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沉积物中磷的存在形态及其生物可利用性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用MgCl2,NaOH和HCl对大亚湾的大鹏澳、南海的珠江口、厦门湾的胡里山沉积物进行了逐级提取和总磷分析,并以这3种沉积物为惟一磷源培养小球藻和球等鞭金藻,估算了藻类对沉积物中磷的可利用量.结果表明,3种沉积物总磷含量分别为449.3,650.1和643.9mg/kg;MgCl2和NaOH提取的生物可利用的非磷灰石无机磷分别为168.8,146.6和118.1mg/kg.非磷灰石无机磷占总磷的18.3%~32.6%.3种提取剂对3种沉积物提取的磷是HCl提取相最大,NaOH提取相次之,MgCl2提取相最小.小球藻和球等鞭金藻在3种沉积物中的最大相对生长率为4.3%~26.9%,两种藻在3种沉积物中的生长与非磷灰石无机磷和藻类可利用的颗粒磷量相对应.颗粒磷占非磷灰石无机磷的42.4%~78.2%,占沉积物中总无机磷的21.1%~27.1%,占总磷的11.8%~20.3%.  相似文献   

2016年9月至2017年4月,采用样线法和可变大小样方法相结合,对七里海潟湖湿地非繁殖期鸟类进行了调查研究。调查共记录到鸟类13目27科60种,其中雀形目鸟类10科14种,占物种总数量的23. 33%;非雀形目鸟类17科46种,占物种总数量的76. 67%。湿地水鸟数量占全部鸟类总数量的95. 11%,水鸟类群主要为鸥类、雁鸭类、鸻鹬类和鹭类。鸟类居留类型主要为旅鸟和夏候鸟,分别占物种总数量的35. 00%和33. 33%。鸟类区系方面,以古北界鸟类和广布种鸟类为主,分别占物种总数量的63. 33%和26. 67%。经统计,鸟类多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数的平均值分别是1. 86、0. 39和2. 31。七里海潟湖湿地位于东亚—澳大利西亚迁徙路线上,是重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地和觅食地,鸟类尤其是水鸟资源丰富,应当受到关注和保护。  相似文献   

海藻中碘的化学种态研究Ⅰ   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用化学分离结合中子活化法研究了海带、网翼藻、海黍子、松藻、石莼、礁膜和江篱7种海藻中总碘及水溶性碘、有机碘、I-和IO3-等不同形态碘的分布.研究结果表明:不同海藻中碘及其化学种态差别较大,海带中碘含量最高,达734×106(湿重),且99.2%的碘为水溶性碘.其他几种海藻中碘含量较低,且水溶性碘仅占16.5%~40.8%.海藻浸出液中碘主要以I-的形式存在,占浸出总碘量的61.0%~92.7%,其次为有机碘占5.5%~37.4%,IO3-含量最少,仅占1.4%~4.5%.该研究结果提示不同海藻的富碘机制可能不尽相同.从食用的角度看,其中碘的生物利用度也可能有较大的差异.  相似文献   

台湾海峡两岸高等植物区系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张娆挺  胡慧娟 《台湾海峡》1998,17(4):417-425
台湾海峡两岸高等植物有116种,其中东岸有99种,西岸92种,海峡两岸物种相似性为78.5%。据海岸基质类型的不同,可分为砂生、盐生、基岩及海岸林和广生境4个生态类群。热带海岸植物木榄、海漆、露兜树等的分布北缘在厦门以南,台湾海峡两岸植物与日本、印度较相似;各种热带。亚热带成分占优势,温带成分较少,分别占总属娄物89.9%和10.1%;台湾海峡两岸植物区系中,热带及亚热带成分从南到北呈递减趋势。  相似文献   

