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A detailed and extensive record section constructed from recordings at the NORSAR array of presumed explosions in continental Russia exhibits two distinct ( T , Δ) triplications. The reliable identification of these upper mantle travel-time branches is possible because of the dense areal sampling of the NORSAR configuration. A simple upper mantle P- velocity model which can account adequately for the data involves velocity discontinuities at depths of 420 km and 690 km, and fairly uniform velocity gradients elsewhere. For this model, the first arrival branch for Δ≤ 21° extends as a second arrival to a distance of about 33°, at which distance it is terminated by the 420-km discontinuity. Rays bottoming between depths of 420 and 690 km span the distance range 16°≤Δ≤ 28°, and give first arrivals in the range 21°≤, Δ, 24°. Rays which penetrate the 690-km discontinuity give rise to secondary arrivals in the range 19°≤Δ≤ 25°, and first arrivals for distances Δ≤ 25°.  相似文献   

Summary. NORSAR recordings of Rayleigh waves generated by presumed nuclear explosions on central and southern Novaya Zemlya and in northwestern Siberia have been studied. Using a frequency time analysing technique and correcting for presumed known dispersion effects across the Baltic Shield, dispersion curves for two different paths across the southern part of the Barents Sea were obtained. The curves are very unusual in that they give extremely low velocities even for periods up to 20 s. For the path to the middle part of the island, the inversion of the data gives a model with sediments and consolidated sediments down to 25 km, followed by a 15-km thick basaltic layer and an upper mantle with a P velocity as low as 7.9 km/s. For the path to the southern part of Novaya Zemlya the data inversion gives a somewhat different model with sediments and consolidated sediments down to 8 km, followed by a 17-km thick zone with velocities close to granitic and a 15-km thick layer with basaltic velocities. Again the upper-mantle P velocity is only 7.9 km/s. Other indications of lateral inhomogeneities in the Barents Sea are obtained by utilizing the array's capability to determine the angle of approach of seismic waves. It is demonstrated that reflections both from inhomogeneities in the Barents Sea and the continental margin off Norway can be detected. For waves from the southern end of the island, a reflection from a strong discontinuity close to the direct path to the middle part of the island is found, whereas signals from this area include a reflected wave possibly coming from the edge of the Svalbard platform.  相似文献   

Global mapping of upper mantle reflectors from long-period SS precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-period precursors to SS resulting from underside reflections off upper mantle discontinuities ( SdS where d is the discontinuity depth) can be used to map the global distribution and depth of these reflectors. We analyse 5,884 long-period seismograms from the Global Digital Seismograph Network (1976-1987, shallow sources, transverse component) in order to identify SdS arrivals. Corrections for velocity dispersion, topography and crustal thickness at the SS bounce point, and lateral variation in mantle velocity are critical for obtaining accurate estimates of discontinuity depths. The 410 and 660 km discontinuities are observed at average depths of 413 and 653 km, and exhibit large-scale coherent patterns of topography with depth variations up to 40 km. These patterns are roughly correlated with recent tomographic models, with fast anomalies in the transition zone associated with highs in the 410 km discontinuity and lows in the 660 km discontinuity, a result consistent with laboratory measurements of Clapeyron slopes for the appropriate phase changes. The best resolved feature in these maps is a trough in the 660 km discontinuity in the northwest Pacific, which appears to be associated with the subduction zones in this region. Amplitude variations in SdS arrivals are not correlated with discontinuity depths and probably result from focusing and defocusing effects along the ray paths. The SdS arrivals suggest the presence of regional reflectors in the upper mantle above 400 km. However, only the strongest of these features are above probable noise levels due to sampling inadequacies.  相似文献   

