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This research is grounded in notions of differential economic restructuring across employment sectors and geographic space, as well as migration selectivity by occupation. A series of unconstrained competing‐destinations models were employed to analyze the response by workers in thirteen occupational categories to sectoral employment change, average wages, and distance. As was hypothesized, workers in occupations that require high levels of education and skills are more responsive, in terms of migration, to economic opportunities in alternative labor‐market areas. However, the results do not support the hypothesis that highly educated and skilled workers migrate longer distances. Further investigation suggests that opportunities for highly educated and skilled workers may be clustering in relatively few areas that are in relatively close proximity.  相似文献   

北京市就业密度分布的空间特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
刘霄泉  孙铁山  李国平 《地理研究》2011,30(7):1262-1270
本文分析了2008年北京市就业密度空间分布的现状结构,并运用非参数局部回归的方法模拟了2004年和2008年北京市的就业密度陆线,进而分析北京市就业密度分布的空间特征。研究表明:从就业密度的角度,2004年~2008年间,在城市规划的引导作用下,尽管城市单中心结构仍然突出,经济空间结构已经开始出现多中心发展的雏形。其中...  相似文献   

转型期广州市居住迁移影响因素于户籍之间的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
刘望保  闫小培 《地理研究》2007,26(5):1055-1066
住房制度改革以来,中国城市居住迁移率大规模增加,成为城市重构和社会空间分异的基础动力。利用生命历程理论,通过家庭问卷调查,本文使用事件史模型动态地模拟了居住迁移,并比较外来人口与本地人口居住迁移影响因素的差异。整体来看,1980年以来年均居住迁移率呈上升趋势,外来人口的年均居住迁移率要比本地人口高。住房性质、婚姻变化、工作变动、居住区位和年份等变量都显著影响居住迁移,反映了住房制度改革、住房市场和分配环境、家庭生命周期等因素对居住迁移的影响;但影响程度户籍间的差异明显,工作地区位的变动导致通勤成本的变化是外来人口居住迁移的最显著影响因子,而家庭生命周期和住房特征变量是本地人口居住迁移的最显著影响变量,反映了两者之间的本质差别。居住区位对本地人口的居住迁移影响显著,内圈层居民的迁移率相对较低,而居住区位变量对外来人口的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   

Mismatch of labor demand and supply, resulting from economic growth, is referred to here as structural tension. Spatial variations in structural tension are identified for Venezuelan states in 1971. Positive tension, indicating overutilization of human resources, prevails in urban areas. By contrast, rural locales exhibit underutilization due to rapid labor force growth without parallel increases in employment opportunities. Influence of structural tension, coupled with other migration determinants, upon destination choice by economically active immigrants is explored. Structural tension emerges as strongly significant for the total sample, displacing wages from the model. This is consistent with our contention that wages are a less precise indicator of labor supply and demand.  相似文献   

This study examines how extreme weather influences regional inequality and polarization within Mozambique in the context of on-going economic shocks. Utilizing satellite-based estimates of rainfall spatially analyzed within a GIS, we establish a 16-year rainfall climatology and calculate monthly rainfall anomalies for 665 villages. We approximate storm-total rainfall from all tropical cyclones entering the Mozambique Channel, as well as the extent of damaging winds for those making landfall, between 2005 and 2008. We group villages according to tropical cyclone impacts and use hierarchical cluster analysis to group the remaining villages according to shared patterns of monthly rainfall anomalies. Using economic data from the 2005 and 2008 National Agricultural Surveys of Mozambique, we relate weather patterns associated with near normal rainfall, tropical cyclones, flooding, and drought to changes in inequality and polarization by conducting decomposition analyses of the Gini index and Duclos-Esteban-Ray (DER) polarization index. Our findings mainly correspond to the generally accepted view that weather shocks exacerbate existing income and power disparities within societies. However, in some cases we find evidence that inequality and polarization can decline in the aftermath of an extreme event, and increase even where the weather is relatively good. By identifying varying effects of extreme events on inequality and polarization at subnational level, our study enables a more detailed understanding of weather-related effects on socio-economic outcomes in rural societies rapidly integrating into the global economy.  相似文献   

