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Cyclostratigraphy postulates that the stratigraphic record cyclically encodes the periodic orbital forcing of terrestrial insolation, thus providing a time calibration. Regular cycles are sought using spectral analysis of lithological data series, but there are inherent ambiguities in this method. It may detect more cyclicities than conventional orbital forcing allows, but only those with the closest correspondence to estimated orbital frequencies are used for time calibration. Irregular cycles are subjectively defined in terms of non-rhythmic repetitions of facies. The calibrations assume that they record the spatially distorted sedimentary effects of orbitally forced periodicity in insolation. The null hypothesis that such non-rhythmic repetitions are autogenic, rather than orbitally forced, cannot, however, be rejected. Both types of cyclicity conform to an 'expected universe' where orbital forcing is reliably and recognisably encoded in the stratigraphic record. Neither form of cyclicity rules out the presence of hiatuses; thus, even if orbital in origin, neither can provide dependably refined, orbitally scaled, time calibration.  相似文献   

Compilations of sedimentation rates determined across a large range of time spans and different sedimentary environments attest to the discontinuous nature of sedimentation and support the reasoning that hiatuses pervade sedimentary successions at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The relationship between sedimentation rate and time span of observation also emphasises how stratigraphic completeness is a time span-dependent concept. The scaling of stratigraphic completeness with time span alludes to the likely stochastic, and fractal, nature of the stratigraphic record. It also implies that the relationship between stratal thickness and time is inherently non-linear and this has obvious implications for the way we should expect temporal processes to be recorded stratigraphically. Order within the stratigraphic record may arise from deterministic processes in stratigraphy, most notably through astronomically influenced sedimentation. Intuitively, a strongly ordered stratigraphic record due to the presence of cyclicity in sedimentation increases stratigraphic completeness at time spans equal to and longer than the time span of the cyclicity and minimises the non-linearity between stratal thickness and time. Here, geological data and simple modelling are used to support this supposition, but these results also highlight how stochastic variability inherent in depositional processes may sensitise certain successions to missed cycles and incompleteness, even in the presence of strong cyclicity. This stochastic variability has the potential to mask evidence of astronomical forcing of sedimentation. It is also shown how hiatuses affect the ability of a succession to faithfully record temporal processes, and this is true regardless of whether hiatuses are deterministically controlled or random, or indeed whether a succession is considered complete or not. Consequently, stratigraphic completeness and stratigraphic fidelity are not synonymous terms.  相似文献   

R.J. Bailey 《地学学报》1998,10(4):222-230
An alternative approach to stratigraphic analysis is proposed. It takes as its starting point the simple general characteristics of the stratigraphic record and the complex, chaotic behaviours of the systems that combine to generate this record. In this context, Smith’s Stratigraphy Machine (SM) concept is developed. The SM is a chaotic global system, combining the operations of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and asthenosphere, which everywhere tends to self-organize towards a critical state in which continuous loading of the system with rock waste, over time, is balanced by the unloading that creates the record. The outputs of the SM are simple and nonscale dependent in character, with residence times in the record ranging from a second, or less, to 1 billion years. However, only those long-lived in the human time-frame are judged to be of stratigraphic significance; and the range of residence times entails that the stratigraphic record embraces a similar range of hiatuses, or gaps. The value of the SM, as developed here, is that it can be regarded as a meta-stratigraphic concept that transcends the usual frameworks of stratigraphic classification and interpretation and thus allows a reappraisal of significant features of the record such as its perceived cycles and sequences. There are three outcomes of this meta-stratigraphic analysis. First, the geometric units employed in sequence stratigraphy are components of a self-similar series of essentially lenticular bodies, with no fundamental characteristics to distinguish them from larger and smaller bodies in the generally self-similar series. Secondly, the interactions and feedbacks within the SM are so complex, and its outputs so repetitive in general character, that it is dangerous to assume that any perceived cyclicity provides an unambiguous chronicle of process cyclicity, whether eustatic, climatic or tectonic. The classic coarsening upward cyclicity of shallow marine facies can, for example, be viewed solely as the outcome of the lack of phasing between the chaotic behaviours tending to unload the SM and those creating accommodation space. Finally, the meta-stratigraphic approach reinforces the view that, in the absence of demonstrable stratal continuity, chronostratigraphic correlation must continue to rely on sample-based, mainly biostratigraphical, methods, rather than sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