Summary. Petrological arguments are advanced in favour of compositional in-homogeneity in the upper mantle which could, in part, explain the low velocity zone. It is suggested that an olivine-pyroxene-spinel layer at the Mohorovičié discontinuity passes downwards at depths of 70–100 km into a olivine-pyroxene-amphibole-?garnet-spinel layer. This lower layer is able to undergo partial fusion to yield basalt while that above it has yielded basalt in the past, but is now barren and can yield no more. Associated with the downwards change in composition is a reduction in the temperature of the beginning of mantle melting, which makes a "step" in the mantle melting curve. This "step" brings the fusion curve close to the geothermal gradient and there is a consequent reduction in seismic velocity. This effect is accentuated by the fact that the downwards transition is to a layer which in any case might be expected to have lower seismic velocities through the presence of amphibole and garnet.  相似文献   

A lower mantle S-wave triplication and the shear velocity structure of D"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary. A lower mantle S-wave triplication detected with short- and long-period WWSSN and CSN recordings indicates a substantial shear velocity discontinuity near 280 km above the core–mantle boundary. The triplication can be observed in rotated SH seismograms from intermediate and deep focus events throughout the distance range from 70° to 95°. Three distinct source region–receiver array combinations that have been investigated in detail demonstrate consistent travel time and relative amplitude behaviour of the triplication, with slight systematic shifts in the triplication indicating up to 40 km variations in the depth of the discontinuity. Modelling of the observations with synthetic seismograms produced with the Cagniard de Hoop and reflectivity methods constrains the shear velocity increase to be 235 ± 0.25 per cent, comparable to upper mantle discontinuities. Short-period observations indicate that the velocity increase may be a sharp first-order discontinuity, or may extend over a transition zone no more than 50 km thick. The shear velocity gradient below the discontinuity, within the D" layer, is not well-constrained by the SH data, but slightly positive or near zero velocity gradients are consistent with the long-period amplitude ratios of ScSH/SH .  相似文献   

Summary. The crustal structure beneath the exposed terranes of southern Alaska has been explored using coincident seismic refraction and reflection profiling. A wide-angle reflector at 8–9 km depth, at the base of an inferred low-velocity zone, underlies the Peninsular and Chugach terranes, appears to truncate their boundary, and may represent a horizontal decollement beneath the terranes. The crust beneath the Chugach terrane is characterized by a series of north-dipping paired layers having low and high velocities that may represent subducted slices of oceanic crust and mantle. This layered series may continue northward under the Peninsular terrane. Earthquake locations in the Wrangell Benioff zone indicate that at least the upper two low-high velocity layer pairs are tectonically inactive and that they appear to have been accreted to the base of the continental crust. The refraction data suggest that the Contact fault between two similar terranes, the Chugach and Prince William terranes, is a deeply penetrating feature that separates lower crust (deeper than 10 km) with paired dipping reflectors, from crust without such reflectors.  相似文献   

Broad-band data from South American earthquakes recorded by Californian seismic networks are analysed using a newly developed seismic wave migration method—the slowness backazimuth weighted migration (SBWM). Using the SBWM, out-of-plane seismic P -wave reflections have been observed. The reflection locations extend throughout the Earth's lower mantle, down to the core–mantle boundary (CMB) and coincide with the edges of tomographically mapped high seismic velocities. Modelling using synthetic seismograms suggests that a narrow (10–15 km) low- or high-velocity lamella with about 2 per cent velocity contrast can reproduce the observed reflected waveforms, but other explanations may exist. Considering the reflection locations and synthetic modelling, the observed out-of-plane energy is well explained by underside reflections off a sharp reflector at the base of the subducted lithosphere. We also detect weaker reflections corresponding to the tomographically mapped top of the slab, which may arise from the boundary between the Nazca plate and the overlying former basaltic oceanic crust. The joint interpretation of the waveform modelling and geodynamic considerations indicate mass flux of the former oceanic lithosphere and basaltic crust across the 660 km discontinuity, linking processes and structure at the top and bottom of the Earth's mantle, supporting the idea of whole mantle convection.  相似文献   

