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湖泊水情遥感研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋春桥  詹鹏飞  马荣华 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1406-1420
湖泊作为最直接的淡水资源之一,在人类的生产、生活各方面都占据至关重要的地位.受到全球气候变化与人类活动的影响,湖泊正在发生急剧变化,因而有必要对其进行快速、准确的时空变化监测,从而为水资源管理与保护、未来气候变化预警提供依据.遥感技术的产生与发展为大范围、实时动态的湖泊变化监测提供了难得的契机,它克服了人类对湖泊实地考察的局限性.本文对现有国内外湖泊水情遥感监测技术与方法进行了综合梳理,主要综述了国内外在湖泊水域范围提取、湖泊水位提取、湖泊水量估算、流域水文过程等方面的遥感研究进展情况,重点总结了该领域近年来提出的新方法和新技术.最后,结合当前遥感技术的发展,对未来遥感在湖泊动态变化监测中的应用潜力和趋势进行了简要论述,并对多源遥感数据融合与云计算平台的结合在地表水体连续变化监测中的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

湖泊湿地水文过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊湿地是世界上最重要的生态系统之一,在调蓄洪水、净化环境、保护生物多样性以及为人类提供淡水和食物等方面发挥着不可替代的作用.然而,受气候变化和人类活动叠加影响,湖泊湿地水文过程发生了剧烈变化,湖泊湿地面临着面积萎缩、质量下降和服务功能退化等风险.本文总结了原位观测、数值模拟和遥感技术在获取湖泊湿地关键水文要素方面的优...  相似文献   

全球变化下青藏高原湖泊在地表水循环中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
青藏高原是地球上最重要的高海拔地区之一,对全球变化具有敏感响应.青藏高原作为"亚洲水塔",其地表水资源及其变化对高原本身及周边地区的经济社会发展具有重要的影响.然而,在气候变暖的情况下,构成高原地表水资源的各个组分,如冰川、湖泊、河流、降水等水体的相变及其转化却鲜为人知.湖泊是青藏高原地表水体相变和水循环的关键环节.湖泊面积、水位和水量对西风和印度季风的降水变化非常敏感,但湖泊面积和水量变化在不同区域和时段的响应也不尽相同.湖泊水温对气候变暖具有明显响应,湖泊水温和水下温跃层深度的变化能够对水—气的热量交换具有明显影响,从而影响了区域蒸发和降水等水循环过程.由于湖泊水量增加,高原中部色林错地区湖泊盐度自1970s以来普遍下降.根据60多个湖泊实地监测建立的遥感反演模型研究发现,2000—2019年湖泊透明度普遍升高.对不同补给类型的大湖水量平衡监测发现,影响湖泊变化的气象和水文要素具有较大差异.在目前的暖湿气候条件下,青藏高原的湖泊将会持续扩张.为了深入认识湖泊变化在青藏高原区域水循环和气候变化中的作用,需要全面了解湖泊水量赋存及连续的时间序列变化,需要深入了解湖泊理化参数变化及对湖泊大气之间热量交换的影响,需要更多来自大湖流域的综合连续观测数据.  相似文献   

基于水平衡模型的呼伦湖湖泊水量变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对北方寒旱区呼伦湖水位下降、水面萎缩的现象,根据气候特征,利用月水量平衡模型探究湖泊水文过程并揭示其变化规律.在此基础上,利用不同气候条件下各水平衡项对于湖泊水位的影响程度确定水位升降的直接原因.基于1963-1980年间水位的实测数据,根据水量平衡原理及其他辅助计算判断出湖泊与周边区域存在着地下水的交换,且具有一定的规律性,即历年11月至次年3月期间的累积降雪融化渗入土壤中形成浅层径流补给湖泊,而7、8月份湖泊补给周边草原.基于以上规律,根据周边坡面汇流、地下水与湖泊交换量的年内变化特征,利用水平衡方程式推算湖泊1981-2008年逐月水位变化,并与其他研究成果比较,吻合度较高.不同气候条件下,径流量对于湖泊水位的影响程度最为突出,是水位变化的主控因子.  相似文献   

