above parameters are significant. All India rainfall for July and August together shows a significant decreasing trend of 0.995mm/year. Reducing number of depressions and cyclonic storms and increasing number of break days during monsoon over India are the reflections of the weakening of TG.  相似文献   

During 23–30 September 1997, a rare cyclonic storm has developed close to the Andhra coast, and it has later travelled parallel to coastline northward and finally crossed the land at Chittagong (22°N, 91°E) on 27 September. While translating along the east coast of India, it has produced heavy to very heavy rainfall on the coastal stations causing devastating floods. In this study, we made an attempt to understand the salient causes of this unique cyclone movement. We have analyzed daily fields of wind and relative humidity for 850, 700, 500 hPa and mean daily OLR data to understand the plausible reasons for its movement. The buoy data deployed by National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, Viz. DS5 (15°N, 81°E), DS4 (19°N, 88°E) and SW7 (20°N, 86°E) were analyzed to understand the ocean–atmosphere interaction processes in the west Bay of Bengal during formation of the system. Analysis of OLR over the cyclonic storm region has revealed that the heavy rainfall areas coincide with low OLR (120–180 W m?2). The persistent southward movement of 500 hPa ridge on the eastern wedge of the system along with the steering current at 200 hPa has helped in maintaining the movement of the system parallel to the east coast of India during its life cycle.  相似文献   

Transient and stationary spectra of kinetic energy (KE), available potential energy (APE) and enstrophy (EN), and their spectral fluxes as a function of the two-dimensional wavenumbern were computed for July 1979. Triangular truncation at zonal wavenumber 42 was used for computation. The slopes of various spectra in the wavenumber range 14≤n≤25 were obtained by fitting a straight line in log-log scale by the least square method. The transientKE, APE andEN spectra in the lower (upper) troposphere had slopes −2·21 (−2·30), −2·65 (−2·64) and −0·36 (−0·46), respectively. The effect of stationary and divergent motion on the slope values was investigated. The possible correlation between the slope and percentage of transient component in the combined energy and enstrophy was examined to identify the transient motion of the atmosphere with the two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The vertically averaged slope of kinetic energy and enstrophy in the lower (upper) troposphere was close to the value at 700 (200) hPa level. The spectral fluxes of kinetic energy and enstrophy in the wavenumber range 14≤n≤25 satisfied, to a very rough approximation, the criteria of inertial subrange. The stationary fluxes were small. The estimated stationary-transient component of flux was larger, comparable and less than the corresponding transient flux of APE, KE and EN. Representative levels for computation of energy and enstrophy spectra and their fluxes in the lower and upper troposphere were identified.  相似文献   

The structure of the monsoon depression and the observed flow features prior to and at the time of monsoon depression formation (composite of 15 depressions) are examined. The composite monsoon depression (transient eddy) has a scale of 25° longitude and extends up to 300 mb and has the greatest intensity at 700 mb. It shows north-north-east to south-south-west tilt in the lower levels indicating that it may draw upon zonal kinetic energy for its growth. The disturbance has lower temperatures to its west and tilts westwards with height indicating that eddy available potential energy is not converted from zonal available potential energy by large scale advection. There appears to be a reduction of vertical shear at the time of formation of monsoon depressions and this possibly aids cumulus convection. The profiles of potential vorticity indicate extremes (i) in the upper troposphere and (ii) at several midtropospheric levels in the region of the monsoon trough indicating the possibility of combined barotropic-baroclinic instability. Using multi-level quasi-geostrophic model and employing the eigen-value technique it is shown that the monsoon zonal current is notbaroclinically unstable. A barotropic stability analysis is also done for monsoon zonal current in the lower and middle tropospheres. It yields very slowly growing unstable modes at lower tropospheric levels with wave lengths of 2500 km and 5000 km.  相似文献   

The same model previously used to deduce an acceptable first order picture of the present zonally averaged macroclimate is now solved for the climatic response to the “glacial” surface boundary conditions that prevailed at 18,000 BP in the northern hemisphere. The equilibrium solution obtained gives the distributions with latitude of the mean temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, evaporation, heat balance, transient baroclinic eddy statistics (i.e., kinetic energy of the meridional wind and meridional flux of heat, momentum, and water vapor), and the energy integrals. In general terms, the solution shows the glacial atmosphere to be colder and drier than at present, with an intensified polar front, stronger mean zonal and poloidal winds, more intense transient baroclinic eddies (storms) transporting heat, momentum and water vapor poleward at higher rates, and reduced precipitation and evaporation. Also evident is an equatorward shift of the climatic zones (as delineated by the mean surface zonal winds, the poloidal motion, and the difference between mean evaporation and precipitation), particularly in higher latitudes. Other properties of the solution, such as the effect of zonal wind changes on the length of the day, are discussed.  相似文献   