Summary. Seismic anisotropy within the upper mantle originates from the preferred orientation of highly anisotropic single crystals. The symmetry and magnitude of anisotropy depend upon: (1) the volume percentages of the minerals constituting the upper mantle, (2) the degree and symmetry of preferred orientation of each mineral and (3) the alignment of the minerals' crystallographic axes relative to one another. The nature of upper mantle anisotropy can be examined by studying mineral orientations within ultramafic rocks which were once part of the mantle. Petrofabric data for olivine and pyroxene have been used to obtain velocity anisotropy patterns over large regions of ultramafic rocks from the Samail ophiolite, Oman, the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, the Bay of Islands ophiolife, Newfoundland, the Twin Sisters ultramafic, Washington, USA, the Dun Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand, the Red Hills ophiolite, New Zealand and the Red Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand. The compressional wave anisotropy calculated for these massifs ranges from 3 to 8 per cent, in excellent agreement with observed seismic anisotropy in the upper continental and oceanic mantle. The symmetry varies from orthorhombic to axial, with the axial symmetry axis corresponding to the olivine a-axes maxima and subparallel to spreading directions in oceanic upper mantle. Pyroxene a -, b - and c -axes maxima generally parallel olivine b -, c - and a -axes, respectively, and anisotropy decreases with increasing pyroxene content. Shear-wave splitting is predicted for all propagation directions within the upper mantle. Symmetry is also orthorhombic or axial, with the minimum difference in velocity between the two shear-waves parallel to the maximum compressional wave velocity.  相似文献   

Summary. The unified seismic exploration program, consisting of 345 km of deep reflection profiling, a 200 km refraction profile, an expanding spread profile and near-surface high resolution reflection meaasurements, revealed a strongly differentiated crust beneath the Black Forest. The highly reflective lower crust contains numerous horizontal and dipping reflectors at depths of 13-14 km down to the crust-mantle boundary (Moho). The Moho appears as a flat horizontal first order discontinuity at a relatively shallow level of 25–27 km above a transparent upper mantle. From modelling of synthetic near-vertical and wide-angle seismograms using the reflectivity method the lower crust is supposed to be composed of laminae with an average thickness of about 100 m and velocity differences of greater than 10% increasing from top to bottom. The upper crust is characterised by mostly dipping reflectors, associated with bivergent underthrusting and accretion tectonics of Variscan age and with extensional faults of Mesozoic age. A bright spot at 9.5 km depth is characterised by low velocity material suggesting a fluid trap. It appears on all of the three profiles in the centre of the intersection region. The upper crust seems to be decoupled from the lowest crust by a relatively transparent zone which is' also identified as a low-velocity zone. This low velocity channel is situated directly above the laminated lower crust. The laminae in the Rhinegraben area are displaced vertically to greater depths indicating an origin before Tertiary rift formation and a subsidence of the whole graben wedge.  相似文献   

Summary. Numerical modelling is one of the most efficient methods for an investigation of the relationship between structural features and peculiarities of observed wavefields. It is practically the only method for 2-D and 3-D inhomogeneous media.
An algorithm based on ray theory has been developed for calculations of travel times and amplitudes of seismic waves in 3-D inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces. It was applied for numerical modelling of kinematic and dynamic characteristics of seismic waves propagating in laterally inhomogeneous media.
Travel-time and amplitude patterns were studied in the 2-D and 3-D models of a geosyncline, in which velocity distribution was given by an analytical function of the coordinates. For a more complicated model representing a subducting high-velocity lithospheric plate in a transition zone between oceanic and continental upper mantle, the velocity distribution was given by discrete values on a 2-D non-rectangular grid. It was shown that when a source was placed above the lithospheric plate, a shadow zone appeared along a strike of the structure, i.e. in the direction which is perpendicular to a strong lateral velocity gradient. Travel-time residuals were calculated along the seismological profile for a 3-D velocity distribution in the upper mantle beneath Central Asia, obtained as a result of inversion of travel times by the Backus-Gilbert method. They were found to be in a good agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