通过样方法和样线法对大兔屿进行植物资源调查,其主要的植被类型是亚热带常绿阔叶林、灌草丛。有维管植物69科,139属,152种。蕨类3科,3属,3种;裸子植物3科,3属,3种;被子植物63科,133属,146种。乔木20科,27属,30种;灌木31科,44属,46种,草本和藤本30科,68属,74种。其中,原生植物125种,外来植物27种,入侵植物10种,无珍稀濒危植物。植被群落的植物区系组成中,属的分析表明,大兔屿植物以热带、亚热带成分为主。种子植物属划分为12个分布区类型及其变型,其中成分最多的是泛热带分布及其变型,为区系总数的35.29%。群落以高位芽植物占主要优势,为46.71%。人工栽培的台湾相思林、马尾松林及木麻黄林总的覆盖率却高达80%。最后针对海岛特色景观的营造,对大兔屿植物资源的保护和利用提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

根据2014年8月在大丰-射阳海域进行的调查,初步分析了绿潮发生时浮游植物的种类组成及其与环境因子的关系。共鉴定出6门51属93种,其中硅藻(62种,占66.7%),甲藻(26种,占28.0%),其余门类(金藻、绿藻、裸藻和隐藻)5种。网样共发现5种优势种,分别为中肋骨条藻Skeletonemacostatum、劳氏角毛藻Chaetoceroslorenzianus、虹彩圆筛藻Coscinodiscus oculs-iridis、格氏圆筛藻C.granii、琼氏圆筛藻C.jonesianus,水样共6种优势种,分别为中肋骨条藻、锥状斯比藻Scrippsiellatrochoidea、血红哈卡藻Akashiwosanguinea、菱形海线藻Thalassionemanitzschioides、盔状舟形藻Navichlacorymbosa和裸藻Euglena spp.。其中,中肋骨条藻生态位较宽,对环境适应能力强。网采浮游植物细胞丰度为27.29×104 cells/m3,其中甲藻占6.5%,硅藻占91.2%。水采浮游植物细胞丰度为0.66×104 cells/L,其中甲藻占33.8%,硅藻占58.9%。结合历史数据分析表明,绿潮发生期间,调查海域营养盐浓度降低,浮游植物群落结构发生变化,甲藻种类数明显升高。绿潮对浮游植物群落结构可能存在一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

青岛潮间带大型底栖海藻群落的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在青岛潮间带布设了显浪咀、太平角和石老人3个断面,进行了为期1 a(2006年8月~2007年11月)的大型底栖海藻资源调查研究.结果表明:1. 青岛潮间带大型底栖海藻群落的种类组成中红藻种类最多,其次是褐藻,绿藻最少.2. 群落中大型底栖海藻的生物量有明显的季节变化:春季>夏季>秋季>冬季;生物量在垂直分布上表现出中、低潮带均大于高潮带;在水平分布上无明显差异.3. 底栖藻类群落优势种无季节性变化,第一优势种为孔石莼.4. 采集到大型底栖海藻43种,其中红藻门22属24种,占55.8%;褐藻门9属11种,占25.6%;绿藻门6属8种,占18.6%.  相似文献   

大亚湾春秋季鱼类种类组成及年龄结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年4月和9月对大亚湾海域通过拖网和流刺网捕获的鱼类进行初步调查.结果表明,渔获物中出现18目76科135属200种鱼类,其中软骨鱼纲4目5科5属6种,占调查鱼类总种数的3.0%;硬骨鱼纲14目71科130属194种,占调查鱼类总种数的97.0%.根据其适温类型可分为暖水性种、暖温性种和冷温性种,其中暖水性鱼类有183种,占总种数的91.5%;暖温性鱼类有16种,占总种数的8.0%;冷温性鱼类仅有1种,占总种数的0.5%.渔获物中底层和近底层鱼类占多数,其中,底层鱼类共有74种,占总种数的37.0%;近底层鱼类共有68种,占总种数的34.0%;中上层鱼类共有45种,占总种数的22.5%;岩礁鱼类有13种,占总种数的6.5%.大亚湾鱼类的年龄普遍偏低,以1 a龄鱼为主.与相邻海区鱼类区系特征比较,大亚湾海域具有我国热带和亚热带性海湾的鱼类区系特征.  相似文献   

