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利用地质灾害综合危险性指数法对长吉图经济区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等环境地质灾害的易发性进行分区. 研究区内诱发地质灾害最主要的因素是降水, 其次为地形地貌. 和龙市、龙井市、延吉市、珲春市、安图县部分地区、汪清县嘎呀河上游沿岸以及长白山天池周边等地为崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害高易发区, 约占研究区总面积的22. 31%, 共有地质灾害点726处, 平均密度为4. 52个/100 km2; 蛟河市、永吉县、敦化市、汪清县等低山丘陵地区为崩塌、滑坡、泥石流地质灾害中易发区, 约占研究区总面积48. 10%, 共有地质灾害点671处, 平均密度为1. 94个/100 km2; 伊通县、吉林市、长春市、德惠县、农安县一带为崩塌、滑坡、泥石流地质灾害低易发区, 约占研究区总面积29. 59%, 共有地质灾害点157处, 平均密度为0. 74个/100 km2.  相似文献   

广东省主要地质灾害发育特点与防治对策   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
广东省主要地质灾害类型有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降、水土流失等。其中以崩塌、滑坡及地面塌陷为主,多分布在粤东、粤西和粤北等广大中低山区和丘陵区。具有点多面广,活动频繁,危害严重特点。据不完全统计,“九五”期间全省共发生较大规模突发性地质灾害217处,死亡497人,伤597人,直接经济损失约17.43亿元。过量抽取地下水引起的地面沉降主要分布于湛江市区。至2001年,沉降中心最大累计沉降量达178.7mm;工程作用引起的地面沉降(软土地基压缩变形),主要分布在珠江三角洲及潮汕平原地区。地质灾害主要诱发因素是降雨和人类工程经济活动。根据地质环境条件和致灾地质作用特征将全省划分为5个地质灾害区:粤北中低山崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷为主的地质灾害发育区(I);粤西低山丘陵滑坡、泥石流灾害、地面塌陷为主地质灾害发育区(Ⅱ);粤东低山丘陵崩塌、滑坡灾害、水土流失为主的地质灾害发育区(Ⅲ);沿海台地平原区软土地基沉降、风暴潮地质灾害发育区(Ⅳ);珠江三角洲平原台地地区软土地基沉降、地面塌陷为主的地质灾害发育区(V)。论文还提出了广东省地质灾害防治对策。  相似文献   

新乡市是地质灾害易发区,主要发育有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝等地质灾害。笔者在新乡市地质灾害现状调查的基础上,分析了地质灾害的分布特点和成因,并对全市的地质灾害防治提出具体措施。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市作为新疆自治区首府,地理位置重要,该市区域发育的地质灾害类型主要为地面塌陷、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流,地裂缝和地面沉降不发育,共有地质灾害点274处。通过对改市主要地质灾害类型的分布规律和影响因素进行研究,发现受地貌单元、人口分布及活动范围不同,地质灾害点分布不均。地质灾害的地貌差异较为明显。在此基础上,对该市区域内的地质灾害易发区进行评价,将辖区内的地质灾害易发区划分为地质灾害高易发区、中易发区、低易发区及不易发区4个大区,为当地政府开展地质灾害防治工作提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

西北地区矿山地质灾害的现状及其时空分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何芳  徐友宁  陈华清  张江华 《地质通报》2008,27(8):1245-1255
西北地区矿产资源丰富,但大部分地区生态环境脆弱。矿业开发引发和加剧的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝等地质灾害,严重威胁着矿山的正常生产和人民的生命财产安全。为了给西北地区矿山地质灾害监测和预警提供基础资料,依据2005年西北5省区矿山地质环境调查与评估的成果资料,系统分析和总结了西北地区矿山的地质灾害现状、危害程度及时空分布特征。结果表明,地面塌陷、地裂缝灾害数量最多、影响面积最大,泥石流灾害造成的人员死亡和经济损失最严重。秦岭山地是金属矿山泥石流灾害的高发区,黄土高原和其他山地则是煤矿山地面塌陷、地裂缝灾害的多发区。20世纪90年代以来,矿山5种地质灾害的数量是以前的8倍,地质灾害数量呈加剧的趋势。矿山地质灾害的监测、防治工作任重而道远。  相似文献   

青海化隆县地质灾害易发性区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过青海化隆县1:5万地质灾害详细调查工作,基本查清了该县境内的地质灾害类型、规模、危害程度及时空展布规律,并进行了地质灾害易发程度分区和风险性评价。(1)县境内共发育地质灾害点438处,其中滑坡243处,不稳定斜坡92处,泥石流沟90条,崩塌13处,其展布主要受控于地形地貌和气候条件。(2)利用GIS信息量模型区划评价了县境内的地质灾害高易发区和高风险区,认为化隆县境内地质灾害高易发区面积占县境总面积的49.1%;中易发区面积占33.5%。;低易发区面积占17.4%。(3)地质灾害高风险区面积占总面积的44.3%;中风险区面积占37.4%;低风险区面积占18.3%。评价区划成果将为当地政府有效开展地质灾害群测群防工作提供基础数据。  相似文献   