The cyclic arrangement of lithofacies of the Karharbari Formation of the Damuda Group from a part of the Talchir Gondwana basin has been examined by statistical techniques. The lithologies have been condensed into five facies states viz. coarse-, medium-, fine-grained sandstones, shale and coal for the convenience of statistical analyses. Markov chain analysis indicates the arrangement of Karharbari lithofacies in form of fining upward cycles. A complete cycle consists of conglomerate or coarse-grained sandstone at the base sequentially succeeded by medium-and fine-grained sandstones, shale and coal at the top. The entropy analysis categorizes the Karharbari cycles into the C-type cyclicity, which is essentially a random sequence of lithologic states. Regression analysis undertaken in the present study indicates the existence of sympathetic relationship between total thickness of strata (net subsidence) and number and average thickness of sedimentary cycle and antipathic relationship between number and average thickness of sedimentary cycle. These observations suggest that cyclic sedimentation of the Karharbari Formation was controlled by autocyclic process by means of lateral migration of streams activated by intrabasinal differential subsidence, which operated within the depositional basin and the channels carrying coarse grade clastic sediments, which make the cycles thicker, tend to be more common in the areas of maximum subsidence. Clastic sediments issued from the laterally migrating rivers interrupted the cyclic sedimentation of the Karharbari Formation in many instances.  相似文献   

从陆相火山—沉积地层中火山岩层与沉积岩层互为楔状(指状)交互关系这一基本特征出发,提出岩石地层单位划分的新思路,并将冀北早白垩世地层划分为西瓜园组、化吉营组及其上覆的青石砬组。化吉营组是在西瓜园组沉积过程中,盆地内叠加了中—中基性及少量酸性—亚碱性火山岩所形成的,故两个组是同期异相的产物,在地层表上表现为并列关系。  相似文献   

The origin of third-order depositional sequences remains debatable, and in many cases it is not clear whether they were controlled by tectonic activity and/or by eustatic sea-level changes. In Oxfordian and Berriasian–Valanginian carbonate-dominated sections of Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain, high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic analyses show that the sedimentary record reflects Milankovitch cyclicity. Orbitally induced insolation changes translated into sea-level fluctuations, which in turn controlled accommodation changes. Beds and bedsets formed in rhythm with the precession and 100-kyr eccentricity cycles, whereas the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle contributed to the creation of major depositional sequences. Biostratigraphical data allow the correlation of many of the 400-kyr sequence boundaries with third-order sequence boundaries recognized in European basins. This implies that climatically controlled sea-level changes contributed to the formation of third-order sequences. Furthermore, this cyclostratigraphical approach improves the relative dating of stratigraphic intervals.  相似文献   

The Drawa sandur, which is the largest, coarse‐grained sandur in Poland, dates from the Pomeranian phase of the Weichselian glaciation (c. 16 ka BP). Using Markov chain analysis we infer that five cycles and five rhythms occur in its proximal part. The cycles dominated by Gt and St lithofacies in the lower part of the sandur succession and by a GDm lithofacies in the upper part, are fining‐upward cycles deposited in braided channels during large ablation floods. Three groups of cycles are distinguished based on their genesis: (i) cycles due to channel‐sheet evolution during large floods; (ii) cycles due to braid‐bar development during initial and advanced diminishing of floods; and (iii) cycles developed in the thalweg or interbar channels. The succession as a whole forms a large‐scale coarsening‐up megacycle (‘sandur megacycle’) which corresponds to a phase of ice‐sheet advance. Because the cyclicity was evident from Markov chain analysis of the sedimentary succession, we suggest that this statistical tool is valuable for reconstruction of glacifluvial sedimentary conditions, particularly as it can shed new light on the palaeogeographical development of sandar.  相似文献   