非正规就业对女性的影响一直是非正规就业研究的重点,其中许多研究认为,从事非正规就业的女性往往难以实现向上发展而强化了自身弱势地位.这类研究忽视了非正规性的多样化性质,过度地强调了非正规就业对女性的负面影响.本研究以广州市芳村茶叶市场茶艺表演业为例,使用观察、问卷调查和深度访谈的方法研究了非正规就业对女性人力资本积累与向...  相似文献   

全球和地方力量对中国城市制造业增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
史进 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1571-1582
企业动态是中国制造业空间重构的微观基础。采用中国制造业企业数据,根据新企业成立和就业净增长的关系,把中国城市划分为创业型、旋转门型、惯例型和缓增型4类增长模式,描述其在2003—2008年和2008—2013年的时空变化。发现受全球金融危机影响,东部外向型制造业核心区的城市新企业成立不足,现有企业增长乏力,制造业就业增长率下降,由惯例型转变为缓增型;在国内市场潜力不断提高的背景下,东部的相对欠发达地区和中部地区的城市持续吸引了大量新企业成立,并推动制造业就业快速增长,由旋转门型转变为创业型。论文建立“全球力量和地方力量”的分析框架,采用多项Logit模型揭示全球力量和地方力量对中国城市制造业增长模式在2个时期的不同影响。研究发现:全球力量中的出口导向和地方力量中的集聚经济对中国城市制造业增长的影响经历了从向心力到离心力的转变;全球力量中的出口导向和地方力量中的小企业比重和产业结构的影响此消彼长,体现了“全球-地方”联系。  相似文献   


This research is grounded in notions of differential economic restructuring across employment sectors and geographic space, as well as migration selectivity by occupation. A series of unconstrained competing-destinations models were employed to analyze the response by workers in thirteen occupational categories to sectoral employment change, average wages, and distance. As was hypothesized, workers in occupations that require high levels of education and skills are more responsive, in terms of migration, to economic opportunities in alternative labor-market areas. However, the results do not support the hypothesis that highly educated and skilled workers migrate longer distances. Further investigation suggests that opportunities for highly educated and skilled workers may be clustering in relatively few areas that are in relatively close proximity.  相似文献   

A representative economic model is used to analyze local policies to reestablish full employment. It addresses three types of barriers: 1. Rigid wages, 2. Occupational (or industrial) immobility, and 3. Geographic immobility. These factors are considered in the framework of three types of policies: 1. Laissez-faire, 2. Narrowly targeted employment incentives, and 3. Broadly targeted incentives. The paper concludes that the usefulness of the abstract model will depends upon the ability of local development officials to combine the implications of the model with information about the local economic development narrative. In turn, the narrative depends upon an in-depth local knowledge of history, institutions, practices and personalities.  相似文献   

出口对中国区域经济增长和产业结构转型的影响分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
1978年改革开放以来,特别是加入WTO以后,中国对外贸易迅速增加,成为经济增长的主要动力之一。这不仅改变了中国在世界经济中的地位,也导致了中国区域经济格局的变化。在当前全球金融危机下,中国对外出口大幅度下降。因而,定量研究出口对中国区域经济增长和产业结构转变的作用,对理解金融危机的影响具有重要意义。本文运用投入产出表方法,计算了中国各省市区对欧、美、日的商品出口对各自产业增加值和产业结构升级的贡献程度。研究发现,对欧、美、日出口在中国区域经济增长和产业结构转型中起着越来越重要的角色,特别是沿海地区。  相似文献   

上海计算机产业转移及其对区域经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2008年全球金融危机之后,全球生产网络重组对中国区域经济的影响日益浮现。上海计算机制造业持续向重庆等地转移,重构了该行业全球生产网络的基本格局。利用上海市投入-产出表以及中国工业企业数据库、企业年报等,采用结构分解等方法分析上海计算机制造业产业变化,结合制造业多样性指数等指标,评估产业转移对区域经济的影响。研究发现:① 上海计算机产业被锁定在全球价值链低端的组装制造环节,2007—2012年,增加值率(增加值与总产出的比值)从7.38%下降为4.29%;劳动者报酬占增加值比例从22.06%上涨为67.97%,推动产业对外迁移。② 受上海市产业转移和国际市场低迷等因素影响,2007—2012年,上海计算机制造业总产出减少了483.9亿元。③ 制造业多样性指数较高的浦东新区受到计算机产业转移的影响较小,制造业多样性指数相对较低且计算机制造业占制造业总产值比例较高的闵行区、松江区在一定时期内仍然面临着计算机产业转移的负面影响。为了降低全球生产网络“去耦合”的冲击,提高区域经济的韧性,上海需要从全球生产网络的成熟产品生产平台转型为新产品研发创新枢纽,提高劳动生产率和产业增加值率,推动产业结构多样化。  相似文献   