在分析区域地质环境背景基础上,总结出唐山地区主要公路工程地质灾害有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、采空塌陷、地面沉降、地裂缝和砂土液化,其中崩塌、滑坡、泥石流为主要灾害。并根据灾害发育特征提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

通过对耿马县内威胁人民生命财产的隐患点和灾害点进行野外实地调查,获取第一手资料,对耿马县内地质灾害的分布规律进行了研究。耿马县内发育各类地质灾害144处(条),灾害类型齐全。其中滑坡118处,崩塌18处,泥石流沟2处、地裂缝和地面塌陷各3处,以滑坡为主,其次为崩塌。零星发育泥石流、地裂缝和地面塌陷。区内地质灾害在空间上具有点状产出、线状延伸、局部集中发育的特点;总体上不同地质灾害发育明显受地形地貌影响。夏季强降雨是区内地质灾害的主要诱因;地层岩性控制地质灾害类型;耿马盆地内的滑坡直接受新近系灰、浅灰色粘土岩、砂质粘土岩的膨胀性控制,降雨和人类经济工程活动是滑坡发生的直接诱因。  相似文献   

威宁县近年频繁发生崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷和地裂缝等地质灾害.根据调查成果,研究灾害的危害、分布和特征,分析其形成条件和影响因素,将威宁县区划为高、中、低易发区,确立重点和一般防治区,并提出防治对策.  相似文献   

通过对耿马县内威胁人民生命财产的隐患点和灾害点进行野外实地调查,获取第一手资料,对耿马县内地质灾害的分布规律进行了研究。耿马县内发育各类地质灾害144处(条),灾害类型齐全。其中滑坡118处,崩塌18处,泥石流沟2处、地裂缝和地面塌陷各3处,以滑坡为主,其次为崩塌。零星发育泥石流、地裂缝和地面塌陷。区内地质灾害在空间上具有点状产出、线状延伸、局部集中发育的特点;总体上不同地质灾害发育明显受地形地貌影响。夏季强降雨是区内地质灾害的主要诱因;地层岩性控制地质灾害类型;耿马盆地内的滑坡直接受新近系灰、浅灰色粘土岩、砂质粘土岩的膨胀性控制,降雨和人类经济工程活动是滑坡发生的直接诱因。  相似文献   

我国区域地质灾害评价的现状及问题   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
滑坡等地质灾害的区域评价对制定区域地质灾害防治规划、指导国土资源的合理开发和地质环境的妥善保护具有重要意义,也是地质灾害风险评价与风险管理的基础。本文以滑坡灾种为典型,总结了近10年来中国在这一领域所开展的工作和所取得的进展。在此基础上,重点指出了工作中所暴露出来的一些问题和这些问题产生的原因。针对这些问题,提出了应该注意的方面和有关的对策措施。  相似文献   

2010年4月14日7时49分,青海省玉树县发生MS7.1级地震。玉树地震不仅造成大量房屋破坏与人员伤亡,同时引发了大量的崩塌、滑坡和山体裂缝,并且形成了大量的诸如泥石流、碎屑流等链生灾害隐患,造成玉树震区地质灾害分布规律与发育特征发生显著改变。通过现场调查与数据统计,对地震前后地质灾害分布规律与发育特征进行分析、研究。结果表明: 玉树震区震前地质灾害呈零星点状分布,以泥石流、不稳定斜坡为主要地质灾害类型,规模以小型为主,形成时间主要集中于每年的5~7月。震后,玉树震区地质灾害数量显著增加,在宏观震中结古镇主震断裂穿越的巴曲两岸与结古镇北部山区以及扎曲南部山区,沿主震断裂呈面状集中分布,距离主震断裂较远或远离宏观震中的区域呈零星点状分布。地质灾害受玉树主震断裂控制明显,并受坡型、坡高与坡度的控制; 地质灾害主要分布于距主震断裂2km以内的北盘区域,在坡型上主要分布于凸型与直线型坡,高程为3800~4000m内,坡度在25~40范围内,且以30~35范围内地质灾害最为发育; 地震造成山体地表裂缝所形成的地质灾害隐患比较突出,大中型规模的地质灾害数量明显增加,危害程度显著增高; 汛期地质灾害发育更加集中,并加剧冻融期地质灾害的孕育。  相似文献   