The imprint of orbital cycles, which result from the varying eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and changes in the orientation of its axis, have been recognised throughout the Phanerozoic rock record. Variations in insolation and their effect on climate are generally considered to be the sole transfer mechanism between the orbital variables and cyclic sedimentary successions. Common oceanographic principles, however, show that the ocean tide also responds to variations in the orbital parameters. The ocean tide has not yet been considered to be a valid, additional transfer mechanism for the orbital variations. In geological studies of Milankovitch cycles in sedimentary successions the insolation paradigm offers satisfying explanations, and the role of long‐term variations of the ocean tide has not yet been appreciated. Variations in the ocean tide, related to changing eccentricity (at present 0·0165, theoretical maximum 0·0728), affect a variety of oceanographic and sedimentary processes. In addition to the widely accepted paradigm of orbitally forced insolation changes, the tidal transfer of orbital signals may explain certain less well‐understood aspects of orbitally induced cycles in the stratigraphic record related to ocean mixing, organic productivity, and tidal processes in shallow seas and deep water. Variations of the ocean tide in relation to the 18·6 year lunar nodal cycle, which has no insolation counterpart by which they may be obscured, indeed show that these relatively small variations can produce significant effects in sedimentary environments that are sensitive to variations in the strength of the ocean tide. In analogy with the 18·6 year lunar nodal cycle, orbital variations of the tide on Milankovitch time scales are likely to have affected sedimentary systems in the past.  相似文献   

The early Pleistocene clastic succession of the Peri‐Adriatic basin, eastern central Italy, records the filling of a series of piggyback sub‐basins that formed in response to the development of the eastward‐verging Apennine fold‐thrust belt. During the Gelasian (2·588 to 1·806 Ma), large volumes of Apennine‐derived sediments were routed to these basins through a number of slope turbidite systems. Using a comprehensive outcrop‐based dataset, the current study documents the depositional processes, stratigraphic organization, foraminiferal age and palaeodepth, and stratigraphic evolution of one of these systems exposed in the surroundings of the Castignano village. Analysis of foraminiferal assemblages consistently indicates Gelasian deposition in upper bathyal water depths. Sediments exposed in the study area can be broken into seven main lithofacies, reflecting specific gravity‐induced depositional elements and slope background deposition: (i) clast‐supported conglomerates (conglomerate channel‐fill); (ii) amalgamated sandstones (late stage sandstone channel‐fill); (iii) medium to thick‐bedded tabular sandstones (frontal splay sandstones); (iv) thin to thick‐bedded channelized sandstones (sandy channel‐fill); (v) medium to very thin‐bedded sandstones and mudstones (levée‐overbank deposits); (vi) pebbly mudstones and chaotic beds (mudstone‐rich mass‐transport deposits); and (vii) massive mudstones (hemipelagic deposits). Individual lithofacies combine vertically and laterally to form decametre‐scale, disconformably bounded, fining‐upward lithofacies successions that, in turn, stack to form slope valley fills bounded by deeply incised erosion surfaces. A hierarchical approach to the physical stratigraphy of the slope system indicates that it has evolved through multiple cycles of waxing then waning flow energy at multiple scales and that its packaging can be described in terms of a six‐fold hierarchy of architectural elements and bounding surfaces. In this scheme, the whole system (sixth‐order element) is comprised of three distinct fifth‐order stratigraphic cycles (valley fills), which define sixth‐order initiation, growth and retreat phases of slope deposition, respectively; they are separated by discrete periods of entrenchment that generated erosional valleys interpreted to record fifth‐order initiation phases. Backfilling of individual valleys progressed through deposition of two vertically stacked lithofacies successions (fourth‐order elements), which record fifth‐order growth and retreat phases. Fourth‐order initiation phases are represented by erosional surfaces bounding lithofacies successions. The component lithofacies (third‐order element) record fourth‐order growth and retreat phases. Map trends of erosional valleys and palaeocurrent indicators converge to indicate that the sea floor bathymetric expression of a developing thrust‐related anticline markedly influenced the downslope transport direction of gravity currents and was sufficient to cause a major diversion of the turbidite system around the growing structure. This field‐based study permits the development of a sedimentological model that predicts the evolutionary style of mixed coarse‐grained and fine‐grained turbidite slope systems, the internal distribution of reservoir and non‐reservoir lithofacies within them, and has the potential to serve as an analogue for seismic or outcrop‐based studies of slope valley fills developed in actively deforming structural settings and under severe icehouse regimes.  相似文献   