通过光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察栉孔扇贝Chlamys farreri血细胞的形态、结构特征,对其分类进行了初步研究。根据细胞的大小、形态和结构特征可将血细胞分成5种类型:Ⅰ型小透明细胞,大小约2.44±0.11μm,约占45%—50%;Ⅱ型大透明细胞,大小约4.83±0.28μm,约占15%—20%;Ⅲ型小颗粒细胞,大小约4.07±0.15μm,约占15%—20%;Ⅳ型中颗粒细胞,大小约7.20±0.26μm,约占20%—25%和Ⅴ型大颗粒细胞,大小约13.87±0.73μm,约占3%—5%。血细胞在血淋巴中的平均密度为(3.03±0.11)×107cell.ml—1,其中颗粒细胞占42.6%,透明细胞占57.4%。透射电镜观察结果表明,颗粒细胞的细胞质颗粒可区分成3种类型:Ⅰ型高电子密度颗粒,Ⅱ型低电子密度颗粒和Ⅲ型中等电子密度颗粒。  相似文献   

报道了泉州市潮间带贝类的种类、数量及其生态分布。经记录整理、鉴定共得标本125种,隶属于3纲、46科和84属。其中,多板纲3种,双壳纲63种,腹足纲59种。根据它们对温度的适应性质可分为4个类群:暖温带种占5.6%;亚热带种占40.8%;广温广布种占48.0%;热带种占5.6%。  相似文献   

长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源与混合行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口碳的生物地球化学过程是全球碳循环的重要组成。通过测定溶解无机碳(DIC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CDIC),溶解有机碳(DOC),有色溶解有机物(CDOM),颗粒有机碳(POC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CPOC)与元素比值(N/C)及相关指标,研究了2014年7月长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源和混合行为。结果表明,DIC浓度、DOC浓度、POC含量分别为1 583.2~1 739.6 μmol/L,128.4~369.4 μmol/L和51.2~530.8 μmol/L,这些不同形态碳及CDOM的荧光组分的分布模式相似,均是从口内到口外,整体呈现先增大后减小的趋势,并与盐度呈现非保守混合行为。添加作用主要发生在在口门处最大浑浊带附近。与含量相反,从口内到口外,δ13CDIC和δ13CPOC均呈现逐渐减小再增大的趋势,在口门附近达到最低值,分别为-9.7‰和-26.7‰。在口门附近不同形态碳含量上升及δ13CDIC、δ13CPOC的降低可能主要与沉积物再悬浮及微生物作用有关。基于蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型的结果显示,河口内外POC来源变化明显,口内POC以陆源有机碳贡献为主,平均为62.3%,口外海源贡献逐渐增加。CDOM相关参数结果表明长江口CDOM主要来自陆源输入,海源及人类活动等也对其产生影响。  相似文献   

The chemical forms and distribution of dissolved arsenic species in the estuary of the River Beaulieu (Hampshire, U.K.) are reported. ‘Inorganic arsenic (V)’ in both the marine and riverine estuary inputs are in true solution, passing through ultrafiltration membranes having a nominal molecular weight cut-off of 500 daltons. Extensive removal of dissolved ‘inorganic arsenic (V)’ is apparent from the distribution of arsenic in the estuary, with laboratory mixing experiments indicating that removal is favoured in the low salinity region. ‘Inorganic arsenic (III)’ and methylated arsenic species account for up to 41% and 70% of the dissolved arsenic, respectively, but are only found during the warmer months when water temperatures exceed ca. 12°C.  相似文献   

Quantitative sampling of the dominant intertidal epibiota was conducted seasonally along an estuarine gradient within the Great Bay Estuary System, New Hampshire, U.S.A. The abundance and zonation of the dominant macroorganisms varied with distance into the estuary. Replacement of marine by estuarine species occurred, and overall abundance and species richness decreased along the estuarine gradient. Zonation patterns within the inner estuary were primarily allied with substrata. Maximum abundance of invertebrates occurred in the mid-intertidal zone where a dense fucoid canopy provided habitat heterogeneity. Densities of epibiotic organisms decreased toward low water, especially in the inner estuary where hard substratum was limiting. Settlement blocks, introduced into the low intertidal zone, were dominated by barnacles and fucoid algae; after 16 months, the species composition on the settlement blocks resembled the adjacent community. Semibalanus balanoides settled in the spring, while Fucus vesiculosus var. spiralis exhibited low but constant settlement. Despite the physical rigors of the estuarine environment, only Semibalanus balanoides, Ilyanassa obsoleta and Spartina alterniflora showed significant seasonal changes in density. Thus, there are predictable and persistent epibiotic species assemblages within the intertidal zone of the Great Bay Estuary System.  相似文献   