Global analyses of mean monthly zonal wind component and temperature at 200, 150 and 100 mb levels have been made for the region between 60°N and 60°S, for the months May through September during two poor monsoon years (1972 and 1979) and a good monsoon year (1975). Prominent and consistent contrasting features of the zonal wind and thermal fields have been identified, with reference to the monsoon performance over India. It has been noticed that the areal spreading of easterlies over the tropics and extratropics is significantly more during a good monsoon year. Shifting of the axis of the tropical easterly jet stream to a higher level and generally stronger easterlies also characterize good monsoon activity. The upper troposphere has been found to be considerably cooler during poor monsoon years.  相似文献   

Barotropic stability of a stationary Rossby wave of wavelength 30° longitude superposed on the uniform monsoon zonal flow has been examined. The wave is unstable to perturbations and the growth rate depends on the meridional scale. These perturbations grow by drawing on the kinetic energy of the stationary Rossby wave.  相似文献   

The equatorial wave campaign-II which formed a part of the Indian Middle Atmosphere Programme (IMAP), was conducted from SHAR (13.7°N, 80.2°E) from 15 January to 28 February 1986. Winds were measured from ground to 60 km by means of high altitude balloon and a meteorological rocket (RH-200), once everyday, for 45 days. The frequencies of the oscillations in the deviations of the east-west component of the winds from its mean at each height with one kilometer interval were obtained by the maximum entropy (ME) method and phases/amplitudes of these frequencies were determined by the least squares technique on the wind variation time series. The ME method has the inherent advantage of providing periodicities up to 1.5 times the data length. The height structure of the long period waves of > 23 day periodicities that have larger amplitudes nearly by a factor of 2 as compared to the medium (9 to 22 day) or shorter period (4 to 8 day) ones, reveal two height regions of enhanced amplitudes, one in the troposphere and another in the upper stratosphere/lower mesosphere, that too, mostly in the regions of positive (westerly increasing or easterly decreasing with height) wind shears. The waves are seen to be inhibited in the negative wind shear regions. From the abrupt changes in the altitude variation of phase, the possible source region has been identified. The vertical wavelengths have been estimated to be 34 km and 19 km in the troposphere and lower stratosphere respectively and 8 km in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Around 56 km the wave amplitude is reduced to 1/4 of its value below, while the vertical shear strength in the mean wind doubled up. The tropospheric waves are suggested to be Rossby waves of extratropical origin penetrating to tropical latitudes. The stratospheric/mesospheric waves however appear to emanate from a source around the stratopause.  相似文献   

The main aim of the paper is to describe mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) wind field observed between June 2000 and May 2002 by medium frequency (MF) radars at two locations near the equatorial region and at tropical latitude. We have presented and compared observations of mean horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region over Kolhapur (16.8°N, 74.2°E) and Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E). Our analysis reveals annual oscillation in the zonal wind and semi-annual oscillation in the meridional wind over Kolhapur. On the other hand, results over Tirunelveli reveal semi-annual oscillation (SAO) in the zonal wind and annual oscillation in the meridional wind. Also we have observed enhanced magnitude of wind speed in spring equinox period of 2002 exhibiting the signatures of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) over Tirunelveli.  相似文献   

