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The derivation of the differential power emitted in any given direction by a current J in a linear, homogeneous and non-absorbing plasma is reviewed in detail. The conventional derivation is shown to give the poweremitted; a formalism for the powerreceived is established by evaluating the Poynting vector in terms of the far field. It is pointed out that the two power expressions differ because the same energy dE is emitted in a time dt e but received over a different time dt r . Moreover, a careful scrutiny of both the formalism for the power emission and for the power reception exposes implicit assumptions which do not hold if the plasma is anisotropic. The necessary steps for establishing a valid formalism for anisotropic media are briefly sketched.  相似文献   

Using the MHD energy principle of Bernstein et al. (1958) we develop a formalism in order to analyze the stability properties of two-dimensional magnetostatic plasma equilibria. We apply this to four models of quiescent prominences, namely those of Menzel (1951), Dungey (1953), Kippenhahn and Schlüter (1957), and finally Lerche and Low (1980). For the observed parameter range, all models are stable and they explain reasonably well the reported flare-initiated oscillations in quiescent prominences. We also investigate other parameters regions, which may be relevant in some stellar atmospheres. It is found that, with the exception of the Kippenhahn and Schlüter model, all models become unstable. The instabilities that occur show simultaneously several features of well-known MHD-instabilities. However, an unequivocal assignment of the instabilities to specific instability prototypes is not possible. Our formalism allows one to investigate not only more realistic prominence equilibria, but also arbitrary one- and two-dimensional static ideal MHD-equilibria.  相似文献   

The stability of an infinitely conducting plasma of variable density has been investigated taking into account the finiteness of the ion Larmor radius. The perturbations propagating along the ambient magnetic field are considered. It is established that, in general,n 2 is necessarily real, wheren is the growth rate of disturbance, thus ruling out the possibility of overstability or damped oscillations. The solution is shown to be characterized by a variational principle, which provides the basis for obtaining an approximate solution of the problem. Two density distributions are considered: (i) a continuously stratified plasma layer and (ii) two semi-infinitely extending plasmas of constant densities separated by a horizontal interface. In both cases it has been shown that for the said disturbances the stability criterion remains unaffected by the inclusion of finite Larmor radius effects, though the amplified motion is strongly inhibited due to their inclusion.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of the formation of a coronal cavity and its relation to a quiescent prominence. We argue that the formation of a coronal cavity is initiated by the condensation of plasma which is trapped by the coronal magnetic field in a closed streamer and which then flows down to the chromosphere along the field lines due to lack of stable magnetic support against gravity. The existence of a coronal cavity depends on the coronal magnetic field strength; with low strength, the plasma density is not high enough for condensation to occur. Furthermore, we suggest that prominence and cavity material is supplied from the chromospheric level. Whether a coronal cavity and a prominence coexist depends on the magnetic field configuration; a prominence requires stable magnetic support.We initiate the study by considering the stability of condensation modes of a plasma in the coronal streamer model obtained by Steinolfson et al. (1982) using a 2-D, time dependent, ideal MHD computer simulation; they calculated the dynamic interaction between outward flowing solar wind plasma and a global coronal magnetic field. In the final steady state, they found a density enhancement in the closed field region with the enhancement increasing with increasing strength of the magnetic field. Our stability calculation shows that if the density enhancement is higher than a critical value, the plasma is unstable to condensation modes. We describe how, depending on the magnetic field configuration, the condensation may produce a coronal cavity and/or initiate the formation of a prominence.NRC Research Associate.  相似文献   