小波分析在高分辨率层序地层划分中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了小波分析的基本原理和步骤,探讨了测井信号小波分析在高分辨率层序地层划分中的适用性及其意义。对测井信号进行小波多尺度分解后可获得不同级次的旋回周期,将钻井岩相标定的各个级别旋回层序界面与测井信号小波旋回周期对应,然后选取合适的尺度进行地层层序划分。划分结果证明小波变换非常适合中期及其以下级别旋回层序的划分。该方法对提高旋回层序的划分精度与储层评价、预测精度具有重要的意义。   相似文献   

Results are presented of a detailed carbonate petrographic study of an Upper Miocene lacustrine mixed carbonate–siliciclastic succession in the Teruel Basin (Spain) with the aim of constraining lake‐level variability at different stratigraphic scales. Regular alternations of red to green mudstone and lacustrine limestone, termed the ‘basic cycle’, reflect lake‐level variations at the metre‐scale. In an earlier study, the basic cycle was shown to be controlled by the climatic precession cycle. Petrographic analysis made it possible to distinguish two main carbonate microfacies groups characteristic of very shallow transient and shallow permanent lake environments, respectively. In addition to the basic cyclicity, the microfacies analysis reveals lake‐level variations on a larger scale. As a consequence, the astronomical forcing hypothesis of the cyclicity in the Cascante section is explored further. A climate modelling study of orbital extremes indicates that high lake levels could relate to enhanced net winter precipitation and runoff during precession minima, consistent with Mediterranean geological data. Using this phase relationship, an astronomical tuning of the cycles is established starting from astronomical ages of magnetic reversal boundaries. Subsequently, successive basic cycles are correlated to precession minima. The tuning reveals an identical number of basic cycles in the Cascante section as precession‐related sapropel cycles in the deep marine succession at Monte dei Corvi (Italy), corroborating the precessional control of the basic cycles at Cascante. Lake‐level highstands in the large‐scale cycle identified by the microfacies analysis relate to maxima in both the ca 100 and 405 kyr eccentricity cycles, again consistent with Mediterranean geological data. Subtraction of the identified astronomically related (lake‐level) variations from the palaeoenvironmental record at Cascante indicates a shift to deeper and more permanent lacustrine environments in the upper half of the section. The cause of this shift remains unclear, but it may be linked to tectonics, non‐astronomical climate, long‐period astronomical cycles or autogenic processes.  相似文献   

Meter scalecyclicsequences,similartometer scalecyclesdefinedbyAndersonandGoodwin (1990 ) ,refertofundamen talunitsofstratigraphicaccumulationthatcouldbediscerneddirectlyinoutcrop .Asthefundamentalworkingunitsinstrati graphicrecords,meter scalecyclicsequencesr…  相似文献   