呼伦湖水位、盐度变化(1961-2002年)   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
为重建水文资料缺乏的呼伦湖流域的水文、水质序列,本研究基于长期的气象观测记录,采用彭曼公式估计了湖泊的水面蒸发,并建立一个两参数月水量平衡模型模拟湖周的入流,通过水量平衡计算.建立了42年(1961-2002)的呼伦湖区水量变化序列,并模拟了湖泊月水量、水位、含盐度的变化.模拟的水位、含盐度变化趋势与实际比较接近,模拟精度较好,其误差在可以接受范围内.所重建的42年呼伦湖区水文、含盐度序列,可为该区域的水资源评价管理、开发利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

人类活动的加强导致湖泊生态系统发生"突变",造成生物多样性下降、藻类暴发、水质恶化等等环境和生态问题.中国许多湖泊已经发生"突变"或面临着突变风险.获悉湖泊生态系统发生突变的时空差异对于区域湖泊的保护,预防湖泊突变的发生以及制定合适的修复策略至关重要.本研究收集了中国55个不同区域湖泊的古湖沼学数据,探讨了湖泊突变的区域特点.研究确定了湖泊生态系统发生突变时间和区域差异,并揭示了空间差异的原因.结果表明,中国湖泊生态系统突变时间的区域分异特征为:长江中下游湖泊最早出现突变;东部和东北湖区湖泊突变时间明显早于西南、内蒙古和新疆湖泊;各湖区内,城郊湖泊突变时间早于乡村湖泊.人类活动强度是造成湖泊突变时空差异的主要驱动力.研究认为,区域人类活动强度影响了湖泊生态系统的演化进程,造成了中国湖泊生态系统突变的区域差异.本研究从生态系统突变的角度,利用古湖沼学综述了中国湖泊生态系统在人类活动下的演化进程,更深刻地认识了中国湖泊现状,为湖泊保护提供了有力的科学依据.  相似文献   

梁新歌  王涵  赵爽  宋春桥 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2111-2122
在全球气候变暖和极端气候事件增加的背景下,流域水文循环过程受到的影响越来越强烈,导致湖泊水位变化表现出复杂的时空特征。而泛北极地区是地球上湖泊数量与面积分布最为集中的区域之一,该地区湖泊对气候变化响应非常敏感。因此,了解这些湖泊近期水文变化特征十分必要。本研究共搜集了36个泛北极大型湖泊(>500 km2)基于遥感或站点观测的近20年水位数据,分析其时空变化特征。本文使用线性回归模型来估算湖泊水位的变化趋势,进而利用皮尔逊相关分析了其主要水文影响变量和大气环流机制,并运用Mann-Kendall突变检验法探讨了水位突变的原因。结果表明,泛北极湖泊的水位整体上呈现不同程度上升(平均速率为0.013 m/a),有23个(64%)湖泊的水位呈上升趋势;研究湖泊中有10个通过90%统计显著性检验。其中,水位上升速率最大的湖泊是位于哈萨克斯坦的腾吉兹湖,上升速率为0.078 m/a。泛北极湖泊水位的波动主要与径流有关,有19个(53%)湖泊的水位波动与径流的增加更为相关;相比而言,位于亚洲的极地湖泊水位的上升与流域蒸发的降低显著相关,尤其是库苏古尔湖。从区域大气环流影响来看,泛北极湖泊水位变化主要与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动有关,其次是北极涛动和北大西洋涛动。本研究有助于加深对泛北极湖泊近20年水位变化规律及气候影响特征的科学理解。  相似文献   