On Monday, May 12, 2008, a devastating mega-earthquake of magnitude 8.0 struck the Wenchuan area, northwestern Sichuan Province, China. The focal mechanism of the earthquake was successive massive rock fracturing 15 km in depth at Yingxiu. Seismic analysis confirms that the major shock occurred on the Beichuan–Yingxiu Fault and that aftershocks rapidly extended in a straight northeast–southeast direction along the Longmenshan Fault zone. Fatalities approaching a total of 15,000 occurred, with a significant number resulting from four types of seismically triggered geohazards—rock avalanches and landslides, landslide-dammed lakes (“earthquake lakes”), and debris flows. China Geological Survey has identified 4,970 potentially risky sites, 1,701 landslides, 1,844 rock avalanches, 515 debris flows, and 1,093 unstable slopes. Rock avalanches and landslides caused many fatalities directly and disrupted the transportation system, extensively disrupting rescue efforts and thereby causing additional fatalities. Landslide-dammed lakes not only flooded human habitats in upstream areas but also posed threats to potentially inundated downstream areas with large populations. Debris flows become the most remarkable geohazards featured by increasing number, high frequency, and low triggering rainfall. Earthquake-triggered geohazards sequentially induced and transformed to additional hazards. For example, debris flows occurred on rock avalanches and landslides, followed by landslide-dammed lakes, and then by additional debris flows and breakouts of the landslide-dammed lakes and downstream flooding. Earthquake-induced geohazards occurred mainly along the fault zone and decreased sharply with distance from the fault. It can be anticipated that post-earthquake geohazards, particularly for debris flows, will continue for 5–10 years and even for as long as 20 years. An integrated strategy of continuing emergency response and economic reconstruction is required. The lesson from Wenchuan Earthquake is that the resulted geohazards may appear in large number in active fault regions. A plan for geohazard prevention in the earthquake-active mountainous areas is needed in advance.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害发育规律初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用遥感手段,结合MapGis,研究了喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害的发育情况,发现本区发育的主要地质灾害有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、冰湖以及堰塞湖。其中崩塌、滑坡、泥石流斜坡地质灾害是本区最重要的地质灾害类型,占到总灾害数量的95.3%。在此基础上对喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害发育规律初步研究,发现本区地质灾害的发育在空间上的分布并非均匀,而是具有丛集性的特点。滑坡灾害主要发育在隆子和朗县。泥石流灾害比较严重的有米林、隆子和洛扎3县,而崩塌则主要集中在隆子县。研究发现,本区滑坡发育与地层、地形坡度以及土地类型关系密切,其中修康群、日当组和念青唐古拉群是本区的易滑地层。涅如组由于面积大,其中发育的滑坡较多,但是滑坡的发育率只略高于本区的平均水平。统计表明,16~30的坡度范围是滑坡最容易发生的。大于45以上的坡段很少发生滑坡。灌木林和天然草地这两种土地类型滑坡发育率最高。对于泥石流,研究表明,涅如组中泥石流发育面积最大,发育率也最高。泥石流发育的最适宜坡度也是16~30这样一个坡度范围。冰川和永久积雪区则最易发生泥石流。崩塌发育与地层类型、坡度的关系较为密切,崩塌主要发育在涅如组中,并且集中在坡度大于60以上的陡坡段中。这些初步成果的取得,是以后进行该区地质灾害空间预测的基础。  相似文献   

The Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake that occurred on 12 May 2008 in southwestern China and triggered numerous landslides is one of the stronger ones in the steep eastern margins of the Tibetan Plateau. The surfaces of these landslides have recovered gradually with vegetation, which provide useful information about the evolution of geologic environment as well as the long-term assessment of landslides after earthquake. The Mianyuanhe watershed shows many co-seismic landslides. The active fault passing through its center is selected as a study area aiming to analyze the annual surface recovery rate (SRR) of landslides by interpretation of remote-sensing images in five periods from 2008 to 2013. The results are here described. (1) Although a large amount of loose deposits were transformed into debris flows, the surfaces of the landslides recovered rapidly with vegetation and almost no landslides occurred at new sites after the Wenchuan earthquake. In the year 2008, the exposed surface projected area (ESPA) of the landslides showed a total area of 56.3 km2 and covered 28.9 % of the study area, which was reduced rapidly to 19.1 % in 2011 and 15.8 % in 2013. (2) The study area was divided into four geologic units, including clastic rocks, melange zone, carbonate rocks, and magmatic rocks. Smaller ESPAs and higher SRRs were found in the former two units versus the latter ones. (3) A single large landslide shows an SRR lower than a group of smaller ones having an equal total surface, while the SRRs of debris flows are lower than those of rockfalls and landslides. (4) The vegetation cover would return to the pre-earthquake level in 2020 approximately, which indicates that the impact of the Wenchuan earthquake on landslides and debris-flows activities would cease almost completely.  相似文献   