Summary Isotropic earth models are unable to provide uniform fits to the gross Earth normal mode data set or, in many cases, to regional Love-and Rayleigh-wave data. Anisotropic inversion provides a good fit to the data and indicates that the upper 200km of the mantle is anisotropic. The nature and magnitude of the required anisotropy, moreover, is similar to that found in body wave studies and in studies of ultramafic samples from the upper mantle. Pronounced upper mantle low-velocity zones are characteristic of models resulting from isotropic inversion of global or regional data sets. Anisotropic models have more nearly constant velocities in the upper mantle.
Normal mode partial (Frediét) derivatives are calculated for a transversely isotropic earth model with a radial axis of symmetry. For this type of anisotropy there are five elastic constant. The two shear-type moduli can be determined from the toroidal modes. Spheroidal and Rayleigh modes are sensitive to all five elastic constants but are mainly controlled by the two compressional-type moduli, one of the shear-type moduli and the remaining, mixed-mode, modulus. The lack of sensitivity of Rayleigh waves to compressional wave velocities is a characteristic only of the isotropic case. The partial derivatives of the horizontal and vertical components of the compressional velocity are nearly equal and opposite in the region of the mantle where the shear velocity sensitivity is the greatest. The net compressional wave partial derivative, at depth, is therefore very small for isotropic perturbations. Compressional wave anisotropy, however, has a significant effect on Rayleigh-wave dispersion. Once it has been established that transverse anisotropy is important it is necessary to invert for all five elastic constants. If the azimuthal effect has not been averaged out a more general anisotropy may have to be allowed for.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Earth is controlled by radioactive elements whose heat production rate decays with time and whose spatial distribution depends on chemical segregation processes.
We present a 2-D and finite-difference Boussinesq convection model with temperature-dependent viscosity and time- and space-dependent radioactive heat sources. We used Newtonian rheology, boxes of aspect ratio 3, and heating from within. Starting from the geochemical results of Hofmann (1988), it is assumed that the radioactive heat sources of the mantle were initially distributed homogeneously. In a number of calculations, however, higher starting abundances of radioactive sources were assumed in the upper mantle. For the present geological situation, this also results in a depleted upper mantle. It was assumed that, if the viscosity falls below a certain critical value, chemical segregation will take place. In this way, model continental crust develops, leaving behind areas of a depleted mantle. We obtained the heat source, flow line, temperature, viscosity and heat-flow distribution as a function of time with realistic values, especially for the present time. The present viscosity of the upper mantle is approximately at the standard value obtained for postglacial uplift modelling; the deeper-mantle viscosity is considerably higher. The time dependence of the computed mean of the kinetic energy of mantle convection bears a resemblance to that of the magmatic and orogenetic activity of the Earth. We assumed that the 670 km discontinuity cannot be penetrated by the flow.  相似文献   

Summary. A simplified model of convection in the mantle is used to investigate the transient effect of cooling a fluid layer from above, The model, representing the mantle overlain by the lithosphere, consists of a two-dimensional fluid layer overlain by a solid conducting lid. The initial temperature of both layers is the same, with the top surface of the lid kept at 0°C throughout. We observe the onset of small-scale flow in the model. In the absence of internal heating the behaviour of the system is controlled by the Rayleigh number, R , and the ratio of the thicknesses of the two layers, a . The onset time of convection as defined by reference to conduction temperature profiles is related simply to a boundary layer critical Rayleigh number. The mean temperature profiles for the convection model are also compared with the observed depth—age relation for oceanic lithosphere and the results are used to estimate the viscosity of the mantle.  相似文献   

Summary. The upper boundary of the descending oceanic plate is located by using PS -waves (converted from P to S at the boundary) in the Tohoku District, the north-eastern part of Honshu, Japan. the observed PS-P time data are well explained by a two-layered oceanic plate model composed of a thin low-velocity upper layer whose thickness is less than 10 km and a thick high-velocity lower layer; the upper and lower layers respectively have 6 per cent lower and 6 per cent higher velocity than the overriding mantle. the estimated location of the upper boundary is just above the upper seismic plane of the double-planed deep seismic zone. This result indicates that events in the upper seismic plane, at least in the depth range from 60 to 150 km, occur within the thin low-velocity layer on the surface of the oceanic plate.  相似文献   