The microfacies of a Lower Cretaceous carbonate drillcore from Oman are characterized using optimizing matrices of Jaccard's similarity coefficients of community. Other than systems tract boundaries, there is no obvious evidence of individual parasequences in the core. However, diagnostic patterns in microfossil distribution identify environmental gradients recording changes in water depth. These gradients are used to define individual parasequences, parasequence sets, stacking patterns and key surfaces. The patterns suggest that deposition was controlled by successive fourth‐ to fifth‐order (high‐frequency) relative sea‐level cycles superimposed on an underlying third‐order relative sea‐level rise. Although the correlation of these depositional subunits to systematic changes in water depth and the rate of carbonate accumulation alone is not incontrovertible proof of such a sea‐level control, concurrent multiorder relative sea‐level cyclicity provides by far the most likely explanation. A microfacies deposited when the water depth was shallowing is characterized by a relay of microfossils with affinities that shallow upwards. Conversely, a microfacies that records a gradual increase in water depth has a relay of microfossils with affinities that deepen upwards. Microfacies characterized by an assemblage of microfossils with similar affinities record deposition when the benthic environmental conditions remained stable, either because of an equilibrium between shallow water carbonate deposition and rising sea level, or in deeper water where sediment composition was relatively insensitive to changes of water depth. Microfacies characterized by mixed affinity assemblages record syndepositional reworking. During periods of embedded multiorder sea‐level changes, individual parasequences within systems tracts are shown to record more complex environmental gradients than simply the repetition of successive shallowing‐up units as traditionally represented in carbonate sequence stratigraphic models. The microfacies of an individual parasequence may shallow up, or may record both deepening‐up and shallowing‐up depositional phases, as well as periods of sedimentation when benthic environments remained stable. Individual parasequence boundaries may be submarine or subaerial unconformities, or be conformable, as part of a predictable stratigraphic pattern related to the temporal position of an individual parasequence within the underlying third‐order cycle of relative sea‐level change. The hitherto ubiquitous use of assemblages to describe carbonate microfacies, coupled with the widespread use of the metre‐scale shallowing‐up template to identify parasequences, may have led to such complexities previously being overlooked.  相似文献   

We define a distance between sedimentary successions to compare their dissimilarity formally. Distance definition is based on attributed syntactic representation. One-dimensional successions can be represented by a string of lithofacies symbols sequentially or vertically. Each symbol can also have a vector of attributes that can provide other information on lithofacies such as thickness. The distance of any two successions is then defined consisting of its syntactic and attribute subdistances. Syntactic distance measures difference of vertical lithofacies change between two successions and attribute distance measures difference of thickness of corresponding lithofacies. Clustering is used to test validity of distance definition and its potential application to analysis of cycle-dominated sedimentary successions. Example is from the Namurian-A succession in Kincardine basin, central Scotland. There are 56 cycles in intervals of about 300 m each in two boreholes. Recognition of intermediate cycles depends on correctly determining of types of these short cycles and their vertical stacking pattern. Intermediate cycles have better potential in high-resolution stratal correlation regionally. Syntactic clustering results show that 56 short cycles can be classified into four groups with distinctive geological interpretation, which further helps reveal hierarchical cyclic architecture of the whole succession.  相似文献   