崔逸凡  刘元波 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1501-1515
湖泊蒸发是连接湖泊水分循环与能量平衡的关键纽带之一,认识湖泊蒸发过程对于理解湖-气间相互作用机制十分重要。然而,由于湖泊的形态结构、地理位置和气候背景不同,各湖泊在不同时间尺度上的蒸发特征不同。湖泊蒸发存在复杂的物理驱动过程、时间尺度相关的反馈以及空间异质性。准确地捕捉并量化湖泊蒸发过程,仍是湖沼学、水文学和气象学等学科的重要研究内容。本文首先介绍了湖泊蒸发的主要观测手段,然后概述了湖泊蒸发在日内、季节、年际、年代际四种不同时间尺度的变化特征;梳理了不同时间尺度各要素对湖泊蒸发的影响,以及湖泊蒸发与湖泊面积和深度等形态结构特性及纬度和海拔等地理因素之间的关系;对自涡度相关技术等高精度仪器应用以来的湖泊蒸发研究进展做出了总结。  相似文献   

城市湖泊时空演变的遥感分析——以武汉市为例   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
曾忠平  卢新海 《湖泊科学》2008,20(5):648-654
在GIS技术支持下,以多时相Landsat TM/ETM 遥感影像为数据源,利用NDWI指数提取武汉市1991年、1995年、2000年、2002年的湖泊水域面积信息,引入湖泊萎缩强度等测度指标,从时空两方面对主城区湖泊水域变化和26个主要湖泊的发展演化特征进行了系统地分析.结果表明,从1991年到2002年,武汉市主城区湖泊水域面积急剧减少,达38.67km2;主要湖泊水域的面积变化具有时空分异特征,湖泊萎缩变化与湖泊所处地区的城市建设水平、道路交通规划、政策导向等因素密切相关.分析认为,城市湖泊转变为公园后,萎缩现象得到明显遏制,通过立法加强湖泊保护力度并尽早制定城市湖泊的规划管理措施,是保护武汉幸存湖泊的有力手段.  相似文献   

青藏高原大部分湖泊近年来持续扩张,湖泊水位和水量明显增加.冰川消融是流域水量平衡和水循环的重要影响因素,直接导致湖泊水量变化.由于缺乏大范围的冰川质量平衡观测结果,青藏高原冰川消融对湖泊水量变化的影响仍存在较大争议.本文选择青藏高原内流区的色林错流域区(水系编号5Z2)作为研究对象,利用SRTM DEM和TanDEM-X双站InSAR数据,精确估算该流域三个主要冰川区(普若岗日、格拉丹东和西念青唐古拉)2000—2012年的冰川质量平衡,依次为:-0.020±0.030、-0.128±0.049、-0.143±0.032m·w.e.·a-1.并据此采用面积加权法准确推估出5Z2流域的冰川质量变化为:-0.166±0.021Gt·a-1.综合ICESat和Cryosat-2卫星测高数据,计算该流域2003—2012年湖泊水量变化速率(3.006±0.202Gt·a-1),并定量评估冰川质量变化对5Z2流域湖泊水量增加的贡献为:5.52%±1.07%,因此在青藏高原色林错流域区,冰川消融不是导致21世纪初期湖泊水位上升的主要因素.  相似文献   