A 4·7 km2 field of sediment waves occurs in front of the Slims River delta in Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon Territory. Slims River heads in the Kaskawulsh Glacier, part of the St Elias Ice Field and discharges up to 400 m3 s?1 of water with suspended sediment concentrations of up to 7 g l?1. The 19 km long sandur of Slims River was created in the past 400 years since Kaskawulsh Glacier advanced and dammed the lake and the sandur has advanced into Kluane Lake at an average rate of 48 m a?1. However, this rate is decreasing as flow is diverted from Slims River because of the retreat of the Kaskawulsh Glacier. The sandur and a road constructed on the delta remove coarse‐grained sediment, so the river delivers dominantly mud to the lake. Inflow during summer generates quasi‐continuous turbidity currents with velocities up to 0·6 m s?1. The front of the delta consists of a plane surface sloping lakeward at 0·0188 (1·08°). A field of sediment waves averaging 130 m in length and 2·3 m in amplitude has developed on this surface. Slopes on the waves vary from ?0·067 (?3·83°, i.e. sloping in the opposite direction to the regional slope) to 0·135 (7·69°). The internal structure of the sediment waves, as documented by seismic profiling, shows that sedimentation on the stoss portion of the wave averages 2·7 times that on the lee portion. Rates of sediment accumulation in the wave field are about 0·3 m a?1, so these lacustrine waves have formed in a much shorter period of time (less than 200 years) and are advancing upslope towards the delta much more quickly (1 to 2 m a?1) than typical marine sediment waves. These waves formed on the flat surface of the lake floor, apparently in the absence of pre‐existing forms, and they are altered and destroyed as the wave field advances and the characteristics of the turbidity currents change.  相似文献   

This study explores the zonal flow in the form of Legendre polynomials. The basic flow is divided into a zonally symmetric flow and a Rossby-Haurwitz (RH) wave. Several features of this (more realistic) zonal flow make it particularly interesting, such as the midlatitude westerly jet streams and an easterly wind around the equator, which closely resembles the mean horizontal flow at 200 mb of the December-February period. The zonal flow is combined with the RH wave, in order to test the blocking formation mechanism on early stages for the northeastern Pacific. A numerical simulation has been performed using a linear barotropic model with tropical forcing and damping to check the extra-tropical response of the mechanism of eddies reinforcement of the ridge along the western coast of North America.  相似文献   

1979-2016年我国东北地区空中水汽状况及变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
柏睿  李韧  吴通华  杜宜臻 《冰川冻土》2019,41(6):1441-1447
水汽是形成云和降水的物质基础,与全球水分循环和能量平衡密切相关,对天气和气候具有重要影响。基于NCEP/NCAR月值再分析资料,综合分析我国东北地区上空不同高度层位比湿的气候学特征和长期趋势变化,同时分析了整层积分水汽通量的季节变化。结果表明:东北地区空中水汽集中分布于500 hPa以下,1979年至20世纪末低层比湿呈增加趋势,2000年后转为缓慢下降,但2012年以来波动回升。此外,东北地区比湿及水汽通量季节差异明显,夏季水汽含量最多,冬季最少,秋季多于春季;东北地区水汽含量最大值出现于7月,最低值出现在每年12月至次年1月。水汽来源受东亚季风系统影响明显,夏季水汽源地主要为南海,渤海和黄海对东北地区夏季水汽也有一定贡献;其他季节水汽主要来源于西风带输送。  相似文献   

As an index of the general atmospheric circulation over the hemisphere, it is proposed to calculate the hemisphere-area-averaged (poleward of the latitude 20°) product of the Coriolis parameter by the wind velocity squared at the upper boundary of the planetary boundary layer. In practical calculations, data on the wind velocity at an isobaric level of 850 hPa were used. Control calculations for the 900 hPa level gave similar results. It is shown that the index introduced adequately characterizes the seasonal and interannual variability of the general atmospheric circulation over both hemispheres.  相似文献   

In the paper, influence of extratropical circulation features on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) is examined. Energetics of extratropics, north of Indian subcontinent for deficient and non-deficient ISMR years, during two periods 1951–1978 and 1979–2005, are calculated and critically analyzed. It is observed that for the period 1951–1978, only two out of the 10 energetics parameters, viz., the zonal available potential energy (high) and conversion of zonal kinetic energy to eddy kinetic energy (low) differed significantly in JJA months of the deficient years from that of the non-deficient years. However, during the 1979–2005 period, as many as six out of the 10 energetics parameters, viz., eddy available potential energy, zonal available potential energy, eddy kinetic energy, generation of zonal available potential energy, conversion of zonal available potential energy to zonal kinetic energy and conversion of zonal kinetic energy to eddy kinetic energy differed significantly in JJA months of the deficient years from that of the non-deficient years. These results confirm growing influence of the transient stationary waves in deficient years after the climate shift year, 1979. Analysis of energetics parameters of the pre-monsoon season of the two periods also reveals similar results. This suggests that forcings apparently responsible for energetics in JJA months of the deficient years of the later period were present even before the advent of Indian summer monsoon season.  相似文献   

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