鲁山县位于河南省中部偏西,为河南省地质灾害多发县市之一,随着人类工程活动、旅游业的发展.人类活动已成为诱发地质灾害的主要因素,由于该地区特殊地质条件、地形条件、水文条件.使得泥石流灾害尤为严重.本文论述了该县泥石流发育特征、形成因素、活动特征、灾害特征,并对该县泥石流灾害治理提出了防治建议。  相似文献   

红层区边坡的变形破坏引发的地质灾害类型多、数量大,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失较大。以彝良县红层地区地质灾害为研究对象,结合实地调查,对彝良县红层边坡变形破坏所引发的49处不稳定斜坡、150处滑坡、53处崩塌进行了统计分析,总结了发育规律及特征。对不同斜坡结构下的红层边坡的成灾模式及破坏过程进行了分析,红层顺向边坡常见破坏模式为滑移-拉裂式;横向边坡常见破坏模式为崩解-冲刷式;反向坡、斜向坡的常见破坏模式为软岩崩解剥落-硬岩卸荷拉裂坠落式。研究可为彝良县等红层发育地区的地质灾害防治和管理提供一定的技术支持和参考。  相似文献   

Analysis of LiDAR-derived imagery led to the discovery of more than 330 pre-Holocene to recent landslides in Southern Flanders (4850 km2). The morphology of three landslides, including the 266.5 ha deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in Alden Biesen, was investigated in more detail. The analysis of the morphological and topographical characteristics (width–length relation, frequency–area distribution and topographical threshold) of the landslides revealed important differences compared to the characteristics reported in other landslide studies, and helped understanding possible landslide triggering mechanisms. Especially the possibility of a seismic origin of the landslides was investigated. Finally, a heuristic model for region-wide landslide susceptibility mapping was successfully tested. The susceptibility model and map allow prediction of future landslide locations and contribute to better understanding the role of individual causal factors on landslide location and spatial density. The results suggest that landslides on low-gradient, soil-mantled hills are a more important contributor to landscape evolution of hilly areas than was hitherto thought. The morphology of all hilly regions of Flanders is clearly marked by landslide processes and higher landslide densities often coincide with the presence of quaternary active faults. This study further shows that high-resolution topographical data such as LiDAR significantly contributes to a better detection of old, previously unknown landslides.  相似文献   

四川汶川地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链形成演化过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张永双  成余粮  姚鑫  王军  吴树仁  王猛 《地质通报》2013,32(12):1900-1910
2008年“5·12”汶川Ms 8.0级地震之后,地震灾区表现出显著的强震地质灾害后效应。地震造成山体分水岭及山脊部位产生大量的崩塌和滑坡,崩滑体大多散落在山体的中上部,在强降雨作用下大量松散堆积物沿陡峻的沟道汇聚、加速,形成破坏性极大的高位泥石流,从而构成典型的地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链。在回顾汶川地震灾区同震地质灾害的基础上,调查分析了震后汛期地质灾害的主要类型及其6种表现形式,将地震-滑坡-泥石流灾害链形成、演化过程划分为4个阶段:孕育阶段、地震同震滑坡阶段、震后滑坡-泥石流发育阶段、高位泥石流的动态演化阶段,提出高位泥石流的判识指标,并探讨其分布特征、动态变化趋势及其防治对策。  相似文献   

Landslides commonly occurs in hilly areas and causes an enormous loss iof life and property every year. National highway-1D (NH-1D) is the only road link between the two districts (Kargil and Leh) of Ladakh region that connects these districts with Kashmir valley. The landslide failure record of the recent past along this sector of the highway is not available. The present study documents landslide susceptible zones and records occurrence of 60 landslides during the last 4 years showing an increasing trend in the occurrence of landslides over these years in this sector. The landslide susceptibility zonation map has been prepared based on the numerical rating of ten major factors viz. slope morphometry, lithology, structure, relative relief, land cover, landuse, rainfall, hydrological conditions, landslide incidences and Slope Erosion, categorised the area in different zones of instability based on the intensity of susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map of the area encompassing 73.03 km2 is divided into 150 facets. Out of the total of 150 facets, 85 facets fall in low susceptibility zone covering 43.56 km2 which constitute about 59.65% of the total area under investigation with a record of 5 landslides; 40 facets fall in the moderate susceptibility zone covering 16.94km2 which constitutes about 23.19% of the study area with a record of 20 landslides; and 25 facets fall in the high susceptibility zone covering 12.53 km2 which constitute about 17.15% of the study area with a record of 35 landslides. Most of the facets which fall in HSZ are attributed to slope modification for road widening.  相似文献   

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