长江口基础生物资源现状及年际变化趋势分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
探讨长江口生物资源可持续利用和对生物栖息环境的保护措施,2004年对长江口海域的基础生物资源进行4次监测。结果表明:浮游植物5月份有5门39属86种,8月份有6门48属139种,河口锋附近水域的浮游植物种类、数量较多,中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)在数量上处于绝对优势;浮游动物5月份为77种,8月份为91种,中小型浮游动物的数量在河口锋附近水域较高,主要优势种有针刺拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus aculeatus)等,大型浮游动物种类数量较高的区域位于长江冲淡水以外的海域,主要优势种为中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、五角水母(Muggiaea atlantica)、真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta);2004年共鉴定底栖生物146种,5月份63种,8月份108种,其中多毛类41种、甲壳类41种、软体动物32种、棘皮动物6种、鱼类21种、其他4种;长江口沿岸的崇明东滩、南汇边滩和嵊山岛共鉴定潮间带生物126种,其中5月份86种,8月份71种;鱼卵仔鱼计8目20科30属34种,鱼卵中绝大部分为凤鲚,其数量占95.7%,仔鱼以中华小公鱼出现频次最多。通过年际变化分析表明,长江口门以内区域浮游生物种类明显下降,长江冲淡水区域的生物资源基础饵料生物种类数基本保持稳定,浮游生物群落结构发生变化,硅藻比重减少,甲藻增加,长江口区域的潮下带和潮间带底栖生物种类数也存在不同程度的下降,以口门以内区域下降明显。  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(1):13-22
This paper is the first to describe the spatio-temporal changes of mesozooplankton in the Seine estuary. Monthly samples were collected along the estuary in 1996 in order to analyse the seasonal changes of the mesozooplankton community and to identify the major environmental parameters that may influence the spatial distribution of zooplankton in this megatidal estuary. Statistical analysis (canonical correspondence analysis) showed that salinity was the main factor correlated with the longitudinal distribution of zooplankton. Marine species (Temora longicornis, barnacle larvae…) were located in the outer part of the estuary, while more oligohaline species (Eurytemora affinis) were recorded in the inner part of the estuary. A mixed zone was characterised by the presence of the neritic copepods Acartia spp. and Eurytemora affinis. The marine species (e.g. T. longicornis, Oikopleura dioica, Barnacle larvae) showed maximum abundance at the end of spring (June) while the most abundant estuarine species, E. affinis, peaked in late winter-spring and declined with the onset of summer. This copepod dominated the estuarine zooplankton throughout the year, and found in the Seine estuary very high favourable conditions to exhibit ultimate abundances (> 190 000 ind m–3) which is one order of magnitude higher than those found in other European estuaries. It represented the main prey for major planktonivorous species such as suprabenthic and fish species located living in the upstream zone of the Seine estuary.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton diversity and community composition were studied along the Schelde river–estuary–coastal zone continuum during the summer of 2003. DCA analysis indicated a gradual compositional turnover of the phytoplankton community within the estuary. GAM modelling of species response curves along the estuarine gradient was used to identify taxa that had their population maximum in the river, the coastal zone or within the estuary. Taxa that had their population maximum within the estuary did not form a homogenous community but comprised species with different salinity optima and rather restricted salinity tolerances. The observed changes in community composition along the estuarine transition zone correspond more closely to an ecocline than to an ecotone model. Despite the fact that few taxa had their population maximum at or near the salinity gradient, alpha diversity did not display a minimum around the salinity gradient. This lack of a diversity minimum within the estuary was ascribed to an important contribution of taxa of riverine or coastal origin to alpha diversity within the estuary contributed. On average 55% of the alpha diversity in the estuarine samples was due to riverine or coastal taxa. Beta diversity displayed a clear maximum around the salinity gradient. For planktonic organisms which are subject to mass effects, beta diversity is probably a better indicator for the impact of the salinity gradient on diversity in estuaries than alpha diversity.  相似文献   