王欣  丁永建  张勇 《湖泊科学》2019,31(3):609-620
冰川融水通过热量、水、物质传输对山地冰冻圈冰湖水文效应产生影响,引起广泛关注.本文从山地冰冻圈冰湖的水量、物理化学性质、生物等方面系统总结冰川融水对冰湖水文效应的影响.冰川融水被冰湖滞留能在一定程度上延缓区域冰川水资源的亏损,但也直接导致了潜在危险性冰湖数量和危险程度增大.冰川融水对冰湖物理性质的影响主要表现在降低湖水温度、影响透明度/浊度、改变湖水密度、造成湖水热力分层现象等方面,对冰湖化学性质的影响主要表现在增加湖水中的氮素、溶解有机物、持久性有机污染物、各类离子和重金属等,进而影响冰湖生物的分布、组成、结构和功能.深入系统地开展冰川融水及其变化对冰湖水文效应研究,对冰川水文与水资源、山地冰冻圈生态环境研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The level of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, fluctuates annually and seasonally following the patterns of changes in precipitation. In this study, a mass balance approach is used to estimate the hydrological balance of the lake. Water influx from four major rivers, subsurface inflow from the floodplains, precipitation, outflow from the lake constituting river discharge and evapotranspiration from the lake are analysed on monthly and annual bases. Spatial interpolation of precipitation using rain gauge data was conducted using kriging. Outflow from the lake was identified as the evaporation from the lake's surface as well as discharge at the outlet where the Blue Nile commences. Groundwater inflow is estimated using MODular three‐dimensional finite‐difference ground‐water FLOW model software that showed an aligned flow pattern to the river channels. The groundwater outflow is considered negligible based on the secondary sources that confirmed the absence of lake water geochemical mixing outside of the basin. Evaporation is estimated using Penman's, Meyer's and Thornwaite's methods to compare the mass balance and energy balance approaches. Meteorological data, satellite images and temperature perturbation simulations from Global Historical Climate Network of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration are employed for estimation of evaporation input parameters. The difference of the inflow and outflow was taken as storage in depth and compared with the measured water level fluctuations. The study has shown that the monthly and annually calculated lake level replicates the observed values with root mean square error value of 0·17 and 0·15 m, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water resources development and exploitation are critical for a viable and sustainable modern human society. Unfortunately, however, there is a considerable water storage depletion and environmental degradation in especially (semi)‐arid river basins due to the forces of population growth, urbanization, industrialization and intensive agricultural irrigation. Addressing water storage depletion is not only a question of research, but is very much a question of developing appropriate countermeasures to preserve valuable/fragile ecological systems. As one such effort, this study analyzes the hydrology and storage in Baiyangdian Lake as affected by water resources development and exploitation in the Baiyangdian Lake Catchment of Northern China. Three models, WetSpass (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and the Atmosphere under quasi‐Steady State), WATBUD (Water Budget) and MODFLOW (USGS three‐dimensional finite‐difference groundwater flow model) were used in combination to simulate the hydrogeologic conditions in the lake catchment for 1956–2008. The model‐calibrated values are in good agreement with the measured values, with R2 > 0·8 and RMSE < 10% of measured values. Runoff, the primary source of water for the lake storage, has steadily declined due mainly to multiple dam construction and reservoir impoundments in the headwater valleys and rivers in the catchment. In addition to dwindling runoff, groundwater levels have declined considerably due to over‐abstraction, mainly for agricultural irrigation. Additionally, evaporation or evapotranspiration is increasing in the lake catchment due to rising temperatures. The worsening hydrological conditions, amid the harsh semi‐arid climate, have resulted in considerable depletion of the storage and hydrology of Baiyangdian Lake. Sustainable countermeasures like agricultural water‐saving and infusion of external water (e.g., via by the South–North Water Transfer Project) could be a viable option for preserving not only the hydrology of the lake catchment, but also storage in Baiyangdian Lake. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

生态需水是湖泊生态系统的重要指标,维持着湖泊生态系统的良性循环.以内蒙古中部半干旱湖泊岱海为研究对象,对湖泊动态生态需水进行分析.本研究在遥感和气象数据的基础上,获得1975-2020年长时间序列高精度水文要素数据,分析岱海水文要素时空演变规律;通过天然生态水深分析法、水深经验频率分析法和湖泊形态分析法分析岱海的水深随面积变化的关键水深;构建基于生态耗水规律的湖泊生态需水模型,计算自然状态下岱海生态需水动态变化范围.研究结果如下:岱海地区6-9月为丰水期,10月至次年5月为枯水期;45 a以来岱海水面面积呈显著下降趋势,近年来下降速率减缓;枯水期岱海适宜生态水深为8.72~9.92 m,丰水期为9.40~10.69 m,适宜生态需水量为5.62亿~7.71亿m3,适宜湖面面积为70.92~84.77 km2.本文构建了长时间序列气候水文数据库,确定岱海动态生态需水范围可以实现对湖泊生态健康的实时监测,为相关规划与管理提供科学依据及可操作性指导,从而为岱海湖泊治理提供理论参考.  相似文献   