High-frequency stratigraphic cycles (10 s to 100 s ka) often show, at a specific location, an alternation of ‘dynamic’ (proximal-energetic), and ‘non-dynamic’ (distal-pelagic) processes with time. When sedimentation is syn-deformation, these processes tend respectively to fill-up tectonically-induced topography or to drape it. As a consequence, growth strata are alternatively thickened and isopach across the growth structure. High-resolution kinematic studies of growth structures (folds and faults), which assume that sedimentation always fills up topographies (‘fill-to-the-top’ model), may therefore mistake sedimentary cyclicity for tectonic cyclicity. We address this problem with one example of growth anticline in the Spanish Pyrenees, and we discuss the fill-to-the-top model. To cite this article: S. Castelltort et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The Campanian Cliff House Formation represents a series of individually progradational shoreface tongues preserved in an overall landward-stepping system. In the Mancos Canyon area, the formation consists of four, 50- to 55-m-thick and 10- to 20-km-wide sandstone tongues, which pinch out landwards into lower coastal plain and lagoonal deposits of the Upper Menefee Formation and seawards into offshore shales of the Lewis Shale Formation. Photogrammetric mapping of lithofacies along the steep and well-exposed canyon walls was combined with sedimentary facies analysis and mapping of the detailed facies architecture. Two major facies associations have been identified, one comprising the mostly muddy and organic-rich facies of lagoonal and lower coastal plain origin and one comprising the sandstone-dominated facies of shoreface origin. Key stratigraphic surfaces were identified by combining the mapped geometry of the lithofacies units with the interpretation of depositional processes. The stratigraphic surfaces (master ravinement surface, shoreface/coastal plain contact, transgressive surface, maximum flooding surface and the sequence boundary) allow each major sandstone tongue to be divided into a simple sequence, consisting of a basal transgressive system tract (TST) overlain by a highstand system tract (HST). Within each sandstone tongue, a higher frequency cyclicity is evident. The high-frequency cycles show a complex stacking pattern development and are commonly truncated in the downdip direction by surfaces of regressive marine erosion. The complexities of the Cliff House sandstone tongues are believed to reflect changes in the rate of sea-level rise combined with the responses of the depositional system to these changes. Synsedimentary compaction, causing a thickness increase in the sandstone tongues above intervals of previously uncompacted lagoonal/coastal plain sediments, also played a role. This study of the facies architecture, geometry and sequence stratigraphy of the Cliff House Formation highlights the fact that there may be some problems in applying conventional sequence stratigraphical methods to landward-stepping systems in general. These difficulties stem from the fact that no single stratigraphic surface can easily be identified and followed from the non-marine to the fully marine realm (i.e. from the landward to the basinward pinch-out of the sandstone tongues). In addition, the effects of synsedimentary compaction and changes in the shoreface dynamics are not easily recognized in limited data sets such as from the subsurface.  相似文献   

The succession of lithofacies of a part of the Barren Measures Formation of the Talchir Gondwana basin has been studied by statistical techniques. The lithologies have been grouped under five facies states viz coarse-, medium-, and fine-grained sandstones, shale and coal for statistical analyses. Markov chain analysis indicates the arrangement of Barren Measures lithofacies in the form of fining upward cycles. A complete cycle consists of conglomerate or coarse-grained sandstone at the base sequentially succeeded by medium-and fine-grained sandstones, shales and coal at the top. The entropy analysis puts the Barren Measures cycles into A-4 type cyclicity, which consists of different proportions of lower, upper and side truncated cycles of lithologic states. Regression analysis indicates a sympathetic relationship between total thickness of strata (net subsidence) and number of cycles and an antipathic relationship between average thickness and number of sedimentary cycles. The cyclic sedimentation of the Barren Measures Formation was controlled by autocyclic process which occurred due to the lateral migration of streams triggered by intrabasinal differential subsidence. In many instances, the clastic sediments from the laterally migrating rivers interrupted the cyclic sedimentation resulting in thinner cycles in areas where the number of cycles are more. Principal component and multivariate regression analyses suggest that the net subsidence of the basin is mostly controlled by the thickness of sandstones, shale beds and coal stringers.  相似文献   