Floods are responsible for the variation in the concentration of different phosphorus forms contained in the sediment of a small shallow estuary (Palmones River). The maximum differences were observed in the middle estuary, while other stations, placed in the inner and outer parts, showed a less sensitive response. The apatite forms (AIP) are the major ones. Noticeable changes in the concentration of different phosphorus forms are related with fine grain size sediment. In spite of different responses obtained along the estuary, the results reveal the possibility of using phosphorus concentration as a flood event index, discarding the use of phosphorus speciation for the same purpose.  相似文献   

Sampling was conducted along the quasi meridional transect at 130° E from the Lena River estuary to northern deep-sea regions of the Laptev Sea in September 2015. The latitudinal zonality and the impact of river runoff are manifested in the temperature and salinity distribution, concentration of particulate organic matter, and the structure of plankton communities. The differences in the chl a concentration and primary production along the transect are insignificant. The feeding rate of mesozooplankton herbivores was assessed by a fluorescence technique. The total consumption of phytoplankton biomass and primary production are estimated based on the feeding rate, abundance of zooplankton species, and their diel migrations. The daily grazing impact of zooplankton on phytoplankton biomass increases from 2% on the inner shelf to 3% on the mid-shelf, 5% on the outer shelf, and 10% in the deep-sea part of the basin. The consumption of primary production also increases: 1, 4.5, 5.7, and 13.9%, respectively. In the fall, the consumption of phytoplankton does not compensate the energy demands for respiration. The latitudinal zonality of the Laptev Sea appears not only in the hydrophysical water parameters and the structure of plankton communities, but also in their functional characteristics.  相似文献   

The barnacle Balanus glandula is predominantly an open coast species in the Northeast Pacific. However, B. glandula densely inhabits estuaries where environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature drastically differ from the open coast. The increased variability of environmental conditions within an estuary can potentially affect spatial patterns of reproduction in B. glandula . I examined gonad maturity, reproductive periodicity and fecundity, and then calculated reproductive output in B. glandula populations distributed along an estuarine gradient. Results indicated that reproductive output of this intertidal barnacle decreased four times over a spatial scale of kilometers, as a transition occurred from a marine to a freshwater habitat along an estuarine gradient. Additionally, a higher proportion of the population had well-developed gonads in the oceanic end of the estuary compared to the riverine end. These results indicate how reproductive pattern can significantly vary over a spatial scale of kilometers, resulting in site-specific contributions of offspring to the larval pool.  相似文献   

近二十年来,随着海洋环境科学的发展,河口污染和生态问题日益受到重视。关于污水排放对河口内湾浮游植物生态的影响,近年Ketchum, B. H. (1967); McCormick, J.M. 等(1975); Rice, T. R. (1975); Jenkins, S. H. (1978); Thompson, G. B. 等(1981 ); Meyers, V. B. 等(1983)和Joint, I. R.(1984)都做过调查研究和评论。但迄今国内有关这方面的研究报道甚少。 海河口是一个有污染源的生态环境特殊的感潮河口,受自然因素和人类活动的影响很大。由于其地理位置得天独厚,水质肥沃,饵料丰富,历来是许多经济鱼虾类优良的天然产卵、索饵和肥育的场所,在渤海渔业上占有重要位置。但近十多年,由于入海径流量锐减和城市污水排海总量的增加1),其水质逐渐恶化,环境正由半咸水向海洋化方向演变,对河口渔业构成严重威胁。对此,我所曾于1978-1981年对渤海湾的污染状况及影响进行过多学科的综合调查,在渤海湾污染的浮游植物生态效应、海湾富营养化及其与赤潮的关系等方面,也做过初步研究(邹景忠等,1983; 1984; 1985 )。当时由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口有机污染及生态效应的研究还很不够,所获得的一些资料尚不足以作出定量的科学论断。 本文着重探讨海河口区浮游植物的生态变化及其与有机污染的关系,旨在为综合分析和评价海河口区目前的生态质量及演变趋势,为河口环境的综合整治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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