Upper mantle shear structure of North America   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. The waveforms and travel times of S and SS phases in the range 10°–60° have been used to derive upper mantle shear velocity structures for two distinct tectonic provinces in North America. Data from earthquakes on the East Pacific Rise recorded at stations in western North America were used to derive a tectonic upper mantle model. Events on the north-west coast of North America and earthquakes off the coast of Greenland provided the data to investigate the upper mantle under the Canadian shield. All branches from the triplications due to velocity jumps near 400 and 660 km were observed in both areas. Using synthetic seismograms to model these observations placed tight constraints on heterogeneity in the upper mantle and on the details of its structure. SS–S travel-time differences of 30 s along with consistent differences in waveforms between the two data sets require substantial heterogeneity to at least 350 km depth. Velocities in the upper 170 km of the shield are about 10 per cent higher than in the tectonic area. At 250 km depth the shield velocities are still greater by about 4.5 per cent and they gradually merge near 400 km. Below 400 km no evidence for heterogeneity was found. The two models both have first-order discontinuities of 4.5 per cent at 405 km and 7.5 per cent at 695 km. Both models also have lids with lower velocities beneath. In the western model the lid is very thin and of relatively low velocity. In the shield the lid is 170 km thick with very high elocity (4.78 km s-1); below it the velocity decreases to about 4.65 km s-1. Aside from these features the models are relatively smooth, the major difference between them being a larger gradient in the tectonic region from 200 to 400 km.  相似文献   

Summary. Normal mode theory, extended to the slightly laterally heterogeneous earth by the first-order Born approximation, is applied to the waveform inversion of mantle Love wave (200–500 s) for the Earth's lateral heterogeneity at l = 2 and a spherically symmétric anelasticity ( Q μ) structure. The data are from the Global Digital Seismograph Network (GDSN). The l =2 pattern is very similar to the results of other studies that used either different méthods, such as phase velocity measurements and multiplet location measurements, or a different data set, such as mantle Rayleigh waves from different instruments. The results are carefully analysed for variance reduction and are most naturally explained by heterogeneity in the upper 420 km. Because of the poor resolution of the data set for the deep interior, however, a fairly large heterogeneity in the transition zones, of the order of up to 3.5 per cent in shear wave velocity, is allowed. It is noteworthy that Love waves of this period range cannot constrain the structure below 420 km and thus any model presented by similar studies below this depth are likely to be constrained by Rayleigh waves (spheroidal modes) only.
The calculated modal Q values for the obtained Q μ model fall within the error bars of the observations. The result demonstrates the discrepancy of Rayleigh wave Q and Love wave Q and indicates that care must be taken when both Rayleigh and Love wave data, including amplitude information, are inverted simultaneously.
Anomalous amplitude inversions of G2 and G3, for example, are observed for some source-receiver pairs. This is due to multipathing effects. One example near the epicentral region, which is modelled by the obtained l = 2 heterogeneity, is shown.  相似文献   

Shear-wave polarization anisotropy in the Pacific Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Inversion of 295. Love- and Rayleigh-wave phase travel times across the Pacific Basin has yielded a structure which has a channel that is anisotropic with respect to the polarization of shear waves. The velocity of SH waves is approximately 4.24 km/s, and the velocity of SV waves is approximately 4.10 km/s in the low-velocity channel. The lid to the channel is isotropic with respect to the polarization of S waves and the velocity is approximately 4.60 km/s. The lid to the low-velocity channel increases in thickness with lithospheric age at the expense of the channel, and its thickness is apparently still increasing at a sea-floor age of 150 Myr.
These results can be explained in terms of a model with both randomly-and preferentially-oriented, liquid-filled cracks in the channel. In the model, it is assumed that the liquid-filled cracks are due to partial melting in the channel, and that any preferred orientation is caused by a shear-flow gradient resulting from differential motion between the lid and the deeper parts of the mantle.  相似文献   