陈肖飞  韩腾腾  赵梓渝  苗长虹 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3483-3496
全球生产网络(GPNs)非常重视跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式及影响机制,然而以往研究相对聚焦于资本密集型或技术密集型企业,着重探讨产业联系、技术外溢、社会网络等要素的影响,而对以富士康为代表的劳动密集型跨国企业并未给予足够关注。本研究以郑州富士康为案例,融合劳工地理学和新经济地理学的理论视角,基于2017—2021年对郑州富士康的追踪调研,研究发现:① 在全球网络动力与本土地域动力相互联动的作用下,地方区位优势和企业空间粘性虽然发生了显著变化,并初步呈现出互惠式耦合特征,但郑州富士康地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合模式仍以依附式为主。② 劳动力视角下跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合形成机制主要受制于公司属性特征与员工雇佣方式(包括企业性质、用工模式、工资福利等)、区域人口红利与劳动力供应格局、政府中介政策与劳动力行为选择等因素。③ 促进劳动密集型跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展的战略耦合,维持劳动力市场弹性和激励跨国公司扩大投资并促进生产网络区域化应作为国家和地方政府战略制定和政策实施的两个基本维度。研究成果不仅可以有效弥补跨国公司地方嵌入与区域发展战略耦合对劳动力作用的忽视,而且通过典型案例可以为劳动密集型跨国公司与区域发展的战略耦合关系提供实证经验支持。  相似文献   

Producer Services Research in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews recent research in the United Kingdom on producer services and suggests directions for further research. A recurrent theme in UK-based geographic research into producer services is the role of service activities, establishments, and trade in uneven development of the UK space economy, a role manifested in uneven provision and quality of services in peripheral regions. During the 1980s, overall growth in demand for producer services and the rapid rise in metropolitan London real estate costs reduced London's dominance, but these trends moderated by the end of the decade. In the absence of adequate government statistics, regular and standardized surveys are needed to compile a time series of service change in the United Kingdom. Directions for continued empirical research include the role of producer services in innovation and technology transfer, the implications of information technology for the location of employment in the sector, and the impacts of productivity increases on employment and wages.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the impacts of the training programmes offered to lone mothers with young children on the Government's 'New Deal for Lone Parents' in one local labour market: West London. Our research suggests that regulatory workfare policies are (re)producing and reinforcing gendered inequalities in the labour market by encouraging lone mothers to undertake training in feminised occupational areas such as childcare. We will argue that in a local economy such as West London where more childcare workers are desperately needed to enable other more highly skilled workers to take up employment opportunities, such training programmes may be doing little more than exacerbating the already gendered and class-based polarisation of the labour market – embedding low-skilled, poorly qualified lone mothers into low-paid jobs.  相似文献   

彭荣熙  刘涛  曹广忠 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1732-1748
经济韧性的强弱决定着城市在面对冲击时可以快速度过危机还是陷入长期经济发展停滞。本文将城市经济韧性区分为长期经济韧性和短期经济韧性,分析中国东部沿海地级及以上城市的经济韧性和产业结构的时空分异特征,探讨产业结构在不同时期对城市经济韧性的影响。研究发现,东部沿海地区城市不同时期的短期经济韧性及长期经济韧性存在明显的空间差异;长期经济韧性和短期经济韧性的影响因素不同,表征产业整体技术含量的经济复杂度和表征产业关联程度的相关多样化指数能显著提升城市长期经济韧性,短期经济韧性的影响因素则因时期不同而存在差别。延长产业价值链、构建地方产业集群、提升产业层次水平,有助于城市提高经济韧性。  相似文献   