Lithofacies analysis is fundamental to unravelling the succession of depositional environments associated with sea‐level fluctuations. These successions and their timing are often poorly understood. This report defines lithofacies encountered within the north‐eastern North Carolina and south‐eastern Virginia Quaternary section, interprets their depositional environments, presents a model for coastal depositional sequence development in a passive margin setting and uses this understanding to develop the stratigraphy and Quaternary evolutionary history of the region. Data were obtained from numerous drill cores and outcrops. Chronology was based on age estimates acquired using optically stimulated luminescence, amino acid racemization, Uranium series and radiocarbon dating techniques. Geomorphic patterns were identified and interpreted using light detection and ranging imagery. Since lithofacies occurrence, distribution and stratigraphic patterns are different on interfluves than in palaeo‐valleys, this study focused on interfluves to obtain a record of highstand sea‐level cycles with minimal alteration by fluvial processes during subsequent lowstands. Nine primary lithofacies and four diagenetic facies were identified in outcrops and cores. The uppermost depositional sequence on interfluves exhibits an upward succession from shelly marine lithofacies to tidal estuarine lithofacies and is bounded below by a marine ravinement surface and above by the modern land surface. Older depositional sequences in the subsurface are typically bounded above and below by marine ravinement surfaces. Portions of seven depositional sequences were recognized and interpreted to represent deposition from late middle Pleistocene to present. Erosional processes associated with each successive depositional sequence removed portions of older depositional sequences. The stratigraphic record of the most recent sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stage 5a and Marine Isotope Stage 3) is best preserved. Glacio‐isostatic adjustment has influenced depositional patterns so that deposits associated with late Quaternary sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stages 5c, 5a and 3), which did not reach as high as present sea‐level according to equatorial eustatic records, are uplifted and emergent within the study area.  相似文献   

The sedimentology and cyclic stratigraphy of palaeokarst structures in Aptian peritidal carbonate successions are interpreted using field and laboratory microfacies analyses of closely spaced samples from measured outcrop stratigraphic sections in southwest Turkey. Cycles displaying shallowing-upward metre-scale cyclicity are generally composed of lime mudstones/wackestones/packestones at the bottom and stromatolites or lime mudstones with charophytes and ostracods at the top. Subaerial exposure structures such as in situ karst breccias, dissolution vugs/pipes, mud cracks and sheet cracks are encountered at the top of the cycles. The presence of limestone layers between the successive karst breccia levels indicates that they are in situ palaeokarst structures, not recent karstifications or deep penetration from the upper palaeokarst surface down to the older strata. Palaeokarst breccia deposits are interpreted as mantling breccia formed as a result of epikarstification. Three main palaeokarst levels are recorded in nearly all sections. The sedimentology of the palaeokarst breccias, their position in cyclic peritidal carbonates and the biostratigraphic framework are used to trace the record of the global mid-Aptian sea-level fall in the southwest Taurides. The successive occurrences of three karst breccia levels close to the mid-Aptian sea-level fall correspond to falling periods of high-amplitude sea-level fluctuation within a late high-stand or early fall condition of a third-order sea level.  相似文献   

The >25 ka volcaniclastic ring-plain succession in south-west Taranaki has been remapped to establish a much more detailed understanding of the older stratigraphic record of Mt. Taranaki. Coastal cliff exposures show a range of volcaniclastic lithofacies, including debris-avalanche and lahar deposits, and allow a detailed chronological reconstruction of past volcanic and sedimentary events. Five new debris-avalanche deposits were identified, and their distribution in coastal cross-sections mapped. In addition, four previously described units were renamed and their stratigraphic position and lateral extent redefined. Chronostratigraphic control of the younger (<50 ka) sequence was obtained by radiocarbon dating of wood found within, or peat interbedded with, the deposits. Emplacement ages of the older units were estimated from their stratigraphic position and underlying marine wave-cut surfaces. Overall, at least 14 widespread debris-avalanche deposits occur within the <200 ka ring-plain record of Mt. Taranaki, suggesting one major edifice failure on average every 14,000 years, with an increase in frequency since 40 ka. The stratigraphic reconstruction of the ring-plain succession showed that the same pattern of deposition was repeatedly produced throughout the existence of Mt. Taranaki. Depending on their sedimentological characteristics, the different volcanic and sedimentary lithofacies can be related to phases of edifice-construction or collapse events. Based on the identified cyclic sedimentation pattern, we present a new episodic stratigraphy that integrates existing and new lithostratigraphic units into a coherent chronostratigraphic framework that can be applied to the entire volcanic and volcaniclastic succession at Mt. Taranaki. This model takes into account the complex geological processes that have taken place on the volcano and provides a more uniform stratigraphic terminology that could be applied to repeatedly collapsing stratovolcanoes elsewhere.  相似文献   

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