We present a new technique for the efficient measurement of the traveltimes of long period body wave phases. The technique is based on the fact that all arrivals of a particular seismic phase are remarkably similar in shape for a single event. This allows the application of cross-correlation techniques that are usually used in a regional context to measure precise global differential times. The analysis is enhanced by the inclusion of a clustering algorithm that automatically clusters waveforms by their degree of similarity. This allows the algorithm to discriminate against unusual or distorted waveforms and makes for an extremely efficient measurement technique.
This technique can be applied to any seismic phase that is observed over a reasonably large distance range. Here, we present the results of applying the algorithm to the long-period channels of all data archived at the IRIS DMC from 1976 to 2005 for the seismic phases S and P (from 23° to 100°) and SS and PP (from 50° to 170°). The resulting large data sets are inverted along with existing surface wave and updated differential traveltime measurements for new mantle models of S and P velocity. The resolution of the new model is enhanced, particularly, in the mid-mantle where SS and PP turn. We find that slow anomalies in the central Pacific and Africa extend from the core–mantle boundary to the upper mantle, but their direct connection to surface hotspots is beyond our resolution. Furthermore, we find that fast anomalies that are likely associated with subducting slabs disappear between 1700 and 2500 km, and thus are not continuous features from the upper to lower mantle despite our extensive coverage and high resolution of the mid-mantle.  相似文献   

The inverse tomography method has been used to study the P - and S -waves velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle underneath Iran. The method, based on the principle of source–receiver reciprocity, allows for tomographic studies of regions with sparse distribution of seismic stations if the region has sufficient seismicity. The arrival times of body waves from earthquakes in the study area as reported in the ISC catalogue (1964–1996) at all available epicentral distances are used for calculation of residual arrival times. Prior to inversion we have relocated hypocentres based on a 1-D spherical earth's model taking into account variable crustal thickness and surface topography. During the inversion seismic sources are further relocated simultaneously with the calculation of velocity perturbations. With a series of synthetic tests we demonstrate the power of the algorithm and the data to reconstruct introduced anomalies using the ray paths of the real data set and taking into account the measurement errors and outliers. The velocity anomalies show that the crust and upper mantle beneath the Iranian Plateau comprises a low velocity domain between the Arabian Plate and the Caspian Block. This is in agreement with global tomographic models, and also tectonic models, in which active Iranian plateau is trapped between the stable Turan plate in the north and the Arabian shield in the south. Our results show clear evidence of the mainly aseismic subduction of the oceanic crust of the Oman Sea underneath the Iranian Plateau. However, along the Zagros suture zone, the subduction pattern is more complex than at Makran where the collision of the two plates is highly seismic.  相似文献   

About 50 000 P and S arrival times and 25 000 values of t * recorded at seismic arrays operated in the Central Andes between 20°S and 25°S in the time period from 1994 to 1997 have been used for locating more than 1500 deep and crustal earthquakes and creating 3-D P , S velocity and Qp models. The study volume in the reference model is subdivided into three domains: slab, continental crust and mantle wedge. A starting velocity distribution in each domain is set from a priori information: in the crust it is based on the controlled sources seismic studies; in slab and mantle wedge it is defined using relations between P and S velocities, temperature and composition given by mineral physics. Each iteration of tomographic inversion consists of the following steps: (1) absolute location of sources in 3-D velocity model using P and S arrival times; (2) double-difference relocation of the sources and (3) simultaneous determination of P and S velocity anomalies, P and S station corrections and source parameters by inverting one matrix. Velocity parameters are computed in a mesh with the density of nodes proportional to the ray density with double-sided nodes at the domain boundaries. The next iteration is repeated with the updated velocity model and source parameters obtained at the previous step. Different tests aimed at checking the reliability of the obtained velocity models are presented. In addition, we present the results of inversion for Vp and Vp/Vs parameters, which appear to be practically equivalent to Vp and Vs inversion. A separate inversion for Qp has been performed using the ray paths and source locations in the final velocity model. The resulting Vp , Vs and Qp distributions show complicated, essentially 3-D structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. P and S velocities appear to be well correlated, suggesting the important role of variations of composition, temperature, water content and degree of partial melting.  相似文献   

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