Youths have increasingly experienced labor market problems over the last several decades. One fruitful line of explanation focuses on structural changes in the demand for labor stemming from deindustrialization, changing skill requirements for employees, and increasing supply competition from women and recent immigrants. While these explanations merit attention, they have not adequately considered facts that condition their impact. This paper considers the argument that intra-metropolitan residential location conditions the effects of metropolitan labor market structure on black and white male youths' employment probabilities. Using a sample of individual-level data drawn from the 1990 census combined with metropolitan-level indicators of economic structure, it was found that some structural effects varied between central-city and suburban male youths. The conditioning role of residential location, and the subsequent nature of the structural effects, varied considerably between black and white male youths. Interpretations of the conditioning role of residential location include a variety of social and institutional effects on individual residents and the stigmatizing effects of some neighborhoods, especially on black male youths.  相似文献   

Cross‐border tourism is often proposed by governments as an incentive for economic growth, but critics have suggested that its impacts are, in fact, overplayed. This paper presents research in the Indonesia‐Malaysia‐Singapore Growth Triangle (IMS‐GT). It examines the broad economic impacts of Singaporean cross‐border tourism on local host communities in two locations: Kukup, a traditional Malaysian fishing village in Johor, southern Peninsular Malaysia, and Bintan in Riau Islands Province in western Indonesia. The study found that cross‐border tourism generated income, employment and some local economic linkages. In Kukup clear economic benefits with increased income and employment were unevenly distributed between ethnic groups. The Bintan enclave development had some linkages to the island economy but was reliant on immigrant labour. Cross‐border ethnic ties, particularly Chinese, also played an important role in the growth of tourism in the IMS‐GT. The paper shows that cross‐border tourism can be a useful addition to more conventional forms of international tourism within national tourism planning and could lead to significant economic benefits for local communities.  相似文献   

1952-2008年新疆产业结构演进特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以1952-2008年统计数据为基础,采用产业经济学、计量经济学和统计学的相关方法,对新疆解放以来的产业结构演进进行了定量分析,并对其与同期全国产业结构演进进行了比较。研究结果表明:1952年以来,新疆与全国产业结构演进存在差异,主要表现在:新疆第一产业比重不断下降,第二、三产业比重不断上升,二产居于主导地位;新疆产业...  相似文献   

刘霄泉  孙铁山  李国平 《地理研究》2018,37(8):1575-1586
北京市域制造业在结构调整的同时也在不断发生空间格局的变动。在京津冀协同发展战略的推进下,北京非首都功能疏解不断加速,将进一步加剧北京制造业产业结构的调整,进而影响空间格局的演化。利用2008年和2013年北京市经济普查数据中街道、镇乡的制造业大类的就业数据,从街乡的尺度,分析探讨北京市域内制造业的空间演化特征与趋势。研究显示:2008-2013年北京市制造业的产业结构和空间结构均趋向集聚,增长产业是制造业空间集聚的主导力量,在引导制造业空间进一步集聚的同时,形成了明晰的空间分异,增长产业更加趋向于在专门化程度更高的地区集聚,就重点街乡来看,北部地区的空间发展趋势将较为稳定,南部地区可能成为未来需要重点关注的高变动区域。  相似文献   

This article explored China's urban employment dynamics with particular focus on the city size effect.Big data derived from the largest recruitment website were used to ex-amine the direct and indirect impacts of city size on employment demand by using mediating and moderating models.We also investigated the roles of the government and location fac-tors which have seldom been considered in literature.Results showed that the concentration degree of new jobs is higher than that of stock employment and population across cities,implying a path dependency mechanism of job creation and employment expansion.Mean-while,numerous job posts in inland central cities are probably a symptom of more even dis-tribution of employment in future China.Econometric models further verified the significant correlation between city size and job creation.Moreover,industrial diversity,fixed asset in-vestment,and spatial location have heterogeneous effects on employment demand in cities of different sizes and different levels of administration.These results can not only deepen our understanding of the crucial role of city size in urban employment growth but also demon-strate the future trend of labor and population geography of China.Policy implications are then proposed for job creation in cities of China and other developing countries.  相似文献   

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