The hydrology and water balance of megadunes and lakes have been investigated in the Badain Jaran Desert of China. Field observations and analyses of sand layer water content, field capacity, secondary salt content, and grain size reveal 3 types of important natural phenomenon: (a) vegetation bands on the leeward slope of the megadunes reflect the hydrological regime within the sandy vadose zone; (b) seepage, wet sand deposits, and secondary salt deposits indicate the pattern of water movement within the sandy vadose zone; (c) zones of groundwater seeps and descending springs around the lakes reflect the influence of the local topography on the hydrological regime of the megadunes. The seepage exposed on the sloping surface of the megadunes and gravity water contained within the sand layer confirm the occurrence of preferential flow within the vadose zone of the megadunes. Alternating layers of coarse and fine sand create the conditions for the formation of preferential flows. The preferential flows promote movement of water within the sand layer water that leads to deep penetration of water within the megadunes and ultimately to the recharging of groundwater and lake water. Our results indicate that a positive water balance promotes recharge of the megadunes, which depends on the high permeability of the megadune material, the shallow depth of the surface sand layer affected by evaporation, the occurrence of rainfall events exceeding 15 mm, and the sparse vegetation cover. Water balance estimates indicate that the annual water storage of the megadunes is about 7.5 mm, accounting for only 8% of annual precipitation; however, the shallow groundwater per unit area under the megadunes receives only 3.6% of annual precipitation, but it is still able to maintain a dynamic balance of the lake water. From a water budget perspective, the annual water storage in the megadunes is sufficient to serve as a recharge source for lake water, thereby enabling the long‐term persistence of the lakes. Overall, our findings demonstrate that precipitation is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid deserts.  相似文献   

Devils Lake, a terminal lake in eastern North Dakota, rose more than 9 m between 1992 and 2013, producing a 286% increase in lake area, and causing more than US$1 billion in direct damages. An annual volumetric lake water budget is developed from monthly hydroclimatological variables for the period 1951–2010 to investigate the rapid lake expansion. The lake is an amplifier terminal lake in which long-term climatic changes are amplified by positive feedback mechanisms, causing the lake to transition from a precipitation-dominated to a runoff-dominated water budget. Factors specific to the Devils Lake Basin further amplify this positive feedback relationship. These include principles of fill–spill hydrology that operate between individual sub-basins within the closed basin, and between the innumerable wetland complexes within each sub-basin. These factors create a pronounced non-stationary precipitation–runoff relationship in the basin during both long-term wetting and drying phases.  相似文献   