A mathematical formalism describing the relation between the structure of a one-fluid, collisionless plasma and the topological features of the vector lines of the magnetic, velocity and electric fields is suggested and a rigorous approach to the problem of determining the local features of the plasma from the properties of the velocity field v, observed at a chosen point of space, is developed. The limits to drawing conclusions from the observational data (such as encountered in magnetospheric physics) are outlined in Section 2.Energization of a plasma during a stationary convection is an example of a process characterized by the properties of the tensor V = grad v. In particular, if the plasma density and the velocity and pressure components in a volume element of the plasma are known, then the time rates of change of the kinetic and internal energies are described by stretchings of the element and by its shearing in the surface defined by the vectors of magnetic field and perpendicular velocity. Criteria according to which plasma gains or loses kinetic and internal energies are derived.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, Bowers (1973), ion plasma oscillations were found to be unstable in the steady state developed by Cowley (1972) for the neutral sheet in the Earth's geomagnetic tail. In this paper a similar stability analysis is carried out but for a different steady state, suggested by Dungey, with the result that unstable waves with frequencies near the electron plasma frequency are found. In the Dungey steady state the current necessary for magnetic field reversal is carried by plasma originating from both the magnetosheath and the lobes of the tail. This modifies the steady state proposed by Alfvén and subsequently developed by Cowley in which all the current is carried by plasma from the lobes of the tail thereby fixing the cross-tail potential Φ. With magnetosheath plasma present the value of Φ is no longer fixed solely by parameters in the lobes of the tail but the cross-tail electric field is still assumed localised in the dusk region of the sheet as in the Cowley model due to the balance of charge required in the neutral sheet. The value of Φ can be expected to increase as magnetic flux is transported to the tail which inflates and causes flux annihilation because the magneto-sheath plasma in the neutral sheet has insufficient pressure to keep the two lobes of the tail apart. The Vlasov-Maxwell set of equations is perturbed and linearised enabling a critical condition for instability to be found for modes propagating across the tail. Typically, this condition requireseΦ≳KT m whereT m is the temperature of magnetosheath electrons. The instability occurs in the presence of cold plasma which hasE×B drifted into the neutral sheet from the lobes of the tail. This contrasts with the usual two stream instability which is stabilised by the cold plasma. Once precipitated the instability may be explosive provided current disruption occurs, for then a further increase in Φ will result which drives a greater range of wave numbers unstable thereby causing even more turbulence and an even larger cross-tail electric field. Because of this behaviour the instability may be a trigger for a substorm.  相似文献   

The twisting of magnetic fields threading an accretion system can lead to the generation on axis of toroidal field loops. As the magnetic pressure increases, the toroidal field inflates, producing a flow. Collimation is due to a background corona, which radially confines this axially growing “magnetic tower”. We investigate the possibility of studying in the laboratory the dynamics, confinement and stability of magnetic tower jets. We present two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of radial arrays, which consist of two concentric electrodes connected radially by thin metallic wires. In the laboratory, a radial wire array is driven by a 1 MA current which produces a hot, low density background plasma. During the current discharge a low plasma beta (β < 1), magnetic cavity develops in the background plasma (β is the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure). This laboratory magnetic tower is driven by the magnetic pressure of the toroidal field and it is surrounded by a shock envelope. On axis, a high density column is produced by the pinch effect. The background plasma has >rsim1, and in the radial direction the magnetic tower is confined mostly by the thermal pressure. In contrast, in the axial direction the pressure rapidly decays and an elongated, well collimated magnetic-jet develops. This is later disrupted by the development of m = 0 instabilities arising in the axial column.  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear analysis of low frequency magnetoacoustic waves propagating at an angle θ with the ambient magnetic field are investigated in dense electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasmas using the quantum magnetohydrodynamic (QMHD) model. In this regard, a quantum Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-Burgers (KPB) equation is derived in the small amplitude limit. The stability of KPB equation is also presented. The variation of the nonlinear fast and slow magnetoacoustic shock waves with the positron concentration, kinematic viscosity, obliqueness parameter θ, and the magnetic field, are also investigated. It is observed that the aforementioned plasma parameters significantly modify the propagation characteristics of two dimensional nonlinear magnetoacoustic shock waves in dissipative quantum magnetoplasmas. The relevance of the present investigation with regard to dense astrophysical environments is also pointed out.  相似文献   

We present a novel numerical method that allows the calculation of nonlinear force-free magnetostatic solutions above a boundary surface on which only the distribution of the normal magnetic field component is given. The method relies on the theory of force-free electrodynamics and applies directly to the reconstruction of the solar coronal magnetic field for a given distribution of the photospheric radial field component. The method works as follows: we start with any initial magnetostatic global field configuration (e.g. zero, dipole), and along the boundary surface we create an evolving distribution of tangential (horizontal) electric fields that, via Faraday’s equation, give rise to a respective normal-field distribution approaching asymptotically the target distribution. At the same time, these electric fields are used as boundary condition to numerically evolve the resulting electromagnetic field above the boundary surface, modeled as a thin ideal plasma with non-reflecting, perfectly absorbing outer boundaries. The simulation relaxes to a nonlinear force-free configuration that satisfies the given normal-field distribution on the boundary. This is different from existing methods relying on a fixed boundary condition – the boundary evolves toward the a priori given one, at the same time evolving the three-dimensional field solution above it. Moreover, this is the first time that a nonlinear force-free solution is reached by using only the normal field component on the boundary. This solution is not unique, but it depends on the initial magnetic field configuration and on the evolutionary course along the boundary surface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the formalism of force-free electrodynamics, used very successfully in other astrophysical contexts, is applied to the global solar magnetic field.  相似文献   