The use of stable isotopes is a practical tool in the study of the lake water budget. This is an one way to study the hydrological cycle in the large numbers of inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, in which the isotope record of the sediment is believed to reflect the climatic and environmental changes. The monitoring of stable isotopes of the precipitation, river and lake waters during 2004 in the inland Yamdruk‐tso basin, southern Tibetan Plateau, reveals the lake water δ18O is over 10‰ higher than the local precipitation. This high difference indicates strong isotope enrichment due to lake water evaporation. The simulation results based on the isotope technique show that the present lake water δ18O level corresponds to an average relative humidity of around 54–58% during evaporation, which is very close to the instrumental observation. The simulation results also show that the inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau have a strong adjustability to the isotope shift of input water δ18O. On average, the isotope component in the inland lake water is to a large extent controlled by the local relative humidity, and can also be impacted by a shift of the local precipitation isotope component. This is probably responsible for the large consistence in the isotope component in the extensive inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着云南社会经济的持续发展与极端气候事件的频发,高原大中型湖泊面临着水质恶化、生态与环境功能退化的长期胁迫.为识别亚热带大型湖泊面临的主要环境压力,以杞麓湖为研究对象,在对沉积物钻孔进行物理(粒度、烧失量)、生物(色素、硅藻)等指标分析的基础上,结合现代监测和湖泊调查数据,重建了近两百年来湖泊水文条件、富营养化和环境变化的历史,并对硅藻群落结构的演化进行了驱动过程识别.沉积物粒度在1958年之前变化总体较为稳定且有较高的黏土含量;随着围湖造田等流域开发的增强,沉积物粒度组成自1960s开始频繁波动且粗颗粒组分快速增加.1981—2000年期间,随着落水洞泄水工程的修建杞麓湖的水位控制与水文调控得到加强,沉积物砂质含量降低且粒度组成变化较小;2000—2013年期间,湖泊疏浚工程的开展和区域降水的持续减少都导致了沉积物粒度组成波动较大、粗颗粒组成较高.沉积物色素记录了湖泊初级生产力的缓慢上升出现于19世纪中后期,并自1960s开始总叶绿素与蓝藻色素含量总体出现了较大幅度的增加趋势并持续至今.而在2000—2005年期间,湖泊浅水区的疏浚清淤导致了内源营养盐输入量的降低与藻类生物量的明显下降;沉积物蓝藻色素含量在1998、2008和2012—2013年左右出现明显的峰值,指示杞麓湖可能出现了较大范围的蓝藻暴发事件.统计分析结果显示,湖泊硅藻群落结构出现了多次明显转变且呈现底栖硅藻百分比长期降低的特征,水体富营养化的持续是驱动硅藻群落结构演替的主要因子,而水生植物退化、水文条件与气候变化也对硅藻群落的构建产生了重要的叠加影响.本文的沉积物分析结果表明,亚热带大型湖泊的生态治理与环境保护需要重点围绕营养盐负荷控制、水文调控优化与底栖生境恢复,并需应对全球变暖与极端气候事件产生的叠加影响.  相似文献   

Changes in the hydrological processes in alpine soil constitute one of the several key problems encountered with studying watershed hydrology and ecosystem stability against the background of global warming. A typically developing thermokarst lake was chosen as a subject for a study using model simulation based on observations of soil physical properties, infiltration processes, and soil moisture. The results showed that the selected thermokarst lake imposed certain changes on the soil infiltration processes and, with the degree of impact intensifying, the initial infiltration rate decreased. The greatest reduction was achieved in the area of moderate impact. However, the stable infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration gradually increased in the surface layer at a depth of 10 and 20 cm, both decreasing initially and then increasing, which is correlated significantly with soil textures. Moreover, the cumulative infiltration changed in line with steady infiltration rate. Based on a comparative analysis, the Horton model helps better understand the effect on the soil infiltration processes of the cold alpine meadow close to the chosen thermokarst lake. In conclusion, the formation of the thermokarst lake reduced the water holding capacity of the alpine meadow soil and caused the hydraulic conductivity to increase, resulting in the reduction of runoff capacity in the area of the thermokarst lake.  相似文献   

Lake water level regimes are influenced by climate, hydrology and land use. Intensive land use has led to a decline in lake levels in many regions, with direct impacts on lake hydrology, ecology and ecosystem services. This study examined the role of climate and river flow regime in controlling lake regimes using three different lakes with different hydraulic characteristics (volume-inflow ratio, CIR). The regime changes in the lakes were determined for five different river inflows and five different climate patterns (hot-arid, tropical, moderate, cold-arid, cold-wet), giving 75 different combinations of governing factors in lake hydrology. The input data were scaled to unify them for lake comparisons. By considering the historical lake volume fluctuations, the duration (number of months) of lake volume in different ‘wetness’ regimes from ‘dry’ to ‘wet’ was used to develop a new index for lake regime characterisation, ‘Degree of Lake Wetness’ (DLW). DLW is presented as two indices: DLW1, providing a measure of lake filling percentage based on observed values and lake geometry, and DLW2, providing an index for lake regimes based on historical fluctuation patterns. These indices were used to classify lake types based on their historical time series for variable climate and river inflow. The lake response time to changes in hydrology or climate was evaluated. Both DLW1 and DLW2 were sensitive to climate and hydrological changes. The results showed that lake level in high CIR systems depends on climate, whereas in systems with low CIR it depends more on river regime.  相似文献   

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