Charged particle motion is studied in magnetic fields with an inversion of field direction and a strong curvature in the reversal region, that means field structures which are expected to play a crucial role in energetics and dynamics of space plasma. Investigations are performed in a typical field model. Due to its symmetry and stationarity two of the integrals of motion of the resulting Hamiltonian immediately arise. The question is analyzed whether the system is integrable (this means regular solutions exist) and of what kind the third integral is. Two different third integrals are found, which are valid in different parts of the phase space. Their validity is estimated analytically for particles, crossing the neutral plane (z = 0) -- in addition the action integral Iz previously unusual in plasma applications is verified numerically. Further numerical research establishes that there are no more third integrals -- all remaining parts of the phase space are filled with chaotic solutions. Because in strongly curved field reversals the conservation of the magnetic moment as an integral of motion is shown to be restricted to very small energies or very large pitch angles, the unusual Iz-integral will be an important tool for solution of plasma problems of cosmical current sheets and plasma boundaries.  相似文献   

Amplitude modulation of quantum ion-acoustic waves (QIAWs) in a quantum electron-pair-ion plasma is studied. It is shown that the quantum coupling parameter H (being the ratio of the plasmonic energy density to the Fermi energy) is ultimate responsible for the modulational stability of QIAW packets, without which the wave becomes modulational unstable. New regimes for the modulational stability (MS) and instability (MI) are obtained in terms of H and the positive to negative ion density ratio β. The growth rate of MI is obtained, the maximum value of which increases with β and decreases with H. The results could be important for understanding the origin of modulated QIAW packets in the environments of dense astrophysical objects, laboratory negative ion plasmas as well as for the next generation laser solid density plasma experiments.  相似文献   

The overall multi-layer structure of the magnetic field profile observed by Ulysses across a broad solar wind tangential discontinuity can be reproduced fairly well by means of a kinetic model. Such a simulation provides complementary information about the velocity distribution functions, which are not always available from the plasma experiment due to the low time resolution inherent in plasma measurements. The success of such a simulation proves that the kinetic model can be used as a realistic basis for further studies of the structure and stability of solar wind tangential discontinuities.  相似文献   

1.5D Vlasov – Maxwell simulations are employed to model electromagnetic emission generation in a fully self-consistent plasma kinetic model for the first time in the context of solar physics. The simulations mimic the plasma emission mechanism and Larmor-drift instability in a plasma thread that connects the Sun to Earth with the spatial scales compressed appropriately. The effects of spatial density gradients on the generation of electromagnetic radiation are investigated. It is shown that a 1.5D inhomogeneous plasma with a uniform background magnetic field directed transverse to the density gradient is aperiodically unstable to the Larmor-drift instability. The latter results in a novel effect of generation of electromagnetic emission at plasma frequency. The generated perturbations consist of two parts: i) non-escaping (trapped) Langmuir type oscillations, which are localised in the regions of density inhomogeneity, and are highly filamentary, with the period of appearance of the filaments close to electron plasma frequency in the dense regions; and ii) escaping electromagnetic radiation with phase speeds close to the speed of light. When the density gradient is removed (i.e. when plasma becomes stable to the Larmor-drift instability) and a low density super-thermal, hot beam is injected along the domain, in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, the plasma emission mechanism generates non-escaping Langmuir type oscillations, which in turn generate escaping electromagnetic radiation. It is found that in the spatial location where the beam is injected, standing waves, oscillating at the plasma frequency, are excited. These can be used to interpret the horizontal strips (the narrow-band line emission) observed in some dynamical spectra. Predictions of quasilinear theory are: i) the electron free streaming and ii) the long relaxation time of the beam, in accord with the analytic expressions. These are corroborated via direct, fully-kinetic simulation. Finally, the interplay of the Larmor-drift instability and plasma emission mechanism is studied by considering a dense electron beam in the Larmor-drift unstable (inhomogeneous) plasma. The latter case enables one to study the deviations from the quasilinear theory.  相似文献   

We examine the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of a magnetic loop, taking into account field line tying at its foot points. We use the ideal MHD energy equation to derive a stability equation for a specific class of perturbations.We found that for a loop with large aspect ratio (10) the field line tying effect is negligible to the m = 1 kink mode but important to the localized modes. The stability criterion for high m localized modes is derived and compared with the Suydam criterion. The result shows that for the perturbation of the class studied, there are two effects of field line tying; one is a field line bending effect which is always stabilizing and the other is a shear effect which is stabilizing or destabilizing depending on the sign of the gradient of potential magnetic field. The net effect of field line tying is determined by the sum of these two effects.The result of this work is contrary to the result of Hood and Priest, in which they found that the field line tying effect is significant to the m = 1 mode. We believe that the contradiction comes from their incomplete minimization of the energy equation.  相似文献   

We present the second part of a complete theory for the plasma and field structure of a cool coronal arch, corresponding to those observed in the EUV from Skylab. The global magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) stability of a previously described equilibrium-loop model is evaluated, and compared with that of an unmodified ambient force-free field. The influence of the photospheric boundary condition is also evaluated, producing a specification of stability limits which depend on the relative field and plasma pressures and scale widths. The resulting restrictions on the allowable field configuration of a coronal loop are then compared with observed values. The implications of this general method for deducing small-scale coronal magnetic-field structure from the measured plasma profile of an emissive feature are also described.  相似文献   

Electrostatic dust-cyclotron (EDC) waves can be excited in a collisional, magnetized, dusty plasma by passing a current along the magnetic field, B, permeating the plasma. The minimum B field-aligned electric field required for excitation of the EDC waves is typically several times smaller than the one required for excitation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves.Two dusty plasmas are considered in more detail, namely (a) a comet tail plasma, and (b) one which may be produced in a laboratory device of the type described by Xu et al. (1992).  相似文献   

Mercury is observed in a stable Cassini’s state, close to a 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, and a 1:1 node resonance. This present situation is not the only possible mathematical stable state, as it is shown here through a simple model limited to the second-order in harmonics and where Mercury is considered as a rigid body. In this framework, using a Hamiltonian formalism, four different sets of resonant angles are computed from the differential Hamiltonian equations, and each of them corresponds to four values of the obliquity; thanks to the calculation of the corresponding eigenvalues, their linear stability is analyzed. In this simplified model, two equilibria (one of which corresponding to the present state of Mercury) are stable, one is unstable, and the fourth one is degenerate. This degenerate status disappears with the introduction of the orbit (node and pericenter) precessions. The influence of these precession rates on the proper frequencies of the rotation is also analyzed and quantified, for different planetary models.  相似文献   

Results from a scaled, collision-free, laser-plasma experiment designed to address aspects of collisionless plasma interaction in a high-plasma β supernova remnant (SNR) are discussed. Ideal magneto-hydrodynamic scaling indicates that the experimental plasma matches the SNR plasma at 500 ps. Experimental data show that the magnetic field can alter the plasma density profile when two similar plasmas interact in a colliding geometry. These results are not explained by magnetic-field pressure; they do, however, suggest magnetic field penetration that localizes the plasma particles to the Larmor radius, which appears smaller than the size of the experiment and the particle mean-free paths and may thus increase the effective collisionality of the interacting plasma system.  相似文献   

Families of orbits of a conservative, two degree-of-freedom system are represented by an unsteady velocity field with componentsu(x, y, t) andv(x, y, t). Intrinsic stability properties depend on velocity field divergence and curl, whose dynamical evolution is determined by a matrix Riccati equation. Near equilibrium, divergence-free or irrotational fields are dynamically compatible with the conservative force field. It is shown that a necessary condition for stable periodic orbits is satisfied when the orbitaveraged divergence is zero, which results in bounded normal variations. A sufficient condition for stability is derived from the requirement that tangential variations do not exhibit secular growth.In a steady, divergence-free field, velocity component functionsu(x, y) andv(x, y) may be continuedanalytically from any initial condition, except when velocity is parallel to U or at equilibria. In an unsteady field, the orbit-averaged divergence is zero when the vorticity function is periodic. When such a field exists, initial conditions for stable periodic orbits (i.e., characteristic loci) may be determinedanalytically.  相似文献   

We hereby study the stability of a massless probe orbiting around an oblate central body (planet or planetary satellite) perturbed by a third body, assumed to lay in the equatorial plane (Sun or Jupiter for example) using a Hamiltonian formalism. We are able to determine, in the parameters space, the location of the frozen orbits, namely orbits whose orbital elements remain constant on average, to characterize their stability/unstability and to compute the periods of the equilibria. The proposed theory is general enough, to be applied to a wide range of probes around planet or natural planetary satellites. The BepiColombo mission is used to motivate our analysis and to provide specific numerical data to check our analytical results. Finally, we also bring to the light that the coefficient J 2 is able to protect against the increasing of the eccentricity due to the Kozai-Lidov effect and the coefficient J 3 determines a shift of the equilibria.  相似文献   

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